Page created by Megan Howard
WINGSPAN                                                           JANUARY 2021

                                  132D WING MONTHLY REPORT

by Col. Travis Crawmer
Incoming Commander, 132d Wing

As we close the year 2020 and usher in 2021, I hope      These principles will continue to be the priorities
everyone had time to relax and enjoy the holidays        as we look forward into 2021, and if required, we
and celebrate the onset of a New Year. As we reflect     will make adjustments and communicate the
on 2020 as an unprecedented year in all of the           changes. In addition, Recruiting and Retention
challenges we faced as a Wing, I can truly say that it   will be my #1 task with the goal of this Wing being
is the resiliency of the Airmen of the 132d Wing that    100% manned by September 30th, 2021! I cannot
has truly shined in 2020! I am honored to be on the      do this alone. It will take everyone’s focused effort
team serving alongside you.                              to tell our story to recruit and retain the best and
                                                         brightest individuals.

As I prepare to take command on Saturday, I
                                                         The Wing has done a fantastic job executing our
wanted to share some initial thoughts/insight.
                                                         missions during the COVID-19 pandemic and we
                                                         are turning the corner; in a marathon analogy, we
I can tell you that I never imagined when I joined
                                                         are hitting mile 17, with the end in sight. As the
this Wing on May 6th, 1989, as a 17 year old
                                                         vaccines are distributed, we will be one step closer
teenager, that I would have the opportunity to
                                                         to mitigating the spread of the virus. However, it
become the Wing’s 17th Commander. It is a truly
                                                         is not the silver bullet in defeating the virus. I still
humbling opportunity that I will not take for
                                                         need all of you to act and abide by the social
granted. As I look back at my time as an enlisted        distancing guidelines to keep this base a safe and
airmen, that experience laid the foundation for me       virus-free environment.
to remember where I came from as I moved
throughout the Wing in many leadership capacities.       Finally, as we look forward into 2021, I am honored
It has been one of the factors that has defined me       to take the helm and lead this outstanding
as a leader, but not the only one. I must thank past     organization. Thank you for what you do and how
commanders, leaders and mentors for providing me         you positively impact the 132d Wing each and
the leadership opportunities. Their trust and            every day. Have an outstanding drill weekend!
confidence in me has afforded me the chance to
lead at all levels throughout the Wing.

In November, Col Chidley briefed the Wing on his
top 3 priorities, which are Connection - Make sure
our community values what we do; Cultivation -
Promote, improve, and grow our mission credibility
and ourselves; and Culture – Create a climate that
allows all airmen to be their best selves.
Make Habits, Not Goals
By Ch Tim Frasher
132d Wing chaplain

Some day my daughter will want to date and my goal is       For example, a person trains for their PT test only to
to be a form of deterrence for her future boyfriends.       stop training once the test is over (you know who you
 (Deterrence is the action of discouraging an action or     are). Or a person may set out to lose 20 pounds only to
instilling fear of consequences). In order to reach         find they are still not happy once they hit their target
maximum deterrence I have gained muscle mass by             weight. When we make the goal a means to an end will
creating healthy habits such as lifting and eating right.   be let down.
 After a few years of training I reached my goal; I had
the muscle mass and strength I wanted… unfortunately I      So make habits not goals. Habits persist and the process
am not intimidating. Yet while I was working toward         of making them is enjoyable. As you move into 2021 I
becoming a swole beast who intimates my daughter’s          would encourage you to: Create daily spiritual habits
prospective boyfriends I developed a love for lifting.      that fit your beliefs (reading scripture, praying, and
                                                            attending worship). Begin financial habits through a
This taught me a valuable lesson for life, make habits      trusted resource like Financial Peace University. Make
not goals. Goals are important but once we reach them       eating right and exercising a priority. Read to expand
we may quit or not find the happiness we expected.          your knowledge base. For more information read
                                                            “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. Have a great 2021!

Social Security Deferral
By Lt. Col. April Marmon
132d Comptroller Flight

Many personnel should have noticed the increase in          Below is the plan of action per DFAS:
their pay check over the last couple of months.
This was entirely due to the deferral of the social         Military pay on the active component side (AGR’s),
security program. This was decided by legislation to        collection will begin with mid-month January and
help stimulated the economy, along with putting a few       collected in even amounts over 24 increments.
extra dollars in members take home pay. With
that being said, 2021 brings in the collection of the       Military pay on the reserve component (DSG’s),
deferral. Depending on your status (AGR, Drill Status       collection will begin with mid-month distribution.
Guardsman) will determine how the collection will take      DFAS
place.                                                      will collect at a 2% of pay until the full deferral has
                                                            been collected from the member.
Unit wins 15th "Outstanding Unit Award"
By Amn Victoria Johnson
132d Wing Public Affairs

The Iowa Air National Guard's 132d Wing has been              hours of analysis, 8,100 products, and 2,000 hours
awarded its fifth consecutive and 15th overall Air            of quality control.
Force Outstanding Unit Award for its efforts during
2019.                                                         Furthermore, as a force-multiplier, the RC-26
                                                              managed exceptional Southwest Border
The Air Force Outstanding Unit Award is given to              operations leading to 60 sorties, 130 flight hours,
units that have distinguished themselves by                   and prevention of 100 undocumented aliens from
exceptionally meritorious service or outstanding              illegally crossing.
achievement that clearly sets the unit above and
                                                              As an invaluable resource to the Department of
apart from other Air National Guard units.
                                                              Defense, the Distributed Training Operations
                                                              Center provided effective live, virtual and
““The 132d Wing is an exceptional unit and the
                                                              constructive training providing a cost avoidance of
string of consecutive AFOUA’s demonstrates just
                                                              over $1.3 billion; an unprecedented feat.
how good it is,” said Col. Mark Chidley, 132d Wing
commander. “Thank you to all the Airmen who
                                                              Throughout it all, the 132d Wing ensured the
continue to do the great work that results in these
                                                              professional growth of airmen by hosting crucial
                                                              College Level Examinations. This directly
                                                              contributed to being nationally recognized for
During this period, the 132d Wing continued a                 awarding the most Community College of the Air
legacy of excellence through lethality and                    Force degrees in the Air National Guard in a five
readiness. In support of the Global War on                    year period.
Terrorism, the 124th Attack Squadron flew the MQ-9
REAPER over 5,900 combat hours, 329 sorties and               The wing was number one in the Air Force by
delivered 2 kinetic strikes, meeting 100 percent of           awarding 108 Community College of the Air Force
combatant commander intent.                                   degrees to its members.

In support of Operation INHERENT RESOLVE, the
Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance
Group provided premier targeting with over 12,000

                        The Iowa Air National Guard's 132d Wing has been awarded its fifth
                        consecutive and 15th overall Air Force Outstanding Unit Award for
                                             its efforts during 2019.
Maj     Dayton, Bradley            MDG         22-Dec-20
Capt    Van Maanen, Ryan           MDG         29-Dec-20
SSgt    Bailey, Antowarren         LRS         11-Dec-20
SSgt    Brosamie, Daniel           SFS         11-Dec-20
A1C     Vongphandy, Sabrina        132 ISS     16-Dec-20
AB      Benson, Jaryd              233 IS      3-Dec-20
AB      Winters, Josh              DTOC        2-Dec-20
AB      Castello, Marcus           WG          9-Dec-20
AB      Zurmuehlen, Drew           232 IS      11-Dec-20

Maj     Wittkamper, Darren         132 IS      30-Dec-20
Capt    McCauley, Alex             Ops         17-Dec-20
Maj     Johnson, Bradley           FSS         30-Dec-20
CMSgt   Streets, David             233 IS      8-Dec-20
MSgt    Stiles, Todd               OSS         18-Dec-20

CMSgt   Kibling, Paul              15-Jan-21
SMSgt   Rosado, Edwin              1-Jan-21
MSgt    Morse, Rodney              15-Dec-20
MSgt    Overton, Danielle          1-Jan-21
MSgt    Waechter, Matthew          1-Jan-21
MSgt    Goins, Marcus              1-Jan-21
MSgt    Kifer, Angel               15-Jan-21
MSgt    Riedel, Matthew            15-Jan-21
TSgt    Stout, Andrew              1-Jan-21
TSgt    Pinon, Nathan              15-Jan-21
TSgt    Isaman, Sanda              1-Jan-21
SSgt    Mejia-Perez, Victor        1-Jan-21
SSgt    Sutten, Austin             1-Jan-21
SSgt    Demello, Taylor            1-Jan-21
SSgt    Ulczycki, Sean             1-Jan-21
SSgt    McMahon, Matthew           15-Jan-21
SrA     Streets, Christopher       1-Jan-20
SrA     Amador, Mohammed           15-Jan-21
A1C     Edwards, Ad                1-Jan-21
Amn     Larsen, Jayden             1-Jan-21
Amn     Wilson, Brady              15-Jan-21

             DFAC MENU
            Jimmy John's Box Lunch
          Subs (Turkey, Ham, Italian)
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