The Clubhouse Breakfast and After School Provision Parents Handbook 2020-2021 - Lime Tree Primary

Page created by Joel Mcbride
The Clubhouse Breakfast and After School Provision Parents Handbook 2020-2021 - Lime Tree Primary
The Clubhouse

                        Breakfast and After School Provision

                             Parents Handbook 2020-2021

Lime Tree Primary, South Bank Terrace, Surbiton KT6 6DG

Tel: 0208 390 9544


Head teacher: Sue Hawker

Tel: 07939427926

Updated April 2020

1.     The Clubhouse Aims and Commitment....................................................................................................................... 2
2.     TERM DATES – 2020-2021 ........................................................................................................................................... 3
3.     Opening Times............................................................................................................................................................. 4
4.     Fees ............................................................................................................................................................................. 4
5.     Sickness ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4
6.     Absence due to sickness.............................................................................................................................................. 5
7.     Change of Days/ Cancellation ..................................................................................................................................... 5
8.     Early Pick Ups/ After School Clubs .............................................................................................................................. 5
9.     Drop off and Pick up .................................................................................................................................................... 5
10. Collection..................................................................................................................................................................... 5
11. Personal Records ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
12. Food............................................................................................................................................................................. 6
13. Staff ............................................................................................................................................................................. 6
14. Behaviour .................................................................................................................................................................... 6
15. Complaints Procedure ................................................................................................................................................. 6
Home/Clubhouse Agreement ............................................................................................................................................. 8

            1.                       The Clubhouse Aims and Commitment

            Our Club’s Aims:-

           All children will be nurtured so that they enjoy coming to the club, and feel happy and safe while they are
           Every child is full of potential and deserves to be set high expectations of progress and behaviour.
           All children have the right to be treated with respect, and to learn about their rights and responsibilities so
            that they can make a positive contribution to society.
           All children have the right to be included and to succeed.
           Every child is unique; difference and diversity are welcomed and celebrated.
           All children will learn how to keep healthy and how to stay safe.
           Extend children’s learning.
Our Club is committed to meeting the needs of the parents/carers by:

      Listening and responding to their views and concerns.
      Keeping them informed of our policies and procedures, including opening times, and programmes of
      Sharing and discussing their child’s achievements, experiences, progress and friendships, along with any
       difficulties, which may arise.

       2.      TERM DATES – 2020-2021

INSET DAYS to be confirmed

  Autumn Term 1                                                  Half Term
  Wednesday 2nd September 2020
  to Friday 23rd October 2020                                    Monday 26th October 2020 to
                                                                 Friday 30th October 2020
  INSET DAY – school closed to children
  Wednesday 2nd September 2020

  Autumn Term 2                                                  Christmas Break

  Monday 2nd November 2020 to Friday 18th December 2020          Monday 21st December 2020 to Friday 3rd
  (school closes early at 1.30pm – No afternoon Clubhouse)       January 2021

  Spring Term 1                                                  Half Term

  Monday 4th January 2021 to Friday 12th February 2021           Monday 15th February 2021 to Friday 19th
                                                                 February 2021

  Spring Term 2                                                  Spring Break

  Monday 22nd February 2021 to Wednesday 31st March 2021         Thursday 1st April 2021 to Friday 16th April 2021

                                                                 (Good Friday 2nd April and Easter Monday
                                                                 Monday 5th April)

  Summer Term 1                                                  Half Term
                                                                 Monday 31st May 2021 to Friday 4th June 2021
  Monday 19th April 2021 to Friday 28th May 2021

  (including bank holiday on 3rdMay)
Summer Term 2                                                  Last day of term - Friday 23rd July 2021

Monday 7th June 2021 to Friday 23rdJuly 2021

(school closes early at 1.30pm – No afternoon Clubhouse)

     3.      Opening Times

   Breakfast club from 7.45am to 8.35am. Breakfast stops being served from 8.15am.

   After school club from 3.15pm to 6pm. Light snack is served.

     4.      Fees

   Breakfast club: £6/session (£5.5 for siblings)

   After school club: £14/session (£13 for siblings)

   For term bookings, fees must be paid by the first session your child/children starting the club.

   Failure to do so will result in your child not being accepted at the Club. Please note that when using childcare
   vouchers or doing bank transfers, funds can take up to 5 days to reach our account.

   Fees can be paid by bank transfer or through a childcare voucher scheme. Fees must be paid half-termly before
   the first day of your child attending the club. PLEASE DO NOT PAY VIA PARENTPAY.

   Bank transfer can be made to Lloyds Bank, Sort Code: 30-98-62, Account Number: 26545160. We also accept
   childcare vouchers and are set up with a number of childcare vouchers providers – please email to obtain the registration number of your chosen provider.

     5.      Sickness
   Children with any form of contagious illness will not be admitted. Should a child be taken ill during a session,
   the parent or guardian will be informed immediately and will be expected to collect him/her. In the event of an
   accident requiring urgent medical attention, the child will be accompanied to hospital by a member of staff and
   the parent/guardian informed immediately. Medication will only be administered in accordance with the
   school’s policy on the administration of medication which is available on request.
6.      Absence due to sickness
If your child does not attend school they are not permitted to attend the Clubhouse on that day. Please note
that no refund will be made if your child is sick.

7.      Change of Days/ Cancellation
We understand that parents’ circumstances may change and that you may require to swap days. Should you
need to change the days your child normally attends, please give as much warning as possible and at least six
weeks’ advance notice. We will try to accommodate your request if there is availability. Please note that we
cannot do ad hoc changes.

We ask that you give 6 weeks’ notice if your child will not be returning to the club; this is so that places may
be filled where necessary. If you do not, you may still be charged for the sessions.

Please note that you book your child’s place for the full year. If your child does not attend the Clubhouse on
days you have previously booked and been invoiced for, there will be neither refund nor reduction in fees.

8.      Early Pick Ups/ After School Clubs
If you will be picking up your child(ren) from the club earlier than the end of the session, this will not impact
on the cost of the session. Also, if your child attends after school clubs, this will also not impact on the cost of
the sessions.

9.      Drop off and Pick up
The entrance to the Clubhouse is located by the side gate (by the scooter racks) accessible from either Oak
Hill or the Health Centre. There is a bell on the gate for you to let staff know that you are waiting.

10.     Collection
Children can only be released to named adults unless prior notification by the parent(s) has been given on the
phone. In the event that you are unavoidably detained and unable to collect your child(ren) on time, please
advise our staff by telephone as soon as you can. A late collection penalty charge of £10 will be applied for
collection between 6.00pm and 6.15pm and thereafter £10 for every 15 minutes that you are late.
Recurrent lateness may see your child lose their place completely.

All penalty fees must be paid directly to that member of staff when you collect your child(ren). In accordance
with current legislation, should there be no contact from parents after 2 hours, Social Services will be
11.     Personal Records
 It is required that all parents/ carers complete the Clubhouse Parent Pack before the children start their
 session. The emergency contact details must be up to date at all times and it is the responsibility of the
 parent/carer to notify the school of any changes in details as soon as possible.

 Please ensure that the people listed as the emergency contacts are reachable between the hours of 7.45am
 and 6pm.

 12.     Food
 For breakfast, the children will be offered cereals, toast, yogurt and fruit. Milk and water will be available.

 In the afternoon, between 4.30-5.00pm the children will be provided with a light snack. This will vary from
 cheese and biscuits, to pasta and wraps. Fruit and crudités will also be available when the children arrive at
 the club. Water will be available to drink. Once a term, the children will have the treat of a “film club night”
 where the children will watch an age appropriate blockbuster film and have pizza. The day will change every
 term in order for every child to participate. We also cater for children with differing dietary needs such as
 vegetarians or those who cannot eat certain foods due to religious or cultural reasons. We ensure ALL staff
 members know of any children who have dietary intolerances or allergies.

 13.     Staff
 Our experienced and friendly play workers provide a safe and supportive environment. Our staff team will be
 kept consistent wherever possible to provide a more stable environment for the children. All our staff are
 aged 18+ and have been DBS checked. The Ofsted Registration standards ensure that we operate within their
 guidelines and a ratio of staff to children is recommended at 1:8 for children under 8 years of age and 1:10 for
 children above 8 years of age. We aim for a ratio of 1:8 for all children.

 14.     Behaviour
 We expect the children to follow the school’s behaviour policy and reserve the right to exclude children from
 the club should they not follow the policy. Parents and children are asked to sign an agreement Following
 three serious behavioural incidents, children will be excluded permanently from the Clubhouse.

15.      Complaints Procedure
 Any problems should be discussed in the first instance with the After School Co-ordinator who will make
 every effort to address the grievance. Should the problem remain unresolved it should be raised with the
 Headteacher either in writing or by requesti\ng an appointment within 7 days. The matter will be investigated
 and the outcome advised to you in writing within 2 weeks of receipt.

 If the outcome is still unsatisfactory the school’s complaints procedure should be followed. This is available on
 request and the Complaints and Enforcement Department at OFSTED can also be contacted at the National
 Business Unit, Royal Exchange Buildings, St Ann’s Square, Manchester, M2 7LA, Telephone 08456 404040.
Home/Clubhouse Agreement

Our Home/Clubhouse Agreement sets out the partnership between parents/carers and staff to benefit the
educational development of each child.


The Clubhouse is run by Lime Tree Primary School and exists to provide high quality out-of-school hours
childcare for our parents. It provides a range of stimulating and creative activities in a safe environment. We
expect the children the children to follow the club’s rules which are in line with the school’s.


Whilst attending the club children are expected to:

      Use socially acceptable behaviour.
      Respect one another, accepting differences of race, gender, ability, age and religion.
      Choose and participate in a variety of activities.
      Ask for help if needed.
      Enjoy their time at the Club.

Positive behaviour is encouraged by:

      Staff acting as positive role models.
      Praising appropriate behaviour.
      Sticker rewards.
      Informing parents about individual achievements.

Dealing with inappropriate behaviour

      Challenging behaviour will be addressed in a calm, firm and positive manner.
      In the first instance, if necessary, the child will be temporarily removed from the activity.
      Staff will explain why the behaviour displayed is deemed inappropriate.
      Staff will encourage and facilitate mediation between children to try to resolve conflicts through
       discussion and negotiation.
      Staff will consult with parents to formulate clear strategies for dealing with persistent inappropriate
If after consultation with parents and the implementation of behaviour management strategies, a child
continues to display inappropriate behaviour, the Club may decide to exclude the child. The reasons and
processes involved will be clearly explained to the child and their parent/carer.

Clubhouse Before & After School Club Agreement

Parent section:

I …………………………………………parent/carer of ………………………………………….. have read and accept the
Clubhouse handbook policy and agree to abide by the terms there in.

I accept that I am the ‘contracting parent’ for the above child and agree to make payments before the start
of the first session of every half term.

I understand that should my child display unacceptable behaviour, he/she will lose their place after 3

The sessions in this contract are 7.45am – 8.35am and 3.15pm – 6.00pm.

Parent Signature ……………………………………

Print name ………………………………………….

Date ……………………………………

Child section:

I …………………………………………… agree to:

      Listen carefully to instructions from the adults from the Clubhouse
      Keep the Clubhouse/school rules and behave well
      Demonstrate a healthy body, brain and heart
      Be polite and helpful to other children and all adults
      Take good care of the Clubhouse/school environment and resources

I understand that I must respect the adults in charge, my fellow friends and the resources from the
Clubhouse. I understand that if I do not abide by the rules, I may not be allowed to attend the Clubhouse.

Signed …………………………………………………………..on behalf of the Clubhouse

Print Name ………………………………………………. Date ……………………….
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