www.futurescripts.com - Value Formulary eFFectiVe January 1, 2022 - Future Scripts

Page created by Roberto Howell
Value Formulary
Effective January 1, 2022


The Value Formulary Guide is intended to help members and providers understand prescription drug coverage
under the FutureScripts Value formulary. We are committed to providing comprehensive prescription drug
coverage. To achieve this, we include a formulary feature in your prescription drug benefit. The drugs are
approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). They are also reviewed by our Pharmacy and
Therapeutics Committee, a group of doctors and pharmacists from the area. These prescription drugs have been
added to the Value Formulary for their reported medical effectiveness, safety, and value.
FutureScripts®, an independent company, is our pharmacy benefits manager. They monitor all drugs to ensure
they are safe and effective drugs.

Please note: Prescription drug benefits vary by group. Therefore, a drug on this formulary does not imply
coverage. Drug coverage is based on medical necessity. This formulary guide was current at the time of printing
and is subject to change. Please call Customer Service at the number listed on the back of your ID card if you
have any questions about your prescription drug benefits. Please discuss any questions or concerns about your
drug therapy with your provider or pharmacist.

What is a formulary?
A formulary is a list of prescribed medications or other pharmacy care products, services or supplies chosen
for their safety, cost, and effectiveness. Medications are listed by categories or classes and are placed into cost
levels known as tiers. It includes both brand and generic prescription medications.
To create the list, FutureScripts is guided by the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee. This group of doctors
and pharmacists review which medications will be covered, how well the drugs work, and overall value. They
also make sure there are safe and covered options.

What are tiers?
Tiers are the different cost levels you pay for a medication. Each drug on the formulary is in a tier.

Value Formulary Tier Structure
The non-preferred tier will usually cost more than the preferred brand tier or generic tier. Below is a summary
of tiers in the general order from lowest to highest level of cost-share. Benefits vary by group, so the inclusion
of a drug in this formulary does not guarantee coverage. All cost-share tiers may not be available on all plans.
         - Low-Cost Generic (availability varies by benefit)
         - Generic
         - Preferred Brand
         - Non-preferred Drug
         - Specialty (availability varies by benefit)
         - Non-Formulary

The non-preferred tier on the formulary is generally associated with higher cost-sharing (i.e., at the
higher cost to you) than the preferred brand tier or generic tier. Non-formulary drugs are covered when
a formulary exception is obtained through the prior authorization process. Please refer to the Procedures
that Support Safe Prescribing in the front of the formulary list for details. Non-formulary drugs are
covered when a formulary exception approval has been obtained for which the member will pay the highest,
non-specialty level of cost-sharing.

                                                          1                                              (continued)
• G enerally, if a brand-name drug has a generic equivalent, the brand-name drug is non-formulary while
          the generic equivalent is covered at the generic level of cost-sharing.
         For example: Cipro® is the brand drug and is considered non-formulary; its generic equivalent
          ciprofloxacin is available at the generic level of cost-sharing.
       • Some brand-name drugs without generic equivalents, authorized generic (also referred to as authorized
           brand alternative) drugs and generic drugs are also considered non-preferred or non-formulary. This
          is because there are other more cost-effective alternatives covered on the formulary to treat the same
Covered generic drugs not listed in the formulary guide are available at the generic level of cost-sharing; brand
drugs not listed in the formulary guide are non-formulary.

The Low-Cost Generic [LCG] Tier offers copays lower than the cost-share for the generic tier, when possible.
This applies to certain generic drugs that are typically used to treat chronic conditions such as high blood
pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart failure, and depression. Benefits may vary. Not all plans provide this
incentive. The drug list is subject to change. When this incentive is not available on a plan, these drugs will be
covered at the generic cost-share level.

Specialty Drugs [SP] meet certain criteria, including, but not limited to drugs used to treat rare, complex,
or chronic diseases, drugs that have complex storage and/or shipping requirements, and drugs that require
comprehensive patient monitoring and/or education. Specialty drugs covered under the pharmacy benefit may
be managed by the FutureScripts® Specialty Pharmacy Program. Benefits may vary, and many plans cover
specialty drugs on a specialty tier with higher cost-sharing. For cost-sharing purposes, drugs on the specialty tier
are not eligible for tier lowering.

Authorized Generics [AG] are brand-name drugs that are marketed without the brand name on its label.
An authorized generic may be marketed by the brand-name drug company, or another company with the
brand company’s permission. These drugs are approved by the FDA. But they are not approved through the
abbreviated new drug application (ANDA) process like a standard generic drug. For cost sharing purposes,
authorized generics are treated as brand-name drugs and are not eligible for coverage on the generic tier(s).
Another name for AGs is Authorized Brand Alternative [ABA].
For example: oxycodone ER tablet, an authorized generic of brand OxyContin®, is listed as non-preferred and
is available at the non-preferred level of cost-sharing.

What are Affordable Care Act (ACA) Preventive Medications?
Certain preventive medications, as described in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and detailed by
the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, are covered without cost-sharing with a prescription when provided by
a participating retail or mail-order pharmacy.
The following categories of drugs may be available at no member cost-share with a prescription. Please note
that individual benefits may vary. Always refer to your benefits to determine your coverage. This list is subject
to change. Refer to the searchable drug lookup tool on your health insurance plan’s website to check the status
of a specific drug.

                                                         2                                              (continued)
Category                               Product(s) Available at $0 at the Pharmacy
Aspirin products (OTC)                                                aspirin 81mg (tab/chewable)
For adults age 50-59 to prevent cardiovascular
disease and colorectal cancer; low dose (81mg) for
women after 12 weeks’ gestation who are at high risk
for preeclampsia
Bowel Preparations                                            generic bowel preparation products such as
Bowel preparation for colonoscopy needed for                  Gavilyte-C™, Gavilyte-G™, Gavilyte-N™,
preventive colon cancer screening, for ages 45-75                    Gavilyte-H™ with bisacodyl,
                                                             polyethylene glycol (PEG) 3350 oral powder,
                                                                          Trilyte® w/packets
Breast cancer chemo prevention                                             tamoxifen 20mg
For asymptomatic females age 35 years and older
without a prior diagnosis of breast cancer, ductal
carcinoma in situ, or lobular carcinoma in situ, who
are at high risk for breast cancer and at low risk for
adverse effects from breast cancer chemoprevention
Contraceptives                                           -Oral: generics such as Amethia, Cryselle-28,
Includes, but not limited to, oral, injectable,             Emoquette, Fayosim, Necon, Ocella, Sprintec,
transdermal, diaphragms, cervical caps, intravaginal        Trivora, Natazia
devices, female condoms, and contraceptive film and      - Injectable: all generics such as medroxyprogesterone
jelly (in accordance with the women’s preventive            injection
services provisions of the ACA).                         - Transdermal: Xulane® patches
Note: IUDs and implantable products are covered          - Diaphragms
under the medical benefit.                               - Cervical Caps
                                                         - Female condoms
                                                         - Contraceptive film
                                                         - Contraceptive gel/jelly/foam: such as VCF® foam
                                                            12.5%, 28%, Options Conceptrol® 4%, Options
                                                            Gynol® 3%
                                                         - Emergency: all generics such as levonorgestrel
                                                            1.5mg tab, My Way® 1.5mg tab
                                                         - Intravaginal devices: etonogestrel-ethinyl estradiol
                                                            vaginal ring
Fluoride                                                          sodium fluoride 1.1 (0.5f) mg/ml solution
For children ages 6 months to 16 years.                         sodium fluoride 0.55 (0.25f) mg chewable tab
Includes generics strengths up to 0.5mg                           Fluoritab 0.275 (0.125f) mg/drop solution
                                                                    Fluoritab 1.1 (0.5f) mg chewable tab
Folic acid                                                                   folic acid 400mcg tab
For women planning for or capable of pregnancy.                              folic acid 800mcg tab
Limited to 0.4 to 0.8mg of folic acid.                                      folic acid 0.8mg capsule
For women younger than 51 years of age                      (including generic prenatal vitamins with the above
                                                                              listed folic acid dose)

                                                         3                                            (continued)
Category                               Product(s) Available at $0 at the Pharmacy
Tobacco Cessation Medication                                                   Chantix®
For adults ages 18+ years, who use tobacco products              bupropion SR (generic Zyban®) tablet
and want to quit                                                      nicotine polacrilex lozenge
                                                                  nicotine patch 24 hour transdermal
                                                                           Nicotrol® Inhaler
                                                                        Nicotrol® NS Solution
Statins                                                                     lovastatin 10mg
Low-to-moderate dose statin for prevention of                               lovastatin 20mg
cardiovascular disease, recommended for ages 40-75                          lovastatin 40mg
years without a history of CVD when 1 or more CVD
risk factors are present (e.g., dyslipidemia, diabetes,
hypertension, or smoking) and a calculated 10-year
risk of a cardiovascular event of 10% or greater
HIV PrEP                                                    Emtricitabine-Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate Tab
Preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) with effective anti-                             200-300mg
retroviral therapy for persons who are at high risk of                       Tenofovir 300mg
HIV acquisition
Vaccines                                                - Influenza: Afluria®, Fluzone [Quad]®, Fluzone®,
To prevent certain illnesses in infants, children, and     Fluarix®, Flumist®, Flublok®, Fluad®, Flucelvax®,
adults. Include immunizations to prevent Influenza,        Flulaval®
Pneumococcal, and Shingles                              - Pneumococcal: Prevnar 13®, Pneumovax 23®
                                                        - Shingles: Shingrix®*

                                                          Note: Applies to members at least 50 years of age.
                                                          Cost share applies for members 18-49 years of age.

                                                      4                                             (continued)
FutureScripts utilizes an independent pharmacy benefits management (PBM) company, FutureScripts®, to
manage the administration of its prescription drug programs. As our PBM, FutureScripts is responsible for
providing a network of participating pharmacies, administering pharmacy benefits, and providing customer
service to our members and their providers. The effectiveness and safety of drugs and drug-prescribing patterns
are monitored by FutureScripts®. Several procedures, such as prior authorization, age limits, and quantity
limits, have been established to support safe prescribing patterns and to provide optimal clinical outcomes for
What is prior authorization?
Prior authorization is a requirement that your provider obtain approval from your health plan for coverage
of, or payment for, prescription drugs. FutureScripts requires prior authorization of certain covered drugs to
confirm that the drug prescribed is medically necessary, clinically appropriate, and is being prescribed according
to FDA approved labeled or medically accepted use. The approval criteria were developed and approved by
the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, a group of physicians and pharmacists from the area. Using these
approved criteria, clinical pharmacists evaluate requests for these drugs based on clinical data, information
submitted by the member’s provider, and the member’s available prescription drug therapy history. The
clinical pharmacists’ evaluation may include a review of potential drug-drug interactions or contraindications,
appropriate dosing and length of therapy, and utilization of other drug therapies, if necessary.
Please note, coverage of certain drugs on the formulary (e.g., weight loss drugs) requires a benefit rider. Please
contact the health insurance plan for member eligibility information and benefit details.
Without prior authorization, the member’s prescription will not be covered at the retail or mail-
order pharmacy. The prior authorization review process may take up to two business days once complete
information from the provider has been received. Incomplete information may result in a delayed decision.
Prior authorization approvals for some drugs may have a limited timeframe, for example six to twelve months.
If the prior authorization approval for a drug is limited to a certain time frame, an expiration date will be given
at the time the approval is made. If the provider wants a member to continue the drug therapy as requested after
the expiration date, a new prior authorization request will need to be submitted and approved for coverage to
Safety Edits
Safety edits are applied to prescription medications to ensure safe and appropriate use of drugs. They are
designed to align with the clinical practice guideline and FDA approved use outlined in the manufacturer
package insert. Some of these safety edits will prompt member counseling at the point of sale, while some
will require prior authorization review. Safety edits include age limits, quantity limits, morphine milligram
equivalent (MME) limits, and concurrent drug utilization review (cDUR). Each safety edit is described below.
Age Limits
Some drugs, such as zafirlukast, are approved by the FDA only for individuals age five and older. If the
member’s prescription falls outside of the FDA guidelines, it may not be covered unless prior authorization is
obtained. In addition, an age limit may be applied when certain drugs are more likely to be used in certain age
groups. For example, drugs to treat Alzheimer’s disease may require prior authorization for use in young adults.
The provider may request coverage for drugs outside of the age limit when medically necessary. The approval
criteria for this review were developed and approved by the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee. The
member should contact the provider to initiate the prior authorization process.

                                                         5                                              (continued)
Quantity Limits
Quantity limits are designed to allow a sufficient supply of medication based upon FDA-approved maximum
daily doses, standard dosing, and/or length of therapy of a drug. FutureScripts has several different types of
quantity limits that are explained in detail below. The purpose of these limits is to ensure safe and appropriate
utilization. If a member requires more than the limit, the member’s provider will need to submit a prior
authorization request. Similar to other prior authorization requests, quantity limit override requests for certain
drugs may have a limited approval timeframe.
   •	Quantity Over Time: This quantity limit is based on dosing guidelines over a rolling time period. For
     example, if a drug has a quantity limit over a 30-day time period and a member went to the pharmacy on
     January 1, 2022, for one of these medications, the plan would have looked back 30 days to December 2, 2021,
     to see how much medication was dispensed. The purpose of these limits is to prevent the dispensing of
     excessive quantities. Examples of quantity limits over time are:
       ◦ Etonogestrel-ethinyl estradiol (Nuvaring®) = 1 ring per 28 days
       ◦ Ibandronate (Boniva®) 150mg = 1 tablet per 30 days
       ◦ Sumatriptan (Imitrex®) 50mg = 18 tablets per 30 days
         iabetic supplies such as blood glucose test strips = 200 strips per 30 days
       ◦ Sildenafil (Viagra®), tadalafil (Cialis® 10mg, 20mg) = 8 tablets per 30 days
   •	Maximum daily dose: This quantity limit defines the maximum number of units of the drug allowed per
      day. Examples of maximum daily dose quantity limits are:
       ◦ Zolpidem (Ambien®) = 1 tablet per day
       ◦ Oxycodone/acetaminophen (Percocet®) 5/325mg = 12 tablets per day
       ◦ Guanfacine Extended Release 24 Hour = 1 tablet per day
   •	Refill too soon: This limit is in place to encourage appropriate utilization and minimize stockpiling of
      prescription medications. Based on this edit, a member can receive a refill of a prescription after 75%
      utilization. Additional refills will be covered once 75% of the supply has been consumed. The following
      examples illustrate how refill too soon limit works:
   		 ◦ A 30 days’ supply of a prescription filled on 1/1/2022 will be refillable again on or after 1/24/2022
   		 ◦ A 90 days’ supply of a prescription filled on 7/1/2022 will be refillable again on or after 9/7/2022
   •	Day Supply Limit: This limit is based on the day supply and not the quantity. However, quantity limits
      may apply as well. Day Supply Limits apply to some classes of drugs, such as opioids. If a quantity limit
      applies, the member will also be limited to the maximum daily dose for that drug. The following are
      examples of drugs that have a day supply and a quantity limit:
      ◦ Short acting opioids, such as oxycodone/acetaminophen 5mg/325mg
                 ay supply limit = Two 5 days’ supplies limit per 60 days for adults, two 3 days’ supply limit
                for children under 18 years of age.

   		 ◦ Butalbital containing headache agents, such as butalbital/aspirin
   			        • Day supply limit = 5-day supply per 30 days
   			        • Quantity Limit = 6 tablets per 1 day
   			        •M aximum quantity allowed without prior authorization = 30 tablets (6 tablets per day for 5

                                                          6                                             (continued)
◦ Opioid containing cough and cold products, such as hydrocodone/homatropine
       			        •D  ay supply limit = Two 5-days’ supplies limit per 60 days for adults, and two 3 days’ supply
                     limit for children under 18 years of age
       			        • Quantity Limit = 30 ml per 1 day
       			        • Maximum quantity allowed without prior authorization = 150 ml (30 ml per day for 5 days)

Morphine Milligram Equivalent (MME) Limit
FutureScripts applies additional safety measures to opioid products by limiting the total daily dose. This limit
accounts for various opioid products through a measurement called the Morphine Milligram Equivalent (MME)
dose. The MME is a number that is used to determine and compare the potency of opioid medications. It helps
to identify when additional caution is needed. The daily limit is calculated based on the number of opioid drugs,
their potencies and the total daily usage. Prior authorization is required for an opioid dose that exceeds 90 MME
per day. MME Limit applies to the opioid products containing the active ingredients listed below:

                                                   Active Ingredient
               codeine                 dihydrocodeine              fentanyl                       hydrocodone
           hydromorphone                 levorphanol              meperidine                       methadone
              morphine                      Opium                 oxycodone                       oxymorphone
             tapentadol                   Tramadol             benzhydrocodone

     Cumulative Stimulant Limit
     Central nervous system (CNS) stimulants such as amphetamine and methylphenidate, when used in high
     doses, are associated with increased risk for cardiac related adverse events such as hypertension and new or
     worsening psychosis including manic behavior. Cumulative stimulant limit is a safety measure designed to
     ensure the provider has assessed the members for alternative medication and advised the members about the
     risks associated with stimulant use. The cumulative stimulant limit works by calculating the total daily stimulant
     dose by the drug’s active ingredient. Stimulant claims that exceed the limit outlined below would require prior

              Active ingredient          Medications impacted                         High cumulative daily dose
                                         (brands and generics)
              Amphetamine            Adzenys ER[ODT], Dyanavel,                                 60mg/day
                                              Evekeo [ODT]
      Amphetamine-Dextroamphetamine    Adderall [IR/XR], Mydayis                                60mg/day
           Dextroamphetamine         Dexedrine, Zenzedi, ProCentra                              60mg/day
            Lisdexamfetamine                     Vyvanse                                        70mg/day
            Methamphetamine                      Desoxyn                                        60mg/day
           Dexmethylphenidate                Focalin [IR/XR]                                    40mg/day
             Methylphenidate           Ritalin [IR/LA], Daytrana,                               72mg/day
                                     Cotempla, Metadate [ER/CD],
                                    Methylin, Quillivant XR, Concerta,
                                     Aptensio XR, QuilliChew ER,
                                        Jornay PM, Adhansia XR
     *Prior authorization and other safety edits including quantity limit and age limit continue to apply.

                                                              7                                              (continued)
Concurrent Drug Utilization Review (cDUR)
These reviews are built into the pharmacy claim adjudication system to review a member’s prescription history
for possible drug related problems including drug-drug interactions and drug therapy duplications. Drugs
may reject at the Point-of-Sale (POS) and/or generate a message to the dispensing pharmacist when there is a
safety concern. The dispensing pharmacist can review the issue with the provider and override the rejection if
appropriate for most edits. Examples of cDURs are:
		 • Drug-drug interaction: sildenafil (Viagra®/Revatio®) and nitroglycerin in combination may lead to
      potentially fatal hypotension.
		 • Drug therapy duplication: Simvastatin and atorvastatin in combination will trigger a message in the
      claim adjudication system to alert the dispensing pharmacist there is a duplication of statin therapy.
To determine if a covered prescription drug prescribed for you has a prior authorization requirement, an age
limit, a quantity limit, or a morphine milligram equivalent (MME) limit, see the plan website at https://www.
ibx.com/rx or call FutureScripts® at the phone number on the back of your ID card.

96-Hour Temporary Supply Program
The 96-Hour Temporary Supply Program is available for non-formulary medications and certain formulary
medications that require prior authorization. Under the 96-Hour Temporary Supply Program, the dispensing
pharmacist has the option to release a 96-hour supply as follows:
       1. The dispensing pharmacist may place an override to release a 96-hour supply of the drug to the
           member with either no out-of-pocket co-pay or the appropriate percentage cost-sharing as defined by
           the member’s benefit.
       2. The next business day, FutureScripts®, will contact the member’s provider to request submit
          documentation of medical necessity or medical appropriateness for review.
       3. Once the completed medical documentation is received by FutureScripts®, the review will be
           completed, and the request will either be approved or denied.
       4. If approved, the remainder of the prescription may be filled, and the appropriate prescription drug
           out-of-pocket cost-sharing will be applied.
       5. If denied, notification will be sent to both the provider and the member.
Obtaining a 96-hour temporary supply does not guarantee that the prior authorization request will be approved.
This program limits a one-time release of 96-hour supply per drug. Some drugs are not eligible for the 96-Hour
Temporary Supply Program due to packaging or other limitations.
How to submit a Prior Authorization?
Here is the process to request a prior authorization/preapproval or override:
   1. The provider prescribing the drug can access electronic prior authorization (ePA) platforms such as
      CoverMyMeds® and SureScripts™ to submit a prior authorization request. Alternatively, the provider
      can complete a prior authorization fax form or write a letter of medical necessity and submit it to
      FutureScripts® by fax at 1-888-671-5285. The forms are available online at: https://www.futurescripts.
   2. FutureScripts® will review the prior authorization request or letter of medical necessity. If a clinical
      pharmacist cannot approve the request based on established criteria, a medical director will review the

                                                         8                                             (continued)
3. A decision is made regarding the request.
   •   If approved, the provider will be notified of the approval via fax and/or telephone, and the pharmacy
       claim adjudication system will be coded with the approval. Note: ePA approval can occur in real
       time, this means the member can be approved for the drug prior to leaving the provider’s office with
       a prescription. The member may call the Customer Service phone number on his or her ID card to
       determine if the request is approved.
   •   If denied, the prescribing provider will be notified via letter, fax, or telephone. The member is also
       notified via letter. The appeals process is detailed within the denial letters sent to the member and
Formulary Exception Requests
Non-formulary drugs: Providers may request consideration for coverage of a non-formulary medication when
there has been a trial of, or contraindication to, at least three formulary alternatives when applicable.
Tier exceptions: Providers may request consideration for preferred coverage of a non-preferred drug when
there has been a trial of, or contraindication to, at least three formulary alternatives when applicable.
       • Requests for a generic medication that is located on the non-preferred drug tier to be lowered to the
          generic tier will be approved if the exception criteria are met.
       • Requests for a brand medication or an authorized generic (also referred to as authorized brand
          alternative) non-preferred that is located on the non-preferred drug tier to be lowered to the preferred
          brand tier will be approved if the exception criteria are met.
Please note, restrictions apply to formulary exception requests. Drugs on the generic tier, the preferred brand
tier and the specialty tier are not eligible for tier exceptions. Tier exceptions are not available under some plans;
please refer to the member benefit booklet for details.
When requesting an exception, the provider should complete the formulary exception request form, providing
detail to support the request, and fax the request to 1-888-671-5285. If the formulary exception request is
approved for a non-preferred drug, the drug will pay at the appropriate preferred brand or generic level of
cost-sharing. If the request is denied, the member and provider will receive a denial letter with the appropriate
appeals language. The forms are available online at: https://www.futurescripts.com/prior-authorization1.html.
Appealing a decision
If a request for prior authorization or exception results in a denial, the member, or the provider on the member’s
behalf (with the member’s consent), may file an appeal. Both the member and his or her provider will receive
written notification of a denial, which will include the appropriate telephone number and address to direct
an appeal. To assist in the appeals process, it is recommended that the provider be involved to provide any
additional information on the basis of the appeal.

                                                          9                                              (continued)
Prior authorization applies to all formulations of the following specific drugs, including but not limited to,
tablet, capsule, and oral suspensions.*
abiraterone                 Bronchitol®                 Dojolvi™                    Fortamet®
Actemra® SC                 Brukinsa™                   doxepin tablet              Fotivda®
Actimmune®                  buprenorphine patch         doxycycline hyclate tab     Freestyle test strips/
adapalene pad               Bynfezia Pen™                 50mg                        glucometer
Addyi®                      Byvalson™                   doxylamine-pyridoxine       Fulyzaq™
Adempas®                    Cabometyx™                  droxidopa                   Fuzeon®
Admelog®                    Calquence®                  Dupixent®                   Gattex®
Advate®                     Caprelsa®                   Duzallo®                    Gavreto™
                                                                                    Gavreto  ™
Adynovate®                  Carac®                      Ecoza™                      Gilotrif™
Afstyla®                    Carbaglu®                   Edarbi™                     Gleevec®
Albuterol HFA               Carbatrol®                  Edex®                       Glucagen® Hypokit®
  (AG for Ventolin)         Caverject®                  Edluar™                     Gonal-f ®
Alecensa®                   Cayston™                    Elmiron®                    Grastek®
Alphanate®                  Cerdelga™                   Eloctate™                   Haegarda®
Alphanine® SD               Cholbam®                    Emflaza™                    Harvoni™
Alprolix™                   Ciclodan®                   Emgality®                   Helixate® FS
Altabax™                    Cimzia®                     Empaveli™                   Hemlibra® Soln
Alunbrig™                   Cinryze®                    Enbrel®                     Hemofil® M
amphetamine                 clindamycin/benzoyl         Endari™                     Hetlioz™
 (generic Evekeo)              peroxide 1%/5%           Enspryng™
                                                        Enspryng   ™                Horizant™
Apidra®                     clobazam                    Epclusa  ®                  Humalog®
Apidra® SoloSTAR®           Cloderm®                    Erivedge™                   Humate-P®
Apokyn®                     clovique                    Erleada®                    Humatrope®
Aptiom®                     Coagadex®                   erlotinib                   Humira®
armodafinil                 Cometriq™                   Ertaczo®                    Hycamtin®
Austedo™                    Contour Glucometer          Esbriet®                    hydrocodone ER
Auvi-Q® 0.1mg               Contour Next Test Strips    esomeprazole                hydromorphone ER
Ayvakit™                    Contour Test Strips         esomeprazole granules       Ibrance®
azelastine/fluticasone      Contrave ER®                Esperoct®                   icatibant inj
  spray                     Corifact®                   eszopiclone 3mg             Iclusig™
Bebulin®                    Corlanor®                   Eucrisa™                    Idhifa®
Belbuca™                    Cosentyx™                   everolimus (generic for     Ilevro®
Belviq® [XR]                Cotellic™                     Afinitor)                 imatinib mesylate
BeneFIX®                    Cresemba®                   Evrysdi™
                                                        Evrysdi ™                   Imbruvica™
Benlysta®                   Cutivate®                   Exelderm®                   Imcivree™
                                                                                    Imcivree  ™
Benzamycinpak®              cyclobenzaprine ER          Factive®                    imiquimod
benzphetamine               Cystadrops®                 Fanapt™                     Increlex®
Berinert®                   Cystaran™                   Farydak®                    indomethacin 20mg
Bevespi Aerosphere™         Daklinza™ dapsone gel       Fasenra®                    Ingrezza™
bexarotene                    7.5%                      febuxostat                  Inlyta®
Bonjesta®                   Daytrana™                   Feiba®                      Inqovi®
bosentan                    deferasirox tab/granules    Femring®                    Inrebic®
Bosulif®                    deferiprone                 fentanyl citrate-OTFC       insulin lispro
Brand prenatal vitamins1    dexchlorpheniramine soln    fentanyl transdermal        insulin lispro inj junior
Bravelle®                   D.H.E.® 45                  Fetzima™                    insulin lispro inj protamin
Breeze2 test strips/        Diabetic test strips2       Fioricet® with Codeine      Intrarosa®
  glucometer                diclofenac gel 3%           Fiorinal® with Codeine      Invokamet® [XR]
Briviact®                   diethylpropion HCL          Firazyr®                    Invokana®
BromSite®                   dihydroergotamine           Flector® patch              Iressa®

                                                       11                                          (continued)
Isturisa®               Motegrity™                orphenadrine-asa caffeine   Revlimid®
Ixinity®                Muse®                     Otezla™                     Rexulti®
Jakafi™                 Myalept™                  Oxaydo®                     Riastap®
Jublia®                 Mycapssa®                 Oxbryta™                    Rinvoq™
Juxtapid™               Mytesi™                   oxiconazole nitrate
Jynarque®               Nascobal®                 Oxtellar® XR                Rixubis™
Kalydeco™               Natpara®                  oxycodone ER                Rozlytrek™
ketoprofen cap          Nayzilam®                 Oxycontin®                  Rubraca®
Keveyis™                Nerlynx™                  oxymorphone ER              Ruconest®
Kevzara®                Nestabs® One              Palforzia™ cap/powder       rufinamide
Kineret®                Nexavar®                  pantoprazole pak            Rukobia®
Kisqali™                Nexletol™                 Pemazyre™                   Ruzurgi®
Klisyri®                Nexlizet™                 penicillamine capsule       Rydapt®
Koate®-DVI              Ninlaro®                  Percocet®                   Rytary™
Kogenate® FS            nitisinone                phendimetrazine tartrate    sapropterin pow/tab
Korlym™                 Nityr®                    phentermine hcl             Saxenda®
Koselugo™               Non Preferred Diabetic    Picato®                     Sernivo™
Kynamro®                  Meters                  Piqray®                     Serostim®
Kynmobi™                Norditropin®              Pogo Automatic®             Sevenfact®
lansoprazole solutab    Nourianz™                   Mis Monitor               Signifor®
lapatinib               Novoeight®                Pogo Automatic®             sildenafil
Lastacaft®              Novoseven® RT               Test Cartridge            Siliq™
Latuda®                 Noxafil®                  Pomalyst®                   Simponi™
ledipasvir-sofosbuvir   Nubeqa™                   Praluent®                   Sirturo™
Lenvima™                Nucala® Soln              Precision Glucometer        Skyrizi™
Levemir®                Nucynta ER®               Precision XTRA Test         sofosbuvir-velpatasvir
levothyroxine cap       Nuedexta™                   Strips                    Solosec®
Livalo®                 Nulibry™
                        Nulibry ™                 pregabalin ER tab           Somavert®
Lomaira™                Nuplazid™                 Pretomanid®                 Sovaldi™
Lonhala™ Magnair™       Nurtec™                   Prilosec®                   Sprycel®
Lonsurf®                Nutropin® (AQ)            Proctocort® Supp 30mg       Stelara®
Lorbrena®                                         Procysbi®                   Stivarga®
luliconazole cream                                Profilnine®                 Strensiq™
Lumakras™                                         Promacta®                   Striant®
Lupkynis  ™                                       Qinlock™                    Sucraid®
                        Odactra® SL
Luzu®                                             Qsymia® ER                  sumatriptan/naproxen
Lynparza™                                         Qudexy® XR                  Sunosi™
Mavenclad Pak®                                    QuilliChew ER™              Sutent®
Mavyret™                                          Quillivant XR™              Sylatron™
Mekinist®                                         quinine sulfate             Symlin®
meloxicam cap                                     rabeprazole                 Sympazan™ Film
Menopur®                                          Ragwitek™                   Tabrecta™
                        Onzetra Xsail™
Metaxalone                                        Rasuvo™                     tadalafil (generic Adcirca)
methadone                                         Ravicti™                    Tafinlar®
Methitest™                                        Rebif® Rebidose®            Tagrisso™
                        Orencia® SQ
methyltestosterone                                Rebinyn®                    Taltz Autoinjector®
miglustat                                         Recombinate™                Targretin® Gel
modafinil                                         Regranex®                   Tasigna®
                        Orgovyx  ™
mometasone furoate                                ReliOn®                     tavaborole
Monoclate-P®                                      Repatha™                    Tazverik™
Monodox®                                          Retevmo™                    Technivie™
Mononine® morphine ER                             Retin-A® (Micro)            Tegretol® [XR]
                                                 11                                          (continued)
Tekturna® (HCT)             Turalio™                    Vonvendi                     Xultophy®
temozolomide                Tymlos™                     Vosevi™                      Xuriden™
Tepmetko®                   Tyvaso®                     Votrient™                    Xyntha®
Teriparatide® inj           Ubrelvy™                    Vusion®                      Xyrem®
testosterone enanthate      Ukoniq®                     Vyleesi™                     Xywav™
                                                                                     Xywav  ™
testosterone topical        Uloric®                     Vyndamax®                    Yupelri™
Thalomid®                   Upneeq®                     Vyndaqel®                    Zejula™
Thyquidity™                 Uptravi®                    Wakix®                       Zelboraf®
Tirosint®                   Utibron™ Neohaler           Wegovy™                      Zelnorm™
tolvaptan                   Valchlor™                   Wilate®                      Zembrace Symtouch™
topiramate ER sprinkle      Valtoco®                    Xalkori®                     Zepatier™
Toviaz™                     vardenafil [ODT]            Xcopri®                      Zerviate™
Tremfya™                    Vascepa®                    Xeljanz® [XR]                Zetonna™
Tresiba®                    Vecamyl™                    Xenazine™                    zileuton ER tab
tretinoin caps              Venclexta®                  Xenical®                     Zioptan®
Tretten®                    Ventavis®                   Xermelo™                     Zokinvy®
triamcinolone 0.05%         Verdeso®                    Xhance™ MIS 93mcg            Zolinza®
   ointment                 Verquvo™
                            Verquvo ™                   Xifaxan®                     Zolpidem 10mg
Trianex®                    Verzenio™                   Xiidra™                      Zolpidem ER 12.5mg
trientine                   Viberzi™                    Xolair®                      Zolpidem SL 3.5mg
Trikafta™                   Viekira Pak™                Xospata®                     Zurampic®
Trintellix®                 vigabatrin pack/tab         Xpovio®                      Zydelig®
Tritocin™                   vigadrone pack              Xpovio® Pak                  Zykadia™
Trokendi®XR                 Viibryd®                    Xtampza® XR
Truseltiq™                  Voltaren XR®                Xtandi®

 All brand prenatal vitamins require prior authorization.
 All diabetic test strips require prior authorization except for OneTouch®.

* Compound products with total cost equal to or greater than $75 per prescription.

Reading the formulary drug list
How can I tell if a drug is generic or brand?
The formulary gives you choices so you and your doctor can decide your best course of treatment. In this
formulary, brand-name medications start with an uppercase letter and are written in bold. Generic medications
are shown in lowercase and in italic.

         Brand name Drug               Starts with UPPERCASE in Bold                   Ex: Augmentin
           Generic drug                         Lowercase italic                        Ex: avidoxy

Tier information
Tiers are the different cost levels you pay for a medication. Each drug on the formulary is in a tier. Below is a
reference guide to use as you review your formulary to see the abbreviation for each drug tier on the formulary
                                  Drug Tier                     Abbreviation
                                  Generic                       G
                                  Non-preferred Drug            NPD
                                  Specialty Drug                SP
                                  Low-cost Generic              LCG
                                  Preferred Brand               PB
                                  Non-Formulary                 NF
                                  $0 Preventive Drug            ACA

Drug list requirements and/or limits
Some medications are noted with letters next to them to help you see which drugs may have coverage
requirements and/or limits. Below is a reference guide to use as you review your formulary to see the
abbreviation for each requirement/limit on the formulary list.

                           Requirements/Limits                        Abbreviation
                           Prior Authorization                        PA
                           Quantity Limits Apply                      QL
                           Age Limit                                  AL
                           Limited Distribution Drug                  LDD
                           Day Supply Limit                           5DS
                           Requires Rider                             R
                           Quantity Over time                         Q/T
                           Morphine Milligram Equivalent              MME
                           PA for Selected NPD                        +

DRUG        REQUIREMENTS/                                  DRUG        REQUIREMENTS/
DRUG NAME                                                    DRUG NAME
                        TIER        LIMITS                                         TIER        LIMITS
ANTIBIOTICS & OTHER DRUGS USED FOR                                  Avelox            NF
INFECTION                                                           avidoxy           G
  abacavir sulfate                                              azithromycin          G
       tab, soln                                                   Bactrim,
                                                                 Bactrim DS           NF
 abacavir sulfate/
     lamivudine                                                   Baraclude         NF, SP
      abacavir/                                                    Baxdela            NF                QL
    lamivudine/            G                                   Benznidazole          NPD
                                                                   Bethkis          NF, SP
      Acticlate           NF                 AL
                                                                    Biaxin            NF
      acyclovir           LCG
                                                                   Biktarvy          NPD
  acyclovir cream
                           G                 QL                   Biltricide          NF
                                                                   cefaclor           G
 adefovir dipivoxil      G, SP
                                                                 cefaclor ER          G
   Aemcolo DR            NPD                 QL
                                                                  cefadroxil          G
    albendazole           G
                                                                   cefdinir           G
       Albenza            NF
                                                             cefixime susp/cap        G
    Alinia susp          NPD                 QL
                                                                  ceftibuten          G
     Alinia tab           NF                 QL
                                                                    Ceftin           NF
       Altabax           NPD                 PA
                                                              cefuroxime axetil       G
 Amoxicillin 775mg        PB
                                                                  cephalexin          G
    amoxicillin           G
    amoxicillin/                                                                      G
                           G                                   gluconate soln
    amoxicillin/                                                                      G
    clavulanate            G
                                                                   Cimduo            NPD
                                                                     Cipro            NF
      ampicillin         G
                                                                  Cipro XR            NF
       Amzeeq            NF
                                                              ciprofloxacin ER
      Ancobon            NF                                                           G
      Arakoda           NPD                                     ciprofloxacin        LCG
  Arikayce Susp        NPD, SP               PA                clarithromycin         G
     atazanavir          G                                   clarithromycin ER        G
    atovaquone           G                                         Cleocin            NF
    atovaquone/                                                  clotrimazole
                           G                                                          G
      proguanil                                                     troches
        Atripla           NF                                      Combivir            NF
    Augmentin             NF                                      Complera            PB
  Augmentin XR            NF                                      Cresemba           NPD              PA, QL

Bold type = Brand Name Drug Lower case italic = Generic drug
PA = Prior Authorization QL = Quantity Limits Apply SP = Specialty Drug AL = Age Limit LCG = Low Cost Generic
LDD = Limited Distribution Drug 5DS = Day Supply Limit R = Requires Rider + = PA for Selected NPD NF = Non Formulary
G = Generic Q/T = Quantity Over Time PB = Preferred Brand NPD = Non Preferred Drug ACA = $0 Preventative Drug
MME = Morphine Milligram Equivalent
DRUG        REQUIREMENTS/                                  DRUG        REQUIREMENTS/
DRUG NAME                                                    DRUG NAME
                        TIER        LIMITS                                         TIER        LIMITS
      Crixivan            PB                                       efavirenz          G
      Daklinza         NPD, SP          PA, Q/T, QL                efavirenz-
  dapsone tablet          G                                       emtricitab-         G
  Daraprim Tab          NF, SP                                  tenofovir tab
       Daxbia            NPD                                       efavirenz-
                                                                 lamivudine-          G
      Delstrigo          NPD                                    tenofovir tab
  demeclocycline          G                                   Egaten 250mg
    dicloxacillin         G                                                          NPD
     didanosine           G                                  emtricitabine cap        G
Dificid Tab/Susp         NPD                 QL                emtricitabine-
      Diflucan            NF                                       tenofovir
   Doryx 50mg                                                   fumarate tab          G
       tablet                                                100-150mg, 133-
   Doryx 200mg                                                      200mg,
                          NF                 QL                  167-250mg
       Dovato            NPD                                   emtricitabine-
  doxycycline DR                                                  disoproxil       G, ACA               QL
        40mg                                                    fumarate tab
    doxycycline                                                  200-300mg
 hyclate DR 80mg                                                   Emtriva            NF
    Doxycycline                                                    Emverm            NPD                QL
hyclate tab 75mg,        NPD                 AL
       150mg                                                       entecavir        G, SP
    Doxycycline                                                     Epclusa         PB, SP         PA, Q/T, QL
hyclate tab 50mg         NPD                 PA
                                                                     Epivir           NF
    Doxycycline                                                    Epzicom            NF
  hyclate tab DR         NPD                                        EryPed
   50mg, 100mg                                                                       NF
                                                             400mg/5ml Susp
  hyclate tab DR         NPD              QL, QT                   Ery-Tab            NF
       200mg                                                     Erythrocin          NPD
    doxycycline                                                erythromycin           G
 monohydrate cap           G                                  delayed release
   50mg, 100mg                                                 erythromycin           G
    Doxycycline                                               ethylsuccinate
monohydrate cap          NPD                 AL                erythromycin
   75mg, 150mg                                                                        G
    Doxycycline                                                  ethambutol           G
monohydrate tab          NPD                 AL
       150mg                                                       etravirine         G
      Edurant             PB                                     famciclovir          G
E.E.S. 400mg tab          NF                                   Firvanq Soln          NPD                AL

Bold type = Brand Name Drug Lower case italic = Generic drug
PA = Prior Authorization QL = Quantity Limits Apply SP = Specialty Drug AL = Age Limit LCG = Low Cost Generic
LDD = Limited Distribution Drug 5DS = Day Supply Limit R = Requires Rider + = PA for Selected NPD NF = Non Formulary
G = Generic Q/T = Quantity Over Time PB = Preferred Brand NPD = Non Preferred Drug ACA = $0 Preventative Drug
MME = Morphine Milligram Equivalent
DRUG        REQUIREMENTS/                                  DRUG        REQUIREMENTS/
DRUG NAME                                                    DRUG NAME
                        TIER        LIMITS                                         TIER        LIMITS
         Flagyl           NF                                 lamivudine 100mg       G, SP
     fluconazole                                                      tab
  suspension/tabs                                                lamivudine/          G
      flucytosine         G                                       zidovudine
     Flumadine            NF                                        Lampit          NPD
   fosamprenavir                                                 Ledipasvir-
                           G                                  sofosbuvir tablet    NPD, SP           PA, QL
     calcium tab                                                  90-400mg
  fosfomycin pow          G                                       Levaquin          NF
         Fuzeon          NPD                 PA                  levofloxacin        G
      Gris-PEG            NF                                        Lexiva          NF
     griseofulvin                                                  linezolid         G                  QL
                                                             lopinavir/ritonavir     G
                           G                                    Macrodantin         NF
                                                                  Malarone          NF
       Harvoni          PB, SP          PA, Q/T, QL
                                                                   Mavyret         PB, SP          PA, Q/T, QL
       Hepsera          NF, SP
                                                                  mefloquine         G
         Hiprex          NF
                                                                   Mepron           NF
       Humatin           NF
        hydroxy-                                                                      G
                           G                                       hippurate
                                                                metronidazole       LCG
      Impavido           NPD              Q/T, QL
                                                                   Minocin           NF
       Intelence          NF
                                                              minocycline caps       G
        Invirase          PB
                                                              Minocycline ER
       Isentress          PB                                          cap            NF                Q/T
       isoniazid          G                                    minocycline ER
    itraconazole                                                                      G                Q/T
                          G                                          tablet
      ivermectin          G                                        Minolira          NF                Q/T
         Juluca          NPD                                       moderiba         G, SP
 Kaletra soln/tabs        NF                                   Mondoxyne NL
                                                                  75mg cap          NPD                 AL
  Kalydeco Tabs/
          Pack         NPD, SP           PA, LDD                Monurol Pak
                                                                  Granules           NF
         Keflex           NF
 ketoconazole tabs        G                                        Moxatag          NPD
       Krintafel         NPD                                   moxifloxacin hcl      G
    Lamisil Tabs          NF                                     Myambutol           NF
     lamivudine                                                  Mycobutin           NF
   150mg, 300mg            G                                       Mytesi +         NPD                 PA
         tablets                                               Nebupent INH          NF
                                                                  nevirapine         G

Bold type = Brand Name Drug Lower case italic = Generic drug
PA = Prior Authorization QL = Quantity Limits Apply SP = Specialty Drug AL = Age Limit LCG = Low Cost Generic
LDD = Limited Distribution Drug 5DS = Day Supply Limit R = Requires Rider + = PA for Selected NPD NF = Non Formulary
G = Generic Q/T = Quantity Over Time PB = Preferred Brand NPD = Non Preferred Drug ACA = $0 Preventative Drug
MME = Morphine Milligram Equivalent
DRUG        REQUIREMENTS/                                  DRUG        REQUIREMENTS/
DRUG NAME                                                    DRUG NAME
                        TIER        LIMITS                                         TIER        LIMITS
  nevirapine ER            G                                       Rifadin            NF
   nitazoxanide            G                 QL                    rifampin           G
  nitrofurantoin                                                rimantadine           G
  macrocrystals                                                    ritonavir          G
  nitrofurantoin                                                  Rukobia            NPD                PA
                           G                 AL
                                                                  Selzentry           PB
  Norvir powder           PB
                                                                   Seysara            NF               Q/T
   Norvir tablet          NF
                                                                    Sirturo          NPD               PA
       Noxafil            NF                 QL
                                                                    Sitavig          NPD               QL
       Nuzyra            NPD                 QL
                                                                   Sivextro           NF
       Onmel              NF
                                                             Sklice Lot 0.5%          NF
       Oracea             NF
 Orkambi tablet/                                             velpatasvir tablet    NPD, SP            PA, QL
                       NPD, SP           PA, LDD
       packet                                                    400-100mg
 oseltamivir caps/                                                 Solodyn           NF              QL, Q/T
                           G                 QL
                                                               Solosec GRA          NPD                PA
      Pegasys          NPD, SP
                                                                   Sovaldi         NPD, SP         PA, QL, Q/T
     PegIntron         NPD, SP
                                                                  Sporanox           NF
     penicillin v
                           G                                  SSKI Solution         NPD
 potassium tablet
                                                                  stavudine          G
 pentamidine INH         G
                                                                   Stribild          PB
       Pifeltro         NPD
                                                                 Stromectol          NF
     Plaquenil           NF                  QL
   posaconazole          G                   QL                                      LCG
    praziquantel         G                                     Suprax Susp
    Pretomanid          NPD                  PA                 100mg/5ml,            NF
     Prevymis          NPD, SP                                   200mg/5ml
      Prezista           PB                                         Sustiva          NF
   pyrimethamin         G, SP                                        Symfi           NF
    Qualaquin            NF                                       Symfi Lo           NF
  quinine sulfate        G                 PA                     Symtuza           NPD
      Relenza           NPD               QL, AL                    Talicia         NPD
      Retrovir           NF                                        Tamiflu           NF                 QL
      Reyataz            NF                                       Targadox           NF
     ribasphere                                                   Technivie        NPD, SP         PA, Q/T, QL
       ribapak                                                     Temixys          NPD
                         G, SP
 200mg & 400mg/                                                   tenofovir          G
 400mg & 600mg                                                terbinafine tabs      LCG
      rifabutin            G                                     Tindamax            NF

Bold type = Brand Name Drug Lower case italic = Generic drug
PA = Prior Authorization QL = Quantity Limits Apply SP = Specialty Drug AL = Age Limit LCG = Low Cost Generic
LDD = Limited Distribution Drug 5DS = Day Supply Limit R = Requires Rider + = PA for Selected NPD NF = Non Formulary
G = Generic Q/T = Quantity Over Time PB = Preferred Brand NPD = Non Preferred Drug ACA = $0 Preventative Drug
MME = Morphine Milligram Equivalent
DRUG        REQUIREMENTS/                                   DRUG        REQUIREMENTS/
DRUG NAME                                                    DRUG NAME
                        TIER        LIMITS                                          TIER        LIMITS
     tinidazole           G                                     Xofluza
                                                              Therapy Pack           NPD               Q/T
   Tivicay PD            NPD
Tobi Nebulization                                               Zepatier           NPD, SP         PA, Q/T, QL
        Soln            NF, SP                                    Zerit              NF
  Tobi Podhaler                                                  Ziagen              NF
        Cap            NPD, SP
                                                               zidovudine           LCG
    tobramycin                                                 Zithromax             NF
                         G, SP
nebulization soln.
                                                                 Zmax                NF
      Tolsura            NF
                                                                 Zyvox               NF                 QL
      Trikafta         NPD, SP               PA
     Triumeq             PB                                  CANCER & ORGAN TRANSPLANT DRUGS
      Trizivir           NF                                     abiraterone         G, SP               PA
      Truvada            NF                                       Afinitor          NF, SP
 valacyclovir tab        G                                       Alecensa          NPD, SP              PA
      Valcyte            NF                                      Alkeran            NF, SP
  valganciclovir         G                                   Alunbrig tab/pak      NPD, SP              PA
       Valtrex           NF                                     anastrazole           G
   vancomycin            G                                       Arimidex            NF
      Vemlidy          NPD, SP                                  Aromasin             NF
       Vfend             NF                                       Ayvakit          NPD, SP            PA, QL
   Vibramycin            NF                                    azathioprine           G
     Videx EC            NF                                      Balversa          NPD, SP              PA
   Viekira Pak         NPD, SP          PA, QL, Q/T              Benlysta          NPD, SP              PA
   Viekira XR          NPD, SP          PA, QL, Q/T             bexarotene          G, SP               PA
    Viramune                                                   bicalutamide           G
    suspension            NF
                                                                  Bosulif          NPD, SP              PA
 Viramune tablet          NF
                                                                 Braftovi          NPD, SP              PA
  Viramune XR             NF
                                                                 Brukinsa          NPD, SP              PA
       Viread             NF
                                                               Cabometyx           NPD, SP              PA
     Vocabria            NPD
                                                                Calquence          NPD, SP              PA
   voriconazole           G
                                                               capecitabine         G, SP
       Vosevi           PB, SP          PA, Q/T, QL
                                                                 Caprelsa          NPD, SP              PA
      Xenleta            NPD                QL
                                                                 Casodex             NF
   Xepi Cream
                          NF                                     Cellcept            NF
 Xifaxan 200mg           NPD                QL                   Cometriq          NPD, SP             PA
 Xifaxan 550mg           NPD            PA, Q/T, QL              Copiktra          NPD, SP             PA
   Ximino ER              NF                Q/T                   Cotellic         NPD, SP           PA, LDD

Bold type = Brand Name Drug Lower case italic = Generic drug
PA = Prior Authorization QL = Quantity Limits Apply SP = Specialty Drug AL = Age Limit LCG = Low Cost Generic
LDD = Limited Distribution Drug 5DS = Day Supply Limit R = Requires Rider + = PA for Selected NPD NF = Non Formulary
G = Generic Q/T = Quantity Over Time PB = Preferred Brand NPD = Non Preferred Drug ACA = $0 Preventative Drug
MME = Morphine Milligram Equivalent
DRUG        REQUIREMENTS/                                  DRUG         REQUIREMENTS/
DRUG NAME                                                    DRUG NAME
                        TIER        LIMITS                                         TIER         LIMITS
 cyclophosphamide                                            imatinib mesylate      G, SP               PA
       caps                                                     Imbruvica          NPD, SP              PA
  Cyclophospha-                                                    Imuran            NF
     mide tabs           NPD
                                                                    Inlyta         NPD, SP             PA
   cyclosporine          G                                      Inqovi tab         NPD, SP             PA
     Cytoxan           NPD, SP                                     Inrebic         NPD, SP             PA
      danazol            G                                      Iressa tab         NPD, SP             PA
    Danocrine           NPD                                        Kisqali         NPD, SP           PA, LDD
    Daurismo           NPD, SP               PA                  Koselugo          NPD, SP             PA
     Deltasone          NPD                                       lapatinib         G, SP              PA
       Emcyt            NPD                                       Lenvima          NPD, SP           PA, LDD
     Erivedge          NPD, SP               PA                   letrozole          G
      Erleada          NPD, SP               PA                 leucovorin
      erlotinib         G, SP                PA                    calcium
     etoposide          G, SP                                   Leukeran              PB
      Eulexin           NPD                                      leuprolide         G, SP
    everolimus                                                    Lonsurf          NPD, SP             PA
   (generic for          G, SP               PA                  Lorbrena          NPD, SP             PA
                                                                Lumakras           NPD, SP             PA
   (generic for            G                                     Lupkynis          NPD, SP           PA, QL
     Zortress)                                                   Lynparza           PB, SP             PA
    exemestane            G                                      Lysodren            NPD
     Fareston            NF                                      Matulane           PB, SP
     Farydak           NPD, SP           PA, LDD             Mavenclad pak +       NPD, SP              PA
      Femara             NF                                        Megace             NF
     flutamide            G                                  megestrol acetate        G
      Fotivda          NPD, SP               PA                   Mekinist         NPD, SP              PA
     Gavreto           NPD, SP               PA                   Mektovi          NPD, SP              PA
      Gilotrif         NPD, SP               PA                 melphalan           G, SP
      Gleevec           NF, SP                                mercaptopurine          G
     Gleostine         NPD, SP                                     Mesnex          NPD, SP
     Hexalen             NPD                                  methotrexate tab        G
    Hycamtin           NPD, SP               PA               mycophenolate           G
      Hydrea              NF                                 mycophenolic acid        G
   hydroxyurea            G                                       Myfortic            NF
      Ibrance          NPD, SP           PA, LDD                  Myleran            NPD
       Iclusig         NPD, SP             PA                       Neoral           NPD
       Idhifa          NPD, SP             PA                     Nerlynx          NPD, SP              PA

Bold type = Brand Name Drug Lower case italic = Generic drug
PA = Prior Authorization QL = Quantity Limits Apply SP = Specialty Drug AL = Age Limit LCG = Low Cost Generic
LDD = Limited Distribution Drug 5DS = Day Supply Limit R = Requires Rider + = PA for Selected NPD NF = Non Formulary
G = Generic Q/T = Quantity Over Time PB = Preferred Brand NPD = Non Preferred Drug ACA = $0 Preventative Drug
MME = Morphine Milligram Equivalent
DRUG        REQUIREMENTS/                                  DRUG        REQUIREMENTS/
DRUG NAME                                                    DRUG NAME
                        TIER        LIMITS                                         TIER        LIMITS
       Nexavar         NPD, SP               PA                   Tagrisso        NPD, SP               PA
      Nilandron         NF, SP                                   Talzenna         NPD, SP               PA
      nilutamide        G, SP                                    tamoxifen           G
        Ninlaro        NPD, SP               PA                   Tarceva          NF, SP
       Nubeqa          NPD, SP               PA               Targretin cap        NF, SP
       Odomzo          NPD, SP               PA                   Tasigna         NPD, SP               PA
        Onureg         NPD, SP               PA              Tazverik 200mg       NPD, SP               PA
    Orgovyx tab        NPD, SP               PA                  Temodar           NF, SP
 Ortikos ER Cap           NF                                  temozolomide         G, SP                PA
      Pemazyre         NPD, SP               PA                 Tepmetko          NPD, SP               PA
        Piqray         NPD, SP               PA                 Thalomid          NPD, SP               PA
       Pomalyst        NPD, SP               PA                   Tibsovo         NPD, SP               PA
      prednisone         LCG                                    toremifene           G
      prednisone                                              tretinoin caps       G, SP                PA
    therapy pack/                                              Trexall tab          NPD
     concentrate                                                 Truseltiq        NPD, SP               PA
 Prograf capsule/                                                 Tukysa          NPD, SP               PA
        packet           NPD
                                                                  Turalio         NPD, SP               PA
       Protopic          NF                                       Tykerb           NF, SP
       Purixan         NPD, SP                                    Ukoniq          NPD, SP              PA
     Qinlock tab       NPD, SP               PA                   Valchlor        NPD, SP              PA
     Rapamune                                                   Venclexta         NPD, SP              PA
        tab/sol           NF
                                                                 Verzenio         NPD, SP              PA
   RediTrex Inj           NF                                      Vitrakvi        NPD, SP              PA
   Retevmo cap         NPD, SP               PA                 Vizimpro          NPD, SP              PA
       Revlimid        NPD, SP               PA                   Votrient        NPD, SP              PA
      Rozlytrek        NPD, SP               PA                   Xalkori         NPD, SP              PA
       Rubraca          PB, SP               PA                   Xatmep            NPD                AL
        Rydapt         NPD, SP               PA                    Xeloda          NF, SP
   Sandimmune            NF                                       Xospata         NPD, SP             PA
 sirolimus tab/soln       G                                       Xpovio          NPD, SP             PA
        Sprycel        NPD, SP               PA                Xpovio Pak         NPD, SP             PA
       Stivarga        NPD, SP               PA                    Xtandi         NPD, SP           PA, LDD
        Sutent         NPD, SP               PA                    Yonsa          NPD, SP             PA
        Tabloid          NPD                                       Zejula          PB, SP           PA, LDD
    Tabrecta tab       NPD, SP               PA                  Zelboraf         NPD, SP           PA, LDD
      tacrolimus          G                                       Zolinza         NPD, SP           PA, LDD
       Tafinlar        NPD, SP               PA

Bold type = Brand Name Drug Lower case italic = Generic drug
PA = Prior Authorization QL = Quantity Limits Apply SP = Specialty Drug AL = Age Limit LCG = Low Cost Generic
LDD = Limited Distribution Drug 5DS = Day Supply Limit R = Requires Rider + = PA for Selected NPD NF = Non Formulary
G = Generic Q/T = Quantity Over Time PB = Preferred Brand NPD = Non Preferred Drug ACA = $0 Preventative Drug
MME = Morphine Milligram Equivalent
DRUG        REQUIREMENTS/                                  DRUG        REQUIREMENTS/
DRUG NAME                                                    DRUG NAME
                        TIER        LIMITS                                         TIER        LIMITS
      Zortress            NF                                   amphetamine
      Zydelig           NPD, SP           PA, LDD               aspartate/
                                                               amphetamine            G                 QL
      Zykadia           NPD, SP           PA, LDD             sulfate/dextro-
       Zytiga            NF, SP             LDD                amphetamine
 PAIN, NERVOUS SYSTEM, & PSYCH                                  aspartate/
      Abilify              NF                                  amphetamine            G                 QL
  Abilify Mycite           NF                                amphetamine ER
  Abilify Mycite                                              Amphetamine
  Maintenance/             NF                                                         NF                QL
                                                              ER suspension
   Starter Pak
      Abstral              NF            QL, MME              tablet (generic         G               PA, QL
 acamprosate DR                                                  Evekeo)
                                                                Anafranil             NF
  acetaminophen                        QL, 5DS, AL,
                          LCG                                   Antabuse              NF
     w/codeine                            MME
                                                                                                   PA, QL, 5DS,
       Actiq               NF           QL, MME                 Apadaz +             NPD
     Adderall              NF               QL
                                                                 Aplenzin             NF
   Adderall XR             NF               QL               Apokyn Solution
  Adhansia XR                                                  Cartridge 30        NPD, SP              PA
                           NF                QL
     Capsule                                                     MG/3ML
     Adipex-P              NF                R                 Aptensio XR            NF                QL
 Adzenys ER susp           NF                QL                   Aptiom             NPD                PA
  Adzenys XR-                                                 Aricept [ODT]          NF                 AL
                           NF                QL
                                                               aripiprazole           G
     Aimovig               PB                PA
                                                                armodafinil           G                PA
       Ajovy               NF
                                                                Arymo ER             NF             QL, MME
    Allzital 25-
                           NF             QL, 5DS             asenapine sub           G
                                                                  Ativan             NF                 AL
    almotriptan            G              QL, AL               atomoxetine            G                 QL
    alprazolam            LCG                AL                  Aubagio           NPD, SP
  alprazolam ER            G                 AL                  Austedo           NPD, SP             PA
    amantadine             G                                      Avonex            PB, SP             QL
      Ambien               NF              QL                      Axert             NF               QL, AL
   Ambien CR               NF              QL                     Azilect            NF
      Amerge               NF             QL, AL               Banzel Susp           NF                 AL
   amitriptyline           G                                   Banzel Tab            NF
    amoxapine              G                                     Belbuca              PB          PA, QL, MME

Bold type = Brand Name Drug Lower case italic = Generic drug
PA = Prior Authorization QL = Quantity Limits Apply SP = Specialty Drug AL = Age Limit LCG = Low Cost Generic
LDD = Limited Distribution Drug 5DS = Day Supply Limit R = Requires Rider + = PA for Selected NPD NF = Non Formulary
G = Generic Q/T = Quantity Over Time PB = Preferred Brand NPD = Non Preferred Drug ACA = $0 Preventative Drug
MME = Morphine Milligram Equivalent
DRUG        REQUIREMENTS/                                  DRUG        REQUIREMENTS/
DRUG NAME                                                    DRUG NAME
                        TIER        LIMITS                                         TIER        LIMITS
      Belsomra            NF                QL                   butorphanol                      QL, 5DS, AL,
    Belviq [XR]          NPD               PA, R                tartrate nasal                       MME
     Benzhydro-                                                     Butrans           NF           QL, MME
                                       PA, QL, 5DS,
   codone-aceta-         NPD                                       Cafergot           NF
    minophen +                             MME
                                                                    Caplyta           NF
   benzphetamine         LCG                 R                 carbamazepine          G
     benztropine          G                                    carbamazepine          G                 AL
      Betaseron         PB, SP               QL                       susp
   Brisdelle cap          NF                 QL              carbamazepine XR         G
       Briviact                                                    Carbatrol         NPD                PA
     suspension          NPD              PA, AL
                                                                   carbidopa          G
   Briviact tablet       NPD                 PA                   carbidopa/          G
  Bromocriptine                                                     levodopa
      mesylate            NF
                                                                  carbidopa/          G
      Bunavail            NF                 QL                  levodopa ER
   buprenorphine                                                  carbidopa/
                           G                 QL                                       G
  hcl/naloxone hcl                                             levodopa ODT
   buprenorphine                                                  carbidopa/
                           G           PA, QL, MME                 levodopa/          G
 buprenorphine SL          G                 QL
                                                                carisoprodol-                     QL, 5DS, AL,
      bupropion            G                                                          G
                                                               aspirin-codeine                       MME
   bupropion ER                                                    Cataflam           NF
                           G                 QL
        150mg                                                        Celexa           NF
  Bupropion ER                                                     Celontin
                          NF                                                          PB
                                                                    Chantix          ACA                QL
    bupropion SR           G
                                                              chlordiazepoxide        G                 AL
   bupropion XL            G
      buspirone            G                                                          G
     Butalbital-                                                  citalopram         LCG
  acetaminophen           NF              QL, 5DS
      25-325mg                                                     clobazam           G                 PA
     Butalbital-                                               clobazam susp          G               PA, AL
  acetaminophen           NF              QL, 5DS            clomipramine HCl         G
                                                                  clonazepam          G
  butalbital/apap/         G              QL, 5DS                 clorazepate
       caffeine                                                                       G                 AL
  butalbital/apap/                     QL, 5DS, AL,
                           G                                       clozapine          G
  caffeine/codeine                        MME
 butalbital/aspirin/                   QL, 5DS, AL,            clozapine ODT          G            QL, 5DS, AL
                           G                                        Clozaril          NF
  caffeine/codeine                        MME
                                                                 codeine tabs         G         QL, 5DS, AL, MME

Bold type = Brand Name Drug Lower case italic = Generic drug
PA = Prior Authorization QL = Quantity Limits Apply SP = Specialty Drug AL = Age Limit LCG = Low Cost Generic
LDD = Limited Distribution Drug 5DS = Day Supply Limit R = Requires Rider + = PA for Selected NPD NF = Non Formulary
G = Generic Q/T = Quantity Over Time PB = Preferred Brand NPD = Non Preferred Drug ACA = $0 Preventative Drug
MME = Morphine Milligram Equivalent
DRUG        REQUIREMENTS/                                   DRUG        REQUIREMENTS/
DRUG NAME                                                    DRUG NAME
                        TIER        LIMITS                                          TIER        LIMITS
   coditussin AC                                               diazepam tabs         LCG
                           G         QL, AL, 5DS, MME
        liquid                                                Diclofenac cap
                                                                     35mg             NF
       Comtan            NF
      Concerta           NF                QL                    diclofenac           G
   Contrave ER           NPD              PA, R                   potassium
       Conzip            NF           QL, AL, MME            diclofenac sodium        G
     Copaxone           NF, SP             QL                diclofenac sodium        G
                                                                    gel 1%
  Cotempla XR-
                          NF                 QL                diethylpropion
        ODT                                                                           G                R, PA
     Cymbalta             NF                                       diflunisal         G
     Dantrium             NF                                                                      QL, 5DS, AL,
     dantrolene           G                                                           G
                                                                  APAP/caff                          MME
       Daypro             NF                                  dihydrocodeine/                     QL, 5DS, AL,
     Daytrana +          NPD              PA, QL              aspirin/caffeine                       MME
       Dayvigo            NF                QL                  dihydroergo-          G                 PA
      Demerol             NF          QL, 5DS, MME                tamine inj
     Depakene             NF                                    dihydroergo-
                                                              tamine mesylate         G                 PA
      Depakote            NF                                     nasal spray
   Depakote ER            NF                                       Dilantin
                                                             chewable tablets         PB
  Sprinkle Caps                                                    Dilaudid           NF         QL, MME, 5DS
    desipramine           G                                  dimethyl fumarate      G, SP
      Desoxyn             NF                 QL                     DR cap
  Desvenlafaxine                                                  disulfiram          G
      ER 24HR             PB
                                                             divalproex sodium        G
   desvenlafaxine                                            divalproex sodium
                           G                                                          G               PA, QL
    succinate ER                                                       ER
  Dexedrine caps          NF                 QL                  divalproex           G
     dexmethyl-                                                 sprinkle cap
                           G                 QL
    phenidate ER                                                 Dolophine            NF            QL, MME
     dexmethyl-                                                   donepezil
                           G                 QL                                       G                 AL
    phenidate hcl                                              hydrochloride
      dextroam-                                                     Doral             NF                AL
                           G                 QL
     phetamine                                                doxepin capsule         G
      dextroam-                                                doxepin tablet         G                 PA
                           G                 QL
   phetamine ER
      D.H.E.45           NF                                        Sprinkle           NF
      Diacomit         NPD, SP               PA                  duloxetine           G
       Diastat          NPD                                  Duragesic patch          NF            QL, MME
 diazepam solution       G

Bold type = Brand Name Drug Lower case italic = Generic drug
PA = Prior Authorization QL = Quantity Limits Apply SP = Specialty Drug AL = Age Limit LCG = Low Cost Generic
LDD = Limited Distribution Drug 5DS = Day Supply Limit R = Requires Rider + = PA for Selected NPD NF = Non Formulary
G = Generic Q/T = Quantity Over Time PB = Preferred Brand NPD = Non Preferred Drug ACA = $0 Preventative Drug
MME = Morphine Milligram Equivalent
                        DRUG       REQUIREMENTS/
                                    REQUIREMENTS/                                  DRUG        REQUIREMENTS/
DRUG NAME                                                    DRUG NAME
                        TIER       LIMITS
                                    LIMITS                                         TIER        LIMITS
   Dyanavel XR           NF                 QL                    Fetzima +          NPD                PA
  Edluar SL tab          NPD               PA, QL               Fintepla sol          NF
    Effexor XR            NF                                        Fioricet          NF            QL, 5DS
      Eldepryl            NF                                        Fioricet                     QL, AL, 5DS,
                                                                with codeine          NF
    Elepsia XR            NF                                                                         MME
      eletriptan          G               QL, AL                    Fiorinal                     QL, AL, 5DS,
                                                                with codeine          NF             MME
       Embeda             NF            QL, MME
                                                                   fluoxetine         G         QL (Weekly Only)
      Emgality            PB              PA, QL
       endocet            G           QL, 5DS, MME                                   LCG
                                                             10mg, 20mg, 40mg
    entacapone            G                                    fluoxetine soln        G                 AL
 Epidiolex Soln          NPD                 PA                 fluphenazine          G
    ergotamine             G                                      flurazepam          G               QL, AL
 tartrate/caffeine                                               flurbiprofen         G
   escitalopram          LCG                                    fluvoxamine           G
   esgic capsule          G             QL, 5DS               fluvoxamine ER          G
    Esgic tablet          NF            QL, 5DS                     Focalin           NF                QL
      estazolam           G              QL, AL                 Focalin XR            NF                QL
    eszopiclone           G         PA, QL (3mg only)           ForFivo XL            NF
   ethosuximide           G                                           Frova           NF              QL, AL
       etodolac           G                                      frovatriptan
 Evekeo [ODT]             NF                QL                                       NPD              QL, AL
        Evzio             NF                QL                     Fycompa          NPD
    Exalgo ER             NF             QL, MME                  gabapentin         G
        Exelon            NF                AL                gabapentin soln        G                  AL
  Exservan Mis           NPD                                        Gabitril         NF
       Extavia          NF, SP               QL                 galantamine          G                  AL
      Fanapt +           NPD                 PA               galantamine ER         G                  AL
       Fazaclo           NPD                                        Geodon           NF
      felbamate           G                                         Gilenya        NPD, SP
       Felbatol           NF                                 glatiramer acetate     G, SP               QL
       Feldene            NF                                         glatopa        G, SP               QL
     fenoprofen                                                     Gocovri          NF
       calcium                                                  Gralise Mis          NF
  fentanyl citrate                                              guaifenesin-
                           G           PA, QL, MME                                                QL, AL, 5DS,
        OTFC                                                    codeine soln          G
 Fentanyl citrate                                                  10mg/5ml                          MME
        tablet            NF             QL, MME
                                                               guanfacine ER          G                QL
       Fentora            NF             QL, MME                   Halcion +          NF              QL, AL

Bold type = Brand Name Drug Lower case italic = Generic drug
PA = Prior Authorization QL = Quantity Limits Apply SP = Specialty Drug AL = Age Limit LCG = Low Cost Generic
LDD = Limited Distribution Drug 5DS = Day Supply Limit R = Requires Rider + = PA for Selected NPD NF = Non Formulary
G = Generic Q/T = Quantity Over Time PB = Preferred Brand NPD = Non Preferred Drug ACA = $0 Preventative Drug
MME = Morphine Milligram Equivalent
                        DRUG       REQUIREMENTS/
                                    REQUIREMENTS/                                   DRUG       REQUIREMENTS/
DRUG NAME                                                    DRUG NAME
                        TIER       LIMITS
                                    LIMITS                                          TIER       LIMITS
    haloperidol          G                                     Kynmobi Mis         NPD, SP            PA, QL
   Hetlioz Cap         NPD, SP            PA, QL                Kynmobi Kit
                                                                   Titration       NPD, SP              PA
Hetlioz LQ Susp        NPD, SP              PA
     Horizant           NPD                 PA                     Lamictal           NF
   hydrocodone/                        QL, 5DS, AL,            Lamictal ODT           NF
                           G                                    Lamictal XR
  acetaminophen                            MME                                        NF
   hydrocodone-                        QL, 5DS, AL,              lamotrigine          G
   homatropine                             MME                 lamotrigine ER         G
 hydrocodone ER           G            PA, QL, MME           lamotrigine ODT          G
hydromorphone ER          G            PA, QL, MME                 Latuda +          NPD               PA
hydromorphone IR          G           QL, 5DS, MME                 Lazanda            NF            QL, MME
   Hysingla ER            NF             QL, MME                levetiracetam         G
                                      QL, 5DS, MME,          levetiracetam ER         G
      Ibudone             NF
                                            AL                   levorphanol          G          QL, 5DS, MME
     ibuprofen/                       QL, 5DS, MME,                Lexapro            NF
   hydrocodone                              AL                      Librax            NF
                       NPD, SP               PA              lithium carbonate        G
   10mg/ml Inj
                                                             lithium carbonate
    imipramine           G                                                            G
       Imitrex           NF               AL, QL                    Lodine            NF
       Inbrija         NPD, SP             PA                      Lodosyn            NF
   Indocin susp         NPD                AL                      Lomaira           NPD               PA, R
      Ingrezza         NPD, SP             PA                     lorazepam          LCG                AL
    Intermezzo           NF                QL                     lorazepam           G                 AL
       Intuniv           NF                QL                    concentrate
 Invega ER tablet        NF                                         Lortab            NF           QL, 5DS, AL
  isometheptene/                                                   loxapine           G
     dichloral-            G                                       Lunesta            NF                QL
                                                                    Lyrica            NF
        Jakafi         NPD, SP           PA, LDD
                                                                  Lyrica CR           NF
    Jornay PM
                          NF                 QL                  Lyrica soln          NF                AL
                                                                 maprotiline          G
    Kadian ER             NF             QL, MME
                                                             Maxalt, Maxalt-
       Kapvay             NF                QL                       MLT              NF              AL, QL
       Keppra             NF                                  Mayzent tablet,
    Keppra XR             NF                                     starter pak       NPD, SP
      ketorolac           G                                   m-clear WC soln         G               AL, QL
     Khedezla             NF                                   meclofenamate          G
     Klonopin             NF                                      memantine           G                 AL

Bold type = Brand Name Drug Lower case italic = Generic drug
PA = Prior Authorization QL = Quantity Limits Apply SP = Specialty Drug AL = Age Limit LCG = Low Cost Generic
LDD = Limited Distribution Drug 5DS = Day Supply Limit R = Requires Rider + = PA for Selected NPD NF = Non Formulary
G = Generic Q/T = Quantity Over Time PB = Preferred Brand NPD = Non Preferred Drug ACA = $0 Preventative Drug
MME = Morphine Milligram Equivalent
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