WRITING LONG TERM PLAN 2020 - 2021 - Dorchester Primary ...

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WRITING LONG TERM PLAN 2020 - 2021 - Dorchester Primary ...
      2020 - 2021

       Dorchester Primary School
WRITING LONG TERM PLAN 2020 - 2021 - Dorchester Primary ...
Long Term Plan: Writing                                                                                                              Academic Year 2020 - 2021

                                                                                     Year 1
Curriculum                        Autumn                                                   Spring                                                        Summer
  Topic                        After Dark                                 In a Land Far, Far Away                                           Enchanted Seaside
 Narrative    Stories with predictable                Key Texts:         Traditional Tales - Fairy                Key Texts:
                                                                                                                                           Adventure Story
                                                                                                                                                                             Key Texts:
                      phrasing                                                    tales
                Write simple sentences using                              Write a re-telling of traditional                          Create a simple piece of narrative
              patterned language, words and                              stories using a chosen version of                             based on an adventure using
             phrases taken from familiar stories                            The Princess and the Pea.                                 inspiration from the texts ‘The
             using the text ‘A Dark, Dark Tale’      Owl Babies by
                                                                                                                                     Rainbow Fish’ and ‘The Snail and
                                                     Martin Waddell        Character Description                                                The Whale’.
                                                                        Using the key text ‘The Lion Inside’,
                                                                        create character descriptions for the                                                              The Rainbow Fish
                                                                                Lion and the mouse.                                                                        by Marcus Pfister

Non-Fiction Labels, lists
                 and                Report                                        Instructions                                        Recount          Explanation
               captions                             A Dark, Dark Tale
               Write labels,      A simple non-      by Ruth Brown        Following a practical experience                            Write simple     Draw pictures to
                 lists and        chronological                          write up the instructions for ‘How                            first person        illustrate a
                                                                                                                                                                           The Snail and The
              captions using      report with a                         to take care of a Princess’ using the                        recounts based     simple process      Whale by Julia
             images from the         series of                          key text ‘The Princess and The Pea’                            on personal        and prepare         Donaldson
               key text ‘Owl       sentences to                                    as inspiration.                                   experience e.g.          several
                  Babies’.       describe aspects                                                                                    ‘A Day at The        sentences to
                                  of the subject                                                                                          Beach’.         support the
                                                    The Fox and The
                                    ‘Nocturnal                                                                                                            explanation
                                                     Dark by Alison
                                  Animals’ using         Green                                                  The Lion Inside by                       ‘How to stay
                                   the key text                                                                   Rachel Bright                        safe in the sun’.
                                  ‘The Fox and
                                   The Dark’ as
  Poetry                   Poetry                                                     Poetry
              Appreciation/Understanding                                 Appreciation/Understanding                                       Vocabulary Building
                         Structure                                                  Structure
               Recite familiar poems by heart                             Recite familiar poems by heart                             Read, write and perform rhyming
WRITING LONG TERM PLAN 2020 - 2021 - Dorchester Primary ...
Long Term Plan: Writing                                                                                                                                    Academic Year 2020 - 2021

                                                                                                   Year 2
Curriculum                               Autumn                                                                  Spring                                                              Summer
  Topic                                                                               In a Land Far, Far Away                                                        Enchanted Seaside
                                      After Dark
Narrative         Stories with familiar                          Key Texts:           Traditional Tales - Fairy                          Key Texts:
                                                                                                                                                                    Adventure Story
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Key Texts:
                         settings                                Once Upon an
               Use a familiar setting (school) taken from                            Write an alternative version of a traditional                           Create a piece of narrative based on an
               the key text ‘Once upon a school day’ to                              story using the key text ‘The Pea and The                                adventure on the seas using ‘The man
                           write a new story                                                          Princess’.                                            Whose Mother was a Pirate’ as inspiration

               Traditional Tales - Fairy                                                         Diary Entry                           The Pea and The           Setting Description                        The Man Whose
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Mother was a
                        tales                                 Ordinary School Day                                                      Princess by Mini
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Pirate by
                                                              by Colin McNaughton                                                            Grey
              Write an alternative version of a traditional                         Write in the different perspectives of the Lion,                        Using the illustrations in the wordless text,   Margaret Mahy
              story using the key text ‘Jack and the Baked                             Little Red and Grandma to explore the                                 Journey, the children will write detailed
                               Beanstalk’                                            feelings of each of the characters over the                             descriptions of the settings the little girl
                                                                                                duration of the story.                                                          visits.

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Journey by Aaron
                                                              Jack and The Baked                                                                                                                                 Becker
Non-Fiction        Letter             Instructions             Beanstalk by Colin                     Report                           Little Red and the
                                                                                                                                       Very Hungry Lion
              Write a letter to one   Write a set of based         Stimpson            Write a non-chronological report on                                  Produce an explanation on an animal using
               of the characters            instructions                             Humpty Dumpty’s fall and how he was                                      inspiration from the key text ‘The Blue
               from the key text       including diagrams                               repaired, sorting and categorising                                  Whale’ flowchart, ensuring content is clearly
               ‘The Dark’ telling        linked to the key                                                                                                    sequenced with a series of sentences to
                                                                                    information into coherent structure using
                 Laszlo why he          text ‘The Dark’ on                                                                                                            support the explanation
              shouldn’t be afraid     ‘How to make Glow
                                                                                        the key text ‘After The Fall: How
                  of the dark                  Jars’.                                 Humpty Dumpty Got Back Up Again’.

                                                                                                                                        After The Fall:                                                      The Blue Whale
                                                              The Dark by Lemony                                                         How Humpty                                                         by Jenni Desmond
                                                                    Snicket                                                            Dumpty Got Back
                                                                                                                                       Up Again by Dan

  Poetry                   Poetry                                                                Poetry
                Appreciation/Understanding                                            Appreciation/Understanding                                                   Vocabulary Building
                         Structure                                                             Structure
Long Term Plan: Writing                                                                                                                   Academic Year 2020 - 2021
                Explore and appreciate a chosen poet                             Explore and appreciate Calligrams                                Read, write and Calligrams

                                                                                          Year 3
Curriculum                             Autumn                                                          Spring                                                     Summer
                                         Hull                                                  Egyptians                                                    Stone Age
Narrative       Setting
                                                           Key Texts:
                                                                                                                         Key Texts:
                                                                                                                                                       Play scripts
                                                                                                                                                                                        Key Texts:
              Using the key text     Write a new fable                          Write a diary entry using the key                            Using the key wordless text ‘Mr
                ‘Leon and The        to convey a moral                         text ‘Black Dog’ as inspiration (e.g                        Wuffles’ as inspiration the children will
                Place Between’        inspired by ‘The                        different perspectives of each family                          turn the story into a play script.
               the children will         Tin Forest’                             member/how Small feels when
                write a setting                                                           going outside)
                 description of                          Leon and the Place                                            Black Dog by Levi                                                On a Magical
                                                            Between by                                                      Pinfold
                  ‘The Place                              Grahame Baker
                                                                                                                                                                                       Do-nothing Day
                   Between’.                                                                                                                                                             by Beatrice
Non-Fiction                                                                   Persuasion                                                       Non-
                                                                                                                                                                  Persuasion -
                         Instructions                                          -Adverts             Explanation                            Chronologica
                                                                               (Scripts)                                                     l Report
              After reading ‘How to wash a woolly                              Using the key         Using the key                            Children will             Write a        Mr Wuffles by
              mammoth’ write a set of detailed and       The Tin Forest by     text ‘Traction           text ‘The                             write a non –        persuasive letter   David Weisner
               comical instructions on how to treat        Helen Ward          Man’ children        Chocolate Tree’                           chronological       using the key text
                   animals of a child’s choice.                               will design their      as inspiration     The Chocolate           report on           ‘On a Magical
                                                                                                                        Tree by Linda
                                                                               own toy and            children will      Lowrey and         emotions child         Do-nothing Day’
                                                                                produce an                write         Richard Keep       using the key text      on spending less
                                                                                  advert to         explanations on                          ‘Little Mouse’s      time on electronic
                                                                                 encourage          how chocolate is                           Big Book of            devices and
                                                                              people to buy it            made                                     Fears’           playing outside    Little Mouse’s
                                                                                                                                                                        instead.        Big Book of
                                                          How to wash a                                                                                                                Fears by Emily
  Poetry           Poetry Appreciation/                  woolly mammoth          Poetry Appreciation/                                                                                      Gravett
                     Understanding                                                 Understanding                                                Vocabulary Building
                        Structure                                                     Structure
Long Term Plan: Writing                                                                                                                    Academic Year 2020 - 2021
                 Recite familiar poems by heart                                  Explore and appreciate haiku,           Traction Man is    Read, write and perform haiku, Tanka
                                                                                                                        Here by Mini Grey
                                                                                  tanka and kennings poetry                                          or kennings poetry

                                                                                          Year 4
Curriculum                           Autumn                                                         Spring                                                       Summer
                                     Hull                                                     Egyptians                                                     Stone Age
Narrative        Fantasy              Warning
                                                           Key Texts:
                                                                                                    Myths and              Key Texts:                                                   Key Texts:
                                                                                                     Legends                                               Diary
                 Narrative            Narrative                                Narrative
              Using the key text       Using the key                         Using the key text    Using the key text                          Using the key text ‘The Viewer as
                 ‘Flotsam’ the         text ‘The Day                            ‘The Story of        ‘Ancient Egypt                          inspiration the children write a diary
               children write a      the Ocean went      Flotsam by David    Tutankhamun’ the      tales of Gods and                        (as the main character) about finding      The Viewer by
               fantasy inspired          Away’ as             Weisner            children will        Pharaohs’ the                          a mysterious object and its effect on      Gary Crew
                                                                                                                           The Story of
              story inspired by      inspiration write         -Smith        create a historical       children will      Tutankhamun                      the finder.
                  the pictures       a warning story                          narrative based         create a myth         by Patricia
              developed by the         about plastic                          on the discovery          around the
                      boy.               pollution                             of an Egyptian        Egyptian Gods

Non-Fiction    Persuasion-
                                                           The Day the
                                                                                   Persuasion-Adverts                                       Explanation
                                                                                                                                                                  Newspaper              The Night
                                                         Ocean went away                                                                                                                Gardener by
                 Letters                                 by Volvo Car UK                                                                                           Report             George Pelecanos
              Write a persuasive      Consider and                           Using the key text ‘The Dam’ children                            Using the key          Write a
                                                                                                                           Ancient Egypt
              letter using the key    write different                           will write persuasive adverts to           Tales of Gods    text ‘The Rhythm    newspaper report
               text ‘Duffy’s Lucky      sides of an                          encourage people to learn a musical           and Pharaohs         of Rain’ as       using the key
                   Escape’ on           argument,                                          instrument                                           inspiration      text ‘The Night
              recycling, reducing          create                                                                                              children will      Gardener’ as
                  and re-using          conclusion                                                                                                 write        inspiration about
                     plastic.          summarising       The True Story of                                                                   explanations on       mysterious          The Rhythm of
                                      reasons using       The Three Little                                                                   the water cycle     events that are      Rain by Grahame
                                                         Pigs Jon Scieszka                                                                                                              Baker-Smith
                                       the text ‘The                                                                       The Dam by                              happening
                                      True Story of                                                                       David Almond                           throughout the
Long Term Plan: Writing                                                                                                                            Academic Year 2020 - 2021
                                          The Three Little
                                                                 Duffy’s Lucky
  Poetry            Poetry Appreciation/                         Escape by Ellie
                                                                                         Poetry Appreciation/
                      Understanding                                 Jackson                Understanding                                                Vocabulary Building
                         Structure                                                            Structure
                   Recite familiar poems by heart                                       Explore and appreciate riddles                                Read, write and perform riddles

                                                                                                  Year 5
Curriculum                              Autumn                                                                Spring                                                         Summer
                                          WW2                                                                   Asia                                                         Romans
Narrative         Journey
                                                                  Key Texts:
                                                                                              Fantasy Narrative
                                                                                                                                      Key Texts:        Thriller               Myths and               Key Texts:
                  Narrative                                                                                                                            Narrative                Legends
                Using the key text      Children will write as                      Using the key text ‘Journey’, the children will                   Develop skills of      Reflect on the main
              ‘The Promise’, children        either of the                         write a fantasy story about being transported to                      building up            character of the
               will create a journey    Barleycorns, detailing                      a mysterious new land and facing the dangers                   atmosphere in writing      myths and legends
                  story linked to        their emotions after                                            there.                                    e.g. passages building        from different
                someone changing         numerous events of                                                                                         up tension using the    viewpoints. Re-tell the   The Spider and
               their actions in order        the key text                                                                                           text ‘The Spider and      story from several      The Fly by Tony
                     to help the              ‘Greenling’        The Promise by                                                                          The Fly’ as        different perspectives       Diterlizzi
                   environment.                                   Nicola Davies                                                                           inspiration         using the key text
                                                                                                                                                                               ‘Greek Gods and

Non-Fiction    Persuasion -
                                          Biography                                  Discussion               Chronological                               Journalistic Writing
                  Letter                                                                                         Reports
Long Term Plan: Writing                                                                                                                               Academic Year 2020 - 2021
             Using the events from    Children will write a                        Using the events of        Using the key text      Journey by          Using the events of the text ‘Hansel and
                   the key text       biography based on                           the story Goldilocks      ‘The Ugly Five’ the     Aaron Becker        Gretel’ the children should write about the
              ‘Greenling’, children      Amy Johnson.                             and The Three Bears,      children will produce                      experiences of the children, interviewing them
                will write to Mrs                                                                             non-chronological                       for their opinion using formal language for the
                                                                                  the children will write
                  Barleycorn to                                                                              reports on some of                        journalistic writing and information language
             persuade her to give                                                 a balanced argument,         Africa’s ugliest                                    for the reported speech.
               the baby a chance.                                                    arguing whether               animals.
                                                              Greenling by Levi
                                                                   Pinfold           Goldilocks was a                                                                                                   Greek Gods and
                                                                                    neglected child or                                                                                                  Heroes by Sylvie
                                                                                  whether she was just a                             The Ugly Five                                                       Baussier and
                                                                                   petty thief using the                               by Julia                                                             Almasty
                                                                                   Roald Dahl poem as                                 Donaldson

  Poetry               Poetry Appreciation/                                                  Poetry Appreciation/
                         Understanding                                                         Understanding                                                  Vocabulary Building
                            Structure                                                             Structure
                     Recite familiar poems by heart                                       Explore and appreciate cinquains                                  Read, write and perform cinquains
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Hansel and Gretel
                                                                                                                                                                                                           by Antony
                                                                                                                                     Goldilocks and                                                         Browne
                                                                                                                                    The Three Bears
                                                                                                                                     by Roald Dahl

                                                                                                 Year 6
Curriculum                            Autumn                                                                 Spring                                                             Summer
                                         WW2                                                                   Asia                                                             Romans
Narrative                                                       Key Texts:             Thriller                 Setting              Key Texts:                                    Mystery                Key Texts:



             Warning Story                  Diary


                                                                                      Narrative               Description                                                          Narrative
Long Term Plan: Writing                                                                                                                                      Academic Year 2020 - 2021
                   Using the themes         The children will use                         Using the structure of    Using inspiration from                                       The children will have
                    from the book          the events of the text                          ‘The Water Tower’,       the book ‘Jumanji’ and                                         the option to pick
                    Varmints about        ‘Tuesday’ and the key                           the children will write     supporting film clips,                                        one of the many
                     destruction of       timings of the book to                             their own thriller      the children will write                                      scenarios from the
                environments through      write a Diary entry as                         involving a mysterious      a detailed description                                           key text ‘The
                   colonization, the         one of the humans                            object and its unseen          of a key scene.                                          Mysteries of Harris
                 children will write a      from the story who      Varmints by Helen   influence on those who                                                                    Burdick’ in order to
                 warning story linked      witnesses the events.                               encounter it.                                     The Water                          create their own
                 to the potential ruin                                                                                                         Tower by Gary                      mystery narrative.
                 of habitats to inspire                                                                                                            Crew                                                   The Mysteries of
                people to change their                                                                                                                                                                    Harris Burdick by
                         ways                                                                                                                                                                                Chris Van
Non-Fiction       Persuasion -
                                           Explanations                                            Journalistic Writing
                     Letter                                                                                                                                                         Biography
                                                                    Tuesday by David
                 Children will use the    Using the text ‘Until I                       Using the key text ‘The Island’ children will write     Jumanji by                          The children will
                key text ‘Natures Tiny    Met Dudley’ children                            a Newspaper Report using both formal and               Chris Van                          prepare an auto
                   Miracle: Bees’ to      will write explanations                          informal language choices appropriately to             Allsburg                           biography for
                persuade people to do      for the items in the                             inform inhabitants of the island about the                                           transitional purposes.
                  more to help Bees.               book.                                                     ‘arrival’.
                 Use links to the KS2
                  2018 SATs paper
                  Non-Fiction Text.
                                                                     Nature’s Tiny
                                                                    Miracle: Bees by
  Poetry                Poetry Appreciation/                                                     Poetry Appreciation/                          The Island by
                            Understanding                                                           Understanding                              Armin Greder         Vocabulary Building
                               Structure                                                               Structure                                Until I met
                     Recite familiar poems by heart                                         Explore and appreciate free verse                   Dudley by      Read, write and perform free verse

                     Non-Fiction                                             Year 1                  Year 2                  Year 3                 Year 4           Year 5              Year 6                  Total
              Labels, lists and captions (NF)                                     X                                                                                                                                  1
                       Recount (NF)                                               X                                                                                                                                  1
                     Instructions (NF)                                            X                       X                        X                                                                                 3
Long Term Plan: Writing                                          Academic Year 2020 - 2021
          Persuasion – Adverts (NF)                    X    X                                2
     Discussion/Balanced Argument (NF)                      X         X                      2
  Newspaper Report/Journalistic Writing (NF)                X         X          X           3
               Biography (NF)                                         X                      1
             Autobiography (NF)                                                  X           1
           Persuasion – Letter (NF)                X   X    X         X          X           5
        Non-chronological Report (NF)          X   X   X              X                      4
               Explanation (NF)                X   X   X    X                    X           5

     Stories with Predictable Phrasing (F)     X                                             1
             Traditional Tales (F)             X   X                                         2
           Adventure Narrative (F)             X   X                                         2
          Character Descriptions (F)           X       X                                     2
           Setting Descriptions (F)                X   X                         X           3
      Stories with Familiar Settings (F)           X                                         1
                Playscripts (F)                        X                                     1
                   Diary (F)                       X   X    X         X          X           5
                  Fables (F)                           X                                     1
            Fantasy Narrative (F)                           X         X                      2
            Myths and Legends (F)                           X         X                      2
            Warning Narrative (F)                           X                    X           2
            Historical Narrative (F)                        X                                1
       Mystery/Suspense Narrative (F)                                            X           1
            Journey Narrative (F)                                     X                      1
             Thriller Narrative (F)                                   X          X           2
                    Total                      9   9   10   10        10         9
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