WHERE THE LIONS ROAR: BOTSWANA - "Your best chance on a true Safari and Lion Experience!" - Gerrie ...

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WHERE THE LIONS ROAR: BOTSWANA - "Your best chance on a true Safari and Lion Experience!" - Gerrie ...
“Your best chance on a true Safari and Lion Experience!”

Tour 1: 7 - 14 August 2021
WHERE THE LIONS ROAR: BOTSWANA - "Your best chance on a true Safari and Lion Experience!" - Gerrie ...
2021 |               ROAR: BOTSWANA
PRICE: R19 500 PER PERSON SHARING                                  DATE: 7 - 14 August 2021

Botswana is by far my favourite destination on earth! At night by the flickering light of the camp fire, lions roaring in the distance whilst wildlife walk through
the campsite, I find my happy place.

Botswana is basically on our doorstep and much cheaper than the Serengeti. It also doesn’t get flooded with visitors and game is in abundance! We put a lot
of effort into this tour to give South Africans the opportunity to experience an authentic and unique safari. Our guides and partners are world-class, to make
sure that you experience nature at it’s best. Bring your ‘tribe’ along and explore destinations like the Okavango Delta, Savuti and Chobe with Leef jou Reis.

Everybody gathers at the Maun Lodge at 17h00 for a meet and greet over dinner. Our first night’s accommodation is at this extremely popular hotel.
Before we retire for the night we get to know each other over drinks and dinner. We share expectations whilst excitement is rising over our upcoming
adventure.Should you wish to view the Delta from an aeroplane (optional), we will gladly assist you with the arrangements.
WHERE THE LIONS ROAR: BOTSWANA - "Your best chance on a true Safari and Lion Experience!" - Gerrie ...
2021 |                ROAR: BOTSWANA
DATE: 7 - 14 August 2021

                                                                                       two lurking in the dense forest.

                                                                                       Game drives, crisscrossing Khwai and all along the Sable River, are avail- able in
It’s your last chance to fill up your vehicle with fuel and stock up on supplies, in
                                                                                       the mornings and evenings. During the day, we relax in the lazy winter sun back
case you prefer something stronger than coffee around a campfire. Maun offers
                                                                                       at camp. Bring a book or just watch the animals as they pass by.
all the necessities: from ATM’s to withdraw pula (their currency), to even a Wool-
worths Food! The Thamalakane River runs through town, so don’t be surprised
to see warthogs and elephants strolling through the streets!

The (optional) flight over the Delta departs in the morning - for those who            DAY 3 & 4: KHWAI – GAME DRIVES, RELAXING AND
booked a seat. We leave in convoy – around mid-day – heading for Khwai to be           MINGLING.
in time for our first game drive.

                                                                                       DAY 5: SAVUTI – PROBABLY THE MOST LEGENDARY
Our tents (with comfortable beds), as well as the outdoor showers will al- ready
be pitched upon arrival at the camp. Prepare yourself for a glamping experience
                                                                                       DESTINATION IN BOTSWANA.
of note! Pour yourself a gin, sit back and watch the game. Our game drive vehi-
                                                                                       It is here where the lions learned how to bring down elephants!
cles are well-equipped and extremely comfortable. You will feel like a Hollywood
                                                                                       The Savuti River and how it operates without the influence of rain, will have
                                                                                       you in awe. The animals adapted to both dry and wet conditions.

We stay over at our own private Khwai camp for 3 nights – you can’t get closer
to the wildlife. The camp is situated on the east side of the Oka- vango Delta,
formerly the tribal chiefs hunting grounds. It was eventually returned to the
community and is currently abunded with game. Don’t be surprised if wild dogs
bring down an impala in the middle of camp, or elephants saunter past you while
having a shower. If we are lucky, we might even see a leopard or a leopard or
WHERE THE LIONS ROAR: BOTSWANA - "Your best chance on a true Safari and Lion Experience!" - Gerrie ...
2021 |               ROAR: BOTSWANA
DATE: 7 - 14 August 2021

There are several waterholes but rest assure that we will visit most of them      baked bread prepared by our own private chef awaits us. This is something
to watch game.                                                                    to look forward to every day after the morning drive.

You will remember Savuti and the abundance of wildlife for the rest of your       DAY 7: CHOBE – DRIVING THROUGH THE CAPE TEAK
life. Sit back and enjoy your safari – the team has everything under control
                                                                                  FORESTS, HEADING FOR KASANE.
to give you an experience of a lifetime.
                                                                                  We are in the north of Botswana – home of the largest concentration of
                                                                                  elephants in Africa, with herds consisting of a hundred or more.
We camp for 2 nights in Savuti and go on several game drives.
                                                                                  Botswana, Zambia, Namibia and Zimbabwe join here, This is also the
DAY 6: SAVUTI – GAME DRIVES, MINGLING AND ENJOYING                                meeting point of the mighty Zambesi and Chobe rivers with the Chobe
NATURE.                                                                           being the major attraction. The Chobe River is actually the major attraction.
In the evenings, we light a huge camp fire and listen to the sounds of Savuti’s   We board a boat for a unique experience: a “water-safari”. Most people
nightlife. In the mornings, the coffee is already brewing on the fire. After      find this the highlight of the tour.
a mouth-watering breakfast we leave on yet another expedition. We have            Tonight we will overnight at the Sinyati camp on the outskirts of the town.
several coffee and rusk stops during the game drives to see us through the        We invite you to join us for a delicious “braai”. We won’t be camping
morning. Back at the campsite a delicious lunch complete with freshly             tonight, but stay over in their comfortable self-catering units with
                                                                                  wifi… yup, you are close enough to civilisation and can share photographs
                                                                                  with your loved ones at home.
WHERE THE LIONS ROAR: BOTSWANA - "Your best chance on a true Safari and Lion Experience!" - Gerrie ...
2021 |               ROAR: BOTSWANA
DATE: 7 - 14 August 2021

WHAT TO BRING ALONG?                                                             For peace of mind, get a sturdy recovery point installed, in case you get
Clothes and a spare set of undies … in case you get a fright seeing lions!       stuck somewhere. The Leef jou Reis vehicle is well-equipped to rescue
The meals are generous, however, feel free to pack snacks and of course,         you from any possible situation. Please discuss this with us should you still
your choice of beverage. Bring enough water and ice if you have a heavy          have any concerns. Also keep in mind: your vehicle will basically be your
hand… (Just kidding! Plenty available at all our destinations.)                  transport between camps. From there we use special game driving vehicles.

FNB ATM’s are freely available to withdraw cash with your visa card –            WHAT ELSE DO I NEED TO KNOW?
should you fancy to purchase gifts.                                              Although it’s winter and Malaria a low-risk, we still insist that you discuss
It’s always a good idea to pack a torch.                                         the risks with your doctor.

OUR ACCOMMODATION?                                                               A pair of trousers (slacks), a warm jacket and beanie for early morning
Most nights we will be camping … correction … glamping. We set up a              game drives and nippy evenings, are always a good idea. It’s warm enough
proper tent-camp. Tents are made of canvas and of high quality. You will         during the day for shorts. Pack a swimming costume – there might be a pool
be sleeping on a proper bed. Linen, duvets and towels will be provided. You      somewhere.
basically just move in and relax. Everything will be set up and operating –
compliments of our team. Hot showers will also be set up and the toilettes       Remember your medication, plus an anti-histamine for any allergy reaction.
are clean and practical … your dignity is not in jeopardy. (… However, having    A full tank of fuel should get you from Maun to Kasane, where you can fill
said that, please keep in mind: we are in nature, mostly remote destinations.)   up again.

WHAT IF I DON’T OWN A 4X4?                                                       We will create a whatsapp group closer to the time, to share important
As long as you own a reliable vehicle with sufficient ground clearance,          information.
you’re “A for away”. The team is constantly around to help where they can.
It is after all part of the excitement!                                          If your vehicle is financed, you need a letter of consent, from the relevant
                                                                                 bank, in order to cross the border.
WHERE THE LIONS ROAR: BOTSWANA - "Your best chance on a true Safari and Lion Experience!" - Gerrie ...
2021 |                ROAR: BOTSWANA
DATE: 7 - 14 August 2021

We also advice strongly to get travel insurance. Feel free to contact TIC –           contact Ruth +267 463 0713 or email krst@khamarhinosanctuary.org.bw.
telephone number 086 1490 100 – or contact your personal bank. Should                 Remember to be patient as Botswana is never in a rush. Closer to the trip
you wish to stay on longer, to maybe visit the Victoria Falls as well, we will        we start a whatsapp group with further information so please ensure all
gladly assist you with the arrangements.                                              your contact numbers are correct.
                                                                                      Step 3.
Please feel free to enquire about recommended accommodation between                   You can send us a whatsapp or voicemail at 082 923 3626 at any time if you
South Africa and Botswana, should you prefer to take on the journey over              have any questions. We are happy to help.
a couple of days.
WHAT TO DO NEXT:                                                                      7 - 14 August 2021
Steps to follow to secure your seat on the Where the Lions Roar: Botswana
- Tour 2                                                                              PRICE:
Step 1. Send your email address and cell number to:                                   R19 500-00 per person
bookings@gerriepretorius.co.za                                                        sharing.
Complete the booking form sent to you and email it back to us with a copy
of your passport and proof of payment of your deposit.
Step 2. This is a itinerary is in full detail and basically all the information you
will need. For group one , remember to book accommodation well in advance
should you not want to do the whole trip in one day to Maun. We always
use the Stockpoort border/ Parrs Halt post at Ellisras ( Lephalale) - a good
stay over is Khama Rhino Sanctuary - they have everything you might need ,
from a shop to a Restaurant. They are only accessible if you have a 4x4 due
to thick sand between the accommodation and waterholes. For enquiries
WHERE THE LIONS ROAR: BOTSWANA - "Your best chance on a true Safari and Lion Experience!" - Gerrie ...
2021 |              ROAR: BOTSWANA
DATE: 7 - 14 August 2021

• Unfortunately, our groups are not big enough to allow single supplements.
• The price includes all expenses, except the optional flight over the Delta,
  your beverages and gratuities for the staff, taking such good care of you.
• Deposit: R10 000 is immediately payable to ensure your booking on this
  extremely popular, always sold out trip.
• Complete the booking form and send it back with your proof of payment.

Please double check the correct reference number, either “BRUL1”:Name &
Surname (for the 1st trip) or “BRUL2”: Name & Surname (for the 2nd trip).

All correspondence should be accompanied with your name and surname
to make admin easier.

GJ Pretorius ABSA
Branch Code: 632 005
Account Number: 2078183449

Please send your proof of payment to: bookings@gerriepretorius.co.za. The outstanding amount is payable 60 days prior to departure and please
take note: deposits are non-refundable.
WHERE THE LIONS ROAR: BOTSWANA - "Your best chance on a true Safari and Lion Experience!" - Gerrie ...
                   Mobile: +27 82 923 3626
            Email: bookings@gerriepretorius.co.za
Website: www.gerriepretorius.co.za | www.goingplacesnow.com

    Leef jou Reis Vriende            @GerrieOfficial         @Gerriepret

                        Leef jou Reis met Gerrie Pretorius
WHERE THE LIONS ROAR: BOTSWANA - "Your best chance on a true Safari and Lion Experience!" - Gerrie ... WHERE THE LIONS ROAR: BOTSWANA - "Your best chance on a true Safari and Lion Experience!" - Gerrie ...
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