Why the UK's top-growing Fintech is a Welsh Fintech - Cardiff ...

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Why the UK's top-growing Fintech is a Welsh Fintech - Cardiff ...
The CCR Fintech Sector Edition | May 2021

The CCR Fintech Sector:

Why the UK’s top-growing
Fintech is a Welsh Fintech
                          Fintech. A Priority Sector. And
                          Potential World-Leader?

                          Two Fintech Journeys One “Fintech
                          Wales” Vision

                          A Fintech Strategy to Build a Cluster
                          of Global Repute

                          Collaboration: a Critical Factor for
                          Fintech Across CCR

                          The Shape of Fintech Funding for
                          Start-Ups in CCR

                          Why the UK’s top-growing Fintech is
                          a Welsh Fintech

                          The World Standard for
                          Cryptocurrency, Created in Cardiff
Why the UK's top-growing Fintech is a Welsh Fintech - Cardiff ...
                                                      BY SUZANNE CHESTERTON

                                                      The Fintechs of CCR - winning the awards,
                                                      gaining the investment and carving a
                                                      global market share ...
                                                      The last few months have witnessed a series of                The next step is to put all of this into action, not just
                                                      astonishing developments in the Fintech cluster of            by making marquee investments in Starling Bank and
                                                      Cardiff Capital Region. The first quarter of 2021 saw         Monzo Bank, but by supporting start-ups such as
            Sarah Williams-Gardener                   the year-old start-up Yoello voted “Top Growing Fintech       ShipShape VC and Stock Up - as well as providing a
                 CEO Fintech Wales                    Company in the UK” at the Tech Nation’s Rising Stars          long-term home for globally-established scale-ups
                                                      Awards, while the emerging worldwide influence of             such as the truly remarkable CoinCover, who have
                                                      Delio was recognised when this pioneering five-year-old       become the world standard for cryptocurrency in
  Our mission is more than ‘just’ making Wales        enterprise was selected for the prestigious Accenture-        the three short years since they opened their doors
a go-to location for Fintech businesses. It’s about   sponsored Fintech Innovation Lab in New York. And as          in our capital city.
 listening to the hopes, dreams and ambitions         I write, the Cardiff-headquartered Sonovate has been
                                                      named by the UK government’s Digital Economy Council          Working alongside all of this, FinTech Wales is becoming
   of our members, removing any factors that          as potentially the first $1bn fintech unicorn in Wales …      an ever-stronger community, pulling together the myriad
    inhibit the success of both the innovators                                                                      threads that make up this highly-varied and complex
                                                      Something special seems to be happening in this fast-         industry - with a newly-established FinTech Wales
              and the enterprises.                    growing sector - and little wonder that the recently-         Foundry providing the platform for greater knowledge-
                                                      published UK Government-sponsored Kalifa Report               share and collaboration; and an even more compelling
                                                      identified our region as a fintech leader in the making       reason to believe that our region really can be the
                                                      - building on a sector founded around insurers such           home for the future greats of fintech.
                                                      as Admiral and aggregators such as Confused.com
                                                      and GoCompare and a diverse range of fast-emerging            Enjoy discovering more!
                                                      enterprises such as ActiveQuote and Wealthify.

                                                      As the following pages testify, all the ingredients for
                                                      future fintech success are here in South East Wales:
                                                                                                                    Suzanne Chesterton
                                                      from the cybersecurity centre of excellence that’s            Marketing & Communications Lead
                                                      critical for providing a ‘safe’ environment to incubate and
                                                      accelerate, to the proven collaboration between academia
                                                      and industry that’s so crucial for both innovation and
                                                      the provision of skills - and the commitment from the
                                                      CCR City Deal itself to support Fintech as one of our
                                                      key priority sectors, with a focus on building a world-
                                                      class financial services technology ecosystem that
                                                      helps nurture a prosperous local economy as well as
                                                      fuelling a growing national and international ambition.

                                                      www.cardiffcapitalregion.wales                                                          The CCR Fintech Sector Edition   3
Why the UK's top-growing Fintech is a Welsh Fintech - Cardiff ...
Fintech.                                                    One of the top Fintech regions
                                                            in the UK, contributing up to £2
                                                                                                              A valuable – and fast-growing – employer.                  The Centre for Financial and Professional Services,
                                                                                                                                                                         University of South Wales, Cardiff University Data

A Priority Sector.                                          billion to the CCR economy”                       More than 5,000 people in Wales are currently
                                                                                                              employed in a role that directly generates revenue in
                                                                                                                                                                         Innovation Accelerator and National Software
                                                                                                                                                                         Academy, the CCR Graduate Scheme, the University

And Potential                                            Set to flourish from a firm foundation.
                                                                                                              Fintech – and a wider 15,700 employee population
                                                                                                              working for financial service enterprises that are
                                                                                                                                                                         of South Wales CEMET, the Welsh Contact Centre
                                                                                                                                                                         Forum Graduate Scheme, and Cardiff Met and the

                                                                                                              adopting fintech to deliver their product or service.      Open University funded apprenticeships
                                                         There’s an established Fintech ecosystem here        Some of those skills are the ‘usual suspects’ – such
                                                         in the CCR, clustered around Cardiff and the         as Java, which is very much a stalwart of software         A global voice in Fintech.
                                                         Newport-Pontypool corridor – with the potential      development – but the skills matrix also shows
When Cardiff Capital Region made                         to become renowned globally for our fintech          continual and growing demand for everything from           FinTech Wales was established in 2019 to raise
‘Fintech’ a Priority Sector, it did                      sector.                                              data storage and analysis through to cloud-based           the awareness of the thriving fintech ecosystem in
more than acknowledge the fact                                                                                architectures and more modern coding languages.            Wales: focusing on having the right skills in place
that financial technology drives                         This cluster is already home to 3 of Europe’s top                                                               and supporting this vibrant community to start-up,
the way Wales and the world saves,
                                                         5 online insurance aggregators and if we look at        A 15,700 employee population,                           scale and grow. CCR works closely with Fintech
                                                         the companies who deliver financial products                                                                    Wales to support their vision of establishing Wales
pays, invests, borrows, budgets and                                                                              with wide-ranging skillsets”
                                                         and services through technology – be it a                                                                       as a rapidly emerging pillar of the global Fintech
transfers its money.                                     business based primarily around fintech-enabled      The lessons from other clusters is that here in the        Economy, investing in their activities to engage with
                                                         financial services (e.g. an aggregator like Go       Cardiff Capital Region, we will need to build our own      both Fintech entrepreneurs and innovators looking
It recognised that the UK’s position as a global         Compare) or, an FS company that adopts Fintech       ‘native’ talent pipeline of skills to fulfil the growing   to launch their business in Wales, as well as nurturing
Fintech leader – and South East Wales’ recent            as a part of its offering (e.g. an insurer such      demand, as well as attracting more skillsets from          and supporting those companies already here in the
development as home to a growing fintech                 as Admiral) – it’s clear that we have a defined      outside the region, to meet our short, mid and long-       region.
ecosystem – has created a potential catalyst for         cluster of fintech communities, business models,     term needs – providing a potentially valuable win-win
the region to establish a truly world-class cluster,     organisations, best practices, products, services    collaboration with FE and HE colleges across the                 Supporting this vibrant community to
serving one of the highest-value sectors on the          and relevant technologies that stretch much          region.
                                                                                                                                                                               start-up, scale and grow, establishing
planet.                                                  further and wider than ‘just’ insurtech.
                                                                                                              An innovative partner with business                              Wales as a rapidly emerging pillar of
Over the next few weeks we’ll be looking to                 Being clustered brings potential                  and academia.                                                    the global Fintech Economy”
shine a light on the fintech sector here in CCR,
                                                            to build a fintech ecosystem of
uncovering key insights into the companies,                                                                   Win-win collaboration is critical if Wales is to build     Over the next few weeks we will be running a series of
communities, partnerships and personalities                 global repute”                                    resilience, build back better, level up, scale up and      insights into Fintech in Wales – exploring the emerging
that make it one of one the most fascinating                                                                  achieve inclusive growth. Both younger and more            vision, strategy and roadmap for fintech in the region,
industries in our region. In this our first article of   There are some high-profile examples of Welsh        established Fintech’s have embraced the importance         detailing the motivation and performance of the
the series, we examine the conditions for success        Government support for Fintech and Fintech-          of partnering wherever possible with other businesses      different types of companies who make up the cluster
that fintech in our region currently enjoys – and        related companies in the region – including the      and academic institutions that can add value.              – and finding out what core actions are in place to
look at the benefits they can bring …                    £140k investment in Optimum Credit to expand                                                                    make tangible significant progress, by showcasing the
                                                         and create 23 new jobs and LDMS receiving               Win-win collaboration is critical if                    leadership and innovation that pervades the sector
Economically important with a high-performing            £651,000 to support its Cardiff HQ and create                                                                   and looking at what’s being done to attract, retain and
                                                                                                                 Wales is to build resilience and build
GVA.                                                     up to 80 jobs. Of the FinTech companies that are                                                                develop the talent needed to power this cluster.
                                                         located, or at least have a presence in the region      back better”
The latest data from Whitecap and the CCR                it’s estimated that across all their operations                                                                 Each article will explore a different dimension of the
shows that, outside London, the Cardiff Capital          £700m has already been raised with private           This cooperation can range from complimentary              sector – and each will make a call for
Region Fintech cluster is amongst the top                capital investment. Those companies include          offerings that evolve a product or service, to sharing     the views of all stakeholders
Fintech hotspots in the UK – with the highest            Active Quote, ANNA Money, Lip-sync, Coin             of platforms and customer bases – and even the             involved. That platform for
density of Fintech activity shown by GVA per             cover, Counting Up, Currency Cloud, Delio,           ‘omnichannel-on-steroids’ approach adopted by              your voice starts in our
capita and ratio of people employed in the sector.       Disberse, Hodge, Myinpad, Pension the Pennies,       online banks such as Monzo and Starling, where             next feature, where we
Within the Cardiff Capital Region itself, Fintech        Sapiens (UK) Insurance Software Solutions,           third parties can offer their services as part of the      spotlight the work being
employees deliver in excess of £10k extra GVA            Senseforth, Sonovate, W2 Global Data Solutions,      customer experience, building a more integrated way        done by FinTech Wales
over and above the regional average. The GVA             Twist2Pay, Wealthify and Yoello – as well as the     of managing finances, insurance, energy, etc. Admiral,     to help shape and drive
of specific Fintech activity is estimated at over        two oft-quoted ‘marquee investments’ in Monzo        GoCompare.com, Confused.com and CurrencyCloud              the sector here in
£500m per annum, or nearly £2bn if we factor in          Bank and Starling Bank.                              all rank highly as intelligent exploiters of a partnered   Cardiff Capital Region.
Financial Services companies who are adopting                                                                 approach – and other means of partnering with
Fintech within their business activities.                                                                     academia for research and skills supply are also being
                                                                                                              embraced, with dozens of Fintech’s engaging with

4   Issue 5 | Cardiff Capital Region Update                                www.cardiffcapitalregion.wales    www.cardiffcapitalregion.wales                                                 The CCR Fintech Sector Edition       5
Why the UK's top-growing Fintech is a Welsh Fintech - Cardiff ...
– and why it’s a uniquely rewarding and fascinating career,   even though it’s only two hours away from Wales, I still
                                                                                                                        welcoming to everyone. That’s the way we’ll open up the       found myself smiling broadly every time I drove ‘home’
                                                                                                                        careers pathways into our sector – and until we do that,      westwards over the bridge. My professional life has seen
                                                                                                                        we’ll limit what we can truly achieve.”                       me work as UK Government Affairs Director for IBM
                                                                                                                                                                                      and become a proud founding member of the challenger
                                                                                                                            We need to make fintech a                                 start-up Starling Bank, so I have an in-depth and very
                                                                                                                            destination employer of choice                            informed perspective of what the Fintech sector. For
                                                                                                                                                                                      me, our mission is more than ‘just’ making Wales a go-to
                                                                                                                            for all potential talent”
                                                                                                                                                                                      location for Fintech businesses. It’s about listening to the
                                                                                                                                                                                      hopes, dreams and ambitions of our members, removing
                                                                                                                        Nurturing a sustainable skills base for the region is a       any factors that inhibit the success of both the innovators
                                                                                                                        key pillar of the Fintech Wales mission and Richard           and the enterprises. We really are here for the small, the

Two Fintech                                                    Becoming Fintech Envoy for
                                                               Wales to give everyone the best
                                                                                                                        is encouraged by collaborations already in place,
                                                                                                                        with partners and courses that include; University
                                                                                                                                                                                      medium and the large.”

                                                                                                                                                                                             This has brought together two
Journeys One
                                                                                                                        of South Wales CEMET, Cardiff University National
                                                               chance of success”                                       Software Academy, and the Data Innovation                            of my passions in life: Wales and
“Fintech Wales”
                                                                                                                        Accelerator, Welsh Contact Centre Forum’s 2 year
                                                           “Setting up Fintech Wales was the logical next step”        Graduate programmes in Financial Services and Data
                                                             says Richard “to bring together entrepreneurs, small,      Science – both of which have a number of high profile
Vision                                                       medium and large enterprises, tech suppliers, higher
                                                             and further education, schools, the public sector
                                                                                                                        participating employers.                                      “We’re currently working on a series of strategies and
                                                                                                                                                                                        actions to stimulate interest in the sector – and we’ve been
                                                             – and anyone else who plays a part in enabling or          “But we really can’t be complacent and we need to engage       conscious to build an ecosystem around both Fintech
Fintech Wales was established in 2019                        supporting this sector.”                                     strongly with the potential and emerging talent in Wales,     ‘Family’ and Fintech ‘Friends’, bringing together support
to raise awareness of the thriving                                                                                        making our sector a destination employer of choice.”          from organisations as diverse as world-class universities
                                                           Having divested Wealthify and retained a                                                                                     and professional service firms specialising in critical areas
fintech ecosystem in Wales, focusing                       NEDship of ActiveQuote, what motivated                       Pathways into the industry is a core part of the                such as regulatory law, trademarking, tax and many
on helping get the right skills and                        Richard to take the lead in shaping Fintech                  strategy Fintech Wales are currently shaping. That              more. From our networking we know the importance of
funding in place and supporting this                       in Wales?                                                    strategy will also be looking at how to; support                giving every start-up and scale-up the support they need,
vibrant community to start-up, scale                                                                                    businesses seeking access to funding, provide                   the moment they need it. That’s why mentoring and
and grow.                                                  “Part of it was the desire to ‘give something back’. I      networking and mentoring support to assist with                 celebration programmes – or simply being there to listen
                                                             came to Cardiff in the early 80’s to study computer        growth ambition, create centralised working spaces              and advise – is so important. ”
With a mission to empower fintech and financial              systems and networks, got caught up in the passion         to foster innovation and collaborative working, and
service companies here in Wales – and make                   of the place, and stayed. We all enjoy a wonderful         amplify the brilliant success stories we have in our                 The bigger picture couldn’t be more
Welsh Fintech a pillar of the global economy                 work/life balance here in the region – it’s part of our    midst to help build a sector of global repute.
by nurturing talent while connecting and                     ‘sell’ a place that offers opportunity and the chance to
enabling stakeholders across the sector –                    work with some remarkable people.”                             Our constitution was created to                           “The bigger picture couldn’t be more encouraging. Along
this independent membership association is                                                                                                                                              with Richard and Louise O’Shea of Confused, I was
championing one of CCR’s key priority sectors,                                                                              include and deliver actions for                             fortunate to be heavily involved in the Kalifa Review –
                                                               I wanted to give something back
so we spoke to Founder and Chair Richard Theo                                                                               everyone.”                                                  Cardiff has been recognised in the top 10 UK emerging
and CEO Sarah Williams-Gardener, to explore                    and push the sector forward”                                                                                             Fintech clusters. By collaborating it’s clear that we have
what lies ahead and find out more about their                                                                           Richard is clear that the foundations are now in                every opportunity to make Wales and the rest of the UK
own personal journey in this high-value, fast-             Any frustrations?                                            place to maximise the potential of this high-value              a more attractive location for Fintech’s to start and grow.
growing sector…                                                                                                         cluster. “We were careful to create a constitution that         The Kalifa report has suggested the creation of a ‘scalebox’
                                                           “The frustrations are common to all parts of the            represents small, medium and large enterprises, with            that provides the additional financial and technological
“I was invited to be the fintech envoy for Wales by the      UK”, notes Richard. “When my children return from          an advisory panel that revolves on a regular basis,             support that Fintech’s need to realise their full potential,
UK Government in 2018 as part of their strategy to           school after a careers discussion, I ask them what         appointing Directors with clear remits to deliver.              this combines with the listing recommendations in the Hill
make the UK the best place in the world to start and         occupations were covered. And ‘Tech’, or more              It means Fintech Wales will always be here for                  report reaffirms the UK’s attractiveness and continued
grow a fintech ”, explains Richard, who co-founded           specifically, ‘enabling tech through data science’ is      everyone in fintech, taking the broadest of views and           support for this fast growing innovative sector.
both Wealthify and ActiveQuote in the Cardiff area.          never even mentioned. We remain obsessed with the          continually actioning what needs to be done for the
                                                             old professions of law, accountancy and the others, to     whole sector.”                                                A big ‘thank you’ to Richard and Sarah for sharing
“Here in Wales that meant advising on how we                 the detriment of the new and the future. In the States,                                                                  their journey in Fintech so far. Look out for our series
could best power up a potential cluster that already         tech is ‘cool’ and that’s why they have the top-10         For Sarah, becoming CEO of Fintech Wales “has brought         of articles and digital discussions that follow – and
had strong market leaders such as Admiral and                tech colleges in the world. We need to really connect      together two of my passions my life: Wales and Innovation.    discover the full story of what this fascinating fast-
GoCompare, as well as a burgeoning host of start-ups,        with students from their school days onwards, telling      Like many people my own journey took me to London but,        growing sector is bringing to Wales.
in place – to give everyone the best chance of success.”     the story of how tech is such a critical force for good

6   The CCR Fintech Sector Edition                                              www.cardiffcapitalregion.wales         www.cardiffcapitalregion.wales                                                      The CCR Fintech Sector Edition            7
Why the UK's top-growing Fintech is a Welsh Fintech - Cardiff ...
Encouragingly, the Fintech Wales thinking to          ActiveQuote and Cardiff University – and pioneering               informed the emerging Fintech Wales strategy
                                                      date mirrors much of what was recommended             work being done by Shipshape VC to match start-ups                to date. How that evolves will be a construct of
                                                      in last month’s long-awaited Kalifa Review of         with investors based on semantic algorithms – shows               government, private investment – and the courage
                                                      UK Fintech Strategy. The 106-page report,             how this spirit of partnership is already driving market          and collaboration of fintechs and other stakeholders
                                                      commissioned by HM Treasury and authored by           developments in our region.                                       here in the CCR ecosystem.
                                                      former Worldpay CEO Ron Kalifa OBE, put into
                                                      context the opportunity of a sector that globally                                                                       We’ll be featuring the views of some of those
                                                      is worth around £110 billion and is expected to       Greater Investment: Though the UK is already among                companies and their collaborators in the
                                                      more than triple to £380 billion by the end of the    the top three destinations for fintech investment                 forthcoming weeks, discovering the opportunities
                                                      decade.                                               globally, its numbers pale in comparison to that of               and challenges that lie ahead for fintech in the CCR…
                                                                                                            the US and China. Kalifa suggests unlocking capital
                                                      The UK has around a 10% market share of               to create a £1bn ‘Growth Fund’, enhancing sector
                                                      that figure – but the true significance to Wales      visibility with a global family of indices and expanding
                                                      and the CCR may be even greater than those
                                                      numbers, with Kalifa maintaining that “Fintech
                                                                                                            R&D tax credits – and likewise, Sarah Williams-
                                                                                                            Gardener, CEO of Fintech Wales, views investment                         Fintech is a
                                                      is more than a niche sector. It’s a tech-enabled
                                                      revolution that can bring increased trade and
                                                                                                            and access to funding as central to any strategy:
                                                                                                                                                                                     revolution rather
                                                      jobs – as well as greater inclusion and recovery.”      “The fintech industry will eagerly await HMT’s                       than just a sector”
                                                      Those sentiments clearly chime with the CCR              response to “The Kalifa Review” as additional
                                                      ambitions of levelling-up, scaling up, building          support and a commitment will be required to r
                                                      back better and developing economic clusters –           ealise the implementation of the review’s
                                                      and the ‘next steps’ outlined by Kalifa are already      recommendations ensuring the UK maintains
                                                      being reflected in the Fintech Wales’ strategy           and grows its world standing.”

A Fintech Strategy                                    too, including:
                                                                                                            The output of the future Fintech strategy work

to Build a Cluster                                    Skilling-Up: Fintech Wales has placed an
                                                      absolute priority on building a talent pipeline
                                                                                                            that is currently taking place will help shape the
                                                                                                            interventions that are critical for evolving the sector

of Global Repute                                      through close relationships with schools, FE
                                                      and HE, as well as identifying opportunities
                                                      for retraining and upskilling. The CCR cluster
                                                                                                            and with the CCR Levelling-up Investment prospectus
                                                                                                            – published March 15 2021- clearly headlining the
                                                                                                            intention to formulate future investment proposals in
                                                      already offers pathways into the industry             this sector, the time is right to seize the opportunities
Fintech Wales is already on a journey                 through Cardiff University’s National Software        that are emerging.
to build a Fintech ecosystem of global                Academy and Data Science programmes
standing – with an initial £250,000                   and their 1-year MSc Fintech, with specialist              he Kalifa Review shows the scale
award from CCR funding a preliminary                  collaborations also involving the Cardiff Fintech         of the opportunity”
                                                      Research Group and the Data Innovation
assessment of the region’s potential to
                                                      Accelerator. Sina Yamani, Founder & CEO of              “Fintech is about change” stresses Kalifa “it’s about
become an established fintech player                  Yoello, is a graduate of Cardiff University and is        new firms and established ones, large companies and
on the world stage.                                   just one example of how skilling and academic             small, with roles for both the public and private sector.
                                                      collaboration can drive fintech in the Cardiff            At present, these elements and their well-intentioned
The commitment is there, collaborations are           Capital Region.                                           supporters are not pulling together in a single vision.”
in place and an ecosystem is beginning to                                                                       It’s a scenario that Sarah Williams-Gardener is keen to
emerge: with Fintech Wales shaping a strategy                                                                   address in the strategy of Fintech Wales: “The Kalifa
to include building talent pipelines, access to       Clusters, Connectivity & Collaboration: Kalifa            Review is a promising encapsulation of the progress and
funding and establishing a Foundry – all essential    is committed to nurturing high growth potential           potential of fintech here in our region. It reveals that by
pillars to support a platform that will give voice,   clusters outside London – and accelerating                truly collaborating across industries and geographies,
confidence and momentum to the start-up,              the development of these clusters through                 fintech has all the ingredients to remain a highly
scaling and large enterprises that make up this       further investment and a coordinated strategy.            promising sector for Wales and the UK – one in which
fast-growing and high-value sector in South East      The vision is one where the term ‘fintech’ will           we can continue to compete on a global scale and reap
Wales.                                                become gradually redundant as collaboration               the benefits for local economies and beyond.”
                                                      between large financial services organisations
    Bringing increased trade and jobs                 and enabling technology companies become an           It’s clear that the Cardiff Capital Region has many of
                                                      integral part of doing business – and in an even      the attributes noted by Kalifa to become a key part
    – as well as greater inclusion and
                                                      wider context showing how tech can transform          of the fintech revolution. And this has undoubtedly
    recovery.”                                        any organisation. The collaboration between

8   The CCR Fintech Sector Edition                                      www.cardiffcapitalregion.wales     www.cardiffcapitalregion.wales                                                      The CCR Fintech Sector Edition      9
Why the UK's top-growing Fintech is a Welsh Fintech - Cardiff ...
Innovation Accelerator working with enterprises            To help achieve this, the Cardiff School of Technologies
                                                                                                        such as W2 Global; and career pathways into the            are embarking on a project involving 20 local schools,
                                                                                                        industry already established through the National          aimed at engaging young female students to interact
                                                                                                        Software Academy, Data Science Academy, School             with STEM subjects through innovations such as
                                                                                                        of Computer Science and Informatics (the alter             a ‘Read and Code’ book that Dr Carroll actually
                                                                                                        mater of Yoello’s Sina Yamani) and specialist              developed with her three young children. Fabulous
                                                                                                        courses that include a BSc in Financial Maths and          to see such amazing levels of creativity being applied
                                                                                                        a one-year MSc in Fintech.                                 to the challenge of inspiring young minds to get
                                                                                                                                                                   interested in coding. She’s convinced that the success
                                                                                                        Cardiff University’s Fintech Research Group is well        of future collaborations will be dictated by how well
                                                                                                        on its way to becoming an internationally recognised       we connect with future talent of all genders – and that
                                                                                                        institute – a leader in interdisciplinary Fintech          the CCR can play a valuable part in developing tech
                                                                                                        research – engaging in innovative industrially-relevant    that’s good for all.
                                                                                                        collaboration. And it’s by no means on its own. Cardiff
                                                                                                        Metropolitan University is blazing its own trail as a            A meeting of minds delivering
                                                                                                        fintech R&D partner. Dr. Imtiaz Khan, Reader in Data
                                                                                                        Science at Cardiff Met’s School of Technologies works            fintech that’s good for all”
                                                                                                        in a team that specialises in provenance, blockchain,
                                                                                                        data modelling, data interoperability, interactive data    The quality of collaborative links already in place
                                                                                                        visualisation, virtualisation and machine learning –       across CCR is not lost on Sarah Williams-Gardener,
                                                                                                        and sees clear potential for fintech in our region to      CEO of Fintech Wales:

                                                   universities leading the way in working closely      stand for something new and much-needed, by
                                                   with fintechs of all sizes, inspiring innovations    being amongst the first wave of fintechs to deliver              We have already evidenced how good we
                                                   that will deliver a collaboratively-created          a democratic and fair financial system that’s                    can be through many meeting of minds –

a Critical Factor                                  competitive edge.                                    progressive and inclusive.                                       and the inspirational work already being
                                                                                                                                                                         delivered through partnerships with

for Fintech
                                                      Delivering a collaboratively-                        Standing for something new,                                   Cardiff University and Cardiff Met gives
                                                      created competitive edge”                            progressive and much-needed”                                  us a glimpse of what is possible here in

Across CCR                                         Cardiff University has shown real vision in
                                                   quickly understanding fintech’s wave of creative
                                                                                                        This potential for fintech to be a force for good is a
                                                                                                        theme taken up with alacrity by Dr Khan’s colleague,
                                                                                                                                                                         our fintech cluster. The same spirit of
                                                                                                                                                                         collaboration and innovation is driving some
                                                   destruction, how it will transform the finance       Dr. Sia Chow Siing, Senior Lecturer in Data Science
                                                                                                                                                                         great work at the University of South Wales
Following our last article which                   landscape – and how it is already impacting          at Cardiff School of Technologies. In conversations              too – where I’ve witnessed their team
featured the fintech strategy that’s               on our economy: with phenomena such as               with us, Dr Siing stressed that she’s witnessing the             developing an amazing platform for Mayo
currently evolving to build a world-               cryptocurrencies suddenly competing with flat        convergence of banking, international finance and                Twala’s Stock Up start-up, which is due to
class fintech ecosystem in the Cardiff             currencies, disrupting the existing payment          risk management right across financial services,
                                                                                                                                                                         launch in September 2021. It shows that
                                                   system and posing a real challenge to central        with fintech being both a key driver and enabler of
Capital Region, we now look in more                and commercial banks.                                this – and that’s given the School of Technologies               if we work, think and act together, we can
detail at ‘collaboration’ and the crucial                                                               the international profile to bring together leading              achieve our vision – and maybe even more.”
importance of it in realising the                  The Academics at Cardiff University’s Fintech        academics from across the world, a tangible
ambition to build a cluster of global              Research Group are working with a number             testimony to what’s happening in this region and           This emerging culture of collaboration across CCR
standing.                                          of enterprises on collaborative R&D projects,        the huge potential for what could happen next.             gives credence to the Fintech Wales vision of building
                                                   combining innovative business models and                                                                        a sector that will enjoy global repute – and that
The UK Government-commissioned Kalifa              computer technology to improve financial             Making sure that the next generation of people in          collaboration extends beyond co-operation between
Report identified collaboration as a key factor    services by utilising cryptocurrencies,              the region benefit directly from this is at the heart of   companies and academia: with a network of companies
in the success of any fintech industry, making     blockchain, open banking, insuretech, robo-          the work being done in schools by Dr. Fiona Carroll,       supporting fintechs in their growth and development.
an ongoing case for fostering partnerships         advisors, digital payment systems, crowdfunding,     Senior Lecturer in Digital Media and Smart Technology      We’ll be looking at one such company – Ship Shape
between financial institutions and fintech firms   algorithmic and high frequency trading, machine      at the Cardiff School of Technologies. Dr Carroll’s        VC – next week, finding out how their unique semantic
and “building coalitions across the value chain    learning and computer-assisted textual analysis.     passion is Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and how        algorithm helps fintech start-ups identify the investors
of economic actors to address specific industry                                                         computing actually influences us and our behaviour         and the funding that’s right for them.
challenges, such as the development of the         The results are already tangible, with companies     – and for her it’s a fundamental given that we need
architecture and ecosystems for Open Finance       such as ActiveQuote, Admiral, Confused and           to get more females into the whole technology field,
and digital identities.” And that’s exactly what   Wealthify all benefiting from these collaborative    to make sure that the future is built on balanced,
is happening right here in our region, with our    innovations – as well as the University’s Data       representative and inclusive tech development.

10   The CCR Fintech Sector Edition                                   www.cardiffcapitalregion.wales   www.cardiffcapitalregion.wales                                               The CCR Fintech Sector Edition     11
Why the UK's top-growing Fintech is a Welsh Fintech - Cardiff ...
Opening up fairer access to financial

The Shape of                                              capital for the human capital of South

Fintech Funding                                           “The need is great – and the benefits of bridging
for Start-Ups                                               that gap are tremendous for any economy. I’m
                                                            fortunate to have participated in the Morgan Stanley

in CCR                                                      Multicultural Innovation Lab in New York, run by
                                                            the inspirational Carla Harris – and all the numbers
                                                            show that prejudicial access to capital costs the
                                                            world economies $4.4 trillion every year. Imagine
Last week we saw how an emerging                            the difference it would make if we could bring a small
culture of collaboration across                             fraction of that value to Wales. And imagine what
CCR gives credence to the Fintech                           it would mean for Wales to be seen as an inclusive
Wales vision of building a sector                           place for start-up fintechs – giving fairer access to
that will enjoy global repute. That                         capital in a world where 89% of funding goes to all-
                                                            male founding teams.”
collaboration extends beyond co-
operation between companies and
academia – with a network                                 Prejudicial access to capital costs the
of specialist enterprises also                            world $4.4 trillion every year. Imagine                                                                                             ur strategy for Fintech Wales
supporting fintech in their growth                        bringing some of that lost value to Wales.                 Why not Wales?
and development.                                                                                                                                                                             has clearly identified the need to
                                                                                                                                                                                             get far more start-ups into the top
                                                          “We believe your idea should be funded based on           “Having worked out there in the field and studied at the
Ship Shape VC is one such player in this vitally            merit, not network. And we aim to get results for          Oxford University Fintech Programme, I can see the                    of our funnel – giving us the
important market: a unique recommendation                   you in three business days. You can spend up to            potential of fintech here in Wales. There’s a vision to build a       opportunity to nurture them into
platform employing algorithms that help fintech             nine months in a ‘fundraise’ and that eats into time       fintech sector of global repute in this region – and why not?
start-ups identify the investors at VC firms that           and resource; in a very inefficient way. So we bring a     The infrastructure is here, the ambition is here, the human           mid-sized enterprises. I’m hugely
are right for them.                                         science and a focus, answering critical questions such     capital is here. It’s also a place that offers a much better          impressed by the vision of Daniel
                                                            as “will they bring more than just money to the table”     quality of life and that’s important to us as a company as
The company has itself secured funding from                 and “how can I show my idea to be relevant to them”,       we rely on keeping our brains fresh, which is why we work             and his team – and the commitment
the UK Innovation Fund and are winners of                   as well as the answering obvious conundrum of “who         a four-and-and-a-half day week. It’s one of the reasons               they have shown in bringing this
the Sustainable Innovation Fund Grant – so we               should I approach – and how”.                              why Wales is an attractive proposition to the right kind of
spoke with Daniel Sawko, founder of Ship Shape,                                                                        investor. And I’ve found people here want you to help you
                                                                                                                                                                                             vital service and unique competitive
to discover how his team are helping start-ups                                                                         to succeed. We’ve had so much help from Business Wales,               edge to our fintech ecosystem here
connect with the investors who can help them              We aim to get results for you in three                       some of the major Universities in South Wales ( Swansea,              in Wales. We just need to back that
transform a concept or vision into a product or           business days.                                               Cardiff and UWTSD), from David Wooldridge at the Wales
service.                                                                                                               Government IP Office – and from Sarah Williams-Gardener               ambition and human capital with
                                                                                                                       at Fintech Wales.”                                                    access to the financial capital it
Identifying the investors who are right                   “The Ship Shape method of matching start-ups with
for start-ups.                                              investors breaks the current closed circuits and                                                                                 deserves.”
                                                            gets people and their ideas into a network that’s        Our strategy is to get far more start-ups into
“Across the world we’re seeing the democratisation          predisposed to them and their idea. We save about        the top of the funnel.
of the ability to start a tech business. If you have an     160 days of research time, with an algorithm that
idea, it’s becoming easier and easier to execute on         works across a long tail of data and through AI
that idea. And so we have to start looking at Human         analysis points the start-up in the right direction.     Sarah Williams-Gardener, Chair of Fintech Wales,
Capital – and where there’s a disparity between the         Saving that time and being matched with the right        applauds the innovation being shown by the Ship
Human Capital and access to Financial Capital.              investor is usually the difference between getting       Shape team and a service that helps connect fintech
I spent most of 2020 locked down near Swansea               off the ground or not – especially in the £250k+         visionaries with the initial seed capital and ongoing
and saw an abundance of Human Capital but                   investment market we work in. The companies that         support they need to get their ideas to market:
comparatively little access to funding networks – and       we have helped secure funding for all say that our
that’s what Ship Shape is here to address: opening up       approach created far more positive conversations
access to the same sort of networks that other areas        than any they had before – in a much shorter space
such as London have access to.”                             of time”.

12   The CCR Fintech Sector Edition                                           www.cardiffcapitalregion.wales        www.cardiffcapitalregion.wales                                                  The CCR Fintech Sector Edition   13
Why the UK's top-growing Fintech is a Welsh Fintech - Cardiff ...
tech to an absolute necessity. We knew this was always            “Probably the biggest ‘Thank You’ goes to the Barclays
                                                                                                               going to happen at some point – by our calculations, cutting        Accelerator programme for providing us access to their
                                                                                                               out the middleman would save the industry £8bn every                network and support in scaling Yoello Is there enough
                                                                                                               year – but of course that journey accelerated to become             support for fintech here in Wales? Arguably, there can
                                                                                                               an ‘adapt or die’ situation given the necessity of running a        never be enough, but we need to focus on giving our
                                                                                                               hospitality business safely with social distancing and at a         fintech businesses what they need to grow and compete
                                                                                                               reduced capacity.”                                                  in a global market.”

                                                                                                               It was clear that retail and hospitality needed to                This shows what’s possible in fintech across the
                                                                                                               modernise. That’s what we’ve been supporting.                     region.

                                                                                                               As graduate of Cardiff University, what encouraged                Sarah Williams-Gardener, CEO of Fintech Wales,
                                                                                                               Sina to pursue his vision for contactless ordering and            is “absolutely thrilled” by the market success and
                                                                                                               cashless payment?                                                 industry recognition achieved by Sina and the
                                                                                                                                                                                 team at Yoello.
                                                                                                               “By the time I came to finish my time at Cardiff University
                                                                                                                 I had gained an in-depth knowledge of payments and                     To have been at the heart of hospitality
                                                                                                                 technology, it became clear to me as a customer that                   transformation and win the top UK fintech
                                                                                                                 the hospitality industry needed to modernise and take                  award, all within a year of start-up, is
                                                                                                                 advantage of technology. COVID has clearly pushed this
                                                                                                                                                                                        absolutely astonishing”, says Sarah. “When
                                                                                                                 need in the most dramatic of ways. Now, two thirds of
                                                                                                                 consumers say they’re open to cashless methods and                     people ask me what’s possible across in
                                                                                                                 75% say they’ll now make choices out of home based on                  fintech here in Wales, I nod in the direction
                                                                                                                 how safe they feel. Savvy operators have been rethinking               of Yoello and some of our other thriving
                                                                                                                 the role of tech and have created a new normal which                   start-ups and say ‘that’s what possible’.
                                                                                                                 elevates the customer experience – and opens up more
                                                                                                                 profit potential for their business. This is what and
                                                                                                                                                                                        Now let’s redouble our efforts to create
                                                                                                                 where we’ve been supporting.”                                          more Yoello’s and more best-of-breed
                                                                                                                                                                                        fintechs across the region.”

Why the UK’s                                      Rising Star 3.0 Fintech Sector Award (and joining
                                                  a prestigious list of alumni that includes Monzo,
                                                                                                               It’s important to have mentors – and more practical
                                                                                                               help too.

                                                  Revolut, Just Eat and Deliveroo). Opportunities
                                                  are clearly there for us to grow.                            A board member of Fintech Wales and strong advocate
                                                                                                               of collaboration across the CCR fintech community,

Fintech is a                                      ​“I was thrilled that we have been recognised as the
                                                     UK’s stand out rising star Fintech by Tech Nation;
                                                                                                               what support has Sina experienced during Yoello’s
                                                                                                               journey from a start-up to a company that now

Welsh Fintech                                        and to have won a place on Tech Nation’s acclaimed
                                                     Fintech growth programme” says Sina. “We’re
                                                     honoured to be recognised by such a prestigious
                                                                                                               employs 40+ people?

                                                                                                               “Gareth Lewis at Delio has been a brilliant mentor, always
                                                     programme, and it reflects just how far we have come        sharing and encouraging me. He tells it like it is and that’s
Few sectors pivoted in the pandemic                  in a short space of time since we launched our mobile       what you need to hear. Being the CEO of any start-up can
quite like the hospitality industry. And             ordering product in July last year. The opportunities       be an overwhelming experience, especially starting out so
a Cardiff-based fintech named Yoello                 are clearly there for us to grow, but it’s feet-on-the-     it’s important to feel there’s like-minded people on hand
was at the forefront of enabling this                ground time for me and the team too. I’m fortunate          to bounce ideas off and receive some brutal, constructive
remarkable transformation.                           to be surrounded by an exceptional and experienced          criticism from.”
                                                     senior management team with a wealth of experience
The brainchild of CEO and Founder Sina Yamani,       to ensure we reach our potential. We don’t just want      “It wasn’t easy being a 23-year old with no track record,
Yoello’s online ordering and payments platform       to be another Fintech company, we want to ensure            looking for a half million pound investment. It took an
has brought customers and merchants much             we’re recognised globally in that top 1%.”                  incredible amount of networking, time and resource to
closer together, making transactions cheaper                                                                     get to launch. There needs to be big shout outs to Business
and increasing businesses revenues by 30%                                                                        Wales and Fintech Wales for all their help – and Cardiff
– disrupting the payments market by utilising     From a ‘nice-to-have’ to an absolute necessity.                Council too, who collaborated with us to bring Castle
open banking technology, to such an extent that                                                                  Quarter Cafe, which generated over a quarter of a million
Yoello was announced as the top growing fintech   “Our mobile ordering and payments platform has               pounds for the local economy within the first 10 days of                                           Image source: www.yoello.com
in the UK in February: winning Tech Nation’s       rapidly gone from being nice-to-have hospitality              opening.”

14   The CCR Fintech Sector Edition                                    www.cardiffcapitalregion.wales         www.cardiffcapitalregion.wales                                                        The CCR Fintech Sector Edition          15
Why the UK's top-growing Fintech is a Welsh Fintech - Cardiff ...
We spoke with Llantwit Major-born chief                     Did Wales offer any advantages compared to other
                                                    executive and co-founder Gareth Lewis to                    locations?                                                           “We all know about the huge
                                                    discover why he and fellow founder David
                                                                                                                “We’re every bit as good as anyone else – and our smallness           success achieved by Admiral,
                                                    Newman set up Delio in Wales in 2015;
                                                    and what lessons he has learned over the                      can in one sense be a positive, because we can see and feel          Confused and GoCompare –
                                                                                                                  the edges of our fintech community, rather than getting lost
                                                    past six years.
                                                                                                                  in a larger scene like London. But we can’t be complacent –          and many people recognise the
                                                                                                                  the fintech sector in Wales has a window but needs to run            phenomenal achievement of
                                                    “Why Wales? Why Not.”                                         incredibly hard to make the most of the moment. We’re not
                                                                                                                  New York or San Francisco – we can’t afford to sit on our
                                                                                                                                                                                       successful scale-ups such as
                                                    “David and I were working in wealth management               laurels, even for a moment. My message is clear: let’s do it         Wealthify. Delio is beginning
                                                      and corporate finance. During this time, we noticed         now. Let’s grab this opportunity in Wales.”                          to belong in that same
                                                      first-hand the changing demands of today’s high-net-
                                                      worth investors and wealth creators. We saw how                                                                                  conversation: a fintech success
Gareth Lewis, Co-Founder & Chief Executive, Delio                                                                   We focused on delighting existing
                                                      they were becoming increasingly entrepreneurial,
                                                                                                                    clients with solutions that resonated                              that’s being made in Wales and
                                                      interested in private investment opportunities
                                                      across sectors that they knew and understood, and             across the sector”                                                 is clearly going from strength to
                                                      spotted the market space to help a broad range                                                                                   strength with new platforms that
                                                      of organisations connect their clients with private       Complacency is the last word you would associate
                                                      investment opportunities quickly, transparently and       with Delio, as they increase market penetration across
                                                                                                                                                                                       continue to stay ahead of the
                                                      compliantly. Why did we choose Wales as the place         North America, Asia and the Middle East.                               market and client expectations.
                                                      to bring alive the vision? The answer is why not? I was
                                                                                                                                                                                       As Gareth says, it’s time for us
                                                      working in Manchester at the time and to be frank, I      “Very early on, we adopted the approach of working closely
                                                      was frustrated that Wales wasn’t thinking big enough        in partnership with key strategic clients and building               to show what we can do right
                                                      back then, with more opportunities presenting               solutions around their needs” stresses Gareth.                       across fintech here in Wales.”
                                                      themselves in other parts of the UK. We clearly have
                                                      the human capital here in Wales – we, alongside           “We focused on identifying the blockers that financial
                                                      fellow fintechs like Wealthify, Yoello and Credas have      institutions experienced across private markets and
David Newman, Co-Founder, Delio
                                                      proven that – but we needed to be bold and back             developed solutions that resonated with both them
                                                      ourselves.                                                  and their clients looking to invest capital – positioning
                                                                                                                  technology as an ‘enabler’ of financial services, rather

Transforming                                            We’ve expanded to London,
                                                        Dubai, Singapore, Sydney,
                                                                                                                  than as a competitor – which meant we could engage
                                                                                                                  high-profile organisations very early in our own evolution.

the Fintech                                             Geneva and New York”                                    “Now we’re scaling our tech-offering to increase
                                                                                                                  interconnectivity across the financial sector, we understand

Private Markets                                     “We consciously designed our platform to seamlessly
                                                      complement the operational processes of financial
                                                                                                                  the importance of continually developing new functionality
                                                                                                                  that will benefit our clients and users. The vision never

                                                      institutions of any size” explains Gareth, “so we are,      changes – to make the world of private investments more
                                                      in effect, a centralised own-branded digital hub for        accessible and collaborative by widening the ability of
                                                      these organisations, with integrated modules that           institutions, investors and private businesses to engage in
                                                      support all private markets activity. This allowed us       a controlled, secure and compliant way. Through all the
Over the past five years, Delio has grown             to expand our reach from the Cardiff HQ to London,          iterations, we have remained true to our original idea –
to become one of the ‘hottest’ names on               Dubai, Singapore, Sydney, Geneva and New York,              and that’s a lesson worth remembering.”
                                                      with customers ranging from wealth managers, angel
the Welsh fintech scene – establishing                networks and family offices to some of the largest
an international client base of more                                                                                Scaling our tech-offering to increase
                                                      financial institutions in the world. So creating a
than 90 organisations, helping financial              truly global business really can be done from here in         interconnectivity across the finance
firms across the world to transform                   Wales.”                                                       industry”
their private markets propositions,
                                                                                                                For Sarah Williams-Gardener, Chair of Fintech Wales,
through configurable technology that
                                                                                                                the success and continued growth of Delio represents
enables customer organisations to make                      “We can’t be complacent
                                                                                                                something of a landmark;
alternative investments more accessible                        – let’s do it now.”
and transparent for today’s investors.

16    The CCR Fintech Sector Edition                                     www.cardiffcapitalregion.wales        www.cardiffcapitalregion.wales                                               The CCR Fintech Sector Edition   17
Why the UK's top-growing Fintech is a Welsh Fintech - Cardiff ...
We’re making cryptocurrencies                            has evolved, with plenty of collaboration between
                                                       inclusive and accessible”                                government, academia and the industry itself. But
                                                                                                                I really missed that feeling of making a tangible
                                                   “Coincover saw the opportunity to bring                     difference. I was craving the spirit of the start-up and
                                                     cryptocurrencies to the masses, to make it accessible      scale-up, the impact you have on a business every
                                                     and inclusive – and since launching three years            day. And I’ve certainly felt both of those dimensions
                                                     ago we’ve refined our approach to partner with the         here. I love it.
                                                     world’s leading cryptocurrency solution providers,
                                                     which means we can deliver safety and assurance                Building a balanced and
                                                     in cryptocurrency for individual investors, fund               representative team, from
                                                     managers, professional traders and corporate
                                                                                                                    the ground up.”
                                                     customers. In terms of numbers, we protect over
                                                     a billion dollars of funds, but it’s really just the tip   “We’re a rapidly growing team and by the end of 2021
                                                     of a very large iceberg. For example, PayPal have            we will have quadrupled in size, with investment
                                                     committed to accepting cryptocurrency payments               planned in our Customer Success, Sales, Marketing
                                                     in coming months and that will lead to really bring it       and Technical teams – and the People Team itself,
                                                     to a mass market. We’re already being inundated by           as we shape our culture around the skills and mind-
                                                     new customers from all over the world, every day –           sets of the people we want and need. I’m encouraged
                                                     and will probably have tripled the size of our team by       that we have a 60% female leadership team and
                                                     the end of this year to cope with the demand.”               we’re conscious that we’ll be building a balanced
                                                                                                                  and representative team. It’s so refreshing being able

The World                                              We protect over a billion dollars
                                                       of funds, but it’s really just the tip
                                                                                                                  to build all this from the ground up, to put in place
                                                                                                                  the right foundations and practices, to – and to look

Standard for
                                                                                                                  forward to seeing everyone share in the success of
                                                       of a very large iceberg”                                   the company, through flexible working, share options
                                                                                                                  and, of course, the satisfaction of knowing that you’re
Cryptocurrency,                                    “We’ve become the #1 brand in crypto safety by giving
                                                     customers peace of mind – whether it’s through
                                                                                                                  working for a unique company that’s leading the
                                                                                                                  world from Cardiff. In fact, our biggest challenge right

Created in                                           deposit protection guarantee, or crypto secure key
                                                     storage and recovery. We have even evolved to
                                                                                                                  now is securing an office in Cardiff that matches our
                                                                                                                  global brand position – somewhere extraordinary for

                                                     provide theft cover, so our journey really has only just     something that’s remarkable.”
                                                     begun. We’re regulated by the UK Financial Conduct
                                                     Authority and backed by venture capital and the
                                                     Development Bank of Wales, – so it’s safe to say that
                                                                                                                        “It shows our fintechs can
When the Coincover founders were                     we’re already a firmly established part of the UK and
tasked with investigating the future                 global fintech community. And we just happen to be                lead the world from Wales”
of money at The Royal Mint, they                     genuinely unique – there’s no one else doing what we
                                                     are doing.”
became completely immersed in the                                                                               “We’ve had plenty of support on our journey to date –
world of cryptocurrency.                                                                                          especially from the investment and ongoing support
                                                       We’re genuinely unique. There’s
                                                                                                                  of Development Bank Wales. It’s great to feel part of
The blockchain specialist and cybersecurity            no one else doing what we’re                               something that’s taken root here in the region – it’s
expert saw the huge potential – but also a             doing anywhere in the world.”                              yet another positive energy for a business that’s
huge problem: Crypto wasn’t safe. It’s a world                                                                    succeeding by taking the stress and worry out of
targeted by hackers, where the loss of a mobile    As a graduate from the Royal Welsh College                     holding, using and acquiring cryptocurrency.”
phone or laptop can result in vanished funds. So   of Music & Drama – with a wide-ranging
in 2018 they created Coincover, in Cardiff, to     background in L&D, Employee Engagement and                   For Sarah Williams-Gardener, Chair of Fintech
establish an industry-standard in safety.          CSR – what brought Nadine to Coincover?                      Wales, the incredible rise of Coincover to
                                                                                                                become a world-leader in three short years is
Today, Coincover is THE global safety standard     “It’s certainly seems an unconventional route, but          truly inspirational:
for crypto currency, so we spoke with Nadine         acting is all about people and their motivation and
Beaton, who heads up the People function, about      that’s always underpinned all my corporate roles.          “It shows we can do it. It proves you can be a world-
the astonishing journey made to date by the          I’d worked in the past at Bank of Scotland and               leading fintech based here in our region. And it’s a
team at Coincover – and the ambitious vision         Gocompare, as well as most recently at University            taste of what’s to come from fintech in Wales.”
that’s driving this phenomenal fintech success       of South Wales, so I also had a perspective on the
story created here in the Welsh capital.             way the fintech community here in South East Wales

18   The CCR Fintech Sector Edition                                     www.cardiffcapitalregion.wales         www.cardiffcapitalregion.wales                                   The CCR Fintech Sector Edition
                                                                                                                                                                                 The                              19
platform that works offline, through SMS, to help low-             “From what I have seen thus far, I feel Wales is going to be
                                                                                                       income earners become instant investors and financially              one of the world’s most impactful fintech centres. The idea
                                                                                                       thrive. There are three simple steps: first users register with      of working in toxic work environments is dwindling and
                                                                                                       an ID number, input their age, and finally their savings goals       Wales is welcoming of people, helping them thrive. Wales
                                                                                                       – a high-risk or low-risk investment. Once all these steps are       also understands collaboration, how to support – and the
                                                                                                       completed, our AI-enhanced platform does the rest. With              value of wider access. Nurturing those traits will not only
                                                                                                       a minimum payment of R20, effectively £1, this is invested           help Wales achieve more – but help the rest of the world
                                                                                                       into a machine learning process that matches the user with           become a fairer, more prosperous place.”
                                                                                                       the appropriate, ESG-driven investment. It’s being built at
                                                                                                       the University of South Wales and the idea is to use South         Potentially profound benefits to some of the most
                                                                                                       Africa as a case study. After that, the expansion possibilities    disadvantaged people across the world
                                                                                                       are endless.
                                                                                                                                                                          Sarah Williams-Gardener, CEO of Fintech Wales,
                                                                                                       The financial system has failed many people                        is deeply impressed by the vision and commitment
                                                                                                                                                                          shown by Mayo in turning a dream into a reality,
                                                                                                       “The work that we’re all doing in fintech has huge
                                                                                                         significance. Unfortunately, finance has historically not
                                                                                                         given the power to those who look like me – but that doesn’t            This is more than commercially
                                                                                                         mean there isn’t an opportunity to share the wealth. This
                                                                                                         is just the beginning of a new chapter in the accessibility of
                                                                                                                                                                                 transformational – it brings
                                                                                                         capital; and that’s one of the reasons why I love working in            potentially profound benefits to
                                                                                                         Fintech, because I can use my digital media and financial
                                                                                                         journalism skills, not only to share the wealth but to give
                                                                                                                                                                                 some of the most disadvantaged

A Welsh Fintech                        Stock Up is the brainchild of South
                                       African-born Mayo Twala, who took
                                                                                                         a voice to all those like me who require a mouthpiece. The
                                                                                                         system has failed those with no financial credibility. This
                                                                                                                                                                                 and vulnerable people,across the
                                                                                                                                                                                 world. We’ve long championed
Empowering                             time out from her CEO role to detail                              isn’t because the customers are not credible, but because
                                                                                                         financial institutions have followed the status quo, anyone             inclusion and access – and Stock
                                       the concept behind her platform –                                 who looks like me would have a much harder time getting                 Up brings that to life in the most
Disadvantaged                          and her journey to Cardiff.                                       into the industry. However, I am relatively privileged,
                                                                                                         imagine individuals who have much less than me?                         brilliant way.”

People                                 A new chapter in sharing the wealth                               Surely we need to be better as human beings?

                                       “I’m a trained media professional with an MA in                Incredible support from the fintech community
                                         Digital Media from Cardiff University and didn’t at           in the region
                                         first realise I could bring this skillset to finance. After
                                         graduating I moved to London, where I worked for a            “I’ve had incredible support from the fintech community
As our series on the CCR fintech         very well-established financial PR firm. I thought it           here in South Wales – from the moment I pitched Stock-
cluster comes to a close, we feature     was my dream job until I realised I had to prioritise           Up virtually to Tramshed Tech stakeholders, to when I
the inspirational story of a fresh       either the job or my mental health. So, I packed all my         messaged Gavin Powell at Fintech Wales, who responded
                                         belongings and at great cost with no job moved back             instantaneously. The rest, as they say, is history – with the
start-up that’s due to launch this       to Cardiff where I found the environment to be much             University of South Wales becoming the perfect partner
September – powered by a pioneering      more supportive. That’s when I decided to pursue my             for developing the platform. And I think that, together, we
vision to democratise and make more      vision for Stock Up – and now that dream is turning             can change the world. Finance has predominantly been
accessible wealth creation, through      into a reality, with our launch scheduled for early             controlled by privileged white males but, as history has
novel financial technology.              autumn.”                                                        taught us, it does catch up eventually. Now is that time.
                                                                                                         Women like Sarah Williams-Gardner, the CEO of Fintech
                                                                                                         Wales shine bright. So I think the world is a place where
                                       Stock Up is all about compassion – to help low-                   we can achieve and progress.
                                       income earners achieve their financial goals

                                       “Stock Up is fundamentally about all compassion.
                                                                                                                    “Wales could be one of
                                         It came from understanding the struggles that my
                                         parents and grandparents experienced growing up in                       the most impactful fintech
                                         South Africa, where they had very little – and even                         centres in the world”
                                         less chance of finding help from anywhere. It’s a free

20   The CCR Fintech Sector Edition                          www.cardiffcapitalregion.wales           www.cardiffcapitalregion.wales                                                         The CCR Fintech Sector Edition        21
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