What's Inside - March 2022 Edition - Progress Michigan

What's Inside - March 2022 Edition - Progress Michigan
March 2022 Edition

                      What’s Inside
  Respondents Say: Seat Biden Supreme Court Nominee

  Common Sense Gun Safety Laws See Support

  Let MI Kids Learn Flops with Voters After Details

  MI Priorities: Economy, Voting Rights, Infrastructure, and Investing in K-12

  Michiganders Weigh in on Contraceptives and LGBTQ+ Rights

What's Inside - March 2022 Edition - Progress Michigan
In this issue
                                 Biden’s Supreme Court Nominee Sees Majority Support                                           3
Welcome to
                                                                  The Senate should confirm President Biden’s Supreme Court
                                                                  nominee according to the majority of respondents.

Lake Effect
                                 Majority Support Common Sense Gun Safety Laws                                              4
                                                                  Safe storage and extreme risk protection order laws see
Welcome to Lake Effect,                                           support from the majority of respondents.
a monthly research
newsletter and a resource
for progressive leaders and
advocates, presented by
                                 After Learning Details, Majority are Unlikely to Support Let MI Kids Learn                 5
                                                                  While many voters are unsure about their support for the
Progress Michigan and Public                                      Republican-led ballot initiative, after learning more, the
Policy Polling.                                                   majority are less likely to support it.

Research in this newsletter      Respondents’ Top Issues: Economy, Voting Rights, Infrastructure, K-12, NOT Tax Cuts        6
comes from a survey                                               When given a list of issues to choose from, the majority
                                                                  of respondents say the economy, voting rights, and
conducted between March                                           infrastructure are what they care about the most. They also
3-4, 2022.                                                        believe the legislature should prioritize investing in K-12
                                                                  education and infrastructure over tax cuts.

                                 Majority Support Contraceptive Access and LGBTQ+ Rights                                    7
                                                                  The majority of respondents do not believe the state should
                                                                  be able to limit or ban access to contraceptives and also
                                                                  believe state law should prohibit discrimination based on
                                                                  sexual orientation and gender identity.

                                                                          progressmichigan.org/lakeeffect                          2
What's Inside - March 2022 Edition - Progress Michigan
Michiganders Say Confirm
Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson               President Biden’s Supreme Court Justice nominee Judge Ketanji Brown
                                          Jackson is the daughter of public school teachers, a former clerk for Justice
The majority of respondents believe the   Breyer, and has been confirmed by the Senate on a bipartisan basis three
Senate should confirm President Biden’s   times for federal appointments. Do you strongly support, somewhat support,
nominee to replace Justice Breyer on      somewhat oppose, or strongly oppose the Senate confirming her to replace
the Supreme Court.                        Justice Breyer on the Supreme Court?
                                                      Strongly support                                           42%

4     Michiganders Support Common
      Sense Gun Safety Laws
                                                     Somewhat support
                                                    Somewhat oppose
      Majority Unclear on Let MI                      Strongly oppose
      Kids Learn, But Less Likely to
      Support after Learning More
                                                                Not sure                                         20%

      Economy, Voting Rights,
      Infrastructure, K-12 Education
      Matter Most to Voters

      Majority Disagree with
      GOP AG Candidates on
      Access to Contraceptives

                                                                              progressmichigan.org/lakeeffect             3
What's Inside - March 2022 Edition - Progress Michigan
3     Michiganders Say Confirm
      Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson
                                         When thinking about the problem of gun violence, do you strongly support,
                                         somewhat support, somewhat oppose, or strongly oppose legislation that
                                         would hold gun owners responsible if their firearm isn’t safely stored and is
                                         used in the commission of a crime or accident involving a minor?
                                                     Strongly support                                            52%
                                                    Somewhat support                                             18%
                                                   Somewhat oppose                                                7%
                                                     Strongly oppose                                             14%
Michiganders Support Common                                    Not sure                                           8%
Sense Gun Safety Laws
When thinking about how to address the   Do you strongly support, somewhat support, somewhat oppose, or strongly
                                         oppose legislation that would allow a judge to issue an extreme risk
problem of gun violence, the majority    protection order to allow law enforcement to take temporary possession of
of Michiganders strongly or somewhat     an individual’s firearms?
support safe storage and extreme risk
protection order laws.                               Strongly support                                            34%
                                                    Somewhat support                                             18%

      Majority Unclear on Let MI                   Somewhat oppose                                               11%
      Kids Learn, But Less Likely to
      Support after Learning More                    Strongly oppose                                             25%
                                                               Not sure                                          11%
      Economy, Voting Rights,
      Infrastructure, K-12 Education
      Matter Most to Voters

      Majority Disagree with
      GOP AG Candidates on
      Access to Contraceptives

                                                                             progressmichigan.org/lakeeffect             4
What's Inside - March 2022 Edition - Progress Michigan
3     Michiganders Say Confirm
      Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson

4     Michiganders Support Common
      Sense Gun Safety Laws

                                          Based on what you know, do you support or oppose the Let MI Kids Learn
                                          ballot initiative?
                                                                Support                                             24%
                                                                 Oppose                                             20%
                                                                 Not sure                                           56%

Majority Unclear on Let MI                The Let MI Kids Learn ballot initiative will create a voucher system in Michigan,
                                          taking taxpayer dollars away from public schools and giving them to private
Kids Learn, But Less Likely to
                                          schools. Does hearing this make you more likely or less likely to support the Let
Support after Learning More               MI Kids Learn ballot initiative or adoes it not make a difference?
Many voters still seem unsure what the                       More likely                                            26%
Republican-led ballot initiative will
do, but after learning more a strong                           Less likely                                          50%
majority are less likely to support it.   It doesn’t make a difference                                              12%
                                                                 Not sure                                           12%

      Economy, Voting Rights,
      Infrastructure, K-12 Education
      Matter Most to Voters

      Majority Disagree with
      GOP AG Candidates on
      Access to Contraceptives

                                                                               progressmichigan.org/lakeeffect                5
What's Inside - March 2022 Edition - Progress Michigan
3     Michiganders Say Confirm
      Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson
                                            Of the following issues, which one would you say is most important to you

4     Michiganders Support Common           personally: strengthening the economy, increasing the minimum wage,
      Sense Gun Safety Laws                 improving Michigan’s infrastructure, ensuring access to safe abortions, protecting
                                            voting rights, investing in K-12 education, reforming the criminal justice system,
                                            reducing crime, immigration, or something else?

      Majority Unclear on Let MI              Strengthening       Increasing the      Improving Michigan’s      Ensuring access
      Kids Learn, But Less Likely to          the economy         minimum wage           infrastructure        to safe abortions
      Support after Learning More
                                                        31%                    6%                   14%                       5%
                                            Protecting voting     Investing in K-12   Reforming the criminal      Reducing
                                                 rights              education            justice system            crime
                                                        20%                    5%                     2%                      5%
                                               Immigration       Something else/
                                                                    not sure
                                                          5%                   8%

                                            When thinking about what Michigan lawmakers should prioritize this year,
Economy, Voting Rights,                     which of the following statements comes closer to your view: lawmakers should
Infrastructure, K-12 Education              prioritize cutting taxes, including on the rich and wealthy corporations, or,
Matter Most to Voters                       lawmakers should prioritize allocating federal relief money and investing in K-12
                                            education and Michigan’s infrastructure?
When asked to rate their most important         Believe lawmakers         Believe lawmakers should
and second most important issues,             should prioritize cutting   prioritize allocating federal
Michigan voters rank the economy,               taxes, including on       relief money and investing               Not sure
voting rights, and infrastructure at           the rich and wealthy          in K-12 education and
                                                   corporations            Michigan’s infrastructure
the top of their lists. The majority also
believe lawmakers should prioritize                             24%                            58%                            17%
investing federal relief funds in K-12
education and infrastructure before
looking to cut taxes.

      Majority Disagree with
      GOP AG Candidates on
      Access to Contraceptives                                                        progressmichigan.org/lakeeffect               6
What's Inside - March 2022 Edition - Progress Michigan
Do you believe states should be able to limit or ban access to

3     Michiganders Say Confirm          contraceptives such as birth control and condoms, or not?
      Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson            Believe states should be
                                           able to limit or ban access                                             9%
                                                     to contraceptives

4     Michiganders Support Common
      Sense Gun Safety Laws               Do not believe states should
                                               be able to limit or ban                                           77%
                                             access to contraceptives

      Majority Unclear on Let MI
      Kids Learn, But Less Likely to                            Not sure                                         14%
      Support after Learning More
                                         All three Republican candidates for Attorney General have said they oppose

      Economy, Voting Rights,
      Infrastructure, K-12 Education     a landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling that protects access to contraceptives.
                                         Does hearing this make you more likely or less likely to support the Republican
      Matter Most to Voters
                                         candidates for Attorney General, or does it not make a difference?
                                                            More likely                                          16%
                                                              Less likely                                        43%
                                        It doesn’t make a difference                                             33%
                                                                Not sure                                          8%

                                        Do you believe state law should prohibit discrimination based on sexual
                                        orientation and gender identity in employment, housing, education, public
Majority Disagree with GOP              accommodations, and public services, or not?
Attorney General Candidates              Believe state law should prohibit
on Access to Contraceptives               discrimination based on sexual                                         60%
                                          orientation and gender identity
The majority of respondents disagree
with GOP attorney general candidates            Do not believe state law
who supported overturning a                should prohibit discrimination
                                             based on sexual orientation                                         20%
federal ruling protecting access to
                                                     and gender identity
contraceptives and agree with AG Dana
Nessel that all Michiganders should                             Not sure                                         19%
be protected from discrimination
regardless of sexual orientation and

gender identity.
What's Inside - March 2022 Edition - Progress Michigan
About Lake Effect
  Presented by Progress Michigan, Lake Effect is a monthly research newsletter that follows public
  opinion in Michigan. Each month, Public Policy Polling surveys registered voters across Michigan
  about their opinions on important issues and public figures in the state. These newsletters break
  down the results and provide readers with key takeaways and analysis from the data.

  About This Study
  PPP interviewed 772 Michigan voters by phone and text March 3 -4, 2022 on behalf of Progress
  Michigan. The margin of error is +/- 3.5%.

  For Press Inquiries:
  Sam Inglot, Deputy Director of Progress Michigan

      For results of additional questions asked in this sur vey, click here.

What's Inside - March 2022 Edition - Progress Michigan What's Inside - March 2022 Edition - Progress Michigan
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