Worship Bulletin - Bethel Congregational Church UCC February 6, 2022 - 5th Sunday after Epiphany Communion Sunday
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Worship Bulletin - Bethel Congregational Church UCC February 6, 2022 – 5th Sunday after Epiphany Communion Sunday “Going Fishing?” Centering Words (Isaiah 6, Luke 5, 1 Corinthians 15) In this season of light, God’s grace has been given to strengthen and enlighten us. May our epiphanies and jolts of wisdom lead us to a path free from shame. Sunday, February 6, we will share Holy Communion in morning worship. As you bless and receive the sacrament at home, please prepare a slice or roll of bread, a corn tortilla, Naan, or rice cake and a cup of juice — perhaps grape or cranberry — or wine, with or without alcohol. For those who will be receiving the sacrament in our gathering, the elements will be prepared for you. While worshipping with us at home - Prepare your worship area – a candle, flower, and a cross in your worship area today. If you do not have a wooden or metal cross, it can be a picture or a necklace, even a keychain fob. Just something to remind you of the cross. If have flowers you could decorate the cross! If you have a bible at home, bring that to your worship space and follow the readings in your bible! www.betheluccontario.org 536 N Euclid Ave Ontario CA 91762 In Person & Live Streaming Sundays at 9:55am Facebook, YouTube, Twitch Also available On Demand on Vimeo, Roku and Amazon Fire TV
Bethel Congregational Church UCC 5th Sunday after Epiphany – February 6, 2022 Prelude Music for Preparation Sandy Gunn Call to Worship (Psalm 71) Great is the grace and glory of God. We give thanks with hearts of joy. Great is the strength and mercy of our creator. We give thanks with hearts of hope. Great is the courage and hope of our Lord. We give thanks with hearts of faith. Great is the mercy and compassion of the Holy One. We give thanks with hearts of love. Unison Opening Prayer Holy One, you are ready to meet us wherever we are in our lives, offering vision, interruption, hope where we may least expect it. Surprise us here at worship today With some grace unexpected that will change something in us —large or small— and send us into the world inspired and impassioned to do your work. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
Opening Hymn Push Out Into the Deep “Push out into the deep” the Master said that day. And, at the catch, their heart would leap with joy at Love’s display When emptiness is near and vision seems to fail, We must not give in to our fear But let God’s Love prevail For Jesus is our guide; The source of justice sure. If you with Him in love abide, Your work will long endure. Push out into the deep! Expect a miracle! And Christ your faith will bless and keep; Your ministry fulfill.
Passing the Peace Special Music Children’s Time Jesus Calls Peter Saddleback Kids (used with permission) Gloria Glory to the Creator The Christ, the Holy Spirit Three in One As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be World without end, Amen, Amen.
Gospel Reading Luke 5:1-11 Once while Jesus was standing beside the lake of Gennesaret, and the crowd was pressing in on him to hear the word of God, he saw two boats there at the shore of the lake; the fishermen had gone out of them and were washing their nets. He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and asked him to put out a little way from the shore. Then he sat down and taught the crowds from the boat. When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch." Simon answered, "Master, we have worked all night long but have caught nothing. Yet if you say so, I will let down the nets." When they had done this, they caught so many fish that their nets were beginning to break. So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them. And they came and filled both boats, so that they began to sink. But when Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus' knees, saying, "Go away from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man!" For he and all who were with him were amazed at the catch of fish that they had taken; and so also were James and John, sons of Zebedee, who are partners with Simon. Then Jesus said to Simon, "Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching people." SERMON “Going Fishing?” Rev. Dr. Sylvia Lee Mann
Invitation to Prayer (Pastor) In different ways, Isaiah in the Temple and the disciples at the lakeshore experienced the power and presence of the Holy One, and were overcome with a sense of their own limitation and unworthiness. Often we, too, are awed and frightened by the possibilities to which our God is calling. And so we pray: L: When you call us to the deeper waters of understanding and engagement with our world, and we are afraid to follow: P: God, have mercy. L: When we trust only our old patterns and ways and resist your call to begin afresh, P: Christ, have mercy. L: When service in your name overwhelms us, and we fail in faith and confidence in you, P: God have mercy. Assurance of Grace and Peace (Pastor) Friends, in Christ our loving God offers us understanding and forgiveness- - we hear the reassurance: “Do not be afraid! “and find new strength to follow into the future. PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE – JOYS AND CONCERNS SILENT PRAYER The Lord’s Prayer (Unison) Our Father, Who art in heaven. Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever and ever. Amen
Celebration of Holy Communion Invitation to Communion L: Who will come to this table … to celebrate care in illness, comfort in sorrow, healing beyond curing, peace in forgiveness, hope in times of fear or threat? P: Here we are. We will come. L: Who will come to this table, having abundance, as culture defines it or your heart knows it, and because you have discovered your own generosity and need to start giving? P: Here we are. We will come. L: Who will come to this table, willing to be welcomed, even when that is awkward, willing to be served, not a server, or planner of the menu, and willing to welcome anybody, anybody, anybody who sits beside you … willing to offer welcome even expecting it to be rejected, and, if it is, offer again? P: Here we are. We will come, with our regrets and dreams of angels, with our healed lips and lives.
Words of Remembering (Pastor) Jesus of Nazareth came to the lakeshore, borrowed a boat and reached out to people by offering words to remember and food to eat. The words called them to follow and the food was from deep places. Jesus comes still to stormy waters and food deserts, to borrow the leaky rowboat (we wish was more like a cruise ship) that we call the church, and use it to offer words that change human lives, and sustenance that saves them. We remember that Jesus knew, when it was the last Passover, that only a few words were needed, and the simplest meal prepared, Jesus blessed, broke, poured, shared, and whispered … “For You.” Prayer of Consecration (Pastor) Gentle Host, rest upon us as you rested upon wave and deep. Speak into our lives a Word made flesh. Send your Spirit of life and love, power and blessing upon your children that this bread may be broken and gathered in love and this cup poured out to give hope to all. Risen Christ, live in us, that we may live in you. Breathe in us, that we may breathe in you. amen. Sharing of the Elements Leader: Let us join as one though we are in many places and receive the gift of God, the bread of heaven. Unison: We are one in Christ in the bread we share. Leader: Let us with our many needs and many blessings, receive the gift of God, the cup of blessing. Unison: We are one in Christ in the cup we share.
Prayer of Thanksgiving (Everyone) Spirit of Christ, we give thanks for this grace from our long and deep heritage of sanctuary Eucharists and shelter meals, fish fry picnics and IVs dripping from a pole, and from our personal memories of words that have been generous, brave, helpful, holy. Wrap your gentle presence around all whose bodies, spirits and hearts need healing or strength. Receive each of our personal commitments to go forth for you, and also borrow from this community of faith the ways to row out to all your children in the world. Amen.
INVITATION TO THE OFFERING The Divine Deliverer of compassion and care is calling us to serve, and to share our talents and treasures for the good of God’s realm. No matter how we have fallen short in the past, God’s grace assures us a variety of gifts to contribute. How is God calling us to share today? Please: Remember to give your offerings so that we can continue our ministries. You may give to specific ministries or projects. (just write that in the message area.) If you forget– just email us (info@BethelUCCOntario.org) or message us through Facebook. Giving Options: In person – As we are not yet “passing the plate”, you may leave your offering in the offering plate at the front of the sanctuary, or the one at the usher’s table in the rear. There are many other ways to send your support. Give online at www.betheluccontario.org, To use a credit or debit card, use the yellow PayPal “Donate” button or the green Tithe.ly button (processed by Tithe.ly) Use ZELLE (through your bank website or via the stand alone app) to transfer your offering to us directly from your bank. This saves us the small card processing fee (about 2.7%). At Zelle, Our verified email is info@betheluccontario.org) MAIL - Just mail your check to Bethel Congregational Church 536 N Euclid Ave, Ontario CA 91762. QR Code – Scan the code to send your offering to us through PayPal Unison Offering Dedication Prayer God who calls us to participate in your vision of justice for our world, Let these offerings become our response: all your people fed, all your people safe, all your people housed, all your people educated. Amen.
Going into Mission Hymn I Have Decided to Follow Jesus I have decided to follow Jesus; I have decided to follow Jesus; I have decided to follow Jesus; no turning back, no turning back. The world behind me, the cross before me; the world behind me, the cross before me; the world behind me, the cross before me; no turning back, no turning back. Though none go with me, I still will follow; though none go with me, I still will follow; though none go with me, I still will follow; no turning back, no turning back. Will you decide now to follow Jesus? Will you decide now to follow Jesus? Will you decide now to follow Jesus?– no turning back, no turning back.
Unison Benediction Here we are, O Holy One! Send us into your world to do your justice, Witness to your vision of grace, And follow you with courage into your transforming reign. Amen. Go in Peace Bethel Ontario Online Rev. Dr. Sylvia Lee Mann Bethel Congregational Church, UCC Pastor & Minister of Music 526 N Euclid Ave Ontario CA 91762 drmann@betheluccontario.org www.betheluccontario.org (626) 393-5507 info@betheluccontario.org (909) 984-9111 Live Stream Worship Sundays at 9:55am on Facebook, YouTube, Twitch - (Videos remain available for access any time) Also available on Roku and Amazon Fire TV. *All music licensed and used by permission (CCLI, One License, Artist Permission, PD) God sends us to serve, but God does not send us alone. The Spirit is with us in the world, guiding our steps and protecting our paths. Christ yearns for us to be one in ministry and service, and one in community and faith—a unity that we discover through the Spirit’s miraculous power in our lives. Sent to serve, we are sent not only with the power of the Spirit, but also with the power of unity with one another. Embracing this unity with both the Holy Spirit and one another opens a path to the “complete joy” that Christ prays we may one day know.
Isaiah 6 describes the incredible vision Isaiah had. He saw God sitting on a throne, with angels flying around Activities based on Isaiah 6:1-8 (9-13), Psalm 138, Luke 5:1-11. praising God! God calls Isaiah to be God’s messenger. Draw how you imagine this amazing scene looked! Suggested for use on February 6, 2022 based on the RCL. Copyright ©️ 2022 Illustrated Ministry, LLC. All rights reserved. May be reproduced for congregational use provided each copy carries this notice. illustratedministry.com
Simon, James, and John leave everything to follow Try to find the words from Luke 5 in the word Jesus. Help them make their way through the maze search below. Words may go diagonal, up OR down as they follow! and forward OR backward. JESUS TAUGHT AMAZED LAKE WATER FOLLOW CROWD NIGHT SHORE BOATS CATCH HEAR FISHERMEN BREAK BEGINNING NETS FILLED EVERYTHING
FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY February 6, 2022 Isaiah 6:1–8 © 2021 Illustrated Ministry, LLC. All rights reserved. illustratedministry.com 31 This content is provided under a limited license. May not be reproduced outside of license terms. See copyright page for license terms.
INTRO Share with the children a time you heard God speaking to you, or you felt God’s presence telling you to do something. QUESTIONS • Can you tell me about a really strange dream you’ve had? • Do you ever talk to God? What’s that like for you? • Have you ever volunteered for a hard job? Can you tell us about it? WRAP-UP Tell the children today’s story is from the book of Isaiah, a story about a prophet who helped Israel during some really hard times. Share with the children how God spoke to Isaiah through a dream or vision and asked him to be a prophet. Tell the children that when God called Isaiah, he saw angels with six wings each in his vision! They talked to each other and praised God, saying, “Holy holy holy is the Lord!” That was how Isaiah knew this vision was important. Explain to the children that as Isaiah realized what was happening, he began to confess his own sins. God and the angels knew he was sorry and wanted to repair anything bad he had done. The angels did a ritual to forgive his sins, and they assured him he was good. Tell the children this call story differs from other prophets’ stories where God told them what work needed to be done. But in this one, God asked, “Whom shall I send to do my work?” And Isaiah responded by saying, “Here I am. Send me.” He volunteered! Show the children today’s illustration and explore together how it shows Isaiah telling this story and volunteering to be the prophet God asks for. Share with the children how special it was that Isaiah volunteered to do God’s work and that God was very grateful. Invite the children to pray with you. PRAYER Dear God, thank you for sending prophets to help us know you better and help us do your will. Thank you especially for Isaiah, and help us volunteer to share your message with the world. Amen. 32 © 2021 Illustrated Ministry, LLC. All rights reserved. illustratedministry.com This content is provided under a limited license. May not be reproduced outside of license terms. See copyright page for license terms.
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