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KINGS AND SCRIBES Be one of the first to explore Kings and Scribes, opening in 2019. Thanks to funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund, a new three-level exhibition space in the South Transept will reveal Winchester Cathedral’s rich and fascinating history whilst offering awe-inspiring views across the Cathedral. There will be three spectacular new exhibitions to explore, including The Scribe’s Tale, The Birth of a Nation and Decoding the Stones. Marvel at some of the Cathedral’s most precious treasures, including all four volumes of the Winchester Bible, whilst discovering over 1,000 years of history. www.winchester-cathedral.org.uk
WELCOM E Winchester Cathedral is one of the finest medieval cathedrals in Europe and we have been welcoming visitors and worshippers for almost one thousand years. Today, over 300,000 visitors come to Winchester Cathedral each year to share in our worship, explore our heritage and enjoy our varied programme of services and events. We hope you will be inspired by this What’s On Guide and we look forward to welcoming you to Winchester Cathedral. OPENING HOURS Normal opening hours for sightseeing are from 9.00am – 5.00pm Monday – Saturday and 12.30pm – 3.00pm Sunday. Please note, owing to special services and events, temporary closures may be necessary. Please check the website before making a special visit. ADMISSION Adults: £8.50 | Seniors: £6.50 | Students: £5 Children under 16 (with family): FREE | Audio tour: £3 extra B O O K I N G I N F O R M AT I O N Bookings for events can be made online, by phone, or in person. Booking fees will apply unless bookings are made in person at the Box Office. W I N C H E S T E R C AT H E D R A L B OX O F F I C E Visitors’ Centre, The Close, Winchester SO23 9LS Open: 10.00am – 4.00pm Monday – Friday and 11.00am – 3.00pm Saturday 01962 857 275 | box.office@winchester-cathedral.org.uk www.winchester-cathedral.org.uk F R I E N D S O F W I N C H E S T E R C AT H E D R A L Tickets for Friends’ events are available in person from the Friends’ Office, 2 The Close, Winchester SO23 9LS. Call 01962 857 245 or email friends@winchester-cathedral.org.uk. G RO U P E N Q U I R I E S Adult groups – 01962 857 225 Children’s groups – 01962 857 224 3
WO R SH I P You are warmly invited to join us for worship at Winchester Cathedral. There is no charge to attend services or for those wishing to pray privately or light a candle. Service and prayer times may change. Please check the service schedule on the website for up-to-date information. R E G U L A R S E RV I C E S Weekdays & Saturdays 7.40am Morning Prayer 8.00am Holy Communion 12 noon Holy Communion – Thursdays and Saints’ Days only 5.30pm Evensong – usually Choral Sundays 8.00am Holy Communion 9.45am * Choral Mattins 11.00am * Sung Eucharist – normally followed by coffee 3.30pm Choral Evensong 6.00pm Taizé – monthly, as advertised *On certain Sundays there is a 10.00am Sung Eucharist, followed by coffee. On these Sundays, Morning Prayer is said at 7.35am. 4
SPECIAL SERVICE S S U N DAY 6 JA N UA RY, 1 1 . 0 0A M F E S TA L E U C H A R I S T F O R T H E E P I P H A N Y S U N DAY 2 7 JA N UA RY, 3 . 3 0 PM E V E N S O N G F O R H O L O C AU S T M E M O R I A L DAY T U E S DAY 2 9 JA N UA RY, 5 . 3 0 PM EVENSONG FOR OPEN EVENING S AT U R DAY 2 F E B R UA RY, 5 . 3 0 PM F E S TA L E U C H A R I S T A N D P R O C E S S I O N F O R T H E P R E S E N TAT I O N O F C H R I S T I N T H E T E M P L E S U N DAY 1 0 F E B R UA RY, 1 1 . 0 0A M E U C H A R I S T F O R E D U C AT I O N S U N DAY W E D N E S DAY 6 M A R C H , 5 . 3 0 PM A S H W E D N E S DAY S U N G E U C H A R I S T AND IMPOSITION OF ASHES W E D N E S DAY 3 A P R I L , 3 . 3 0 PM H O M E L E S S N E S S S E RV I C E For Holy Week and Easter services please see p.6 S U N DAY 1 9 M AY, 9. 4 5A M C H O R A L M AT T I N S F O R M AYO R A L S U N DAY T H U R S DAY 3 0 M AY, 5 . 3 0 PM F E S TA L E U C H A R I S T F O R T H E A S C E N S I O N S U N G BY T H E W I N C H E S T E R C AT H E D R A L C H A M B E R C H O I R S U N DAY 2 J U N E , 3 . 3 0 PM F E S TA L E V E N S O N G T O M A R K T H E 2 0 T H A N N I V E R S A RY OF THE GIRLS’ CHOIR S AT U R DAY 8 & S U N DAY 9 J U N E T H Y K I N G D O M CO M E W E E K E N D O F E V E N T S A N D S E RV I C E S F O R P E N T E CO S T T H U R S DAY 1 3 J U N E , 7. 3 0 PM S H I P P I N G F E S T I VA L S E RV I C E F R I DAY 1 4 J U N E , 5 . 3 0 PM E V E N S O N G A S PA R T O F T H E TAV E N E R F E S T I VA L T H U R S DAY 2 0 J U N E , 5 . 3 0 PM F E S TA L E U C H A R I S T F O R CO R P U S C H R I S T I S AT U R DAY 2 9 J U N E , 6 . 0 0 PM O R D I N AT I O N O F P R I E S T S S U N DAY 3 0 J U N E , 1 0 . 0 0A M O R D I N AT I O N O F D E ACO N S 5
SERVICE S DU R I N G H O LY WEEK S U N DAY 1 4 A P R I L PA L M S U N DAY Procession from the Great Hall at 10.00am (weather permitting) followed by Sung Eucharist in the Cathedral at 10.30am. T H U R S DAY 1 8 A P R I L M AU N DY T H U R S DAY 11.00am Sung Eucharist with Blessing of Oils (Diocesan Chrism Eucharist) 7.00pm Sung Eucharist of the Last Supper A commemoration of the Last Supper, including a foot washing ceremony and concluding with the stripping of the altars, and the watch by the altar of repose. F R I DAY 1 9 A P R I L G O O D F R I DAY 12 noon – 3.00pm The Three Hours A three-hour service to mark Good Friday, with prayers and talks followed by silence, concluding with the Liturgy of Good Friday at 1.30pm. 5.30pm Evensong for Good Friday SAT U R DAY 2 0 A P R I L E ASTE R EVE 7.30pm Easter Eve Vigil Vigil followed by the First Eucharist of Easter at 8.00pm, with Renewal of Baptismal Vows and Confirmation. S U N DAY 2 1 A P R I L E A S T E R DAY S E RV I C E S 8.00am Holy Communion with Blessing of the Easter Garden 10.00am Choral Mattins 11.15am Sung Eucharist 3.30pm Choral Evensong 6
GU I D ED TOU R S A walk around the Cathedral takes you through 1,000 years of history and one of the best ways to explore is with a Cathedral Guide. R EGUL AR TOURS These tours are a great introduction to the Cathedral, its history and treasures, available on the hour from 10.00am – 3.00pm Monday to Saturday. Admission fees apply. AU D I O T O U R Voiced by actor David Suchet, this flexible tour allows you to explore the Cathedral in your own time. It includes music by the Cathedral Choir. A £3 surcharge applies. FREE CHILDREN’S TR AIL This illustrated trail provides a fun and active way to explore the Cathedral. Discover its rich and fascinating history and find out about some of the characters and major historic events that have helped to shape our nation. C RY P T T O U R Explore one of the oldest parts of the Cathedral. The crypt provides a stunning setting for Antony Gormley’s sculpture Sound II. Tours run at 10.30am, 12.30pm and 2.30pm, Monday – Saturday (not available when the crypt is flooded). Tickets available from the Entrance Desk – no extra charge. T OW E R T O U R Climb up to the tower and see fantastic views of Winchester. See the ringing chamber and the great cathedral bells and walk the full length of the nave roof. See the website for tour times and availability. Tickets £7, available from the Entrance Desk in the Cathedral. SPECIAL TOURS Enjoy a special tour, focusing on different aspects of the Cathedral’s history, with tea / coffee and cake on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month from February – October. Tickets £15, available from the Cathedral Box Office. 7
TH E FR I EN DS O F WI N CH E STER CATH ED R AL All tickets for these events are available via the Friends’ Office. Call 01962 857245 or email friends@winchester-cathedral.org.uk to book tickets and find out more about becoming a Friend. T U E S DAY 2 2 JA N UA RY, 2 . 3 0 PM , PAU L WO O D H O U S E S U I T E REV’D CANON NICK FENNEMORE: “LIFE AS A CHAPLAIN FOR THE NHS” Nick has spent 33 years of his ministry working for the NHS as a chaplain and so has a wealth of stories and experiences of working in acute hospitals, hospices and the community. Tickets are £8 for friends and £10 for non-friends. W E D N E S DAY 1 3 F E B R UA RY, 2 . 3 0 PM , PAU L WO O D H O U S E S U I T E D R C I N DY WO O D, L E C T U R E R I N M E D I E VA L H I S TO RY AT T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F W I N C H E S T E R : “ T H E C AG E C H A N T R I E S O F W I N C H E S T E R C AT H E D R A L 1 3 6 6 TO 1 5 5 5 ” This talk will explore the largest group of these uniquely English late medieval monuments. These chantries, all founded by bishops, will be explored as survivors of a lively belief in Purgatory and how to mitigate its expected horrors in this period up to their Dissolution, under Edward VI, in 1555. Tickets are £8 for friends and £10 for non-friends. T H U R S DAY 1 4 M A R C H , 7. 0 0 PM F O R 7. 3 0 PM , PAU L WO O D H O U S E S U I T E S O P H I E H AC K E R : “ S TA I N E D G L A S S W I N D OWS – T H E C R E AT I V E P RO C E S S ” Sophie will explain how a new stained glass window comes into being. From initial brief to site visits, converting the preliminary sketches into a full design, choosing the glass colours and presenting the theology of the window to the client, this fully illustrated talk will explain all the processes with several examples of her own work. Tickets are £8 for friends and £10 for non-friends. VA R I O U S DAT E S , 1 0 . 3 0A M , T H E U N D E R C R O F T F R I E N D S ’ CO F F E E M O R N I N G S Join us in the Undercroft and meet other Friends, old and new. 18 January, 15 February, 15 March, 12 April, 17 May, 21 June. 8
E VENTS AT TH E R EFEC TO RY All tickets for these events are available from the Refectory. Call 01962 857 258 or email myevent@winchestercathedral.events T U E S DAY 5 M A R C H , T H E R E F EC TO RY PA N C A K E S P E C I A L S Indulge in sweet and savoury pancakes, on sale in our Refectory. SAT U R DAY 24 M A R C H , 1 1 . 0 0A M – 3 . 0 0 PM GARDEN MARQUEE W E D D I N G FA I R Meet over 15 local exhibitors at this ‘secret garden’ themed Wedding Fair. Free entry, with an arrival drink included. S U N DAY 3 1 M A R C H , 1 2 N O O N – 3 . 0 0 PM PAU L WO O D H O U S E S U I T E M OT H E R I N G S U N DAY C A RV E RY Enjoy a delicious Sunday Carvery including a small gift for mum. Tickets: £17.95pp for two courses, £8.95 for children 12 and under. Pre-booking and deposit required. S U N DAY 2 1 A P R I L , 12 N O O N – 3 . 0 0 PM PAU L WO O D H O U S E S U I T E E A S T E R S U N DAY FA M I LY C A RV E RY Treat yourself to a delicious Sunday Carvery including a small Easter gift for the children. Tickets: £17.95pp for two courses, £8.95 for children 12 and under. Pre-booking and deposit required. T H U R S DAY 9 M AY, 7. 0 0 PM – 1 0 . 0 0 PM PAU L WO O D H O U S E S U I T E “ F O R T H E LOV E O F G I N E V E N I N G ” An evening for those that love all things Gin! Our menu will cleverly incorporate gin into the dishes, served with matching gins. Tickets: £35pp. Pre-booking and deposit required. S U N DAY 1 6 J U N E , 12 N O O N – 3 . 0 0 PM GARDEN MARQUEE FAT H E R ’ S DAY B B Q Enjoy a tasty BBQ to celebrate Father’s Day. Tickets: £17.95pp for two items, salads and dessert (£8.95 for children 12 and under). Pre-booking and deposit required. 9
JANUARY SATURDAY 19 JANUARY, 12NOON & 1.00PM SURROUND SOUND IV Index Cantorum returns to give a truly immersive a cappella musical performance. Music includes works by Tomás Luis da Victoria, and other masterpieces from the Renaissance and 20th century. Surround Sound IV is the launch of the Lunchtime Recital programme for 2019. Admission is free, with a retiring collection in aid of the Cathedral Music Fund. WEDNESDAY 23 JANUARY, 3.30PM LIVE BBC RADIO 3 EVENSONG Join us for a special Evensong with Winchester Cathedral Choir, recorded live by BBC Radio 3. Please be seated by 3.15pm. TUESDAY 29 JANUARY, 6.30PM OPEN EVENING Join us for Winchester Cathedral’s Annual Open Evening. Meet the staff and volunteers who work in every aspect of the day-to-day running of the Cathedral, from stonemasons to flower arrangers, to the ‘holy dusters’ and the bell ringers. Free admission – refreshments will be available. 10
FEBRUARY SATURDAY 9 FEBRUARY, 2.30PM GIRLS’ CHOIR OPEN AFTERNOON AND EVENSONG An opportunity for any girls aged 10 to 12 to explore the possibility of becoming a girl chorister. There is a chance to sing with the current girl choristers and take part in Evensong in the Cathedral at 5.30pm. More information and application forms are available from choirs@winchester-cathedral.org.uk WEDNESDAY 20 FEBRUARY, 10.00AM & 1.00PM HALF TERM FAMILY ACTIVITIES: FASCINATING FOLK Pick up a free trail from the Entrance Desk and follow it around the Cathedral. End the trail at the craft table to make finger puppets. Suitable for children aged 4 to 11 years. Free on entry to the Cathedral – admission is free for under 16s. Children must be accompanied by an adult. THURSDAY 28 FEBRUARY, 7.00PM, WESSEX CENTRE PROFESSOR BILL LUCAS – ‘LEARNING: A GAME OF TWO HALVES’ The learning sciences are giving us exciting insights into how we learn. These lessons can be applied at school, university or college and throughout life. In this lecture Bill Lucas will explore the research, explode some myths and reflect on how 8-year-old and 80-year-old learners are both similar and different! Professor Bill Lucas is Director at the Centre for Real-World Learning, University of Winchester. Tickets £5 available online or at the Cathedral Box Office. 11
MARCH TUESDAY 5 MARCH, 12NOON – 2.00PM, OUTER CLOSE THE INAUGURAL WINCHESTER PANCAKE RACE Twenty teams, including clergy and councillors, will be tossing pancakes as they compete for a trophy awarded for the team that completes the course in the fastest time. There will be pancakes and refreshments on sale. Proceeds and collections will go to Winchester Cathedral and Winchester Rotary for local charities. A joint venture sponsored by Winchester Cathedral and Winchester Rotary. MONDAY 11 MARCH, 7.00PM, NAVE PROFESSOR ALISTER MCGRATH – ‘THE BIBLE: HOW CAN WE GET THE MOST OUT OF IT?’ This talk reflects on how best we can read the Bible, focussing especially on the gospels and letters of the New Testament, but opening up some wider questions. How important is the Bible? How can it help us shape our thinking and living? How can reading this text help us reflect on God and ourselves during this period of Lent? Professor Alister McGrath is Andreas Idreos Professor of Science and Religion at the University of Oxford. Tickets £5 available online or at the Cathedral Box Office. SATURDAY 16 MARCH – SUNDAY 31 MARCH INSPIRED BY OUR CATHEDRAL A multi-media visual arts project by GCSE students at Kings School, inspired by Winchester Cathedral. The artwork will be exhibited in various locations throughout the Cathedral. SATURDAY 23 MARCH, 7.30PM SOUTHAMPTON PHILHARMONIC CHOIR – MONTEVERDI VESPERS Southampton Philharmonic Choir present this jewel of the early Baroque in the magnificent setting of Winchester Cathedral. Performing alongside them are the Southampton University Philharmonic Choir, the choir of The Pilgrims' School, and the Corporation of Musick, a cornett and sackbut ensemble dedicated to recreating the sounds and styles of the music once heard in the royal courts, churches and streets of Renaissance and Baroque Europe. Tickets £12 – £34 available online or from the Cathedral Box Office. 12
TUESDAY 26 MARCH, 7.00PM, NAVE PROFESSOR ALISTER MCGRATH – ‘ATONEMENT: HOW DO WE MAKE SENSE OF THE CRUCIFIXION?’ The death of Christ is central to the Christian faith and is the major focus of our Good Friday commemorations. So what does it mean and how does it illuminate the Christian life? This lecture explores the various ways in which Christians have understood the meaning of the crucifixion and what each of these brings to our understanding of Christ and ourselves. Professor Alister McGrath is Andreas Idreos Professor of Science and Religion at the University of Oxford. Tickets £5 available online or at the Cathedral Box Office. SATURDAY 30 MARCH, 7.30PM THE WAYNFLETE SINGERS – MENDELSSOHN’S ELIJAH Winchester Cathedral welcomes a choir from its north-eastern partner, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. The Newcastle Bach Choir will join with the Waynflete Singers to perform Mendelssohn's great oratorio, Elijah. The Waynflete Singers and their guests promise an equally rousing rendition as Elijah urges King Ahab's people to forsake their false god and turn to the Lord. Orchestral fire and brimstone will be in ample supply from the London Mozart Players. Tickets available online or at the Cathedral Box Office. 13
APRIL TUESDAY 2 APRIL, 3.00PM, WESSEX CENTRE ANDREW HONEY – ‘CONSERVING THE BIBLE: A JOURNEY OF DISCOVERY’ This talk will describe the recently completed work to conserve the Winchester Bible, begun in 2014 by Dr Christopher Clarkson and continued at the Bodleian Library since 2016. It will describe the process of conservation and the rebinding of the Bible, and share some of the discoveries that have been made during the process. Andrew Honey is the lead conservator on the Winchester Bible Project. Tickets £5 available online or at the Cathedral Box Office. WEDNESDAY 10 APRIL, 10.00AM & 1.00PM EASTER FAMILY ACTIVITIES Pick up a free Easter trail from the Entrance Desk and follow it around the Cathedral. End the trail at the craft table to make an Easter basket. Suitable for children aged 4 to 11 years. Free on entry to the Cathedral – admission is free for under 16s. Children must be accompanied by an adult. 14
MONDAY 15 APRIL, 7.00PM, WESSEX CENTRE SEDER MEAL A Seder is an ancient commemorative meal that Jews have during Passover. It is multi-layered, happy and sad, containing the story of the Exodus from slavery, together with special foods and rituals, many of which are for children. The Seder will be led by members of the local Jewish community and shared between Jews and Christians, for all ages. Tickets £5 for adults (no charge for under 17s) available online or at the Cathedral Box Office. MONDAY 22 APRIL, 4.00PM BANK HOLIDAY ORGAN RECITAL Please see the Cathedral website for more information. SATURDAY 27 APRIL, 7.30PM CHAIRMAN OF HAMPSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL'S CONCERT Hampshire County Youth Orchestra – Conducted by Carl Clausen Basingstoke Area Youth Orchestra – Conducted by John Fuller Come and join Hampshire County Council Chairman, Cllr Elaine Still, for a spring concert celebrating the best and most talented of Hampshire’s young musicians. Youthful exuberance matched with strong commitment and a real desire to perform will make for a memorable evening. The programme will include Shostakovich’s Symphony No. 10 and Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue. Tickets £10 and £15 available online or at the Cathedral Box Office. MAY FRIDAY 3 MAY, 7.30PM ‘CONTEMPLATIONS’ – ROYAL PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA CONCERT Alexandru Tomescu – Violin Conductor – Christopher Petrie Royal Philharmonic Orchestra This unique concert features history in the making; the World Premiere of the 'Hampshire Symphony' by Calin Huma. The programme also includes Saint-Saëns’ impressionistic Violin Concerto No.3 and ‘Balada’, a musical gem of sheer Romantic indulgence by little-known Romanian composer Ciprian Porumbescu. Tickets available online or from the Cathedral Box Office. This concert is presented with the kind support of the Romanian Cultural Institute in London. 15
MONDAY 6 MAY, 4.00PM BANK HOLIDAY ORGAN RECITAL Please see the Cathedral website for more information. TUESDAY 7 MAY, 1.00PM LUNCHTIME RECITAL Please see the Cathedral website for more information. SATURDAY 11 MAY, 7.30PM WINCHESTER AND COUNTY MUSIC FESTIVAL – 98TH CONCERT Rossini – Stabat Mater Puccini – Messa di Gloria Conductor – John Sutton The Winchester and County Music Festival is made up of 7 locally based choirs: Compton & Shawford Festival Choir, Itchen Valley Choral Society, Sarisbury Choral Society, Botley Choral Society, Overton Choral Society, Twyford Singers and Winchester City Festival Choir. Tickets are available online or from the Cathedral Box Office. MONDAY 27 MAY, 4.00PM BANK HOLIDAY ORGAN RECITAL Please see the Cathedral website for more information. WEDNESDAY 29 MAY, 10.00AM & 1.00PM HALF TERM FAMILY ACTIVITIES Pick up a trail from the Entrance Desk and discover all the weird and wonderful animals that can be found around the Cathedral, followed by clay animal craft activity. Free on entry to the Cathedral – admission is free for under 16s. Children must be accompanied by an adult. JUNE SUNDAY 2 JUNE, 7.00AM CHECK-IN CLARENDON WAY WALK – WINCHESTER TO SALISBURY Back for 2019, this popular charity walk raises vital funds for Naomi House & Jacksplace. Visit www.naomihouse.org.uk for more information and to register. 16
TUESDAY 4 JUNE, 1.00PM LUNCHTIME RECITAL Please see the Cathedral website for more information. FRIDAY 7 JUNE, 7.00PM ‘PERFORM INTERNATIONAL’ CHORAL FESTIVAL TOUR – GALA CONCERT Conductor – Dr Pearl Shangkuan Composer – Dr Dan Forrest Ensembles from across the US and the UK join together in Winchester to perform works by Dr Dan Forrest, scored for choir and with orchestra. Collaborating with an English Choir-in-residence, participating ensembles will take part in a 5-day festival experience led by Dr Forrest and supported by Dr Shangkuan. The Gala Concert, held at Winchester Cathedral, will mark the end of the festival tour. Organised by Perform International. TUESDAY 11 JUNE, 1.00PM LUNCHTIME RECITAL Please see the Cathedral website for more information. SATURDAY 15 JUNE, 7.30PM TAVENER FESTIVAL CONCERT Please see the Cathedral website for more information. TUESDAY 18 JUNE, 1.00PM LUNCHTIME RECITAL Please see the Cathedral website for more information. SATURDAY 22 JUNE, 7.30PM SOUTHAMPTON PHILHARMONIC – VERDI’S REQUIEM Southampton Philharmonic Choir with Southampton University Philharmonic Choir perform Verdi's Requiem, a work unashamedly theatrical in style, in which moments of great tenderness and simplicity are juxtaposed with passages of the most powerful and thrilling intensity. Performing with them under the baton of David Gibson are the New London Sinfonia. Tickets £12 – £34 available online or from the Cathedral Box Office. TUESDAY 25 JUNE, 1.00PM LUNCHTIME RECITAL Please see the Cathedral website for more information. 17
DATE S FO R YOU R DIARY CO M I N G S O O N KINGS AND SCRIBES The South Transept will be transformed in 2019 by the launch of Kings and Scribes, three spectacular new exhibitions including The Scribe’s Tale, The Birth of a Nation and Decoding the Stones. Marvel at some of the Cathedral’s most precious treasures, including all four volumes of the Winchester Bible, whilst discovering over 1,000 years of history. SAT U R DAY 5 A N D S U N DAY 6 O C TO B E R H A RV E S T F E S T I VA L A fun-packed family event celebrating the County’s food and farming. Join us for a weekend of events and activities as we give thanks for Hampshire’s Harvest. F R O M T H U R S DAY 2 1 N OV E M B E R CHRISTMAS MARKET AND ICE RINK Explore one of the best Christmas Markets in Europe and skate on one of the top 10 Ice Rinks in the UK! Winchester Cathedral Christmas Market will be open until 22 December, with the Ice Rink open until 2 January 2020. Find out more: www.winchester-cathedral.org.uk 18
E AT | DRINK | SHOP The Visitor Centre is the perfect place to relax after your visit to Winchester Cathedral. Explore the Cathedral Gift Shop, with its wide range of books, music and gifts, visit the Refectory to enjoy our seasonal menu and freshly baked cakes, and find out about our high quality concerts and events at the Box Office. www.winchester-cathedral.org.uk
K E E P I N TO U C H Sign up to our monthly e-newsletter via the Cathedral website Follow us on Twitter @WinCathedral Find us on Facebook www.facebook.com/winchestercathedral Follow us on Instagram @WinchesterCathedral www.winchester-cathedral.org.uk
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