PATIENTS DESERVE A BETTER - IMPLANT SOLUTION - Invitation to subscribe for shares in OssDsign AB (publ) prior to listing on Nasdaq First North

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PATIENTS DESERVE A BETTER - IMPLANT SOLUTION - Invitation to subscribe for shares in OssDsign AB (publ) prior to listing on Nasdaq First North

Invitation to subscribe for shares
in OssDsign AB (publ) prior to listing
on Nasdaq First North
PATIENTS DESERVE A BETTER - IMPLANT SOLUTION - Invitation to subscribe for shares in OssDsign AB (publ) prior to listing on Nasdaq First North

                               OssDsign was founded eight years ago with the
                               ambition to improve the quality of life for patients with
                               complicated bone defects. Our initial focus was on
                               patient specific implants for improved healing of cranial
                               and facial defects. At that time, the complication rate
                               for these patients was high and there were few or no
                               treatment options in the most difficult cases. Today,
 Anders Lundqvist,
 CEO of OssDsign               thanks to our technology, these patients have a much
                               more promising future.

                               OssDsign is in an exciting growth phase. In recent years, we have focused on establishing the
                               company commercially in key markets in Europe and the US. We now have regulatory approvals
                               and certifications in place and have established sales organizations directly or through distributors
                               in a number of markets. Sales have experienced significant growth, driven by a unique product
                               with outstanding clinical data, access to payment systems (reimbursement) and a talented
”To our knowledge, no         organization. Our customers in hospitals around the world understand that our technology and
                               our expertise in implant design directly benefit patients by decreased serious complication, and
  other company has
                               that hospitals benefit from fewer difficult, costly operations and patient visits.
  succeeded in
  producing implants           Our products are currently sold in approximately fifteen markets. In the past year, main focus
  for these indications        has been on the US market, where we use an approach consisting of our own sales staff
  in a material that is        combined with local distributors. This has resulted in increasing interest and accelerating growth
                               over the past six months. At the beginning of the first quarter last year, 4 clinics in the US carried
  replaced by natural          out operations with our implants. One year later, 24 clinics have performed operations. Meanwhile,
  bone, and we are             we have also established partnerships with opinion leaders focused on our implants’ benefits,
  alone in having FDA          and with surgeries performed by institutions such as Harvard, UCLA and Johns Hopkins.
  clearance to claim
                               Another important growth market is Japan, which is the second largest market for products of
  this in our marketing.”
                               our kind within the OECD. In parallel with an ongoing approval process, we have established
                               relationships with important Japanese opinion leaders, who are already carrying out operations
                               with our products under ethical approval. We believe that a launch supported by their positive
                               experiences will facilitate rapid market acceptance.

                               Today, OssDsign’s focus is on facial and cranial implants. However, we see exciting opportunities
                               to broaden the use of our technology and reach more patient groups in need of better implants.
                               We are currently conducting studies that explore the possibilities of using our bioceramic
                               material for applications in the oral cavity and in the spine, areas that both have a significant
                               market potential in the long term.

                               The opportunities we see in the US and in other markets, together with our technology platform,
                               mean that we are well positioned for continued strong growth, which will result in sustainable
 Clinical results show a       and increasing profitability. The forthcoming issue and subsequent listing on Nasdaq First North

                               will give us the resources we need to establish OssDsign as a fast-growing and profitable
                               medtech company that creates value for customers and continues to fulfill our original ambition
                               to benefit patients.
 rate of re-operation due to
 infection with OSSDSIGN
 Cranial¹ (compared to 7-12%   Uppsala, May 2nd 2019
 with traditional implants)2

                               Anders Lundqvist,
                               CEO of OssDsign
PATIENTS DESERVE A BETTER - IMPLANT SOLUTION - Invitation to subscribe for shares in OssDsign AB (publ) prior to listing on Nasdaq First North

OssDsign products
with bone-regenerating properties
                                          OSSDSIGN Cranial
                                          for reconstruction of cranial defects
                                          • The company’s main product, with
                                             positive and published clinical results¹
                                          • Well-established with more than 500
                                             cranial reconstructions performed in
                                             the EU and US
                                          • Regulatory approval in the EU and US

                                          OSSDSIGN Facial
                                          for reconstruction of facial defects
                                          • Nearly 50 implants performed during
                                             clinical evaluation
                                          • A solution for patients with no other
                                             current treatment options
                                          • Regulatory approval in the EU, where
                                             broader launch will be initiated during
                                             2019 in parallel with regulatory
                                             submission in the US

                                         OSSDSIGN Cranioplug
                                         for repair of cranial burr holes and bone
                                         flap fixation
                                         • Standard, high-volume product in
                                            four formats
                                         • Regulatory approval in the EU and US
                                         • Planned launch: Q2 2019

  OssDsign’s bioceramic – a unique material
  that gradually transforms into bone tissue1
  •	The material is hydrophilic and stimulates growth of vascularized
     bone – reduced risk for post-operative infections, complications and
  •	Regenerative effect on soft tissue – improved healing of tissue
     surrounding the implant
  •	Bone regeneration – the bioceramic material resorbs and is replaced
     by bone during the healing process
PATIENTS DESERVE A BETTER - IMPLANT SOLUTION - Invitation to subscribe for shares in OssDsign AB (publ) prior to listing on Nasdaq First North
OssDsign has developed a bioceramic material that, when                                           OBJECTIVES AND MARKET POTENTIAL
implanted into a patient’s body, is replaced by the patient’s                                     Successful market initiatives have generated significant
own bone during the healing process. Based on this bioceramic                                     interest in the company’s products, resulting in rapid sales
material, the company has developed patient-specific cranial                                      growth in recent years. OssDsign has determined that there is
and facial implants that enable an improved healing process                                       good potential to establish the company’s patient-specific
with a low risk of complications, compared with competing                                         implants as the standard treatment for cranial and facial
products. ¹,²                                                                                     defects resulting from trauma, radiation therapy, tumor,
                                                                                                  stroke or congenital defects. The company’s ambition is to
SUCCESSFULLY ESTABLISHED COMPANY                                                                  achieve a world-leading position within patient-specific facial
WITH STRONG GROWTH POTENTIAL                                                                      and cranial implants. OssDsign’s objective is furthermore to
The company currently has regulatory approval in the EU and                                       achieve a rolling annual turnover that exceeds SEK 200
US and is successfully established in Europe. In the autumn                                       million at the beginning of 2023.
of 2017, OssDsign initiated commercialisation in the US, which
is the world’s largest medtech market. The company sees                                           THE INVITATION
strong growth potential in the US and intends to carry out                                        Considerable market investments will be required in the
significant market initiatives there in the coming years. In                                      coming years for the company to achieve its goals. In order
addition, OssDsign will invest in continued growth in Europe                                      to secure financing for growth initiatives and cashflow
and establishing a position in the Japanese market.                                               requirements during the coming twelve months, the company
                                                                                                  has decided to issue this Invitation which, at full subscription,
                                                                                                  will contribute an additional 139 MSEK in funding after
                                                                                                  transaction costs.

Results of Clinical Study at Karolinska University Hospital
Published in World Neurosurgery 1

     53 OSSDSIGN Cranial implants (50 patients)

     •  In 64% of patients OSSDSIGN Cranial was used to
         replace a competing implant that had failed due to

     •  Only one case of infection with OSSDSIGN Cranial
         required re-operation

     •  The patient’s implant was replaced with a new
         OSSDSIGN Cranial implant, with no complications
         in the following 12 months

The low complication rate is supported by OssDsign’s own follow-up assessment of circa 400 implants, which shows that
2% of these patients experienced infections that required re-operation.3

OssDsign’s addressable market
  OssDsign Product                                             Segment                                                           Estimated market value
                                                                                                                                 (MUSD, OECD)

  OSSDSIGN Cranial PSI                                         Patient-specific cranial implant                                                           200

  OSSDSIGN Facial                                              Patient-specific facial implant                                                            200

  OSSDSIGN Cranioplug                                          Burr hole covers & fixation                                                                165

  Total market value                                                                                                                                      565

Sources: Available data used as basis for estimates has been obtained from the Market&Markets report “Patient Specific Cranial/Neuro Implants Markets (2016)”, the government healthcare
organization in the United Kingdom, National Health Service (NHS) database “Hospital Episode Statistics”, and from the German database ”Information System for Federal Health Monitoring”.
PATIENTS DESERVE A BETTER - IMPLANT SOLUTION - Invitation to subscribe for shares in OssDsign AB (publ) prior to listing on Nasdaq First North
References & Publications                                            Important information
1.	Kihlström et al (2018), Patient-Specific Titanium Reinforced     / Reference to prospectus
    Calcium Phosphate Implant for the Repair and Healing of
                                                                     This information brochure is not and shall not be considered a
    Complex Cranial Defects.
                                                                     prospectus in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
2.	Kwarcinski J, et al. Cranioplasty and Craniofacial Re-
                                                                     This document constitutes only a brief excerpt from the
    construction: A Review of Implant Material, Manufacturing
                                                                     prospectus and any decision to invest in OssDsign AB (publ)
    Method and Infection Risk, Appl. Sci., vol. 7, no. 3, p. 276,
                                                                     (“OssDsign” or the “Company”) shall be based on the prospec-
                                                                     tus in its entirety.
3.	Improving Outcomes In Cranioplasty - Clinical Results From
    394 Patients Treated With OSSDSIGN® Cranial PSI.                 The prospectus, which has been approved and registered by
    OssDsign 2018-2130 Rev01.                                        the Financial Supervisory Authority (Sw. Finansinspektionen) in
4.	Sundblom et al (2018): Removal of giant intraosseous             accordance with Chapter 2, Sections 25 and 26 of the
    meningioma followed by cranioplasty using a custom-made          Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act (1991:1980) (Sw.
    bioceramic implant: case report.                                 Lagen (1991:1980) om handel med finansiella instrument), has
5.	Engstrand T, et al. Development of a bioactive implant for       been published and is available on OssDsign’s website,
    repair and potential healing of cranial defects. J Neurosurg, and on Erik Penser Bank’s website,
    120:273–277, 2014.                                               The prospectus can also be ordered free of charge from Erik
                                                                     Penser Bank, Box 7405, 103 91 Stockholm, via telephone to
Use of Proceeds                                                      +46 (0)8-463 80 00 or by e-mail to

                                                                     The prospectus includes a presentation of OssDsign, the share
The net proceeds of SEK 139 million are intended to be used
                                                                     issue and the risks associated with investing in OssDsign and
according to the following order of priority and estimated extent:
                                                                     participating in the new issue. The information brochure is not
• Sales and marketing activities in the US, 45 percent
                                                                     intended to replace the prospectus as a basis for a decision to
• Sales and marketing activities in other markets, 20 percent
                                                                     subscribe for shares in OssDsign and does not constitute a
• Investments for increased production capacity, 15 percent
                                                                     recommendation to subscribe for shares in OssDsign. Investors
• Regulatory processes in Japan, 3 percent
                                                                     who intend or are considering investing in OssDsign are
•	Feasibility studies and product development in new areas,
                                                                     therefore invited to read the prospectus. Please also note that
   5 percent
                                                                     this document is only a translated summary of the Swedish
•	Further strengthening of working capital, 12 percent
                                                                     prospectus. In case of translational discrepancies to the
                                                                     Swedish version, the latter shall apply.

Subscription Commitments
   Name                                                        Subscription commitment (SEK)       Share of the Share issue (%)
   Lancelot Asset Management                                                      15,125,000                                  10.0
   Consensus Asset Management                                                     15,125,000                                  10.0
   Handelsbanken Fonder                                                           15,125,000                                  10.0
   Alto Invest                                                                    10,312,500                                    6.8
   Karolinska Development                                                          5,500,000                                    3.6
   LMK Forward                                                                     4,950,000                                    3.3
   T-bolaget                                                                       4,950,000                                    3.3
   SEB Venture Capital/SEB                                                         4,675,000                                    3.1
   Nordic Cross                                                                    3,987,500                                    2.6
   Simon Cartmell, Chairman of the board                                             756,250                                    0.5
   Anders Qvarnström, Board member                                                   302,500                                    0.2
   Erik Penser Bank on behalf of customers                                        30,827,500                                  20.4
   Totalt                                                                       111,636,250                                   73.8

Terms for the offer in summary
Number of issued shares       5,500,000 shares                       OTHER INFORMATION
Issue price		                 SEK 27.50 per share                    ISIN-code     	 SE0012570448
Issue amount		                MSEK 151.3                             Ticker             OSSD
Market capitalization         MSEK 336 pre-money                     Market place   	OssDsign has applied for admission to trading
Subscription commitments      Subscription commitments in 		                            of the Company’s shares on Nasdaq First
                              the offer amount to MSEK 111.6                            North. Preliminary first day of trading is May
Subscription period		         3 – 17 May, 2019                                          24, 2019, conditional upon that the Company
Minimum subscription	200 shares (SEK 5,500)                                            fulfills the distribution requirements and
Over-allotment option         An additional maximum of 825,000                          receives approval from Nasdaq Stockholm.
newly issued shares, corresponding to an additional MSEK 22.7.
May be exercised in case of oversubscription in the issue.
Application form for subscription of shares in OssDsign AB
The application form shall be sent to:                                                                                  Subscription period                   May 3 - 17, 2019
Erik Penser Bank                                                                                                        Price per share                       SEK 27.50 per share
Emissionsavdelningen/OssDsign                                                                                           Minimum subscription                  200 shares (SEK 5,500)
Box 7405, 103 91 STOCKHOLM                                                                                              Payment                               According to instructions on the contract note,
                                                                                                                                                              distributed on May 21, 2019
Phone          08-463 80 00
                                                                                                                        Estimated first day                   24 May, 2019 on Nasdaq First North
Fax            08-400 52 894
                                                                                                                        of trading

This application form shall be used for subscription of shares in OssDsign AB in accordance                          The undersigned hereby applies for subscription of shares in OssDsign AB in accordance
with the terms and conditions set out in the Swedish prospectus published on May 2,                                  with the terms and conditions of the offer and hereby authorises Erik Penser Bank to
2019. Please note that the application is binding. Only one application form per person or                           execute the application for subscription of shares as below. Notice of any allotment
company name will be considered. If more than one application form is submitted, only                                of shares will be provided through distribution of a contract note which must be paid
the first to be received will be considered. Incomplete or incorrectly completed application                         using the instructions in the note. Notice will only be provided to those that have
forms may be disregarded. The application form shall be Erik Penser Bank at hand no                                  received allotment of shares. The number of allotted shares may be smaller than the
later than 17:00 on May 17, 2019.                                                                                    number applied for, or there may be no allotment. Erik Penser Bank has not provided any
                                                                                                                     investment advice or other advice preceding this application.

                  I/We apply for subscription of 200 shares, corresponding to SEK 5,500.

                  I/We apply for subscription of                                                                    shares corresponding to                                                            SEK

         Note that the application must comprise a minimum of 200 shares, corresponding to SEK 5,500. No brokerage fee is charged.

         Allotted shares should be delivered to the following VPC-account OR custody account:
         VPC-account number                                                                                                                      NOTE! If you have a custody account with specific rules for securities
                                                                                                                                                 transactions, such as such as a Personal Retirement Savings Account
              0       0         0                                                                                                                (Sw. IPS), Investment Savings Account (Sw. ISK) or an Endowment
                                                                                                                                                 insurance, you should check with your bank/securities institution
         Custody account number                                         Bank/Securities institution                                              whether you are permitted subscription of shares in the offer. If you have
                                                                                                                                                 any of the above mentioned accounts, your application for subscription
                                                                                                                                                 of shares should be made through your bank/securities institution.

         For subscription exceeding EUR 15,000 (corresponding to approximately 5 700 shares), the following information must be provided:

         1.	Enclose a certified copy of a valid ID document. Legal persons must                                     4.	Is the purpose of the subscription for shares to increase the return
             also enclose a certificate of incorporation or equivalent, not older                                        on your capital?
             than three months, evidencing authorisation of the signatory.                                                    Yes
                   Certified copy of ID and/or registration certificate enclosed.                                             No. Please specify the purpose

         2.	Do you hold, or have you held, a prominent political or governmental                                    5.	For legal entities, please provide the information below for natural
             position, or are you a close family member or colleage to a person                                          persons owning 25% or more, directly or indirectly, of the legal entity.
             with such a position?                                                                                            No single owner owns more than 25%, directly or indirectly.
                   Yes          No
                                                                                                                     6. On behalf of whom are you investing?
         3. What is the source of the money you intend to invest?                                                             On my own behalf
                   Heritage/gift      Salary or other income           Pension         Sale of property                       On someone else’s behalf, please specify name and personal identity number below
                   Return on investment           Other

          Last name                                First name                            Personal identity number                                                       Ownership %         Voting rights, %

          Last name                                First name                            Personal identity number                                                       Ownership %         Voting rights, %

          Last name                                First name                            Personal identity number                                                       Ownership %         Voting rights, %

         Erik Penser Bank may ask additional questions, depending on your responses in section B.) above.

          Last name/Company name                                                      First name                                           Personal/corporate identity number

          LEI-code (for legal entities)                                                                                                    NID-number (for natural persons without a Swedish identity number)

          Address                                                                                                                          Telephone number (daytime)

          Postal code                                 Town/City                                    Country                                 E-mail

          Town/City and date                          Signature                                                             Clarification of signature

Important information
The offer is not directed to persons whose participation requires additional prospectuses, registration measures or other measures than those required by Swedish law. By signing the application form the subscriber confirms
that he/she has understood the risks associated with an investment in the financial instruments. Further, notice is hereby provided that Erik Penser Bank is the issuing agent and that this in itself does not imply that the
Bank regards the applicant to the offer as a client of the bank. Erik Penser Bank (the ”Bank”) processes the personal data in the application in order to administer and execute its obligation as the issuing agent. The processing
of personal data also takes place in order for the Bank to fulfill its statutory obligations. Personal data may also be used for internal marketing and client analysis, business and methodology development as well as risk
management or statistics. The Bank may also, if direct mail barring has not been requested, use the data for marketing purposes. In order to maintain a good customer and registry care, the Bank may supplement personal
data through retrieval from private and public records, eg. updating address details using personal and address information provided by the government, (Sw. SPAR). Erik Penser Bank may be obliged by law, regulation, decision
of governmental authority, trading rules or similar to disclose personal data to a third party, such as the Swedish Tax Agency, the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority or the Swedish business and credit reference agency
(Sw. UC). For more information on the Bank’s processing of personal data, see the Bank’s website: under About us/Customer information/Processing of personal data. Information about the processing of
personal data can also be requested in writing or via e-mail from Erik Penser Bank AB (publ), company identity number 556031-2570, Box 7405, 103 91 Stockholm, Sweden. Similarly, you can report that you do not want direct
mail from the Bank or request correction of incorrect personal data. Please note that this is a translated version of the Swedish application form. In case of discrepancies to the Swedish application form, the latter shall apply.
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