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          REAL ESTATE

Intelligent Investment                                                                                                         Real Estate Market Outlook 2022 | ITALY

    Alessandro Mazzanti. CEO, CBRE Italy                            Investment volumes in the office market dropped
                                                                    substantially, but the major upturn in take-up suggests
    Investment volumes grew by the end of 2021, a 14%               this sector will continue to play a pre-eminent role in
    increase on 2020. This figure does not really tell the whole    investors decisions in the coming years.
    story as to the actual intensity of the recovery because of
                                                                    The residential sector will play a key role in achieving
    the time between deciding to buy or sell an asset and
                                                                    numbers that match the potential of the Italian economy
    completing the transaction. The delays caused by the
                                                                    and it is a sector that is consolidating and starting to
    pandemic impacted 2021, a year which felt the force of the
                                                                    attract notable interest, but it will take time before it
    pandemic more than 2020 as the latter was able to benefit
                                                                    reaches the far higher levels found in the rest of Europe.
    from those transactions initiated in 2019, but only finalised
                                                                    Indeed, in Europe, residential is the second asset class
    in 2020. Taking this critical aspect into account - as is
                                                                    when measured in terms of investment volumes.
    often the case in our sector - then a significant recovery is
    clearly underway in all commercial real estate asset            Recovery in the retail sector will be slower, but Italy does
    classes.                                                        offer good opportunities and attractive yields. A few major
    Logistics rose to top spot in the asset class rankings by       transactions in the high street segment have shown
    investment volumes and continued growth in the years            investors have not lost interest in well located assets with
    ahead looks certain. The sector is experiencing significant     solid fundamentals.
    product diversification and new investors are entering the      Overall, 2021 proved to be a good year for Italy, with
    Italian market, particularly international institutional        manufacturing and consumption both recovering strongly.
    investors. In general, interest is shifting towards new         In the medium term, any political changes will not be
    locations because of a lack of product in the major             decisive for Italy, but were inflation to continue, it could
    markets.                                                        have a negative impact on commercial real estate.
    The hotels sector deserves special attention as Italy could     However, we do not feel this will reduce interest in our
    play a leading role in this sector internationally, partly      market in the year that has just begun, which is likely to
    because of recent growth in interest in the Resort              see additional growth in this sector.
    segment. Italy offers unequalled opportunities with, in
    practice, Europe’s largest stock of rooms.

2   CBRE RESEARCH                                                                                                                                       © 2022 CBRE, INC.
Intelligent Investment                                                                                                                                                      Real Estate Market Outlook 2022 | ITALY

                                  Economic Outlook                                                                           Hotels
                             01   The Italian economy returned to growth in 2021 and the forecasts for 2022-23          06   The recovery in hotels performances when restrictions were eased is
                                  are for growth above the Eurozone average. Inflation and new pandemic waves                reinforcing investor interest in this sector, especially for Italy's cultural cities
                                  represent the main headwinds.                                                              and resorts, where strong growth in leisure tourism is expected in the coming
                             02   Increasingly efficient measures to counteract the pandemic could further
                                                                                                                        07   Residential
                                  support the recovery in volumes in 2022, especially with renewed investment                The Italian market is increasingly attractive to investors, as renting is growing
                                  activity in the office sector and continued growth in the logistics and multifamily        among young people. Limited supply will mean most investments will continue
                                  sectors.                                                                                   to target multifamily developments in Italy’s major cities.

                             03   Offices                                                                               08   Alternatives
                                  A return of the demand for office space will be driven by the search for buildings         The search for higher yields and the current emphasis on healthcare and
                                  meeting high ESG standards in established business districts. The take-up                  digitalization will mean investors’ appetite for healthcare facilities,
                                  recovery is restoring investors’ confidence in this sector.                                telecommunications infrastructure and data centres will continue to grow.

                             04   Retail                                                                                09   NPLs
                                  Investors will continue to focus on those sectors that are least exposed to the            Although transaction volumes dropped compared to 2020, investments in
                                  effects of the pandemic, especially premium high streets, retail parks and                 secured loans rose again to account for about half of transacted GBV, while the
                                  grocery.                                                                                   secondary market doubled its percentage share over the total investment
                             05   Logistics
                                  The expansion of e-commerce will continue to create demand for the renewal
                                  and expansion of the distribution networks run by 3PLs and retailers, causing
                                  rent to rise and even more interest from real estate investors.

3   CBRE RESEARCH                                                                                                                                                                                    © 2022 CBRE, INC.

Economic Outlook
Intelligent Investment                                                                                                                                                                            Real Estate Market Outlook 2022 | ITALY

    Italian and European economies growing again during the second half of 2021
    Growth beyond the rebound: in 2022 and 2023 the                              Tab. 1: Real GDP growth projections for Italy and Euro Area                      This result is without precedent in recent macroeconomic history.
    economic growth in Italy should outdo the Eurozone                           (percentage change over the previous year), %                                    Even once the rebound effect wears off, the forecasts suggest Italy
    average                                                                                                                                                       will grow in 2023 at a rate three times above the average for the
                                                                                                                        ITALY                 EURO AREA
                                                                                                                                                                  period 2014-2019 (0.85%), at 2.6% (source: OECD) (Fig. 1).
    Domestic demand and a rebound in world trade helped make the                                                2021     2022 2023         2021 2022 2023
                                                                                                                                                                  The recovery in world trade is evident in Italy's foreign trade
    Italian and European recovery faster than expected in 2021. Annual              Bank of Italy (1) and                                                         performance in 2021, with exports of goods and services increasing
    growth rate of real GDP in Italy in 2021 should be about 6.3% (source:          Eurosystem/ECB (1*)          6.3     3.8       2.5     5.1       4.2    2,9
                                                                                                                                                                  by 14.3% in the first nine months of the year (source: Istat).
    OECD, Tab. 1).                                                                European Commission (2)        6.2     4.3       2.3     5.0       4.3    2.4   Investment also grew substantially (+18.1%; source: Istat). This is
    Despite significant uncertainty on both the healthcare and political                   IMF (3)               5.8     4,2       1.6     5.0       4.3    2.0   above the major European countries and it was driven by
    fronts, Italy's economy and that of the Eurozone will continue to                     OECD (4)               6.3     4.6       2.6     5.2       4.3    2.5   construction sector (+24.5%), which is supported by tax benefits.
    expand at high growth rates in the two-year period 2022-2023
                                                                                  Source: (1) Bank of Italy, Economic Bulletin n.1 2022 - (1*) Macroeconomic      The most recent figures for 2021 (Q3) show that household spending
    (Tab. 1). The Italian GDP growth will largely be based on domestic            projections for the Euro Area by experts from ECB, Dec. 2021 - (2) European     grew significantly in the period (+4.9%; source: Istat) in many sectors
    demand (+6.0% in 2021 and +4.4% in 2022), with net foreign demand             Economic Forecast, Nov. 2021. - (3) IMF World Economic Outlook, Oct. 2021. -
                                                                                                                                                                  that have a crucial impact on the fundamentals of commercial real
    making a smaller contribution (+0.3 percentage points for both years;         (4) OECD Economic Outlook, Dec. 2021.
                                                                                                                                                                  estate in Italy, particularly in the services and semi-durable goods
    source: Istat - Italian National Institute of Statistics). In 2021, global
                                                                                 Fig. 1: Real GDP growth for Italy, Germany, Euro Area and                        (clothing, footwear, books) sectors.
    trade in goods enjoyed a particularly dynamic first quarter (+3.3% Q-
    o-Q), slowed down in the second quarter (+0.8%) and finally dropped          World (percentage change over the previous year), %                              Business and consumer confidence grew constantly through 2021,
    between August and September (-1.1%), mainly due to the fall in trade                                                                                         with the values for both finishing above the levels recorded for 2017-
    with China (source: Istat).                                                    6                                                                              2019 at the end of the year. The Bank of Italy's quarterly survey also
                                                                                   2                                                                              showed that the view of investment conditions for Italy reached, at
    As a result of the stimulus coming from the European Next
                                                                                   0                                                                              the end of 2021, the highest level for a number of years. Despite a few
    Generation EU (NGEU) fund and the continuation of the current                 -2
                                                                                                                                                                  signs of demand weakening in Q4 2021 (source: Bank of Italy), these
    expansionary monetary policy, many States in the Eurozone will
                                                                                  -6                                                                              figures suggest both consumers and businesses are gradually
    reach pre-pandemic production volumes in late 2021 or in the first            -8                                                                              starting to become more confident in the Italian economy.
    half of 2022 (source: ECB and Bank of Italy). This result is conditional     -10
    on the health emergency not leading to further restrictions being                  2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
    placed on economic and social activities. Owing to the rebound in the                     Germany           Italy          Euro Area            World
    economic activity and the expansionary fiscal policy stimulus, Italy's
                                                                                 Source: OECD 'Economic Outlook ‘- December 2021
    economic growth in 2021 will be ahead of the World average as well
    as that of the Eurozone (source: OECD; Fig. 1).

5   CBRE RESEARCH                                                                                                                                                                                                          © 2022 CBRE, INC.
Intelligent Investment                                                                                                                                                                        Real Estate Market Outlook 2022 | ITALY

    Some major risks weigh on the recovery forecasts for 2022-23
    Inflation and global supply chain disruptions are                           Fig. 2: Euro Area inflation and its main components                           Nonetheless, the recovery in the Italian labour market does not
    serious headwinds for growth                                                (percentage change over the previous year), %                                 appear to be over. 2021 saw an increase in annual work units
                                                                                6                                                                             (AWUs) in the economy (+3.0% and +1.5% the change in the period
    After a period of low inflation and low energy prices, the global
                                                                                                                                                              in Q1 and Q2, respectively) and in the hours worked (+3.3% and
    economic recovery in 2021 came following a higher-than-expected             4
                                                                                                                                                              +1.4%) (source: Istat). The total number of people employed
    inflation rise. The trend was first evident in the United States, but it
                                                                                2                                                                             increased in 2021 but was still 1.6 per cent lower than in December
    eventually encompassed nearly all the Eurozone nations. A debate
                                                                                                                                                              2019 (source: Istat). The unemployment rate is forecast to drop
    is raging as to whether a new era of reflation is on the cards, with a
                                                                                                                                                              slowly as production grows, only reaching 9.2% in 2023 (source: CE).
    return to inflation and the subsequent increase in interest rates as        -2                                                                            In the short-term, this overall picture makes it unlikely there will be
    the economic recovery moves forward.
                                                                                                                                                              a change in market conditions able to fuel a significant wage push.
    The return of inflation in Europe in 2021 was fuelled by a rapid
                                                                                                                                                              Indeed, inflation forecast for the Eurozone at the end of 2021 (2.41%;
    recovery of aggregate demand and problems with supply due to the
                                                                                             Energy and food               'Core'           Total             source: OECD) will remain above Italian inflation (1.77%; source:
    significant ups and downs in demand caused by lockdowns. The                Source: CBRE Research on Eurostat data                                        OECD). The ECB, the European Commission and CBRE House View
    price of oil, natural gas, electricity and agriculture raw materials also
                                                                                                                                                              are all forecasting a drop in inflation in the second half of 2022,
    contributed to driving inflation upwards in the second half of 2021
                                                                                                                                                              followed by stabilisation in 2023. At the same time, these forecasts
    (Fig. 2). Nonetheless, the oil price looks like it peaked in late 2021,     Fig. 3: Inflation (on harmonised index of consumer prices) and
                                                                                                                                                              see inflation in Italy as remaining below the European average (Fig.
    while the other components of the price of energy should stabilise          crude oil price percentage change (RHS), %                                    3), despite the high growth rate expected for Italy.
    in mid-2022 (Fig. 2). Such a forecast makes it seem less likely an                                               Forecast
                                                                                 4                                                                      100   Importantly, the impact of the pandemic on logistics and supply
    abrupt change in the stance of monetary policy is about to happen
                                                                                 3                                                                            chains has led to the unavailability or shortages of many durable
    and it also goes against the mostly pessimistic views in which                                                                                      50
    inflation could slow down economic recovery in the near future               2                                                                            and capital goods, and has created congestion in ports and
    (stagflation). Remaining on the supply side of the economy, there is         1                                                                            problems for sending goods via sea, with the consequent impact on
    a risk from a wage push both in response to the increase in prices           0                                                                            prices. The bottlenecks in supply could continue and the
    and due to the mismatch between supply and demand in the labour             -1                                                                      -50   uncertainty about how long it will take to resolve these issues are
    market in certain sectors that are suffering from a lack of                   2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023                           one of the major risks for growth and inflation in the current
    employable people with specific professional profiles.                                                                                                    macroeconomic scenario.
                                                                                        Germany            Italy         Euro Area        Crude oil prices
                                                                                Source: OECD 'Economic Outlook’- December 2021 and DG-ECFIN 'European
                                                                                Economic Forecast’ - Autumn 2021

6   CBRE RESEARCH                                                                                                                                                                                                      © 2022 CBRE, INC.
Intelligent Investment                                                                                                                                                      Real Estate Market Outlook 2022 | ITALY

    The temporary nature of the increase in inflation makes drastic changes in monetary policy unlikely
    Credit conditions remained favourable in 2021. Risks                        Fig. 4: Bank lending to private sector (percentage change   The Bank of Italy (Financial Stability Report no. 2, 2021) sees the
    of financial instability seem minimal                                       over 12 months), %                                          current risks for financial stability in Italy as moderate. The growth
                                                                                12                                                          in profitability, the abundant liquidity accumulated during the
    The temporary nature of the increase in inflation has warded off the
                                                                                                                                            pandemic and the favourable conditions for access to credit are
    likelihood of the ECB slowing, to any significant degree, its asset
                                                                                 7                                                          helping corporate balance sheets, while households are enjoying
    purchases. Such a possibility is greatly feared by the markets
                                                                                                                                            increased savings and financial wealth because of the economic
    because of the negative impact it would have on liquidity, interest
                                                                                 2                                                          upturn and government support. The gradual recovery of the Italian
    rates, credit, public finance and economic growth. Nonetheless, the
                                                                                                                                            real estate market is also reducing the risks for financial stability
    Federal Reserve Bank and the Bank of England have already taken
                                                                                -3                                                          due to this sector. The situation is not the same in other European
    the first steps in normalising their monetary policies. In Italy,
                                                                                                                                            countries, where real estate prices are growing markedly and there
    financing conditions remain favourable in the economy, partly
                                                                                                                                            are signs they are overvalued.
    because bank lending rates for firms and households remain at
    historically low levels (source: Bank of Italy). In 2021, the rates for                       Non-financial corporations   Households   BTP-Bund spread increased slightly at the end of
                                                                                Source: Bank of Italy
    loans to households for house purchase increased slightly. The rates                                                                    2021, but instability risk remains low in the short and
    for new loans to firms remained stable and at levels slightly below the                                                                 medium term
    average for the Eurozone. The growth rate for bank lending to firms         Fig. 5: BTP-Bund Spread, % points                           The gap between Italian and German government bonds yields
    increased in the initial stages of the Covid-19 crisis, but it normalised
                                                                                2.6                                                         (BTP-Bund spread) grew in the final months of 2021 due to worries
    in 2021 and moved close to the average value for the period 2016-
                                                                                                                                            about inflation, increased uncertainty about monetary policy and
    2019 (Fig. 4). In 2021, the financial debt of households (property
                                                                                2.2                                                         reduced bond purchasing by some central banks (Fig. 5). The
    loans, consumer credit and so on) was at the same level as in 2012
                                                                                                                                            limited nature of these increases show the cover provided by the
    and higher than in 2008. The financial debt of firms was slightly lower     1.8
                                                                                                                                            ECB is working and, thanks to the authoritative nature of the
    than in both those years.
                                                                                1.4                                                         Government and the sound management of the health crisis, the
    In 2021, the flow of new NPLs compared to total loans dropped as did                                                                    "country risk" was only limited in the markets, even during the crisis.
    the percentage of NPLs to total loans granted by the main banking           1.0                                                         This led to an improvement in the ratings for Italian government
    groups. The feared problems with private-sector financial stability                                                                     securities from some of ratings agencies and so there seem to be
    due to the pandemic have not arisen as yet, thanks partly to large-                                                                     no risks of any major increases in the spread in 2022, so long as
    scale government support.                                                                                                               there is no political instability during the year.
                                                                                Source: Bank of Italy and ECB

7   CBRE RESEARCH                                                                                                                                                                                    © 2022 CBRE, INC.
Intelligent Investment                                                                                                                                                                                            Real Estate Market Outlook 2022 | ITALY

    2022 marks the start of reducing public debt and deficit from the peaks of Covid-19 crisis
    Government plans to target a debt/GDP ratio back to                          Tab. 2: Outturns and official targets of the main public                                           The current Government is planning to use the available European
    pre-crisis levels by 2030                                                    finance indicators (1) (percentage of GDP), %                                                      funds in the NGEU scheme to increase public investment in the
                                                                                                                                                                                    three-year period 2022-2024. The Government's 2021 Economic
    GDP growth and the more positive than expected trend for                                                            2020         2021        2022      2023        2024         and Financial Document (DEF) includes an increase to €62.9 billion
    government revenue and spending in 2021 meant the public deficit                      Net borrowing                   9.6         9.4         5.6        3.9        3.3         by 2024 (3.2% of GDP in 2024). This would be above the long-term
    dropped to 9.4% of GDP. This does mark the beginning of the process
                                                                                           Primary surplus                -6.1        -6.0        -2.7       -1.2       -0.8        average for the pre-crisis years and also above that of the main
    to reduce the debt/GDP ratio, which according to forecasts for the end
                                                                                         Interest payments                3.5          3.4        2.9        2.7         2.5        Eurozone countries. For example, investment by the Italian
    of 2021 should already be 2 percentage points below the 2020 level,
                                                                                                                                                                                    Government should increase by 0.9 points of GDP between 2019
    reaching 153.5% (source: Bank of Italy). On the basis of a robust              Structural net borrowing               4.7         7.6         5.4        4.4        3.8
                                                                                                                                                                                    and 2024, while in the same period the German increase should be a
    economic growth forecast for the three-year period 2022-2024, the
                                                                                             Debt (2)                    155.6       153.5       149.4      147.6      146.1        third of a point and the French increase, a fifth of a point. In the
    public deficit and debt levels are projected to decrease slightly (and, in
                                                                                                                                                                                    coming years, Italy's challenge will be to use the tools included in
    2024, respectively should be 3.3% and 146.1% in relation to GDP) (Tab.       Source: Update to the 2021 Economic and Financial Document. (1) Outturn for 2020 and
                                                                                 official objectives for 2021-24. Rounding of decimal points may cause discrepancies in totals. –   the Simplification decree (and other reforms) so as to spend the
    2). The drop in the debt/GDP ratio is due to forecast GDP growth             (2) Gross of financial support to EMU countries                                                    available resources efficiently.
    exceeding the average cost of debt and so offsetting the primary
    deficit. The Government's plan is to use this additional income for
    expansionary measures, while sticking to the pathway to reduce debt

                                                                                                                                                                                    €62.9 bn
                                                                                 Fig. 6: Public investment (percentage of GDP), %
    as this cuts the tension surrounding the interest rates on government          4.0
    bonds and the BTP-Bund spread as part of a specific programme to
    have the debt/GDP ratio to a specific level by 2030.                           3.6
                                                                                                                                                                                    Available DEF resources for public
    Increased public investment over 2022-2024 will                                3.2                                                                                              investments by 2024
    support aggregate demand and productivity gains
    Between 2009 and 2018, public investment (gross fixed) dropped
    regularly from 3.7% of GDP in 2009 to 2.1% in 2018 (Fig. 6). This              2.4
                                                                                                                                                                                    The Government is planning to use
    component of public spending - an essential part in sustaining
    aggregate demand and productivity through "good" debt - has                    2.0
                                                                                                                                                                                    European funds in the NGEU scheme to
    increased for the three-year period from 2019-2021.                                                                                                                             increase public investment in the three-year
                                                                                 Source: European Commission, AMECO data                                                            period 2022-2024.

8   CBRE RESEARCH                                                                                                                                                                                                                          © 2022 CBRE, INC.
Intelligent Investment                                                                                                                       Real Estate Market Outlook 2022 | ITALY

    Key Takeaways

                             The excellent growth in Italian GDP in 2021, backed by expansive monetary and fiscal policies, will create a
                             solid basis for economic growth above the historical average for the next two years as well.

                             Supply chain problems and the increases in energy prices, that were a key part of 2021, should ease in the
                             second half of 2022. Although there is a definite recovery in the labour market, this looks unlikely to cause
                             significant wage increases for now. This will help to reduce the risk of inflation stabilising at a higher level.

                             INSTABILITY RISK IS STILL MODERATE
                             Lending rates remain at historical lows helping loans to households and firms. Public measures to
                             sustain liquidity and facilitate access to credit have ensured the private sector financial system remains

                             IN THE MARKETS
                             The ECB's continued government bond purchasing programme and the credibility of the Government
                             are helping to moderate the increase in the BTP-Bund spread and to raise the rating for government

    05                       OUTLOOK OF PUBLIC FINANCES IMPROVED
                             The government reduced the deficit and debt in relation to GDP in 2021. The sustainability of the public
                             accounts will depend on the capacity to use European funds as these can help to significantly increase
                             public investment over the next three-year period.

9   CBRE RESEARCH                                                                                                                                                     © 2022 CBRE, INC.

Intelligent Investment                                                                                                                                                                 Real Estate Market Outlook 2022 | ITALY

     Commercial real estate investment recovery underway in Italy in 2021
     Record for logistics. Contribution from emerging sectors grows                                    Fig. 7: Investment volume by asset class, €M
     Investment volume in commercial real estate in Italy in 2021 was €10.4 billion, 14%
     higher than 2020 (Fig. 7). The lifting of most Covid-19 restrictions in the second half of          14,000
     the year encouraged a recovery of investment activity, although some transactions
     were delayed, and their closing slipped into 2022. The growth of the Italian economy                12,000
     and improved political stability helped boost investor confidence in the country.
     Investors tended to favour sectors supported by long-term trends or with anti-cyclical              10,000
     characteristics, such as logistics, residential and alternatives. For the first time, logistics
     went well past €2 billion, reaching a record volume of €2.7 billion (+89% compared to                8,000
     2020), thus making it the leading asset class in terms of investment volume. Residential
     also marked up a new record, growing 24% for a total of €720 million, 79% of this related            6,000
     to the multifamily segment, although still suffering from a major shortage of institutional
     product and so is driving investors towards development projects. The intense demand                 4,000
     for technological assets and healthcare facilities supported investment growth in the
     alternative sector, where volumes were more than double the previous year (€1.2                      2,000
     In the asset classes that were the most exposed to the immediate effects of the                                 2010     2011      2012     2013   2014     2015   2016     2017     2018      2019      2020       2021
     pandemic, namely office and retail, the shortage of product left both core investors'
     demand for prime and stabilised assets and opportunistic investors' demand for                               Office       Retail          Hotels     Logistics     Residential        Alternatives          Mixed-use
     distressed properties partly unexpressed. The office market experienced a 43% drop in             Fonte: CBRE Research
     investment compared to 2020, falling to €2.2 billion. Retail closed the year slightly down,
     at €1.4 billion (-5% on 2020), of which 68% related to the high street segment, which

                                                                                                                                                                                        €10.4 bn
     proved to still be resilient, especially in prime locations. The out-of-town transactions         The Italian commercial real estate market is
     were limited during the year and tended to involve small assets in secondary locations.
                                                                                                       expanding, supported by greater interest in
     Finally, the strong recovery in the hotels sector was confirmed, becoming the third
     asset class by investment volume, achieving a record level (except for 2019) at                   the alternative and multifamily sectors, and                                     Investment volume in 2021, +14% on
     €2.1 billion (+99% on 2020).                                                                                                                                                       2020
                                                                                                       record volumes in logistics.

11   CBRE RESEARCH                                                                                                                                                                                               © 2022 CBRE, INC.
Intelligent Investment                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Real Estate Market Outlook 2022 | ITALY

     Investors between caution and seeking yield

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    2.9%                         4.5%
     Defensive strategies continue to put downward                            Fig. 8: Prime yield trend, %
     pressure on prime yields
     The climate of uncertainty caused by the pandemic made
     competition more intense among investors to acquire assets with            8                                                                                                                                                                   Prime Yield for offices      Prime Yield for hotels
     positive underlying fundamentals in the medium-long term and able                                                                                                                                                                              -40 bps compared to          -50 bps compared to
     to ensure regular cash flows despite the healthcare crisis and the                                                                                                                                                                             pre-Covid-19 values          the height of the
     consequent restrictions. This trend resulted in a polarisation of          6                                                                                                                                                                   (Q4 2019)                    pandemic (Q4 2020-Q2
     investor interest both in terms of location and function, causing an                                                                                                                                                                                                        2021)
     increase in the yield spread between primary and secondary                 5
     markets and between the best performing asset classes and those            4
     most exposed to the immediate effects of the pandemic (Fig. 8).

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    3.95%                        6.15%
     The compression of prime yields was sustained by the significant           3
     availability of liquidity due to the ECB's expansive monetary policy.      2
     This trend was found across all the main European markets,
     compared to which Italy's real estate yields remained competitive          1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Prime Yield for logistics    Prime Yield for shopping
     and so able to attract foreign capital. In 2021, foreign investment                                                                                                                                                                            -125 bps compared to         centres
     accounted for 75% of total investment volumes in Italy, matching
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    pre-Covid-19 values          +75 bps compared to
                                                                                    Q1 2010
                                                                                              Q4 2010

                                                                                                                            Q1 2013
                                                                                                                                      Q4 2013

                                                                                                                                                                    Q1 2016
                                                                                                                                                                              Q4 2016

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Q1 2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Q4 2019

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Q2 2021
                                                                                                                  Q2 2012

                                                                                                                                                          Q2 2015

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Q2 2018

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Q3 2020
                                                                                                        Q3 2011

                                                                                                                                                Q3 2014

                                                                                                                                                                                        Q3 2017
     the historical average for recent years and up +44% compared to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    (Q4 2019)                    pre-Covid-19 values
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (Q4 2019)
     Despite the pandemic continually raising its head throughout 2021,
     the success of the vaccine campaign and the recovery of occupier                                      High Street                                                                              Shopping centres
     demand during the second half of the year gave investors new                                          Office                                                                                   Logistics
     confidence, encouraging them to look for yields and resulting in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Despite the compression, yields in the most
                                                                                                           Hotels                                                                                   Multifamily
     them undertaking value-add activities. In the office sector, for                                      BTP 10 years                                                                                                                             sought-after asset classes remained
     example, investments for such initiatives moved from €118 million in
     the first half of the year to €580 million in the second half of 2021.                                                                                                                                                                         competitive compared to other major
                                                                              Source: CBRE Research
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    European markets.

12   CBRE RESEARCH                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   © 2022 CBRE, INC.
Intelligent Investment                                                                                                                                                                                          Real Estate Market Outlook 2022 | ITALY

     In 2022 investment intensity will increase and major emphasis will be placed on ESG
     Increased investor confidence: interest in secondary                      Fig. 9: CBRE Italy Investor Intentions Survey: How do you                                        The recovery in take-up in the office market in 2021 seems to have
     locations and value-add initiatives is growing                            expect your purchasing activity will be, compared to the                                         reassured investors about value-add initiatives, which were seen as
                                                                               previous year?                                                                                   the strategy to focus on in this sector for 32% of the investors
     The growth in volumes that began in the final part of 2021 marked a                                                                                                        interviewed.
     positive trend that is confirmed by the strong investment pipeline
     found for all asset classes, suggesting further recovery during 2022.     60%          62%                                                                         65%     For the retail market, it looks like the wait-and-see attitude will
     As such, it looks like 2022 will be a positive year for commercial real                            47%          45%                                                        continue in the sub-sectors most exposed to the consequences of
                                                                               40%                                               38%                      36%                   any new waves of the pandemic, which would confirm the gap in
     estate in Italy. Despite lingering uncertainty due to a fear of new
                                                                               20%                                               22%                      23%                   price expectations between sellers and potential buyers. The
     waves of the pandemic, the expectations for the surrounding
                                                                                                                     9%                       6%                                growing interest shown by investors in the grocery sector and retail
     economic conditions remain largely optimistic. The results from the         0%         2%           4%                                                             2%
     CBRE Italy Investor Intentions Survey 2022* show investors are                        2016         2017        2018    2019             2020   2021                2022    parks will remain strong, thanks to the resilience shown by these
     expecting more acquisitions than in 2021 (Fig. 9) tied to an                                                   Greater                   Lower                             segments during the pandemic.
     increased risk appetite. The Survey also found a renewed appetite         Source: CBRE Italy Investor Intentions Survey 2022. Option «stable» is excluded                  The expectations for a recovery in leisure tourism will sustain interest
                                                                               from the chart.                                                                                  in the Hotel sector, especially in Italy's cultural cities and the resort
     for secondary locations, with 36% of the people interviewed
     indicating their interest in these had increased.                                                                                                                          segment. Among the investors that responded to the CBRE Italy
     The increase in purchasing activity foreseen for 2022 could be            Fig. 10: CBRE Italy Investor Intentions Survey: Which of the                                     Investor Intentions Survey 2022, one in four sees this asset class as
     aided by capital raised during 2021, but only partially used during                                                                                                        one of the most interesting for 2022.
                                                                               following statements most closely describes your approach
     that year. The figures from Assogestioni indicate that net inflows        to sustainability in asset selection?                                                            Regardless of the asset classes, one of the key themes for 2022 will
     into Italian real estate funds in the twelve months preceding Q3                   We will not even consider buildings                       18%
                                                                                                                                                                                undoubtedly be the growing attention to ESG. 77% of the investors
     2021 were 33% above the same period in 2020. Moreover, the                          that do not meet strict criteria                   12%                                 interviewed during the survey confirmed that sustainability is one
     persistence of yields slightly above those recorded in the other                 It is one of the most important criteria                                    37%           of the main aspects in any decision about purchasing an asset,
                                                                                       in determining the properties we buy                                 31%
     major European markets could further help to attract new foreign                                                                                                           compared to 69% in 2021 (Fig. 10). Furthermore, 84% of the people
                                                                               Sustainability considerations tip the balance                        22%
     capital.                                                                   between options if other factors are equal                            26%                       interviewed stated they had already drafted their ESG strategy for
     The CBRE Italy Investor Intentions Survey 2022 showed that the              Other considerations are more important,                         19%
                                                                                                                                                                                the coming years.
                                                                                 but sustainability definitely matters to us                        23%
     sectors of greatest interest for 2022 will continue to be logistics,
     especially the last mile, and multifamily. The former will continue to           Sustainability is not a significant
                                                                                   consideration in selection assets to buy
                                                                                                                                       8%                     2022       2021   18% of investors will not even consider
     benefit       from      the      ever       growing      spread      of
     e-commerce, while the latter will be aided by the growth in demand        Source: CBRE Italy Investor Intentions Survey 2022                                               purchasing assets that do not meet strict
     for rental accommodations seen in Italy over the last decade.              *the results of the CBRE Italy Investor Intentions Survey 2022 are available here:
                                                                                                                                                                                ESG criteria.
13   CBRE RESEARCH                                                                                                                                                                                                                        © 2022 CBRE, INC.
Intelligent Investment                                                                                                                   Real Estate Market Outlook 2022 | ITALY

     Key Takeaways

                              Progress in the vaccination campaign and expansive monetary policies will continue to positively
                              impact the commercial real estate market in Italy.

     02                       ITALIAN YIELDS WILL REMAIN COMPETITIVE
                              Despite the significant compression in yields in the most sought-after asset classes, the spread
                              between the yields in other major European markets will continue to draw capital to Italy.

     03                       INTEREST IN VALUE-ADD INITIATIVES GROWS
                              Lifting the Covid-19 restrictions and the recovery in demand from occupiers will encourage the use of
                              capital in activities with higher risk profiles.

                              Growth in the multifamily and alternative sectors and the consolidation of logistics will support the growing
                              involvement of foreign institutional investors in the Italian commercial real estate market.

     05                       ESG WILL BE INCREASINGLY IMPORTANT
                              Achieving high levels of environmental sustainability is already seen as a fundamental requirement for
                              most investors.

14   CBRE RESEARCH                                                                                                                                                 © 2022 CBRE, INC.

Intelligent Investment                                                                                                                                                         Real Estate Market Outlook 2022 | ITALY

     Outlook for office space demand is positive thanks to the recovery of take-up volumes
     Clear recovery for take-up in 2021                                      Fig. 11: Milan office take-up trend (,000 sq m)                      Search for quality contains oversupply risk
     The recovery of take-up in 2021 resulted in a progressive reduction     500
                                                                                                                                                  In the Milan and Rome markets the development pipeline remains
     in uncertainty about the future levels of demand from occupiers for                                                                          strong. In Rome, the forecast completions for 2022 are in line with
     office space. In Milan, absorption returned to the average levels of    400                                                                  the volumes recorded for 2018 and 2019, at about 117,000 square
     the last 5 years at 357,000 sq m (+29% on 2020) (Fig. 11). The          300                                                                  metres; in Milan, the pipeline should see delivery of a significant
     market in Rome also showed signs of recovery, reaching 137,000 sq                                                                            number of square metres (382,000). The risk of rapid growth in
     m (+11% on 2020), although in this case the recovery of pre-Covid-      200                                                                  vacancy in Milan due to new product reaching the market remains
     19 take-up volumes was only partial (Fig. 12). Along with the           100                                                                  moderate. Thus far, demand for quality spaces has meant newly
     recovery in take-up, a levelling off was evident in the vacancy rates                                                                        constructed offices have been rapidly absorbed. In 2021, the
     for both cities, with Milan at 10.3% and Rome at 9.1%.                        2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021    percentage of total take-up of recently completed or still under-
     During this recovery period no new trends emerged in terms of the                                                                            construction offices stood at 81%. Most of the pipeline seems well
                                                                                     Q1         Q2         Q3        Q4         5 years average
     location choices of occupiers. Demand continues to be                                                                                        positioned, predominantly in the sub-markets that accounted for
                                                                             Source: CBRE Research                                                43% of 2021 take-up volumes. Moreover, 38% of the floor area due
     concentrated in the sub-markets that drove absorption volumes
     prior to the pandemic. This confirms tenants’ interest in established                                                                        to be delivered in 2022 has already been absorbed.
     business districts and excellent accessibility.                         Fig. 12: Rome office take-up trend (,000 sq m)                       The demand for new, quality product meeting demanding ESG
     Although slowdowns in time-to-market might still be seen, the take-                                                                          standards will continue to grow in the coming years, increasing the
     up results for 2021 suggested renewed growth for office demand in       500                                                                  gap between rent for grade A and grade B buildings. Indeed, at the
     2022. Such an outlook is confirmed by the expectations for              400                                                                  end of the year prime rents had already recorded an increase
     recovery of the economic activity and the impact of the National                                                                             compared to pre-pandemic values, reaching €620/sq m/year in
     Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), which should support the                                                                                Milan and €475/sq m/year in Rome.
     creation of new jobs. The forecasts are especially positive in the      200                                                                  2022 should see a progressive reduction in incentives and the first
     Business and the Manufacturing & Energy sectors, which                  100                                                                  increases in headline rents even in other primary markets. By
     accounted for 56% of absorption volumes in Milan and 31% of such          0                                                                  contrast, second hand product is likely to see a more marked
     volumes in Rome in 2021. By 2027, more than 29,000 new jobs are               2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021    incentive system supporting demand, especially in secondary
     expected to be created in these sectors in Rome and 26,500 in                                                                                markets.
                                                                                      Q1             Q2    Q3        Q4         5 years average
     Milan (Source: Oxford Economics).
                                                                             Source: CBRE Research

16   CBRE RESEARCH                                                                                                                                                                                       © 2022 CBRE, INC.
Intelligent Investment                                                                                                                                                          Real Estate Market Outlook 2022 | ITALY

     Sustainability as an answer to occupiers’ demand for quality spaces
     Pandemic has changed the demand for offices
                                                                                                  Fig. 13: LEED and BREEAM certified office take-up in Milan and share of total take-up
     The pandemic has emphasised various trends in the demand for office space that have
     been present for some time. First, there was an increased awareness of the shocks that       ,000 sq m                                                                                                         %
     critical global events can cause, leading to more emphasis being placed on                     600                                                                                                            100
     environmental and social sustainability. In response, companies have begun to adopt or                                                                                                                        90
     reinforce their ESG strategies and so become more selective in choosing their buildings,                                                                                                                      80
     basing their choice on energy efficiency and sustainability criteria.                         450
     Secondly, the need to reduce the spread of the virus has accelerated the use of remote
     working. The spread of "hybrid" work models has redefined occupier expectations about                                                                                                                         60
     space efficiency and functionality in order to increase employee engagement.                  300                                                                                                             50
     In such a context, the sustainability of buildings is not only about limiting the                                                                                                                             40
     environmental impact, but also about focusing on employee health and well-being,
     especially through the increasing adoption of policies, procedures and technologies                                                                                                                           30
     that improve the monitoring and reporting of underlying ESG performance and the                                                                                                                               20
     comfort of interior environments.
     This trend is reflected by the growth in energy and environmental certification in Italy
                                                                                                      0                                                                                                            0
     (particularly LEED, BREEAM, WELL). The percentage of certified buildings out of total
                                                                                                               2015             2016             2017      2018         2019         2020              2021
     take-up in Milan grew from 11% in 2016 to about 41% by the end of 2021 (Fig. 13), thus
     achieving a growth rate above the average for the leading European cities (Source:                            Certified and pre-certified          Non certified          Share of certified (right axis)
     EMEA Sustainability Report, November 2021).
                                                                                                  Source: CBRE Research
     In terms of supply, all new office buildings in Milan are already certified, while 60% of
     stock being upgraded and refurbished will have ESG certification. Nonetheless, the
     growing importance of sustainability is encouraging increased use of certification even
     for upgrades of existing stock. The constant monitoring of ESG performances of
     existing buildings is a trend that will continue to characterise the office sector in 2022
                                                                                                  The focus on the ESG performances of
                                                                                                  office buildings will be a key element in                                             41%
     and beyond.                                                                                  meeting new tenant expectations.                                                      of take-up in Milan in 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                        was for office space in
                                                                                                                                                                                        certified green buildings

17   CBRE RESEARCH                                                                                                                                                                                         © 2022 CBRE, INC.
Intelligent Investment                                                                                                                                                            Real Estate Market Outlook 2022 | ITALY

     Investments in the office sector dropped again in 2021, but the recovery in take-up renewed investors confidence for 2022
     Impact of the pandemic continued to weigh down the                           Fig. 14: Office investment volume by location, €M                 Demand for core assets continued to be very intense in 2021.
     recovery                                                                                                                                       Investors looking for defensive strategies persisted in focusing on
                                                                                  5,000                                                             purchasing stabilised assets, with excellent covenants and in
     In 2021, investment volume in the office sector was €2.2 billion,                                                                              primary locations. The lack of such product generated fierce
     meaning a 43% reduction on 2020 (Fig. 14). This was largely due to           4,000                                                             competition among investors, creating new pressure on prime
     a few key factors that hit investment volumes in the two primary                                                                               yields (Fig. 15).
     markets, namely Milan (which recorded a drop in 2021 of 32%
     compared to 2020, despite accounting for 78% of the total volume             2,000                                                             The outlook for 2022 is positive. Delays in transactions initially
     of investment in offices) and Rome (-53% on 2020). More                                                                                        planned for 2021 should mean the recovery in volumes is going to
     specifically: the wait-and-see approach caused by uncertainty as to                                                                            be evident starting from the first quarter of the year. The planned
                                                                                       0                                                            investment pipeline for 2022 suggests growth in the volumes of
     the future demand for offices; significant problems in obtaining
                                                                                           2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
     financing for value-add products, leading to a clear reduction in the                                                                          core transactions, especially in Rome, while Milan will benefit from
                                                                                                  Milan        Rome          Italy other
     number of transactions with such a risk profile; the increase in time-                                                                         new value-add initiatives starting in the best established and most
                                                                                  Source: CBRE Research
     to-sale due to the restrictions; finally, the limited availability of core                                                                     accessible office markets.

                                                                                                                                                    €2.2 bn
     By the end of 2021, doubts on the future demand for offices seemed           Fig. 15: Prime yield trend, %
     to have diminished, particularly due to the recovery in take-up               8
     volumes recorded during the year. Increased investor confidence
     was also reflected in the recovery of value-add acquisitions in the           6                                                                Investment volume in the office
     second half of the year, a trend that was confirmed by the CBRE
                                                                                                                                                    sector in 2021, -43% compared
     Italy Investor Intentions Survey 2022. According to this, 32% of
     investors saw 'value-add' as the best investment strategy for the
                                                                                                                                                    to 2020
     office market in the coming year. Yet, investors remain selective             2
     when it comes to value-add projects, favouring established
                                                                                  0                                                                 Investors continue to be selective in their
     business districts and optimal accessibility, although the growing
     risk appetite predicted for 2022 could bolster interest in secondary
                                                                                   2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
                                                                                                                                                    choices. The recovery in the value-add
     locations as well.                                                                         Rome              Milan           BTP 10 years
                                                                                  Source: CBRE Research
                                                                                                                                                    segment will support increased volumes in
18   CBRE RESEARCH                                                                                                                                                                                          © 2022 CBRE, INC.
Intelligent Investment                                                                                                              Real Estate Market Outlook 2022 | ITALY

     Key Takeaways

     01                       TAKE-UP REGAINS MOMENTUM
                              Good office take-up seems to be offsetting the uncertainty about the future of offices driven by the
                              lingering Covid-19 crisis. The effects on employment of Italy's national recovery plan (NRRP) will
                              support the dynamics of the letting office market.

                              The continuation of the incentives offered by the landlords on second-hand stock will mean vacancy
                              rates will remain stable.

                              Many occupiers continue to be interested in solutions offering ESG-certified flexible office spaces that
                              can be adapted to the changing needs of employees.

                              Recovery in take-up volumes and the better outlook for demand from future occupiers have increased
                              investor confidence in this sector.

                              The search for yields and the improved expectations for office space absorption have brought value-
                              add initiatives back into the limelight, although investors remain very selective with such projects,
                              placing significant emphasis on location quality and accessibility.

19   CBRE RESEARCH                                                                                                                                            © 2022 CBRE, INC.

Intelligent Investment                                                                                                                                                               Real Estate Market Outlook 2022 | ITALY

     Retail investment still shrinking in 2021, but high street is proving resilient
     Limited product and wait-and-see                          approaches          dampen
     opportunistic investors expectations                                                        Fig. 16: Retail investment volume by sub-asset class, €M
     In 2021, the retail asset class was down again (-5% on 2020) at slightly under €1.4          3,000
     billion in investment (Fig. 16). This result was a combination of persisting pandemic-
     driven anxiety and more deep-rooted fears as to the future of physical retail during an      2,500
     age of global e-commerce expansion. In Italy, the drop in retail investment was partly
     caused by international institutional investors allocating less capital to this asset        2,000
     The hardest hit segment is out-of-town retail, which saw few transactions in 2021 that        1,500
     were limited to small assets in secondary markets based on disposals that began prior
     to the pandemic. The investors that have remained in this sector are looking for high         1,000
     yield purchases to justify future exits in a climate of rising yields and limited asset
     liquidity. What such investors are looking for clashes with owners' expectations for           500
     price, as the latter are hesitant to sell before post-Covid-19 performances picks up.
     Opportunistic investors on the hunt for distressed sales are also having to deal with a           0
     lack of product because, despite the pandemic, the number of critical situations has                    2010        2011    2012       2013      2014      2015   2016     2017     2018      2019      2020       2021
     remained limited.
     In 2021, 68% of retail investments were in the high street segment, which has once                                  Shopping centres          High Street          Cash & Carry            Supermarkets
     again proven itself to be resilient, particularly in prime locations. In such places,                               Retail Park               Retail Warehouse     Factory Outlet          Other Retail
     interest remains high, even for mixed-use properties, although the opportunities do
                                                                                                 Source: CBRE Research
     not abound. Investor interest has grown in those sectors that have proven to be the
     most robust during the pandemic, especially retail parks, which suffered less from
     restrictions, and grocery, as they carry essential goods. For retail parks, investors are
     struggling to find sufficient big-ticket, high-quality product to match their strategies.
     For grocery, the trend for occupiers is towards sale & lease-back transactions or joint
                                                                                                 Investors remain interested in the retail park and
                                                                                                 grocery sub-asset classes as these proved more                                          €1.4 bn
     ventures, with this often part of a plan to reinvest resources raised to develop and        robust during the pandemic.                                                             Retail investment volume in 2021,
     upgrade distribution networks.                                                                                                                                                      -5% on 2020

21   CBRE RESEARCH                                                                                                                                                                                             © 2022 CBRE, INC.
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     Cautious optimism for retail in 2022
     Retail performance recovery could mean the gap in                            Fig. 17: Retail prime yield by asset class, %                                ESG: a strategic resource for positioning
     property price expectations between owners and                               8                                                                            Renewing the retail properties will become an increasingly central
     potential buyers could narrow                                                6                                                                            topic, especially for the shopping centre industry, where the
     Investors looking to invest in the retail market will probably continue                                                                                   progressive obsolescence of Italian stock will fuel the performance
                                                                                  4                                                                            gap between the most innovative centres and those unable to meet
     to adopt a selective approach in 2022, favouring those segments that
     are the least exposed to the pandemic and locations of primary               2                                                                            tenants’ and customers’ requirements. Landlords will need to be
     standing.                                                                                                                                                 able to certify that demanding ESG standards are being met, both
                                                                                                                                                               to help move into line with the sustainability policies adopted by
     The increase in leasing activity seen in 2021 for retail space in prime                                                                                   retailers and to guarantee visitors improved healthcare safety and
     and good secondary locations suggests a drop in vacancy rates in                                                                                          greater environmental comfort. Shopping centres will also have to
     shopping centres and high streets in 2022. In combination with the                            High Street                          Shopping centres
                                                                                                   Retail Park                          Supermarkets           position themselves as playing a "civic" role in their catchment
     uptick in retail sales due to the lifting of restrictions imposed to limit                    BTP 10 years                                                areas by offering services, cultural initiatives and entertainment
     the spread of the virus, this factor could encourage new product in          Source: CBRE Research                                                        opportunities.
     which to invest to reach the market and cause the gap in price
     expectations between landlords and potential buyers to close, as has

     already been seen with the stabilising of prime yields during 2021           Fig. 18: E-commerce penetration trend, %
     (Fig. 17).                                                                   40
     However, it will still take some time before any fully-fledged recovery
     is evident in retail investment and the uncertainty that shrouds this        30                                                                           CBRE’s forecast
     sector looks likely to continue in the coming months. First, the growth      20                                                                           e-commerce penetration
     of e-commerce will remain a critical aspect for investors, even though                                                                                    in Italy in 2025
     growth margins in this sphere are forecast to be less in Italy than in        10
     other European countries (Fig. 18) and growing integration with
     physical sales channels is likely. Second, during this phase of the                   Italy          Spain     France   Germany   Netherlands    United   The upturn in demand for space by retailers
     recovery, landlords will continue to offer significant incentives and                                                                           Kingdom
     substantial flexibility, despite rents, in the absence of incentives,                                                                                     and increased retail sales will sustain the
                                                                                                   2015           2019         2021            2025
     remaining largely in line with pre-Covid-19 values.                                                                                                       recovery in the retail real estate market in
                                                                                  Source: CBRE House view

22   CBRE RESEARCH                                                                                                                                                                                                    © 2022 CBRE, INC.
Intelligent Investment                                                                                                                                                  Real Estate Market Outlook 2022 | ITALY

     Retailer performances improve while leasing activity intensifies
     Turnover and footfall in shopping centres exceeded                       Fig. 19: KPIs of shopping centres managed by CBRE,        Leasing activity improves in high streets
     pre-Covid-19 levels in October. December and                             percentage change over the same month of 2019, %          The high street segment is showing positive signs, once again
     November saw a drop due to the new infection wave                        150                                                       starting from the prime locations. In such cases, the willingness of
     2021 performance figures for shopping centres managed by CBRE                                                                      owners to offer tenants incentives has sustained the rise of new
     show a recovery in the main KPIs compared to 2020, although still                                                                  negotiations, which will continue to focus on pre-pandemic headline
     down on 2019, partially due to weekend closures during the first         100                                                       rents, supported by an increase in temporary incentives such as
     half of the year (Fig. 19). The opening up of the country, the drop in                                                             longer step-rent, free-rent periods, capital contributions and greater
     virus cases in the summer and autumn 2021 and the progress in the                                                                  flexibility with contract duration. On the tenant side, there is greater
     vaccine campaign helped drive a recovery in turnover, which moved         50                                                       demand for a reduction in the fixed rent component, compensated
     above 2019 values for the first time since the start of the pandemic                                                               by a greater turnover-linked contribution. For the time being, the
     in October. The final two months of the year were negative because                                                                 use of full formula turnover rent remains largely limited to
     of the rapid spread of the virus once more, but the figures were                                                                   secondary locations where the vacancy risk is higher.
     nonetheless better than compared to the same months in 2020.                                                                       Despite the recovery, retailers are remaining cautious in
     The best performing sectors were electronics, household goods and                                                                  development and expansion activities. Ensuring rents are
     sportswear. Restaurants and bars in shopping centres continued to                                                                  sustainable in relation to turnover has become a key point: even in
     struggle as the upturn in footfall was only partial. Despite this,                                                                 the most prestigious streets, there is less willingness to spend on
     restaurants and food courts continue to be valued as strategic                                                                     top locations in order to promote brands. The pre-pandemic trends
     aspects for relaunching shopping centres once the pandemic has                                                                     remain unchanged for large floor areas, where retailers demand
                                                                              -100                                                      remains low or constrained by the large overall rents landlords
     died down. As such, owners will continue to support tenants via
     incentives, helping to keep leasing activity strong in this segment.                                                               charge for such locations.
     The increase in vacancy in shopping centres during the pandemic is
     not a major source of worry for prime centres. Leasing activity in
                                                                                                                                        Retailers are optimistic in the medium
                                                                                                      Average ticket
     the CBRE-managed shopping centres remains sustained by                                           Footfall                          term. Headline rents in prime locations
     significant tenant incentives, but it also suggests a return to                                  Turnover, including Food Anchor
     standard baseline vacancy rates once the virus spread slows and                                  n. of tickets                     remain at pre-Covid-19 values, but the
     restrictions end.
                                                                              Source: CBRE Research                                     weight of incentives is increasing.

23   CBRE RESEARCH                                                                                                                                                                                © 2022 CBRE, INC.
Intelligent Investment                                                                                                                         Real Estate Market Outlook 2022 | ITALY

     Key Takeaways

                              Investor interest in the retail market will continue to concentrate on those segments that are least subject to
                              possible new restrictions, especially the grocery and retail park sectors.

                              The good sales results from the final quarter of 2021 highlight the sector's capacity for recovery and will support
                              investor interest for the best performing assets.

                              E-commerce will continue to grow, but at a slower pace than in the last two years because of the lifting of
                              restrictions on physical stores. Integration between the digital and physical channels will continue to grow.

                              Retailers will continue to place significant importance on sustainable rent during negotiations. The common
                              ground with landlords will largely remain major incentives for the first few years, followed by headline rents that
                              are largely unchanged from pre-Covid-19 levels.

                              Development and regeneration projects for retail assets will increasingly focus on environmental and social
                              sustainability. Meeting demanding environmental standards will become more and more fundamental in
                              attracting clients and in supporting retailers' ESG strategies.

24   CBRE RESEARCH                                                                                                                                                       © 2022 CBRE, INC.

Intelligent Investment                                                                                                                                                              Real Estate Market Outlook 2022 | ITALY

     2021 - a record year for investment in logistics
     Major competition among foreign investors is further compressing
     initial yields                                                                                  Fig. 20: Logistics investment volume by risk profile and prime yield
     In 2021, investment volumes in the Italian logistics market reached record levels, at €2.7
     billion, +89% on 2020 (Fig. 20), thus topping all the other asset classes for the first time.   €M                                                                                                                      %
     This record has been achieved thanks to further growth in the presence of international         3,000                                                                                                                   7
     institutional investors, who mainly entered the Italian market in 2021 by purchasing
                                                                                                     2,500                                                                                                                   6
     stabilised properties portfolios.
     During the year, the Italian logistics market continued to be very attractive to foreign                                                                                                                                5
     capital both because of intense occupier demand and because the real estate yields are
     still marginally higher than those in the main European markets. Nonetheless, major             1,500
     competition to purchase logistics assets and portfolios had a significant impact on                                                                                                                                     3
     Italian yields (Fig. 20), moving them towards the values found in the most sought-after         1,000
     European markets.                                                                                                                                                                                                       2
     This trend encouraged investors to look for ways to gain greater returns, undertaking            500                                                                                                                    1
     development initiatives or purchasing properties with limited WALBs to be repositioned.
     Seeking higher returns has also pushed interest in investing in secondary markets with              0                                                                                                                   0
     intense demand for logistic space by occupiers. The significant liquidity of logistics                        2015       2016           2017               2018        2019             2020               2021
     assets is also encouraging sales of owner-occupied properties through sale and                                Core          Core+              Value-Add            Opportunistic                 Prime yield (%)
     leaseback transactions, in order for the previous owners to reinvest in restructuring
     their distribution networks.
                                                                                                     Source: CBRE Research
     Investor expectations for the Italian logistics market are very positive. The results of the
     CBRE Investor Intentions Survey 2022 show that the logistics sector will be one of the
     main investment targets in the year that has just begun. More specifically, the survey
     found substantial interest in the last mile, which 69% of interview respondents (the
     highest for all asset classes) saw as one of the most promising sectors for investment in
                                                                                                     The significant pressure on yields encourages
                                                                                                     investors to look at acquisitions in secondary                    3.95% €2.7 bn
     Italy in 2022.                                                                                  markets and to undertake developments in                          Prime Yield for           Investment volume in
                                                                                                                                                                       logistics                 logistics in 2021,
                                                                                                     order to achieve greater returns.                                                           +89% on 2020

26   CBRE RESEARCH                                                                                                                                                                                            © 2022 CBRE, INC.
Intelligent Investment                                                                                                                                                                      Real Estate Market Outlook 2022 | ITALY

     Tenant demand for logistics space continues to grow
     Growing occupier demand for last mile properties and                   Fig. 21: Total take-up trend and share of last mile                               E-commerce and omnichannel retail will continue to
     secondary locations                                                    .000 sq m                                                                    %    sustain take-up growth
     In 2021, robust occupier demand for space saw a new take-up             3,000                                                                       15   In 2022, demand for logistics space is expected to further increase,
     record, at 2.4 million sq m, marking growth of 6% compared to 2020                                                                                  12   driven by the spread of e-commerce and retailers deploying
     (Fig. 21).                                                             2,000                                                                             omnichannel strategies.
     During the year, the main trends that emerged in 2020                                                                                               6    The pandemic has significantly accelerated the integration of
     consolidated, especially the rapid growth in occupier demand           1,000                                                                             physical and digital retail, making it necessary to refine the
     driven by the spread of e-commerce. Over 50% of absorbed floor                                                                                      3    distribution networks of retailers.
     area in 2021 went to e-commerce activities or omnichannel retail,          0                                                                        0    The increasing capillarity of e-commerce services needs to be
     often carried out by 3PL providers (45% of take-up volumes).                                                                                             backed by widespread and diversified supply of logistics spaces,
     The interest in the last mile segment further increased, accounting                        Total take-up     % share of Last mile                        including locations outside the main distribution hubs.
     for 12% of take-up volumes in 2021 (Fig. 21). Compared to 2020, the    Source: CBRE Research                                                             Growing occupier demand in such locations, which are often
     number of transactions in this segment grew by 14%. The most in-                                                                                         characterised by a lack of high-quality properties, has solely been
     demand spaces are mid-sized ones, between 10,000 sq m and                                                                                                handled thus far by built-to-suit developments. Today, the intensity
     20,000 sq m.                                                           Fig. 22: Take-up share by location
                                                                                                                                                              of occupier demand is beginning to justify speculative
     The Milanese logistics area remains the most sought-after by                                                                                             developments, as it already occurred in the more established
     tenants, accounting for 43% of total take-up volumes in 2021.                                                                                            markets in recent years.
                                                                            2021               43%              10% 6%      19%            22%
     Nonetheless, the spread of e-commerce and the need to be closer
     to the end consumer have driven strong demand for secondary
     locations, accounting for 22% of absorption volumes in 2021.
     This trend can be also linked to the progressive lack of product and                                                                                     Take-up growth in secondary markets will
     limited development opportunities in most of the well-established      2020                      66%                     12%        6%   11%
     markets, causing greater interest by logistics operators in Tuscany,                                                                                     be sustained by occupiers needing to
     Campania, Puglia and the Turin logistics area (Fig. 22).                                                                                                 expand their logistics networks and reach a
                                                                                 Milan      Bologna     Rome       Veneto         Naples         Other
                                                                            Source: CBRE Research                                                             growing number of consumers.

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