WHO'S WHO in Digital Shopper Marketing - Path to Purchase ...

Page created by Anthony Ford
WHO'S WHO in Digital Shopper Marketing - Path to Purchase ...
As seen in

                         WHO’S           WHO
                         in Digital Shopper Marketing

Our sixth annual

report recognizes

more than 170 brand

and retail executives

who are making

notable contributions

in the area of digital

shopper marketing.
WHO'S WHO in Digital Shopper Marketing - Path to Purchase ...
of Shopper Marketing

            licia Mosley has held many market-
            ing leadership roles in brand man-
            agement, innovation and corporate
            marketing in her career of more than
two decades. From running multimillion-dol-
lar businesses to successfully launching the
Tyson Any’tizers brand in 2007, she became an
experienced marketer in all but one key area:
shopper marketing.
   A member of the Tyson Foods team since 2004
– with a two-year stint at McDonald’s supplier
Lopez Foods beginning in 2009 – she seized the
opportunity to round out her marketing profi-
ciency and gain sales experience when she was
named director of shopper marketing in April
2017. Since then, she has focused her efforts on
developing the strategic vision for the function.
Along with creating and delivering best-in-class
shopper marketing programs, she keeps her team                                                                                     Photo by Brian Morrison
active in the digital space across many platforms.
                                                                              What digital devices and services do you use most often, and
What types of programming do you have?
                                                                              how much of an omnichannel shopper are you?
MOSLEY: We have programming with pure-play customers as
                                                                              MOSLEY: I’ve recently started using Alexa, and everything is con-
well as with the traditional brick-and-mortar retail partners. We
                                                                              nected within my smart home. I can plan my shopping trips on my
continuously seek opportunities to explore new platforms and
                                                                              refrigerator and access it on my phone when I get to the store. Or I
vendors to keep our toolkit sharp.
                                                                              can simply order it when I think about it with the click of a button.
How do you promote digital innovation?                                        My husband is also quite tech-savvy.
MOSLEY: Through test-and-learn opportunities by incorporating
                                                                              How do you keep an ear to the ground in such an ever-
new digital capabilities into our annual plans.
                                                                              changing digital landscape?
How do shopper and digital marketing intersect at Tyson Foods?                MOSLEY: I subscribe to blogs and read various publications and
MOSLEY: Our programs are multidimensional in an effort to engage              receive information from our agency partners. Then I look at activ-
with shoppers. An endcap may have a consumer promotion, a social              ity in non-food industries and determine whether I could apply
element and a video instead of just a shelf blade. Digital is a tool we       those insights to what my team can do within the food shopper
leverage within a larger holistic effort to reach shoppers where they         marketing space. My team also conducts quarterly lunch-and-
are while retaining classic shopper marketing principles.                     learns with select vendors to get a glimpse into what is new or
                                                                              emerging in the digital space.
What has changed?
MOSLEY: The shift from brand-centricity to customer-centricity                Where is digital headed?
fundamentally changed the way we frame our communication. In                  MOSLEY: The amount of data we’re able to collect on our shoppers
most cases, shoppers know what brand they’re going to buy before              may go undervalued. We’re able to effectively target shoppers be-
they enter the store, so the more we can do to influence them, the            yond simple demographics and hone in on real-life shopping and
more successful we’ll be. That starts with digital communication.             purchasing behaviors. With the access to large amounts of data,
                                                                              we can optimize our campaigns in real-time through targeted per-
What does omnichannel mean to you as a marketer and a
                                                                              sonalization efforts that drive conversion and loyalty to a greater
                                                                              degree than has ever existed in the past.
MOSLEY: Sometimes we get so caught up in being marketers that
we do not take a step back and think, “I’m a consumer – what do I             What’s next?
need? What influences me?” When you look at it from the perspec-              MOSLEY: Personalization, because we’ve seen how it can disrupt
tive of a shopper, you do not see touchpoints and channels; you see           the marketplace. Technologies emerge, from virtual reality to voice
the devices and habits that enable or influence behavior. The onus            search, and people claim that they’re the future of shopper mar-
is then on marketers to reflect that behavior in order to provide a           keting. But it’s really that underlying desire for personalization
consistent experience across those multiple touchpoints. For me,              that makes these technologies so interesting. I don’t think we’ve
omnichannel simply means providing relevant and timely content                scratched the surface of what it can do.
to shoppers, wherever they are on the path to purchase.                                                                               — Erika Flynn

WHO'S WHO in Digital Shopper Marketing - Path to Purchase ...
ICON KEY                      ALBERTSONS                                  PATTY YOUCHOCK,
                                                                                         Director, Advertising
                                             DAWN MACK, Director,                        & Marketing
                                             Digital Customer
                      Institute member                                                   Youchock is primarily re-
                                                                                         sponsible for setting the
                                             Mack operationally leads                    strategic vision for all of
                                             and supports cross-func-                    the company’s marketing platforms to
                                             tional teams to engage and                  promote the various banners to yield
7-ELEVEN                                     drive customers digitally. She also sup-    growth for the co-op and its members.
REBECCA TROUTMAN,                            ports the accuracy of targeting digital
Director of Delivery &                       programs from multiple functional areas.    DONNA ZAMBO, Vice President,
E-Commerce – Digital                                                                     Chief Marketing Officer
                                             KARL MEINHARDT,                                              See profile on page 6
Troutman has held nu-                        Vice President, Social
merous positions in her                      & Digital Marketing
tenure at 7-Eleven. She has
worked in operations, training, field mer-
                                             Meinhardt oversees all as-                  AMERICAN GREETINGS
                                             pects of digital and social                 CHRISTINE RICH, Director,
chandising and category management           strategy, digital media buy-
and has spent the last few years creating                                                Engagement Marketing
                                             ing, and digital customer engagement.
and implementing new businesses for          Having built the team from scratch,
the organization. Her latest endeavors,      he has led it to award-winning, sales-      AMERICAN STANDARD
on the digital team, have been focused       driving, positive ROI digital campaigns,
around delivery and e-commerce and                                                       JONATHAN HOUCK, Senior Director of
                                             nominations for innovation and a reputa-    Digital, Lixil Water Technology
how to bring those businesses to life.       tion in the CPG vendor community as the
JULIE WHITTLE, Director,                     “go to” team for leading-edge customer
Digital Merchandising                        experiences.                                B
                                             ALCON                                       BEAM SUNTORY
A                                            CHRIS SUMMONS, Director,
                                                                                         SHANNON EAGLE, Digital Activation
ACTIVISION BLIZZARD                          U.S. Vision Care Marketing
JUSTIN TAYLOR, Senior Director of                                                        ANDREA JAVOR, Senior Director,
                                                                                         Global Connections Planning
Digital Marketing                            ALLEGIANCE RETAIL
AHOLD DELHAIZE                               SUZANNE CECCHI,                             BED BATH & BEYOND
CARRIE BIENKOWSKI,                           Senior Marketing &                          JIM HALLIDAY, Vice President,
Chief Marketing Officer/                     CRM Manager                                 Digital Marketing
Senior Vice President                        Cecchi is responsible for
                                             digital expansion efforts,
of Marketing, Peapod
                                             providing strategic direc-
Bienkowski oversees the
                                             tion and goals that support company and     ROB CIAFFAGLIONE,
marketing strategy and
                                             member objectives. This includes digital    Team Leader, Shopper
operations to drive new customer ac-
                                             platform development and optimization       & Customer Marketing
quisition, retention and loyalty. She is
charged with creating a differentiated       as well as channel activation including     Ciaffaglione is tasked with
customer experience and optimized cus-       social, paid and email marketing.           leading the development
tomer journey across multiple platforms                                                  and execution of shopper
                                             CHRISTIE STARK,                             marketing strategy across all Beiersdorf
and devices, and delivering data-driven
                                             Marketing Manager,                          skincare brands including Nivea, Nivea
insights that drive growth.
                                             E-Commerce                                  Men, Eucerin and Aquaphor.
JOHN GIAQUINTO, Director of                  Stark manages the com-
Customer Loyalty, Hannaford                  pany’s expanding e-com-
                                             merce and digital market-                   BEN & JERRY’S
Giaquinto is responsible for launching
and running “My Hannaford Rewards,”          ing business. She also supports a variety   MICHAEL HAYES, Global Head of
a 100% digital supermarket loyalty pro-      of other integrated marketing efforts       Digital Marketing
gram. Prior to this, he held loyalty posi-   including brand building, vendor market-
                                             ing and customer loyalty programs.
tions at Shaw’s (Sainsbury/Albertsons)                                                   BISSELL HOMECARE
and Symphony Retail AI on the Ahold
                                                                                         SARAH BASHAW, Digital Marketing
USA and Rite Aid accounts.
                                                                                         Associate Director, Digital Content and
ROBERT WELSH, Senior Manager,                                                            E-Commerce
Digital Marketing

WHO'S WHO in Digital Shopper Marketing - Path to Purchase ...
BROWN-FORMAN                                 MEGHAN GORCZYNSKI, Sales                    CONAIR
                                             Planning & Customer Digital/Shopper
LYNETTE GREEN,                               Marketing Manager                           BRADLEY MARK, Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing Manager,                                                               Manager
National Accounts
An experienced digital                       COCA-COLA                                   COST PLUS WORLD
marketer, Green leads the                    JOHN BROWNLEE, Group Director,
strategic design, devel-                     Customer Connections Planning
opment and implementation of digital                                                     DIANE BURNETT, Senior Director of
shopper marketing and digital shelf          LAURA HOUGHTON,                             Digital Marketing
solutions for the company’s portfolio of     Director, Digital
premium spirit brands with its national      Shopper Marketing
account retail partners.                     Houghton develops multi-                    COTY U.S.
                                             channel digital strategies                  SHANNA WEINBLATT, Senior Director,
TRAVIS SMITH, Director,                      that engage shoppers to                     Global Digital
Digital Marketing COE                        take action throughout their path to pur-
                                             chase and deliver against business and
                                                                                         CVS HEALTH
C                                            channel objectives.
                                                                                         HEIDI RAYDEN, Senior Director,
                                             KYLE LEBET, Senior Connections              Omnichannel Digital
CABELA’S                                     Planning Manager
ANDREA GRANT, Director of Digital                                                        SARAH REYNOLDS, Director,
Marketing: Acquisition and Retention         BARRY THOMAS,                               Omnichannel Marketing
Marketing                                    Vice President,
                                             Global Shopper and                          ERIN ROSA, Senior Director,
                                             Channel Strategy                            Omnichannel and Mobile Experience
CACIQUE                                      Thomas identifies strategic
                                                                                         BRIAN TILZER, Senior Vice President,
LIZETTE CHANTARACHARAT,                      global growth oppor-
                                                                                         Chief Digital Officer
Digital Marketing Manager                    tunities in underdeveloped, emerging
                                             growth and disruptive channels - cus-       MICHAEL WIER, Senior Director,
                                             tomers. He provides strategic leadership    Digital Commerce and Customer
CAMPBELL SOUP                                and direction for global omnichannel        Engagement
JAMES GILBERT, Director,                     platforms including new retail, e-com-
Digital Acceleration Group                   merce and digital commerce platforms.

MATTHEW PRITCHARD, Vice                      NATHAN TUGGLE, Senior Manager,              D
President, Digital Marketing                 Strategic Marketing Business                DANONE
STEPHANIE WOOD,                                                                          NORTH AMERICA
Director, Brick & Mortar                                                                 TONY FUNG, Shopper
E-Commerce                                   COLGATE-                                    Marketing Manager
Wood is instrumental in                      PALMOLIVE                                   Fung brings 11 years of ex-
expanding Campbell’s                         KIM CANFIELD, Director,                     perience in shopper mar-
e-commerce business by                       North America Media                         keting including traditional
developing and supporting key strate-                                                    and digital. He currently
gic initiatives, including the creation of   STEPHANIE KONYVES,                          leads the shopper marketing and strate-
integrated planning for omnichannel          Shopper Marketing                           gic planning from an omnichannel stand-
customers.                                   Manager                                     point for DanoneWave on the Kroger
                                             As shopper marketing                        business. He also has experience leading
                                             manager for the Shop-                       grocery and mass channel customers.
CHURCH & DWIGHT                              per Center of Excellence,
JOSHUA ROSEN,                                Konyves is responsible for developing       ALYSIA ROSS, Director,
Digital Strategy Manager                     category-building shopper platforms,        Shopper Marketing
Rosen leads content strat-                   measurement, best practices, training       Ross identifies digital solu-
egy and marketing efforts                    and innovation, including accelerating      tions based on a desire to
for the e-commerce chan-                     the company’s use and expertise in digi-    understand and influence
nel. His focus is working                    tal shopper marketing.                      targeted shoppers in the
collaboratively with brand and re-                                                       right place, at the right time, with the
tailer teams to drive the business across    MINDEL KLEIN LEPORE, Worldwide              right message to create the desired pur-
Church & Dwight’s diverse product            Director, Global Digital Marketing          chase behavior.
                                             CONAGRA BRANDS
                                             JILL KRISTLE, Manager, Digital

WHO'S WHO in Digital Shopper Marketing - Path to Purchase ...
DEL MONTE FOODS                            G                                            H
Senior Manager,                            GENERAL MILLS                                H-E-B
Digital Marketing                          CHRISTINE SCOTT,                             ASHWIN NATHAN, Vice President,
Morphis is responsible for                 Assistant Manager,                           Digital Strategy & Marketing
driving the strategic direc-               Integrated Shopper
tion for achieving the com-                Marketing                                    SARAH NELSON, Director of Digital
pany’s brand objectives in digital mar-    Scott leads digital innova-                  Strategy and Marketing
keting and e-commerce. This includes       tion, focusing on the devel-
developing digital capabilities and best
practices, and partnering with the team
                                           opment of insight-based capabilities that    HEINEKEN USA
                                           drive value for shoppers, retailers and
on planning, analysis and optimizations.   brands.                                      ELIZABETH BLANCH,
                                                                                        Shopper Media Manager
                                                                                        Blanch leads shopper
DELL                                       GEORGIA-PACIFIC                              media planning and imple-
LORI PENNINGTON MATHIS,                    MIKE FELDMAN, Shopper                        mentation for the on- and
Senior Manager, Shopper Marketing          Marketing Manager                            off- premise channels.
                                           Feldman leads the com-                       She ensures digital best practices are
                                           pany’s consumer market-                      ingrained in shopper media plans and
DOLE FOODS                                 ing across all Amazon                        oversees measurement to optimize for
MICHAEL CONTRERAS, Senior Digital          platforms. His primary                       success against commercial marketing
Marketing Manager                          responsibilities include leading marketing   objectives.
                                           strategy and executing media, merchan-
                                                                                        BRAM REUKERS,
                                           dising and promotional campaigns.
DOLLAR GENERAL                                                                          U.S. Lead for E-Commerce
RACHEL WHITE, Senior Director,             TAMIKA MCCOGGLE, Senior Manager,             and Strategic Partnerships
Digital & Shopper Marketing                Digital & E-Commerce Marketing               Reukers is responsible for
                                                                                        leading the company’s ef-
                                           BRIAN SULLIVANO, Senior Director,            forts to drive market share
DR PEPPER SNAPPLE                          Shopper Marketing & Media                    growth by seizing the opportunity in e-
GROUP                                                                                   commerce. His main focus areas include
JORDAN STE. MARIE, Senior Director,                                                     development and implementation of the
                                           GLAXOSMITHKLINE                              e-commerce strategy and infrastructure,
E-Commerce & Omnichannel Marketing
                                           CAROLYNE KLUG,                               building commercial partnerships and
                                           Shopper Marketing                            accelerating new business models.
DUNKIN’ BRANDS                             Manager
NICOLE BOUTWELL, Senior Manager            During her tenure with                       NIKOLAI ZEINIKOV,
of E-Commerce & Digital Marketing,         GSK, Klug has led several                    E-Commerce Channel
Baskin-Robbins                             digital, multi-CPG pro-                      Director
                                           grams that span different categories.        Zeinikov’s key responsibili-
                                           Currently, she is partnering closely with    ties are creating and lead-
DYSON                                      Kroger to help build the retailer’s Health   ing e-commerce and digital
KARTHIK IYER, Vice President,              and Wellness platform.                       shopper strategy by driving retailer part-
Digital and Direct, Americas                                                            nerships and building capabilities to help
                                           CARRIE LOVEGREN,                             grow the beer category and the Heineken
                                           Shopper Marketing                            USA share in the online channel.
F                                          Manager
                                           Lovegren is an energized
FERRERO USA                                and dynamic marketer,                        HOME DEPOT
                                           but most importantly is                      DAVE ABBOTT, Vice President of
JASON ADAMSKI, North American
                                           a shopper herself. In her current role       Integrated Media/Online Marketing
Consumer Connections Lead
                                           Lovegren puts the shopper mindset first,
                                           leveraging robust shopper insights to        KEVIN HOFMANN, President, Online &
                                           build campaigns that drive business at       Chief Marketing Officer
                                           Walgreens and Rite Aid.

                                           GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER
                                           MICHAEL DAUBERMAN, Chief Digital
                                           Officer, North America Consumer

WHO'S WHO in Digital Shopper Marketing - Path to Purchase ...
Vice President, Chief
Marketing Officer

          onna Zambo started her ca-
          reer in grocery 30 years ago at
          Pathmark, working in market
          research and manually coding
customer survey responses. She held                                                                                              Photos by Steve Hockstein
various positions – procurement, sales
and advertising, and customer loyalty                                         in the future our shoppers will continue to be more transient,
marketing among them – during her 20-                                         more diverse and have more options. Shopper marketing must
year tenure there before leaving as senior                                    continue to get better at understanding the shopper to ensure that
director of marketing. She spent the last                                     we reach, connect and bring material value to our shoppers. Le-
nine years at Wakefern Food Corp. serv-                                       veraging our analytics will enable us to give our shoppers a more
ing in several leadership roles including                                     personalized and relevant experience.
digital marketing, e-commerce and analytics before leaving as di-
                                                                             What will be the next big trend to disrupt the digital shopper
rector, e-commerce and analytics this year to join Allegiance Retail
                                                                             marketing field?
Services, parent company of the Foodtown cooperative.
                                                                             ZAMBO: Marketers that obtain or learn the technical capabili-
Describe your current role.                                                  ties to personalize every aspect of the shopper’s path to purchase
ZAMBO: As vice president and chief marketing officer, I oversee              in a meaningful manner will emerge as winners. Personalization
the information technology, marketing and advertising, digital               means different things to different marketers, but those that get
marketing, and insights and analytics divisions. I believe that              it right from the consumers’ perspective will lead and stand out.
starting my career in consumer research has enabled me all these
                                                                             How can brands take better advantage of the opportunities
years to stay close to our shoppers’ wants and needs. It has made
                                                                             in digital?
me a better marketer.
                                                                             ZAMBO: Brands need to leverage resources and commit to provid-
What is something you would like to accomplish this year                     ing shoppers a fully integrated digital experience. Not only test
with your new team?                                                          and learn but also evolve and optimize those digital strategies and
ZAMBO: The focus is on integrating our teams and leveraging our              tactics that are proven effective.
talents across the cooperative. Specifically, we will lean in and le-
                                                                             What does omnichannel mean to you as a marketer and a
verage our analytical capabilities, which will optimize all our digi-
tal and marketing executions as well as drive our overall merchan-
                                                                             ZAMBO: An omnichannel experience for our shoppers is about
dising and business strategy.
                                                                             expecting an integrated and frictionless experience with our
How does your organization go to market digitally?                           brand, whether it is online, in-store or via mobile. As marketers, it’s
ZAMBO: I am fortunate to join an organization with a strong and              our job to deliver this experience among all our touchpoints con-
sophisticated digital go-to-market strategy, backed and supported            sistently and seamlessly along the entire path-to-purchase journey.
by our leadership and owners. Our digital executions include a
                                                                             What digital devices and services do you use most often, and
compelling digital coupon program, email and digital display mar-
                                                                             how much of an omnichannel shopper are you?
keting, social media marketing and of course e-commerce. Most
                                                                             ZAMBO: I love using my Foodtown mobile app for list-making,
importantly, we have moved to more personalized executions.
                                                                             coupon savings and to see my personalized offers before I shop.
How do shopper and digital marketing intersect at your                       I do order my groceries online, but I also like to shop the brick-
company? How has shopper marketing evolved over the years?                   and-mortar store at least once or twice a week. Having been in the
ZAMBO: All our digital executions integrate with our brick-and-              supermarket business for more than 30 years; I just can’t stay away
mortar experience, with a strong emphasis on bringing value to               from the physical store.
our shoppers by saving money or saving time. The shopper mar-
                                                                             How do you keep an ear to the ground in such an ever-
keting toolkits have evolved quite a bit over the years, and the rate
                                                                             changing digital landscape?
of change has been tremendous. In the next year or so, it will be
                                                                             ZAMBO: In addition to reading various news and trade publica-
critical to have the technical and analytical capabilities to adapt to
                                                                             tions, I find that my family is a great resource. Between my two
this rapid change and allow us to execute and evaluate with agility.
                                                                             daughters and 12 nieces and nephews, I don’t need to go far to
Where do you see digital shopper marketing headed in the                     learn about the latest and greatest technologies that resonate with
next few years?                                                              Millennials.
ZAMBO: Digital marketing needs to be where the shopper is, and                                                                    — Institute Staff

WHO'S WHO in Digital Shopper Marketing - Path to Purchase ...
HONEYBAKED HAM                            J                                               she leads the company’s shopper mar-
                                                                                          keting team and is focused on delivering
EVANA OLI, Director of
Omni & New Channels                       JACK LINK’S                                     fully integrated omnichannel experiences
                                                                                          that provide value to shoppers, to retail
Oli leads omnichannel                     JEFF KJOME, Director,                           partners and to the broad portfolio of
strategy and emerging                     Shopper Marketing                               brands.
business for the company.                 and Retail Activation
She is responsible for driv-              Kjome oversees shopper                          SANDY CARLSON,
ing company growth via new channels       marketing, e-commerce                           Director, Customer
of business and a seamless customer       and business development                        Strategy and Omnichannel
experience across multiple touchpoints    opportunities at Jack Link’s that pair          Carlson oversees customer
including online and stores nationwide.   brand initiatives with retailer strategies to   insights, shopper mar-
                                          drive category sales.                           keting and omnichannel
                                                                                          strategy for J&J’s consumer portfolio at
HONEYWELL                                                                                 Walgreens. She is leading breakthrough
DANE HARTZELL, Global Director of         J.M. SMUCKER                                    shopper innovation and award-winning
Digital Marketing                         JESSICA FAIR,                                   disruptive new item launches across the
                                          Senior Manager,                                 health and wellness and beauty and per-
PATRICK ROTERING, Director IT,            Shopper Marketing                               sonal care categories.
Total Customer Experience Solutions       Fair’s passion for shopper
                                          marketing started 12 years                      KRIS CEVASCO, Shopper Marketing
HORMEL FOODS                              ago and has evolved with                        Manager
                                          enhanced connected commerce capa-
SCOTT WEISENBECK, Marketing               bilities. She is responsible for leading a      EMILY CURRY,
Director, SPAM Brand, Legacy Brands       team of shopper marketers focused on            Senior Shopper Marketing
and Innovation                            driving omnichannel strategies across           Manager
                                          the grocery and dollar channel.                 Curry is responsible for
                                                                                          building engagement strat-
I                                         MEGAN GOTHAM,                                   egies and activations that
                                          Manager,                                        connect a shopper need with the com-
INTEL                                     Shopper Marketing                               pany’s iconic brands. The team’s shopper
CYNDI BRIGHAM,                            Gotham leads the Ben-                           solutions are uniquely crafted to influ-
Global Digital Retail                     tonville-based shopper                          ence purchase, wherever and however
Program Manager                           marketing team to inspire                       the shopper is shopping.
Brigham is responsible for                Walmart, Sam’s Club and jet.com shop-
building digital strategies               pers with an emphasis on digital market-        MOLLY GARRIS,
and shopper-centric global                ing in a connected commerce world.              Senior Manager, Digital
programs, more specifically mobile mar-                                                   Strategy, U.S. Beauty
keting programs that can help shoppers    JOSH WILLIAMS,                                  Garris oversees digital
navigate throughout the digital shopper   Senior Manager,                                 marketing efforts across
journey down to purchase with major       Shopper Marketing                               Neutrogena and Clean &
retailers worldwide.                      Williams brings a diverse                       Clear, harmonizing national plans with
                                          shopper marketing back-                         insight-led, retailer-specific shopper so-
IAN FREITAS,                              ground of CPG, retailer and                     lutions, from virtual makeup try-on tools
Global Digital Retail                     agency experience to lead the strategy          to hyper-targeted offer activation.
Marketing Manager                         and development of shopper marketing
Freitas is responsible for                activations across 20 of the company’s          PIA KELLY, Senior Manager,
building digital strategies,              brands at both Target and Meijer.               Shopper Marketing & Insights
shopper-centric global
programs and performance analysis                                                         ASHLEY KENNEMER,
of activations that can help shoppers     JOHNSON &                                       Shopper Marketing
navigate throughout the digital shopper   JOHNSON                                         Manager
journey down to purchase in major                                                         Kennemer is responsible
                                          PAM BROWN, Senior Manager,
e-commerce accounts worldwide.                                                            for developing and execut-
                                          Digital Strategy
                                                                                          ing insight-driven shopper
                                          HEATHER CAMPAIN,                                marketing activations for Johnson &
                                          U.S. Shopper Marketing                          Johnson’s Beauty portfolio at Walmart.
                                          Leader                                          She strives to deliver innovative, om-
                                          Campain has held a wide                         nichannel programs that drive sales and
                                          variety of roles across in-                     elevate the shopping experience.
                                          dustries and categories,                        ROSE LAFRONZ-DIX, Shopper
                                          from new product development, insights          Marketing Manager
                                          and strategy to e-commerce and cat-
                                          egory management. In her latest role,

WHO'S WHO in Digital Shopper Marketing - Path to Purchase ...
CHAD MIZEE, Director,
Digital Marketing Strategy                      K                                           VICTORIA TYLINSKI,
                                                                                            Director of E-Commerce
Mizee leads digital strategy                    KELLOGG                                     With more than 10 years
for 18 Johnson & John-                                                                      of experience in areas of
                                                GAIL HORWOOD,
son consumer brands,                                                                        brand management and
                                                Senior Vice President,
including Johnson’s Baby,                                                                   e-commerce, Tylinski leads
                                                Integrated Marketing &
Listerine, Band-Aid, Tylenol, Zyrtec and                                                    Kimberly-Clark’s e-commerce IQ team.
                                                Brand Experience
Lactaid. He is responsible for digital me-                                                  The team is responsible for identifica-
dia, content, analytics, data strategy, e-      Horwood leads marketing                     tion and development of capabilities and
commerce and consumer experience.               transformation and the                      tools to drive digital marketing and
                                                brand-building and planning capability      e-commerce growth.
LISA SAATHOFF,                                  globally for the company. She oversees
Senior Shopper Marketing                        marketing data, media, digital, CRM, con-
Manager, Target Team                            tent, design, shopper marketing, retail     KOHL’S
With end-to-end path                            promotion and agency management.            CHERISE ORDLOCK, Senior Vice
to purchase experience,                                                                     President, Digital
                                                TRACEY LEWIS, Senior
Saathoff leads shopper
                                                Manager, E-Commerce
marketing across the J&J portfolio at
Target. She leads the creation of insight-
                                                Insights & Analytics                        KOHLER
based, omnichannel programs to drive            Lewis synthesizes propri-                   SHANE JUDD, Vice President –
growth, build brands and meet retailer          etary research, quantitative                Marketing, Kitchen and Bath Americas
objectives.                                     data sources and mar-
                                                ketplace trends to develop actionable
VICTORIA VARHALMI,                              hypotheses for marketing and retail part-   KRAFT HEINZ
Senior Manager,                                 ners in the e-commerce landscape.           KENT DECESARE, Senior Manager,
Shopper Marketing,                                                                          Digital Marketing/CRM
Club/Dollar/Specialty                           KEVIN SIDELL,
                                                Associate Director,
Varhalmi creates, cus-
tomizes, executes and
                                                Experience Planning                         KROGER
measures shopper marketing programs             Sidell is the experience                    MATT THOMPSON, Vice President,
that drive traffic, loyalty, conversion and     planning lead for several                   Digital Business
basket size at specific retailers (club, dol-   of Kellogg’s U.S. Morning
lar and specialty classes of trade). She        Foods brands, promotional events and
utilizes advanced marketing leadership
capabilities including best-in-class mes-
                                                shopper marketing activations.
saging, on and offsite media, search,           KEURIG GREEN                                L’OREAL
emerging shopper technologies and                                                           VIVIANNA BLANCH, Vice President,
social connections across J&J consumer
                                                MOUNTAIN                                    Integrated Consumer Communications,
brands.                                         MATT COLBY, Digital Marketing               L’Oreal Paris
                                                                                            MARNIE LEVAN, Vice President,
JOHNSONVILLE                                                                                Integrated Consumer Communications,
SAUSAGE                                         KIMBERLY-CLARK                              Maybelline New York
                                                MEG WAY EDGIN,
                                                Global Director, Integrated                 RACHEL WEISS, Vice President,
Marketing Manager
                                                Media IQ & Platforms                        Digital Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Plehn’s responsibilities are centered
                                                Edgin leads a team re-
around driving the Johnsonville brand
                                                sponsible for raising the
while delivering HICS (highest impact on
                                                integrated media & digital
                                                                                            LG ELECTRONICS
customer success). Her team does that                                                       ANGEL GRANT, Senior Manager,
                                                IQ of the global brand-building organiza-
by driving optimal shopper engagement                                                       Media & Digital Marketing
                                                tion. She leads the development of best
by delivering relevant integrated pro-
                                                practice, innovation and strategy in the
grams for its retail partners and working
                                                digital, media, social, mobile and CRM
to uncover barriers to purchase and drive
                                                space supporting all brands such as Hug-
brand conversion.                                                                           GIHAD JAWHAR, Vice President,
                                                gies, Pull-ups, U by Kotex and Kleenex.
                                                                                            Digital Development

                                                                                            MICHAEL RYAN, Director,
                                                                                            Digital Marketing & CRM

LUXOTTICA GROUP                               MEAD JOHNSON                                KYLE YEARICK, Vice President,
                                                                                          Trade Marketing
ERIC TASH, Senior                             NUTRITION
Manager, Digital and                          SHERILYN GARRARD, U.S. Operations
Social Media Marketing –                      Manager, Direct to Consumer                 MOHAWK INDUSTRIES
Pearle Vision                                 E-Commerce                                  AMY LUTZ, Director, Digital Operations
Tash helps lead national
and local digital initiatives
for the Pearle Vision brand in the U.S.,      MEIJER                                      MOLSON COORS BREWING
Canada and Puerto Rico. He comes from         MICHAEL ROSS,                               STEPHEN SURMAN, Head of Global
Prestige Brands where he was most             Vice President, Marketing                   Digital & E-Commerce Strategy
recently the company’s senior manager,        Ross leads the strategy
digital marketing.                            and vision for deepening
                                              customer engagement,
                                              personalization, loyalty and
M                                             advancing digital for the Grand Rapids,     NBC UNIVERSAL STUDIOS
                                              Michigan-based chain.                       JOSEPH EIBERT, Vice President,
MARS WRIGLEY                                                                              Global Digital Marketing
BILL DILLON, Senior Manager,
                                              MICHAELS STORES
E-Commerce/Digital Markets                    THOMAS HOEHN,                               NESTLE USA
                                              Vice President,                             GINGER WILSON,
HEIDI MACKEY, Senior Category                 Digital Marketing                           Shopper Strategist,
Manager                                       Hoehn leads Michaels’                       Best Practices
                                              digital marketing efforts                   Wilson leads shopper mar-
HANNAH MCKEE, Shopper Marketing               including social, search,                   keting best practices for
Manager                                       mobile app and website (home and land-      Nestle USA by providing
            See profile on page 10            ing pages).                                 thought leadership, best practices and
AMANDA ZAKY, Senior Manager,                                                              enablers that drive effective strategy,
                                                                                          digital engagement and activation across
Digital Media                                 MICROSOFT                                   more than 30 brands.
                                              RYAN MALLETT, Digital Marketing
MASCO                                         Manager, U.S. Retail
                                                                                          NORTHERN TOOL &
                                                              See profile on page 12
Vice President,
                                                                                          EQUIPMENT CO.
Digital Marketing                             MILLERCOORS                                 NATE MILLER, Vice President,
Singeetham is responsible                                                                 E-Commerce Marketing & Web Design
                                              BRIAN POKORNY,
for leading and driving dig-                  Precision and Digital
ital marketing, social me-
dia, CRM, promotions and e-commerce
                                              Pokorny leads digital                       P
initiatives for the Behr and Kilz paint and
primer brands.
                                              marketing efforts at                        PEPSICO
                                              MillerCoors, focusing
                                                                                          RISA ANDERSEN,
                                              on building out data capabilities and
                                                                                          Director, Digital
MASTER LOCK                                   infrastructure in order to more precisely
                                                                                          Shopper Conversion
                                              market to legal drinking age consumers.
MARTI GAHLMAN, Director,                                                                  Andersen leads digital
Digital Strategy                              JOSH WEXELBAUM, Senior Marketing            shopper conversion
                                              Director, Emerging Brands                   for PepsiCo’s Demand
                                                                                          Accelerator Team, building organizational
MATTEL                                                                                    digital marketing expertise and discipline
HADI ABRISHAMCHIAN,                           MOET HENNESSY                               within shopper marketing, and driving
Head of U.S. Amazon                           USA                                         digital innovation for PepsiCo’s portfolio
Shopper Marketing                                                                         in retail.
                                              ISABELA GABALDON, E-Retail
Abrishamchian leads all                       Manager, Southeast Region
Amazon U.S. shopper mar-
                                              Gabaldon leads digital commercial sales
keting and strategic sales
                                              efforts and works with the SE Region
planning across Amazon Toys & Games
                                              sales team along with distributor manag-
and Baby categories for all Mattel and
                                              ers/consultants to drive the company’s
Fisher-Price brands.
                                              digital visibility, e-commerce sales and
                                              performance with key retailers/chains in
                                              the fast-growing segment of online bev-
                                              erage alcohol sales.

Marketing Manager

         annah McKee was looking to get back
         to the U.S. after spending several years
         working in corporate marketing for
         Nestle in Santiago, Chile. She gained
experience in different functional areas includ-
ing brand, digital and social and sought a way
to broaden her marketing knowledge and skill
set. Once she realized she needed more expe-
rience on the retail side, shopper marketing
seemed like the perfect fit. The stars aligned
with a Mars Chocolate opportunity in Cincin-
nati, and she took it.
Please describe your current role and your
company’s digital initiative.
MCKEE: I am the shopper marketing man-
ager for key grocery accounts at Mars Wrig-
ley Confectionery. I am tasked with driving
growth during the four traditional seasons,
supporting new item launches and leveraging
retailer moments to contribute to overall sales
                                                                                                                                        Photo by Chris Cone
increases and category growth. Mars Wrigley
Confectionery has a large focus on digital as we have a number of              next big social media platform, many retailers are interested in
teams that work together to ensure the digital path to purchase                knowing what’s the next big thing (other than pricing promotions)
is covered from consumer to shopper including brand marketing,                 in the digital space. They know their shoppers are moving to the
shopper marketing and the digital commerce team. We regularly                  digital space to make their routine purchases, and retailers know
see high performance with digital, social and mobile tactics. We               they need CPGs to help them be on the cusp of what’s next with
are constantly testing and learning with retailers and third-party             their shoppers.
vendors to stay on the leading edge.
                                                                               How can brands take better advantage of the opportunities in
Can you share a recent example of your team’s work that                        digital?
stands out?                                                                    MCKEE: Brand teams should look to partner more closely with
MCKEE: In 2017, we launched one of our biggest innovations to                  their shopper marketing and sales counterparts to drive the most
date – M&M’s Caramel. The shopper marketing team was tasked                    awareness and relevance with the shopper at key retailers. Many
with customizing the national launch across our top channels and               retailers have their own digital toolboxes that CPGs can leverage.
retailers to bring unique excitement to each. In order to ensure a             If brand teams are willing to invest at strategic retailers, they may
cohesive look across the U.S., the brand team provided the shop-               see exponential results versus investing in the national, overarch-
per marketing team with select strategic assets. For the first time            ing reach plans. Also, we see a lot of overlap in the tools and tactics
ever, we drove synergies and created one brief that included the               each different marketing function might use to drive purchase in-
needs and requests of each key retailer. By doing this, we were able           tent. By working together with the brand teams, we can drive syn-
to pool our dollars and drive more efficient spends with our third-            ergies in shopper targeting and investment levels to ensure more
party vendors. We worked with our agency partners to customize                 bases are covered instead of overlapping spends and targeting with
plans based on each retailer’s look and feel, flighting times, digital/        mixed messaging.
mobile/social vendors used and more to ensure each retailer had
                                                                               How do you keep an ear to the ground in such an ever-
something special when they launched the new item. Overall, the
                                                                               changing digital landscape?
launch exceeded expectations and retailers were happy with the
                                                                               MCKEE: I download the latest mobile shopping apps to my phone,
level of customization and excitement they received to drive sales.
                                                                               get on social media and play around on retailer sites to keep pace
We plan to recreate this approach for key innovation launches in
                                                                               with how shoppers purchase these days. There are so many apps,
the future.
                                                                               retailers and information sources that it can be overwhelming, but
Where do you see digital shopper marketing headed in the                       having first-hand experience is the best way to come up with that
next few years?                                                                next big idea.
MCKEE: From augmented reality to artificial intelligence to the                                                                      — Institute Staff

DANA LAWRENCE, Senior                        and user experience insights that drive     RUST-OLEUM
Director of Marketing,                       strategy, deliver breakthrough shopping
Shopper Marketing                            experiences, and optimize initiatives for   LISA BIALECKI, Senior Director,
Programs & Digital Media                     CPG at the largest e-commerce retailers     Integrated Communications
Lawrence leads the                           in the industry.
development of shopper
marketing brand programs, including          ASHLEY DIAMOND, P&G Walmart                 S
                                             Team Associate Director –
Lay’s, Doritos, Cheetos, Ruffles, Stacy’s,
                                             Omnichannel Business                        SABRA DIPPING
Sunchips and Mountain Dew at PepsiCo’s
top 10 customers. She also oversees                                                      COMPANY
                                             BRUCE LUX, Global Digital &                 RYAN SAGHIR, Director,
digital media strategy and planning to
                                             E-Commerce Marketing Leader                 Digital Marketing
drive shopper conversion.
                                                                                         Saghir leads the digital
ELENA PARLATORE, Senior Director,
Consumer Experience                          R                                           strategic vision and leader-
                                                                                         ship at Sabra (a PepsiCo-
                                             REMY COINTREAU USA                          Strauss joint venture). He is
BRANDI RAY, Director of Marketing,                                                       responsible for the organization’s online
Ruffles                                      HEATHER BERGSTEIN,                          presence and identifying optimal go-to-
                                             Senior Director,                            market strategies across e-commerce,
PETSMART                                     Bergstein leads e-com-
                                                                                         digital media, influencer/PR and social
BRENT COOKE, Vice President of               merce strategy and initia-
Loyalty, CRM & Marketing Insights            tives for Remy Cointreau
                                             USA. She is focused on driving the          SC JOHNSON & SON
                                             e-commerce business across the Remy
PFIZER                                       portfolio of brands, developing channel-
                                                                                         ANDREW FRAILING, Director,
                                                                                         Shopper Marketing
BRYAN CHUPP, Director,                       specific activation strategies and pro-
Digital Marketing                            grams, cultivating retailer relationships
Chupp directs the digital                    and driving innovation through new          SCOTTS MIRACLE-GRO
marketing team that is re-                   partnerships, retail channels and e-com-    BILL LITFIN, Global Director,
sponsible for creating and                   merce opportunities.                        Digital and Content
executing digital strategies
for each PCH brand and launching capa-       REYNOLDS CONSUMER
bilities, technologies and best practices                                                SHERWIN-WILLIAMS
that lift performance of all the brands.     PRODUCTS                                    MEGHAN VICKERS, E-Business
                                             BRANDI PITTS,                               Marketing Director
                                             Vice President,
PHILIP MORRIS                                Marketing & E-Commerce
NICOLE BAUMSTARK, Senior Director,           Pitts is responsible for                    SOUTHEASTERN GROCERS
Digital & Marketing Services                 creating the e-commerce                     GEORGE SMITH, Director of Digital
                                             vision and growth strategy                  Marketing
                                             for the Reynolds Wrap and Hefty brand
PHILIPS                                      portfolios. She leads the organization’s
KELLY DOWNEY,                                online retail strategy, content develop-    STANLEY BLACK & DECKER
Vice President of                            ment, digital marketing and innovation      ROBERT ROSS, Vice President, Digital
Marketing Operations                         roadmap.                                    Product Innovation & Marketing
Downey is driving the evo-
lution of Philips NA into a
world-class leader in both                   ROBERT BOSCH                                T
digital and consumer care and market-        SONESH SHAH,
ing. She is responsible for the overall      Vice President, Brand                       TARGET
vision, strategy, operating plan, and ex-    Marketing & Digital                         LORI O’NEAL, Senior
ecution for Philips NA digital excellence,   Shah is responsible for all                 Director, Target Media
consumer care, creative services and         Bosch brand marketing ac-                   Network Sales & Strategy
shopper marketing.                           tivities and digital transfor-              O’Neal and her team are
                                             mation including IoT. His role allows him   responsible for partnering
                                             to be at the intersection of customer ex-
PROCTER & GAMBLE                             perience, brand building and technology.
                                                                                         with brands and agencies
                                                                                         to deliver relevant media solutions and
JORDAN DENTON,                               He previously held roles in e-commerce,     insights. She works with some of the na-
Shopper Insights                             sales, digital marketing, digital product   tion’s largest brands to evangelize the
Senior Manager, NA,                          development, and managed an interna-        power of leveraging rich data to drive
E-Commerce                                   tional brand marketing team.                impactful advertising outcomes.
Denton uncovers and ac-
tivates powerful shopper

Digital Marketing Manager,
U.S. Retail

          fter spending several years in mar-
          keting roles for startups and, most
          recently, a retail/brand-focused mar-
          keting agency in Seattle, Ryan Mallett
wanted to switch things up. His goal was to
work directly for a brand to challenge himself
further in the retail marketing environment.
With Microsoft headquartered nearby, Mallett
was able to find a perfect role through net-
working. He landed on the North American
consumer and device team supporting retail
partner channel marketing.
Please describe your current role and your
company’s digital initiative.                                                                                                   Photo by Jovelle Tamayo
MALLETT: As digital marketing manager, I
oversee online strategy and execution for the Office and Windows            How can brands – in general – take better advantage of the
categories across our key U.S. retail partner accounts. This in-            opportunities in digital?
cludes Best Buy, Amazon, Walmart, Costco, Office Depot, Staples             MALLETT: Digital marketing provides such a robust opportunity
and more. My focus is on setting and steering strategy while creat-         to meet your customers where they are, but often it seems like
ing best-in-class digital experiences through marketing programs            there is a lack of a cohesive strategy behind the tactics and mes-
and dot-com initiatives.                                                    saging put into market, making a campaign feel disjointed. A well-
                                                                            defined strategy is key to getting the most out of digital.
What are the goals of your overall team?
MALLETT: Put simply, we want to create the best customer expe-              What does omnichannel mean to you in your current role?
riences possible for our products through our retail partner sites.         MALLETT: It comes down to staying tuned into what our partners
Creating fans and delivering on our promise to help every person            are doing and understanding where their roadmap is taking us.
and organization achieve more are integral to what we do.                   That way we’re ready to partner at every opportunity to make our
                                                                            experiences as seamless and continuous as possible. I also stay con-
How does your organization promote digital innovation?                      nected with my visual merchandising counterpart to ensure that
MALLETT: We’re constantly working with our retail and agency                we’re aligned in our messaging between in-store and online and are
partners to drive new program opportunities and initiatives. We’re          constantly looking for new ways to connect the experiences.
encouraged to test and trial across new platforms to ensure that we
are staying on the cutting edge of digital innovation and constantly        What digital devices and services do you use most often, and
learning as we go.                                                          how much of an omnichannel shopper are you?
                                                                            MALLETT: I’m a huge fan of wearables and smart home solutions,
Can you share a recent example of your team’s work that                     even though I was skeptical at first. Turning up my home’s tem-
stands out?                                                                 perature before we arrive home from a weekend away or keep-
MALLETT: Over this past holiday, our team launched Windows                  ing an eye on home security directly from my mobile device is
Mixed Reality across our retail channels, which was a massive               extremely convenient. I’m almost strictly an online shopper these
executional effort across our digital, in-store, training and demo          days because it’s become so fast and easy. With that said, I do enjoy
teams to bring our story to market. We ran full-scale media cam-            the tactile nature of the in-store experience but truly do prefer the
paigns that drove awareness, increased purchase intent and deliv-           simplicity of the online experience.
ered foot traffic for assisted in-store demos.
                                                                            How do you keep an ear to the ground in such an ever-
Where do you see digital marketing headed in the next few                   changing digital landscape?
years?                                                                      MALLETT: The fast-paced nature of the digital landscape is some-
MALLETT: I’m excited to see what’s ahead, and it’s apparent that            thing I love but does make it a challenge to stay connected to the
modern technologies and trends will continue to shape the digital           constant evolution that is occurring when you’re executing on your
marketing landscape. I’m expecting to see more aggressive innova-           daily deliverables. I try to find focus time each week to read, watch
tion in voice, augmented reality and marketing automation with              and listen to industry news and events so I can stay educated and
artificial intelligence, along with continued growth in mobile, so-         plugged into what’s happening.
cial/influencer, personalization and video technologies.                                                                        — Institute Staff

DAVID PETERSON,                                                   ALICIA MOSLEY, Director, Shopper                                   WALGREENS
Vice President,                                                   Marketing
Target Media Network                                                              See profile on page 2                              JAY HUBER, Senior Director,
                                                                                                                                     Digital & Marketing
Peterson leads Target Me-
dia Network which offers                                          CHRISTOPHER WITTE,
                                                                  Vice President,                                                    MARK SCIORTINO, Divisional Vice
robust digital advertising                                                                                                           President, Brand Marketing Strategy &
solutions to Target’s vendor and brand                            Total Store Leadership
partners. TMN helps advertisers connect                           Witte is responsible for
with guests to discover the brands, deals                         leading and develop-
and products they love across Target.                             ing category leadership,                                           WALMART
com, mobile and other owned platforms                             shopper insights, shopper marketing                                DAVID LUEBKE, Director of Digital
as well as across Bullseye Marketplace,                           and shopper activation functions. He is                            Marketing
a curated group of premium publishers                             responsible for the creation of Tyson/
and social platforms.                                             Hillshire shopper and trip engagement in                           KELLY THOMPSON, Senior Vice
                                                                  protein, redeveloping Tyson’s industry-                            President, Chief Operating Officer,
BRENT ROSSO,                                                      leading suite of category leadership                               samsclub.com
Vice President,                                                   platforms, and the reinvention of the
Digital Media and Search                                          shopper marketing and shopper activa-
Rosso is responsible for                                          tion functions.                                                    WD-40
leading the strategy, ex-                                                                                                            AARON BERT, Director of Customer
ecution and optimization of                                                                                                          Marketing
digital media. He leads many of Target’s                          U                                                                  SHANNON EDWARDS, WD-40 Brand
core digital media functions, including
search marketing, affiliate marketing and                         UBISOFT                                                            Manager
Guest Access, Target’s next-generation                            PAUL AUDINO, Senior Manager,
marketing platform. He joined the com-                            Shopper Marketing                                                  PAIGE PERDUE, Senior Director,
pany in 2005 and has held several roles                                                                                              Digital Marketing & E-Commerce
within digital marketing.                                         LINDA MURPHY, Associate Director,
                                                                  Retail Marketing & Insights
TIME INC. RETAIL                                                                                                                     COLETTE MATTHEWS, Ph.D.,
CHRISTINE AUSTIN, Customer                                        W                                                                  Head of Global Innovation
Marketing Director
                                                                  WAKEFERN FOOD                                                      WILTON INDUSTRIES
HOLLY OAKES, Customer Marketing                                   KAREN GOZZI, Vice
Director/Brand Director, News & Sports                                                                                               SEAN FOOTE, Director of Digital
                                                                  President, Social Media,
                                                                  Digital Advertising &
TTI FLOOR CARE                                                    Content Creation
NORTH AMERICA                                                     Gozzi leads a team of 23                                           WONDERFUL CO.
                                                                  professionals who develop                                          JORDAN BASS, Senior
JIM DEITZEL, Senior Director,                                     original content for social media for local                        Director, E-Commerce
Digital Marketing                                                 and corporate pages, and paid digital                              Marketing – Fiji Water
                                                                  advertising. Her team was selected as
                                                                                                                                     Bass leads e-commerce for
                                                                  Social Media Team of the year in 2017 by
TYSON FOODS                                                       PR News Digital Awards.
                                                                                                                                     The Wonderful Co. brands,
KAREN DOAN,                                                                                                                          including Fiji water, Pom
Senior Shopper Marketing                                          STEVE HENIG,                                                       Wonderful, Wonderful Halos, and Justin
Manager                                                           Vice President, Digital                                            and Landmark vineyards. With his team,
For the past nine years,                                          Commerce & Analytics                                               Bass drives the strategy and execution
Doan has worked on the                                                                                                               of e-commerce marketing, account man-
                                                                  Henig’s career at Wakefern
company’s shopper mar-                                                                                                               agement and fulfillment.
                                                                  has included positions in
keting team with varied accounts. She                             the dairy, deli, grocery
has most recently managed Walmart                                 marketing, corporate merchandising and
and Sam’s for Tyson. She enjoys the digi-                         marketing divisions. He is responsible for
tal part of the job as it is always changing                      increasing e-commerce sales, developing
and something new to learn.                                       digital engagement strategies with cus-
                                                                  tomers, and leveraging data to uncover
                                                                  business insights.

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