Page created by Jon Knight
Welcome Back! You Were Missed!


 1. IMPORTANT REMINDERS                                2
 2. 3 OPTIONS FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR                      3
 3. OPTION 1                                           4-14
      A. LAYERS OF MULTIPLE PROTECTION                 4-5
      C. SAFETY PROTOCOLS                              7-14
            II. CLASSROOMS                             8
           III. HALLWAYS AND COMMON AREAS              9
          IV. RESTROOMS                                10
            V. CAFETERIA                               11
          VI. SCHOOL CLINIC                            12
          VII. RECESS                                  13
         VIII. MEETINGS AND CONFERENCES                14
           IX. BUS TRANSPORTATION                      15
 4. OPTION 2                                           16
 5. OPTION 3                                           17

Schedule and Chromebook Pick-Up
In order to pick-up your student’s schedule and/or Chromebook, please bring your completed opening packet, previously
   mailed to you, to the front of AIS on the following dates. Weather permitting, there will be a table outside to turn in
  packets and collect your student’s schedule and/or Chromebook. Please remember social distancing guidelines when
                                                       waiting in line.

                        • Option 1 Students 8/24 or 8/25 from 10am-2pm both days
                     • Option 2 Students 8/21 from 10am-2pm or 8/22 from 11am-2pm
      • Option 3 Students 8/21 from 10am-2pm or 8/22 from 11am-2pm- This is a packet drop-off only. For
        information about obtaining a school-issued Chromebook, please contact Ms. Polish, Director of E-
                                   Learning, or Mrs. Kopp, Dean of E-Learning.
                                                Beginning of School
                                          • First Day of School- 8/31/20
                                   • Students are off for Labor Day- 9/3, 9/4, & 9/7
                                      Water Bottles for Option 1 Students
We are encouraging all students to bring a water bottle to school each day. Water fountains are not going to be
                  in use. Students should have enough water to drink throughout the day.
                                          Masks for Option 1 Students
   Students will be required to wear masks during the day. There are many different types of masks and we
encourage families to find one that is comfortable for your child. Masks must be school appropriate. Students
will be given the opportunity for mask breaks several times a day, so please provide a lanyard for your child for
 these times. Please have your child practice wearing a mask before school starts. Face shields or alternative
                 face coverings are not permitted without a documented note from a physician.


        OPTION 1                           OPTION 2                             OPTION 3
Traditional Face-to-Face                Remote Learning                         E-Learning

  ✓ Students attend class five   ✓ Students will be educated from          ✓ Students will be educated
    days a week in a regular       home.                                     through a self-paced
    classroom setting with       ✓ The goal is to match remote               online learning program.
    proper safety precautions      teachers to remote students.            ✓ The E-learning
    in place.                    ✓ Teaching will be led by an                curriculum, ACE, differs
                                   Austintown teacher, following the         from the Austintown
                                   same curriculum as those in               curriculum but is still
                                   traditional classes.                      aligned with the Ohio
                                 ✓ Teaching and learning will take place     Learning Standards.
                                   during regular school hours unless      ✓ This option is not led by a
                                   prior arrangements are made due to        teacher but help is
                                   a circumstance at home.                   available if needed.
                                 ✓ Daily teacher/ student interaction
                                   will take place utilizing Zoom and
                                   Google classrooms.

Option 1- Traditional Face-to-Face

             Multiple Layers of Protection

        Health           Physical             Hand          Surface
       Screening        Distancing           Washing      Disinfection

       Handlings                            Ventilation   Cohorting



The Austintown Intermediate School goal is to safely educate our students during the COVID-19 public health crisis is
based on guidance from the CDC and the Ohio Department of Education. Using multiple layers of protection to
protest against catching and spreading the virus is key. The fundamental layers of protection are:

        ✓ Health Screening: Each student and staff member will have their temperature screened in the
          beginning of each day.
        ✓ Physical Distancing: Students and teacher will maintain maximum physical distance. There are
          plexiglass separating individuals when in classes.
        ✓ Hand Washing: Students and staff will routinely wash hands and use hand sanitizer throughout the
          school day.
        ✓ Surface Disinfection: Surfaces will be cleaned throughout the day.
        ✓ Materials Handling: Sharing of student supplies, equipment will be minimized.
        ✓ Face Coverings: All students and staff (unless medical exception) will wear face coverings.
        ✓ Ventilation: State-of-the-art HVAC systems are in service. Outdoor classes will be regular features
          this year.
        ✓ Cohorting: Students organized into bipods to create ‘cohorts’ or groups of students whose
          interactions are minimized with students outside their cohort.
        ✓ Limited Access: Only the people and materials that are needed in the buildings will enter


The Austintown Intermediate School goal is to safely educate our students during the COVID-19 public health crisis.
The following are recommendations from the CDC:

       ✓ To put on your face mask:
            o Wash your hands for 20 seconds with antibacterial soap or hand sanitizer that is 60% alcohol.
            o Put it over you
            o Cover your nose and mouth and secure it under your chin.
       ✓ Don’t touch the face mask. If you do, wash your hands with soap and antibacterial soap or use hand
         sanitizer that is 60% alcohol.
       ✓ To take off your face mask for lunch:
            o Untie the strings behind your head or stretch the ear loops
            o Handle only by the ear loops or ties & fold outside corners together
            o Be careful not to touch your eyes, nose, and mouth when removing.
       ✓ Face coverings should never be shared or swapped.
       ✓ Face coverings should be washed at the end of each day.
       ✓ Face shields or alternative face coverings are not permitted without a documented note from a physician.


                                            Drop Off, Pick Up and Office Visitors
    Parent/ Caregiver Expectations                         Student Expectations                     Teacher/ Paraprofessional
✓ Provide a face mask for your student to          ✓ Students are expected to follow all
     wear throughout the duration of the day.          handbook expectations including PBIS.
                                                                                                    ✓ Wear a face mask throughout the
     Please remind them to wash hands with         ✓ Students are required to wear a cloth.
     soap and water or use a hand sanitizer            face mask throughout the entire school         duration of the day. Please wash
     with 60% alcohol before putting on a face         day.                                           hands with soap and water or use
     mask.                                         ✓   Students are required to wear a face           a hand sanitizer with 60% alcohol
✓    Conduct a student wellness check                  mask on the bus.                               before putting on a face mask.
     including temperature prior to sending a      ✓   Limit touching your face mask as much as     ✓ Supervise hallways and common
     student to school. Students with NEW              possible. Please wash hands with soap          areas to ensure students are
     uncontrollable cough that causes difficulty       and water or use a hand sanitizer with         reporting immediately to assigned
     breathing or NEW onset of severe                  60% alcohol before touching your face          areas and not congregating in
     headache should stay home to monitor              mask.                                          hallways or common areas.
     progression of symptoms. Students with        ✓   School doors open at 8:15 am. Students       ✓ Provide reminders, issue
     temperatures 100°F or more are required           will walk through a temperature check          warnings, contact
     to stay home.                                     with staff members relocating students         parents/caregivers, and report
✓    Limit visits to school whenever possible.         with a temperature of 100 degrees or           repeated expectation violators to
     You must schedule a meeting in advance            more to the school nurse.                      the office.
     in order to meet with any school              ✓   Students are to immediately report to the    ✓ Remind students to avoid touching
     personnel.                                        cafeteria for breakfast or to their            their face mask as much as
✓    All visitors must wear a face mask when           homeroom if they are not eating                possible.
     entering the building and follow all              breakfast. The cafeteria will provide a
     physical distancing protocols.                    breakfast that students will take to their
✓    Please follow this link to our website for        homeroom to eat.
     our dismissal procedure: Dismissal Link.      ✓   Maintain maximum physical distance from
     Parents/ guardians must wear a mask               peers whenever possible in hallways,
     when entering the gym. Please maintain            common areas, classrooms, etc.
     social distancing the best you can.

                             AUSTINTOWN  INTERMEDIATE’S SAFETY
                                                        SAFETY PROTOCOLS

   Parent/ Caregiver                  Student Expectations                     Teacher/ Paraprofessional Expectations
                                   ✓ Students are expected to follow all   ✓ Create PBIS expectations with students for face-to-face and
                                     handbook expectations including         online.
✓ Provide a face mask for your       PBIS.                                 ✓ Remind students during Morning Meetings: 7 Healthy Habits
  student to wear throughout       ✓ Students are required to wear a         Behavior Matrix, mask safety, coughing/ sneezing protocol,
  the duration of the day.           face mask throughout the entire         sanitize hands whenever entering/ leaving a room.
  Please remind them to wash         school day.                           ✓ Ensure the classroom is set up to maximize the distance
  hands with soap and water or     ✓ Plexiglass shields/dividers are         between students.
  use a hand sanitizer with          provided for students'                ✓ Wear a face mask at all times.
  60% alcohol before putting         desks/tables. Students are            ✓ Assign seats for students and require them to sit in their
  on a face mask.                    required to sit behind this shield,     assigned seats daily.
✓ Conduct a student wellness         in their assigned seat, daily.        ✓ Ensure students maintain physical distance whenever
  check including temperature      ✓ Student plexiglass divider is to be     possible.
  prior to sending a student to      cleaned by the student, with the      ✓ Provide reminders, issue warnings, contact
  school. Students with NEW          disinfecting supplies provided, at      parents/caregivers, and report repeated expectation
  uncontrollable cough that          the conclusion of the class.            violators to the office.
  causes difficulty breathing or   ✓ Students are required to wear a       ✓ Reduce shared classroom materials as much as possible.
  NEW onset of severe                face mask during the entirety of      ✓ Use disinfecting supplies provided to clean common
  headache should stay home          their class.                            materials before new students transition into the room.
  to monitor progression of        ✓ Students are to maintain              ✓ Have a sign-out sheet for students ANYTIME they leave.
  symptoms. Students with            maximum physical distance from        ✓ Take students outside (weather permitting) for at least 2
  temperatures 100°F or more         peers whenever possible in              mask breaks a day- socially distanced.
  are required to stay home.         hallways, common areas,               ✓ Take at least 2 sitting mask breaks. Students have hooks on
✓ Please provide your child          classrooms, etc.                        plexiglass to hang their mask. Please remind them to wash
  with a lanyard to hold their     ✓ Disinfect hands whenever                hands with soap and water or use a hand sanitizer with 60%
  mask during mask breaks.           entering or leaving the class.          alcohol before taking off & putting on a face mask.
                                   ✓ Students are to sign out anytime
                                     they leave the classroom and
                                     sign-in when returning.


                                               Hallways & Common Areas
Parent/ Caregiver Expectations                      Student Expectations                           Teacher/ Paraprofessional
✓ Provide a face mask for your student     ✓    Students are expected to follow all
  to wear throughout the duration of            handbook expectations including PBIS.
                                                                                               ✓ Wear a face mask throughout the
  the day. Please remind them to wash      ✓    Students are required to wear a face
  hands with soap and water or use a            mask throughout the entire school day.           duration of the day.
                                                                                               ✓ Lead the students during class
  hand sanitizer with 60% alcohol          ✓    Students are to maintain maximum
  before putting on a face mask.                physical distance from peers whenever            changes away from other students as
✓ Conduct a student wellness check              possible in hallways, common areas,              much as possible.
                                                                                               ✓ Maintain maximum physical distance
  including temperature prior to                classrooms, etc.
  sending a student to school.             ✓    Students are to walk on the right side of        during class changes.
                                                                                               ✓ Provide reminders, issue warnings,
  Students with NEW uncontrollable              the hall at all times.
  cough that causes difficulty breathing   ✓    No loitering in halls is permitted. Students     contact parents/caregivers, and report
  or NEW onset of severe headache               are to immediately go to their destination.      repeated expectation violators to the
  should stay home to monitor                                                                    office.
  progression of symptoms. Students
  with temperatures 100°F or more are
  required to stay home.


Parent/ Caregiver       Student Expectations                    Teacher/ Paraprofessional            Custodian Expectations
  Expectations                                                        Expectations
                        ✓   Students are expected to                                                   ✓ Wear a face mask
                            follow all handbook                                                          throughout the duration
✓ Provide a face            expectations including PBIS.   ✓ Wear a face mask throughout the             of the day.
  mask covering for     ✓   Students are required to             duration of the day.                  ✓ Clean restrooms on a
  your student to           wear a cloth face mask         ✓ Supervise hallways and restrooms to         routine schedule.
  wear throughout           throughout the entire school     ensure students are not congregating
  the duration of the       day.                             in them.
  day. Please remind    ✓   Students are to maintain       ✓ Provide reminders, issue warnings,
  students to wash          maximum physical distance        contact parents/caregivers, and
  hands with soap           from peers whenever              report repeated expectation violators
  and water or use a        possible in restrooms.           to the office.
  hand sanitizer with                                      ✓ Students need to sign out to go to
                        ✓   Students are to walk on the
  60% alcohol before        right side of the hall when      restroom for contract tracing issues.
  putting on a face         going to the restroom.
  mask.                 ✓   No loitering in halls or
                            restrooms is permitted.
                        ✓   Students are expected to
                            wash their hands with soap
                            and water for 20 seconds.
                        ✓   Students must sign out of
                            the classroom prior to
                            leaving the classroom and
                            when returning.


 Parent/ Caregiver                         Student Expectations                              Teacher/                 Custodian/
   Expectations                 ✓ Students are expected to follow all handbook           Paraprofessional              Cafeteria
                                    expectations including PBIS.
                                ✓ Students are to maintain maximum physical                Expectations                Workers
✓ Please provide your               distance from peers whenever possible in the         ✓ Remind to wash or
                                    cafeteria or gymnasium.                                                          Expectations
  child with a lanyard to                                                                    sanitize hands on
                                ✓   Students will sit on each end of tables to                                       ✓ Wear a face
  hold their mask.                                                                           the way to and
✓ Provide a face mask for           maintain social distancing.                              returning.                  mask
  your student to wear          ✓   Students are to walk on the right side of the hall   ✓   Supervise                   throughout the
  when in hallways, in the          when going throughout the building.                      designated eating           duration of the
  cafeteria line and when       ✓   Face masks are required to be worn when in the           areas to ensure             day.
  not eating in the                 cafeteria line and while moving throughout the           students are            ✓   Students/
  cafeteria. Please remind          cafeteria. Sit in designated seating areas.              following                   custodians are
  students to wash hands        ✓   Students are to stand on markers in each line.           expectations.               to sanitize
  with soap and water or        ✓   To buy extras, students will raise their hand and    ✓   Provide reminders,          plexiglass.
                                    wait for the teacher/ paraprofessional to send                                   ✓   Wear masks
  use a hand sanitizer                                                                       issue warnings,
  with 60% alcohol before           them. Only five students can be in line.                 contact                     when serving
  putting on a face mask.       ✓   The only time face masks are to be removed is            parents/caregivers,         food.
✓ Provide your student              after sitting down (sanitize hands if possible),         and report repeated     ✓   All open food
  with a water bottle daily         socially distanced, in order to eat. If students         expectation violators       will be served
  as water fountains will           have sanitizer with them, please sanitize hands          to the office.              by a food-
  not be available for              before replacing the face mask while remaining       ✓   Wear a face mask            service worker.
                                    seated.                                                                          ✓   Follow the
  use.                                                                                       while on lunch duty.
✓ If possible, provide          ✓   Students are to remain seated until they are         ✓   Monitor student             health
  students with a small             released by a paraprofessional, teacher or               restroom requests.          department
  hand sanitizer to use to          principal. Students are not to move about the        ✓   Release students            food guidelines
  take off face mask and            cafeteria without permission.                            with hands raised to        working with
  put back on after eating.     ✓   Follow guidelines for restroom use during lunch:         extras. Only 5              our Food
                                    sign out and sign back in.                               students in line at a       Services
                                ✓   Students/ custodians are to sanitize plexiglass.         time.                       Department.

                                AUSTINTOWN  INTERMEDIATE’S SAFETY
                                                           SAFETY PROTOCOLS

                                                            School Clinic
    Parent/ Caregiver Expectations                  Student Expectations           Nurse/ Medical Assistant           Custodian
                                                                                        Expectations                 Expectations
✓ Provide a face mask for your student to            ✓ Students are
     wear throughout the duration of the day.            expected to follow all                                     ✓ Wear a face mask
     Please remind them to wash hands with               handbook                    ✓ Wear a mask when               throughout the
     soap and water or use a hand sanitizer              expectations                  working with students.         duration of the
     with 60% alcohol before putting on a face           including PBIS.             ✓ Ensure the clinic is kept      day.
     mask.                                           ✓   Students are to walk          clean and sanitized.         ✓ Disinfect the clinic
                                                                                     ✓ Ensure physical
✓    Conduct a student wellness check                    on the right side of                                         on a schedule or
     including temperature prior to sending a            the hall when going           distancing protocols are       as necessary.
     student to school. Students with NEW                throughout the                followed whenever            ✓ Disinfect the
     uncontrollable cough that causes difficulty         building.                     possible.                      isolation area after
                                                                                     ✓ Isolate a student who is
     breathing or NEW onset of severe                ✓   Masks are required                                           students who
     headache should stay home to monitor                to be worn when in            showing symptoms to a          utilize the area
     progression of symptoms. Students with              the clinic.                   separate area away from        have left the
     temperatures 100°F or more are required         ✓   Students must get a           other students. The            building.
     to stay home.                                       pass from their               quarantine room is close
✓    Ensure a current Emergency Medical Form             teacher to go to the          to the clinic to avoid
     and contact information is up to date in the        clinic.                       further interaction with
     event the school needs to contact home.         ✓   Students must sign            peers/ teachers.
✓    Ensure there are MULTIPLE, pre-arranged             out when leaving the        ✓ Ensure the clinic is
     methods of getting a student home from              classroom to go to            disinfected immediately
     school should they become ill or exhibit            the clinic.                   following a student
     symptoms. All students need to be picked        ✓   Use provided hand             entering who is exhibiting
     up within an hour of being notified.                sanitizer when                symptoms.
✓    Parents will be picking up sick children            arriving in the clinic.
     from Door 18 (look for a sign). Please call
     when you arrive; a nurse will escort your
     child to your car.


Parent/ Caregiver Expectations                      Student Expectations                      Teacher/ Paraprofessional
✓ Please provide your child with a           ✓ Students are expected to follow all
   lanyard to hold their mask.                  handbook expectations including PBIS.
                                                                                          ✓ Provide reminders to students of
✓ Face masks are required when               ✓ Students must be wearing a mask unless
  walking to recess. Provide a face             they are engaged in an exercise.            recess expectations.
  mask for your student to wear on the       ✓ The masks may be removed when they         ✓ Provide reminders, issue warnings,
  bus and for the duration of the school        are more than 6 feet from each other.       and report repeated expectation
  day. Please remind them to wash            ✓ During indoor recess, maintain distance
                                                                                            violators to the office.
                                                                                          ✓ Ensure all students disinfect their
  hands with soap and water or use a            from other students and follow the
  hand sanitizer with 60% alcohol               teacher/ paraprofessional instructions.     hands when returning to class.
                                                                                          ✓ Have indoor recess activities on board
  before putting on a face mask.
✓ Provide your student with a water
                                                                                            prior to recess e.g. drawing video.
  bottle daily as water fountains will not
  be available for use.
✓ If possible, provide students with a
  small hand sanitizer to use to take off
  face mask and put back on after
✓ Provide students with their own
  supplies for indoor recess: colored
  pencils, markers, crayons, coloring
  book, etc.


                                                 Meetings & Conferences
            Parent/ Caregiver Expectations                                      Teacher/ Paraprofessional Expectations

✓ Phone and Zoom meetings are preferred.                                 ✓ Use Zoom to hold meetings as much as possible.
✓ All meetings with school personnel are to be scheduled in              ✓ Wear a face mask anytime you have a meeting/ conference.
✓ Conduct a personal health screening prior to coming to school.
  Do not come if you are running a fever 100°F or higher or
  showing other symptoms.
✓ All visitors must wear a face mask when entering the building
  and follow all physical distancing protocols.
✓ Appropriate physical distancing protocols will be practiced for
  all in-person meetings. Face masks must be worn whenever in
  the building.


                                                   Bus Transportation
Parent/ Caregiver Expectations                     Student Expectations                       Bus Driver Expectations

✓ Face masks are required when riding       ✓ Students are expected to follow all         ✓ Drivers are required to wear a face
  a bus. Provide a face mask for your           handbook expectations including PBIS.       mask while students are on the bus.
  student to wear on the bus and for the    ✓   Maintain appropriate physical distances   ✓ Provide reminders to students of bus
  duration of the school day. Please            while at the bus stop and when              expectations- assigned seats, wear
  remind them to wash hands with soap           entering/exiting the building.              mask, seated facing forward, etc.
  and water or use a hand sanitizer with    ✓   Students are required to wear a face      ✓ Ensure the bus is disinfected following
  60% alcohol before putting on a face          mask in order to ride the bus.              district safety protocols.
  mask.                                     ✓   Siblings will be seated together.
✓ Families are encouraged to drop-off       ✓   Students are to sit in their assigned
  and pick up their children at school          seats.
  each day. Buses will still be able to     ✓   Students are to remain seated and
  transport students. It is important to        facing forward while riding the bus.
  note that ensuring physical distancing
  is extremely challenging on buses and
  six feet of separation is not possible.
✓ Conduct a student wellness check
  including temperature prior to sending
  a student to school. Students with
  temperatures 100°F or more should
  stay home.

Option 2- Remote Learning with Austintown Teachers via Zoom
Parent/ Caregiver Expectations
  ✓ Monitor student progress on coursework. ProgressBook is available to all students, parents and guardians to monitor
      grades and assignments 24/7.
  ✓ Students are to follow their school schedule and are required to log into their class during their regular class time. Daily
      class meetings will occur with students and teachers.
  ✓   Communicate questions and concerns immediately to staff.
  ✓   Students may return to Option 1, if they wish, at the end of a grading period.
  ✓   Be aware that students will be required to go to Option 1 (in-person school) or Option 3 (online curriculum and platform) if
      they are not completing work and failing on Option 2.
  ✓   Parents can use your child’s Google Classroom login information to check on assignments or have access to previous
  ✓   If you have any concern, question, feedback, positive praise- your child’s teacher is your first point of contact. Please email
      him or her at anytime to discuss. Teachers are expected to reply within 24 hours.
Student Expectations
  ✓ Students are expected to follow all handbook expectations including PBIS.
  ✓ Students will not come to school for instruction. Instruction will be through Zoom and supplemented with Google
  ✓ Student’s camera functions must be turned on during Zoom lessons for engagement.
  ✓ Student’s are expected to be sitting in a well-lit area that is free from distractions.
  ✓ Students will not be in the same classes or with the same teachers as students participating in Option 1.
  ✓ Students must complete Google Classroom assignments for each of their classes or they will be required to move to Option
    1 (in-person) or Option 3 (online instruction with an online curriculum and platform) at the end of a grading period.
  ✓ Students are required to follow their regular school schedule.
  ✓ Students are required to attend a daily Zoom check-in meeting for each class.
  ✓ Students must communicate questions or concerns immediately with teachers.
  ✓ If the state requires the school to close, students in Option 2 will continue with this option without interruption.
  ✓ Students may participate in after-school activities at their building, including extra-curricular activities.

Teacher/ Paraprofessional Expectations
   ✓ Online teachers will utilize a combination of Zoom (with live teaching) and Google Classroom for their online classes.
   ✓ Teachers doing online will still plan and work alongside other teachers in the same grade level and content. Lessons being
       delivered for Option 2 students should mirror the same content that Option 1 students are seeing in school each day.
   ✓ Teachers are to follow their regular school schedule.
   ✓ Teachers will start each class, everyday, with a 10 minute Zoom check-in meeting.
   ✓ Live teaching should be happening daily via Zoom or Google. Every zoom meeting or live teaching stream must be
       recorded and saved. Those saved videos must be made available to any parent or student who was absent, or just wanted
       to play them again. Videos should be of you teaching the lesson. You should continue to stream to help students, watch
       them work, or allow for them to show you their content.
   ✓   Find ways to engage your students. Zoom has ways to poll, do breakout sessions, etc. Check out this link:
   ✓   Communication with students & families: Teachers are required to email or call parents/guardians at least every two weeks.
       Teachers will report students who are MIA or not completing work to the administration.
   ✓   Teachers will check their email multiple times during their scheduled hours. Expect a reply within 24 hours.
   ✓   Students must log into Google Classroom, join Zoom meetings, complete assignments, etc. If a student is failing, teachers
       will contact their parent/guardian. Students that do not complete their assignments, and as a result are failing for 1 full
       grading period, will have to go to Option 3 e-learning or Option 1 in-person. Teachers must contact the parent at week 7 to
       inform them of their student failing and what would happen if they fail for the grading period (Option 1 or 3). The student
       would have 2 weeks to complete work and get above failing. If they do not, the parent would be informed of the required
       change at the end of the grading period.

Option 3- Austintown School District’s E-Learning Program
You will be contacted by either Ms. Janet Polish, Director of E-Learning or Mrs. Angela Kopp, Dean of E-
Learning. If you have any questions, please contact them at:

Janet Polish-

Angela Kopp-

You can also read