Winter Events Hinckley Town Centre - October 2019 to March 2020

Page created by Sara Hansen
Winter Events Hinckley Town Centre - October 2019 to March 2020
Hinckley Town Centre

Winter Events
 October 2019 to March 2020
Winter Events Hinckley Town Centre - October 2019 to March 2020
    Councillor Keith Nichols
    Executive Member for Culture, Leisure, Tourism
    & Town Centres
    “The Winter Events Calendar brings with it some
    new events for the town centre as well as some
    old favourites. The programme offers something
    for all the family and demonstrates the partnerships between
    the Borough Council, Hinckley BID, Churches Together, the
    Concordia Theatre and the Atkins Building.”
    Ian Daniels
    Chair of Hinckley Town Centre Partnership
    “Hinckley BID (Business Improvement District)
    and HTCP are proud to be working alongside
    Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council to
    bring to our community one of the biggest and
    best events programmes in the area, in support of our
    members, the Town Centre Business Community”.
    Opportunities to get involved!
    If you, your company or an organisation you are part of
    would like to support events found in this publication
    whether through promotion, sponsorship, volunteering or
    you want to ‘piggy back’ onto our events please contact the
    Events Team on 01455 255893.
    The borough of Hinckley and Bosworth
    Hinckley and Bosworth is fortunate to have a wide range of
    diverse attractions including a motor racing circuit, historic
    railway, canals, water parks and reservoirs. We have a zoo, a
    tropical bird garden, country parks and a common. The
    beautiful countryside has many pretty villages providing
    perfect locations for walking and cycling. For more
    information visit
                                                                                          find us on:
    Key Contacts                                                       follow us on:

    Cultural Services tel 01455 255856
    Online contact form:
    Write to Cultural Services, Hinckley & Bosworth Borough
    Council, Hinckley Hub, Rugby Road, Hinckley, Leics LE10 0FR
    Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the details in this booklet are correct,
    Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council cannot accept any responsibility for any
    cancellations or changes to the details of any events.
2       Designed & published by Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council. Printed on recycled paper.
Winter Events Hinckley Town Centre - October 2019 to March 2020
Ada Lovelace Exhibition
Thursday 3 to Wednesday 30
Atkins Building, Hinckley
Considered to be one of the first computer programmers, Ada
grew up locally in Kirkby Mallory. This exhibition combines
portraits, images, talks and interactive exhibits to bring to life
and connect the relevance of her work to today’s technology.
The Grand Operetta Hotel
Thursday 10 to Saturday 12 • Concordia Theatre, Hinckley
Stanley Opera production. Tickets £12, Thursday and Friday
concession price £10. Commences at 7.30pm on Thursday and
Friday, Saturday 2.30pm. Contact Jane White tel 01455 212416.
Armed Forces Coffee Morning
Wednesday 16 • 10am to 12noon
The Green Rooms, St Mary’s Road, Hinckley
Older veterans and their spouses, carers, widows and
widowers are welcome. Led by Age UK Leicester Shire &
Rutland and supported by the Borough Council. You’ll receive
a warm welcome, free cake and refreshments.Contact:
Michaela 0116 2614606 or
Blue Stockings
Wednesday 23 to Saturday 26
Concordia Theatre, Hinckley
BADS production. Moving, comical and
eye-opening story of the campaign, in 1898, to allow female
students to graduate. Tickets £10 and £9 concessions. Contact
Claire Simpson tel 01455 647383.

                      Saturday 26 • 10am to 3pm
                        Top of Castle Street, Hinckley
                           Hinckley's Halloween event offers
                            fun for all the family in Hinckley
                              town centre. This free event
                               includes pumpkin bowling, face
                                painting, Fosse 107,scary stilt‐
                                 walker, best‐dressed
                                 competition, best carved
                                  pumpkin and more!
                                     For a full list of events visit:
                                     www.hinckley‐       3
Winter Events Hinckley Town Centre - October 2019 to March 2020
november                                                    Armed Forces Coffee Morning
                                                                             Wednesday 20 • 10am to 12noon
    5 Lesbians Eating a Quiche                                               The Green Rooms, St Mary’s Road, Hinckley
    Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 • Concordia Theatre, Hinckley                    Older veterans and their spouses, carers, widows and
    NTP STUDIO production. It's 1956 and the Susan B Anthony                 widowers are welcome. Led by Age UK Leicester Shire &
    Society for the Sisters of Gertrude Stein are having their               Rutland and supported by the Borough Council.You’ll receive
    annual quiche breakfast when Communists threaten their                   a warm welcome, free cake and refreshments.Contact:
    idyllic town. Emotional and hysterically funny. Tickets £7               Michaela 0116 2614606 or

    AOS ‘Evita’                                                              Christmas Lights Switch On
    Tuesday 5 to Saturday 16                                                 Friday 22 • 4pm onwards • Hinckley Town Centre
    Concordia Theatre, Hinckley                                              The festive season starts in Hinckley with the Christmas lights
    From a life of poverty to the First                                      switch on and Tin Hat fair with lots of entertainment and
    Lady of Argentina, Eva Peron was                                         attractions for the whole family throughout the evening. The
    hailed as the spiritual leader of the nation. Seen as the                lights will be switched on at 6:30pm followed by a fantastic
    champion of the poor, her ambition, glamour and power                    fireworks display over St Mary's church. There will be Santa's
    made her the world’s first major political celebrity, winning            grotto, live entertainment, market stalls and late night
    the adoration of the people. With songs including Don’t Cry              shopping. The Tin Hat fair will be in Regent Street on Friday
    For Me Argentina, Oh What A Circus and Another Suitcase in               and Saturday night plus free children's activities in the
    Another Hall. Tickets: £15 with £13 concessions on Tuesday               United Reformed Church from 5:30pm to 7:30pm.
    and Wednesday 5 and 6 November plus Monday and                           Christmas Gift Fair
    Tuesday 11 and 12 November. A discount of 10% on groups
                                                                             Saturday 23 • 10am to 4pm
    of 10 or more. Contact Mandy Harvey tel 07855 746520.
                                                                             Atkins Building, Hinckley
    AlterNativity                                                            The Christmas Gift Fair returns to the Atkins
    Saturday 9 • 10am to 2pm • Mary Forryan Centre,                          Gallery with Christmas gift ideas and other
    St Peter’s Catholic Church, Leicester Road, Hinckley                     festive treats. With a huge range of stalls
    Come and browse the stalls of 22 local and international                 from local artists, crafters and businesses
    charities to choose practical gifts which can be sent in the             it will be a great opportunity to tick some
    names of your loved ones, to people in need, both home                   items off your Christmas shopping list!
    and abroad. Refreshments and a Fairtrade stall available.                Christmas Tree Festival
                 Visit www.hinckley‐                        Thursday 28 November to Monday 2
                                                                             December • St Mary’s Church, Hinckley
                        Remembrance Sunday                                   28 November launch evening, with
                            Sunday 10 • 10:30am to 11:30am                   switch on by Mayor of Hinckley. Open
                             War Memorial, Argents Mead,                     6:30pm to 9pm then the festival is
                               Hinckley                                      open on Friday, Saturday and
                                  A parade and service to                    Monday from 10am to 4pm and
                                   remember those                            Sunday 12noon to 4pm.
                                    who have                                 Special events will be held
                                     fallen in                               on the evenings of the 29
                                      past wars.                             and 30 November. Visit:
                                                                             for more details nearer to
                                          For a full list of events visit:   the time.
4                                         www.hinckley‐                                                                         5
Winter Events Hinckley Town Centre - October 2019 to March 2020
December                                                         Quill Christmas Show
                                                                                Sunday 8 • Concordia Theatre
    What i Did at School Today                                             Classic Midlands folk rock band Quill
    Tuesday 3 to Saturday 7 • Concordia Theatre                            with a great new show. Featuring an
    NTP production. Tickets: Tuesday to Friday £9                          eclectic mix of Christmas favourites,
    and £9.50; Saturday £9.50. Contact Richard                             stylish covers of well‐known songs and
    Cooper tel 01455 613345.                                               original numbers. Taking you on a journey through a wide range
                                                                           of powerful story telling material.TicketsTBC. Theatre Box
    Christmas Lights Car Trail                                             Office tel 01455 615005
    Wednesday 4 • 6pm to 8pm
    Castle Street and Hinckley United Reformed Church                      Eric Darlington and
    Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council and the Hinckley                   John Cleveland Band
    United Reformed Church invite local disabled and elderly               Thursday 12 to Saturday 14 • Concordia Theatre
    residents to come into Hinckley to see the Christmas lights.           Tickets: £11. Theatre Box Office tel 01455 615005 and
    Castle Street will be opened to traffic from 6pm to 7:30pm   
    so you can drive elderly and disabled friends and relatives
    down at your leisure, then park in Regent Street outside the           Carols around the Christmas Tree
    United Reformed Church where hot drinks, mince pies and                Friday 13 • 4pm to 5pm • Market Place, Hinckley
    festive entertainment will be available.                               Churches Together and Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council
                                                                           invite you to Carols around the tree. All welcome.
    Salvation Army Carols
    Saturday 7, 14 & 21 • 10:30am ‐ 12noon • Market Place                  Festive Feast and Crafts Market
    Enjoy Christmas carol singing whilst you shop and support              Sunday 15 • 10:30am to 4pm
    the Hinckley Salvation Army Band.                                      Market Place & Lower Castle Street
                                                                           Festive market offering a wide range
    Festive Family Fun Run                                                 of food, drinks and crafts plus Fosse
    Sunday 8 • 10:30am to 12:30pm • Market Place                           107, entertainment and live music
    Free event hosted jointly by HBBC and Hinckley BID. Join us at         from local group 4th Avenue.
    10.30am in Market Place for a warm‐up with our resident
    Healthy Elf. Fun Run (or walk!) starts at 11am. All ages and           Hinckley Bid’s Santa’s Grotto
    abilities are welcome. Wear Festive fancy dress or your                Wednesday 18 to Friday 20 ‐ 12noon to 6pm
        Christmas jumper to receive a medal. Two £50 gift
                                                                           Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 ‐ 10am to 4pm
                                                                           Britannia Shopping Centre
                  vouchers to be won. One for the best individual
                                                                           Hinckley BID will be hosting a very special
                       costume, the other for best family group,
                                                                               guest at a secret hideaway in the
                           with two lucky runners‐up each
                                                                                Britannia Centre. £2 entry per
                              receiving a voucher for £25
                                                                                 child with free admission to
                                (1 x Junior ‐ under 12 yrs
                                                                                  under 3’s. Every child will
                                  and 1 x Senior). Well                            receive a Christmas
                                    behaved dogs (on                              gift. For full details,
                                      leads) welcome,                           please visit:
                                       also in fancy dress!         
                                        Full details available at

                                        For a full list of events visit:
6                                       www.hinckley‐                                                                    7
Winter Events Hinckley Town Centre - October 2019 to March 2020
    Wednesday 8 January to Saturday 1 February
    Concordia Theatre, Stockwell Head, Hinckley
    One of the most popular
    pantomimes ‐ Aladdin
    and his Wonderful
    Lamp, takes you on a
    madcap journey to
    ancient China to meet
    Aladdin and the rest of
    the Twankey Family.
    Follow Aladdin's quest to win the heart of the beautiful
    Princess Balroubadour ‐ first he needs to find wealth by
    finding a Magical Lamp! Join the Pantomime Company on a
    magic carpet ride. Age 3+ Tickets: Thursday Jan 9 ‐ All seats
    £12. All other Wednesday & Thursdays ‐ adults £14 children
    £12. Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays ‐ adults £15, children
    £13. Theatre Box Office tel 01455 615005.

    Armed Forces Coffee Morning
    Wednesday 15 • 10am to 12noon
    The Green Rooms, St Mary’s Road, Hinckley
    Older veterans and their spouses, carers, widows and
    widowers are welcome. Led by Age UK Leicester Shire &
    Rutland and supported by the Borough Council. You’ll receive
    a warm welcome, free cake and refreshments. Contact
    Michaela: 0116 2614606 or
    Theatre Open Morning for Children
                Saturday 18 • 10am to 12noon
                     Concordia Theatre, Hinckley
                          Come backstage and meet some of the
                            characters from this year’s
                             pantomime. See how the magic of
                               pantoland works behind the
                                scenes.No booking required –
                                  simply turn up on the morning
                                   and bring your cameras.
                                    Coffee Bar will be open for
                                     refreshments. Enquiries to
                                      Judy tel 01455 847 676.
                                        For a full list of events visit:
8                                         www.hinckley‐
Winter Events Hinckley Town Centre - October 2019 to March 2020
4th Avenue Entertain
Saturday 8 • Concordia Theatre, Hinckley
An enormously popular local group, accompanied by their live
band. Tickets TBC.
‘Billy’ Musical
Monday 17 to Saturday 22
Concordia Theatre
Hinckley Community Guild production. Billy Fisher, a Walter
Mitty fantasist, lives with Mum, Dad and Gran and is an
undertaker's clerk ‐ but in his mind he is President of Ambrosia,
a film star etc. BILLY is a fast‐paced brassy, Broadway‐style
musical, with outstanding songs such as Ambrosia and Some
of Us Belong to the Stars. Tickets: Monday £10; Tuesday to
Thursday £12; Friday and Saturday £13. 10% discount on
groups of 10 or over. Judy Peatfield tel 01455 847676.
Armed Forces Coffee Morning
Wednesday 19 • 10am to 12noon
The Green Rooms, St Mary’s Road, Hinckley
Older veterans and their spouses, carers, widows and
widowers are welcome. Led by Age UK Leicester Shire &
Rutland and supported by the Borough Council. You’ll receive
a warm welcome, free cake and refreshments. Contact
Michaela: 0116 2614606 or

Hinckley Pancake Race
Tuesday 25 • 12noon to 1pm • Castle Street, Hinckley
Show off your pancake tossing skills or just have fun
spectating at Hinckley BID’s 10th annual Pancake Race.
All pancakes will be provided, you just need to
bring your frying pan.There is a junior and
senior category and individual or team
entries are welcome.Trophies for
junior and senior winners and
also an award for the ‘funniest
costume’.Neck medals for
every entrant. FREE to enter!
Full details available at or
call 01455 698494.
For a full list of events visit:
www.hinckley‐                                  9
Winter Events Hinckley Town Centre - October 2019 to March 2020
 Tom’s Midnight Garden
 Tuesday 3 to Saturday 7 • Concordia Theatre, Hinckley
 NTP production. When Tom’s grandfather clock in the hallway
 chimes 13 times, Tom is transported to a secret garden from
 the past. Tickets: Tuesday to Friday £9 and £9.50; Saturday
 £9.50. Contact Richard Cooper tel 01455 613345.
 The Shape of Things
 Saturday 14 & Sunday 15 • Concordia Theatre
 BADS studio theatre production. This Neil LaBute romantic
 comedy has more surprises than a case full of Cracker Jack
 boxes. Tickets £7. Theatre Box office tel 01455 615005.

 Sweeney Todd
 Monday 16 to Saturday 21
 Concordia Theatre
 Tinhatters musical thriller.
 Stephen Sondheim’s iconic musical will bring the dark side of
 Victorian London to life. When a prisoner returns to town, he
 promises to wreak vengeance on the men who stole his
 freedom. Tickets: Monday £10, Tuesday £11, Wednesday to
 Saturday £13. 10% discount for 10+ group tickets. Christine
 Clarke tel 01455 610010.
 Armed Forces Coffee Morning
 Wednesday 18 • 10am to 12noon
 The Green Rooms, St Mary’s Road, Hinckley
 Older veterans and their spouses, carers, widows and
 widowers are welcome. You will receive a warm welcome,
 free cake and refreshments. Contact Michaela: 0116 2614606

                               ‘Summer Events Guide April to
                               September 2020’ will be
                               distributed and available online
                               from March 2020.
                               Expect a bumper family offer
                               with over 40+ free events based
                               around Hinckley town centre!

                                      For a full list of events visit:
10                                    www.hinckley‐
Winter Events Hinckley Town Centre - October 2019 to March 2020
Performance Opportunities
Calling school choirs, church choirs, dance schools,
scout groups…
This year’s Christmas Lights
switch on will take place on
Friday 22 November. If you
would like to book a 10 minute
slot to give a festive
performance, please contact us on 01455 255856 or email
paula.padmore@hinckley‐ Performances
will take place on the live stage in the Market Place from 4pm.

Trading Opportunities
Hinckley’s market traders offer shoppers great value for
money, with lower prices than many supermarkets.
Hinckley Market takes place every Monday, Friday and
Saturday from 9am to 4pm along Castle Street, Market
Place and The Borough.
If you think you could start up on Hinckley Market, then
why not give the Market Team a call, it’s a great way to start
up a new business venture at low costs.
Gary Shepherd, Markets Manager: “Hinckley Market is the
best place to go to get your weekly shopping, with some of
the best produce and goods around all at great value prices.
Our aim is to keep the market as strong as possible and to
attract more traders to improve the offer of an already
excellent market. We are always on the lookout for new
traders, so feel free to contact me to see if you could trade.”
You can rent a stall from as little as £14.70.
We can provide assistance on setting
up a new business opportunity.
For stall bookings contact
Gary Shepherd, Markets
Manager on 07966 201305
or for more information
call Mark Hryniw,
Town Centre Manager
on 01455 255755
Winter Events Hinckley Town Centre - October 2019 to March 2020
Pedestrianised                                                P 12                                             Hinckley Car Parks & Charges
P Private                                           P11
                                                                                                                                   Short Stay Car Parks                   Short/Long Stay Car Parks
                                                                                                                                   Up to 1 hour      60p                  Up to 1 hour        60p
                                                                                                                                   Up to 2 hours     £1.20
                                                          10 P                                                                                                            Up to 2 hours       £1.20
                                                                                                                                   Up to 3 hours     £2.00
                                                                                                                                                                          Up to 5 hours       £1.60
P Castle car Park

                                                                                                                                   Up to 4 hours     £3.00
                                                                                                                                   Over 4 hours      £6.00                Over 5 hours        £2.50

                                      P 13
                                                                                                                                   Locations (see map)                    Locations (see map)
                                                                       3 P P
                                                                                                                                   1 Church Walk (max 3 hours)             8 Trinity Vicarage
                                     P5                                                                                            2 St Marys Road (max 3 hours)           9 Trinity Lane West
                                                                         4 P                                                       3 Stockwell Head                       10 Holliers Walk
                                                                                                                                   4 Rear of Castle Street                11 Druid Street
P Short/Long Stay

                                                                                            15 P                                   5 Mansion Street                       12 Alma Road
                                                                            1 P                                                    6 Trinity Lane East                    13 Lower Bond Street
                                                                                                                                   7 Leisure Centre                       14 Thornycroft Road
                        8 P                                                                                                        Leisure Centre members may park for 3 hours whilst displaying
                                                                     Argents Mead                                                  a valid 60p pay & display ticket with a Leisure Centre permit

                                                                                                                                   Castle Car Park (Hill Street)         The charges apply for all car parks
P Short Stay

                                                              Hinckley                                                                                                   between 8.00am and 6.00pm
                                                    P2      Leisure Centre                                              P
                                                                                                                                   Up to 1 hour      60p
                                                                                                                                   Up to 2 hours     £1.20               Monday to Saturday *
                              6P                                              7 P
                      9 P                                                                                                          Up to 5 hours     £2.00           * Please note: FREE CAR PARKING
                                          Cinema                                                                                   Over 5 hours      £4.00             on Sundays and bank holidays in
                                             and                                                                                                                       council car parks
                                     The Crescent                     © Crown copyright. All rights reserved Hinckley & Bosworth   15 (see map)
                            P                                         Borough Council LA100018489 Published 2019
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