Year 5 Spring Term 1 Home learning 18/01/2021 - Fairfields ...

Page created by Jimmie Santiago
Year 5 Spring Term 1 Home learning 18/01/2021 - Fairfields ...
Year 5

Spring Term 1
Home learning

Year 5 Spring Term 1 Home learning 18/01/2021 - Fairfields ...
Dear Parent / Carers

Mr Gallop and Miss Heath have put together a weekly ‘pack’ of learning activities that
coincides with the learning that the children will be doing in school. Below are some ideas
and links to follow at home. Our theme for the next few weeks will to be ‘World War 1’.

Please email the school at should you have any

To ensure that the children are motivated to complete as many of these suggested
activities as possible whilst at home – we would encourage them to email us, or drop off
into school (following social distancing guidelines) any work they would like to share with
us at the end of each week.

Thank You

Mr Gallop and Miss Heath

Suggested Timetable

 Day                English       – Maths         – Additional         Home Learning
                    Zoom            Zoom             Learning
 Monday             0940 - 1020     1045 - 1125      SPAG    1315   - Science
 Tuesday            0940 – 1020     1045 – 1125      X                 PE

 Wednesday          0940 – 1020     1045 - 1125      Reading 1315 - ILP – WWI
 Thursday           0940 – 1020     1045 – 1125      X                 PSHE/Art

 Friday             0940 – 1020     1045 - 1125      Assembly 1315- Reading/Spellings

Please feel free to deviate from this suggested timetable due to family or work

It only acts as a guide to when we will be conducting certain learning activities in
Year 5 Spring Term 1 Home learning 18/01/2021 - Fairfields ...
English – Writing

This week in English we will conclude our descriptive writing narrative based upon the
Alchemist’s Letter focussing on the final moments of the machine in action and Veridian’s

We will also be starting to construct our own, independent, creative writing piece based
upon the lenses and sentences stacking examples from the past few weeks.

You will have a choice to describe any of the four machines we have provided links for
below. Have a look at the machines first and see which one you would like to use in your
independent writing.

Please see the links below that will help you -

Animusic Pipe Dream –

Animusic Resonant Chamber -

Marble Machine 1 -

Marble Machine 2 -

The lenses that we have focussed upon during our Alchemists letter sentence stacking
have included -
Year 5 Spring Term 1 Home learning 18/01/2021 - Fairfields ...
Please see the end of this Home Learning Pack for additional resources that may
help you structure your own writing.


This week in Maths, we are continuing the topic of Y5 Fractions. We will be moving onto
‘multiplying fractions by an whole numbers’.

Below is a visual image that will help you to calculate any questions that you have to
answer during the week.

The Chilli Challenges for this topic can be found at the end of this document.

You will need nothing more than some paper and your writing materials to complete these
lessons. All questions will be shared on the screen during the Zoom lesson.

If you are finding multiplying fractions by a whole number a little challenging – have a
look at this YouTube clip to see if it helps!
Year 5 Spring Term 1 Home learning 18/01/2021 - Fairfields ...
English - Reading

In class we will be continuing to focus on the reading skill of prediction. In order
to predict, you need to look for all the clues in the text or picture, then link it to
your current knoweldge of the world and make a sensible guess about what will
happen. We have predicted from pictures and sentences, now we are going to
predict from longer pieces of texts.
SPaG – Prefixes dis-, de-, mis-, over- and re-

This week we will be looking at the prefixes ‘dis-, de-, mis-, over- and re-‘
Y5 - Spelling

This week’s spelling rule is slightly different!

We will be looking at ‘homophones’ of words that can become easily confused with one
another – for example ‘advise’ and ‘advice’.
Maths Fluency

Please continue to practice your times tables fluency using the following links -

   • All children within Fairfields Primary School have a log-
       in and are able to access all resources on either a laptop, or tablet device.
   •   Take a look at the following link -
       Each day there are four different levels of maths questions you can choose to do
       to challenge yourself with.

   •   We are thrilled to announce that Fairfields will be taking part in the TT Rockstars
       Big MK Battle from the 18th January until the 22nd January!
   •   All you need to do is log in and play to add to our school’s points! Let’s try and get
       as high up the leader board as we can!


Our PSHE topic this term is healthy eating and exercise. Please follow the link below,
watch the videos and complete the activities


Below are links to give you a variety of different ways to get active and exercise!

In addition to these links – you could also check out –

Super Movers

Description: videos which help children move while they learn. They support curriculum
subjects, including maths and English.


Description: videos delivered by teachers focussing on the PE curriculum which are
accessible on YouTube. These have been commissioned by the Association for Physical

Active at Home

Description: The ACTIVE AT HOME programme allows children, parents, friends and
family to look at some of our fun games that are used in school. You will have access to
our lesson plans, videos and diagrams to help you keep active when your children are not
at school.

Sportshall athletics at home

Description: The Home Pentathlon is a fun way for families to take part in adapted
Sportshall Athletics events within their home environment.
Year 5 and 6 – Topic

This week will be continuing our joint Year 5 and Year 6 ‘World War I’ topic. We will be
learning about one of the most famous and enduring moments of the war: the Christmas

Research Questions:

What is a “truce”?

Who was the Christmas Truce between?

When did the it happen?

Where did it happen?

Why did it happen?

What happened during the truce?

Was there another truce the following year? If not, why not?
Y5 and Y6 – Science – Properties and Changes of materials

   In our science lesson this week, we will be exploring whether materials are conductors
   or insulators. What do these terms mean? Use the websites below to write a definition
   of a conductor and an insulator! Remember conductors and insulators can be related to
   both heat or electricity.

   Heat and insulation - KS2 Science - BBC Bitesize

   insulators and conductors - Kids | Britannica Kids | Homework Help

   What are conductors and insulators? - BBC Bitesize

   Watch the lesson below for an in-depth lesson on conductors and insulators. This is a
   fantastic resource that explains what conductors and insulators are and investigates
   which materials are the best insulators and conductors. Do not worry if you do not
   understand the recap as we will explore this in later lessons! This investigation will be
   really helpful to explore electric conductor and insulators as we won’t be able to test at
   home. Create a prediction, method and complete the results table to check your
   understanding. There is also a quiz at the end to see what you remember about
   conductors and insulators!

   What are insulators and conductors? (

   For your home learning this week, we would like you to create your own experiment to
   explore conduction and insulation. Make sure you create a fair test by only changing one
   variable. For this experiment you will need ice cubes, 3 glasses, various materials (for
   example foil, paper, bubble wrap etc.) and optionally a thermometer. Cover each of your
   glasses with a different material. For example, you may cover one glass in foil and another
   glass in paper. You will then place an ice cube in each glass. After every 30 seconds, test
   the temperature of the ice, if you have a thermometer, and make a comment about what
   has happened. Record your comments in the table below. Watch the video below to see
   how to see how to create this experiment at home.

   RP 2 Thermal Insulation Material Practical - YouTube

Materi   Comment     Comment       Comment       Comment     Comment      Comment      Comment
al       and         and           and           and         and          and          and
         Temperat    Temperat      Temperat      Temperat    Temperat     Temperat     Temperat
         ure after   ure after 1   ure after 1   ure after   ure after    ure after    ure after
         30          minute        minute 30     2 minutes   2 minutes    3 minutes    5 minutes
         seconds                   seconds                   30
Alternatively, you could try this experiment with hot water to see how quickly the water
cools down. Please DO NOT try this experiment without adult supervision. The boiling
water is extremely hot and we do not want to burn yourself! You can of course try this
experiment at home but please make sure your parent or carer is supporting you and
making it safe.

Write a conclusion to explain which material is the best conductor and insulator after
your experiment.

Please write a paragraph to include the following details. This can be made up: - Name -
How you are feeling - The town you live in - Your age - Your birthday - Family (As you
might not feel comfortable talking about your own family, you can make this up) - What
pets you have/had or would like to have.

To help you do this, please use the examples and vocabulary below.


Me llamo Isabella. ¿Qué tal? Estoy fenomenal. Vivo en Fairfields. Tengo ocho años. Mi
cumpleaños es el treinta de julio. En mi familia tengo mi madre, mi padrastro y mi hermano.
No tengo mascotas pero me gustaría tener una serpiente roja.

Spanish Challenge

Try to also spend some time each day learning a section of vocabulary (around 5-10
words). This is one of the best things you can do when learning a language. Tip: - Read
the Spanish word several times - Cover it up and try to say it from memory - Then try to
write it from memory - You could ask someone you live with to test you. They can read
the English, you need to say the Spanish word back to them.
Basic Spanish Vocabulary

Saludos (Greetings)                              Sábado                Saturday
 Español              Inglés                     Domingo               Sunday
 ¡Hola!               Hello!
 ¡Buenos días!        Good morning/day!
 ¡Buenas tardes!      Good afternoon!
 ¡Buenas noches!      Good evening!
 ¡Adiós!              Goodbye!                  Los Meses (Months)
 ¡Hasta luego!        See you later!             Español               Inglés
                                                 Enero                 January
Tú y yo (You and Me)                             Febrero               February
 Español                Inglés                   Marzo                 March
 ¿Cómo te llamas?       What are you             Abril                 April
 Me llamo Juan          called?                  Mayo                  May
 ¿Dónde vives?          I’m called Juan          Junio                 June
 Vivo en Madrid         Where do you             Julio                 July
 ¿Qué tal?/ ¿Cómo       live?                    Agosto                August
 estás?                 I live in Madrid         Septiembre            September
 Bien, gracias          How are you?             Octubre               October
 Fenomenal                                       Noviembre             November
 Regular                Well, thank you          Diciembre             December
 Fatal                  Great
 ¿Y tú?                 Not bad                 Opiniones (Opinions)
 ¿Cuántos años          Awful                    Español               Inglés
 tienes?                And you?
                                                 (No) me gusta(n)      I (don’t) like
 Tengo diez años        How old are you?
                                                 Me gusta              I quite/really
                                                 bastante/mucho        like
 ¿Cuándo es tu          I am ten years
                                                 Me encanta(n)
 cumpleaños?            old (‘I have ten
                                                 Odio/Detesto          I love
 Mi cumpleaños es       years’)
                                                 Lo que más/menos      I hate
 el uno de enero        When is your
                                                 me gusta es           The thing I like
 ¡Feliz cumpleaños!     birthday?
                                                 Porque/ya             most/least is
                        My birthdays is
                                                 que/dado              Because
                        1st January
                                                 que/puesto que
                        Happy Birthday
                                                 Creo que/Diría        I think that
                                                 que                   It is
Los Días (Days)                                  Es
 Español               Inglés
 Lunes                 Monday                   Palabras muy útiles (Very useful
 Martes                Tuesday                  words)
 Miércoles             Wednesday
                                                 Español               Inglés
 Jueves                Thursday
                                                 Sí                    Yes
 Viernes               Friday
No                  No                       (No) Soy          I am (not)
Y                   And                      (No) Hago         I do(not)/(don’t)
O                   Or                                         make
Pero                But                      (No) Necesito     I (don’t) need
También             Also                     (No) Hay          There is/are (not)
(No )Tengo          I (don’t) have

                                 Number Vocabulary

1-19                                         Ochenta           80
Español               Inglés                 Ochenta y ocho    88
Uno                   1                      Noventa           90
Dos                   2                      Noventa y nueve   99
Tres                  3
Cuatro                4                     100-900
Cinco                 5                      Español           Inglés
Seis                  6                      Cien              100
Siete                 7                      Ciento uno        101
Ocho                  8                      Doscientos        200
Nueve                 9                      Trescientos       300
Diez                  10                     Cuatrocientos     400
Once                  11                     Quinientos        500
Doce                  12                     Seiscientos       600
Trece                 13                     Setecientos       700
Catorce               14                     Ochocientos       800
Quince                15                     Novecientos       900
Dieciséis             16
Diecisiete            17                    Other useful numbers
Dieciocho             18
                                             Español           Inglés
Diecinueve            19
                                             Mil               1000
                                             Dos mil           2000
20-99                                        Un millón         A million
Español             Inglés                   Dos millones      2 million
Veinte              20                       Un billón         A billion
Veintidos           22                       Dos billones      2 billion
Treinta             30                       Un trillón        A trillion
Treinta y tres      33                       Dos trillones     2 trillion
Cuarenta            40
Cuarenta y cuatro   44
Cincuenta           50
Cincuenta y cinco   55
Sesenta             60
Sesenta y seis      66
Setenta             70
Setenta y siete     77
Family Members

¿Tienes hermanos?                         Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Tengo…                                    I have…
una hermana                               a sister
un hermano                                a brother
una hermanastra                           a half-sister/stepsister
un hermanastro                            a half-brother/stepbrother
No tengo hermanos.                        I don’t have any brothers or sisters.
Soy hijo único./Soy hija única.           I am an only child. (male/female)

¿Cuántas personas hay                     How many people are there in your
 en tu familia?                            family?

En mi familia hay…                        In my family, there are…
 personas.                                 people.
mis padres                                my parents
mi madre                                  my mother
mi padre                                  my father
mi abuelo                                 my grandfather
mi abuela                                 my grandmother
mi bisabuela                              my great-grandmother
mi tío                                    my uncle
mi tía                                    my aunt
mis primos                                my cousins
¿Cómo se llama tu madre?                  What is your mother called?
Mi madre se llama…                        My mother is called…
¿Cómo se llaman tus primos?               What are your cousins called?
Mis primos se llaman… y…                  My cousins are called… and…
su hermano                                his/her brother
sus hermanos                              his/her brothers and sisters

                                  Pets and Colours

¿Tienes mascotas?                         Do you have pets?
Tengo/Tenía/Me gustaría tener             I have/I used to have/I would like to
un caballo                                a   horse
una cobaya                                a   guinea pig
un conejo                                 a   rabbit
un gato                                   a   cat
un perro             a dog
un pez               a fish
un ratón             a mouse
una serpiente        a snake
No tengo mascotas.   I don’t have any pets.
¿Cómo es?            What is it like?
¿Cómo son?           What are they like?

Los colores          Colours
blanco/a             white
amarillo/a           yellow
negro/a              black
rojo/a               red
verde                green
gris                 grey
marrón               brown
azul                 blue
rosa                 pink
naranja              orange
Chilli Challenges
English Writing – The sentence stacking so far ….

The ancient, gnarled oaks stood silent as Veridian stepped out of the carriage. He looked
around to gather his bearings. There in front of him stood an abandoned cottage, lost in
the verdant undergrowth of the forest.

Veridian unlocked the creaking door and stepped tentatively inside the damp hut. In front
of him, he was confronted by a sight never seen before: a fantastical machine.

‘How did my father construct this?’ thought Veridian as he circled the glowing orbs
curiously. Before him, he could see the mystical machine glinting in the sunlight. Suddenly,
the delicate looking cogs began to turn.

As the colourful smoky spheres of gas began to dance – childhood memories started to
flood back into Veridian’s thoughts.

He paused for a moment and longed to be back outside. The silent oak trees. The vibrant
flowers. The shimmering stones. The thoughts of these things calmed him in this
overwhelming moment.

As Veridian had stepped inside the abandoned cottage, the atmosphere changed.
Suddenly he knew he was in a peculiar place. The rotten rags. The stained windows. The
hanging cobwebs - all of these things contributed to his intense feelings of anxiety.

As the machine continued to spark into life, Veridian could see the deep crimson red
flaming fire pouring through the delicate glass. The bubbles of air danced through the
glistening water as he carefully brushed the rough, cold, copper pipes. The smell of the
old, damp cottage invaded Veridian’s nose as he explored the myriad of memories that
his father had left. The abandoned cottage was silent except for the whirring cogs and
bubbling liquids that made the memories come to life.

Veridian hesitated for a moment and thoughts of his daughter came flooding back. He
imagined her in a boat. In his mind he could see her sat in the miniature boat with it’s
sails fluttering gently in the cool sea breeze. The smell of the deep blue salt water
invaded his nostrils as he stared reflectively into his daughter’s joyful face.

He could feel the waves lapping at his legs as he gently pushed the stern of the boat
away. Slowly the look of joy on his daughter’s face turned to one of sadness, as she began
to drift helplessly into the storm.

The waves crashed violently onto the boat, the wind whistled through the swaying ropes
and the sail, as white as pearl, began to tear.

As Veridian watched himself walk away, he thought ‘What has become of me? Should I
really be doing this? Will I choose my father’s path?
You can also read