MAKING THE GRADE WITH REG A+ OFFERINGS - The explosion of Regulation A+ offerings is generating opportunities for creative IR professionals - NIRI

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MAKING THE GRADE WITH REG A+ OFFERINGS - The explosion of Regulation A+ offerings is generating opportunities for creative IR professionals - NIRI


                                                    The explosion of
                                                    Regulation A+ offerings
                                                    is generating
                                                    opportunities for
                                                    creative IR professionals.
                                                    BY E VAN PON DEL

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MAKING THE GRADE WITH REG A+ OFFERINGS - The explosion of Regulation A+ offerings is generating opportunities for creative IR professionals - NIRI
          hat does reality television star Scott Disick                      investors. The challenge is that while the JOBS Act
          have to do with investor relations? Nothing,                       eliminates certain hurdles to help small companies
          unless you consider his call to action on                          raise money faster, management teams and their
Twitter to get people to invest in a recent stock                            investor constituents don’t always understand
offering from ManiaTV a form of investor relations.                          the rules of engagement from an IR perspective.
    “No risk, no reward,” said the star from “Keep-                             Anna Pinedo, a partner at law firm Morrison
ing Up with Kardashians” in a video he tweeted.                              Foerster who focuses on securities and derivatives,
The federal Jumpstart Our Business Startups                                  said in an email that it would be prudent for com-
(JOBS) Act passed in 2012 allows such solicita-                              panies undertaking Reg A+ offerings to consider
tions, giving companies the right to raise money                             implementing communications policies that are
without going through traditional Securities and                             consistent with Regulation Fair Disclosure (Reg FD).
Exchange Commission (SEC) requirements when
selling securities to the public.                                            Significant Learning Curve
    The net result: Hundreds of private compa-                               That means all investors should be informed at
nies are utilizing the JOBS Act to raise millions of
dollars with securities offerings that are exempt
                                                            The same         the same time when there is news or other mate-
                                                                             rial information issued by the company. Reg A+
from certain filings and don’t yet trade on the
open market. Even so, the issuing companies still
                                                            securities       companies primarily use digital media channels
                                                                             to reach investor audiences, including Twitter,
need investor relations programs to keep people
informed about what they are investing in.
                                                           liability of a    Facebook and YouTube. It’s important that IR
                                                                             executives managing these channels set protocols
    Perhaps the most popular exemption under
the JOBS Act is the Regulation A+ offering, which
                                                          public company     and expectations with management teams when
                                                                             communicating with investors. Combine this with
took effect in 2015. Nearly 18 months later, 147
Reg A+ offerings were filed by companies seeking
                                                            applies to       the fact that many Reg A+ management teams
                                                                             have never led publicly traded companies, and
a total of approximately $2.6 billion in financing,
according to the SEC.
                                                           the offering      a significant learning curve begins to take shape.
                                                                                “Often, there is no financial intermediary (un-
    There are two different options for Reg A+ of-
ferings. A Tier 1 Reg A+ offering allows companies
                                                          materials used     derwriter or placement agent) in a Regulation A+
                                                                             offering,” Pinedo explains. “Accordingly, entities
to raise up to $20 million in a 12-month period,
and Tier 2 offering allows companies to raise up to
                                                            in a Reg A+      that are not regulated may be assisting the Reg A+
                                                                             issuer with marketing and IR, so there may not be
$50 million in the same period. Companies may
target accredited and non-accredited investors,
                                                             offering.       an organization serving the traditional ‘gatekeeper’
                                                                             function. It will be essential for management
which are defined as follows:                                                teams to remain focused on the need to review
oo Accredited investors must have a net worth                                all communications and approve any marketing
    of at least $1 million, excluding the value of                           or IR materials used.”
    a primary residence, or have annual income                                  The same securities liability of a public com-
    of at least $200,000 for the last two years (or                          pany applies to the offering materials used in a
    $300,000 combined income if married) and                                 Reg A+ offering. That’s why Richard Perl, chief
    expect to earn the same amount during the                                administrative officer for recycling company Ter-
    year the investor invests.                                               raCycle, did significant homework on disclosures
oo A non-accredited individual investor is one                               and enhancing transparency for investors before
    who has a net worth of less than $1 million                              his company launched its Reg A+ campaign.
    (including spouse) and who earned less than                                 TerraCycle has a “frequently asked questions”
    $200,000 annually ($300,000 with spouse) in                              section on its website that provides information
    the last two years.                                                      on how Reg A+ offerings work. The company has
    IR for Reg A+ offerings requires targeting retail                        a direct link to its “circular,” which is the Reg A+

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          ew regulations passed under the JOBS Act              While companies do not have the conventional
          have ushered in a new age of fundraising op-       underwriting process bringing in institutional in-
          tions for microcap companies.                      vestors, they do have the opportunity to reach out
        At the NIRI Orange County chapter meeting in         to individual investors and offer them a stake at
     Newport Beach, CA in February 2018, a panel of          the “IPO” stage. Individual investors get a chance
     experts in the area of Reg A+ and crowdfunding          to directly invest in small, leading edge firms --
     gathered to share insights into these investment        many already generating revenue at the initial of-
     opportunities and the rapidly growing ecosystem         fering stage, something they would not be able to
     of law firms, banks, accounting firms, and market       do in most standard IPOs or in late-stage venture
     makers poised to get money into the hands of            capital funding rounds.
     growing businesses.                                        Panelists David Gosselin of accounting firm
        The event drew NIRI members and a large audi-        dbbmckennon and Joe Oltmanns from OTC Mar-
     ence of local entrepreneurs, incubator staff, bank-     kets Group rounded out the panel of providers and
     ers, advisors, and others interested in the potential   added their views of this important new market.
     of Reg A+.                                              Gosselin said, “In the end, we may need a hybrid
        Moderated by Mark Collinson of Compass In-           approach (core investors and crowdfunding) to
     vestor Relations, the panel discussed whether Reg       make it work long-term.”
     A+ could be the “better, cheaper, faster” version of       Oltmanns, whose exchange has seen the trad-
     the IPO that smaller companies desperately need.        ing of several Reg A companies, added, “it is
        Amit Singh, an attorney at Stradling Yocca Carl-     important to have investor relations professionals
     son & Rauth who specializes in securities law for       in place telling the story, as that’s part of being a
     fast-growing companies, explained what Reg A+           public company.”
     makes possible.                                            Mota Group, Inc. is one of several California busi-
        Dan McClory of Boustead Securities, one              nesses currently going through the Reg A+ IPO pro-
     of the pioneers in Reg A+ offerings expanded            cess. The company makes specialized consumer and
     on Amit’s framework. He pointed out Reg A+              professional drones. CEO Michael Faro said, “The
     “allows a company to get primed and ready to            JOBS Act, has tried to open the door to let the com-
     eventually do an IPO.”                                  pany manage the fundraising process themselves.
        Boustead’s focus on the micro-middle market,         Before, there was no real way for a small company
     vetting and migrating companies through the             to go public. Now, you can raise money, then when
     fundraising process, has put McClory at the fore-       ready, apply to an exchange to start trading.”
     front of Reg A+ as an option for his clients. He           He cautioned, though, that “It’s good to have a
     loves the fact that, by using an “S-1 lite” form 1-A,   year of cash on the side so you don’t gamble the
     Reg A+ allows for a faster SEC approval process.        company on an IPO.” Even with Reg A+, he noted
        He also applauds the fact that Reg A+ allows         that going public is still the “most difficult project
     companies to “test the waters” for investor inter-      you’ll do in a lifetime” and not to expect this new
     est both via conventional investor meetings and         market – while it may be a new frontier in funding
     by advertising their fundraising efforts directly to    for companies like his – to be better, faster, and
     individuals through social media.                       cheaper at every stage.

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equivalent of an S-1 document for initial public
offerings. TerraCycle also has a section on its
website that breaks down investment details.
    “Part of the appeal of this type of offering is to
provide access to people who previously didn’t have
access to early stage investing in companies,” says
Perl, also noting that TerraCycle offers a dividend
to investors that is a minimum of 50 percent of
the company’s after-tax profits, provided it meets
state law conditions for paying dividends.
    Reg A+ offerings are unique from traditional         new retail investors.
IPOs in that marketing these offerings is incum-            Marble said there are three primary media
bent on the issuer, since there is not usually an        channels to engage when reaching Reg A+ inves-
investment banker involved. In some ways, Reg            tors: paid, earned, and owned media. Paid media
A+ has cultivated a niche for IROs who are more          includes buying advertising on digital media plat-
creatively inclined, forcing them to think more          forms, such as Facebook or sponsored videos and             Unlike a
like marketers.                                          posts on LinkedIn. Earned media are stories that
    “You don’t want your offering to have ‘orphan        run in a publication like The Wall Street Journal,         traditional
stock syndrome,’” says Mark Elenowitz, founder           Bloomberg News, or a trade publication. Owned
and CEO of TriPoint Global Equities, a pioneer           media are channels that speak directly to custom-         IPO, you are
in the methodology and structure of Reg A+               ers via email lists and company blogs.
offerings. “You need to enhance the visibility              It is common for Reg A+ campaigns to spend              marketing
of these offerings, and that means there is a            $100,000 on paid media in a 12-month period, and
significant retail component from a marketing            it can take six to eight touches before a prospective     to individual
standpoint.”                                             investor actually converts to a shareholder. Most
    An increasing number of Reg A+ offerings             of the offerings are conducted via platforms such        investors who
are also serving as a prelude to a traditional           as StartEngine, SeedInvest, and Crowdfunder.
IPO. Last summer, the following three Reg A+                “Everything we do is oriented toward investor           may not be
IPOs priced: ShiftPixy, which raised $12 million         acquisition,” Marble says. “But one of the things
via sole bookrunner WR Hambrecht and listed              that is glaringly missing from the equation is          used to sifting
on the Nasdaq as the first ever underwritten             proper investor relations support during and after
Reg A+ IPO. Reg A+ IPOs Adomani and Myomo                a fundraising campaign.”                                   through a
raised $13 million on the Nasdaq and $5 mil-                When people invest in a Reg A+, they don’t
lion on NYSE-AMEX, respectively, according to            always understand they are investing in a private         prospectus
financial services firm Dealogic.                        company and the shares do not trade on the
                                                         open market. This is where more traditional IR            and building
Blurred Lines                                            programs fit into the Reg A+ ecosystem, including
The lines between investor relations and marketing       facilitating investor inquiries about a company’s            models.
are somewhat blurred when it comes to Reg A+             progress, or developing outbound messaging on
offerings. Whether it is the role of the marketing       hitting financial milestones.
department or IR representative, companies that             It is also important to consider finding an IR
choose to raise money through a Reg A+ engage            professional to help handle the messaging when
in a comprehensive digital marketing and paid            companies transition from a Reg A+ offering to an
media plan to court investors, according to Darren       IPO. Shareholders need to understand that there
Marble, chief executive officer of CrowdfundX, a         is now a public market for their holdings.
fintech marketing firm that helps issuers acquire           “Instilling confidence and trust is critical for

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ensuring success when a Reg A+ company transi-                                         expectations will help develop a loyal
     tions to listing on an exchange,” Marble explains.                                     investor base.
                                                                                    oo      Pull the veil back. Putting a face to a Reg
     Tips for A+ Offerings                                   Even from                      A+ company is important when attempt
     Here are additional tips for investor relations                                        ing to instill confidence in shareholders.
     professionals to consider when involved in             a corporate                     Podcasts, webinars, and conference calls
     managing a Reg A+ offering:                                                            are important communication tools for
     oo Ensure that you are telling a story that            governance                      CEOs leading a Reg A+ offering.
        individual investors will understand. Reg                                   oo      Behave like a public company. Reg A+ offer
        A+ offerings specifically target individual        perspective,                     ings are similar to IPOs, and Reg FD rules
        investors, so the more consumer-driven the                                          also apply.
        story the easier for investors to get engaged          Reg A+                    Elenowitz believes there will be a proliferation
        about the investment.                                                       of Reg A+ campaigns in the future, as it enables
     oo Align with experts in digital marketing            offerings help           companies to raise a smaller amount of money
        and PR. Unlike a traditional IPO, you are                                   before going for a full-fledged public offering.
        marketing to individual investors who may            executives             This walk-before-run approach is preferable
        not be used to sifting through a prospectus                                 when getting management teams accustomed
        and building financial models. Therefore,           understand              to life as a publicly traded company. It also costs
        it is critical to work with people who can                                  less money compared with going straight to an
        create social media channels, videos, and          how to handle            IPO on a major exchange.
        blog posts that tell a dynamic and consumer-                                     Even from a corporate governance perspective,
        friendly story.                                    directors and            Reg A+ offerings help executives understand how
     oo Millennial themes generate interest. Many                                   to handle directors and management teams, said
        investors who are attracted to Reg A+ tend to      management               Patrick Tracey, a senior vice president at transfer
        favor environmental and social justice issues                               agent service provider Computershare.
        and skew younger. If these themes are part             teams.                    “I also believe Reg A+ offerings are a good area for
        of your story, be sure to consider tapping                                  IROs to get experience before landing at a Fortune
        into millennial media outlets.                                              500 company,” Tracey says. “You get to experience
     oo Answer investor questions via FAQs, email,                                  firsthand what it is like to work with investors, and
        and phone. Similar to a traditional IR program, investor        that is invaluable when starting a career in IR.”
        relations professionals should be prepared to answer all           Stepping into an IR role for a Reg A+ company also provides
        investor-related questions in a frequently-asked-questions      a ground floor opportunity to wear many hats, including CFO,
        document, or via direct email or phone correspondence.          human resources director, and even underwriter. “Reg A+ allows
     oo Exercise patience. Many investors of Reg A+ offerings are       you to solicit directly to investors, so whoever is interfacing
        not as financially savvy as institutional shareholders. Ques-   with this group must know how to get investors interested
        tions can range from the mundane to entirely unrelated.         and how to keep them happy,” notes Tracey’s colleague, Peter
        Regardless, it is important that the investor relations rep-    Duggan, who is a senior vice president and regional manager
        resentative remain calm and collected, or your comments         of investor services at Computershare.
        may be used against you on social media.                           Appealing to investors’ interests is something Scott Disick
     oo Ensure consistent communication. As with any publicly           may be trying to tap into. In his tweet to get people interested
        traded company, enhancing transparency through consis-          in the ManiaTV IPO, he mentions “all access celeb passes.”
        tent communication is key to keeping investors in the know      While most companies may not have such high-profile appeal,
        about a company’s progress.                                     you get the idea. IR
     oo Align with a competent transfer agent. Transfer agents
        help keep track of shareholder information.                     EVAN PONDEL is president of PondelWilkinson Inc.;
     oo Under promise and over deliver. Managing investors'   

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