Yellowstone & the Wild West - Wilmington Recreation Department presents September 24, 2021 - Town of Wilmington MA

Page created by Russell Dennis
Yellowstone & the Wild West - Wilmington Recreation Department presents September 24, 2021 - Town of Wilmington MA
Wilmington Recreation Department presents
  Yellowstone & the Wild West
           August 14-20, 2022
             September   24, 2021                              7 DAYS

                                    TOUR RATES:
                                    $2,600 per person double
                                    $3,775 per person single
                                    $2,575 per person triple
Yellowstone & the Wild West - Wilmington Recreation Department presents September 24, 2021 - Town of Wilmington MA
Yellowstone & the Wild West
DAY 1: ARRIVE SALT LAKE CITY                     bison along with many species of bird life        natural beauty of the surroundings. The artists
Arrive in Salt Lake City, “The City of Saints”   including bald eagles. The amazing park           represented range from early American tribes
founded by Brigham Young in 1847. This           also features over 10,000 hot springs,            to contemporary artists devoted to nature.
evening enjoy a Welcome Dinner with your         thundering waterfalls, geysers and endless        Later arrive in the quiet cowboy & resort town
travel companions.                               forests. The day features incredible scenery      of Jackson, WY for a two-night stay. The town
    (D)              Overnight: Salt Lake City   as you drive through the park and a stop is       has developed into an amazing getaway for
                                                 made to see Yellowstone Lake. Of course,          people from all walks of life where the Old
DAY 2: SALT LAKE CITY - WEST                     the day is not complete without a visit to        West and New are splendidly combined. Be
YELLOWSTONE                                      the park’s most famous attraction, Old            sure to visit the colorful Million Dollar Cowboy
Enjoy a panoramic Salt Lake City Tour            Faithful Geyser which shoots a plume of           Bar with its saddle-shaped barstools.
featuring the unique downtown area, State        steam skyward about every 90 minutes.                 (B)		                      Overnight: Jackson
Capitol, Temple Square and the This is the       Enjoy time to wander, shop or have a bite
Place Monument, where Brigham Young              to eat in this area around the historic Old       DAY 5: JACKSON - GRAND TETON
envisioned the building of the Mormon City.      Faithful Inn. Return to your hotel after this     NATIONAL PARK
Later relax and enjoy the drive north into       full day Yellowstone exploration.                 Today enjoy a visit to the spectacular Grand
Idaho before arriving in the small town of            (B)         Overnight: West Yellowstone      Teton National Park. Towering more than
West Yellowstone, Montana for a 2-night                                                            a mile above the valley of Jackson Hole, the
stay. The gateway town sits at the popular       DAY 4: WEST YELLOWSTONE - JACKSON                 Teton Mountain Range is one of the youngest
west entrance of Yellowstone National Park,      This morning enjoy a visit to the Grizzly         ranges on the continent rising 14,000 feet and
the world’s first national park established in   & Wolf Discovery Center, a chance to              supporting a dozen mountain glaciers. Enjoy
1872.                                            experience the world of grizzly bears             a scenic Jenny Lake Cruise, the popular lake
    (B)         Overnight: West Yellowstone      and gray wolves. Located in West                  is located at the base of the Cathedral group,
                                                 Yellowstone, the animals at the center are        the main Teton peaks. During the cruise you
DAY 3: WILDLIFE SAFARI &                         unable to survive in the wild and serve as        will learn about the history, geology, flora
YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK                        ambassadors for their wild counterparts.          and fauna of the area, and have ample photo
This morning embark on your Wildlife             Later travel south towards Jackson, WY.           opportunities. Return to Jackson where this
Safari & Yellowstone National Park Tour. A       Enroute visit the National Museum of              evening you will enjoy an old west atmosphere
local guide joins you for a day of touring       Wildlife Art featuring 14 galleries filled with   at the Bar T5 Covered Wagon Cookout and
& to give you a ‘safari experience’ for the      paintings, sculptures and other artwork.          Show featuring a hearty supper and western
best opportunity to view some of the             The museum sits on a cliff overlooking the        entertainment.
park’s astounding array of wildlife such         National Elk Refuge, the building seems to             (B,D)                    Overnight: Jackson
as elk, bears, wolves, moose, sheep and          come from the earth itself, capturing the
Yellowstone & the Wild West - Wilmington Recreation Department presents September 24, 2021 - Town of Wilmington MA
                                                   Salt Lake City Tour
                                                   Yellowstone National Park
                                                   Yellowstone Wildlife Safari
                                                   Old Faithful Geyser
                                                   Grizzly & Wolf Discovery Center
                                                   Grand Teton National Park
                                                   Jenny Lake Cruise
                                                   Museum of Wildlife Art & Elk Refuge
                                                   2 Nights in West Yellowstone
                                                   2 Nights in Jackson, WY
                                                   Bar T5 Covered Wagon Cookout & Show
                                                   Park City, UT
                                                   Utah Olympic Park
                                                   Roundtrip Airfare From Boston (BOS)
                                                   9 Meals: 6 Breakfasts & 3 Dinners
                                                   Sightseeing per Itinerary
                                                   Admissions per Itinerary
                                                   Hotel Transfers
                                                   Professional Tour Director
                                                   Motorcoach Transportation
                                                   Baggage Handling at Hotels
                                                   6 Nights Accommodations
                                                   1 Night - Hilton, Marriott or Sheraton, Salt
                                                     Lake City, UT
                                                   2 Nights - Grey Wolf Inn & Suites or Holiday
                                                     Inn, West Yellowstone
                                                   2 Nights - Snow King or Hampton Inn,
                                                     Jackson, WY
                                                   1 Night - Sheraton, Park City, UT
                                                     On some dates alternate hotels may be used

Today travel to Park City, home of the 2002
Winter Olympics and one of the most beautiful
resort areas in North America. Visit the Utah
Olympic Park and enjoy a movie that features
the Game’s highlights. Next visit the museum
filled with memorabilia from the Olympic
Games. In the city center, enjoy a stroll
down Main Street filled with over 64 historic
buildings, charming shops, galleries and
boutiques. Tonight enjoy a Farewell Dinner
with your fellow travelers.
     (B,D)		            Overnight: Park City, UT

Transfer to the Salt Lake City airport for your     TOUR RATES:
flight home filled with wonderful memories of
your Yellowstone & the Wild West Tour.
                                                    $2,600 per person double
    (B)                                             $3,775 per person single
                                                    $2,575 per person triple
       Easy 1 2 3 4 Active
Yellowstone & the Wild West - Wilmington Recreation Department presents September 24, 2021 - Town of Wilmington MA
RESERVATION FORM (USA)                          Contact Information/Mail Reservation Form to:                           DEPOSIT & FINAL PAYMENT
                                                                                                                        Deposit of $300 per person is due with Reservation Form to
YELLOWSTONE & THE WILD WEST Wilmington Recreation Department                                                            secure reservations. Final Payment Due Date is May 9, 2022.
                            121 Glen Road
August 14 - 20, 2022
                            Wilmington, MA 01887
Booking #154679                                                                                                         PREMIER’S TRAVEL PROTECTION PLAN (TPP) $100 per person
                            Phone (978) 658-4270                                                                        (Must purchase with Initial Deposit)
               Make checks payable to: WILMINGTON RECREATION DEPARTMENT                                                 Part A – Cancellation Waiver provided by PWD
                                                                                                                        I. Trip Cancellation Waiver (TCW) - Guarantees full refund on all payments,
                                                                                                                        except the Trip Cancellation Waiver Fee itself in case of cancellation up
Enclosed please find a deposit in the amount of $                                             ($300 per person)         to the time and date of departure due to the passenger’s or passenger’s
                                                                                                                        roommate’s personal illness or death of an immediate family member. Med-
to secure reservations for                               # of people.                                                   ical/official documentation required.
                                                                                                                        II. Premier “Any Reason” Cancellation Waiver (ARCW) - Reimburses 75% of
                                                                                                                        the cancellation fees in the form of a future travel credit certificate (FTCC)
                                                                                                                        valid for 1 year, if you cancel more than 48 hours prior to scheduled depar-
Premier’s Travel Protection Plan (TPP):              Yes, I (we) wish to purchase travel protection (TPP)               ture for any reason not eligible for cash refund under the TCW (Part A – I.).
 (TPP must be purchased with initial deposit)                                                                           FTCC is non-transferable, may not be redeemed for cash and does not in-
                                                     No, I (we) decline travel protection (TPP)                         clude any credit for the Trip Cancellation Waiver Fee. The Trip Cancellation
                                                                                                                        Waiver Fee must be paid for with Initial Deposit and is refundable until 180
                                                                                                                        days prior to departure. The Trip Cancellation Waiver does not cover any sin-
Enclosed please find payment in the amount of $                                           ($100 per person)             gle supplement charges due to an individual’s traveling companion cancel-
                                                                                                                        ing prior to departure. The Trip Cancellation Waiver is non-transferable and
to secure the Premier’s Travel Protection Plan (TPP).                                                                   valid for each applicant only. The Trip Cancellation Waiver does not cover any
                                                                                                                        services such as airline tickets not purchased through PWD. Cancellations,
                                                                                                                        Refunds & Inquiries under Part A will be handled by PWD. Certain Exclusions
TOTAL PAYMENT $                                                                                                         and Restrictions apply.
                                                                                                                        Part B – Post Departure Travel Protection Plan* provided by USI
                                                                                                                        Includes coverage for: Trip Interruption ($1,000); Trip Delay ($100/Day-Max
                                                                                                                        $500); Baggage & Personal Effects ($2,000); Baggage Delay ($500); Emer-
                                                                                                                        gency Accident/Sickness Medical Expense- excess coverage ($30,000); Emer-
  To avoid change fees, submit full legal names (first/mid/last) exactly as they appear on the government               gency Evacuation/Repatriation ($150,000); Accidental Death & Dismember-
                           issued ID used for travel (REAL ID/Driver’s License)                                         ment ($25,000); Non-Insurance and Emergency Travel Assistance Services**
                                                                                                                        (24/7). Claims & Inquiries under Part B will be administered by USI.
                                                                                                                        For full Part A and Part B plan details visit:
Legal Name:                                                                                                             All Benefits described on this page are for general information basis only.
                                                                                                                        There are certain restrictions, exclusions and limitation that apply to all insur-
DOB (MM/DD/YY)                                             Gender         M         F                                   ance coverages. Plan benefits, limits and provisions may vary by state juris-
TSA or KTN number                                                                                                       CANCELLATION FEES**
                                                                                                                        Cancellations not covered by the Travel Protection Plan (TPP) or if the TPP is not
                                                                                                                        purchased, are subject to the following per person fees:
Roommate’s Legal Name:                                                                                                  - Cancel more than 180 days prior to departure:                       Full Refund
                                                                                                                        - Cancel 179-75 days prior to departure:         Deposit or TPP* is Retained**
                                                                                                                        - Cancel 74-60 days prior to departure: 		                    25% of total price
DOB (MM/DD/YY)                                             Gender         M        F                                    - Cancel 59-30 days prior to departure: 		                    50% of total price
                                                                                                                        - Cancel 29-15 days prior to departure: 		                    75% of total price
                                                                                                                        - Cancel 14 days or less prior to departure/no shows:                 No refunds
TSA or KTN number                                                                                                       *If purchased **Future Travel Credit issued for Deposit or TPP* value
                                                                                                                        Premier World Tours LLC dba Premier World Discovery (hereafter PWD),
Street Address                                                                Check if Roommate’s address is the same   whose vouchers are used by respective agents for the passenger in all matters
                                                                                                                        pertaining to hotel accommodations, sightseeing tours and transportation, hold
                                                                                                                        themselves free of responsibility for any damages occasioned from any cause
City                                                              State                 ZIP                             whatsoever. PWD will not be responsible for any damages or inconvenience
                                                                                                                        caused by late arrivals, departures and change of schedule or other conditions
Email address                                                                                                           nor will they be responsible for any act, omission, or event during the time
                                                                                                                        the passenger is not on board their conveyance. The passage contract in
                                                                                                                        use by the airline concerned, when issued, shall constitute the sole contract
Mbl#                                                                                                                    between the airline and the purchaser of this tour/cruise, and/or passenger.
                                                                                                                        PWD does not hold any responsibility for the conduct of any of its members,
                                                                                                                        hotel, motorcoach, cruiseline, train, airline or other personnel. PWD reserves
Emergency Contact/Tel#                                                                                                  the right to decline to accept or retain any person as a member of a tour/cruise
                                                                                                                        at its discretion. PWD &/or its Tour Director retain the right to require any
Notes:                                                                                                                  participant to withdraw from a tour/cruise at any time, if determined to be in
                                                                                                                        the best interests of health, safety & general welfare of the tour/cruise group
                                                                                                                        or of the individual participant. Arbitration - I/We agree, any and all disputes
                                                                                                                        concerning this contract or any other material concerning the trip, or the trip
                                                                                                                        itself must be resolved exclusively pursuant to binding arbitration in the state
                                                                                                                        of California, pursuant to the then current rules of the American Arbitration
                                                                                                                        Association. Payment of the deposit for this tour/cruise constitutes acceptance
                                                                                                                        of these terms and conditions. CST #2048841-40 The Town of Wilmington, its
                                                                                                                        employees and representatives, are not liable for any nonperformance of this
                                                                                                                        agreement between the passenger and Premier World Discovery.

                                                                                                                        IMPORTANT CONDITIONS/NOTES
                                                                                                                        Itinerary and hotels are subject to change. Air Schedules may not be available
                                                                                                                        until Final Trip Documentation is received.
Yellowstone & the Wild West - Wilmington Recreation Department presents September 24, 2021 - Town of Wilmington MA Yellowstone & the Wild West - Wilmington Recreation Department presents September 24, 2021 - Town of Wilmington MA Yellowstone & the Wild West - Wilmington Recreation Department presents September 24, 2021 - Town of Wilmington MA Yellowstone & the Wild West - Wilmington Recreation Department presents September 24, 2021 - Town of Wilmington MA Yellowstone & the Wild West - Wilmington Recreation Department presents September 24, 2021 - Town of Wilmington MA
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