www.moonlane.co.uk Small independent bookseller beats high street chains and online retailers to win UK Book Retailer and Children's Bookseller of ...

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www.moonlane.co.uk Small independent bookseller beats high street chains and online retailers to win UK Book Retailer and Children's Bookseller of ...
PRESS RELEASE                       PRESS RELEASE                   PRESS RELEASE

                                                                                                Dedicated to raising equality in children`s books; equality of access, representation and roles in the publishing industry.
   Small independent bookseller beats high street
 chains and online retailers to win UK Book Retailer
     and Children's Bookseller of the Year 2021
London: May 13th, 2021 Today, in a challenging year for retailers, Moon Lane, the UK's
leading independent children's book retailer, has won the double award of Book Retailer of
the Year, and, Children's Bookseller of the Year at the 2021 British Book Awards.

Winning two awards ahead of a crowded field consisting of large high street and internet
retailers reflects Moon Lane’s ability to succeed in the face of COVID-19 economic
uncertainty. The business delivered its mission to drive up access to reading; it expanded
its digital offering, streamlined its operating system, delivered a company rebrand, launched
Moon Lane TV and a new franchise programme, opening its first international branch.

Founder Tamara Macfarlane says: “For a business that was started in 2003 with a small
overdraft we have come a long way. We adapted and pivoted the business and refused to
let COVID-19 distract us from our mission. The pandemic has highlighted the importance of
supporting children and families reading together. We witnessed a huge uptake of dads
watching book related content on Moon Lane TV. We have developed a strong brand which
inspires and is trusted. Reading is key for children to grow and chase their dreams. Literacy
is vital for the UK’s economic growth. So, pandemic or no pandemic we knew we had to
keep on going”.

Moon Lane winning the number one award in British Book Retailing is a clear recognition of
the importance of independent retailers and children’s book specialists in the market. To
continue its growth the book industry is dependent on attracting young readers. This is only

Moon Lane Group is:
Tales on Moon Lane, London
Tales on Moon Lane, Ramsgate
Tales on Moon Lane, Nanjing
Moon Lane Ink CIC / Books, London
Moon Lane Education
Moon Lane Franchise
Moon Lane TV
www.moonlane.co.uk Small independent bookseller beats high street chains and online retailers to win UK Book Retailer and Children's Bookseller of ...
achieved through creativity and innovation at the market segment focused on children’s
bookselling and publishing. Moon Lane has led the way by direct selling, creating vibrant
window displays, hosting author events, reading festivals, school visits, social media
campaigns and Moon Lane TV, all targeted at young readers. Moon Lane works tirelessly
across these platforms to raise the profile of authors, illustrators, and characters from
under-represented groups.

Founder Tamara Macfarlane continued, “The awards are recognition for everyone who has
been involved in the business over the last eighteen years. The authors, illustrators,
publishers, my family, the Moon Lane team, customers, teachers, and most importantly, all
the children who have started their reading adventures with us.”

Moon Lane are now franchising their Tales on Moon Lane children’s bookshops.
Macfarlane is particularly delighted that the first international franchise has already opened
and is looking forward to opening many more. “We have invested in building a strong brand,
and now we want to continue to grow our revenues. With the franchise opportunity, we are
able to actively engage with entrepreneurs and investors who want to start a branch of Tales
on Moon Lane. It puts them in a position to bring books and learning to their communities. If
people are interested, I encourage them to reach out and join our mission.”

Moon Lane are hugely grateful to the Bookseller, the judges and the sponsors, Macmillan
and Simon and Schuster, for making both awards possible, and for helping to support our
work creating a clear route to market for books written and illustrated by authors and
illustrators from under-represented groups. The business will continue to champion reading
and literacy for children from all walks of life and backgrounds.


Other quotes for use:

Moon Lane Co-owner Paul Chin:
'Having come to England from Jamaica as a young child, I grew up very aware of being
unable to see myself in any of the books that we had at my schools or in the library. The
literature of any given culture shapes the narratives and opinions of the people within it. To
not see a broad range of cultures and experiences reflected in a positive way within the
UK's dominant cultural conversation has allowed stereotypes to thrive, limiting both
empathy and social mobility. Joining forces with Tamara and her ongoing work to raise
equality in children's books has helped to expand the impact of the work that Moon Lane
does, and has given me, personally, an opportunity to play a role in changing this
conversation. Winning the highest retail award within the Book Retail industry is a mark of
validation, both for the power of innovation within small independent businesses, but also
vital recognition of the role that Moon Lane is playing in actively creating clear routes to
market for books written and illustrated by people from communities currently under-
represented in children's books.'

The Bookseller/The British Book Awards official comment:
“The past year was obviously one of the most difficult periods for the British book trade in
decades. All the more impressive, then, was the ingenuity with which all of the shortlistees
dealt with the challenges of the pandemic. Both the impressive independent bookshop
winner Sevenoaks and Moon Lane with its historic children's bookseller and retailer of the
year double award prove that serving local communities lies at the heart of all great

                     For press and radio enquiries please contact:
                  Nicci Rosengarten, Creative Director, Moon Lane Group
                   nicci.rosengarten@moonlane.co.uk | 07718 992065
www.moonlane.co.uk Small independent bookseller beats high street chains and online retailers to win UK Book Retailer and Children's Bookseller of ...
Jasmine Dellimore, Assistant Manager, Moon Lane Ink CIC/Books:
“When I was growing up I didn’t feel represented by the books I read; there were so few
characters that looked like me and fewer stories that I related to. The internship with Moon
Lane Ink has given me the perfect opportunity to ensure that the next generation has a
different experience. Bringing inclusive books to the local community has been such a
rewarding experience; whether it’s by stocking diverse titles in the shop or facilitating author
events at local schools, it has been incredible to see the impact of our work.”

Notes to Editors
   • Moon Lane Group is:
            o Tales on Moon Lane, London
            o Tales on Moon Lane, Ramsgate
            o Tales on Moon Lane, Nanjing
            o Moon Lane Ink CIC / Books, London
            o Moon Lane Education
            o Moon Lane Franchise
            o Moon Lane TV
   • Hosted both physical and over 100 online digital author and illustrators’ events
       throughout the year.
   • Used https://uk.bookshop.org to extend sales channels throughout the lockdown.
   • Moon Lane TV The Children’s Book Channel on YouTube was recognised as a key
       initiative by the judges.
            o Launched in April 2020 during the first Covid lockdown, hosts hundreds of
                programmes made by children’s authors, illustrators, and storytellers
                including Grammy award-winning music stars.
            o Has created a new, easily discoverable, genre of book related digital content
                for children, accessible in their own homes and schools, on a medium that
                they can navigate independently.
            o With the creation of Moon Lane TV, Moon Lane have removed an
                insurmountable barrier to stories for many, many children.
   • Franchise program opened in late 2020, with the first international Moon Lane
       franchise opening in Jan 2021


                     For press and radio enquiries please contact:
                  Nicci Rosengarten, Creative Director, Moon Lane Group
                   nicci.rosengarten@moonlane.co.uk | 07718 992065
www.moonlane.co.uk Small independent bookseller beats high street chains and online retailers to win UK Book Retailer and Children's Bookseller of ... www.moonlane.co.uk Small independent bookseller beats high street chains and online retailers to win UK Book Retailer and Children's Bookseller of ...
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