                                                                             12    Foreword

                                                                             14    Board strokes

                                                                             16    Preface

                                                                             18    Call of a nation

                                                                             38    The Toto Girls
                                                                                   From stuffy to comfy

                                                                             40    Responsible Gaming
                                                                                   Play it safe
                                                                                   Be responsible
                                                                                   Be a winner in life!

                                                                             48    Forging ties

Copyright © 2018 Singapore Pools (Private)
                                                                             66    Giving since 1968

Published by:
Singapore Pools (Private) Limited
                                                                             68    Community Chest
210 Middle Road #01-01                                                             Taking care of the community
Singapore Pools Building
Singapore 188994
Tel: (65) 6216 8168
First printed in October 2018
                                                                             70    Sports
                                                                                   The extra spring in her step
ISBN: 978-981-11-9225-8
                                                                                   Bringing The Beautiful Game to the people
Editorial Advisors: Chin Sau Ho, Janet Seow,
John Teo, Tay Boon Khai
Project Manager: Clarissa Ho
Project Coordinators: Carmen Leong, Jesslin Ong,
                                                                             74    The soul within
Lilian Ng

Singapore Pools (Private) Limited

Text and design by Penman LP (
                                                                                   Into the future
Printed in Singapore by Drummond Printing

Pte Ltd

All rights reserved. No part of this book may
                                                                             106   Our defining moments
be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,

or transmitted, in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording                              116   Acknowledgement
or otherwise, without prior permission in writing
from the publisher. Every effort has been made to
ensure that the information and facts in this book
are verified and correct at time of printing. But
changes may have occurred since this book went to
print. Singapore Pools (Private) Limited will not be
held liable for any damages, loss, injury or inconve-
niences arising from the content in this book.
12                                                                                                                                                                            FOR COMMUNITY PURPOSE AND BENEFIT
     FOR COMMUNITY PURPOSE AND BENEFIT                                                                                                                                                                            13


                              SINGAPORE POOLS HAS GONE BEYOND                          grant-making efforts to further support a wide
                              BEING SINGAPORE’S SOLE LEGAL LOTTERY                     spectrum of initiatives, ranging from those in the arts

                                                                                                                                                  “Singapore Pools has
                              OPERATOR TO SUPPORTING A WIDE                            and community development, to health, education,
                              SPECTRUM OF INITIATIVES, CONTRIBUTING                    sports and social service. Recently, Singapore Pools

                                                                                                                                                  led by example, not only
                              TOWARDS MANY WORTHY CAUSES.                              took the lead to develop digital capabilities of charity
                                                                                       organisations with the launch of the iShine Cloud.
                                 The past 50 years have witnessed a meaningful
                              journey for Singapore Pools. Set up in 1968, it was to
                                                                                       This aims to boost the digital capabilities of charity
                                                                                       organisations so that they, too, can ride on the wave      in upholding the ethos
                              be Singapore’s sole legal lottery operator to create a
                              safe space for Singaporeans to participate in a game
                                                                                       of digitisation and move towards a Smart Nation.
                                                                                          Meanwhile, as a gaming operator, Singapore Pools
                                                                                                                                                  of responsible gaming,
                              of chance, without being victims of unfair practices.
                              Over the years, it has also assumed many other
                                                                                       upholds the ethos of responsible gaming. Since 2012,
                                                                                       it has achieved the highest certification under the
                                                                                                                                                  but also in fostering the
                              worthy roles and contributed towards many positive
                              causes for the community.
                                                                                       World Lottery Association Responsible Gaming
                                                                                       Framework, the best standards in the global lottery
                                                                                                                                                  spirit of sharing and
                                 For instance, many of Singapore’s iconic buildings    industry. This attests strongly to the company’s best      partnerships, making a
                                                                                                                                                  positive impact on our
                              such as National Stadium, Indoor Stadium and             efforts in ensuring that its gaming operations meet
                              Esplanade were made possible through Singapore           stringent international responsible gaming standards.

                              Pools’ contributions. These, in turn, serve as              Singapore Pools has led by example, not only in
                              platforms for our sports and arts scene to thrive. In    upholding the ethos of responsible gaming, but also
                              addition, Singapore Pools is a major supporter of        in fostering the spirit of sharing and partnerships,
                              nation-wide events that celebrate our multicultural      making a positive impact on our Singapore. I look          HENG SWEE KEAT,
                              diversity and Singaporean identity, such as Chingay      forward to see much more being done, by our people         MINISTER FOR FINANCE
                              Parade and National Day Parade.                          and for our people, in the next 50 years and beyond.
                                 In 2004, when Singapore Pools and Singapore Turf
                              Club were consolidated under Singapore Totalisator       Heng Swee Keat
                              Board, the move allowed them to increase their           Minister for Finance, Singapore
14                                                                                                                                                                                     FOR COMMUNITY PURPOSE AND BENEFIT
     FOR COMMUNITY PURPOSE AND BENEFIT                                                                                                                                                                                     15

                                                                              Board strokes

                                                                              FAMILIES WOULD BE DESTROYED, LIVES                           The logical solution, then, is to create a legal
                                                                              RUINED AND COMMUNITIES TORN APART IF                      space and take the fight to the triads. In 1968, the

                                          “Singapore Pools’ operations        PEDDLERS OF ILLEGAL GAMBLING WERE
                                                                              ALLOWED TO THRIVE. THE TRIAD SECRET
                                                                                                                                        government formed Singapore Pools to run legal
                                                                                                                                        gaming, first with Toto and then Singapore Sweep and
                                         complement the clutch of laws        SOCIETIES WERE DOING THESE IN THE 1950S                   4D. Over the decades, the company introduced Sports

                                            Parliament has introduced
                                                                              AND 1960S, RIGGING GAMES IN GAMBLING                      Betting for football and Formula One motor racing.
                                                                              DENS AND ISLAND-WIDE LOTTERIES.                              Singapore Pools’ operations complement the

                                               over the last 60 years to
                                                                                                                                        clutch of laws Parliament has introduced over the
                                                                                These unlawful operations insidiously allowed the       last 60 years to counter illegal gambling. The money

                                             counter illegal gambling.”       gangs’ various vice activities, especially prostitution
                                                                              and loan-sharking, to flourish because many people
                                                                                                                                        the company earns from its licensed operations is
                                                                                                                                        then ploughed back to benefit six worthy causes:
                                                                              were accumulating debts with them.                        community development, social service, sports,
                                                    KOH CHOON HUI, CHAIRMAN     I’ve lived through those times and seen the             health, arts and education.
                                                                              damage the triads wrought on the lives of our people,        It is a solution that countries around the world have
                                                                              especially after I became Chairman of Singapore           also adopted to counter the activities of bookies.
                                                                              Children’s Society in 1978.                                  The threat the syndicates pose to society will never
                                                                                There have always been tough laws to combat illegal     go away, and the work Singapore Pools has done over
                                                                              gambling, but syndicates of these activities are never    the last 50 years is even more relevant today and in
                                                                              deterred because of the large sums of money involved.     the future.
                                                                              With Fifa World Cup, the turnover from Singapore’s           The answer has always been to stay a few steps
                                                                              black market in 2018 alone, according to The Business     ahead of the other side, as you will discover in the
                                                                              Times in June, was US$6.9 billion.                        story we are telling in this book.
                                                                                Fortunately, the government recognised very early          Our work is never done and will continue for
                                                                              that people are not going to stop gambling. And if        Singapore.
                                                                              Singapore did not provide a safe place for them to
                                                                              do so, they are just going to turn to the dangerous       Koh Choon Hui
                                                                              environment of the triads.                                Chairman, Singapore Pools
16                                                                                                                                                                               FOR COMMUNITY PURPOSE AND BENEFIT
     FOR COMMUNITY PURPOSE AND BENEFIT                                                                                                                                                                               17


                                                                        THE LANDSCAPE OF THE LOTTERY                               discourage local gamblers from patronising overseas
                                                                        AND SPORTS BETTING INDUSTRY HAS                            gaming sites.
                                                                        UNDERGONE SEVERAL DRAMATIC                                    This means we must exploit digital technology
                                                                        TRANSFORMATIONS SINCE SINGAPORE                            to meet the expectations of our multi-generational

                                                “Our message on         POOLS STARTED OPERATIONS IN 1968.                          customer base – those who still prefer our traditional
                                                                                                                                   Toto, 4D and Singapore Sweep offerings – and a new
                                            Responsible Gaming             From accepting bets manually at Toto booths in
                                                                        the early days to introducing a computer-automated
                                                                                                                                   tech-savvy generation attracted to online gaming.
                                                                                                                                      Losing them to illegal operators will affect the
                                               and our ability to       gaming system for its retail outlets in 1986, it can now   social causes supported by Singapore Pools.

                                             encourage problem
                                                                        be done through computers and mobile phones.                  We have always upheld the highest standards as a
                                                                           But our primary task – to divert punters’ money         responsible gaming operator and have been certified

                                           gamblers to seek help        away from illegal gambling operators to good causes
                                                                        in Singapore – has never changed. What has changed,
                                                                                                                                   at Level 4 of World Lottery Association Responsible
                                                                                                                                   Gaming Framework. But the environment we operate

                                          must constantly evolve        though, is the way we do this because where once the
                                                                        turf war was largely local, today it is global.
                                                                                                                                   in keeps getting more complex and we must keep

                                         for us to stay relevant.”         Technology and the Internet have enabled faraway,
                                                                        unlicensed bookies to lure Singaporeans to spend
                                                                                                                                      Our message on Responsible Gaming and our
                                                                                                                                   ability to encourage problem gamblers to seek help
                                                                        money on their games of chance. They offer a slew of       must constantly evolve for us to stay relevant. Our
                                                 SEAH CHIN SIONG, CEO   games that have blurred the lines between gaming           staff also receive regular training to equip them with
                                                                        and gambling.                                              the latest technology and techniques in helping the
                                                                           Just like how the chap ji kee lotteries were rigged,    community.
                                                                        the unlicensed bookies use technology to cheat. And           This book highlights the key moments of our
                                                                        complex credit facilities from both legitimate and         history, reminding us the genesis of Singapore Pools’
                                                                        illegitimate sources have compounded the problem           work. In remembering and understanding the past, it
                                                                        for regulators everywhere.                                 will teach us how to move forward in our mission.
                                                                           Our work has entered a new phase. While the 2014
                                                                        Remote Gambling Act was enacted to combat these            Seah Chin Siong
                                                                        new challenges, our operations must measure up to          CEO, Singapore Pools
Call of a nation
20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      FOR COMMUNITY PURPOSE AND BENEFIT
     FOR COMMUNITY PURPOSE AND BENEFIT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      21

                                                                   GENESIS OF HOPE
                                          ON 9 AUGUST 1965, UNCERTAINTY SWEPT THE LION CITY WHEN IT WAS
                                         FORCED OUT FROM MERGER WITH MALAYSIA, AFTER ONLY TWO YEARS.

 A few months later in December, the National          and healthy sports will always receive help and       which destroyed many lives.
 Development Ministry’s addenda to the                 encouragement from us,” Minister Othman said            In 1966, the government introduced another
 President’s address to Parliament included            in April 1966.                                        amendment to existing betting laws. It wanted
 building a stadium at Kallang.                          “As a concrete indication of the government’s       to raise much-needed money for public welfare
   Three months later, Minister for Law and            support for sports in Singapore, I’d like to          projects through public lotteries, and introduced
 National Development Edmund W Barker                  announce that a public lottery will soon be           an amendment to exempt them from duty.
 confirmed a 55,000-seat arena would be built          organised, the entire proceeds of which will            Finance Minister Lim Kim San assured
 there. Initial estimates tagged it in the region of   be used to help the development of sports and         Parliament: “Arrangements are under
 $22 million to $25 million.                           social welfare.”                                      consideration to ensure that all funds will be
   The veil was lifted a little more in April 1966                                                           utilised for public projects, such as a national
 when Minister for Social Affairs Othman Wok           LAW AND ORDER                                         stadium, or for welfare purposes.”
 said a sports department was to be added to his       Lottery was a lightning rod. When the                   Some MPs raised a ruckus, claiming that poor
 ministry.                                             government tabled three Bills, including              people would buy lottery tickets and curtail their
   Despite other pressing priorities such as           the Betting and Sweepstakes Ordinance                 expenditure on marketing and food.
 rehousing the people from overcrowded squatter        (Amendment) in 1960, lawmakers accused the              Their argument had little legs to stand on
 settlements into low-cost HDB homes, he               government of promoting gambling.                     because illegal operators were still rampant,
 promised that sports would get the necessary            But the Bills were aimed at tackling illegal        taking money from the people to feed the
 funding.                                              gambling and lotteries that triad secret societies    underworld activities.
   “As far as the government is concerned, I           ran. Their ill-gotten profits funded the gangs’         “I agree that we should not encourage betting      Minister for Social Affairs Othman Wok (pointing at the scale model of the National
                                                                                                                                                                  Stadium) in April 1966 promised a sports department to be added to his ministry.
 should like to give you the assurance that good       other illegal activities, especially loan-sharking,   or gambling if Members who object to it can
22                                                                                                            FOR COMMUNITY PURPOSE AND BENEFIT
     FOR COMMUNITY PURPOSE AND BENEFIT                                                                                                             23

                                         The 55,000-seat
                                         National Stadium
                                         was built at a cost of
                                         $50 million, double
                                         the initial estimate.

                                         assure me that even without allowing betting or           “From schools and institutions
                                         gambling under control in Singapore, our people
                                         would not gamble at all, and that the 20,000 or            of higher learning will come
                                         30,000 housewives would not feel sorry or would              the citizens of tomorrow,
                                         not buy tickets from across the Causeway,” the           imbued not only with academic
                                         Finance Minister retorted.
                                            “Human nature is such that even if we do not             and professional learning,
                                         allow gambling, a large amount of money will be            but also with team spirit and
                                         spent on gambling – and illegal gambling at that          social values that only sporting
                                         – which will encourage gangsterism, protection
                                         rackets and all sorts of crimes.”                              endeavour can foster.”
                                            On 7 December 1966 – four days before the                          OTHMAN WOK
                                                                                                        MINISTER FOR SOCIAL AFFAIRS
                                         first big draw that offered a top purse of $350,000
                                         – Minister Othman officiated the sinking of
                                         the first pile at Kallang to build the National           But the Singapore Sweep gambit to raise
                                         Stadium. The price tag had grown to $50 million,       gaming money for causes in the country faced
                                         double the initial estimate nine months earlier.       an immediate challenge two months after the
                                            But all had their eyes fixed on the big prize and   first draw.
                                         the Minister was upbeat. He said: “Young and              In February 1967, Malaysia revealed plans to
                                         growing people must have facilities to develop         introduce football pools betting. Six months
                                         their bodies and minds.                                later, the Kuala Lumpur government set up
                                            “Sports, therefore, must be an essential feature    Sports Pools in partnership with London-based
                                         of our national way of life. We are convinced          Vernon Pools before the start of the new English
                                         that through sports, we can produce the brand          football season.
                                         of citizens who can give their best to the fellow         It presented a poser for Singapore. Football
                                         beings and society.”                                   fans in the city-state had been mailing their
24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   FOR COMMUNITY PURPOSE AND BENEFIT
     FOR COMMUNITY PURPOSE AND BENEFIT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   25

                                                                                                                                                                              management services agreement with Bulgaria               At the end of 1968, the Finance Ministry
                                                                                                                                                                              to provide specialists to manage and run it.            reported that total proceeds from Singapore
                                                                                                                                                                                 In the weekly draws, stakes would start from         Turf Club (STC) after 15 Singapore Sweep draws,
                                                                                                                                                                              50 cents, with prize monies running into the            conducted every six weeks since 1966, was $5.8
                                                                                                                                                                              thousands of dollars. Net proceeds would fund           million.
                                                                                                                                                                              the construction of the National Stadium and              In contrast, the government-owned Singapore
                                                                                                                                                                              other sports facilities. It would also be utilised to   Pools was pulling in an average of $100,000
 Above and facing page                   punts on British football directly to London, and   fans and looking for a little flutter.                                           benefit Singaporeans.                                   a week, running only one game, after setting
 Illegal operators were still
 rampant, running games                  with a shop across the Causeway, more punters         Legal or not, people would continue to punt on                                    “In legalising this form of betting, the             aside an equivalent amount for prizes. The total
 such as chap ji kee. The
                                         would be drawn to it.                               any game, and the more popular ones were those                                   government is fully aware that illegal operators        proceeds, less prize monies, after six months was
 government passed Bills
 aimed at tackling illegal                 That prompted a lawmaker to ask newly-            based on numbers, which were easy to play. And        “I do not think we can     of gambling like chap ji kee, where operators           about $2.5 million.
 gambling and lotteries that
 triad secret societies ran.             minted Finance Minister Goh Keng Swee in            the maths was simple – in allowing them to            afford to see large sums   filch the public, are existing,” the Finance              Still, some lawmakers felt funds for the
                                         December 1967 if Singapore would open its           do so openly without breaching laws, it would         of our money flowing       Ministry emphasised.                                    construction of the National Stadium and social
                                         doors to Vernon or other British operators.         divert cash away from the triads to a pools fund                                    “It is necessary to recognise the existence of       welfare programmes should come from the
                                           “I do not think we can afford to see large        for the community.                                    out of the country.”       gambling and to place it on a legal footing so          national Budget. But it was ill-timed.
                                         sums of our money flowing out of the country,”        But betting on British football matches was a       LIM CHENG LOCK             that those who by nature are inclined towards             In January 1969, Britain announced the
                                         bemoaned MP Lim Cheng Lock.                         harder proposition for ordinary folk. They had to     MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT       betting can do so without breaking the law.”            complete withdrawal of its military forces – four
                                           The Finance Minister responded that he was        at least follow the progress of teams, and in 1968,                                 The following month, Vladimir L Popov,               years earlier than planned.
                                         considering two organisations to provide the        this game did not meet the needs of the time.                                    director-general of Bulgarian Sport Totaliser,            The government introduced mandatory
                                         know-how and management to run football               Instead, Dr Goh’s Ministry of Finance                                          led his team of seven specialists to help the           National Service in 1967 to speed up the build-
                                         pools in Singapore. But the game was not            announced in April 1968 that the government                                      government set up Singapore Pools, with a staff         up of a credible-size conscript army that would
                                         universal and would exclude those who were not      was introducing pools betting and had signed a                                   of 100 locals.                                          be operational by 1975. This now had to be
26                                                                                                                                                 FOR COMMUNITY PURPOSE AND BENEFIT
     FOR COMMUNITY PURPOSE AND BENEFIT                                                                                                                                                    27

 For the inaugural draw at the Victoria Theatre on
 9 June 1968, a total of $280,000 in stake money
 was raised, half of which was set aside as prizes.

                                                      Singapore Pools, owned by
                                                      the Ministry of Finance,
                                                      was incorporated under
                                                      the Companies Act 1967.

                                                                                                fast-tracked. Beefing up the        slips. If there were no winners for the top prizes,
                                                                                                Singapore Armed Forces was          the amount was then snowballed into the next
                                                                                                an urgent need. It affected the     draw, offering winners a bigger minimum cash
                                                                                                 entire financial policy of the     payout.
                                                                                                  government, and money was            For the inaugural draw at the Victoria
                                                                                                   needed – fast.                   Theatre on 9 June 1968, a total of $280,000
                                                                                                      It meant only one thing:      (more than $1 million in today’s value) in stake
                                                                                                    Singapore Pools had to          money was raised, half of which was set aside
                                                                                                    answer the call of a nation     as prizes. Singapore’s top athletes drew the
                                                                                                     and perform its National       winning numbers that day, putting a face to
                                                                                                     Service.                       the government’s move in introducing the only
                                                                                                    Vladimir and his team           legalised form of public lottery in the country in
                                                                              introduced Toto, a game that was similar to           order to get funding for sports.
                                                                              British Bingo or Lotto, which was the rage in
                                                                              Europe at the time. On a coupon with boxes            CHAMPIONS
                                                                              numbered 1 to 49, a punter would choose six           Among them were Singapore’s first Olympic
                                                                              numbers for just 50 cents.                            winner, weightlifter Tan Howe Liang who won
                                                                                Each week, 49 numbered balls were placed            silver at the 1960 Rome Games; badminton great
                                                                              into a caged, spinning sphere. Six balls, one at a    and multiple All England champion Wong Peng
                                                                              time, were drawn, plus an additional seventh.         Soon; and another badminton star, Ong Poh
                                                                                Winners were placed in five groups. Those           Lim. Both Peng Soon and Poh Lim had also won
                                                                              who correctly picked the six numbers were             the Thomas Cup several times.
                                                                              placed in the first batch and shared the top prize,      Swimming sensation Patricia Chan, football
                                                                              followed by punters who got five numbers plus         legend “Pop” Lim Yong Liang, national water-
                                                                              the additional number. Cash prizes were also          polo player Neo Chwee Kok, and high-jump
                                                                              awarded to five (without additional number),          champion Cheong Wai Hing completed the
                                                                              four and three correct numbers, forming the last      list. Beamed live over television, they reminded
                                                                              three groups.                                         Singaporeans that Toto was collecting money to
                                                                                The maximum cash payout in the early days           raise funds for sports and worthy causes.
                                                                              was fixed at $500,000. But the total available           The winning numbers for the first draw were
                                                                              prize money depended on the sale of betting           42, 11, 43, 28, 36, 39 plus the additional number
28                                                                                                                                                                                              FOR COMMUNITY PURPOSE AND BENEFIT
     FOR COMMUNITY PURPOSE AND BENEFIT                                                                                                                                                                                              29

 9. There were 6,000 winners but none was                                                                          but the government cannot force anyone
 able to pick all six or five-plus-one numbers                                                                     to do so. Toto prevented those who wanted
 correctly. Since there’s no top prize winner, two      new management was slated for                             to wager a little from being exploited and
 punters who got five numbers right shared the          February the following year. “After that, there           defrauded by illegal gambling operators.
 third prize of $27, 840.                               will be a Sweep draw each month. There will also
    Sports, National Stadium and Singapore’s            be slight changes in the prize structure,” he said.      Singapore Pools’ mission was
 social welfare projects were the biggest winners          Besides increasing the frequency of the draw,
 that night. They had $140,000 (about $0.5              the first prize money was boosted by $50,000             clear from the start: It did not
 million in today’s value) in the kitty – half of the   to $400,000. Part of the funds the government          come into being as a business for
 stake money from punters.                              collected from the previous management was             the sake of making profits, but to
    Another winner was the military. Almost a           used to build the $250,000 Social Service Centre
 thousand paying guests thronged the Victoria           at Penang Lane. The objective of the Sweep was         benefit the community, especially
 Theatre to watch the first draw, and all proceeds      the same as Toto – National Stadium, sports,             those who are in need of help.
 went to National Defence Fund to support the           and needy community causes.                            Toto, Singapore Sweep and other
 build-up of Singapore Armed Forces.                       If there were any cynicism about Singapore
    The Toto draws had an average turnover of           Pools’ raison d’être, the government had ample         gaming products were just means
 $270,000 per week, which was extraordinary             ammunition in its arsenal to keep its critics at                   to this end.
 for a population of just over 2 million in 1968.       bay.
 One thing was clear: As masters of this venture,          It had on hand the British Royal Commission           The company’s first charitable cause arrived on
 Singapore Pools had the luxury of deciding what        on Betting, Lotteries and Gaming 1949-1951             15 December 1969, following the biggest flood to
 game, and how, when and where it was played.           report that said, “So long as these (gambling          hit Singapore in 35 years. Farms were destroyed,
    Its then took over the running of the               facilities) are in private hands, it would be          and Singapore Pools answered the call for aid
 Singapore Sweep, as decided by the Ministry            impossible entirely to prevent fraud, exploitation     and donated $11,000 to a general relief fund the
 of Finance. Under the management of STC,               and inducements to gambling.                           Ministry of Social Affairs had set up to help the
 the draw was conducted every six to eight                 “If that is the case, so long as there is private   affected farmers.
 weeks when it had race meetings. Placing it            illegal gambling, it is very difficult to control        By 1972, sales of Singapore Sweep tickets was
 under Singapore Pools’ control would reduce            the exploitations, fraud and inducements to            averaging $1.12 million (today’s value of about
 management expenses – monies that could be             gambling. To that extent, placing gambling             $4 million) a month. The number of booths had       Draws were staged at
 put to better use.                                     under control could prevent fraud and                  also climbed to more than 200.                      selected shopping centres,
                                                                                                                                                                   often accompanied by
    In December 1968, Singapore Pools Chairman          exploitation.”                                            Raising funds from its gaming operations for     ‘live’ music. The above
                                                                                                                                                                   draw was at Singapore
 S Thiruchelvam announced the first draw under             And Toto did just that. People will gamble          social causes was the easy part for Singapore       Pools’ then-headquarters
                                                                                                                                                                   at Colombo Court.
30                                                                                                                                                                    FOR COMMUNITY PURPOSE AND BENEFIT
     FOR COMMUNITY PURPOSE AND BENEFIT                                                                                                                                                                    31

                                                                                                                                                     Facing page
                                                                                                                                                   Singapore Pools
                                                                                                                                                      drew punters
                                                                                                                                                    towards a legal
                                                                                                                                                   and safe gaming

 Pools’ mission. The difficult half of its mission      followed by 4D lottery and card games with          you can find in the world because to leave China
 was the war on illegal gambling operators.             unlicensed outlets, and then Toto and Singapore     was to gamble. Everywhere they went, they
    Despite the government declaring open season        Sweep.                                              gambled. Which would you have: an honest
 on them in 1960 after assuming power, the                 If fines slapped on convicted illegal gamblers   government (operation), Toto, or a dishonest
 illegal gambling operators continued to thrive.        in 1970, totalling over $400,000, were any          chap ji kee?”
 With many operating from the backrooms of              indication, illegal gambling could not be wiped       Singapore Pools was equipped with the means
 neighbourhood stores and coffeeshops, they had         out completely. No one was under any illusion it    to offer affordable games with bigger cash prizes,
 people hooked on chap ji kee, which was a scam.        was possible. For each illegal operation that the   but as the authorities were looking over their
    Their runners accepted bets as low as 10 cents      police swooped in on, more would pop up.            shoulders, it had to undergo stringent vetting.
 and baited punters, often housewives, with                The option, then, was to improve and expand      The only significant change came in 1979, when
 credit lines that were lumped together with their      the safe environment for people to wage bets,       the top prize for Singapore Sweep was raised by
 marketing bills. When small-time punters did           and this war for their money was going to be        $100,000 to $500,000.
 not win anything, they had to cut back on daily        a long-drawn affair. Together with Singapore          In April 1981, Toto introduced the super
 marketing provisions.                                  Pools, the authorities became more effective in     jackpot that did away with the $200,000
    For the bigger syndicates, credit facilities        eradicating illegal gambling – the police were      snowball cap for the top prize. The Singapore
 for bigger gamblers oiled their loan-sharking          shutting down illegal activities while the gaming   Sweep followed with an increase for its first prize
 operations, which kept expanding.                      company drew punters towards a legal and safe       by another $100,000 that August.
    By 1973, illegal gambling was financing the         gaming environment.                                   The battle to draw punters away from illegal
 unlawful activities of triad secret societies to the      In 1977, Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew said in     syndicates was on.
 tune of $100 million a year. This was money that,      Parliament:                                           Casting his eyes back to the battle with illegal
 if earned legally, could have benefited society.                                                           gambling, Singapore Pools Chairman Koh
 But it was too big for the underworld syndicates        “If you do not run the Big Sweep                   Choon Hui remembers how triad secret societies
 to abandon despite police raids sending many of                                                            carried guns and bribed their way out of arrests.
 them to jail. More than 300 gamblers a month             and Toto, the chap ji kee man,                    He has witnessed how families were ruined from
 were also arrested at that time.                          who has always swindled the                      the activities of the syndicates.
    A random survey by afternoon daily New              people of their money, is still there.                “Fifty years ago, there were all sorts of
 Nation that year in Chinatown, Serangoon                                                                   gambling going on in the private illegal space,
 Road and MacPherson Estate found that 95 per                                                               and it was common to see people grouping on
 cent of housewives had indulged in games of             “It is the history of Singapore. The Chinese       roadsides for this. It was rampant and the reality
 chance. Chap ji kee was the most common game,          who travelled overseas are the biggest gamblers     of the situation,” says Choon Hui, who is also
32                                                                                                           FOR COMMUNITY PURPOSE AND BENEFIT
     FOR COMMUNITY PURPOSE AND BENEFIT                                                                                                           33

                                         Early Singapore
                                         Sweep draws
                                         were held at
                                         various venues.
                                         In February 1985,
                                         Singapore Pools
                                         raised the prize to
                                         $1 million.

                                         Chairman of Singapore Children’s Society.            into the hundreds of millions of dollars in the
                                            “Illegal gambling was associated with triad       1980s. Although the Criminal Investigation
                                         activities such as prostitution and gangsterism,     Department and Corrupt Practices Investigation
                                         and the gangsters often carried firearms. So, it     Bureau smashed the biggest chap ji kee
                                         was important to have gambling regulated and         syndicates in 1968, smaller operations continued
                                         provide a safe place for those who wanted a little   to thrive.
                                         flutter.”                                              The new year in 1986 dealt the triad’s
                                            In a series of events in 1985, the authorities    gaming operations a body blow. In Parliament,
                                         made known of its intention to escalate the          lawmakers approved amendments to the Betting,
                                         battle against bookies.                              the Common Gaming Houses and the Road
                                            In February that year, Singapore Pools –          Vehicles (Special Powers) Bills. They gave police
                                         which became a subsidiary of the government’s        the power to crack down on illegal gambling and
                                         investment arm, Temasek Holdings, a few years        confiscate any vehicles used in such activities.
                                         earlier in 1980 – raised the Singapore Sweep
                                         prize to $1 million. Ticket price was doubled        SERIOUS BUSINESS
                                         to $2 but still sold like hotcakes. Seven months     Hefty fines between $20,000 and $200,000 as
                                         later, the second and third prizes received a        well as mandatory imprisonment of up to five
                                         $100,000 boost to $400,000 and $200,000,             years were introduced for those caught running
                                         respectively. The fourth prize also swelled by       betting houses and information centres. Punters
                                         $25,000 to $75,000.                                  who did business with them faced up to $5,000
                                            The gaming operator also announced a              fine and six months’ imprisonment.
                                         $7 million computerisation of its Toto                  Singaporeans welcomed the new laws as
                                         operations from 1986 and the introduction of         syndicates had become so bold, they were
                                         4D. Complementing the STC four-digit game,           operating from HDB residential areas, at
                                         computers would generate the numbers instead         coffeeshops and hawker centres. During the
                                         of riding on the results of horse races.             weekends, many of these places turned into mini
                                            The computerisation, which improved the           turf clubs, with unsavoury individuals gathering
                                         fairness of the draws, and the wider range           by the hundreds as money changed hands.
                                         of legal betting games forced bookies to lure           On the heels of police crackdowns, Singapore
                                         customers with discounts on bets and larger          Pools rolled out its computerised electronic
                                         credit facilities. If they felt pressure piling on   system for Toto and 4D in May 1986.
                                         their operations, worse was to come.                    Unlike the manual system, a punter marked
                                            Revenues from unauthorised gaming ran             the numbers he wanted on a ticket, which was
34                                                                                                                                     FOR COMMUNITY PURPOSE AND BENEFIT
     FOR COMMUNITY PURPOSE AND BENEFIT                                                                                                                                     35

 then fed into an online terminal connected           move to the heartlands. Struggling retailers,
 directly to Singapore Pools’ main computer.          such as photo studios, tailors and grocery
   The process took less than a second and            stores, took up the offer to sell Toto and 4D, and
 reduced queues significantly. Punters could also     enjoyed a surge in their businesses. As Singapore
 place Toto and 4D bets at one go because the         Pools agents, they earned commissions at
 system was able to take as many as five different    an average of about $2,000 a month, more if
 games.                                               winning tickets originated from their outlets.
   One feature that the computerisation                 Many punters who placed bets with them also
 introduced for Toto was Quick Pick, which            bought their wares. The landscape had changed
 became an instant hit. The system randomly           for many, as Chairman Choon Hui points out:
 churned out numbers for punters who were
 undecided on what to pick. The Quick Pick was              “Singapore Pools has been
 also available for the 4D game.
   In 1989, Singapore Pools introduced System             playing an important role to
 Bet, which allowed retailers to sell the entire           help transform society and
 combination of any given four numbers to                  the environment, but more
   But what cut the legs off bookies was Singapore        importantly kept unlicensed
 Pools’ decision to invite neighbourhood grocery            syndicates under control.”
 stores, retailers and supermarkets to be among
 their 150 agents. It was phasing out the iconic         Keeping punters to wager on games Singapore
 Toto booths and going right into the main turfs      Pools offered was a continuous effort.
 of bookies in the heartlands.                           Since the 1970s, bookies had been taking bets
   With hefty fines and jail terms, punters           on local and regional football matches. They
 decided to play safe and go legal with the           fixed the outcomes of many of these games and
 government’s operator. As a result, the              their operations grew. But they moved into full
 unsavoury activities of bookies were drastically     gear in the 1990s.
 reduced.                                                Syndicates on both sides of the Causeway
   Where residents once feared for their family’s     began spreading their tentacles in English and
 safety in the midst of gamblers gathering in their   European football, their schemes aided by the
 neighbourhoods on weekends, peace returned.          advent of the Internet.
   There was another upside to Singapore Pools’          Recalling the period, Tay Boon Khai, who is

                                                                                                                  Singapore Pools’
                                                                                                                 decision to invite
                                                                                                           neighbourhood grocery
                                                                                                              stores, retailers and
                                                                                                               supermarkets to be
                                                                                                           among their 150 agents
                                                                                                           affected the operations
                                                                                                                 of illegal bookies.
36                                                                                                                                                                 FOR COMMUNITY PURPOSE AND BENEFIT
     FOR COMMUNITY PURPOSE AND BENEFIT                                                                                                                                                                 37

                                                                           “Singapore Pools has been a member of World Lottery Association
                                                                           (WLA) since it was founded in 1999, and counts among the
                                                                           Association’s most esteemed members. It is highly regarded in the world
                                                                           lottery community for its commitment to responsible gaming and for
                                                                           its commitment to the security and integrity of their operations. Its
                                                                           contribution to the world lottery community has been outstanding.”
                                                                           JEAN-LUC MONER-BANET, PRESIDENT OF WORLD LOTTERY ASSOCIATION

                                         now Senior Director of Responsible Gaming            legal gaming industry peaked to about $5 billion           “Will we do well against the
                                         and Compliance, says bookies were quick to           a year. In 2002, Singapore Pools started offering
                                         adapt to changing landscapes. “It is a continuous    odds on international football fixtures, especially         illegals? This question is
                                         calibration exercise, a balancing act, for           the English leagues. Two years later, it also took          always being asked of us.
                                         Singapore Pools. For 4D and Toto, we did quite       over STC’s betting outlets. In 2008, the Formula              It’s an ongoing battle.”
                                         well in mitigating against the illegals since we     One motor racing joined the list.
                                                                                                                                                                 TAY BOON KHAI
                                         started lottery operations in 1968.”                    When the Internet became the rage for               SENIOR DIRECTOR OF RESPONSIBLE GAMING
                                            The company in 1996 raised the Singapore          punters, Singapore Pools answered with                            AND COMPLIANCE
                                         Sweep prize to $1.5 million and eight years          PoolzConnect, a telephone betting service in
                                         later, to $2 million. In 2000, it began the annual   2005 and SportsBuzz@POMO, an entertainment              At the end of the 2017 financial year, Singapore
                                         Hongbao Chinese New Year Toto draw with a            venue that offered ‘live’ sports betting, in 2006.    Pools generated a total revenue of $7.19 billion.
                                         top prize of $10 million. Bookies were losing out,   It was renamed as Livewire in 2013.                   After paying cash prizes, tax and commission, its
                                         especially after Singapore Pools opened 50 more         By the end of the 2016-2017 financial year,        $531 million surplus made up about half of Tote
                                         outlets that same year.                              Singaporeans were betting $7.2 billion on Toto,       Board’s $1.18 billion income.
                                            On top of accessibility, the gaming company       4D and sports through Singapore Pools and               For the same year, Tote Board gave out
                                         also widened its range of betting products. It       STC. In 2014, the government passed the Remote        $418 million in grants to various community
                                         started offering odds for bets on the national       Gambling Bill, criminalising all forms of online      programmes, with sports and social services
                                         football competition, S-League, in 1998. It came     gambling, but granted Singapore Pools an              receiving the lion’s share.
                                         two years after it helped to fund and help kick-     exemption two years later.                              There is no two ways about Singapore Pools’
                                         start the championship. Clubs in the league             Boon Khai says: “When we were permitted            primary role: To counter illegal gambling,
                                         then applied to collaborate as operator’s agents.    to operate as an Exempt Operator under the            provide a safe environment for punters to engage
                                            That was the start of Singapore Pools foray       Remote Gambling Act, we did even better in            in a little flutter, and channel their money
                                         into sports betting. By the end of the 1990s, the    helping reduce illegal online betting activities.”    towards sports and community.
38                                                                                     FOR COMMUNITY PURPOSE AND BENEFIT
     FOR COMMUNITY PURPOSE AND BENEFIT                                                                                     39


           Then                          From stuffy
                                         to comfy
                                         The iconic Toto booths mushrooming all
                                         over Singapore in the 1960s and 1970s
                                         were hot and stuffy. But that didn’t stop
                                         Susan Nalayanee, Molly Koh and Tay Sui
                                         Lan from manning the booths from 8am
                                         to 4pm each day.
                                           Affectionately referred to as the Toto
                                         Girls, the trio were among the first retail
                                         employees hired by Singapore Pools. They
                                         have witnessed the transformation of the
                                         booths as well as the betting system over
                                         the decades.
                                           Today, Susan, Molly and Sui Lan
                                         are still Toto Girls – but in modern,
           Now                           comfortable and hi-tech retail outlets.
                                         Susan set up shop in Paya Lebar after the
                                         makeshift booths were shuttered in the
                                         1980s. Molly is still a retailer in Jurong
                                         East and Sui Lan in Collyer Quay. And
                                         these Toto Girls have no immediate plans
                                         to retire.

Play it safe                                                                                                                                                       means. Therefore, safeguards like low
Most Singaporeans who play                                                                                                                                         minimum bet amounts and a conservative
lottery and sports betting games                                                                                                                                   range of sports bets also help prevent

do so in the spirit of fun and social
recreation. They spend a small sum
                                                                 GROUP 1 PRIZE                                                                                     Singapore Pools’ customers from falling
                                                                                                                                                                   into the trap of excessive and irresponsible
of money on a few betting slips,                                                                                                                                   play.
hoping that Lady Luck would shine
on them.
   As the sole legal lottery operator
in the country, Singapore Pools
                                                                 $                                                                                                   By making continuous improvements
                                                                                                                                                                   to its business operations, Singapore Pools
                                                                                                                                                                   has demonstrated its commitment to
                                                                                                                                                                   providing a safe and responsible service
is dedicated to protecting its                                                                                                                                     of the highest quality. Being awarded the
customers. Its mission: to be a world-                                                                                                                             WLA RG Level 4 certification – the highest
class responsible gaming company                                                                                                                                   global standard in the gaming industry
that ensures a fair and safe gambling                                                                                                                              – in 2012 and 2015 is testament to the
experience.                                                                                                     Take part in the
                                                                                                      “Responsible Gaming Week”
                                                                                                     Contest to win prizes. Contest details
                                                                                                                                                                   organisation’s promise to its customers.
   The organisation adopts the World                                                                                                                                 Singapore Pools also regularly

                                                                                                         Closing date: 6 June 2008.

Lottery Association’s Responsible                                                                                                                                  works with government agencies and
Gaming (WLA RG) Framework                                                                                                                                          non-profit organisations to raise the
to benchmark its practices. The                                                                                                                                    public’s awareness of a safe gaming
Responsible Gaming Code of                            Right                                                                                                        environment. Since 2009, Responsible
                                                                                 Coin_pools.indd 1                                            5/29/08 4:24:13 PM

                                                                CURRENT DRAW
                                             Product-related                     Left
Conduct, implemented in 2005                      posters are                    Play Responsibly                                                                  Gaming Ambassadors from Montfort
and reviewed annually, ensures                communicated                       messages are                                                                      Care-YAH! have conducted outreach
                                           factually without                     prominently displayed
that training, product design, sales,           enticements.                     at retail outlets.                                                                activities at Singapore Pools’ outlets as
distribution and player education                                                                                                                                  part of a collaborative effort between
activities are carried out in a socially                                                                                                                           Singapore Pools and the Ministry of Social
responsible manner.                                                                                                                                                and Family Development’s Responsible
   For those who bet frequently, the                                                                                                                               Gaming Forum.
adrenaline of winning can drive
the temptation to play beyond their

Be responsible
In maintaining a safe environment for
punters, Singapore Pools’ Responsible
Gaming (RG) Ambassadors help to
increase awareness on the importance
of playing responsibly and spending
within one’s means.
  These ambassadors, along with
their standee sidekick affectionately
called the RG Man, reach out to
customers and reinforce the message
of responsible gaming.
  The message includes reminders
such as the prohibition of anyone
younger than 18 from placing bets or
claiming winning ticket prizes, and
safeguards such as setting an account
                                        Be a winner in life!
holder’s funding and expenditure        A windfall can disappear quickly if it is not managed wisely.          3. To seek advice from qualified financial advisers to plan
limit.                                  To help customers who claim prizes of more than $100,000,                 ahead for their financial needs, such as post-retirement
  In September 2018, Singapore Pools    Singapore Pools has always offered them practical advice on               income and children’s educational expenses.
took a step further by launching        how to preserve and grow their winnings.                               4. To invest wisely as there are limitations and potential
a mobile app that can also help           In 2010, in partnership with the Monetary Authority of                  risks for different types of savings plans and investment
customers track their expenses.         Singapore’s MoneySENSE – a financial education scheme for                 instruments.
                                        Singaporeans – Singapore Pools rolled out a new programme,             With Care for Winners, Singapore Pools’ goal is to help
                                        Care for Winners.                                                   prize winners become winners in life, too, through the good
                                          Under this new plan, Singapore Pools staff meet with              management of their winnings.
                                        winners to offer them financial planning and responsible               Tay Boon Khai, Senior Director of Responsible Gaming
                                        gaming tips to help make their windfall a positive experience.      and Compliance, says: “We see it as our duty to educate our
                                          Among these are:                                                  customers on responsible gaming practices and, for those who
                                          1. To pay off outstanding loans, especially those that incur 		   win, to manage their prize money wisely with the practical
                                             the highest interest charges, and become debt-free.            financial tips our programme partner, MoneySENSE, offers.”
                                          2. Avoid drastic lifestyle changes and spending excessively.


                                         “In 1968, the government formed Singapore
                                         Pools to run legal gaming. The money the

                                         company earns from its licensed operations
                                         is then ploughed back to benefit six worthy

   years                                 causes: community development, social
                                         service, sports, health, arts and education.”

                     1960s-1970s         KOH CHOON HUI, CHAIRMAN

             “It is necessary to recognise
             the existence of gambling and
             to place it on a legal footing so
             that those who by nature are
             inclined towards betting can do
             so without breaking the law.”

Forging ties
50                                                                                                                                                   FOR COMMUNITY PURPOSE AND BENEFIT
      FOR COMMUNITY PURPOSE AND BENEFIT                                                                                                                                                  51

                                          MAKING OF A BRAND
                             THROUGH TOTE BOARD SINCE 2004.

     “I was asking myself, ‘Singapore Pools is giving   illegal betting games. If we fail, the community
     a lot of money to the community, but are people    would lose out because it wouldn’t have money
     taking notice of this?’” he recalls.               for its social causes.”
        Richard wanted to increase the general             Tay Boon Khai, Senior Director of Responsible
     public’s awareness of Singapore Pools’ role as     Gaming and Compliance, says new employees
     the provider of funds for worthy causes, so he     are told they are indeed working for a betting
     changed the way he described the company.          company that offers lottery and sports betting
        “My reply to anyone who says I work for a 4D    products.
     company is ‘we are one of Singapore’s biggest
     community partners’.”                              PUT TO GOOD
        “We know what we do and don’t pretend           “If we all can agree that gambling has existed
     otherwise,” says Singapore Pools CEO Seah          since time immemorial and it will not go away,
     Chin Siong.                                        we would then be in alignment that what
        “In setting up the company 50 years ago, the    Singapore Pools is doing is the most pragmatic
     government was clear that our existence was        and responsible way to provide a legal channel
     necessary to divert money that was going into      for those who want to indulge in a little flutter,
     the triads’ coffers through illegal gambling,      and that every cent of our surplus is being put to
     and give it back to the community through our      good,” says Boon Khai.
     gaming products.                                     From the get-go, Singapore Pools pulled out
        “Our operations have to run smoothly, we        all the stops to accomplish its twin goals of
     have to deliver on time, and we have to be         thwarting illegal bookies and contributing to        Senior Director of Responsible
                                                                                                             Gaming and Compliance Tay Boon
     innovative so that the people would not turn to    social causes. Since its founding 50 years ago,      Khai at an outing with beneficiaries.
52                                                                                        FOR COMMUNITY PURPOSE AND BENEFIT
     FOR COMMUNITY PURPOSE AND BENEFIT                                                                                        53

                                                                           the company has contributed all its surpluses,
                                                                           totaling $7.1 billion, to the arts, community
                                                                           development, social service, education, health and
                                                                             Out of this, $5.8 billion was channelled through
                                                                           Tote Board when Singapore Pools became a
                                                                           subsidiary of the statutory board in 2004. This
                                                                           includes paying for the operational costs of
                                                                           running the Community Chest and $25 million
                                                                           for the Singapore50 Seniors Package during
                                                                           Singapore’s Golden Jubilee in 2015.
                                                                             “About 30 per cent of our revenue is given
                                                                           back to the community as betting duties and
                                                                           surpluses,” says John Teo, the company’s Chief
                                                                           Financial Officer from 2002 to 2017. “The rest is
                                                                           paid out as prizes for all our games, and less than
                                                                           3 per cent goes to our company’s operational
                                                                             John, who is now Chief Risk Officer, adds that
                                                                           Singapore Pools has kept true to its mission for
                                                                           the community and this commitment has grown
                                                                           over the years.
                                                                             The company’s role in boosting the
                                                                           construction of Singapore’s infrastructure started
                                                                           with raising $14.5 million, through the proceeds
                                                                           of Singapore Sweep and Toto between 1968 and
                                                                           1976, to build the National Stadium.
                                                                             Some of the other iconic landmarks that
                                                                           received funding from Singapore Pools include
                                                                           Indoor Stadium, Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay,
                                                                           and National Gallery of Singapore.
                                                                             The National Stadium story stretches back to
                                                                           June 1963, when Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew

                                         Singapore Pools, through Tote
                                         Board, contributed $432 million
                                         to rebuild the former Supreme
                                         Court and City Hall into
                                         National Gallery Singapore.
54                                                                                                                                                                      FOR COMMUNITY PURPOSE AND BENEFIT
     FOR COMMUNITY PURPOSE AND BENEFIT                                                                                                                                                                      55

                                                                                                  Choon Hui adds: “Behind the scene of this
                                                                                              process, Singapore Pools played a big social role
                                                                                              to bring this to reality.”
                                                                                                 The company also gave $400,000 in grants to
                                                                                              Singapore Sports Council (now known as Sport
                                                                                              Singapore) when it started operations in 1971 to
                                                                                              help raise the standard of local sports.
                                                                                                 That was the shot in the arm the sports
                                                                                              fraternity needed.
                                                                                                 Singapore hosted the seventh South East
                                                                                              Asia Peninsula (SEAP) Games for the first time
                                                                                              from 1 to 8 September 1973, two months after
                                                                                              National Stadium was officially opened.
                                                                                                 Proud of what was the most modern sporting
                                                                                              facility in the region, Singapore athletes gave
                                                                                              their best performance since the first SEAP
                                         said the government was committed to building        Games in 1959. They raked in a record haul of
                                         it to give sports a leg up. And apart from raising   140 medals, including 45 gold.
                                         a robust and rugged society, there was another          But there was one big-ticket item left on
                                         reason sports was given a lot of attention: Since    Singapore Pools’ plate to round off what the
                                         taking charge in 1959, PM Lee and his team           sports fraternity was in dire need of: Singapore
                                         saw it as a catalyst to unify a nation made up of    Indoor Stadium. In December 1989, the
                                         diverse races of immigrant stock.                    12,000-seater arena opened. Its cost of $90
                                            So they embarked on a Sports For All              million was shared equally between Singapore
                                         programme.                                           Pools and Singapore Turf Club.
                                            Facilities such as stadiums were therefore           Singapore’s sports scene continued to get
                                         needed to help various sports train capable          exciting.
                                         men and women to compete at international               When Fandi Ahmad in 1994 lifted the              Singapore Pools started funding
                                         championships in the region and Asia.                Malaysia Cup after the Lions thrashed Pahang        S-League in 1996.

                                                                                              4-0 at Shah Alam Stadium in Selangor to win         Left
                                                                                              the competition after a 13-year drought, his        Joseph Schooling won Singapore’s
                                              “In order for Sports For All                    compatriots back home were delirious with pride
                                                                                                                                                  first Olympic gold in 2016.

                                             to work, we needed not only                      and joy.
                                                a national stadium, but                          When the national football team won the
                                                                                              Asean Football Federation Championship in
                                           smaller ones and other facilities                  1988 and thrice more between 2004 and 2012,
                                            such as swimming pools closer                     Singapore stood tall.
                                              to people in satellite towns                       And when 100m fly swimmer Joseph
                                                                                              Schooling won the country’s first Olympic gold
                                                 all over the country.”                       in 2016, it dawned on Singaporeans that nothing
                                                   KOH CHOON HUI, CHAIRMAN                    is impossible.

 “One of my favourite proverbs is ‘it’s better
 to light a candle than to curse the darkness’.”

    Singapore Pools has never broken faith            swim in the 2016 edition.
 with sports, and also recognises how football,         But it is not only able-bodied athletes whom
 arguably the nation’s favourite game, can bring      Singapore Pools is helping in their attempt
 people together. And in line with its support for    to mount the summit of their sports. The
 sports development and excellence, Singapore         company’s contributions to Community Chest
 Pools started funding the S-League, Singapore’s      also helps athletes with disabilities such as
 first professional football competition, in 1996.    Gregory Ong.
    Sports gives the multicultural, multi-religious     The 18-year-old was diagnosed with cerebral
 and multi-ethnic community a sense of national       palsy as a child and the condition affects his
 pride when its athletes excel in international       limbs’ movements, especially his legs, and causes
 competitions.                                        him to speak with a slur. But that doesn’t stop
    As East Coast GRC Member of Parliament            him from dreaming of competing as a hand-
 Jessica Tan said in 2013, “Sports can be a           cyclist at the Paralympics some day.
 unifying platform and creates an environment
 for people to come together, especially when we      REACH FOR THE STARS
 rally around our athletes at competitive games.”     “One of my favourite proverbs is ‘it’s better
    But Sports For All alone could not produce        to light a candle than to curse the darkness’,”
 athletes to achieve all these. There had to be       he says. “I am giving my best to study hard,
 excellence in grooming and training them.            exercise, do my physiotherapy and hydrotherapy,
    In 1993, Singapore Pools answered the sports      and train for the hand-cycling competitions.
 fraternity’s call for support with a $4 million      I will not give up my dream of representing
 grant for a sports excellence programme, Spex        Singapore at the Paralympics one day.”
 2000, with the government matching dollar for          Helping the disadvantaged is a focus
 dollar. Another $500 million was injected into       in Singapore Pools’ partnership with the
 the programme seven years later.                     community.
    The Spex 2000 has produced great                    In 1969, the company stepped up and helped
 achievements, among them the national table          farmers affected by a flood. It also pumped         Gregory Ong dreams
                                                                                                                of representing
 tennis silver- and bronze-medal performances in      $250,000 into the building of the headquarters          Singapore at the
 the 2008 and 2012 Olympics, and Joseph’s gold        of Singapore Council of Social Service (SCSS        Paralympics one day.
58                                                                                                                                        FOR COMMUNITY PURPOSE AND BENEFIT
     FOR COMMUNITY PURPOSE AND BENEFIT                                                                                                                                        59

                                         was restructured as National Council of Social           Lions Befrienders is a social service
                                         Service in 1992).                                     organisation that receives financial aid from
                                           SCSS in 1983 started Community Chest to             Community Chest.
                                         help free charity organisations from canvassing          “I was plagued with constant worry about
                                         for financial help to enable them to focus on         my limited finances and frail health,” says the
                                         providing critical services to the less privileged.   88-year-old. “The Lions Befrienders reached out,
                                           Singapore Pools’ relationship with                  comforted and helped me, and also accompanied
                                         Community Chest began the following year with         me to the doctor when I was sick.”
                                         a $50,000 sponsorship. The bond blossomed in             Tee Poh Huat is another senior living alone.
                                         1987 when Singapore Pools gave Community              The divorcé suffered two bouts of cancer that left
                                         Chest $400,000 to promote its Social Help and         him with only a third of his tongue in 1988 and
 Above, from left
 Tee Poh Huat and                        Assistance Raised by Employees (SHARE)                without a voice box in 2005.
 Heng Choon Teck.
                                         scheme.                                                  “When I was ill, the Lions Befrienders’ care
 Right                                     The money was used for Community Chest’s            and friendship helped motivate me to stay strong
 Singapore Pools’
 relationship with
                                         public education programme on how donations           and live life to the fullest,” says the 65-year-old.
 Community Chest                         helped the less fortunate. That same year,            “I am very grateful to them.”
 began in 1984.
 The money raised                        Singapore Pools’ staff began to pledge part of
                                                                                                   Singapore Pools’ financial
 for the charity                         their monthly salary to SHARE.
 organisation has
 helped individuals who                    In 1997, on top of its contributions, Singapore
 are facing difficulties.
                                         Pools began supporting Community Chest’s                 contributions have allowed
                                         operational costs with an initial $2 million           Community Chest to support 80
                                         subsidy. Three years later, the company started        charities in Singapore including
                                         contributing to President’s Challenge as well.
                                           All the money raised for charity has helped           more than 50 Family Service
                                         countless individuals such as Heng Choon Teck.         Centres (FSCs), which have been
                                         Recovering from colorectal cancer 10 years ago,        helping various groups of people
                                         the bachelor felt hapless. But that was before he
                                         met the Lions Befrienders volunteers.                              since 1977.
60                                                                                                              FOR COMMUNITY PURPOSE AND BENEFIT
     FOR COMMUNITY PURPOSE AND BENEFIT                                                                                                              61

    But it’s not always money that’s needed.          great effort was recognised with President’s
 Suzana Abdul Rahim and her family fell on hard       Pinnacle Award in 2015.
 times. Her husband had lost his job, and with          Tote Board and Singapore Pools have been
 four children aged between five months and six       supporting President’s Challenge since its
 years, she wanted to support her family.             inauguration in 2000, by funding most of its
    Social workers at Cheng San FSC learnt that       operating expenses so that every dollar raised
 Suzana loved to bake and linked her with Bakery      goes to President’s Challenge beneficiaries.
 Hearts, which teaches women from low-income
 families how to make and sell cakes and pastries.       “Many of our employees joined
 The 27-year-old says: “With the skills I have now,
 I can face the future with confidence.”                the company because they knew
    For its contributions to Community Chest,             we were doing this to help the
 Singapore Pools in 2003 received the inaugural                   community.”
 Pinnacle Award.
                                                            JANET SEOW, SENIOR DIRECTOR OF
    The company has also been receiving the               TRANSFORMATION PROGRAMME OFFICE
 SHARE Corporate Platinum Award since 1987
 for pledging part of their staff salary to the
 charity fund.                                          When the city-state was hit with the severe
    Other honours awarded to Singapore Pools          acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS, outbreak
 include Community Chest Special Events Gold          in 2003 and claimed 33 lives, Singapore Pools
 Award in 2014 for River With A Heart, which          swung into action.
 raised more than $400,000. For a decade from           It organised a Free Singapore from SARS
 2007, Singapore Pools raised more than $6.9          sweep draw, offering a top prize of $1 million,
 million dollars for President’s Challenge. The       to raise money to help fight the disease and help

                                                                                    Suzana Abdul Rahim
                                                                                    with her daughter.

                                                                                    Facing page
                                                                                    President Halimah
                                                                                    Yacob during the cheque
                                                                                    presentation ceremony
                                                                                    for President’s Challenge
                                                                                    Charity 2017.
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