XIX. Regulations Concerning Penalties and Fines - International Handball Federation

Page created by Timothy Hansen
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                              Penalties and Fines

                              Edition: September 2007
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        Table of contents
        1.   Types of penalty imposed during play                              3

        2.   Withdrawal/non-appearance
             of a team from/at IHF events                                      5

        3.   Use of players who have been
             suspended and/or are not entitled to play                         6

        4.   Failure to meet payment dates for IHF events                      6

        5.   Matches against suspended members of the IHF                      6

        6.   Not passing on a message                                          6

        7.   Late registration of international referees                       7

        8.   Infringement of the Regulations on Advertising                    7

        9.   Infringement of the Anti-Doping Regulations                       7

        10. Non-payment of a fine                                              7

        11. Offences by members                                                8

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              This catalogue provides an overview of the most important disciplinary
              actions and penalties applied within the IHF. It further gives assistance in
              decision taking for every organ of the IHF. Nevertheless the organs are not
              relieved of their obligation to examine the facts of each case, to take
              independent decisions and to be impartial in reaching a verdict.

              1.        Types of penalty imposed during play
              The IHF differentiates between the following types of penalty imposed during
              a) warning
              b) temporary suspensions. The Disciplinary Commission may impose a
                 suspension lasting up to two years. On application, the Arbitration
                 Commission may impose longer suspensions
              c) administrative penalties and fines
              d) cancellation and optionally replaying of matches
              e) withdrawal or loss of points in the events concerned
              f) exclusion from current or future events.
              The above penalties may be imposed individually or in combination.
              1.1.      Temporary suspensions are imposed, in particular, for:
              1.1.1. violent or insulting behaviour towards officials and referees
              1.1.2. use of players who are not entitled to play or have been suspended
              1.1.3. inappropriate conduct by teams, officials and other persons
                     involved in the match.
              1.2.      The following guidelines apply to the imposition of
                        temporary suspensions:
                        Offence                                Recommended suspension
                                                               Number of matches
                        Disqualification (on account of
                        misconduct towards IHF officials or referees)
              1.2.1. Verbal unsportsmanlike conduct without gestures
                     – general                                                       1*
                     – threatening                                                   3

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        1.2.2. Verbal unsportsmanlike conduct with gestures
               – general                                                        2
               – threatening                                                    4
        1.2.3. Aggressive unsportsmanlike conduct                               4
        1.2.4. Assault                                                          6**
        1.2.5. Exclusion                                                        6**
               When the penalty is determined, the following mitigating
               circumstances shall be considered:
               – reflex action
               – provocation
               – assistance
               – other special circumstances
               When the penalty is determined, the following circumstances
               should result in a harsher punishment:
               – fighting
               – the perpetrator is an official, team captain or substitute
               – the offence is directed at people in the substitution area or at
               – other special circumstances (e.g. bringing the IHF into serious
               * = A warning may be sufficient in exceptional cases.
               ** = A temporary suspension shall be imposed for gross or
                    flagrant misconduct.
               Suspensions may only be imposed if the match report contains a note
               on the player’s misconduct to this effect by the referees and/or a
               special report is made by the senior IHF representative.
               Suspensions imposed by the IHF or a continental confederation apply
               for the same amount of time to matches organised by the member
               federations and continents. The written verdicts must state a
               respective note.

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              1.3.      Guidelines for imposing administrative penalties and
              1.3.1. For breaches of the regulations and discipline before, during or after
                     the match: CHF 100.– to CHF 2,000.–
              1.3.2. Inappropriate conduct by a team or a player (e.g. leaving the court
                      in protest or refusing to leave the court, etc.) and by officials and
                      attendants: CHF 100.– to CHF 1,000.–
              1.3.3. Use of players or teams who have been suspended or are not entitled
                     to play: CHF 500.– to CHF 1,000.–
              1.3.4. Cessation of the game caused by a team: at least CHF 5,000.– and
                     reimbursement of any costs incurred
              1.3.5. Infringement of the Bylaws and Regulations of the IHF: up to CHF

              2.        Withdrawal/non-appearance of a team
                        from/at IHF events
              2.1.      If a continent is unable to take up a place (performance or
                        compulsory) at an IHF event and is replaced by a team from another
                        continent or the place remains unoccupied, this continent will lose
                        this place at the next World Championship of the same category,
                        and the place will be assigned as a free performance place.
              2.2.      A federation which registers for an IHF event and subsequently
                        withdraws will lose its registration fee and fixed deposit and will be
                        imposed a fine.
                        If teams withdraw from an IHF event after the draw has been effected,
                        the federation concerned will be imposed a fine (plus expenses of
                        organiser). Furthermore the relevant regulations of the continent
                        federation concerned are applicable. The fines are set as follows.
                        Category A – CHF    25,000.–
                        Category B – CHF    15,000.–
                        Category C – CHF     5,000.–
                        Category D – CHF     1,000.–

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        3.     Use of players who have been suspended
               and/or are not entitled to play
        If a suspended player is used, the team that uses that player is regarded
        as having lost the match by at least 10 goals. If the score is higher, the
        number of goals will be increased accordingly. The severity of the penalty
        will be determined by the Disciplinary Commission and the fine will range
        between CHF 300.– and CHF 1,000.–.
        If a player who is not entitled to play is used, the team concerned will be
        excluded from further participation in the current event. Any other decisions
        will be taken by the competition management.

        4.     Failure to meet payment dates for IHF events
        If an federation does not meet the payment date for an IHF event, the
        registration fee will be doubled once the date has passed. After a further
        four-week time, the federation concerned will be fined a total of CHF 5,000.–
        and excluded from the event.

        5.     Matches against suspended members of the IHF
        For unauthorised matches by national and selection teams against
        suspended members of the IHF, a fine of up to CHF 1,000.– will be imposed
        and the federation responsible will be liable for the payment.
        The IHF Council may impose a higher fine if such infringements are repeated.

        6.     Not passing on a message
        For not passing a message on to the IHF Head Office within the specified
        period when requested, a fine of CHF 100.– may be imposed on the
        defaulting federation. This also applies to messages relating to the times,
        locations and results of matches and to messages relating to the engaging
        of referees. Such a fine may also be imposed if the information is

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              7.        Late registration of international referees
              If an international referee is not registered by the specified registration date,
              a late registration fee of CHF 500.– is imposed.

              8.        Infringement of the Regulations on
              At IHF events, contravention on the Regulations on Advertising will be
              considered and penalised, if appropriate, at the event by the competition
              management and at other times by the IHF Council. The corresponding IHF
              provisions shall apply.

              9.        Infringement of the Anti-Doping Regulations
              If a doping offence is proven, the match concerned will be regarded as
              having been lost by the team with the players concerned and 2 points and
              at least 10 goals will be awarded against the team. If the score is higher,
              the number of points or goals will be increased accordingly.
              The players concerned will be disqualified from all remaining matches of
              the tournament. In addition, the players will be suspended from national
              and international matches for two years.
              If doping offences are proven for more than one player in a team, then the
              team will be disqualified from the entire event. The matches already played
              will not be counted.
              The IHF reserves the right to institute disciplinary proceedings against anyone
              who administers drugs. If an infringement of the Anti-Doping Regulations
              is proven against officials (coaches, attendants, doctors and physiotherapists),
              a two-year suspension will be imposed.
              Otherwise the IHF Anti-Doping Regulations apply.

              10. Non-payment of a fine
              If a fine is not paid within two months of being imposed, it will be doubled
              and, if it remains unpaid after a further month, the person concerned may
              be excluded from international matches until the fine has been paid.

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        11. Offences by members
        Upon application by the Executive Committee, the IHF Council may warn
        and/or penalise member federations which have infringed or not followed
        the IHF Bylaws.
        Warnings will be made in writing and notified to all the member
        federations at the same time.
        The maximum fine is CHF 10,000.– for any act of offence.

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