President inaugurates GES 2018 in Mumbai

President inaugurates GES 2018 in Mumbai
16 May 2018

President inaugurates GES 2018 in Mumbai

                                                                     Hon'ble President of India, Ram Nath Kovind inaugurating the GES 2018 exhibition.

                                                                          naugurating the 4th edition of the            the ‘12 Champion Sectors’ is a bold new
                                                                          Global Exhibition on Services (GES)           step that will contribute to both India’s
                                                                          in India’s commercial capital, Hon’ble        economy and the global economy and will
                                                                      President Ram Nath Kovind has said                also help create jobs.
                                                                      that the country’s large talent pool gives it        The President said that the services
                                                                      natural advantages in the services sector.        sector represents a vibrant and expanding
                                                                        “In India, the services sector contributes      component of the global economy. Today,
                                                                      61 per cent in gross value added. With its        services dominate in terms of employment,
                                                                              young population, large talent pool       value addition, productivity and innovation.
                                                                                    and comfort with technology,        The pace of technology is intensifying the
                                                                                    India has natural advantages        contribution of services in other sectors
                                                                                    in the sector and is set to         – including agriculture, infrastructure
                                                                                    become even more of a               and manufacturing. It would not be an
                                                                                    provider of services to the         exaggeration to say that the services sector
                                                                                    world. India’s global services      forms the backbone of the 21st century
                                                                                    exports stood at 3.4 per            global economy.
                                                                                    cent in 2016. I am given to            The President said that, in India, the
                                                                          understand that the target is a 4.2 per       services sector contributes 61 per cent
                                                                          cent share of global services by 2022.”       in gross value added. With its young
                                                                          And that was only the tip of the iceberg,     population, large talent pool and comfort
                                                                          he added.                                     with technology, India has natural
                                                                             The first citizen of the world’s fastest   advantages in the sector and is set to
                                                                          growing major economy said this while         become even more of a provider of services
                                                                          inaugurating GES and launching a              to the world.
                                                                          portal on 12 Champion Sectors in                 The President said that the early Industrial
                                                                          Services in Mumbai on Tuesday.                Age and the traditional manufacturing
                                                                             Speaking on the occasion, the              economy created jobs in factories and
                                                                          President welcomed around 500                 encouraged entrepreneurship in the form
                                                                          international delegates who are               of ancillary units and workshops. Today, we
                                                                          participating in this exhibition from         are looking at small but exciting start-ups in
                                                                          about 100 countries. He commended             the services space. Technology has emerged
                                                                          the Ministry of Commerce and Industry,        as an enormous enabler and allowed
                                                                          the Government of Maharashtra, the            local services companies to go national or
                                                                          Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)        even global. In India, which is the third
                                                                          and the Services Export Promotion             largest centre of startups in the world, this
                                                                          Council (SEPC), for the initiative. He        has helped create a generation of young
                                                                          expressed confidence that it would            entrepreneurs, of men and women with
                      Hon'ble President of India, Ram Nath Kovind,        promote the Indian services domain            hunger and ambition.
                      speaking to the august gathering.
                                                                          and enlarge and deepen India’s                   “In India, which is the third largest centre
                                                                          engagement with the global services           of startups in the world, this has thrown
                                                                          sector. He stated that the launch of          up a generation of young entrepreneurs,

GES Show Daily 2018                                                                                                                                                 1
President inaugurates GES 2018 in Mumbai
of men and women with hunger and                 deepened India’s services story.                   The minister said the services would            services sector will create millions of new
ambition. Government programmes such                                                             be growing at an accelerated rate. The             opportunities for the youth,” added the
as Start-up India and the Mudra Yojana,          Services to provide fillip to India             government was working on several new              minister. Six districts have been identified
which has provided capital to 120 million        growth story                                    areas such as yoga, auryveda and Yunani that       across the country for developing the
grassroots businesses, have seeded a culture       Welcoming visitors from over a 100            are related to lifestyle as well as software and   services economy.
of entrepreneurship, largely in services. I am   countries Suresh Prabhu, Union Minister         artificial intelligence. Consequently, there          “With the rapidly rising Internet-enabled
confident that some of these start-ups will      for Commerce & Industry and Civil               export of services was likely to overtake that     population, growing education levels
grow into giants in the years and decades        Aviation, said, “India is the fastest growing   of merchandise in the coming years. The            accompanied by development across sectors,
to come,” said the President. A billion          economy in the world. In the (proposed)         minister informed that the government was          and an energetic and innovative cohort
mobile phone users, 500 million citizens         $5 trillion economy, the services sector will   working with the World Trade Organisation          of young people India enjoys multiple
on the Internet and a determined push            account for $3 trillion. The services sector    (WTO) on services sector facilitation.             advantages in the emerging technology-led
for financial inclusion using technology as      will create the maximum jobs in India as           “We are working on catering to the              services space. This converges well with the
well as for digital payments have collectively   well as in the global supply chain.”            rising aspirations by making sure that the         technology disruption where manufacturing

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President inaugurates GES 2018 in Mumbai
Important dignitaries posing for a click.

and services are increasingly becoming         communication services, construction and      concerns which will be addressed through        What we aspire for in future has to be
inseparable,” said Rita Teaotia, Secretary,    related engineering services, environmental   this champion sector initiative and will        realised through the rapidly growing sectors
Department of Commerce, Ministry of            services, financial services and education    further leverage the services capital already   and services happens to be one of the
Commerce & Industry.                           services.                                     available in India,” asserted Teaotia.          fastest growing sectors that can leapfrog our
   It was with this perspective in mind           “The identification of these champion        Also addressing the GES inaugural,            economic growth.”
that the government had identified 12          sectors will enhance the competitiveness      Devendra Fadnavis Chief Minister,                  Earlier, presenting his welcome address
champion sectors to power India’s push         of India’s services sector through the        Maharashtra thanked the Commerce                Rakesh Bharti Mittal, President,
in the global services scenario and that       implementation of focused and monitored       Ministry for selecting Maharashtra              Confederation of Indian Industry (CII),
were announced at the inaugural. The           action plans thereby creating GDP             as the partner state for the exhibition.        pointed out the expanding share of
12 champion sectors are IT & ITES,             growth, creating more jobs and increasing     “There cannot be a more opportune time          India’s services sector in export growth
tourism and hospitality, healthcare,           exports to global markets. Issues such as     to organise this exhibition because our         and employment generation. Referring
transport and logistics, accounting finance,   credibility, standardisation, quality and a   economy is growing at a faster rate as          to the platinum jubilee of the Indian
media & entertainment, legal services,         robust financial ecosystem are some of the    compared to the other global economies.         independence in 2022, he said, “At 75

Maharashtra CM Devendra Fadnavis addressing during the inaugural session.                    Rakesh Bharti Mittal, President, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII).

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President inaugurates GES 2018 in Mumbai
Services sector will contribute $3 trillion to India’s GDP
Exclusive Interview with Suresh Prabhu, Union Minister, Ministry of Commerce and Civil Aviation
                                                How will services sector trigger the           services, Financial Services and                 How it will boost the employment
                                                growth in India’s overall economy?             Education Services. The government               in India?
                                                  We are planning to create a $3 trillion      has undertaken a number of initiatives             I won’t be able to give you the numbers
                                                gross domestic contribution from the           to boost the services sector. These              as you can see the sectors which we
                                                services sector. For this to happen, we        include measures like digitisation,              have included are different. But, through
                                                are preparing a complete and concrete          infrastructure status to logistics, e-visas,     this interview, I am assuring your readers
                                                plan. In fact, we have already prepared        Start-up India, schemes for the housing          that it will create a huge employment
                                                the plan. This plan has included 12            sector, among others.                            opportunity in India. To cite an example,
                                                champion sectors: IT and IT enabled               Meanwhile, these champion sectors             when one tourist visits India, it helps
                                                services, Tourism and Hospitality              will not only going to grow the services         to create 15 jobs. Logistics industry,
                                                services, Medical Value Travel, Transport      sector domestically, but also globally.          for every on-ground or off-ground activity,
                                                and Logistics Services, Accounting             This will create a huge employment               can create a number of jobs, which you
                                                and Finance Services, Audio Visual             opportunity in India as well as foreign          cannot imagine, depends upon what
                                                Services, Legal services, Communication        direct investment. This will also have a         activities are taking place. So services
                                                Services, Construction and Related             spin off effect on other sectors too. This       sector is most employment generated
                                                Engineering Services, Environmental            is what we are planning.                         sector in India’s economy.

Hon’ble President, Ram Nath Kovind visiting after inaugurating the Global Exhibition on Services-2018, at Mumbai, in Maharashtra on May 15, 2018. The Governor of
Maharashtra, C. Vidyasagar Rao, the Union Minister for Commerce & Industry and Civil Aviation, Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu, the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Devendra
Fadnavis and other dignitaries are also seen.

Hon’ble President, Ram Nath Kovind, visiting some of the exhibitors during Global Exhibition on Services-2018, at Mumbai, in Maharashtra on May 15, 2018.

India will ensure that it becomes a $5          the 12 champion sectors.                       host city of Mumbai, also the commercial         edition, since Mumbai is the financial capital.
trillion economy by 2025 and services will                                                     capital of India, provides an unparalleled          In the past four years, GES has grown
be expanding to $3 trillion in size. The        Growing from strength to strength              opportunity to showcase the best of India’s      from strength to strength and this year
incredible rise of India’s software services,      The fourth edition of the GES is            services to the world and also bring what        it will showcase 22 sectors such as IT,
which is now half of the global average, has    being held from May 15 to 18 at the            the world has to offer to India.                 telecom, banking and financial services,
captured the mindspace of the world and         Bombay Exhibition Centre, Mumbai. GES             The first edition of GES was launched         education, environment, healthcare, yoga
energised the brand value of India. But I       is the country’s flagship global services      by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2015
                                                                                                                                                and wellness, skilling, logistics, tourism and
believe that there is much more that India      conclave that brings together Indian and       in New Delhi. Subsequent editions were
                                                                                                                                                hospitality among others. About 445 foreign
has to offer.” He hoped that this year’s        international players in the services sector   inaugurated by the President of India in
                                                                                                                                                participants from 100 countries; over 628
edition of GES would go a long way in           with the objective of enhancing trade and      2016 and 2017. The past three successful
productive discussions on the opportunities     strategic cooperation in services.             editions of GES have generated impressive        exhibitors from across the world and over
available in the country’s services space.         Organised by the Department of              traction in business in various services         50,000 trade visitors are expected at the
   Anoop Wadhawan, Special Secretary,           Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and             sectors amongst participating countries.         four-day event. Scores of pre-registered B2B,
Department of Commerce, delivered the           Industry, Government of India, Government         Post the success of the last three editions   B2G and B2C meetings are scheduled to
thanksgiving address on the occasion. All       of Maharashtra, CII and SEPC, GES 2018         at Delhi NCR, Ministry of Commerce has           take place and over 14 State Governments
dignitaries were presented with profiles of     is one of its kind mega event in India. The    chosen Mumbai as the location for this           are participating.

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President inaugurates GES 2018 in Mumbai
Exhibitors List

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      In alphabetical order
9 Square Hospitality                     Classe Housing                          Goutham Associates                       Jericho Events                          National Highways Authority Of          Shobhit University
A & M Communication                      Classic Convention Three (Pavan         Governement Kerala                       Jess Ideas Pvt. Ltd.                    India (Nhai)                            Show Media Solution Pvt. Ltd.
AAA - NABH Accredited Medical            Supplying Company)                      Government of Andhra Pradesh             Jetking Infotrain Ltd                   National Informatics Centre (Nic)       "Shree Maheshwari Decorators
Tourism Promoter                         Clay Exhibits Pvt. Ltd.                 (Andhra Pradesh Tourism Authority)       Jeyam Video                             National Institute Of Electronics &     (Smd Events & Exhibits)"
Aabijann Hospitality                     Cloud Storage Solutions Technology      Government of Assam                      Jj Enterprises                          Information Technology (Nielit)         Shreeyansh DB Software Pvt. Ltd.
Aadhaar (Uidai)                          Cmai Association Of India               Government of Bihar                      Jupiter Hospital                        National Institute Of Open Schooling    Shri Balaji Exims
Abi Enterprises                          Coconnex                                Government of Chattisgarh                Jvc Electro Corporation                 National Institute Of Solar Energy      Shri Shankaracharya Institute
Access Promotions & Fabrication          COIR Board                              Government of Gujarat (INDEXTB)          Kaizen Institute                        (Nise)                                  of Professional Management &
Ace Entertainment                        College Of Engineering, Pune            Government of Himachal Pradesh           Kale & Sons                             National Institute Of Technology,
Additional Skill Acquisition Programme   Common Service Centre Scheme            Government of Karnataka                  Kalinga University                      Mizoram
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Shri Visual Systems
Aduex Display Service                    Confederation Of All India Traders      Government of Kerala                     Kalyankar Analytics Private Limited     National Payments Corporations Of
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Shridhar Tent House
Adventure Tour Operators                 Consulate General of Malaysia           Government of Maharashtra                Karan Deepak Ahuja                      India (Npci)
Association of India (ATOAI)             Consulting Engineers Association        Government of Nagaland                                                           National Skill Development              Shueisha Inc.
                                                                                                                          Kerala Startup Mission
Afresh Technology Solutions              of India                                Government of Rajasthan                  King Decorating Co. Pvt. Ltd.           Corporation (Nsdc)                      Sinha Electric
Aga Creations                            Creative Concepts Advertising           Government of Telangana                  KMI Business Technologies Pvt. Ltd.     National Small Industries               Small Enterprise Promotion Agency
Ahmedabad Decorators, Hirers and         Creatta Exhibition Stalls               Government of Uttarakhand                Kmk Events Management Ltd.              Corporation (Nsic)                      Smart Bridge Information, Inc.
Electrical Association (Decorise)        Crest Eventos                           Government of West Bengal                Knowfakes                               National Stock Exchange (Nse)           Software Technology Parks Of India
AIDC Ltd.                                Ctci Group                              Gpe Expo Pvt. Ltd.                       Kodansha Vr Lab Ltd                     Navara Eco Farm                         Soothika Ayurveda Mother And Baby
Air Asia                                 Cybersetu India                         Gracious India Cooling Solutions         Kokilaben Hospital                      Navin Enterprises                       Care Pvt. Ltd.
Air Cargo Agents Association Of India    CYFutyre                                (Gics)                                   Krishna Public School                   Navrang Electricals                     South African Consulate General
Air India Limited                        Dai Nippon Printing                     Grade Electricals                        Kriti Microsystems                      Naya Raipur Development Authority       Spark Advertising
Air Ok Technologies                      Dalit Indian Chamber Of Commerce        GrayRoutes Technology                    Labh Decorators                         Nbcc India Limited                      Spenta Multimedia Pvt Ltd
Airport Authority Of India               And Industry (Dicci)                    Grc India Pvt. Ltd.                      Lalaji Event Décor                      New India Assurance                     Spicejet Airlines
Ajmani Infrastructure & Projects         Dara Projects                           Green Power Project                      Lallooji & Sons                         New Variety Decorators Pvt. Ltd.        Spine Technologies (I) Pvt.Ltd.
All India Council For Technical          Deakin University                       Green Waves Creations                    Leverage Capital Group                  Nikhiraj Wood Products Pvt. Ltd.        Sports Apparel Company
Education                                Dee Ess Engineers India Projects        Greenland Lighting Decorators            Life Insurance Corporation              Nityanand Infrastrructure               Sqft Interiors
All India Tent Dealers Welfare           Deepa Sudar Traders                     Growb Emotions Inc.                      Lingtong Exhibition System, China       North East Skill Centre (NESC)          Sri City
Organisation                             Deepali Designs & Exhibits              Gujarat Innovation Society (GIS)         Linz Corporation                        O P Jindal School                       Sri Lalitha Electricals
Alliance Of Msme (Aim)                   Deko Exhibit Systems                    Guptajee Tent Service                    Liri Tent Technology (Zhuhai), China    Ochre Media Pvt. Ltd.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Sri Sairam Stickers
Amanulla Khans Sons                      Delhi International Airport Limited     Guru Consulting                          Losberger Gmbh                          Om Shakti Management
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Srl Decors And Rentals
Amaze Expo Services                      Department Of Biotechnology (Dbt)       Gvernment of Arunachal Pradesh           Low & Boner India Pvt. Ltd.(Mehler      Onsite Facilities
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Ssbi Exports
Amtron                                   Department of Commerce & Industry       Gvk Power And Infrastructure             Texnologies India)                      Orange Cabs Pvt. Ltd.
Anacon Labs                              Department of Health                                                                                                     Oravel Stays Pvt. Ltd. (Oyo)            St Francis Institute
                                                                                 Limited (Gvk)                            Lucky International
Aphelion Software                        Department of Industries, Mines and     H N Reliance Hospital                    M J Digital                             Ouka-Ichi-Mon.Inc                       Stage 3
Apollo Hospitals                         Geology, Government of Jharkhand        Hangzhou Canaan Creative                 M R Decors                              Ozaann Hiring & Catering Pvt. Ltd.      State Bank Of India
Apple Tent And Events                    Department Of Post                      Hangzhou International Expo Center       Maan Events And Entertainments          P D Hinduja Hospital                    Studio 7
APPSARA (Rapid Layer Webhost)            Department Of Science & Technology      Hangzhou Sandun Exhibitions              Magnum Fire Services                    P.J. Fab India Structures Pvt. Ltd.     Sumedha Fiscal Services Ltd.
Aquiline Taining Consultants             Department Of Scientific And            Hangzhou Shuoru Network                  Mahavira Tents (India) Pvt. Ltd.        Padmawati Extrusion Pvt. Ltd.           Sunlight Audio Visuals
Arch Concept                             Industrial Research (Dsir)              Technology Co                            Mak India Business Solution Pvt. Ltd.   Paragon Footwear                        Sunrise Inc.
Arihant Digiprint                        Department Of Telecommunications,       Hangzzhou Y&H International              Mangal Analytics And Research           Paras Art Studio (P) Ltd.               Surprise Someone Ecommerce LLP
Arsh Design                              Ministry Of Communications              Forwarding Agency                        Consulting Pvt Ltd                      Parth Services                          Svan Texcon Pvt. Ltd.
Arsiga Konics                            Design Den Media Pvt Ltd                Help Tourism Private Limited             Manisha Decorators                      Patra India                             Svp Banquets
Arun Steel Fabrication                   Dhacshin Led Private Limited            Hiatishin Infotech                       Manufactures Association Of It(Mait)    Pavilions And Interiors (India) Pvt.    Swagatam Tours Pvt. Ltd.
Arya Exhibition & Conference Services    Dharma Astro Services Pvt. Ltd.         High Commission Of Brunei                Mars Monitoring & Research Systems      Pearson Vue                             Swastic Décor Services Pvt. Ltd.
Asian Cancer Institute                   Dhathri Ayurveda Hospital &             Hiranandani Hospital                     Maximus Infoware (India) Pvt. Ltd.      Pi DATACENTERS                          T R Electrical
Assam Film Finance Development           Panchakarma Centre                      HLL Infra Tech Services                  Mccoy Architectural Systems Pvt. Ltd.   Picture Productions India Pvt. Ltd.     Taitra-Taiwan Service Industry
Corporation                              DHE Technologies Pvt. Ltd.              Holiday Moods Adventures                 Medanta - The Medicity                  Pms Hr Solutions Pvt. Ltd.              Tamsa Integrated
Assam Trade Promotion Organisation       Diamond Aircon Services                 Housing And Urban Development            Media & Entertainment Association       Poovar Island Resort                    Tci Supply Chain Solution
Association For Career and Technical     Digital Alliance Networks Co., Ltd.     Corporation Limited (Hudco)              Of India                                Pragati Rental Services
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Team Events
Education                                Digital Learning                        Hyderabad International Airport          Mega Power Solutions                    Pramukh Cranes & Transport Service
Association Of Chain And Franchise       Digital Payment Division                Limited                                  Men At Work Stagecraft Management       Prasar Bharati
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Tech2globe Websolutions
Promotion, Taiwan                        Dimensun Designer & Interiors           Ice Cubes Services                       Pvt. Ltd.                               Preface Corporation
Association Of Competitive Telecom       Directorate General of Shipping                                                  Meraki Creations                                                                Techment Technology Pvt Ltd
                                                                                 ICICI Academy for Skills                                                         Prima Felicitas Pvt.Ltd.
Operators                                Directorate Of Film Festival            Iit Bombay                               Meroform India Pvt. Ltd.                Prime Event & Conferences               Technical Education
Association Of Indian Management         Directorate of Tourism                  Ilca Inc.                                Metaplast Adkrafts                      Prime Global Sport Management           Techno India Group / Sister Nivedita
Schools (Aims)                           Distronix                               Ilove Fitness Solutions                  "Mi Backline                            Printweek India                         University
Association Of Indian Universitites      Dnd Events                              Image Expo Systems                       (Glitterati)"                           Pro Audio Solutions India Pvt. Ltd.     Technowin Solutions Pvt Ltd.
Association Of Skill Training Provider   Doon Decors & Exhibits                  Incredible Design                        Mihir Engineer Co.                      Production Point                        Telecom Equipment And Exports
Asterix                                  Doordarshan                             Index Exhibition And Events              Mincrostation Ltd.                      Profiles                                Promotion Council (Tepc)
Atharva Events                           Dr Raviraj Vastu Spiritual Services     India Asia Machines                      Minisry Of Earth Science,               Progno Financial Planning Systems       Telecom Equipment Manufacturers
Atn Vision                               Eat Creatives                           India Business Solutions                 Government Of India                     Prolite                                 Association Of India (Tema)
Attain                                   Edcil India Limited                     Indian Association of Tour Operators     Ministry of AYUSH                       Puja Electrical                         Telecom Era
Audio Visual Express India Pvt. Ltd.     Egov                                    Indian Council Of Impex For Films        Ministry Of Civil Aviation              Purple Vector                           Telecommunications Consultants
Audios7                                  Ehealth - The Enterprise Of             & Tv Programmers / Ultra Media &         Ministry Of Electronics &               Quality Council Of India                India Limited (Tcil)
Auto Institute                           Healthcare                              Entertainment Pvt Ltd                    Information Technology                  Quaras Inc.                             Terracon Ecotech Pvt. Ltd
Avens Expositions Pvt. Ltd.              Electronics Sector Skills Council       Indian Exhibition Industry               Ministry Of Environment, Forest And     R K Infomedia                           Thane Waste-Tech & Recyclers
Aviva Life Insurance                     Of India                                Association (Ieia)                       Climate Change                          R. B Sound & Lights                     Thapar Univrsity,Patiala
Avs Décor Pvt. Ltd. (Spectrum Design)    Encorus Expo Pvt. Ltd.                  Indian Expo Mart Ltd. (Ieml)             Ministry Of Finance, Trade,             Rac Infra Rental Llp                    The Banking & Financial Post
Avvn Technologies Pvt. Ltd.              EQMS India Pvt. Ltd.                    Indian Films & Tv Producers Council      Investment & Promotion                  Radioaktiv Enterprises
                                                                                                                                                                                                          The Bombay Master Printers
Ayam Design & Exhibits                   Eskaar Décor & Fairfit Pvt. Ltd.        Indian Industries Association            Ministry of Health                      Raghav Power Systems
Ayush Herbs Pvt. Ltd.                    Event And Entertainment                 Indian Motion Picture Producers          Ministry Of Human Resource              Railtel Corporation Of India Ltd
                                                                                                                                                                                                          The Design Compnay of India
B & V Membranes Agro Irrigation          Management Association (Eema)           Association                              Development                             Rainbow Enterprise
Bangladesh High Commission               Event Brite & Exhibition                                                         Ministry Of Information &                                                       The Film & Television Producers
                                                                                 Indian Railway Catering And Tourism                                              Raj Cooling Systems Pvt.Ltd.
Banjara Camps & Retreats                 Events Venues & Avenues (Evna)          Corporation (Irctc)                      Broadcasting, Government Of India       Raj Design & Exhibits                   Guild Of India
Beauty & Wellness Sector Skill Council   Eventually Pro Llp                      Indian Technical Education Society       Ministry Of Road Transport &            Rao Tent House                          The Leela Palaces, Hotels and Resorts
Beijing Association Of Sourcing          Evolis Card Printer India Pvt Ltd       Indigo Airlines                          Highways                                Razorpay Software Pvt. Ltd.             The Pepsop Pest Control Services
Service                                  Exhibit Minds India Pvt. Ltd.           Indo Asia Tours                          Ministry Of Science & Technology,       Reality Exhibition & Conference         Third Wave Services Pvt. Ltd.
Bengaluru International Airport          Exhibition & Interior India Pvt. Ltd.   Indo-French Chamber of Commerce          Government Of India                     Resurgent India                         Thrill Veera Talent Academy
Bharati Chitralaya                       Exhibition Showcase                     And Industry                             Ministry Of Shipping, Government        Retailers Association'S Skill Council   Trade Exposition
Bhilai Institute of Technology           Exim Bank                               Indus Exhifab                            Of India                                Of India (Rasci)                        Transindia Nonwovens Private
Bhopal Glass & Tent Store                Export Credit Guarantee Corporation     Indywood Tv                              Ministry Of Skill Development &         Ridge Digital                           Translink Express (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Bhosle Mandap Contractor &               Of India (Ecgc)                         Infrastructure & Industrial              Entrepreneurship                        Ridha Prints Pvt. Ltd.                  Travels & Rentals Lufthansa City
Decorators                               Express Inn                             Development Department,                  Ministry of Tourism                     Rmb Event Management Pvt. Ltd.          Trelite Display System Manufacturing
Big One Entertainers                     Expressions Design                      Government of Uttar Pradesh              Ministry Of Urban Development,          Roder Hts Hocker Gmbh                   Tropikar Comforts
Big Screen                               Expro Events & Exhibits                 Infrastructure Industry And Logistics    Government Of India                     Roots                                   TruckHall
Black Page                               Fab India                               Federation Of India (Ilfi)               Miracle Events                          Roots Global Pvt. Ltd.                  Udupas Enterprises
Blackmint Infocon                        Fair Act                                Ingeni Info Systems                      Mit Pune                                Rudra Communications                    Umang Communications Pvt. Ltd.
Blue Dart                                Fair Act Exhibitions & Events Llp       Inside Out                               Mj Digital                              Rudra Enterprises                       Umapathy & Sons Pvt. Ltd.
Bluemark Software Pvt Ltd                Fantasista Inc.                         Insta Exhibitions                        Mod Interiors Pvt. Ltd.                 Rungta College of Engineering and       Unique Aircon
Book My Parts                            Federation Of Freight Forwarders'       Institute Of Chartrered Accountant       Modern Hiring Service                   Technology
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Universal Exhibits
Bow And Arrow Management Services        Associations In India (Fffai)           Institute Of Company Secretaries         Modern Stage Services Pvt. Ltd.         Russian Union Of Exhibitions And
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Universal Xhibit
Brand Energy                             Federation Of Karnataka Chambers        Institute Of Cost Accountants            Mohali Industries Association (Mia)     Fairs (Ruef)
Brilliant Security Services                                                                                               Mosaic Network (I) Pvt. Ltd.                                                    Urge Care Health Solutions Llp
                                         Of Commerce And Industry                Institute of Engineering &                                                       S Jain Ventures
Broadband India                          Federation Of Madhya Pradesh            Management                               MSME Institute Bombay                   S R Digital                             Vairagade Decorators
Broadband India Forum                    Chambers Of Commerce And                Inter Event Management Services          MSUPPLY Ecommerce India Pvt. Ltd.       S. G. Gokhale & Sons                    Vardayani Power
Bsm Security Product                     Industry (Fmpcci)                       Interface Data & Design L.L.P.           Mswipe Technologies Pvt. Ltd.           S. S Creative                           Vasisht Agencies Pvt. Ltd.
Business Brio                            Film City (Maharashtra Film             International Business Daily             Mulshi Group of Institutes              S.S Fabricators                         Vehere Interactive Private Limited
Business Doctors                         Stage And Cultural Development          Internet Service Providers Association   MultiLinkworld                          Sai Aircon                              Versatile Media
Busy Infotech                            Corporation Limited)                    Of India (Ispai)                         Mumbai Cargo Service Center             Saibaba International                   Verve Financial Services
Buying Agents Association                First Rain Exhibits (I)                 Intoit Solutions                         Airport Private Limited                 SAIBEX NETWORK                          Viablesoft Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Capital Productions                      Five Splash Infotech                    Introduction Style Inc.                  Mumbai International Airport            Saifee Hospital                         Viacom
Cdp Computers                            Fortis Hospital                         Invention Labs Engineering Products      Mumbai Mudrak Sangh                     Saluja Events                           Vidushi Infotech S. S. P. Pvt. Ltd.
Celebration Group of Hotels & Resorts    Freedom Beyond Solutions                Invest Karnataka Forum                   Mumbai Port Trust                       Sam Stalls                              Violet Event Marketing (India)
Cellular Operators Association Of        Fu Li Hi-Technology                     IPSAA holdings Private Limited           Myab Consultancy                        Sam Entertainment                       Virtulive Technologies
India                                    Fukushima Gainax Inc                    Irem Group                               Mygov                                   Sanchi Enterprises                      Vishwakarma University
Centre For Development Of                Furniture & Interior Rental             Iris Communications                      N M Medical Center                      Sardanas Art Center                     Vision Next India Private Limited
Advanced Computing (Cdac)                G Crafts Stage Services                 Isro, Department Of Space,               N. Pathmanaban Electrical Service       School                                  Visual Time
Centre For Trade And Investment Law      G. S. Oberoi & Co.                      Government Of India                      N.K. Kapur & Co. Pvt. Ltd.              Sconce Global                           Viva Events Management Pvt. Ltd.
Century CFS                              G2A.COM LIMITED                         Itecs Communications Pvt. Ltd.           Naagar Engineering                      Seagem Media Systems (Exhibition        Vst Audio Vision
Chandra Furniture                        Galaxy Exhibition Systems               ITI Limited                              Naked Inc.                              Showcase)
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Wandv Inc.
Chhattisgarh Council of Science &        Gd Goenka Group                         Itu-Apt Foundation Of India              Namdhari Events N Promotions            Serge Ferrari India
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Water Field Technologies
Technology                               GeM                                     J & K Bank                               Nand Kishore Prem Chand                 Seshaasai Buisness Forms
Chhattisgarh Infotech Promotion                                                                                                                                                                           Welcome Tent Rentals
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  GES Show Daily 2018                                                                                                                                                                                                                             5
President inaugurates GES 2018 in Mumbai
Champion Sectors

12 Champion Sectors to focus on
employment generation

Hon’ble President, Ram Nath Kovind at the launch of the 12 Champion Sectors in Services and inauguration of the Global Exhibition on Services-2018, at Mumbai, in
Maharashtra on May 15, 2018. The Governor of Maharashtra, C. Vidyasagar Rao, the Union Minister for Commerce & Industry and Civil Aviation, Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu
and the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Devendra Fadnavis are also seen.

        he Hon’ble President of India,         knowledge resources.”                             countries.                                      “India is a $5 trillion
        Ram Nath Kovind, launched the 12          ‘India Services’, a new brand for                 Education Services: India’s education        economy and the
        Champion Services Sectors, which       Indian services exports, was launched at          sector offers a great opportunity with
have been identified as focus sectors for      the inaugural of GES 2018. The brand              approximately 29 per cent of India’s            contribution of
services exports. He added that the launch     consists of the national bird, the peacock,       population being between the age group          services will be $3
of 12 Champion Sectors is a bold new           a powerful visual symbol of India’s array         of 0-14 years. Education sector has seen        trillion in the coming
step that will contribute to both India’s      of services offerings. A dedicated portal,        a host of reforms and improved financial
economy and the global economy, and will, was also launched           outlays in recent years that could possibly     years, and these 12
create jobs. The 12 sectors include IT and     to provide information and connectivity to        transform the country into a knowledge          sectors will create
ITeS, Tourism/Hospitality and Healthcare,      services sectors.                                 haven.                                          maximum jobs in India
infra and construction, education, banking        Cabinet recently approved Rs 5,000 crore          IT & ITES Services: India is the world's
and financial services, environment, legal,    for promoting 12 Champion Sectors in              largest sourcing destination, accounting for
                                                                                                                                                 and globally.“
media and entertainment, accounting            services. It will go a long way in giving         approximately 55 per cent of the $173-178       - Suresh Prabhu,
and finance, transport and logistics, and      boost to our services sector, said Suresh         billion market in 2016-17. The country’s cost   Union Minister for Commerce & Industry and
communications.                                Prabhu, during the launch of 12 Champion          competitiveness in providing IT services,       Civil Aviation
   The Champion Sectors have been              Sectors. He added, “The services sector will      which is approximately 3-4 times cheaper
identified by the Ministry of Commerce         continue to play a very important role in         than the US, continues to be its USP in the     telecommunications market with a
and Industry, Government of India, as          large scale employment generation. India          global sourcing market.                         subscriber base of 1.19 billion and has
focus sectors for expanding their export       will consolidate its position as a services          Health & Wellness Services: Healthcare       registered strong growth in the past decade
potential, attracting investment, raising      hub for the world.”                               has become one of India's largest sectors -     and half.
incomes and generating employment.                                                               both in terms of revenue and employment.           Infra & Construction Services:
   In February this year, the government had   ‘Champion’ sectors                                Availability of highly talented human           Infrastructure sector is a key driver for
approved an action plan for 12 Champion           Legal Services: Proper implementation          resource, coupled with technological            the Indian economy. The sector is highly
Services Sectors, including IT, tourism and    of laws and regulations requires a well-          advancement, enables India to provide           responsible for propelling India’s overall
hospitality, for realising their potential     functioning legal service sector. With            cross border services, such as tele-medicine,   development and enjoys intense focus from
through establishment of a Rs 5,000 crore      increasing globalisation and constant policy      tele-surgery and tele-diagnosis; along with     Government for initiating policies that
dedicated fund.                                reforms in India, more and more companies         process outsourcing services such as medical    would ensure time-bound creation of world
   The services sector represents a vibrant    are willing to setup their business in India      transcription, back office support, coding      class infrastructure in the country.
and expanding component of the global          which creates a demand for domestic legal         and billing, etc.                                  Environment Services: As the world
economy. Today, services dominates in terms    services.                                            Accounting & Finance Services: The           races towards industrialization and
of employment, value addition, productivity       Tourism/Hospitality: The tourism sector        accounting and auditing market comprises        urbanization, the natural ecosystem gets
and innovation. The pace of technology is      is one of India’s largest services sectors, and   of services pertaining to evaluation of         affected. Generation of different kinds of
intensifying the contribution of services      has proved to be a key contributor to India’s     the reliability and credibility of financial
                                                                                                                                                 waste in huge volume becomes obvious.
in other sectors – including agriculture,      economic development and employment               information. It also includes the systems
                                                                                                                                                 The Environmental Services Sector acts as
infrastructure and manufacturing. “It          generation . The sector comprises travel,         and processes responsible for recording and
                                                                                                                                                 the leading force to bring about a change
would not be an exaggeration to say that       tourist attractions, travel agents and tour       summarizing the same information.
                                                                                                                                                 and ensure sustainable development.
services forms the backbone of the 21st        operators. It is also one of the top generators      Media & Entertainment Services: The
century global economy,” said the Hon’ble      of foreign exchange.                              Indian media and entertainment industry            Banking, Financial & Insurance
President of India.                               Transport & Logistics Services: The            is a sunrise sector for the economy and         Services: India’s banking sector is
   He added, “The launch of the 12             transport sector has become an integral           is making high growth strides. Proving its      sufficiently capitalised and well-regulated.
Champion Services scheme comes with this       part for the economic development of              resilience to the world, the Indian M&E         The financial and economic conditions in
preparation and background. The list of 12     India, and is among the high growth focus         industry is on the cusp of a strong phase of    the country are far superior to any other
includes business areas with potential for     sectors in the country. India spends around       growth, backed by rising consumer demand        country in the world. Credit, market and
drawing global attention and investment, as    14.4 per cent of its GDP on logistics             and improving advertising revenues.             liquidity risk studies suggest that Indian
well as boosting growth and employment.        and transportation as compared to less               Telecommunications              Services:    banks are generally resilient and have
It also aims to optimise India’s skills and    than 8 per cent spent by other developing         India is now the world’s second-largest         withstood the global downturn well.

  6                                                                                                                                                      GES Show Daily 2018
President inaugurates GES 2018 in Mumbai
Champion Sectors


     We are witnessing            The services sector             Logistics is the           Our sector has            India has—in the
  formalisation of savings,   contributes 61 per cent to      lubricant of the           the potential to add      last 15 years—delivered
  which will increase         the GDP and is poised           economy. It makes          5 million jobs - direct   robust medical and
  the growth of the           to see more growth              sure all the other         or indirect - in the      healthcare system
  financial sector, not       in the coming years.            initiatives including      next five years. Many     better than the US. We
  only in banking but         In the hospitality sector,      manufacturing are          jobs can be created       are giving services at
  also in capital markets,    we have magnificent             successful. We are         in augmented reality,     affordable cost hence
  insurance, mutual funds     opportunities.                  having 2.3 crore people    virtual reality. Movies   people from other
  and a broad range of                                        working with us and we     like Dangal and           countries are coming
  financial services.         Vivek Nair                      expect to double that in   Baahubali have            to India.
                              Chairman and Managing           the next five years.       showed that Indian
  Uday Kotak                  Director, The Leela                                        movies can enthrall       Dr Naresh Trehan
  Managing Director, Kotak    Palaces                         R Dinesh                   all over the world.       CMD, Medanta - The
  Mahindra Bank                                               Managing Director, TVS                               Medicity
                                                              Logistics Services         Sudhanshu Vats
                                                                                         Group CEO, Viacom 18

      The domestic                Legal industry is the          India will go               We have played            India has the third
  construction industry       second oldest profession        through the                a significant role        largest education
  is around 50 lakh           of the world. The revenue       sustainability test.       in accounting and         system with more
  crore per annum and         side of the legal industry is   Technology is helping      taxation system for       than 800 universities,
  engineering sector          $8 billion. Our economy         with the help of           the last 69 years. We     45,000 colleges and
  is 4 per cent of the        is growing fast and the rate    drones. Our methods        are the second largest    35 million students.
  entire market. The          of growth of law firms          and approach is also       accounting body in        India has many clusters
  market is expected to       are robust.                     changing by continuous     the world. We have a      – be it technology,
  grow by 5-10 per cent                                       vigilance.                 global presence of        management, science.
  per annum.                  Nishant Parikh                                             31 chapters.
                              Partner, Trilegal               Masood Mallick                                       Prof Pradumna Vyas
  Vinayak Chatterjee                                          Managing Director, ERM     Praful Premsukh           Director, National
  Co-Founder, Feedback                                        India                      Chhajed                   Institute of Design
  Infrastructure                                                                         Vice President, ICAI

GES Show Daily 2018                                                                                                                          7
President inaugurates GES 2018 in Mumbai
State Session - Maharashtra

Maharashtra to increase the share of services
sector from 49% to 65%: CM Fadnavis
            aharashtra has always led the
            country’s industrial development
            scenario and continues to
attract the largest quantum of investments
– both domestic and foreign. The State
has established strengths in every sector
including engineering, automobiles and
auto components, chemicals, drugs and
pharmaceuticals, textiles, information
technology and biotechnology. It offers the
finest infrastructure, excellent educational
facilities, quality trained manpower, a
professional work ethic and a conducive
business environment. A wide variety
of horticultural crops are also grown in
the State, making it a major producer of
oilseeds, rice, cotton, sugarcane, etc. In
addition, the rich heritage, trade, culture,
history and growing economy of the State
are the major tourist attractions.
   Recently, the state has signed 4,106
memorandums of understanding (MoUs)
involving an investment of more than Rs
12.10 trillion which will help create more
than 3.6 million jobs. Apart from the 3.6
million jobs that 4,106 investment proposals
promise to create, the approved investment
of Rs 3.91 trillion that government agencies     From L-R: Ninad Karpe, Chandrajit Banerjee, Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis and Jaykumar Rawal.
would make would generate more than 2
lakh jobs.                                       was very much vocal on the untilisation           announced different policies for the           in jumping various points in the World
   Speaking during a State session on            of the available skilled manpower to the          industry. The State has also announced IT      Bank Rankings. That apart, the State is
Maharashtra at Global Exhibition on              investors. He said, “Large scale manpower         and ITES polices and will make a township      also the first in unlocking potential of
Services (GES) 2018, Devendra Fadnavis,          is available in the State. It will be used
Chief Minister, Maharashtra said that the        properly in the services sector. Presently, the
State has always been the growth engine,         share of the services in the services sector is
contributing 15 per cent in gross domestic       30 per cent.”
product. The State is one of the highest            That said, as the country has adopted
exporters, and has one of the largest IT         going digital and being digital, he
hubs of India.                                   deliberated that in the future, there will be
   He further emphasised that as India is        digital services and digital manufacturing
eyeing to become a $5 trillion economy,          economies. This will propel large scale
Maharashtra will the major contributor in        employment opportunities. Knowing this,
spearheading this dream. He said, “A road        Maharashtra has created a suitable eco
map was created by the State for the trillion    system and Maharashtra is the first State in
dollar economy. The services sector plays an     the country to do this.
important role in this roadmap. And, we             A step in this direction, he mentioned,
are driving our efforts on taking the services   “We have recently inaugurated artificial
sector in Maharashtra from the current           intelligence system and became the only
level of 10 per cent to 15 per cent.”            State in India to declare its FINTEC policy
   During the panel session, Fadnavis said,      and this will play be an important part of
“The service sector in the State’s GDP is 49     making Maharashtra a financial capital
per cent and we will take it 65 per cent by      city.”
2025.” On employment scenario, Fadnavis             In the meantime, the State has also

                                                                                                   A foreign delegate interacting during the seminar.

                                                                                                   for it. According to the Chief Minister, the   industrial parks by converting Mumbai SEZ
                                                                                                   state has already received two proposals.      to a non-SEZ by creating Navi Mumbai
                                                                                                      Apart from the manufacturing sector,        Industrial Park. Meanwhile, another feather
                                                                                                   these days, startups are also taking lead      in the State’s cap, CM announced that
                                                                                                   in creating jobs. Since the base of the        Maharashtra is now the only State to have
                                                                                                   sector is based on innovation ideas, these     an independent public cloud policy. “We
                                                                                                   ideas are transforming lives of many in the    have set an example for other states by
                                                                                                   country and state as well. “Young start-up     creating a virtual data centre than physical.”
                                                                                                   strategies are giving new ideas to young       To add more, Maharashtra has received
                                                                                                   people. Through this policy, there will be a   investment intention from more than 5,000
                                                                                                   large amount of investment in the services     fintec companies, which will fetch 2.5 lakh
                                                                                                   sector, logistics and agriculture,” Fadnavis   jobs attracting Rs 5,000 crore.
                                                                                                   announced at GES 2018.                            Meanwhile, the State will cooperate with
                                                                                                      Apart from announcing various policies,     Amazon for data services. To attract large
                                                                                                   the Maharashtra government is paying a         investments in the service sector, ecosystems
                                                                                                   lot of attention on Ease of Doing business     have been created in the State for logistics
                                                                                                   in order to avail unrealistic services to      and 12 service areas.
Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis addressing during the session.                        the industry. This has resulted the State         On tourism, Jaykumar Rawal, Minister

  8                                                                                                                                                       GES Show Daily 2018
President inaugurates GES 2018 in Mumbai
International Plenary Session

of Tourism & Employment Guarantee                                                                                                                       On achieving 65 per cent growth in
Scheme, Government of Maharashtra,                                                                                                                   services, Chatterjee mentioned that the
said that the in the coming years, the State                                                                                                         domestic market will support the State at
will drive India’s economy and tourism                                                                                                               certain level, but for a quantum jump, the
sector would be playing a major part in                                                                                                              State must consider export of the servicing
$1 trillion economy. That said, in the                                                                                                               industries. He also suggested to redefine
coming months, according to Rawal, the                                                                                                               the role of EXIM bank.
State will open its door to the private                                                                                                                 On how efficiently media can
sector for redevelopment of forts and the                                                                                                            contribute to state’s growth, Maneck
government will come out with a heritage                                                                                                             Davar, Vice Chairman of Services Export
policy soon.                                                                                                                                         Promotion Council (SEPC), said, “We
   During the panel session, Rawal                                                                                                                   will take SEPC to a new height and will
announced that since the State has huge                                                                                                              create an environment for investors to
land bank, it is opening its door to other                                                                                                           invest in India.” However, he was vocal
countries to participate and invest in                                                                                                               about suggesting the state government on
Maharashtra’s tourism sector.                                                                                                                        focusing on issues like soft power as the
   During the panel discussion on what are                                                                                                           city of Mumbai attracts lot of migrants
the key aspects Maharashtra must adapt                                                                                                               from other states.”
to achieve $1 trillion dream, Vinayak                                                                                                                   On concluding note, Chandrajit
Chatterjee, Co-founder, Feedback                                                                                                                     Banerjee, Director General, CII, said, “If
Infrastructure, suggested that the state                                                                                                             Maharashtra becomes $1 trillion economy,
government must define industries as the                                                                                                             can India become $5 trillion dollar,” and
mindset is all about manufacturing, other                                                                                                            suggested that Mumbai should be services
than services.                                    Audience interaction during the session.                                                           capital of the country apart from financial.

Trade in services will create jobs: GES 2018
       ervices exports from India are set to
       increase, according to a seminar at the
       Global Exhibition on Services (GES)
2018 on ‘The India Opportunity - Forging
Global Partnership for Trade & Investment
in Services’ where eminent panelists
representing a multitude of service sectors
both Indian and international agreed that
technology and talent will drive growth.
   PK Gupta, Managing Director (R&D),
State Bank of India, said that the Indian
services sector is rapidly globalising led
by the IT and ITeS sectors. Artificial
Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning
will increase job creation from services and
it is time to go up the value chain.
   David Rasquinha, Managing Director,
Export-Import Bank of India, mentioned            From L-R: Vikas Khanna, Trevor Bull, PK Gupta, Zara Ingilizian, Manisha Natrajan, Pascal Kerneis, Anthony Little, Vivek Sood,
that India’s share stands at 1.7 per cent         David Rasquinha
of the world merchandise exports and in
service exports its share stands at 3.35 per        Anthony Little, Chief Academic                 is legendary worldwide and is significant as     European Services Forum, said that AI, IoT
cent. As services are becoming increasingly       Officer, GEMS Education, Dubai pointed           the service is seen extending to hospitals too   and robots will revolutionise the services
tradable, its share is expected to pick up        that out of the focus sectors, education         and not limited to just hotels or restaurants.   sector in India and that the country’s
further. He said that India should shift its      should be given the top priority. Students       He said that the greatest opportunity is in      population of 1.3 billion presents a
focus from manufacturing to services.             in India should be have the choice also of       specialisation.                                  tremendous growth opportunity for the sector.
   Zara Ingilizian, Head of Consumer              international education. Indian education
Industry & System Initiative, Member              should show confidence in Indian culture.
of the Executive Committee, World                   Vivek Sood, Managing Director, Global
Economic Forum LLC, USA, said that                Supply Chain Group, Australia, noted that
today most demand in India is coming from         India is by far a leader in the IT services
services and most of them are enabled by          sector but there is lot to catch up in other
technology. Ingilizian said that innovation is    services like the financial and legal services
critical and in this era of digital disruption,   sectors.
both the public and private sectors must            Talking of the assessment of Indian
share the responsibility to upskill and reskill   Cuisine internationally, Vikas Khanna,
to exploit the complete potential of the          Indian Chef, Restaurateur, and Cookbook
services sector.                                  Writer, mentioned that Indian hospitality
                                                                                                   Dignitaries on the dais.
                                                                                                      Trevor Bull, Managing Director, Aviva            Maneck Davar, Chairman & Managing
                                                                                                   Life Insurance Company India Limited,            Director, Spenta Multimedia Pvt Ltd,
                                                                                                   opined that India could perform better           stated that substantial skills are available in
                                                                                                   in terms of the penetration of insurance         India and health, IT and entertainment are
                                                                                                   services in the country. While praising          the major emerging service sectors. While
                                                                                                   India’s young, ambitious and digitally           speaking on EoDB, he said that while
                                                                                                   fierce individuals who are full of ideas,        government’s intent to enhance business
                                                                                                   Bull stated that young startups and SMEs         environment is clear, there is a need to give
                                                                                                   need mentoring as digital platforms are          a message to lower levels of bureaucracy that
                                                                                                   developing.                                      old ways of doing business are no longer
                                                                                                      Pascal Kerneis, Managing Director,            acceptable.
Dignitaries on the dais.

  GES Show Daily 2018                                                                                                                                                                         9
President inaugurates GES 2018 in Mumbai
GES 2018: Floor Map Hall 1

10                                GES Show Daily 2018
GES 2018: Floor Map Hall 2

GES Show Daily 2018                                11
Knowledge Sessions

           16 MAY - DAY 2                                                                                                                      TIME                 HALL

     1     Session on Exhibition Services                                                                                                 09.00 - 18.00 hrs   CONFERENCE HALL 3
     2     Modern Healthcare: Medical Value Travel                                                                                        09.00 - 13.00 hrs       GRAND A
     3     Workshop by World Economic Forum on 'Future of Consumption'                                                                    10.00 - 13.00 hrs   CONFERENCE HALL 2
     4     Business, Biodiversity and Climate Change Conference                                                                           10.00 - 18.00 hrs   CONFERENCE HALL 1
     5     Legal Services: Compliance Challenges under Emerging Regulations and Technology Disruptions                                    10.00 - 13.00 hrs   CONFERENCE HALL 6
     6     Efficiency, Effectiveness and Employment in Logistics                                                                          10.00 - 13.00 hrs   CONFERENCE HALL 4
     7     Buddhist Tourism - Beyond Boundaries: Culture | Connectivity | Infrastructure                                                  10.00 - 13.00 hrs   CONFERENCE HALL 5
     8     State Session - Assam                                                                                                          10.30 - 12.00 hrs       GRAND C
     9     Propelling growth through Aviation led Services                                                                                11.00 - 13.00 hrs   CONFERENCE HALL 7
     10    State Session - Chhattisgarh                                                                                                   12.00 - 13.30 hrs       GRAND C
           Lunch                                                                                                                          13.00 - 14.30 hrs
     11    How to 'Nail & Scale' Retail, E-Commerce & Startups                                                                            14.00 - 17.00 hrs       GRAND B
     12    Session on Accountancy in association with ICAI                                                                                14.00 - 17.00 hrs   CONFERENCE HALL 6
     13    Session on IPR                                                                                                                 14.00 - 17.00 hrs   CONFERENCE HALL 2
           i. India, an emerging IP Services destination:1430 - 1530 hrs
           ii. Developing country perspective on the global IP regime: 1600 - 1700 hrs
     14    State Session - West Bengal                                                                                                    14.00 - 15.30 hrs       GRAND C
     15    Roundtable with European Services Forum                                                                                        14.00 - 15.30 hrs   CONFERENCE HALL 7
     16    4th India - Africa Health Forum                                                                                                14.30 - 18.00 hrs   CONFERENCE HALL 4
     17    Senior Care - Focused Group Discussion on Understanding Best Practices & India’s Way Forward:                                  15.30 - 17.00 hrs   CONFERENCE HALL 5
           Building Partnerships & Collaborations
     18    Making India a Hub for International Commercial Arbitration                                                                    15.30 - 16.30 hrs       GRAND C
     19    Celebrity Talk- Metamorphosis of Women in Indian Cinema - Exclusive Interaction with Meghna Gulzar, Taapsee                    16.00 - 17.00 hrs       GRAND A
           Pannu and Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari
     20    Roundtable on Synergies in Services in South Asia                                                                              16.00 - 17.30 hrs   CONFERENCE HALL 7
           *Active Meetings from 1000 – 1700 hrs: Business-to-Business, Business-to-Government, Government-to-Government.
           Pre-fix your meetings online at

           17 MAY - DAY 3                                                                                                                      TIME                 HALL

     21    Conference on Securing the Cyber Space: Cyber Resilience: Adaptive Line of Defense (Paid Seminar)                              10.00 - 18.00 hrs   CONFERENCE HALL 3
     22    Business, Biodiversity and Climate Change Conference                                                                           10.00 - 18.00 hrs   CONFERENCE HALL 1
     23    Investments & Medical Value Travel for Ayurveda in India                                                                       10.00 - 13.00 hrs       GRAND C
     24    Best Practices & Role Models - A Conference on Education                                                                       10.00 - 17.00 hrs   CONFERENCE HALL 2
     25    Indian Banking Sector : The Road Ahead                                                                                         10.30 - 12.30 hrs       GRAND B
     26    M&E: India's Entertainment Industry - A Global Powerhouse                                                                      11.00 - 13.00 hrs   CONFERENCE HALL 4
     27    Inclusive Approach towards Indian Smart Cities Mission                                                                         11.00 - 13.00 hrs   CONFERENCE HALL 5
     28    Successful Industry Skill Models - Strategy. Sustainability. Scalability                                                       11.00 - 13.00 hrs   CONFERENCE HALL 6
     29    Special Session with Mumbai Dabbawalas                                                                                         11.30 - 13.00 hrs       GRAND A
     30    Future Trends in Printing & Publishing                                                                                         12.00 - 13.00 hrs   CONFERENCE HALL 7
           Lunch                                                                                                                          13.00 - 14.30 hrs
     31    Celebrity Talk- Award winning film actor Manisha Koirala in conversation with spiritual guru, Gaur Gopal Das                   14.00 - 15.00 hrs       GRAND A
     32    Fintech: Redefining the Financial Sector                                                                                       14.00 - 17.00 hrs       GRAND B
     33    Funding/Investments Coming Alive in Grassroot Sports                                                                           14.00 - 16.00 hrs   CONFERENCE HALL 5
     34    Celebrity Talk: Chefs Plenary with Sanjeev Kapoor and Ajay Chopra                                                              15.00 - 17.00 hrs       GRAND A
     35    Indian Legal Services, a Champion Sector: New Realities, New Horizons                                                          15.00 - 16.30 hrs   CONFERENCE HALL 4
     36    State Session - Uttarakhand                                                                                                    15.30 - 17.00 hrs       GRAND C
*Active Meetings from 10.00 – 17.00 hrs: Business-to-Business, Business-to-Government, Government-to-Government. Pre-fix your meetings
online at

           18 MAY - DAY 4                                                                                                                      TIME                 HALL

     37    VALEDICTORY SESSION (By Invitation Only)                                                                                       12.00 - 13.00 hrs        GRAND
*Active Meetings from 10.00 – 13.00 hrs: Business-to-Business, Business-to-Government, Government-to-Government. Pre- fix your meetings
online at

12                                                                                                                                                        GES Show Daily 2018
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