Denmark Senior High School - Denmark ...

Page created by Nicholas Schneider
Denmark Senior High School - Denmark ...
Denmark Senior High School
                Proudly an Independent Public School

Specialised Basketball
Studies ~ 2019


                                                           A Grade

                                                         A Grade Girls
                                                         B Grade Girls
                                                         B Grade Boys

Please return completed applications to DSHS Reception
as soon as possible.
Denmark Senior High School - Denmark ...
                                         A Grade Boys
                                         ~ Silver Medal

                                         A Grade Girls
                                         B Grade Girls
                                         B Grade Boys

Please return completed applications to DSHS
Reception as soon as possible..

             2016 Australian Schools
            Championships - Melbourne
Denmark Senior High School - Denmark ...
Specialised Basketball Studies 2019

AIM                                                             HISTORY
To provide a specialised course of study of                     An increasingly successful
three years duration, for students who show                     basketball program has been
a particular talent and/or keen interest in                     operating at the school outside
basketball.                                                     the timetable. The number of
                                                                students participating has grown
                                                                to the extent that there is a need
                                                                to cater for the interest of these

     Students who show potential to perform at top level basketball, including playing, refereeing,
      coaching and administration, will be given an opportunity to develop their individual and team skills
      through intense coaching.

     The school has traditionally had a strong association with basketball and has produced a number
      of outstanding referees and players in recent years. In 1998/99 four graduating students obtained
      scholarships at basketball schools in the Perth metropolitan area. In 2000 three students gained
      scholarships, in 2001 two students gained places, in 2003 two more students were accepted, and
      in 2007 and 2018 other students gained places. With the 2009 advent of senior school studies at
      DSHS, most of our Year 10 students elect to stay and complete their studies here. Numerous
      players from this program have also gone onto represent Western Australia in State basketball

     Students from the School Program are encouraged to trial for State teams as part of the WA
      Country Basketball Program.

     The program, having the support of the Western Australian Country Basketball Commission has
      direct access to specialist coaches.

     Most practical sessions take place at the Denmark Recreation Centre and School Gymnasium
      where the facilities are excellent.

     Positions will be offered to approximately 24 students entering Year 8, 9 & 10 at Denmark Senior
      High School. The Denmark community has a strong junior and senior basketball community.

     Completion of this program will benefit and enhance the current structure, playing strength and
      officiating of the local senior and junior basketball associations.

     Successful applicants are required to play in the Denmark Junior Basketball Association
      Competition, held at the Recreation Centre on Monday afternoon and evenings.

     Successful applicants will be expected to play representative basketball at schools Country
      Week, in the local senior basketball competition, and at regional tournament/tours.

     Students do not miss any core subjects ie. Maths, Science, English or HaSS during the normal
      school basketball extension times.
Denmark Senior High School - Denmark ...
There is a course fee, estimated at $60 per semester. This will cover facilities
hire, excursions (excluding Camps, Country Week, Nationals), uniforms,
equipment, nominations and registrations, transportation and Accreditation
Courses. These fees must be paid prior to commencement of the course.

    Year 8 first semester fee of $60 is required to be paid no later than the
     end of week 8, Term 4 2018. Failure to do so can result in your position
     in the program being forfeited.
Students will also need to order and purchase a reversible training singlet and
shorts from the school. Parents will be advised of costs upon payment of Year 8

PROGRAM              (In 2019 the program outline will be as follows)

Years 8, 9 & 10 (2 x 100 minute sessions per week during school hours)
Years 11 & 12 Physical Education Studies – 5 x 50 minute sessions per week.
*Some additional training sessions and games may be scheduled out of school
hours. All students involved in the program are expected to attend these
Practical & Theory       Basic skills, techniques and tactics
                         Preliminary Referees Accreditation
                         Preliminary Coaching Course
                         Sports Medicine Workshop
                         Statistics Course
                         Scoretable Course
                         Nutrition and Dietary Course
Students who select this course will still complete a full academic workload. The
basketball course will run during their sport time and one of their four practical
subject times.
Essential physical education units (eg. Athletics) will still be catered for by
physical education staff during specific times throughout the year.

                      Teachers who inspire …
              … realise that the dream begins with a
            teacher who believes in you, who tugs and
               pushes and leads you on to the next
             plateau – sometimes poking you with a
                     sharp stick called truth!
Denmark Senior High School - Denmark ...
Coaching Staff

       Lindsay Stirling                                  Ken Davies

            Past State Junior Coach (1993, 1995,             Level II NCAS coach
             1996, 1997, 1998) with Under 16 and              I.T.C. Network coach
             Under 18 Men and Women                           Regional Development Coach and
            Level III NCAS Coach                              Selector (Great Southern)
            Former Assistant Coach with SBL                  A Grade Coach
            West Australian Institute of Sport I.T.C.        National School Championship
             Network Coach                                     Coach 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002,
            National School Championship Coach                2004, 2006, 2008. 2010, 2012,2014,
              1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006,              2016
              2008, 2010,2012,2014, 2016                      WA Country Cup Coach, 2001-2002
            WA Country Cup Coach, 2001-2002                  Great      Southern       Basketball
            F.I.B.A Accredited Coach                          Development Officer 2001-Present
            Great Southern Basketball Academy                President Great Southern Basketball
             Head Coach 2009/10/11/12                          Development Program 2006/7
            A Grade Coach                                    Great Southern Basketball Academy
                                                               Coach 2009/10/11/12/13/14

John John Doust

          Past State Junior Men’s Coach
          Toured USA with WA Country
           Proball Team
          Former WABL Junior Coach
           with Mandurah Magic
          Former Mandurah Magic SBL
          Level II Accredited NCAS
Denmark Senior High School - Denmark ...

 Selection will be on the basis of positive academic and training attitude combined
 with the necessary skills, experience and/or special interest and aptitude. This
 information will be provided by the student’s current school and basketball club.

       After selection trials have been finalised a student/parent Interview
       and information meeting will be convened

 Once accepted into the course, a successful applicant may be asked to leave the
 program if any of the following occur:

      The applicant requests the opportunity to leave
      The applicant is found to be guilty of misconduct or bringing the school into
      The program is causing other aspects of the applicant’s schooling to suffer
      The applicant fails to attain the basketball standard required or fails to
       display the willingness to work intensively and consistently towards the
       improvement of his/her skills
      The applicant fails to attend 80% of the practical sessions
      The applicant fails to maintain the standards of behaviour and attitude
       stated on the basketball contract
      The applicant is suspended twice in a calendar year
      The applicant fails to participate in a regular, approved basketball

 Due to natural attrition, provision is made to award vacant positions to other
 promising young basketballers.

 This program is designed to extend students in basketball whilst providing them
 with a balanced, high quality education.

 Selected students are expected to remain actively involved in their club and be
 positive role models at Denmark High School. The program should work for the
 betterment of the student, school, club and game in general.

Ken Davies & Lindsay Stirling
Basketball Co-ordinators
Denmark Senior High School - Denmark ...

                      DENMARK SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL

    FULL NAME OF STUDENT ____________________ ___________________
                                            Surname                        Given Names
    SEX ___________ DATE OF BIRTH _______________ HEIGHT _____ cms

    HOME ADDRESS _______________________________________________

    ______________________ POSTCODE _______ PHONE _______________

    FATHER’S NAME __________________________ Work Ph: ______________

    MOTHER’S NAME _________________________ Work Ph: ______________

    CURRENT SCHOOL _____________________________________________

    EMAIL ADDRESS: ______________

    ENTRY FOR 2019             Year 8

                               Year 9

                              Year 10

          e.g. reason for applying, future objectives, current basketball involvement etc.
          Please attach paper if more space is required

          Please return to:       Lindsay Stirling or Ken Davies
                                  Denmark Senior High School
                                  956 South Coast Highway
                                  Denmark WA 6333
                                  Phone: 9848 0100 Email:
Denmark Senior High School - Denmark ...
Denmark Senior High School - Denmark ...

         General demeanour within school
         Specific behaviour within class
         Level of self-responsibility

    **Please mail/email this sheet directly to DENMARK SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL,
    DO NOT return to students. (Class room teachers may, if they wish, staple the
    student’s last academic report to this page.)

         STUDENT NAME: __________________________

         SCHOOL NAME: ___________________________



         PRINCIPAL/CLASS TEACHER ________________________________

         NAME ____________________________________________________

         Please return to:      Lindsay Stirling or Ken Davies
                                Denmark Senior High School
                                956 South Coast Highway
                                Denmark WA 6333
                                Phone: 9848 0100 Email:
Denmark Senior High School - Denmark ...

    This will be strictly confidential. We would therefore ask for honesty and realistic
    comments regarding this applicant.

    **Please mail/email directly to Denmark Senior High School. DO NOT return to students.

    STUDENT NAME: _______________________________________________
    CURRENT TEAM: _______________________________________________
    POSITION WITHIN TEAM: ________________________________________

    PLAYING STRENGTHS: __________________________________________

    PLAYING WEAKNESSES: ________________________________________

    TRAINING COMMITMENT: ________________________________________

    COACHABILITY: _______________________________________________


    GENERAL COMMENTS (ie potential for longevity within the game)

    SIGNATURE                           COACH: _____________________________
                                        NAME: _______________________________
          Please return to:         Ken Davies or Lindsay Stirling
                                    Denmark Senior High School
                                    956 South Coast Highway
                                    Denmark WA 6333
                                    Phone: 9848 0100 Email:

    Standards or behaviour, effort and attitude

    I _________________________ am fully aware that being selected for the
          (Student Name)
    Specialised Basketball Studies program at Denmark Senior High School
    is a privilege.

    As a member of this special interest program I understand that I
    must make every effort to be a positive role model to my peers.
    To this end, I will at all times:

         Maintain “Good Standing” at Denmark Senior High School
         Wear appropriate school dress code
         Work to the best of my ability in all my classes
         Attend all classes punctually
         Understanding that if I am injured, I will still attend training sessions to ensure
          I am aware of systems and plays
         Be aware that injured players will not participate in camps, tours or other
          practical events
         Respect the rights of the staff to teach students
         Respect the rights of my peers to learn
         Produce a maximum effort towards improving my skills during every
          basketball session
         Participate in any school sporting activity in which I have better than average
         Be fully prepared for all basketball game and training sessions (eg correct
          training uniform, diary, etc)
         Play in the Denmark Junior Basketball Association competitions, making
          myself available for all club games and representative teams.
         Make myself available for excursions, camps & interschool games as
          organized by the school. I will pursue fundraising opportunities if necessary
          to assist my parents with costs for these events.
Breaches of Good Standing & Suspension
Students who are suspended from School will automatically follow the pathway
outlined below:

1st Suspension:

       Removed from basketball program (practical sessions) for 3 weeks.
       During this time, they will undertake basketball theory work in another class.
       No extra curricular (off-site) activities linked to basketball program until good
        standing has been resumed.
       “Orange Card” behaviour monitoring upon return to program classes.

Subsequent Suspensions:

        Student must attend a panel hearing.
        Panel to be composed of a School Administration Representative,
         Denmark Basketball Association Representative and a Co-ordinator of the
         School program.
        Student maybe removed from the program if recommended by the panel.

I fully understand that should I fail to adhere to the above mentioned standards of
behaviour, effort and attitude I maybe removed from the program.

Signed: _________________________                 __________________________
                  Student                                    Parent

Date: ___________________________

                                    DENMARK SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL
                             CONFIDENTIAL - Medical report for Educational Excursions
    This confidential report is intended to assist the school and supervising teachers in case of any emergency with
    your child.
    Student’s Name:......................................................... Date of Birth:...............................
    Parent’s/Guardian’s full name:........................................................................................
    .....................................                           Postcode:........................................
    Emergency telephone                     After hours............................................................
                                            Business hours..................................................... Mobile ....................................
    Name of family doctor..............................................       Telephone......................................
    Medicare number..........................................................
    Medical/hospital insurance................................... Contribution no........................................
    Please tick if your child suffers from any of the following:
            Heart condition                        Sleep walking                          Travel sickness                        Type 1 Diabetes
            Fits of any type                       Black outs                             Dizzy spells                           Epilepsy
            Migraine                                            Asthma                    Bed wetting
            Other (please provide adequate information) ...........................................................................................
    Allergies to:
            Other drugs (please provide adequate information)...............................................
            Any foods......................................................................................................................
            Other allergies......................................................................................................
    What special care is recommended?

    Tetanus immunisation
    Last immunisation was on.............................. If over 10 years since last immunisation, please tick if booster is to be
    arranged by parent/guardian before excursion (Booster date.                       .)

    Tablets and medicines
    Is your child presently taking tablets and/or medicine? Yes/No
    Does your child self-administer the medication?           Yes/No
    If YES, please state name of medicine and dosage....................................................................
    Arrangements for safekeeping and handling of medicines are to be made prior to the excursion.

    Consent to medical attention
    I agree to inform the organizers before the scheduled excursion departure of any change to my child’s health and
    fitness so that appropriate supervision may be arranged. Where it is not practical to communicate with me, I
    authorise the teacher in charge of the excursion to consent to my child receiving such medical treatment as may be
    considered necessary. (Including the administering of Panadol) I am aware that the Education Department
    insurance does not cover personal accidents through misadventure nor loss or damage of personal belongings.

    Other: It is assumed that the person named as the ‘other’ emergency contact will act in lieu of the
    Name:_________________________________ Home Phone:______________ Work__________________
                           RECREATION CENTRE 2019

Dear Parents

During the course of the year, Basketball Program students will have some classes
regularly conducted at the Recreation Centre. Days and times for each class will be
advised at the start of 2019, when the timetable has been finalised. Parents will be notified
of these days and times.

There may also be intermittent times throughout the year when we have classes
conducted at the Recreation Centre and the beach for special occasions, and students
will be notified of these beforehand. Students will be transported to and from the
Recreation Centre by school bus/shire bus.

Please complete and return the attached permission slip with the Basketball Program
Application Prospectus Package. Students will not be allowed to travel to the Recreation
Centre for classes until their forms are returned, so please ensure they are handed in on

Lindsay Stirling    and    Ken Davies
Basketball Program Co-ordinators



                          BASKETBALL CLASSES AT THE
                           RECREATION CENTRE 2019

                                    Permission Slip

I, ___________________________ give permission for my son/daughter ____________
to travel to and attend classes at the Recreation Centre and the beach for basketball
studies in 2019. I have completed and returned the attached medical form.

Signed: _____________________________                    Dated: ____________________

      A Grade Boys – Australian Schools             A Grade Girls – Australian Schools
      Championship – Silver Medallists - 2016       Championship – Silver Medallists - 2016

                                                           A Grade Girls – Australian Schools
 A Grade Girls – 2015 Gold Medallists                      Championship – Silver Medallists - 2014
 Country Week

                        Girls & Boys ‘A” Grade Basketball Senior High School
                              Country Week ~ Gold Medal Winners 2011
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