Wild Horse Management and Control Methods

Page created by Edith Fleming
Wild Horse Management and Control Methods
Information Sheet 4 of 5
Wild Horse Management and Control
Introduction                              roping and trapping in the Alpine           to management requires
Wild horses have occupied the             National Park.                              sensitivity, careful planning and
Australian Alps for over 150 years,                                                   evaluation.
                                          The true size of the wild horse
since being introduced by early           population in the Victorian Alps is
European settlers.                        expected to be significantly higher         Historical management
Despite the strong cultural and           than indicated by aerial surveys as         Wild horses have been ‘managed’
emotional attachments some                these estimates cover less than             in the Victorian Alps in various
people have to wild horses in the         half the area occupied by wild              forms since their introduction to
Victorian Alps, they are an               horses and there is no indication           the region. Historically, a range of
environmental threat to the area,         that the population has stopped             techniques including trapping,
therefore land managers such as           growing since 2009. Population              shooting and roping were used in
Parks Victoria and the Department         modelling suggests that the entire          the Victorian Alps to control wild
of Environment and Primary                Victorian Alps wild horse                   horse populations.
Industries need to find ways to           population is now approximately
                                          8200 – 10 900 horses (ELA 2012).            Pastoralists also used mustering
reduce their impacts.                                                                 and trap yards to capture younger
The current size of the wild horse        While it is agreed by Parks Victoria        horses for domestication.
population in the Victorian Alps is       and the Department of
thought to be the largest it has          Environment and Primary
                                          Industries (DEPI) that wild horse           Current Management
ever been. The most recent aerial
                                          management is required to                   Parks Victoria and DEPI are yet to
survey (undertaken in 2009)
                                          manage impacts, population size             develop and implement formal
estimated that approximately
                                          and horse welfare, formal                   management plans for wild horses
2600 – 4300 horses were present
                                          management strategies for the               in the Victorian Alps. However
in the surveyed parts of the Alpine
                                          methods and extent of control are           Parks Victoria does implement
National Park alone (Dawson
                                          yet to be determined.                       wild horse control methods within
2009). This represents a
                                                                                      the Alpine National Park. Currently
population increase of                    It has been argued that because             the broad management approach
approximately 21% per annum               wild horses “evoke greater animal           is to contain and minimise the
since the previous survey, which          welfare concerns than most other            impact of wild horses east of the
was undertaken following broad-           pest animals” the control                   Benambra-Corryong Road,
scale bushfires in 2003. This             techniques available to managers            significantly reduce populations
population growth has occurred            may be limited (Dawson et al.               on the Bogong High Plains and
despite ongoing efforts to control        2006, p.71). The approach taken             remove isolated populations from
the wild horse population through

Wild horse exclusion fencing established at The                   Wild horses trapped at Doolan Plains, 2009 (Parks
Playgrounds to protect alpine bogs, a population of               Victoria).
threatened orchids and habitat for the endangered alpine
water skink (Parks Victoria).
Wild Horse Management and Control Methods
other areas, such as the Mt            National Park over the past five       captured and removed. This will
Wellington area, north of Heyfield.    years has been 160 per annum,          involve confinement, handling and
                                       which represents less than 25% of      transport.
In the Alpine National Park, wild
                                       the annual population increase
horses are controlled through                                                 Wild horses are not used to
                                       seen between 2003 and 2009.
roping, trapping and the fencing of                                           human contact and will be
some sensitive areas. Roping           Population modelling suggests          affected by the cumulative
(sometimes called brumby               that to stabilise the Victorian Alps   stressful effects of capture and
running) has been a regulated          wild horse population at its           prolonged handling. The
activity in the Alpine National Park   current estimated size (8200 – 10      transportation of wild horses
since 1989 and is currently            900 horses) around 350 – 600           involves additional stress to
contracted to the Australian           horses would need to be removed        animals, particularly when they
Brumby Management Association          annually (ELA 2012).                   are transported over long
(ABMA) by Parks Victoria.                                                     distances. Injuries and stress are
                                       Population modelling can also
                                                                              most likely to occur during loading
Roping and trapping are                provide estimates of the number
                                                                              and unloading operations.
undertaken in the eastern Alps by      of horses that would need to be
the ABMA under a contractual           removed to achieve ‘target’            Due to the potential stress and
arrangement with Parks Victoria.       population sizes. For example,         risk of injury during capture and
Parks Victoria undertakes trapping     modelling suggests that to return      removal, the Model Code of
to remove horses from the              the population size to 2001 levels     Practice suggests that a more
Bogong High Plains and emergent        (around 5000 horses) from the          humane option may be to
populations in other areas. All        current estimated population size      euthanase wild horses where they
horses captured as part of the         (8200 – 10 900 horses) that            are caught (Sharp and Saunders
Bogong High Plains trapping            around 1500 – 1900 horses would        2008).
program are offered for re-homing      need to be removed annually for
                                                                              No matter how wild horses are
(donation to carers on private         five years (ELA 2012). Once this
                                                                              captured, they will need to be
properties) through an                 population size is reached
                                                                              either: relocated to a horse
arrangement with the Victorian         approximately 900 horses would
                                                                              sanctuary or reserve, re-homed,
Brumby Association (VBA). Horses       need to be removed each year to
                                                                              sold individually for domestic use,
removed from other areas are           maintain the population at this
                                                                              sold for consumption or put down.
either: re-homed, sold at saleyards    level (ELA 2012).
                                                                              Due to the often old age, poor
or taken to abattoirs.
                                                                              conformation and wildness of
There is evidence that illegal wild    Animal Welfare                         captured wild horses many are
horse removal activity still occurs    Animal welfare and the                 unsuitable for re-homing and may
within the Alpine National Park        ‘humaneness’ of control methods        be sent to abattoirs. It is worth
and surrounding State forests.         are central issues in wild horse       noting that an estimated 30 000 –
While a reduction in wild horse        management. All active control         40 000 horses are sent to abattoirs
numbers is required, it is highly      methods will have some degree of       for slaughter every year, with
undesirable in an unregulated          impact, stress and risk of injury to   around 20% of these being wild
form as welfare issues and             the wild horse. In order to            horses and the remaining 80%
environmental impacts cannot be        minimise suffering, the most           being domestic and race horses
monitored.                             humane options available must be       (DAFF 2011).
Aerial surveys indicate that the       employed.                              It is argued that due to the issues
wild horse population has              Victoria has a range of legislation,   presented above and logistical
increased rapidly at approximately     Codes of Practice and Standard         constraints re-homing has limited
21% per annum between 2003             Operating Procedures to protect        use and is impractical for wide-
and 2009 despite ongoing efforts       the welfare of captured wild           scale control (Dobbie et al. 1993;
to control the population through      horses and ensure they are             Sharp & Saunders 2008). However
roping and trapping in the Alpine      treated humanely.                      re-homing may form part of an
National Park (Dawson 2009).                                                  integrated management program.
                                       If a wild horse control program
The average number of wild             involves non-lethal techniques,
horses removed from the Alpine         wild horses will need to be
Wild Horse Management and Control Methods
Costs Associated with                        Evaluating Suitable                        No Control
Wild Horse Control                           Control Methods                            ‘No control’ would mean taking no
Wild horse management is                     The selection of control methods           action to control current and
expensive particularly when                  should be rigorous, transparent            future populations of wild horses
populations are large and remote             and systematic.                            in the Victorian Alps. Aerial
and the chosen control program is                                                       surveys indicate that wild horse
                                             In accordance with the Model               populations can grow at a rate of
labour and time intensive.
                                             Code of Practice for the Humane            21% per annum, despite control
The costs of taking no action are            Control of Wild horses, Parks              programs being in place. If no
also substantial and include                 Victoria will use the following            control is undertaken the wild
management of environmental                  criteria to analyse the various wild       horse population is likely to
impacts (which are sometimes                 horse control methods:                     continue growing at a rapid rate.
irreversible), repair of assets and                                                     Due to the negative impacts of
                                               • Humaneness of the method
visitor safety.                                                                         wild horses, the lack of natural
                                               • Safety of those involved and
Costs of control will vary greatly                                                      predators and statutory
                                                  the general public
with different methods and will                                                         requirements and obligations, not
                                               • Effectiveness of method                controlling wild horses in the
depend on factors such as
personnel, equipment and time                  • Logistics – terrain, equipment         Victorian Alps is not an option.
required; number of horses                        etc.
removed; fate of horses; and                   • Environmental impacts                  Roping
environmental impacts (and                     • Social acceptability of the            Roping (sometimes called brumby
associated restoration). Research                 technique                             running) involves chasing wild
and monitoring costs as well as                • Cost-effectiveness                     horses on horseback, capturing
communication and education                                                             them with a rope and leading
                                             Each method must be considered
programs should also be taken                                                           them to where they can be loaded
                                             specifically in the context of the
into account.                                                                           onto a vehicle and removed.
                                             Victorian Alps.
The monetary value of economic                                                          Muzzled dogs may be used under
                                             A wild horse management                    strict permit to locate wild horses
impacts caused by pest animals
                                             program may involve                        but are not used for capturing or
can be easily estimated using
                                             implementing an integrated                 loading. Horses may be held by
market values. Environmental,
                                             program that includes a                    rope for up to 24 hours before
social and cultural impacts
                                             combination of several control             loading.
however, generally occur outside
the market system and their value                                                       Roping undertaken through the
cannot be easily quantified in                                                          ABMA contract is currently one of
monetary terms.

Wild horse trap yards established on the Bogong High                Wild horse exclusion fencing established at The
Plains to capture wild horses lured to the trap using salt          Playgrounds to protect sensitive species and communities
(Parks Victoria).                                                   (Parks Victoria).
the main control techniques           In areas of limited water sources,       dispersed populations in remote
employed on Parks Victoria            yards erected around watering            and difficult terrain.
managed land.                         points are considered to be the
                                                                               Fertility control methods are still
                                      most effective technique. The use
                                                                               under development in Australia
                                      of other lures is more effective in
Mustering                             areas of abundant water sources
                                                                               and are not currently in a form
Active Mustering of wild horses is                                             that can be delivered effectively to
                                      such as most of the Victorian Alps.
a method that uses horse riders,                                               large, dispersed wild horse
motorcycles and/or helicopters to     Trapping is currently used in the        populations, such as those in the
gather and encourage mobs             Victorian Alps. It is considered to      Victorian Alps. Even if logistical
towards concealed winged fences       be a humane control method, but          issues were overcome, it would
that lead into a large yard.          has limited application for large-       not necessarily replace
This method enables a large           scale reduction of widely                conventional control methods, but
number of wild horses to be           dispersed horse numbers.                 may be effective in the future to
captured in one event, although                                                stabilise a population of horses
there is a danger that wild horses                                             that has already been reduced by
                                      Fertility Control                        some other form of control.
which escape mustering can
                                      Fertility control is a passive, non-
become accustomed to                                                           Advancements in fertility control
                                      lethal option for horse control.
helicopters and/or horseback                                                   may allow it to become a more
                                      There is a range of fertility control
operators and become                                                           practical option in the future.
                                      techniques including surgical
                                      sterilisation, contraceptive
Low-Stress Mustering involves the     implants in mares and
                                                                               Fencing (Exclusion Zones)
installation of large, specifically   immunocontraception (uses
                                                                               The strategic placement of fences
constructed trap paddocks with        immune response to disrupt
                                                                               can prevent wild horses from
strategically located entry points.   reproductive function).
                                                                               accessing and damaging sensitive
Wild horses are moved into the
                                      Surgical implants require the            areas. Strategically placed fences
trap paddocks where they are
                                      capture and restraint of wild            can also assist with directing
gradually educated to fencing and
                                      horses.                                  horses away from areas where
quietened for handling and
                                                                               they are difficult to control (such
removal. Low stress mustering         Immunocontraceptive vaccines
                                                                               as rugged terrain) into areas
may involve the use of specially      can be delivered using a projectile
                                                                               where they are easier to control.
trained ‘coacher’ horses to assist    syringe or bio-bullet. However,
during musters.                       need to be administered at close         Fencing is a method used for
                                      range (less than 20m) and it is          small, fragile areas, often with
Mustering is not a technique that
                                      likely that wild horses would need       threatened or endangered
is currently used to control wild
                                      to be yarded to achieve this             species, where failure to exclude
horses in the Victorian Alps.
                                      (English 2001). Trials have              horses would likely result in
Mustering is considered humane
                                      successfully prevented pregnancy         permanent loss of significant
when performed by skilled
                                      in mares in the USA, but the             natural values. This method is
operators; however the terrain of
                                      contraceptive is short term and          currently being used in the
much of the Victorian Alps and the
                                      needs to be reapplied regularly          Victorian Alps in four locations.
dispersed population of wild
                                      (Kirkpatrick & Turner 2008). A
horses reduce the potential                                                    Fencing is considered humane, but
                                      single dose of some
effectiveness of this method.                                                  is not practical in rough or remote
                                      immunocontraceptive vaccines is
                                                                               areas and may re-distribute
                                      able to reduce fertility in wild
                                                                               impacts elsewhere.
Trapping                              horses for up to four years;
Trapping involves using lures (such   however the vaccines must be
as salt, water or mares) to           delivered by injection to achieve        Shooting
encourage horses to enter trap        this longer lasting effect (Killian et   Shooting involves hunting and
yards of their own accord. Once       al. 2008; Gray et al. 2010).             shooting free ranging wild horses,
inside the trap yard a trip wire      Fertility control appears to be          either from the ground or from
triggers the closure of the entry     suitable for a small, confined,          the air. Shooting is not currently
gate, effectively capturing horses    accessible mob. However it is not        practiced in Victoria. Ground and
in the trap yard.                     a practical or cost-effective            aerial shooting are not being
                                      technique for managing large,            considered as options for
controlling Victoria’s wild horses      Chemical Immobilisation                not being considered as options
as part of the current                  Chemical immobilisation involves       for controlling Victoria’s wild
consultation.                           the close range delivery of a          horses as part of the current
                                        tranquiliser dart into a wild horse,   consultation.
Shooting is an active, target
specific, lethal control method. It     effectively immobilising it. The       No single method is likely to
may involve ground shooting to          wild horse is then approachable        effectively control wild horse
remove isolated wild horses or          and able to be euthanased with an      activity in the Victorian Alps. In
aerial shooting for rapid large         injection of barbiturates.             national and international case
scale culling operations in difficult   This technique is not practical or     studies, a variety of methods are
terrain or a combination of both.       cost-effective for large-scale         used, including mustering,
                                        control.                               trapping and aerial shooting.
Ground and aerial shooting can be
effective, humane methods when:                                                An integrative approach within an
  • carried out by skilled,             Summary                                adaptive framework of monitoring
     experienced shooters using                                                and evaluation will be required for
                                        Aerial surveys indicate that the
     appropriate firearms and                                                  the effective management of wild
                                        wild horse population in the
     ammunition;                                                               horse impacts.
                                        Victorian Alps has grown rapidly
  • the animal is within close          since 2003 despite ongoing efforts
     range and can be clearly           to control the population.             References
     seen;                                                                     Dawson, M.J. (2009). Aerial survey of feral
                                        Formal strategies for the
  • the correct shot placement is       management of wild horses in the       horses in the Australian Alps. Report
     used; and                                                                 prepared for the Australian Alps Liaison
                                        Victorian Alps are yet to be           Committee. Online:
  • wounded animals are killed          developed. Parks Victoria              [http://www.australianalps.environment.g
     quickly (Sharp and Saunders        currently implements wild horse        ov.au/publications/research-reports/
     2008).                                                                    pubs/2009feralhorsealpssurvey.pdf].
                                        control within the Alpine National
Ground Shooting                         Park using roping, trapping and        Dawson, M.J., C. Lane and G. Saunders
                                                                               (eds) (2006). Proceedings of the National
Ground shooting involves hunting        exclusion fencing as control           Feral Horse Management Workshop—
and shooting free ranging wild          methods.                               Canberra, August 2006. Online:
horses. Ground shooting is                                                     [www.invasiveanimals.com/downloads/Fer
                                        All active wild horse control          alHorse_web.pdf].
generally used for removing a few
                                        methods will have some degree of
wild horses from an area, i.e.                                                 Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and
                                        impact, stress and risk of injury to   Forestry (DAFF) (2011). Online:
horses that cannot be mustered or
                                        the wild horse. Horse welfare is a     [www.daff.gov.au/agriculture-food/meat-
trapped, or for sick or injured                                                wool-dairy/ilg/industries/horses].
                                        critical issue and in order to
horses. It may be appropriate in
                                        minimise suffering, the most           Dobbie, W., D. Berman and M. Braysher
open, accessible country but is         humane options available must be       (1993). Managing Vertebrate Pests—Feral
considered labour intensive and                                                Horses. Australian Government Publishing
                                        employed.                              Service. Canberra, Australia.
impractical where large-scale
control is required or in rough         The selection of control methods       Eco Logical Australia (ELA) (2012).
terrain.                                should be rigorous, transparent        Modelling wild horse population trends in
                                                                               the East Victorian Alps. Prepared for Parks
                                        and systematic and consider: the       Victoria.
Aerial Shooting
                                        humaneness of the method; the
Aerial shooting is an active lethal                                            English, A.W. (2001a). A Report on the
                                        safety of those involved;              management of feral horses in NSW
control method that is conducted        effectiveness; logistical              national parks and reserves. Online:
from helicopters. It is considered
                                        requirements; environmental            [http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/res
to be an effective method where                                                ources/pestsweeds/englishReportFinal.pdf
                                        impacts; social acceptability and
lethal control is desired and where     cost-effectiveness.
                                                                               ].Gray, M. E., D. S. Thain, E. Z. Cameron and
numbers are high. It allows                                                    L. A. Miller(2010). Multi-year fertility
                                                                               reduction in free roaming feral horses with
shooters to locate and get in close     Wild horse control methods
                                                                               single-injection immunocontraceptive
range to the wild horses (even in       include: roping, mustering,            formulations. Wildlife Research. 37: 475-
difficult terrain) quickly pursue       trapping, fertility control,           481. Killian, G., D. Thain, N. K. Diehl, J.
and kill wounded animals.               exclusion fencing, ground              Rhyan and L. Miller (2008). Four-year
                                                                               contraception rates of mares treated with
                                        shooting, aerial shooting and
                                                                               single-injection porcine zona pellucid and
                                        chemical immobilisation. Ground        GnRH vaccines and intrauterine devices.
                                        shooting and aerial shooting are       Wildlife Research. 35: 531 – 539.
Kirkpatrick, J.F. and J.W. Turner, Jr. (2008).
Achieving population goals in a long lived
wildlife species (Equus caballus) with
contraception. Wildlife Research. 35: 513-
Sharp, T. and G. Saunders (2008). Model
code of practice for the humane control of
feral horses, NSW Department of Primary
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