CONSTRUCTION ECONOMIST SPRING 2015 - construction industry - CIQS

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CONSTRUCTION ECONOMIST SPRING 2015 - construction industry - CIQS
                                                                                  SPRING 2015

              The Journal of the Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors
              Le Journal de l’Institut canadien des économistes en construction

               Breaking the
               GENDER BARRIER

PM 40065075

CONSTRUCTION ECONOMIST SPRING 2015 - construction industry - CIQS
Check out the new CIQS Videos!

                                                                                                                            WHAT IS A                                                                                                                WHY YOU SHOULD
                                                                                                                        QUANTITY SURVEYOR?                                                                                                      BECOME A QUANTITY SURVEYOR.
                                                                                                                        what-is-a-quantity-surveyor                                                                                          why-should-you-become-a-quantity-surveyor

                                                                                             CIQS announces the publication of Smart
                                                                                             Economics in the Development of Real Estate
                                                                                             By Jim Cuthbert, PQS(F)

                                                                                                                                                                              “Smart Economics in the Development of Real Estate” has a unique question-and-answer
                                                                                                                                                                              format, which is both explicit and rational, and demonstrates how to “crunch the numbers”
                                                                                                                                                                              on Development Projects. Fifteen case studies, all based on actual developments, cover
                                         Smart Economics in the Development of Real Estate

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             etatsE laeR fo tnempoleveD eht ni scimonocE tramS

 mics                                                                                                                                                                         residential projects, both for sales and for  scirent,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     cE tramS projects, and residential
 ment                                                                                                                                                                         sub-division site servicing. Also covered aretneBuild
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      veD ehtLease
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ni     Studies, and Life Cycle
 ate                                                                                                                                                                                                                          etatsfor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    E laboth
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         eR foFeasibility and Market Studies.
                                                                                             Smart Economics in                                                                     ni scimonocE tramS
                                                                                                                                                                              Costing  applications,  as well as the methodology                                                                                              ) 643WUHEKWX&PL-\%

                                                                                                                                                                              The case study on the Monitoring of Real Estate Loans explains valuation on a “cost to
                                                                                             the Development of                                                                     fo tnempoleveD eht
                                                                                                                                                                              complete” basis, insisted on by all lenders, very different from the valuation on a “work
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    VHWDUWVQRPHG GQD ODQRLWDU GQD WLFLOS[H KWRE VL KFLKZ WDPURI UHZVQD GQD

                                                                                             Real Estate                                                                                       etplace”
                                                                                                                                                                                                  atsE basis
                                                                                                                                                                                                          laeRexpected by contractors. A simple Reserve Fund Study for
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                                                                                                                                                                              done” or “work in                                                                                                     VQRLWDFLOSSDJQLWVR&HOF\&HIL/GQDVHLGXW6HVDH/VXVUHYGOLX%HUDGHUHYRF

                                                                                                                                                                              a small Alberta condominium, rounds out the case studies. A comprehensive glossary
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 LVSURYLGHGLQDGGLWLRQ                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          QRLWLGGDQLGHGLYRUSVLVPUHWHWDWVHODHUIR\ UDVVROJHYLVQHKHUSPRF$VHLGXWV
                                                                                                                                                                              of real estate terms is provided, in addition to time and money calculations from basic                               HUXWXI HJDJWURP GQD HDOXPURI FLVDE PRUI VQRLWDOXFODF \HQRP GQD HPLW RW
                                                                                                                                                                              formulae, and mortgage, future value, and present value tables. Real estate students                                  WQHPSROHYHGHWDWVHODHUKWLZGHWDLFRVVDHVRKWGQDVODQRLVVHIRUSHWDWVHODHU

CONSTRUCTION ECONOMIST SPRING 2015 - construction industry - CIQS
                                                                                                                                                                                                   SPRING 2015

The mission of CIQS is to promote and
advance professional quantity surveying and
construction estimating; to establish and
maintain national standards; to recruit,                                                                     The Journal of the Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors
educate and support our members.                                                                             Le Journal de l’Institut canadien des économistes en construction

Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors
90 Nolan Court, Unit 19, Markham, ON L3R 4L9
t. 905/477.0008 f. 905/477.6774                                                                                 Features
toll free. +1 866/345.1168
                                                                                                                 CIQS welcomes new staff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8

                                                                                                                   Breaking the gender barrier in the construction industry .  10
Executive Director
Lois Metcalfe. ........................... . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................. . . . . . .
                                                                                                                     CIQS ally Wayne Hand’s new appointment. . . . . . . . . .  13
Send Change of Address to:
Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors
90 Nolan Court, Unit 19, Markham, Ontario L3R 4L9
                                                                                                                       CIQS strategic plan and governance structure . . . . . . .  14
CIQS Board
                                                                                                                         Construction schedules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
Dave Burns, PQS
Vice Chair:                                                                                                               CIQS Frank Helyar and
Craig Bye, PQS
Past Chair:                                                                                                               Buster Vermeulen Memorial Awards . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
Mark Gardin, PQS(F)
Secretary/Treasurer and CIQS
– British Columbia Rep:
                                                                                                                             Construction Cost Trends. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
Matt Weber, PQS
Registrar and CIQS – Prairies and NWT Rep:
Michael Bernier, PQS
CIQS - Maritimes Rep:
David Dooks, PQS
CIQS - Newfoundland and Labrador Rep:
Roy Lewis, PQS(F)
CIQS - Ontario Rep:
Patrick Cantin, PQS
Education Administrator:
David Lai, PQS(F)

Statements of fact and opinion expressed are those of
the authors and CIQS assumes no responsibility for the
content, nor do they represent official policy of CIQS.                                           Departments
                                                                                                  Chair’s Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
Published four times a year on behalf of the
Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors by

                                                                                                  Executive Director’s Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
                                                                                                  Education Updates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
Third Floor - 2020 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3J 0K4                                                                        Editor’s Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
Tel: 866-985-9780 Fax: 866-985-9799                                                                      CPD Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Managing Editor. ........................ . . . Chris Kelman                                      Cover photos: 1 - Natalie Alexander, PQS; 2 - Susan Neil, PQS.
Art Design/Production. ............. . . . . . Kristy Unrau
Advertising Coordinator...... Stefanie Hagidiakow
Marketing Manager. .................. . . . . . . . . . Jeff Kutny                                  OUR CONCERN FOR THE 866-985-9789                                                                         ENVIRONMENT IS MORE THAN JUST TALK
                                                                                                    This document is printed on paper certified to the standards
                                                                                                    of the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®).
Publication Mails Agreement #40065075
Send undeliverable addresses to:
CONSTRUCTION ECONOMIST SPRING 2015 - construction industry - CIQS
Chair’s Message

 CIQS at the international level                                                                                    Dave Burns, PQS

       was recently asked by one of our          France Switzerland, Italy, etc.), but      and that of their individual members.
       Designation Holders about CIQS’s          also includes the participation of CIQS    The ICEC is a non-profit organization of
       international exposure and the groups     from Canada (the only non-European         international character the objectives
       with which we participate overseas.       country in the group) to assist in         of which are to encourage, promote
  Specifically, clarifications were sought       establishing their common standards.       and develop the science and art of
  as to how well the professionals within        CIQS has participated for a number of      cost engineering, quantity surveying
  our organization are represented outside       years with the CEEC forming policies,      and project management (collectively
  Canada and what benefits our involve-          developing common standards and            referred to as the cost management
  ment with these foreign groups bring.          forging alliances to promote the           profession), for the public, worldwide.
     I thought that these were excellent         profession of quantity surveying.            Internationally, Canada’s quantity
  questions and that it would be prudent                                                    surveyors are well represented within
  to share and explain our various                   Canada’s quantity                      these world professional bodies through
  involvements to our Designation Holders,                                                  the CIQS’s participation as active
  to help CIQS members form a better                 surveyors are                          members. Not only does the CIQS have
  understanding; and that our affiliations           well represented                       a voice in these world congresses,
  abroad could be better known.                                                             but Canadian quantity surveyors
     CIQS participates as a member primarily         within these world                     are also well respected by the other
  on three international organizations
  which share common interests to our
                                                     professional                           member countries through our years
                                                                                            of consistent participation and known
  own, specifically related to the profession        bodies.                                delivery history. We also hosted a
  of quantity surveying. Typically, it is                                                   PAQS conference in 2008 (Edmonton)
  members from our Executive council                To the west, CIQS is a key par-         and are now planning for a future
  and our elected Education Director who         ticipant of the Pacific Association of     event in Vancouver. It is the CIQS’s
  volunteer to represent us at international     Quantity Surveyors (PAQS). PAQS            participation within these international
  forums including the ICEC, CEEC and            conferences serve primarily the            groups that allows us to share a seat at
  PAQS. In addition, CIQS has also               Quantity Surveyor groups along the         the table where the important decisions
  established a number of direct reciprocity     Pacific Rim, including member coun-        that affect the future of our profession
  agreements with other foreign professional     tries such as China, Japan, Australia,     are made.
  groups which acknowledge each other’s          Malaysia, Brunei and Singapore. With-        Recently, a recuming theme among
  credentials. However, in the interest of       in this organization, Canada through       many of the global member affiliations
  brevity, I shall focus on just the three key   the CIQS has been a key participant.       has been to work towards developing a
  international groups mentioned.                In fact, at this year’s conference to be   standardized method of measurement
     Canada’s geographic position in             held in Yokohama, Japan, one of our        worldwide. Once a standard and
  the world has provided us with some            past CIQS Presidents, Ian Duncan,          consensus is achieved, this international
  accommodation with our participation           will take over the group’s leadership      format could be used by world insurance
  levels, since we are nestled between           as the next President of PAQS.             companies, banks and corporations to
  both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.             Finally, there is the International     access comparable relevant cost data,
  To the east across the Atlantic Ocean,         Cost Engineering Council (ICEC). The       in an effort to promote and facilitate
  CIQS participates as part of the CEEC          ICEC Council was created with the          business from country to country.
  Board. The CEEC (Conseil European              objective of promoting cooperation         Currently a worldwide standardized
  Des Economistes De la Construction)            among national and multi-national          method of real estate measurement
  which serves the European Group of             cost engineering, quantity surveying       does not exist.
  Quantity Surveyors comprises most of           and project management organizations
  the European countries (Great Britain,         worldwide for their mutual well-being                         Continued on page 7.

CONSTRUCTION ECONOMIST SPRING 2015 - construction industry - CIQS
Message du Président du Conseil

L’ICÉC au niveau international

              n détenteur de désignation m’a      européen qui participe à ce conseil               Sur le plan international, les économistes en
             récemment questionné à propos        et qui participe à l’établissement des         construction du Canada sont bien représentés
             de la visibilité internationale de   normes communes. L’ICÉC participe              auprès de ces entités professionnelles grâce à
             l’ICÉC et les groupes à l’étranger   depuis plusieurs années au CEEC                la participation active de l’ICÉC. Non seulement
auxquels nous participons. Un certain nom-        afin d’élaborer des politiques, le             l’ICÉC a la possibilité de s’exprimer lors de con-
bre de clarifications ont été demandées afin      développement des normes communes              grès mondiaux, mais les économistes en con-
de déterminer à quel point les professionnels     et des alliances visant à promouvoir la        struction du Canada sont également reconnus
de notre organisation sont bien représentés       profession d’économiste en construction.       par les autres pays membres grâce à notre en-
à l’extérieur du Canada et quels sont les            À l’ouest, l’ICÉC est un acteur clé au      gagement assidu au fil du temps. Par le passé,
bénéfices découlant de notre implication au       sein de l’APEC, l’Association Pacifique        nous avons accueilli la conférence de l’APEC à
sein de ces groupes étrangers.                    des économistes en construction. Les           Edmonton en 2008 et nous envisageons ac-
   J’ai constaté que c’étaient d’excellentes      conférences de l’APEC servent princi-          tuellement un événement à Vancouver. C’est la
questions, et que le partage et l’explication     palement aux groupes d’économistes en          participation de l’ICÉC au sein de ces groupes
de nos engagements et de nos affiliations         construction présents dans le bassin du        internationaux qui nous permet de siéger à la
à l’étranger s’avèrent importants afin de         Pacifique, incluant les membres de pays        table où sont prises les décisions importantes
favoriser la compréhension de ceux-ci chez        tels que la Chine, le Japon, l’Australie,      se rapportant au futur de notre profession.
nos détenteurs de désignation.                    la Malaisie, le Brunei, et la Singapore.          Dernièrement, plusieurs membres affiliés à
   L’ICÉC participe en tant que membre            Dans cette organisation, le Canada, par        l’international s’intéressaient au même thème;
principalement sur trois organisations inter-     l’entremise de l’ICÉC, a été un acteur         celui du développement de normes interna-
nationales qui partagent des intérêts com-        important. Il est important de mention-        tionales concernant la méthode de mesure.
muns, spécifiquement reliés à la profession       ner qu’un des anciens présidents de            Lorsqu’un standard et un consensus seront at-
d’économiste en construction. Générale-           l’ICÉC, Ian Duncan, prendra la relève          teints, cette formule internationale pourra être
ment, ce sont les membres de notre conseil        de ce groupe, il sera nommé président          utilisée par des compagnies d’assurances, des
et notre Directeur de l’éducation élu qui nous    de l’APEC lors de la conférence qui aura       banques et des associations à travers le monde
représentent lors des forums internationaux.      lieu cette année à Yokohama au Japon.          et ceux-ci auront accès à des données de coûts
Ceux-ci incluent l’ICEC, le CEEC et l’APEC.          Finalement, il y a l’ICEC (International    comparables, et ce, dans le but de promouvoir
De plus, l’ICÉC a élaboré des ententes de         Cost Engineering Council). Le Conseil de       et faciliter le commerce entre les pays.
réciprocités directes avec un certain nombre      l’ICEC a été formé avec l’objectif de pro-        Tout est sur le point de changer, car plus-
de groupes professionnels à l’étranger via        mouvoir la coopération entre les organi-       ieurs pays membres qui participent à l’ICEC,
une reconnaissance mutuelle des qualifica-        sations nationales et internationales de       l’APEC et le CEEC, envisagent de rencontrer
tions de chacun. Par souci de brièveté, je        contrôle technique des coûts de la con-        le FMI (Fonds monétaire international) et la
vais mettre l’accent sur les trois groupes        struction, de l’économie de la construc-       Banque mondiale à Washington, DC en juin
internationaux qui ont été mentionnés.            tion et de la gestion de projet à travers le   de cette année lors d’une réunion inaugurale
   La position géographique du Canada, soit       monde, afin de favoriser le bien-être de       de l’ICMS (International Construction Meas-
entre les océans Atlantique et Pacifique,         ces organisations et de leurs membres.         urement Standard Coalition). Il s’agit d’un
nous a permis de faciliter nos collaborations     L’ICEC est une organisation internation-       nouveau regroupement de collaborateurs dont
sur différents plans. À l’est et à travers        ale à but non lucratif dont les objectifs      la tâche est d’élaborer des normes internation-
l’océan Atlantique, l’ICÉC participe au           sont d’encourager, promouvoir et dével-        ales de mesures en construction, et ce, pour
conseil du CEEC (Conseil européen des             opper la science et l’art du contrôle          créer une référence mondiale traduisant les
économistes de la construction). Celle-ci         technique des coûts de la construction,        différentes méthodes de mesures existantes,
est majoritairement composée de pays              l’économie de la construction et la ges-       vers une formule commune, reconnue sur le
européens (Grande-Bretagne, France,               tion de projet (communément appelée la         plan international.
Suisse, Italie, etc.) mais inclut également       profession de la gestion des coûts), pour
l’ICÉC du Canada, le seul pays non                le public, à l’échelle internationale.                                      Suite à la page 7.

                                                                                     Spring 2015 | | CONSTRUCTION ECONOMIST | 5
CONSTRUCTION ECONOMIST SPRING 2015 - construction industry - CIQS
Executive Director’s Message

  Member versus Designation
  Holder – what does it all mean?                                                                                           Lois Metcalfe

            ollowing the approval of the      • Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors –      Designation Holders includes all
            new CIQS By-laws under the           British Columbia and Yukon (CIQS – BC)       membership categories of CIQS.
            new Canada Not-for-Profit         • Canadian Institute of Quantity                A Designation Holder could be a:
            Corporations Act at the Annual       Surveyors – Prairies and Northwest              o Professional Quantity Surveyor
  General Meeting in 2013, the structure         Territories (CIQS – Prairies)                   o Professional Quantity Surveyor (Fellow)
  and governance of CIQS has changed.         • Canadian Institute of Quantity                   o Construction Estimator Certified
  You will now see references to Mem-            Surveyors – Ontario (CIQS – Ontario)            o Associate
  bers of CIQS and CIQS Designation           • Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors –       o Student
  Holders in our communications. I have          Maritimes (CIQS – Maritimes)                 In short, Designation Holders are individual
  been asked to explain the difference        • Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors –    people, where as Members and Affiliated
  between a CIQS Member and a CIQS               Newfoundland and Labrador (CIQS – NL)        Associations are groups of people. For
  Designation Holder.                         Each Affiliated Association has a repre-        further information on our new governance
    Members of the Canadian Institute         sentative on the CIQS National Board.           structure please refer to the article ‘CIQS
  of Quantity Surveyors are the                 Designation Holders are members of the,       strategic plan and governance structure’ on
  Affiliated Associations.                    Affiliated Associations, i.e. CIQS – Ontario.   page 14 of this issue.

  Education Updates

  New educational
  initiatives in early stages                                                                                          David Lai, PQS (F)

 P            erhaps by now you are
              aware that as of April 1,
              2015, all membership
              applications will be
  assessed centrally by CIQS and no
  longer by each Affiliated Association.
                                                College, Southern Alberta Institute
                                                of Technology (SAIT) and Niagara
                                                College. We are hoping that these new
                                                initiatives will result in more accredited
                                                programs available for our current and
                                                future members.
                                                                                                Based on the results of the May 2014
                                                                                              and November 2014 examinations, the
                                                                                              CIQS annual awards for 2014 are:
                                                                                              • The Frank Helyar Memorial Award for the
                                                                                                highest mark (above 75%) in Subject #
                                                                                                302 Measurement of Construction Works
  Assessments will be made by a national          The examination results for the               – Practical Exam is Mr. Andrew Maxwell
  membership committee chaired by the           November 2014 examination session               from CIQS – Prairies and NWT, and
  CIQS Education Administrator. This will       are 76% pass, 24% fail and 14 cancel-         • The Buster Vermeulen Memorial
  ensure that all applications are assessed     lations. When combined with the May             Award for the highest mark
  uniformly and consistently.                   2014 examination results, the overall           (above 75%) in Subject # 308
    New educational initiatives are             result for 2014 is 79% pass, 21% fail           Cost Planning is Mr. Cameron Pole
  in the early stages with Red River            and 18 cancellations.                           from CIQS – Prairies and NWT.

CONSTRUCTION ECONOMIST SPRING 2015 - construction industry - CIQS
CIQS announces new Editor for next issue
                        The CIQS Board of Directors is pleased to announce the appointment of Arif Ghaffur, BSc (Hons), PQS,
                        MCIArb, FRICS, as Editor of the Construction Economist. Arif is the Founder and President of Lakeland
                        Consulting Inc. providing commercial management services with a focus on business improvement,
                        contracts management and dispute resolution services. Arif will assume his responsibilities as Editor with
                        the Summer 2015 issue of the Construction Economist. You may reach Arif at
Arif Ghaffur, PQS

Continued from page 4                          Suite de la page 5

   This is now all about to change                 Le plus intéressant à cet égard est       nos membres à ces événements
as various member countries who                 que les détenteurs de désignation            internationaux. J’encouragerais nos
participate within the ICEC, PAQS and           de l’ICÉC sont bien servis dans le           détenteurs de désignation à tirer
CEEC are all planning to meet with the          développement de ces nouvelles               avantage des différentes opportunités
International Money Fund and World              normes mondiales, puisque l’ICÉC             qui se présentent lors de vos présences
Bank in Washington DC in June of                participe à titre de membre fondateur        aux conférences professionnelles à
this year to host the inaugural meeting         du nouveau comité ICMS. Nous aurons          l’étranger. Je vous rappelle également
of the International Construction               l’opportunité de faire connaître nos         que l’ICÉC offre un programme qui
Measurement Standard Coalition                  intérêts dans le développement de ces        subventionne une portion des coûts de
(ICMS), a new body of collaborating             nouvelles normes.                            participation aux conférences de l’APEC
groups tasked to devise International              En conclusion, je voudrais souligner      pour les détenteurs de désignation qui
Construction Measurement Standards              que nos réussites internationales,           souhaiterait y assister. N’hésitez pas à
to assemble a global benchmark                  jusqu’à présent, sont le résultat du         communiquer avec le siège social si vous
standard for translating the various            volontariat et de la participation de        êtes intéressés.
international measurement methods
into a common, internationally
recognizable format.
   The exciting part is that CIQS
Designation Holders’ interests are well
                                                     AN UNDERSTANDING
served in the development of these
new world standards, as the CIQS is                  OF DEVELOPMENT
participating as a founding member
of the new ICMS committee and will                   IN BC LIKE NO OTHER
voice our interests in developing this
new standard.                                        We help our clients get the most from their investments — because we know
   In closing, I would like to impress               investment can pay off. We use the same principle in our own philosophy,
upon our Designation Holders that                    investing heavily in the right people, equipment, and software to deliver the
our successes internationally, thus                  best service possible. But what really sets us apart is our in-depth knowledge
far, have largely been the result of the             of real estate development in British Columbia. Our focus has allowed us to
volunteerism and participation by our                gain unparalleled knowledge of our region — and our clients know it.
membership at these international
events. I would encourage any of our                  HAVE YOU GOT WHAT IT TAKES?
Designation Holders to take advantage                 We are currently accepting applications from qualified individuals at
of the opportunities presented                        senior and intermediate level with experience in cost planning and loan
through attending these professional                  monitoring. Send your resume and cover letter to:
conferences abroad and remind you
that CIQS also has an established
                                                                                    ConEcon Consultants Inc.
program which subsidizes a portion
                                                                                    Suite 201, 7857 - 6th Street,
of the attendance costs at PAQS
                                                                                    Burnaby, BC V3N 3N4
conferences for any Designation Holder
                                                                                    Tel: 604.522.8970
who may wish to attend. Please feel
free to contact our main office if this is          COST MANAGEMENT •       LOAN MONITORING      • PROJECT MANAGEMENT SUPPORT
something that interests you.

                                                                                Spring 2015 | | CONSTRUCTION ECONOMIST | 7
CONSTRUCTION ECONOMIST SPRING 2015 - construction industry - CIQS
CIQS welcomes new staff
  L’ICÉC accueil de nouveaux employés
  By/Par Lois Metcalfe, Executive Director/Directrice Exécutive

  Please join me in welcoming two new CIQS staff members.
  Joignez-vous a moi pour souhaiter la bienvenue à deux nouveaux employés de l’ICÉC.
                               Aliya Karim is our new                  In accordance with the CIQS strategic plan, commencing
                               Administrative Assistant replacing      April 1st this year, CIQS will now be looking after all aspects
                               Ishrat Alidina, who retired at the      of membership including assessments of diaries.
                               end of December 2014. Aliya holds
                               a degree from the University of         Conformément au plan stratégique de l’ICÉC, commençant le
                               Ottawa and has experience working       1er Avril de cette année, l’ICÉC s’occupera désormais de tous les
                               for various non-profit associations.    aspects de l’adhésion, incluant l’évaluations des registres tenus
                               As CIQS has centralized the             par les membres.
                               Designation Holder fee collection
                               and remittance process effective for                               Sophia Chin You has also joined
  the 2015/16 membership year, Aliya’s main responsibilities                                      our staff this month as the CIQS
  will be processing invoices and renewals for all Designation                                    Membership Coordinator. Sophia
  Holders. In addition, Aliya will be looking after front office                                  graduated from York University and
  reception, fulfilling book orders, exam registration and                                        was recently employed with Turner
  assisting Designation Holders with inquiries.                                                   and Townsend in Canada. Sophia
                                                                                                  will be responsible for all aspects of
  Aliya Karim est notre nouvelle Adjointe Administrative qui                                      Designation Holder’s memberships
  prend la relève de Ishrat Alidina, qui a pris sa retraite à la fin                              including applications, assessments,
  Décembre. Aliya est diplômée de l’Université d’Ottawa et a                                      diaries, etc. She will be working
  déjà travaillée pour diverses associations à but non lucratif.       closely with the CIQS National Membership Committee.
  Puisque l’ICÉC a centralisé la collecte des frais d’adhésion
  auprès des détenteurs de désignation et le processus de              Sophia Chin You s’est joint à notre personnel ce mois-ci en tant
  transfert des fonds en vigueur pour la période d’adhésion            que coordonnatrice des membres de l’ICÉC. Sophia est diplômée
  2015/16, la tâche principale d’Aliya sera le traitement des          de l’Université York et a sept ans d’expérience dans le secteur
  factures et des renouvellements pour tous les détenteurs             de la consultation des coûts. Sophia sera responsable de tous
  de désignation. De plus, Aliya s’occupera de l’accueil à la          les aspects de l’adhésion pour les détenteurs de désignation,
  réception du bureau, du traitement des commandes de                  incluant l’évaluation de nouvelles applications, le suivi des
  livres, de l’inscription aux examens et de fournir un soutien        registres, etc... Elle travaillera en étroite collaboration avec le
  aux membres.                                                         Comité national des membres de l’ICÉC.

    You may reach Aliya at;                           Sophia may be reached at;
    905-477-0008; toll free 1-866-345-1168.                              905-477-0008; toll free 1-866-345-1168.

    Vous pouvez joindre Aliya à l’adresse;            Vous pouvez contacter Sophia à l’adresse;
    ou au (905) 477-0008, sans-frais 1-866-345-1168.                     ou au (905) 477-0008; sans-frais 1-866-345-1168.

CONSTRUCTION ECONOMIST SPRING 2015 - construction industry - CIQS
In addition to our two new staff       As well, CIQS also retains a part-time Bookkeeper,
                           members, CIQS is fortunate to          Debbie Papadopoulos.
                           have Patrice Beaulieu on board
                           as our Web Administrator. Patrice      De même, l’ICÉC retient également les services d’un comptable à
                           is responsible for keeping the         temps partiel, Debbie Papadopoulos.
                           CIQS English and French website
                           current, solving any technical                                    I continue to serve you as your
                           issues, training staff, new website                               CIQS Executive Director until my
                           modules, etc.                                                     imminent retirement at the 2016
                                                                                             CIQS Congress.
Outre les deux nouveaux membres de notre personnel, l’ICÉC
a le privilège d’avoir Patrice Beaulieu dans son équipe à titre                              Je continue à vous servir en tant que
d’Administrateur Web. Patrice est responsable de la mise à jour                              Directrice Exécutive de l’ICÉC jusqu’à
continue du site anglais et français de l’ICÉC, de résoudre les                              ma retraite imminente au Congrès
problèmes techniques, la formation du personnel, des nouveaux                                2016 de l’ICÉC.
modules Web, etc.

                                                                    I may be reached at; 905-477-0008;
  Patrice may be reached at                      toll free 1-866-345-1168.

                                                                    Vous pouvez me joindre à l’adresse; ou au
  Vous pouvez joindre Patrice à l’adresse        (905) 477-0008; sans frais 1-866-345-1168.

                                                                           Spring 2015 | | CONSTRUCTION ECONOMIST | 9
CONSTRUCTION ECONOMIST SPRING 2015 - construction industry - CIQS
Breaking the
                                              GENDER BARRIER

                                              Two quantity surveyors from two           surveying – there is room for growth.
                                              generations take measure of being         In fact, with Baby Boomers retiring
                                              a woman in the profession.                and a sudden shortage of laborers and
                                                                                        professionals in construction, a female
                                              Construction is one of the most           talent pool may be one of the key
                                              male-dominated industries. According      sources for infill.
                                              to a Statistics Canada report, the          The Canadian Institute of Quantity
                                              percentage of women in ‘trades,           Surveyors has always welcomed
                                              transport and construction’ tripled       women and looks forward to their
                                              from 1987 to 2009. Of course, it          numbers continuing to grow in the
                                              went from only 2% to a still small        future. In tribute to that goal, we asked
                                              minority of 6%. While somewhat higher     Susan Neil, PQS and Natalie Alexander,
                                              in the professional trades – such as      PQS to speak about their experiences
                                              architecture, engineering, and quantity   in the industry.

Susan Neil, PQS is       that sector was wise because there is                               Natalie Alexander,
                     an Executive Vice        coincidentally a fair bit of female repre-                          PQS began her
                     President, part          sentation. These women were strong and                              career in quantity
                     owner, and Chairman      supportive and demonstrated that there                              surveying in 2007,
                     of the Board for         was a solid place for women in executive                            and now works
                     Hanscomb, a cost         positions. But this realization took time.                          as a Construction
                     consulting firm that     In fact, in my early days, I cut my hair                            Project Manager
                     has been in opera-       short so I would be taken seriously at                              with the newly-
tion for almost 60 years and has eight of-    meetings. When I was appointed to the          formed condo development department
fices in Canada. She has been a quantity      board, our CFO (a male) leaned over and        of Structural Group, where she manages
surveyor for 25 years with Hanscomb and       said, “Okay, we take you seriously now.        the construction team and several
gained her PQS designation in 2004.           You can grow your hair back.” And I did!       construction sub-trades. She earned
                                              He has been a great advocate for me over       her Professional Quantity Surveyor
How did you decide to                         the years. Looking back on my career, I        designation in 2010.
become a quantity surveyor?                   believe that as long as you stay true to
My mother was a working mom and she           yourself, enjoy what you are doing, work       Why did you pick quantity
encouraged me to take on a profession.        hard and are capable of carrying yourself      surveying as a career?
She saw me do well in school and that I       with confidence, eventually people will        Believe it or not, ever since I was eight
had potential in math and sciences. With      respect you no matter your gender.             years old I knew I wanted to be part
her encouragement, I first planned to go                                                     of the construction industry. I had an
into dentistry. But in my third year, as I    Were you able to find                          uncle at home who is a civil engineer
was completing my BSc, it dawned on me        a network of women?                            and I was very curious about his work.
that I did not want to look into people’s     There was support amongst women                Seeing him complete construction
mouths for the rest of my life! I loved to    when I started out, with whom you could        drawings on velum paper over his
draw, so someone suggested architecture.      exchange stories about being a minority.       drawing board (what is considered
As a young woman in high school,              I was fortunate that within our company,       today as ‘old school’) truly sparked my
this was a profession that had never          the former CFO was a woman. A turning          interest. When I saw him walking with
been brought to my attention in career        point for me in my career was when she         those blueprints in hand and wearing
counseling. I got accepted to Ryerson,        took me out for lunch and told me that         his white hat, I knew I wanted to do
and a year later switched my focus to         she saw me one day sitting on the firm’s       that. At eight years old I was not sure
project management. In my fourth year,        board. That was an empowering moment           what ‘that’ was, but I still knew I
I wrote my thesis on the topic of women       that has stayed with me throughout my          wanted to do it! As I became older, the
in construction. While the numbers were       career. And now that I am in that position,    interest remained and matured.
very low, the women that I spoke to loved     I have done the same thing with women
what they were doing and felt that the        junior to me. I think it is important to
male population was supportive – you just     encourage and motivate young women.
had to take that leap of faith and jump in.
Once you were there, it was not the fight     And what about within CIQS?
you thought it was going to be.               CIQS is fantastic for networking, and
                                              the women within CIQS are supportive
What was your first experience                of each other. The meetings are still
as a woman on the job?                        predominantly male, so reaching out to
When I began at Hanscomb, it was intim-       women is important. At a recent AGM,
idating. Aside from administrative staff, I   during a networking session I exchanged
was the only female QS in the office. As I    stories with a colleague who was
started developing into a senior QS, I was    pregnant and moving up at her company.           “Believe it or not, ever since
tasked specifically with growing the health   We work for competing firms, but there           I was eight years old I knew
care sector of our business. I pursued it     is camaraderie. Women need to know               I wanted to be part of the
aggressively and got access to meetings       that you can take on a career and have a         construction industry.”
with hospital boards and government           family. It is hard work trying to balance it
organizations. In retrospect, choosing        all but it can be extremely fulfilling.

                                                                               Spring 2015 | | CONSTRUCTION ECONOMIST | 11
Were people skeptical that a                   So I always welcome every experience               to specialize in. There are a lot of
  young woman would want to                      as an opportunity to grow. As difficult            opportunities for professionals to grow
  do that kind of work?                          and as disrespectful as some people                within CIQS if you reach out and become
  Yes, sometimes I did get the ‘Really? Are      may have been to me in the beginning,              more engaged. Over the past four years,
  you sure?’ questions. When I began my          I have grown to learn that construction            I have been a technical session presenter
  educational journey, I had first identified    has its own distinct culture that one must         twice at the AGM, and those papers
  architecture as my career goal and some        simply get to know and understand how              were both published in Construction
  people would say, ‘I see you more as           to navigate. I believe that is one of the          Economist. Another proud achievement
  an interior designer,’ trying to feminize      elements that have helped me succeed;              for me was being the first Canadian
  my interest. I immigrated to Canada            I now understand the culture.                      representative to be accepted to present
  from a small island – St. Lucia – where                                                           a technical research paper at the Pacific
  many people are not blessed with the           And has the reaction                               Association of Quantity Surveyors
  opportunities and means to chase               to you being there changed?                        (PAQS), which took place in Hong Kong
  after their dreams. But I had a certain        I have been working very hard in the               last year. And yes, I am still beaming
  determination and courage to follow my         industry for just over seven years now             with joy about this achievement!
  dreams. Today, I continue to defy the          so I have earned a lot of trust and
  expectations that others try to set for me.    respect from industry professionals and
                                                 colleagues. And to be honest, I do not
  Did you find being a                           really place any emphasis on my gender
  woman posed any challenges?                    or racial identity within my occupation.
  When I first started in the industry, I felt   I do not think it is my duty to bear any
  very welcomed even as a Junior Quantity        unnecessary burden by categorizing
  Surveyor at O’Keefe and Associates.            myself as an object to be placed in a
  I certainly felt no intimidation as a          box. So when I walk into a room, I walk
  woman. But that may have been due to           in with confidence as a qualified industry
  the fact that my first job was in a very       professional who has earned the right to
  corporate environment. Once I became           be there by my own merit.
  more involved in the hard construction
                                                                                                       “The Canadian Institute
  side of the projects – engaged with            How has CIQS supported your career?
                                                                                                       of Quantity Surveyors has
  managing the construction sites – project      The CIQS network has helped me in
  managers, project coordinators and sub         many ways. The institute’s educational
                                                                                                       always welcomed women
  contractors tried very hard to belittle and    repertoire is very solid. Because of                  and looks forward to their
  undermine me. It was most definitely a         this, I was able to focus on the areas,               numbers continuing to grow
  cultural shock! However, I have always         courses, seminars, and certifications                 in the future.”
  had a very positive outlook on life.           that were relevant to areas I wanted

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CIQS ally
new appointment
One of the team behind a successful
accreditation program out west moves up at BCIT

               ayne Hand, a great              diploma (ABT) program and then
               supporter of the quantity       complete the Bachelor of Technology in
               surveying profession            Construction Management are able to
               in Canada, has been             fulfill all of the educational requirements
appointed Dean of the British Columbia         towards a PQS designation. Three

Institute of Technology’s School of            estimating-specific modules created
Construction and the Environment.              in tandem with CIQS are part of that
Previously an Associate Dean of Building       curriculum. Furthermore, a year ago                His hard work and
Design and Construction Technology             Wayne was also involved in setting up              dedication helped
at the school for 15 years, in 2011,           a part-time offering – the Certificate in
Wayne successfully collaborated with           Construction Estimating – which fulfills
                                                                                                  grow this profession
the Canadian Institute of Quantity             the CIQS educational requirements                  and he has blazed a
Surveyors to create programming at BCIT        towards the CEC designation.                       trail for new quantity
that can earn students the educational           Since it’s implementation, the                   surveyors to be
credits required to earn PQS and CEC           accreditation has been an asset to
designations.                                  both BCIT and CIQS. “The agreement                 educated and become
   The process towards that accreditation      helped us attract instructors who were             professionals in an
agreement started in 2009 and was              qualified through CIQS, which has added            efficient manner.”
made official only two years later. Wayne      credibility to the program,” says Wayne,
says it all began when major players           adding that CIQS members are also
on BCIT’s Construction Management              active on BCIT’s advisory committee for       British Columbia – natural gas pipeline
Program Advisory Committee started             estimating courses. “We meet regularly        construction, the upcoming Site C
talking about the challenge of finding         to review our programming and talk            hydroelectric dam, and retiring Baby
estimators who had skills to assess            about the direction of the industry so we     Boomers will all fuel a demand for the
projects from the initial phases of a          can be thinking about future offerings.”      next generation of quantity surveyors.
project through to the end. “There had           Meanwhile, CIQS has been involved              “We are thrilled about Wayne’s
been a shift in the construction industry,”    in industry nights at BCIT, during which      new appointment,” said Matt Weber,
he explained. “Contractors were getting        students can engage in information            current president of CIQS-BC. “His
involved earlier and earlier with models       sessions to learn more about quantity         hard work and dedication helped grow
like P3 and Design Build and so they           surveying and how to break into the           this profession and he has blazed a
were putting pricing together at the           profession. Likewise, BCIT is always          trail for new quantity surveyors to be
conceptual stage.” Graduating more             exploring ways for its students to be a       educated and become professionals in
students with a PQS designation, he            part of events hosted by CIQS-BC.             an efficient manner.” The accreditation
quickly realized, could help fill that void.     According to Wayne, enrollment in           agreement with BCIT was the first
   Now, in 2015, students who complete         the new programs has been increasing          outside of Ontario, and Matt says he
the Economics options within the               each year. Also rising, he says, is the       anticipates more will follow suit in the
Architectural and Building Technology          need for cost consultant professionals in     coming years.

                                                                               Spring 2015 | | CONSTRUCTION ECONOMIST | 13
CIQS strategic plan
and governance structure

  THIS ARTICLE EXPLAINS, IN A VERY               Individuals should contact the CIQS         National Council table, in an attempt
  HIGH LEVEL, A BRIEF SUMMARY                  Membership Co-ordinator, Sophie Chin          to move to a structure that encourages
                                               You at with any           a national approach to decision
  OF THE CIQS STRATEGIC PLAN AND                                                             making as CIQS decisions typically
                                               requests regarding their specific file.
  REVIEWS THE CIQS GOVERNANCE                    If you have any general questions           have an impact across Canada (rather
  STRUCTURE WHICH HAS BEEN                     regarding this transition, please do          than an association of individual
                                               not hesitate to contact Lois Metcalfe,        members model where each individual
  SETUP TO ALIGN WITH THE                                                                    has one vote, which is a structure that
                                               Executive Director at
  OBJECTIVES OF OUR STRATEGIC                                                                could be easily manipulated to favour
  PLAN AND WHICH OPERATES FOR                 Change in law and strategic plan               the interests of Designation Holders in
                                              In 2009, the Government of Canada              territories with many members, over
  THE BENEFIT OF ALL DESIGNATION              adopted the Canada Not-for-Profit              territories with fewer members).
  HOLDERS ACROSS CANADA.                      Corporations Act and required all federal        This decision was not taken lightly
                                              non-share capital corporations (including      – it was made in conjunction with the
                                              CIQS) to transition to this new law by         decision to embrace a new strategic
                                              October 2014, or be dissolved.                 plan that is based on the core belief
                                                CIQS engaged legal counsel specializ-        that a coordinated, professional
   In accordance with the CIQS strategic
                                              ing in ‘Not for Profit’ corporate law to as-   and national approach to key CIQS
  plan to foster more consistency within
                                              sist in implementing the changes needed        activities will enhance the reputation
  our organization and strengthen our
                                              to ensure CIQS was not dissolved.              and credibility of all Designation
  standards, commencing April 1,
                                                 Upon reviewing the CIQS governance          Holders across Canada, and at the
  2015, CIQS (national) will oversee
                                              structure, legal counsel asked a               same time reduce administrative costs
  all membership matters including
                                              fundamental question: whether CIQS             for all Designation Holders across
  assessment of new applications, diary
                                              ought to be an association of affiliates       Canada. CIQS-Quebec participated
  reviews, etc. previously undertaken by
                                              (otherwise known as an association             throughout these discussions, and
  each Affiliate.
                                              of associations), or an association            agreed to the strategic plan and
     We are currently working with the
                                              of members.                                    governance changes, which were
  affiliates to transition these membership
                                                 After considerable discussions over         ratified by a unanimous vote at the
  activities to CIQS and the affiliates
                                              many months, the CIQS National Council         2013 AGM.
  are in the process of transferring the
                                              decided to become a true association             Our governance structure now
  information collected at the affiliate
                                              of affiliates, with each affiliate having      reflects this strategic plan, key aspects
  office to CIQS head office.
                                              one vote, and one nominee to the CIQS          of which we summarize below:

The Role of National Council, and                that is principles-based rather than             processes (including electing or removing
the Rights and Responsibilities                  prescriptive. Given the strategic plan and       their nominee from National Council).
of CIQS and each Affiliate                       the structure of National Council, areas            Designation Holders also continue to
National Council is the board of directors       of the relationship between CIQS and its         have a direct contractual connection
of CIQS, and its structure is embedded in        affiliates which are expected to evolve over     with CIQS through the licence to use
the CIQS by-laws.                                time are left to the discretion of National      their respective designations, which
  Each affiliate annually selects a nomi-        Council, the theory being National Council       is renewed annually. CIQS holds and
nee to serve on National Council through         is in the best position to collectively decide   maintains the legal right to the CEC and
whatever democratic, transparent and             what is in the best interest of Designation      PQS designations and permits the use
accountable process the affiliate deter-         Holders across Canada.                           of these designations by Designation
mines is appropriate in its jurisdiction.           One important example of this concept         Holders in good standing who follow the
  Each individual on National Council,           in action is the new National Standards.         National Standards.
as a director of CIQS, owes a fiduciary          National Standards are intended to be
duty to act in the best interest of CIQS         applied uniformly across Canada, so              Strategic Plan successes
when making decisions, which means               the public has confidence a Designation          While the transition to the new govern-
the decisions made by National Council           Holder in Quebec and a Designation               ance structure and processes has been
must always be made with a view to the           Holder in British Columbia have the              slow and admittedly not free from ‘glitch-
needs of CIQS as a whole, not simply             same competency and are governed by              es,’ CIQS has had several excellent suc-
what is in the interest of the directors’        the same rules. As National Standards            cesses and intends to stay true to execut-
own jurisdiction. Deliberately designing         need to evolve over time, National               ing the plan to ensure full implementation.
National Council so it is comprised of           Council has the discretion to approve              • We have moved to a single
one nominee from each territory allows           these changes, and directors have a legal                CIQS national brand, to reduce
for vigorous debate, cross-cutting               fiduciary duty to act in a prudent manner                confusion and strengthen
perspectives, and solid decisions that are       when making these decisions.                             brand-recognition and ensure
in the best interest of CIQS as a whole.            National Council also recognizes                      consistency.
National Council has broad authority over        that while a standard form applicable              • To further promote Designation
the activities and affairs of CIQS.              nationally is desirable, there are unique                Holders, CIQS has developed
  However, to provide long-term                  features of some jurisdictions that                      two videos on becoming a
certainty and stability to the governance        deserve a unique response. For instance,                 quantity surveyor and hiring
structure, and to be consistent with past        provincial laws are acknowledged to                      a quantity surveyor, to create
practice (CIQS and its affiliates currently      be an area where some customization                      more awareness of the value
have affiliate agreements in place – but         of the affiliate agreement may be                        of the PQS/CEC designations
these agreements are not consistent              warranted. CIQS has gone through many                    and of the quantity surveying
with the current governance model,               months of consultation with affiliates,                  profession generally.
therefore must be amended), National             and the current form of affiliation                • We have created a new modern
Council adopted a new form of affiliate          agreement reflects meaningful input                      website encompassing all affiliates
agreement that is intended to clearly            from various affiliates.                                 into a single source on the web. It
delineate the rights and responsibilities                                                                 showcases our brand and created
of CIQS from those of each affiliate.            The roles and responsibilities                           many efficiencies to benefit the
Concepts in the affiliate agreement              of Designation Holders                                   affiliates and Designation Holders,
include exclusive recognition by CIQS of         Prior to the Montreal AGM in 2013, in-                   including online Designation
the affiliate in its territorial jurisdiction,   dividual CIQS members were members                       Holder payment processing and
recognition by the affiliate of the role of      of CIQS national as well as members of                   records updates. When fully
National Council, the granting by CIQS to        their regional affiliate. Members could                  implemented this will significantly
each affiliate of a licence to use certain       attend affiliate AGMs and vote on mat-                   reduce administrative costs to
CIQS intellectual property, confirmation         ters, and if they wished to attend and                   Designation Holders.
of the flow of funds from Designation            vote at national AGMs, they could do               • We have adopted National
Holders to CIQS to affiliates, record            so. Following the Montreal AGM, the                      Standards and are in the process
keeping roles and responsibilities, and          affiliates became the only members of                    of implementing a new centralized
other matters.                                   CIQS. Designation Holders are no longer                  Designation Holder application
  These new affiliate agreements are             directly members of CIQS, they exercise                  assessment process to ensure
intended to be in place over a long-term,        their oversight function through partici-                consistency in assessing education
and therefore are drafted in a manner            pating in their local affiliate’s democratic             and experience qualifications,

                                                                                   Spring 2015 | | CONSTRUCTION ECONOMIST | 15
irrespective of the area of Canada                 application fees; will pay for        In closing
        in which the applicant resides.                    marketing materials production,       Although there has been a great deal of
    •   CIQS has centralized the                           printing and distribution to all      structural change at CIQS over the past
        Designation Holder fee collection                  of the affiliates, and will pay for   few years – not much has changed for
        and remittance process to                          all membership dues processing        the individual Designation Holder.
        ensure efficient and effective                     fees (i.e. Visa, American Express,      You are still able to attend your affiliate
        administration. Effective                          service fees etc.).                   AGM. You are still able to attend the
        2015/2016, CIQS will receive all           Overall, and in summary, CIQS is in-          national Congress, listen to the year
        payments from each designation             creasing its activities to ensure Designa-    in review, ask questions of National
        holder and pay the affiliates the          tion Holders receive good value for the       Council, and provide comments and
        difference between the total fees          money invested. A centralized back-office     feedback on matters of concern. Your
        collected from the Designation             administration system reduces duplica-        voice also continues to be heard through
        Holders. CIQS will also continue           tion, allows for economies of scale, and      your representative on National Council.
        to pay for all website hosting and         improves quality. Centralized processes         All the recent events and changes to
        domain costs, pay for and arrange          related to Designation Holder applica-        CIQS have been implemented through
        for all affiliate’s director’s liability   tions and renewals ensure national            a fair, democratic, transparent and
        insurance to achieve economies             consistency and enhanced reputation for       collaborative process, and the new
        of scale, hired additional                 all Designation Holders.                      CIQS governance model has proven to
        administration staff to handle the            We have not fully completed the            be effective and is working as intended.
        membership invoicing, renewals             implementation of our strategic plan, but     Every affiliate participates in discussion
        and membership assessments,                we are well on our way, and we hope           on matters of national importance and
        will complete all membership               all Designation Holders see the value in      has an equal vote. All decisions are
        assessments and collect all                these efforts and continue to support         truly being made in the best interest of
        membership assessment                      CIQS in these endeavours.                     Designation Holders across Canada.

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