The (Speculative) Future of APTs - Kade Morton The (Speculative) Future of APTs

Page created by Alberto Hunter
The (Speculative) Future of APTs - Kade Morton The (Speculative) Future of APTs
The (Speculative) Future
of APTs
Kade Morton

                The (Speculative) Future of APTs
The (Speculative) Future of APTs - Kade Morton The (Speculative) Future of APTs
Kade Morton
                                            •   Bachelor of Arts Criminology and Criminal Justice
                                            •   Security Consultant

• Certification and Accreditation
                                            •   Wellington based security firm
• Incident response
• Open source intelligence investigations   •   Wide range of security services
                                            •   Clients in government, telecommunications and financial

                                                                                               The (Speculative) Future of APTs
The (Speculative) Future of APTs - Kade Morton The (Speculative) Future of APTs
Why listen to me?
• I wanted to understand the online landscape
     • Surveillance seemed key
     • Conducted by corporations (advertising) and governments (spying)
     • Created Panopticon Project June 2017
     • Two years later I have roughly 170 repos, most on APTs
     • Samples of malware, IOCs, technical writeups
     • Want to create machine readable information on APTs

    TL;DR: I’m a security consultant who hordes information on APTs

                                                                          The (Speculative) Future of APTs
The (Speculative) Future of APTs - Kade Morton The (Speculative) Future of APTs
   01   What is an APT?
        With a real-world example

   02   What problems do APTs face?
        They are substantial…

   03    Where are APTs going?
         Mostly automation

                                      The (Speculative) Future of APTs
The (Speculative) Future of APTs - Kade Morton The (Speculative) Future of APTs
What is an APT?
With a real-world example

                            The (Speculative) Future of APTs
The (Speculative) Future of APTs - Kade Morton The (Speculative) Future of APTs
• Advanced Persistent Threat
    • Hacking crews generally (not always) state sponsored
    • Generally (not always) interested in information or infrastructure, not money

                                                                                      The (Speculative) Future of APTs
The (Speculative) Future of APTs - Kade Morton The (Speculative) Future of APTs
Real world example
• Dark Caracal
    • Found by EFF and Lookout
    • Malware > C&C servers > Apache Stats > server logs > IP addresses accessing admin URLs >
      particular telecom > malware tracked wireless networks victims connected to > first wireless
      network for dummy data BLD3F6 > found the building
    • Due to wide targets believed to be a for hire company

                                                                                       The (Speculative) Future of APTs
The (Speculative) Future of APTs - Kade Morton The (Speculative) Future of APTs
Dark Caracal resources
• Domains
• Websites
    • Fake Google login
    • Fake Facebook login
    • Fake Twitter login
• C&C servers
• Malware
    • Remote Access Trojans (RATs)
         •   Windows, Mac, Linux
         •   Remote access
         •   Screenshots, turn camera on, access files, exfiltrate, spawn shells
         •   Example
    • Mobile malware
         •   Trojanised encrypted chat apps
         •   Work just like the real app, and turn mic on, take screenshots, steal text messages, steal 2FA tokens
• Personas
    • Facebook Groups
         •   Watering hole for articles sharing links to trojanised apps
    • Facebook profiles
         •   Used to message targets, liked Facebook Group

                                                                                                                     The (Speculative) Future of APTs
The (Speculative) Future of APTs - Kade Morton The (Speculative) Future of APTs
How do APTs operate?
• Generally…
    • Request for intelligence
    • Gather data
    • Process, translation and evaluating for
    • Produce an intelligence report
    • It can be a bit dry

                                                The (Speculative) Future of APTs
The (Speculative) Future of APTs - Kade Morton The (Speculative) Future of APTs
You get a request. Figure out your targets, then get access to collect
    • Spear phishing
        • Emails posing as activists
        • Word doc and pdf attachments, macros install malware from C&C server
    • Text messages
        • Texts posing as activists
        • Links to trojanised messaging apps
    • Facebook messages
        • Link to Facebook page > links to trojanised apps
        • Send spear phishing documents
    • Physical access
        • Some first texts “I just got my phone back.”
        • Example
        • Not covering

    Dark Caracal had 81 GBs of exfiltrated data on one server, multiple severs

                                                                                 The (Speculative) Future of APTs
What problems
do APTs face?
They are substantial…

                        The (Speculative) Future of APTs
I got 99 problems…
• And these are some:
   •   Targeting / surveillance is laborious
   •   People
   •   Getting burned
   •   Resources

                                               The (Speculative) Future of APTs
Targeting / Surveillance is laborious

• Espionage = targeted surveillance
    • No oversight to external espionage
      but do have to internal surveillance
    • There have been some big failures

                                             The (Speculative) Future of APTs
• We can look at external espionage
   • Just the main ones recently:
       • Edward Snowden leaked information on NSA operations and capabilities
       • Chelsea Manning leaked military and diplomatic documents
       • David Patraeus, former U.S. General and later head of CIA leaked classified information
          to a biographer he was having an affair with
       • Reality Winner leaked information on Russian interference in 2016 Presidential elections
       • Harold T. Martin stole 50 TB from NSA, may be the source of TheShadowBrokers
       • Nghia H. Pho may also be source of TheShadowBrokers

    Stewart Baker, general counsel for NSA 1990s: “It’s also discouraging that the NSA apparently
    still hasn’t figured out a good way to find unreliable employees who are mishandling some of
    their most sensitive stuff. We all thought [Martin] got caught by renewed or heightened
    scrutiny, and instead it looks as though he got caught because he was an idiot.”

                                                                                       The (Speculative) Future of APTs
Getting Burned
• APTs often build their own tools/malware
    • Requires developers, research, time, money
    • Code management, can’t use GitHub
    • 0 days, research/money
    • Tools/malware have to work on some very
      old/esoteric systems
    • Have to work with patches
    • Things need to be backward compatible
    • One writeup on a detected tool and you’re back to
      square one

    How Very APT:

                                                          The (Speculative) Future of APTs
• You need money and people
    • Develop and maintain tools
    • Hackers
    • Translators
    • Analysts
    • People to oversee operations
    • Managers for all of these
    • Global information security skills shortage
    • Private sector pays better than public

    How Very APT:

                                                    The (Speculative) Future of APTs
Where are APTs
Mostly automation

                    The (Speculative) Future of APTs

• Some of this is theoretical
• Automating espionage is a bad idea
• Someone will try it
• People already are trying it
• We should understand it to defend against it

                                                  The (Speculative) Future of APTs
I got 99 problems…

• And these aren’t one:
    • Targeting / surveillance is laborious –
      scale through automation
    • People – minimise through automation
    • Getting burned – generate tools
      through automation
    • Resources – minimise through

                                                The (Speculative) Future of APTs

          The (Speculative) Future of APTs
Automating domain registrations
• Domain generation algorithms exist, but these are vulnerable to detection…
• This is simple and contextual to victims!
    • CeWL – spiders a given URL, returns word lists
    • John the Ripper – mutates word lists
    • Use common substitutions or other alphabets
    • and Everу are actually two different URLs
    • Latin y in Unicode is 121, Cyrillic у in Unicode is 0443

• Registering domains
    • Bots can send and respond to emails
    • Bots can register new domains, renew domains and certificates or let them expire if they have been

                                                                                            The (Speculative) Future of APTs
Automating phishing page creation

• Website cloning
   • View source
   • Copy source
   • Change “action=” to script that
     captures credentials
   • Host both cloned site and credential
     script on a webserver
   • Social Engineers Toolkit (SET)
     automates this

                                            The (Speculative) Future of APTs
Automate C&C server generation

• Many solutions for spinning up servers
  on command
    • is an
      open source option

                                           The (Speculative) Future of APTs
Tying it all together
• Open source tools for:
   • Generating wordlists of sites
   • Mutating worldlists to create
     phishing domains
   • Creating phishing pages
   • Bots for sending emails
   • Spinning up C&C servers

• Integrate this with:
    • Domain registration
    • Bulletproof hosting
    • Certificate vendors

                                             The (Speculative) Future of APTs
Malware and

        The (Speculative) Future of APTs
Automating software development
• We are almost there
    • January 2017 “AI Software Learns to Make AI

Progress in artificial intelligence causes some
people to worry that software will take jobs such
as driving trucks away from humans. Now
leading researchers are finding that they can
make software that can learn to do one of the
trickiest parts of their own jobs—the task of
designing machine-learning software. Google
Brain’s researchers describe using 800 high-
powered graphics processors to power software
that came up with designs for image recognition
systems that rivaled the best designed by

                                                    The (Speculative) Future of APTs
Automating software testing
• This is stock standard
   • Microsoft Patch Tuesday is
     your enemy
   • FUZZBUNCH was an offensive
     tool, but fuzzing started as a
     testing tool
   • No reason to think automated
     testing isn’t used by APTs
   • May even be able to get to a
     point where AI define test

                                         The (Speculative) Future of APTs
Automating the malware
• Blackouts caused by hackers were sci-fi until 2015
    • Ukraine suffered a blackout reportedly caused by
    • Spear phished power companies with word documents
      that ran BlackEnergy > moved laterally > compromised
      VPN > remote access to industrial control network > set
      up a complete clone network with the same software /
      compromised IT helpdesk to remote to control network
      > manually switched off circuit breakers > bricked
      substation serial to ethernet converters locking
      legitimate operators out.
    • More than 50 distribution stations knocked out.
    • Highly manual
    • 2016, CrashOverride, scan network, launch at a preset
      time, automatically control circuit breakers without
      internet connection
    • One transmission station hit, carries more power than
      50 distribution stations
    • Completely automated

                                                                The (Speculative) Future of APTs

         The (Speculative) Future of APTs
Automating Content
• Humans have been creating propaganda for years
    • We can now automate troll farms
    • August 2019 “JPMorgan Chase has an AI copywriter that writes better ads than humans can”

In tests, JPMorgan Chase found that Persado’s machine-learning tool crafted better ad copy than its
own writers could muster, as measured by the higher click rates—more than double in some case—
on digital ads for Chase cards and mortgages. In one such matchup, an ad written by a human read,
“Access cash from the equity in your home.” The more successful version, from Persado, read, “It’s
true—You can unlock cash from the equity in your home.”

                                                                                        The (Speculative) Future of APTs

         The (Speculative) Future of APTs
• Social Network Automated Phishing with Reconnaissance
    • Automated spear phishing on Twitter
    • This was released in 2016
    • Scrapes Twitter profile then tweets at you with a
      malicious link
    • Uses Markov chains or long short-term memory (LSTM)
    • Markov chains uses the probability of a word transitions
      to generate text
    • Imperfect but language agnostic
    • “I” 50% > “like” 50% > cake / “I” 10% > “cake”
    • LSTM – artificial recurrent neural network architecture
    • Better but takes training and only language specific
    • 17% clicks after 2 hours, 30-60% after 2 days
    • In 2 hours, human = 129 targets and 49 clicks, SNAP-R =
      819 targets and 275 clicks.

                                                                 The (Speculative) Future of APTs
Processing and

         The (Speculative) Future of APTs
Automatically processing information
• Medicine also has the problem of sorting through lots of data

“Recruiting the right patients for clinical trials is often a difficult, time-consuming process.
Typically, researchers manually screen EHRs (electronic health records) to find appropriate
study candidates—it can be an inefficient clinical trial recruitment process that yields poor
results in terms of identifying patients who meet the eligibility criteria.”

•   July 2019, ACTES
•   Extracts structured information such as patient demographics
•   Extracts unstructured data from clinical notes
•   APTs have no idea what form information will come in

                                                                                      The (Speculative) Future of APTs
Automatic translation
• The information you gathered probably won’t
  be in your language
    • Off the shelf products perform translation
       right now
    • IBM Watson can translate one language to
    • Supported file types MS Office, Open
       Office, PDF, HTML, JSON, TXT & and XML.

                                                   The (Speculative) Future of APTs
Automatic report writing
• This now needs to be written up into a
  report, of which only the execute
  summary will ever be read...
    • Washington Post use Heliograf to
      write automatically generated
      reports based off datasets.
    • Examples, Olympic medal wins,
      election coverage
    • The Associated Press use software
      to generate reports on corporate
    • Off the shelf solutions as well
    • Need to make the jump to
      unstructured datasets

                                            The (Speculative) Future of APTs

           The (Speculative) Future of APTs
Self healing
• As basic opsec I have a google alert on my own
    • I know when Google indexes a new
      instance of my name
    • Create a search engine searching for your
      domains, IP addresses, code snippets etc.
    • When detects, delete and create a new
    • In theory could spin up entire new
      infrastructure and malware every single
    • AV signatures / blacklists are a thing of the
    • Social media accounts still an issue, can’t

                                                      The (Speculative) Future of APTs
Can we do better than brute forcing the targeting problem?
   • Maybe
      • Crime forecasting
      • Trace people’s ties to gang members,
        criminal histories, scans social media,
        predicts the likelihood of committing
      • Palantir sell crime forecasting to law
        enforcement and intelligence agencies
      • In use now
      • However, multiple studies claim

                                                  The (Speculative) Future of APTs

          The (Speculative) Future of APTs
We now have…
• The basic requirements of an APT
   •   Domains
   •   Bots for answering emails and engaging with targets on social media
   •   Phishing pages
   •   C&C servers
   •   Malware
   •   Tools (if we even need them…)
   •   Content for posting to watering holes and advertising malicious links
   •   Can process data
   •   Can write reports

   All automated.
   A lot of this already exists.

                                                                               The (Speculative) Future of APTs
I got 99 problems…
• And these aren’t one:
   • Targeting / surveillance is laborious
     – scale through automation
   • People – minimise through
   • Getting burned – generate tools
     through automation
   • Resources – minimise through
   • This is potentially what blue teams
     have to fight

                                             The (Speculative) Future of APTs
Any questions?

   Kade Morton

                               The (Speculative) Future of APTs
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