Ladies Only MGFC BILLFISH BABES 2019 - Mooloolaba Game Fishing Club

Page created by Roland Dixon
Ladies Only MGFC BILLFISH BABES 2019 - Mooloolaba Game Fishing Club

            Ladies Only
   Light Tackle Game Fishing Tournament
            Saturday, February 9, 2019          Steve ‐ 0418 715 685

 Meet & Greet Nibbles
 Fancy Dress Boat Parade
 Shotgun Start
 Exciting One‐Day Shootout
 Gala Presentation Dinner

An amazing Fiji Escape for
    two to be Won!
Ladies Only MGFC BILLFISH BABES 2019 - Mooloolaba Game Fishing Club
Billfish Babes 2019                                                         About the Tournament
GENERAL INFORMATION                              of the entry fee upon request. Additional        BOATS DEPARTING OTHER PORTS
                                                 days are at your own cost. (Early bookings       In the interest of creating atmosphere for
The Billfish Babes Game Fishing Shootout is
                                                 essential due to limited numbers). Please        the event we request all boats participate in
hosted by the Mooloolaba Game Fishing
                                                 observe Marina rules at all times, be            the start and depart from Mooloolaba Port.
Club Inc (MGFC). It is a light tackle tag and
                                                 respectful to other residents at the marina.
release tournament which is open to female                                                        FISHING DAY & TIMES
anglers (Babes) only who are members of          Call Game Base on channel 15 or 21 or
Q.G.F.A or the G.F.A.A.                          phone Steve Turner on 0412 679 488 for
                                                 berth allocation as you arrive in the marina.     Meet outside Coast Guard ‐ 6:15am
                                                 FACILITIES                                        Boat Parade ‐ Between 6:15‐6:45am
MGFC President: Steve Dahl
                                                 Tags are required to gain access to the           Shotgun Start ‐ 7:00am
 Mob.     0418 715 685
                                                 facilities and the Marina. Tags will be           Start Fishing – 8:00am
 Email.           available as you arrive & on briefing night. A
                                                                                                   Cease fishing 4:00pm
MGFC Secretary: Chris Dickinson                  fee of $50 will be charged which will be
                                                 refunded upon departure. Please see a            SKED TIMES
 Mob.     0437 337 996
                                                 committee member to collect your tag.            10.03am, 1:03pm, 3:33pm. (Overtime
 Email.                                                                 permitted)
Join our Facebook Group for regular updates                                                       SKEDS
                                                 All boats and Babes must be registered and
or visit
                                                 paid by 5pm, Saturday February 2.                RADIO SKEDS VHF 21 only. Competing boats
TOURNAMENT ENTRY                                 Tournament brochure and entry form are           sheets. Skeds will be called on VHF 21 only.
$120      for Senior Babes                       available on and our club        WEATHER AND BREAKDOWN
$50       for Junior Babes                       Facebook Group. Direct bank transfers can
                                                 be made to Mooloolaba Game Fishing Club.         No allowance will be made for fishing time
$100      for fixed Calcutta                                                                      lost due to bad weather or breakdowns. The
                                                  BSB: 124 001.                                   tournament committee reserves the right to
$50        each non‐fishing crew (dinner
ticket only)                                      Account Number: 10560883.                       cancel or postpone the tournament due to
                                                 Please use Babes or boat name as                 bad weather. If due to bad weather fishing is
$50       for extra dinner tickets which
                                                 description in your payment. Please make         cancelled, the tournament will be postponed
must be pre‐paid with Tournament Entry on
                                                 cheques payable to Mooloolaba Game               to the backup date of February 23.
or before Friday briefing night.
                                                 Fishing Club & post to PO Box 1115               BOAT LENGTH
Included in your entry is:                       Mooloolaba 4557. There will be no credit         For the purpose of this tournament, boat
  Friday Evening Meet & Greet 6:30pm            card facilities available.                       length overall is to be determined from the
   (finger food included. Cash bar)              CALCUTTA                                         measurement taken from the bow,
  Saturday Evening Gala Presentation            There will be a $100 fixed Calcutta for boats    (excluding bowsprit) to stern (excluding
   Dinner                                        entering the tournament.                         outboard pods). This measurement will be
  Tournament Cap                                                                                 used to determine under 7 metres or 7
                                                                                                  metres and over categories.
  Tournament Bags (one per boat)                Presentation of trophies will be at a Gala
  R.E.D Levy                                    Dinner downstairs at the Wharf Tavern
                                                 beside the public bar, February 9 from 7pm.      Weigh‐ins will be conducted at the
LUCKY ANGLER / ENTRY PRIZE ELIGIBILITY                                                            Commodores Wharf, The Yacht Club on
                                                 We will serve a 3 Course (entrée, main &
  must be financial for the tournament          dessert).                                        Saturday February 9 from 4.30pm ‐ 5:30pm.
  must be a financial QGFA Member                                                                All anglers must remain with the weigh
                                                 Extra Presentation Dinner tickets are $50
                                                                                                  master during weighing and recording. Fish
  must be a competing angler                    and must be pre‐paid with Tournament
                                                                                                  may be weighed outside these hours by
                                                 Entry on or before Friday briefing night.
  must attend the Presentation                                                                   arrangement only. All edible fish may be
                                                 BOAT PARADE                                      gilled and gutted. A 10% allowance will be
Crew not included in prizes draw.
                                                 Babes are encouraged to decorate their           made for any fish gilled and gutted. No fish
                                                 boats and dress in fancy dress for a colourful   are to be left at the weigh station. Points will
The tournament will be fished to G.F.A.A.        Boat Parade through the Channel and into         be deducted for infringements. (Record
rules. Anglers MUST be a current financial       Mooloolaba Bay. Prizes are awarded for the       claim fish must be intact)
member of a club affiliated with either          best dressed boat. Boats are to meet outside     ACTIVITY SHEETS, TAG CARDS AND
G.F.A.A or Q.G.F.A. All anglers may be asked     the Coast Guard building by 6am for the          CAPTURE FORMS
to provide proof of current membership.          Boat Parade to begin at 6:15am. Each Boat
                                                                                                  Daily activity sheets, tag cards and capture
Special ‘tournament only’ membership of          will be given a number in order for the
                                                                                                  forms are to be delivered to the
Mooloolaba Game Fishing Club is available        judges to identify each boat. Boats will leave
                                                                                                  weighmaster’s hands by 5:30pm Saturday
to anglers in this tournament. A fee of $20      the harbour in numerical order.
                                                                                                  February 9 or points will not be awarded. No
must be paid before February 2. The Club         SHOTGUN START                                    points will be awarded unless tag cards and
reserves the right to refuse entry to any
                                                 The Billfish Babes Game Fishing Shootout         activity sheets are filled out correctly and
                                                 features an exhilarating shotgun start at 7am    the tackle has been delivered and checked
MARINA BERTHS                                    from Mooloolaba Bay. Boats are not               by the weigh master.
MGFC will include a marina berth for Friday      permitted to leave the harbour before
and Saturday (subject to availability) as part   6:15am.
Ladies Only MGFC BILLFISH BABES 2019 - Mooloolaba Game Fishing Club
Billfish Babes 2019                                                                   Rules & Regulations
FISHING TACKLE                                                                     G.F.A.A. EQUIPMENT AND ANGLING REGULATIONS APPLY.
The tournament Weighmaster will perform random tackle                              1.    Each team will consist of no more than 6 anglers and no less than 2.
                                                                                   2.    There will be 1 line category fished, 8kg only for light tackle Billfish
inspections. Any team found to be using non‐conforming equipment
                                                                                         (light tackle points 7500). Light tackle zone is in less than 150m of
will be disqualified of any points.
DISPUTES COMMITTEE                                                                 3.    It is acknowledged that some skippers may also be anglers in which
A disputes committee comprising of members of a minimum of two                           case will have equal fishing time and opportunity as the other
competing clubs will hear protests, provided they are submitted in                       anglers.
writing no later than 2 hours after cease fishing on the day of alleged            4.    A maximum of 2 predetermined rods set with either lures or natural
                                                                                         dead bait may be in use at any one time by a single angler.
infringement. The committee’s decision is final and no further
                                                                                         (Clarification: 1 angler may not be on strike with more than 2
discussion will be entered into.
                                                                                         predetermined rods at any stage while trolling lures or natural dead
FISHING GROUNDS                                                                          bait).
Between a line running due East from Double Island Point and a line                5.    A maximum of 1 predetermined rod set with live bait may be in use at
running due East from Point Lookout.                                                     any one time by a single angler. (Clarification: 1 angler may not be on
                                                                                         strike with more than 1 predetermined rod at any stage while live
SPEED LIMITS                                                                             baiting). The rod must not be handled by others including pitch
Whilst steaming within the confines of the Mooloolaba Harbour, the                       baiting or setting.
speed limit of 6 knots must be observed.                                           6.    In regards to rules 4 and 5. There must also be equal fishing “time”
                                                                                         and “opportunity” for each angler. (Clarification: no one angler can
                                                                                         maintain strike more than another).
Diesel and ice are available at Chippo’s Fuel Supplies.Chippo’s Fuel               7.    Skippers may maneuver the boat to assist anglers.
Supplies (Diesel) Phone: 0427 002 908Browns (Unleaded)Phone                        8.    Boat crews are not permitted to assist anglers in any other way than
Steve Turner on 0412 679 488 for fuel bookings                                           to tag and release or capture fish as per GFAA rules.
VENUE                                                                              9.    Hookups that go into overtime are permitted on Saturday only but
                                                                                         must be radioed into game base prior to cease fishing.
The Mooloolaba Yacht Club, Parkyn Parade Mooloolaba.                               10.   Only NSW DPI Billfish tags are to be used, failure to use the correct
VENUES                                                                                   tags will result in zero points being allocated for that fish. It is the
                                                                                         responsibility of each competing team to provide their own tags. No
Friday Evening Meet & Greet at the Mooloolaba Yacht Club Location.                       points will be allocated for weighed billfish.
Upstairs from Rice Boi at The Wharf, Mooloolaba.                                   11.   Capture points are as follows: fish weight x 100 divided by line class.
Saturday Evening Gala Presentation Dinner at The Wharf Tavern,                           Fish may be gilled and gutted and a 10% allowance will be made for
besides the public bar, Mooloolaba.                                                      this. However potential record claims must be presented intact.
                                                                                   12.   Other species: a limit of 2 fish of any one species per angler per day.
TROPHIES                                                                                 Any fish to weigh must be equal to or greater than line class. Eligible
  Champion Senior Babe                                                                  species are limited to: Yellowfin Tuna, Longtail Tuna, Cobia, Mahi
                                                                                         Mahi, Spanish Mackeral, Wahoo. Queensland Bag /Possession limits
  Champion Junior Babe
  Champion Other Species Babe                                                     13.   Any tied trophy will be awarded to the angler or team recording their
  Champion Boat 7m and Over                                                             points total first.
                                                                                   14.   The tournament committee will decide all trophy winners, that
  Champion Boat Under 7m                                                                decision will be final. The club reserves the right to review the
  Champion MGFC Boat                                                                    awarding of any trophy if a contravention of the fishing rules
                                                                                         becomes apparent.
  Best Decorated Boat                                                             15.   No fishing including bait fishing will be allowed prior to start fishing.
  Last Billfish Tagged                                                                  It is presumed that teasers are also fishing gear and may not be
  Encouragement Award                                                                   deployed before start fishing.
                                                                                   16.   Any protests are to be lodged on the day of the alleged incident. In
  Greenie Award                                                                         the event of a protest a group will be formed from visiting clubs
                                                                                         representatives and they will determine the merit of any such protest
                                                                                         based on majority vote.
                                                                                   17.   Anglers MUST be a current financial member of a club affiliated with
                                                                                         either G.F.A.A or Q.G.F.A. All trophy winners may be asked to provide
                                                                                         proof of current membership. The club reserves the right to refuse
                                                                                         entry to any person.

Mooloolaba Game Fishing Club Inc. Reserves the right to refuse any application to participate in this tournament.

By entering the Tournament, all Competitors, Crew and Spectators agree to indemnify and hold MGFC harmless from and against any costs, damages,
expenses, legal fees and disbursements, claims, liabilities, actions, and causes of action thereon arising from or related to any claim or threatened claim by
any person or entity arising from or related to the performance of the Tournament. All Competitors, Crew and Spectators agree that all limitations or
exclusions of MGFC's liability, shall extend to and be for the benefit of those individuals and entities MGFC retains for performance of the Tournament,
including but not limited to MGFC's officers, committee, directors, volunteers, partners and employees. Competitors, Crew and Spectators further agree they
shall make no claims or take any proceedings whatsoever directly against MGFC's officers, committee, directors, volunteers, partners and employees,
whether the claims arise in contract, tort or otherwise, and whether covered by insurance.
Ladies Only MGFC BILLFISH BABES 2019 - Mooloolaba Game Fishing Club
Billfish Babes 2019                                                          Entry Form
 Vessel Name

 Boat Make

 Length                                                      Radio VHF

 Boat Entry / Theme

Boat Contact Details
 Skippers Name
 Insurance Company
 Insurance Policy Number                                                                      Expiry Date

Team Details
     Angler                                  Name                                     Club               Snr / Jnr             NOTE:
     Babe 1                                                                                                                You must be a
     Babe 2                                                                                                              financial member

     Babe 3                                                                                                              of a Club affiliated

     Babe 4                                                                                                               with the QGFA to

     Babe 5                                                                                                              allow entry to the
All onboard safety remains the responsibility of the owner / skipper.
By Signing this entry form you authorise Mooloolaba Game Fishing Club to take photos and videos of you doing the tournament which can be used
by the club for ongoing promotional purposes.

Entry Fee Details (GST inc.)
 Senior Babes                                       x $120 each
                                                                             Signed (Team Captain)
 Junior Babes                                        x $50 each

 Temporary Membership                                x $20 each                                  Date

 Crew (Dinner Ticket only)                           x $50 each                      Phone Number

 Presentation Dinner (extra guests)                  x $50 each
                                                                          Online & Cheque Payments only (no Credit Card facilities).
 Calcutta                                    $100 per boat           Please make cheques payable to Mooloolaba Game Fishing Club and
                                                                                  post to PO Box 1115, Mooloolaba, 4557
      TOTAL PAYABLE to MGFC              $

                                                                                Account Name:           Mooloolaba Game Fishing Club
              Please use boat name in e‐payment as reference.
                                                                             Account Number:            BSB 124 001 | A/C 1056 0883

Email entry forms:                      to ‐                           Chris Dickinson             – 0437 337 996
For further information:                please contact MGFC President ‐                      Steve Dahl                  – 0418 715 685
Billfish Babes 2019   Tournament Sponsors
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