Looking beyond COVID-19: Strengthening family support services across the OECD - Document annexes

Page created by Rita Rojas

   Looking beyond COVID-19: Strengthening
   family support services across the OECD

                                Document annexes

OECD © OECD 2021

     This document contains the annexes to the OECD working paper “Looking beyond
     COVID-19: Strengthening family support services across the OECD”, OECD Social,
     Migration and Employment Working Papers, OECD Publishing, Paris,


                                                        Table of contents

Annex A. Detailed Information on Family Support Services provided in OECD Capital
Cities. ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Annex B. OECD Questionnaires on Family Support Services ........................................................ 12
Annex C. Information on repondents to the OECD Questionnaire on Family Service
Providers .............................................................................................................................................. 52

Table A.1. Types of family support services provided in capital cities of OECD countries                                                                     4
Table A.2. Types of family support services provided in capital cities of OECD countries                                                                     6
Table A.3. Types of family support services provided in capital cities of OECD countries                                                                     8
Table A.4. Types of family support services provided in capital cities of OECD countries                                                                    10
Table C.1. Number of responses per country                                                                                                                  52
Table C.2. Complete list of respondents                                                                                                                     53


           Annex A. Detailed Information on Family Support Services provided in OECD Capital Cities.

Table A.1. Types of family support services provided in capital cities of OECD countries
                                                      Services for expectant mothers and parents of new babies

                        Family functioning and Child protection                     Health                              Basic Needs                 Educational
                         Family       Referrals to     In-home       Prenatal       Mental       Treatment       Food    Housing        Basic     Parent education
                       counselling      social         supports     health care      health                                            material
                        services       agencies                                     support                                           resources
 Australia                                                             Yes           Yes                                   Yes
 Austria                  Yes             Yes             No            No            No            No           No         No           No             Yes
 Belgium                  Yes             Yes             No           Yes           Yes            No           No         No           No             Yes
 Canada                                                                                                          Yes       Yes
 Chile                    Yes             No              No           Yes            No           Yes           No         No          Yes             Yes
 Czech Republic           Yes             Yes             Yes          Yes           Yes           Yes           Yes       Yes          Yes             Yes
 Germany                  Yes             Yes             Yes          Yes           Yes           Yes           No         No           No             Yes
 Denmark                  Yes             Yes             Yes          Yes           Yes            No           Yes       Yes          Yes             Yes
 Spain                    Yes             Yes             Yes           No            No           Yes           Yes       Yes          Yes             Yes
 Estonia                  Yes             Yes             Yes          Yes           Yes           Yes           Yes       Yes          Yes             Yes
 Finland                  Yes             Yes             Yes          Yes           Yes           Yes           yes       yes          yes             Yes
 France                   Yes             Yes             Yes          Yes           Yes           Yes           Yes       Yes          Yes             Yes
 Hungary                  Yes             Yes             Yes          Yes           Yes            No           Yes       Yes          Yes             Yes
 Ireland                  Yes             Yes             Yes          Yes           Yes           Yes           No        Yes          Yes             Yes

                                                     LOOKING BEYOND COVID-19: STRENGTHENING FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES ACROSS THE OECD © OECD 2021

                                   Family functioning and Child protection                      Health                                    Basic Needs                     Educational
                                    Family       Referrals to     In-home       Prenatal        Mental       Treatment         Food         Housing         Basic       Parent education
                                  counselling      social         supports     health care       health                                                    material
                                   services       agencies                                      support                                                   resources
 Israel                              Yes             Yes             Yes          Yes            Yes            Yes            Yes            Yes            Yes              Yes
 Japan                                No             No              No           Yes             No             No             No            No             No               Yes
 Korea                               Yes             Yes             Yes           No             No             No             No            No             No               Yes
 Lithuania                           Yes             Yes             Yes          Yes            Yes            Yes            Yes            Yes            Yes              Yes
 Latvia                              Yes             Yes             Yes          Yes            Yes            Yes             No            Yes            No               Yes
 Mexico                               No             No              No            No             No             No             No            No             No               No
 Netherlands                         Yes             Yes             Yes          Yes            Yes            Yes             No            Yes            Yes              Yes
 Norway                               No             No              Yes          Yes             No            Yes             No            No             No               Yes
 New Zealand                         Yes             Yes             No           Yes            Yes            Yes            Yes            Yes            Yes              Yes
 Poland                              Yes             No              Yes          Yes            Yes             No            Yes            Yes            Yes              Yes
 Portugal                            Yes             Yes             Yes          Yes            Yes            Yes            Yes            Yes            Yes              Yes
 Slovenia                             No             No              No           Yes            Yes            Yes             No            Yes            No               No
 Slovak Republic                      No             No              No            No             No             No             No            Yes            No               No
 Sweden                              Yes             No              Yes          Yes            Yes            Yes            Yes            No             Yes              Yes
 Switzerland                          No             Yes             Yes           No             No             No            Yes            Yes            No               Yes
 United States

             Note: Services provided in the Capital city of each country. Financial support refers to conditional cash support provided by capital cities to families taking up
             family services. Not all countries responded to this question as indicated by the blank cells.
             Source: 2019 OECD Survey on Family Service Providers.


Table A.2. Types of family support services provided in capital cities of OECD countries
                                                                  Services for families with children 0-5

                    Family functioning and Child protection              Health                           Basic Needs                                Education + ECE
                    family     Referrals Respite In-home      Health   Mental Treatment      Food    Housing     Basic     Financial   Subsidised or Subsidised       Parent
                  counselling to social services supports      care     health                                  material    support          free           or free  education
                   services    agencies                                support                                 resources               cultural/leisure      after-
                                                                                                                                       time activities      school
 Austria             Yes        Yes        No         No       No       Yes         No        No       No         No          No            Yes            No          Yes
 Belgium             Yes        Yes        Yes       Yes       No       Yes         No        No       No         No         No             No            No           Yes
 Brazil              Yes        Yes        Yes       Yes       Yes      Yes         Yes       Yes      Yes        Yes        Yes            Yes           Yes          Yes
 Canada                                                                                       Yes      Yes
 Chile               Yes        Yes        No         No       Yes      Yes         Yes       Yes      No         Yes         No            No            Yes          Yes
 Czech Republic      Yes        Yes        Yes       Yes       Yes      Yes         Yes       Yes      Yes        Yes        Yes            Yes           Yes          Yes
 Germany             Yes        Yes        Yes       Yes       Yes      Yes         Yes       Yes      Yes        No         No             Yes           Yes          Yes
 Denmark             Yes        Yes        Yes       Yes       Yes      Yes         No        Yes      Yes        Yes        No             Yes           Yes          Yes
 Spain               Yes        Yes        Yes       Yes       No       No          Yes       Yes      Yes        Yes        Yes            No            No           Yes
 Estonia             Yes        Yes        No        Yes       Yes      Yes         Yes       Yes      Yes        Yes        No             Yes           Yes          Yes
 Finland             Yes        Yes        Yes       Yes       Yes      Yes         Yes       No       No         Yes        No             Yes           Yes          Yes
 France              Yes        No         No        No        Yes      Yes         Yes       Yes      Yes        Yes        Yes            Yes           Yes          Yes
 Hungary             Yes        Yes        No        No        Yes      Yes         No        Yes      Yes        Yes        No             Yes           No           Yes
 Ireland             Yes        Yes        Yes       Yes       Yes      Yes         Yes       No       Yes        Yes        No             Yes           Yes          Yes
 Israel              Yes        Yes        No        Yes       Yes      Yes         Yes       Yes      Yes        Yes        Yes            Yes           Yes          Yes
 Japan               No         No         Yes       No        Yes      No          No        No       No         No         No             Yes           No           Yes
 Korea               Yes        No         Yes       Yes       No       No          No        No       No         No         Yes            No            No           Yes
 Lithuania           Yes        Yes        Yes       Yes       Yes      Yes         Yes       Yes      Yes        Yes        Yes            Yes           Yes          Yes
 Luxembourg          N/A        N/A        N/A       N/A       N/A      N/A         N/A       N/A      N/A        N/A        N/A            N/A           N/A          N/A
 Latvia              Yes        Yes        Yes       Yes       Yes      Yes         Yes       Yes      Yes        No         No             Yes           Yes          Yes
 Mexico              No         No         No        No        No       No          No        No       No         No         No             No            No           No
 Netherlands         Yes        Yes        Yes       Yes       Yes      Yes         Yes       Yes      Yes        Yes        Yes            Yes           Yes          Yes
 Norway              Yes        No         No        Yes       Yes      No          No        No       No         No         No             No            Yes          Yes

                                                      LOOKING BEYOND COVID-19: STRENGTHENING FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES ACROSS THE OECD © OECD 2021

                      Family functioning and Child protection                Health                           Basic Needs                                 Education + ECE
                      family     Referrals Respite In-home        Health   Mental Treatment       Food   Housing     Basic      Financial   Subsidised or Subsidised       Parent
                    counselling to social services supports        care     health                                  material     support          free           or free  education
                     services    agencies                                  support                                 resources                cultural/leisure      after-
                                                                                                                                            time activities      school
 New Zealand           Yes         Yes        Yes        Yes       Yes       Yes        Yes       Yes       Yes        No          No            Yes            No            Yes
 Poland                Yes         No         Yes        Yes       Yes       Yes        No        Yes       Yes        Yes         Yes           Yes            Yes           Yes
 Portugal              Yes         Yes        Yes        Yes       Yes       Yes        Yes       Yes       Yes        Yes         Yes           Yes            Yes           Yes
 Slovenia              Yes         No         No         No        Yes       Yes        Yes       Yes       Yes        No          No            Yes            Yes           Yes
 Slovak Republic       No          No         No         No        No        No         No        No        Yes        No          No            No             No            No
 Sweden                Yes         No         Yes        Yes       Yes       Yes        Yes       Yes       No         Yes         No            Yes            No            Yes
 Switzerland           Yes         Yes         No         No        No       No          No       Yes       Yes        No          No            Yes            Yes           No
 United States

         Note: Services provided in the Capital city of each country. Financial support refers to conditional cash support provided by capital cities to families taking up
         family services. Not all countries responded to this question as indicated by the blank cells.
         Source: 2019 OECD Survey on Family Service Providers.


Table A.3. Types of family support services provided in capital cities of OECD countries
                                                                 Families with children school-age children (6-17 years of age)

                 Family functioning and Child protection                    Health                           Basic Needs                                Education + ECE                   Other
                family      Referrals   Respite    In-home       Health   Mental     Treatment   Food   Housing     Basic     Financial   Subsidised or      Subsidised      Parent     Addictions
              counselling   to social   services   supports       care     health                                  material    support          free            or free     education    supports
               services     agencies                                      support                                 resources               cultural/leisure   after-school
                                                                                                                                          time activities      activities
 Austria             Yes         Yes         No            No       No       Yes           No    Yes        No          No          No                Yes             No          No            No
 Belgium             Yes         Yes         No            No       No       Yes           No     No        No          No          No                 No             No          No            No
 Brazil              Yes         Yes        Yes            No       Yes      Yes          Yes    Yes       Yes         Yes          No                Yes            Yes         Yes           Yes
 Canada                                                                                          Yes       Yes                      No                 No             No
 Chile                No          No         No            No       Yes      Yes           No    Yes        No         Yes         Yes                Yes            Yes          No            No
 Czech               Yes         Yes        Yes            No       Yes      Yes          Yes    Yes       Yes         Yes          No                Yes            Yes         Yes           Yes
 Germany             Yes         Yes        Yes            Yes      Yes      Yes          Yes    Yes       Yes          No          No                Yes            Yes         Yes           Yes
 Denmark             Yes         Yes        Yes            Yes      Yes      Yes           No    Yes       Yes         Yes          No                Yes            Yes         Yes           Yes
 Spain               Yes         Yes        Yes            Yes      No        No          Yes    Yes       Yes         Yes         Yes                Yes            Yes         Yes           Yes
 Estonia             Yes         Yes         No            Yes      Yes      Yes          Yes    Yes       Yes         Yes          No                Yes            Yes         Yes           Yes
 Finland             Yes         Yes        Yes            Yes      Yes      Yes          Yes     No        No          No          No                Yes            Yes         Yes           Yes
 France              Yes         Yes        Yes            No       Yes      Yes          Yes    Yes       Yes         Yes         Yes                Yes            Yes         Yes            No
 Hungary             Yes         Yes         No            No       Yes      Yes           No    Yes       Yes          No          No                Yes            Yes          No           Yes
 Ireland             Yes         Yes        Yes            Yes      Yes      Yes          Yes    Yes       Yes         Yes          No                Yes            Yes         Yes           Yes
 Israel              Yes         Yes         No            Yes      Yes      Yes          Yes    Yes        No         Yes         Yes                Yes            Yes         Yes           Yes
 Japan                No          No         No            No       No        No           No     No        No          No          No                Yes            Yes         Yes            No
 Korea               Yes          No         No            Yes      No        No           No     No        No          No         Yes                 No             No         Yes            No
 Lithuania           Yes         Yes        Yes            Yes      Yes      Yes          Yes    Yes       Yes         Yes         Yes                Yes            Yes         Yes           Yes
 Luxembourg          N/A         N/A        N/A            N/A      N/A      N/A          N/A     N/A      N/A         N/A         N/A                N/A            N/A         N/A           N/A
 Latvia              Yes         Yes        Yes            Yes      Yes      Yes          Yes    Yes       Yes          No          No                Yes            Yes         Yes           Yes
 Mexico               No          No         No            No       No        No           No    Yes        No          No          No                 No             No          No            No

                                                                 LOOKING BEYOND COVID-19: STRENGTHENING FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES ACROSS THE OECD © OECD 2021

                    Family functioning and Child protection                   Health                           Basic Needs                                Education + ECE                   Other
                   family      Referrals   Respite    In-home       Health   Mental    Treatment   Food   Housing     Basic     Financial   Subsidised or      Subsidised      Parent     Addictions
                 counselling   to social   services   supports       care     health                                 material    support          free            or free     education    supports
                  services     agencies                                      support                                resources               cultural/leisure   after-school
                                                                                                                                            time activities      activities
 Netherlands            Yes         Yes        Yes            Yes     Yes       Yes         Yes    Yes       Yes         Yes         Yes                Yes            Yes         Yes           Yes
 Norway                  No          No         No            No      Yes       Yes          No     No       Yes          No          No                 No             No          No            No
 New                    Yes         Yes        Yes            No      Yes       Yes         Yes    Yes       Yes         Yes          No                Yes            Yes         Yes           Yes
 Poland                 Yes          No         No            Yes     Yes        No         Yes    Yes        No         Yes         Yes                Yes             No          No            No
 Portugal               Yes         Yes        Yes            Yes     Yes       Yes         Yes    Yes       Yes         Yes         Yes                Yes            Yes         Yes           Yes
 Slovenia               Yes          No         No            No      Yes       Yes         Yes     No       Yes          No          No                Yes            Yes         Yes           Yes
 Slovak                  No          No         No            No       No        No          No     No       Yes          No          No                 No             No          No            No
 Sweden                 Yes          No        Yes            Yes     Yes       Yes         Yes    Yes        No         Yes          No                Yes            Yes         Yes           Yes
 Switzerland            Yes         Yes         No            No      Yes       Yes          No    Yes       Yes          No          No                Yes            Yes         Yes            No

            Note: Services provided in the Capital city of each country. Financial support refers to conditional cash support provided by capital cities to families taking up
            family services. Not all countries responded to this question as indicated by the blank cells. Source: 2019 OECD Survey on Family Service Providers.

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Table A.4. Types of family support services provided in capital cities of OECD countries
                                                                                                                                                                                         Services for Vulnerable families
                  Family functioning and Child protection                                                                                                      Health                                         Basic Needs                                                              Education + ECE                                                                                                           Other specialized needs

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                provided to families facing poverty
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Assistance for parents with a child

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Resources for Indigenous families
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Subsidised or free cultural/leisure

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Specific assistance and services
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Resources for families seeking

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      resources provided to families
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Referrals to specializes social
                                                                                                                Resources for chronic stress
                                           Referrals to social agencies
             family counselling services

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Assistance, services and

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         facing social risks (social
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Basic material resources
                                                                                                                                                                Mental health support

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Addictions supports
                                                                                             In-home supports

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Financial support

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Parent education
                                                                          Respite services

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            with disabilities

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              exclusion, etc.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             time activities
                                                                                                                                               Health care



 Austria        Yes                            Yes                             No                 No            No                                    No           Yes                     No       No       No             No                      Yes                No                                      No                    No              No                                      No                                     No                          Yes                                  No                               Yes
 Belgium        Yes                            Yes                             No                 No            No                                  Yes            Yes                     No       No       No             No                         No              No                                      No                    No              No                                      No                                     No                          Yes                               Yes                                  No
 Brazil         Yes                            Yes                          Yes                Yes              No                                  Yes            Yes                    Yes       Yes     Yes         Yes                         Yes             Yes                                     Yes                    Yes             Yes                                     Yes                                 Yes                              Yes                               Yes                                 Yes
 Canada                                                                                                                                                                                             Yes     Yes                                     Yes                No                                                                                                                  Yes                                                                  Yes                               Yes                                 Yes
 Chile          Yes                                No                          No                 No            No                                  Yes               No                   No       No      Yes         Yes                         Yes                No                                      No                  Yes               No                                      No                                Yes                                No                              Yes                                  No
 Czech          Yes                            Yes                          Yes                Yes              No                                  Yes            Yes                    Yes       Yes     Yes         Yes                            No           Yes                                        No                  Yes             Yes                                     Yes                                 Yes                              Yes                               Yes                                 Yes
 Germany        Yes                            Yes                          Yes                Yes              Yes                                 Yes            Yes                    Yes       Yes     Yes         Yes                            No           Yes                                     Yes                    Yes             Yes                                     Yes                                      No                          Yes                               Yes                                 Yes
 Denmark        Yes                            Yes                             No              Yes              No                                  Yes            Yes                     No       No      Yes         Yes                          yes            Yes                                     Yes                    Yes             Yes                                     Yes                                 Yes                              Yes                               Yes                                 Yes
 Spain          Yes                            Yes                          Yes                Yes              No                                    No              No                  Yes       Yes     Yes             No                      Yes                No                                   Yes                    Yes             Yes                                     Yes                                      No                          Yes                               Yes                                 Yes
 Estonia        Yes                                No                          No              Yes              No                                  Yes            Yes                    Yes       Yes     Yes         Yes                            No           Yes                                     Yes                    Yes             Yes                                     Yes                                      No                            No                              Yes                                  No
 Finland        Yes                            Yes                          Yes                Yes              Yes                                 Yes            Yes                    Yes       Yes     Yes         Yes                         Yes             Yes                                     Yes                    Yes             Yes                                     Yes                                      No                          Yes                               Yes                                 Yes
 France         Yes                            Yes                             No              Yes              No                                  Yes            Yes                    Yes       Yes     Yes         Yes                         Yes             Yes                                     Yes                    Yes             Yes                                     Yes                                 Yes                                No                              Yes                                  No
 Hungary        Yes                            Yes                          Yes                Yes              Yes                                 Yes            Yes                    Yes       Yes     Yes             No                      Yes             Yes                                     Yes                    Yes             Yes                                     Yes                                      No                          Yes                               Yes                                 Yes
 Ireland        Yes                            Yes                             No              Yes              Yes                                 Yes            Yes                    Yes       Yes     Yes         Yes                            No           Yes                                     Yes                    Yes             Yes                                     Yes                                 Yes                              Yes                               Yes                                 Yes
 Israel         Yes                            Yes                          Yes                Yes              Yes                                 Yes            Yes                    Yes       Yes     Yes         Yes                         Yes                No                                   Yes                    Yes             Yes                                     Yes                                      No                          Yes                                  No                               Yes
 Japan          Yes                            Yes                             No                 No            No                                    No              No                   No       No       No         Yes                            No              No                                      No                    No            Yes                                       No                                     No                            No                                 No                                No
 Korea          Yes                                No                          No              Yes              No                                    No              No                   No       No       No             No                         No              No                                   Yes                      No              No                                      No                                     No                            No                                 No                                No
 Lithuania      Yes                            Yes                          Yes                Yes              Yes                                 Yes            Yes                    Yes       Yes     Yes         Yes                         Yes             Yes                                     Yes                    Yes             Yes                                     Yes                                 Yes                              Yes                               Yes                                 Yes

                                                                                                                                                             LOOKING BEYOND COVID-19: STRENGTHENING FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES ACROSS THE OECD © OECD 2021
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                       Family functioning and Child protection                                                                                                    Health                                         Basic Needs                                                              Education + ECE                                                                                                           Other specialized needs

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   provided to families facing poverty
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Assistance for parents with a child

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Resources for Indigenous families
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Subsidised or free cultural/leisure

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Specific assistance and services
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Resources for families seeking

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         resources provided to families
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Referrals to specializes social
                                                                                                                     Resources for chronic stress
                                                Referrals to social agencies
                  family counselling services

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Assistance, services and

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            facing social risks (social
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Basic material resources
                                                                                                                                                                   Mental health support

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Addictions supports
                                                                                                  In-home supports

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Financial support

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Parent education
                                                                               Respite services

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               with disabilities

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 exclusion, etc.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                time activities
                                                                                                                                                    Health care



 Luxembourg           N/A                            N/A                         N/A                N/A              N/A                                 N/A          N/A                    N/A       N/A     N/A         N/A                          N/A            N/A                                     N/A                    N/A             N/A                                     N/A                                 N/A                              N/A                               N/A                                 N/A
 Latvia              Yes                            Yes                          Yes                Yes              No                                  Yes          Yes                    Yes       No      Yes             No                         No           Yes                                     Yes                    Yes             Yes                                       No                                     No                          Yes                               Yes                                 Yes
 Mexico                   No                            No                          No                 No            No                                    No            No                   No       No       No             No                         No              No                                      No                    No            Yes                                       No                                     No                            No                              Yes                                  No
 Netherlands              No                            No                          No                 No            No                                    No            No                   No       No       No             No                         No              No                                      No                    No              No                                      No                                     No                            No                                 No                                No
 Norway              Yes                                No                          No              Yes              Yes                                 Yes          Yes                    Yes       No      Yes         Yes                            No              No                                      No                  Yes             Yes                                     Yes                                      No                            No                              Yes                                  No
 New Zealand         Yes                            Yes                          Yes                Yes              No                                  Yes          Yes                    Yes       Yes     Yes         Yes                            No           Yes                                     Yes                    Yes             Yes                                     Yes                                 Yes                              Yes                               Yes                                 Yes
 Poland              Yes                                No                       Yes                Yes              No                                    No         Yes                     No       Yes      No         Yes                         Yes             Yes                                     Yes                      No            Yes                                       No                                     No                          Yes                               Yes                                 Yes
 Portugal            Yes                            Yes                          Yes                Yes              Yes                                 Yes          Yes                    Yes       Yes     Yes         Yes                         Yes             Yes                                     Yes                    Yes             Yes                                     Yes                                      No                          Yes                               Yes                                 Yes
 Slovenia            Yes                                No                          No                 No            Yes                                 Yes          Yes                    Yes       Yes     Yes         Yes                            No           Yes                                     Yes                    Yes             Yes                                       No                                     No                          Yes                               Yes                                 Yes
 Slovak                   No                            No                          No                 No            No                                    No            No                   No       No       No             No                         No              No                                      No                    No              No                                      No                                     No                            No                              Yes                                  No
 Sweden              Yes                                No                       Yes                Yes              Yes                                 Yes          Yes                    Yes       Yes      No         Yes                            No           Yes                                     Yes                    Yes             Yes                                     Yes                                 Yes                              Yes                                yes                                 yes
 Switzerland              No                            No                          No                 No            No                                    No            No                   No       No      Yes             No                         No              No                                      No                    No              No                                    Yes                                      No                            No                                 No                                No
 United States

            Note: Services provided in the Capital city of each country. Financial support refers to conditional cash support provided by capital cities to families taking up
            family services. Not all countries responded to this question as indicated by the blank cells.
            Source: 2019 OECD Questionnaire on Family Services Providers.

12 

                                Annex B. OECD Questionnaires on Family Support Services

                                        2019 OECD Questionnaire on Family Support Policies
Structure: This survey is organised into the following 4 thematic sections: Policy Priorities and Governance; Programmes, Characteristics, and
Use; Costs and Funding; and Monitoring and Knowledge Sharing. Each section should be completed and submitted. Multiple individuals can
answer questions in a section. Please be sure to list the names of survey contributors below for each section. Please scroll down for complete
instructions and guidelines for completing the questionnaire.
  Instructions for the survey:
Survey scope :

“Family support services” are here defined as all services and supports provided to help parents improve their child rearing capabilities and to
make parenting behaviour and family functioning more conducive to raising child outcomes. These services encompass a wide range of
interventions that focus on such things as:

                 Strengthening parents’ knowledge on good nutrition and health practices during pregnancy and thereafter to promote good
                  childcare and educational practices for infants and toddlers.
                 Helping parents and/or children develop practices that benefit their physical and mental well-being, and that support children's
                  learning and cognitive, emotional and social development. Such programmes might focus on the diffusion of best education and
                  care practices, the prevention of mental health or physical risks, and teaching families effective strategies to cope with physical or
                  psychological stressors that they or their children may experience.
                 Helping vulnerable families, in particular those who have children with disabilities, families exposed to domestic conflict or
                  violence, and families in precarious family situations who have special and often multiple needs. Here again, the type and scope
                  of services may vary depending on the circumstances faced by the family. Social and/ or psychological assistance, as well as
                  family counselling services could be provided to improve family functioning and help parents cope with their parenting role. Other
                  family services involve providing parents with material resources such as clothes, nutrition packs or educational resources.

General Guidance
          If available, we recommend using Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge to complete this Questionnaire, as these browsers are the most
           compatible with LimeSurvey. Nonetheless, it is also possible to complete the Questionnaire using Microsoft Explorer.

                                                 LOOKING BEYOND COVID-19: STRENGTHENING FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES ACROSS THE OECD © OECD 2021
 13

       It is not necessary to complete each section of the survey at one time. At any time, you may save your responses and click “Resume Later”
        at the top-right of your screen. Your responses up to that point will automatically be saved and you (or others) can return to the survey at
        any time.
       Multiple individuals/ ministries may contribute responses. Please keep in mind that two or more people from your country cannot work on
        this section simultaneously. As such, if you take a break from completing the survey, we recommend closing your browser or clicking on
        the “Resume Later” at the top-right of your screen. This will automatically save your responses and allow others to access and / or input
        responses in the section.
       The web link you use to access this Questionnaire is country-specific, as it includes a unique token (password) that identifies your country
        and ensures that we receive a single response from your country for each section of the Questionnaire. For this reason, you can share
        the web link to the Questionnaire with anyone in your country who will be completing sections of the survey; the web link
        should not, however, be shared with anyone outside your country.
       Navigate within the survey using the “Previous” and “Next” buttons at the bottom of your screen (rather than the “Back” button of your
Requested Data and Information
       This section begins by asking the main respondent of the section to provide his/ her name and contact details. This information is requested
        in the event that we have questions about any of your country’s responses.
       For many questions, you will be asked to select the most appropriate answer from the list of options. For any data provided, please indicate
        the year, source, and web link (if available) in the appropriate boxes. If needed, you may use the Comment boxes to provide additional
        details or explanations.
       You may provide any additional information or comments under “Additional Material” at the end of this section. You will also have the
        opportunity to upload relevant files (data, unpublished reports etc.) that would be useful as additional background material to the OECD.
       We kindly ask that you provide information for the most recent available year, and (if indicated in the question prompt) for previous year(s).
If you have any questions or encounter any technical difficulties, please contact the OECD Secretariat:
                                            Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.
There are 40 questions in this survey.

Primary Survey Contact

14 

Please provide the requested information below for the primary person completing the questionnaire, The 2019 OECD Questionnaire on
Family Services Policy *
Title (Mr./ Ms.):
First Name:
Last Name:
Government Ministry/ Institution:
Phone Number (please indicate the country

Section 1: Policy Priorities and Governance
Please provide the information requested in the relevant cell whenever possible. Use the comments box to provide additional details, definitions
or explanations. You may provide any other information, attachments or comments on the overall content of this section under “Additional material”
Important Note: throughout the survey, please provide information about your capital city's government programmes surrounding family
support services.
General Reminders:

          If available, we recommend using Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge to complete this Questionnaire, as these browsers are the most
           compatible with LimeSurvey. Nonetheless, it is also possible to complete the Questionnaire using Microsoft Explorer.
          It is not necessary to complete each section of the survey at one time. At any time, you may save your responses and click “Resume
           Later” at the top-right of your screen. Your responses up to that point will automatically be saved and you (or others) can return to the
           survey at any time.
          Multiple individuals/ ministries may contribute responses. Please keep in mind that two or more people from your country cannot work on
           this section simultaneously. As such, if you take a break from completing the survey, we recommend closing your browser or clicking on
           the “Resume Later” at the top-right of your screen. This will automatically save your responses and allow others to access and / or input
           responses in the section.
          Navigate within the survey using the “Previous” and “Next” buttons at the bottom of your screen (rather than the “Back” button of your

                                                 LOOKING BEYOND COVID-19: STRENGTHENING FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES ACROSS THE OECD © OECD 2021
 15

If applicable, please provide the contact information (including name, ministry/ institution, email) of any additional contributors to this
survey for this section below:
Please write your answer here:
1. Which level of government is primarily responsible for family support policies in your country?
Choose one of the following answers
Please choose only one of the following:

       The national government
       Regional governments
       Other local governments
       Shared between national and local authorities

1. II. Does your country have a national strategy with well identified goals regarding the provision of family support services?

Please indicate the name of the strategy, year of release, and provide details about its main goals web link in the comment box below:
Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:
Answer was 'The national government' or 'Shared between national and local authorities' at question '3 [S1Q1]' (1. Which level of government is
primarily responsible for family support policies in your country? )
Choose one of the following answers
Please choose only one of the following:

       Yes
       No

Make a comment on your choice here:
2. In the past few years, have there been any major reform(s) in the family support policies or delivery of family services in your
country? If there are major reforms, please elaborate on these reforms and when they took place in the comment box to the right:
Comment only when you choose an answer.
Please choose all that apply and provide a comment:

16 

          Yes
          No

3. Please indicate the lead administrative body/ authority responsible for family support policies in your country: *
Please write your answer here:
4. Does your country have any coordination mechanisms* in place to ensure that all government agencies work together to fulfil the
goals set for family support services at the national level?
* Coordination mechanisms could include: inter-ministerial body or task force, integrated plan or strategy documents, inter-governmental body
Choose one of the following answers
Please choose only one of the following:

           Yes
           No

4.II. What are the coordination mechanisms* in place to ensure that family/parenting policies are aligned across the country? Please
identify the coordination mechanism in the comment box corresponding to the selected response – if there is no formal coordination mechanism,
please indicate it. *
Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:
Answer was 'No ' at question '7 [S1Q04]' (4. Does your country have any coordination mechanisms* in place to ensure that all government agencies
work together to fulfil the goals set for family support services at the national level? * Coordination mechanisms could include: inter-ministerial
body or task force, integrated plan or strategy documents, inter-governmental body)
Please write your answer here:

Additional material: You may provide any other information or comments on the overall content of this section, and upload any relevant
documentation pertaining to your organisation’s training of practitioners.
Please upload at most one file
Kindly attach the aforementioned documents along with the survey

Section 2: Programmes, Characteristics, and Use

 17

Important Note: This section is about the public programmes that support families on the national, regional and local levels. Please use
your capital city's government efforts surrounding family support services to fill out this section of the survey.
Please provide the information requested in the relevant cell whenever possible. Use the comments box to provide additional details, definitions
or explanations. You may provide any other information, attachments or comments on the overall content of this section under “Additional material”
General Reminders:

          If available, we recommend using Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge to complete this Questionnaire, as these browsers are the most
           compatible with LimeSurvey. Nonetheless, it is also possible to complete the Questionnaire using Microsoft Explorer.
          It is not necessary to complete each section of the survey at one time. At any time, you may save your responses and click “Resume
           Later” at the top-right of your screen. Your responses up to that point will automatically be saved and you (or others) can return to the
           survey at any time.
          Multiple individuals/ ministries may contribute responses. Please keep in mind that two or more people from your country cannot work on
           this section simultaneously. As such, if you take a break from completing the survey, we recommend closing your browser or clicking on
           the “Resume Later” at the top-right of your screen. This will automatically save your responses and allow others to access and / or input
           responses in the section.
          Navigate within the survey using the “Previous” and “Next” buttons at the bottom of your screen (rather than the “Back” button of your

If applicable, please provide the contact information (including name, ministry/ institution, email) of any additional contributors to this
survey for this section below:
Please write your answer here:
5. Please select which of the following strategies your capital city uses to support families and parents.
Please provide details of each selected strategy in the comment boxes:

Comment only when you choose an answer.
Please choose all that apply and provide a comment:

        Our jurisdiction identifies (e.g. through routine screenings, administrative data) the service support needs of the most vulnerable families
        Our jurisdiction collects information and/or statistics on the needs families have who use public family support services

18 

       Our jurisdiction uses specific strategies to identify and reach potential users of family support services? (E.g., use of data to identify families in
        need and send information on available services)

6. Please select which of the following strategies your capital city uses to support vulnerable families and parents.
Please provide details of each strategy in the comment box:
Comment only when you choose an answer.
Please choose all that apply and provide a comment:

       Our jurisdiction ensures that the most vulnerable families are able to access and utilise the available services (e.g. home visits, case workers)
       Our jurisdiction prevents the stigmatisation of vulnerable families who receive specific family support services
       Our jurisdiction uses a "two generational" approach (interventions that target both parents and children simultaneously) to help vulnerable
        Other:

7A. Please select which of the following services your capital city provides to expectant mothers/families?
Please provide the details of each selected strategy in the comment boxes:

Comment only when you choose an answer.
Please choose all that apply and provide a comment:

       Housing
       Food access (e.g. Food bank, meal vouchers, etc.)
       Basic material resources (e.g. Clothing, diapers, hygiene items, baby bath, crib, etc.)
       Prenatal health care (e.g. Pregnancy care, gynecology and obstetric services, check-ups, etc.)
       Mental health support (e.g. Counselling, psychiatric assessment, medication support)
       Treatment (e.g. Screening, prescriptions, referrals to specialists and other support services)
       Family counselling services (e.g. To help families cope with family conflict, family dissolution, and prevent domestic violence issues)
       Referrals to social agencies
       Parent education (e.g. Healthy child development, early learning, effective parenting skills)
       In-home supports (i.e. Individualized planning and service coordination provided within the family home)

                                                   LOOKING BEYOND COVID-19: STRENGTHENING FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES ACROSS THE OECD © OECD 2021
 19

           Other:

7B. Please select which of the following services your capital city provides to families with children aged 0-5?
Please provide the details of each selected strategy in the comment boxes:

Comment only when you choose an answer.
Please choose all that apply and provide a comment:

        Housing
        Food access (e.g. Food bank, meal vouchers, etc.)
        Basic material resources (e.g. Clothing, diapers, wipes, baby bath, hygiene items, etc.)
        Health care (e.g. Post-partum and children’s check-ups)
        Mental health support (e.g. Counselling, psychiatric assessment, medication support)
        Treatment (e.g. Screening, prescriptions, referrals to specialists and other support services)
        Family counselling services (e.g. To help families cope with family conflict, family dissolution, and prevent domestic violence issues)
        Respite services (i.e. Short term family support which cares for children during times of family crisis without necessarily having child welfare
         agencies involved)
        Subsidised or free cultural/leisure time activities
        Subsidised or free after-school activities
        Referrals to social agencies
        Parent education (e.g. Healthy child development, early learning, effective parenting skills)
        In-home supports (i.e. Individualized planning and service coordination provided within the family home)
        Financial support for families taking up family services (e.g. Conditional cash payments ONLY linked to these services, not linked through
         general family and social assistance schemes)
         Other:

7C. Please select which of the following services your capital city provides to families with school-age children?
Please provide the details of each selected strategy in the comment boxes:


20 

Comment only when you choose an answer.
Please choose all that apply and provide a comment:

       Housing (e.g. Support with social housing, youth housing)
       Food access (e.g. Food bank, meals provided at school, meal vouchers, etc.)
       Basic material resources (e.g. Clothing, hygiene items, etc.)
       Health care (e.g. Check-ups)
       Mental health support (e.g. Counselling, psychiatric assessment, medication support)
       Treatment (e.g. Screening, prescriptions, referrals to specialists and other support services)
       Assistance, services and resources provided to families coping with addictions
       Family counselling services (e.g. To help families cope with family conflict, family dissolution, and prevent domestic violence issues)
       Respite services (i.e. Short term family support which cares for children during times of family crisis without necessarily having child welfare
        agencies involved)
       Subsidised or free cultural/leisure time activities
       Subsidised or free after-school activities
       Referrals to social agencies
       Parent education (e.g. On child development, skill-building, positive parenting trainings)
       In-home supports (i.e. Individualized planning and service coordination provided within the family home)
       Financial support for families taking up family services (e.g. Conditional cash payments ONLY linked to these services, not linked through
        general family and social assistance schemes)
        Other:

                                                   LOOKING BEYOND COVID-19: STRENGTHENING FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES ACROSS THE OECD © OECD 2021
 21

7D. Please select which of the following services your capital city provides to vulnerable families or families facing certain
Please provide the details of each selected strategy in the comment boxes:

Comment only when you choose an answer.
Please choose all that apply and provide a comment:

     Specific assistance and services provided to families facing poverty
     Housing (e.g. Support with social housing, youth housing)
     Food access (e.g. Food bank, meal vouchers, etc.)
     Basic material resources (e.g. Clothing, hygiene items, bedding, wheelchair, etc.)
     Health care (e.g. Check-ups)
     Mental health support (e.g. Counselling, psychiatric assessment, medication support)
     Treatment (e.g. Screening, prescriptions, referrals to specialists and other support services)
     Assistance, services and resources provided to families coping with addictions
     Assistance, services and resources provided to families coping with chronic stress
     Family counselling services (e.g. To help families cope with family conflict, family dissolution, and prevent domestic violence issues)
     Respite services (i.e. Short term family support which cares for children during times of family crisis without necessarily having child welfare
      agencies involved)
     Subsidised or free community/social activities
     Referrals to specializes social agencies
     Parent education (e.g. On child development, skill-building, positive parenting trainings)
     Assistance for parents with a child with disabilities or who is severely ill to cope with their parenting role
     In-home supports (i.e. Individualized planning and service coordination provided within the family home)
     Assistance, services and resources provided to families seeking asylum
     Assistance, services and resources for Indigenous families
     Assistance, services and resources provided to families facing social risks (social exclusion, etc.)
     Financial support for families taking up family services (e.g. Conditional cash payments ONLY linked to these services, not linked through
      general family and social assistance schemes)
      Other:

22 

      8. Please provide up to 5 examples of public family support service programmes in the capital city that relate to your answer in Question
      #7A-D: *
                                                                                                        Number            of
                                         Outline the specific government        Number of families (by
                         Programme                                                                      programme
Programme Name:                          spending (e.g. federal, regional,      household) living in your
                         Description:                                                                   recipients       (by
                                         municipal/ local) below:               jurisdiction:
      Programme 1
      Programme 2
      Programme 3
      Programme 4
      Programme 5
      9. What is the total number of families that used your capital city’s public family support services from the most recent year?

      Please write your answer here:
      10. Are programmes or initiatives in your capital city currently using digital tools to help with the identifying target populations,
      implementation, evaluation and coordination of family services?
      If yes, please provide more details.
      Comment only when you choose an answer.
      Please choose all that apply and provide a comment:

            Yes
            No

      11. What programmes or initiatives does your capital city use to encourage the development of innovative practices in the area of family
      support services?
      Please give an example of an innovative approach or tool that your jurisdiction has implemented to more effectively deliver services, reach and
      retain families:

      Please write your answer here:

                                                    LOOKING BEYOND COVID-19: STRENGTHENING FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES ACROSS THE OECD © OECD 2021
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12. If there are other public family support programmes from a smaller city that you would like to highlight, please provide those details
in the comment box below. Please include the programme name, city location, ministry/ institution, targeted family population(s), programme
details etc.
Please write your answer here:

Additional material: You may provide any other information or comments on the overall content of this section, and upload any relevant
documentation pertaining to your organisation’s training of practitioners.
Please upload at most one file
Kindly attach the aforementioned documents along with the survey

Section 3: Costs and Funding
Please provide the information requested in the relevant cell whenever possible. Use the comments box to provide additional details, definitions
or explanations. You may provide any other information, attachments or comments on the overall content of this section under “Additional material”
Important Note: if local or regional governments in your country provide family support services, please select a local government or
regional government that you feel is representative (capital or major city) of the local government efforts surrounding family support
General Reminders:

       If available, we recommend using Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge to complete this Questionnaire, as these browsers are the most
        compatible with LimeSurvey. Nonetheless, it is also possible to complete the Questionnaire using Microsoft Explorer.
       It is not necessary to complete each section of the survey at one time. At any time, you may save your responses and click “Resume
        Later” at the top-right of your screen. Your responses up to that point will automatically be saved and you (or others) can return to the
        survey at any time.
       Multiple individuals/ ministries may contribute responses. Please keep in mind that two or more people from your country cannot work on
        this section simultaneously. As such, if you take a break from completing the survey, we recommend closing your browser or clicking on
        the “Resume Later” at the top-right of your screen. This will automatically save your responses and allow others to access and / or input
        responses in the section.
       Navigate within the survey using the “Previous” and “Next” buttons at the bottom of your screen (rather than the “Back” button of your

24 

If applicable, please provide the contact information (including name, ministry/ institution, email) of any additional contributors to this
survey for this section below:
Please write your answer here:

13. Are family support services in your country publicly subsidized? *
Choose one of the following answers
Please choose only one of the following:

          Yes
          No

14. Is public money used to provide grants or subsidies for the following?
Please choose the appropriate response for each item:
                                                 Yes                                                No
Service providers of family support
Service users (by means of earmarked
subsidies or conditional cash transfers that
are strictly related to the use of the service)?
15. What are the main sources of public funding for family support services?
Choose one of the following answers
Please choose only one of the following:

          Mainly national funds
          Mainly local funds
          National and local funds equally

 25

16. If available, what percentage of total government spending on family support services is financed by the tax revenue selected in the
question above?

Please write your answer here:

Additional material: You may provide any other information or comments on the overall content of this section, and upload any relevant
documentation pertaining to your organisation’s training of practitioners.
Please upload at most one file
Kindly attach the aforementioned documents along with the survey

Section 4: Monitoring and Knowledge Sharing
Please provide the information requested in the relevant cell whenever possible. Use the comments box to provide additional details, definitions
or explanations. You may provide any other information, attachments or comments on the overall content of this section under “Additional material”
Important Note: if local or regional governments in your country provide family support services, please select a local government or
regional government that you feel is representative (capital or major city) of the local government efforts surrounding family support
General Reminders:

       If available, we recommend using Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge to complete this Questionnaire, as these browsers are the most
        compatible with LimeSurvey. Nonetheless, it is also possible to complete the Questionnaire using Microsoft Explorer.
       It is not necessary to complete each section of the survey at one time. At any time, you may save your responses and click “Resume
        Later” at the top-right of your screen. Your responses up to that point will automatically be saved and you (or others) can return to the
        survey at any time.
       Multiple individuals/ ministries may contribute responses. Please keep in mind that two or more people from your country cannot work on
        this section simultaneously. As such, if you take a break from completing the survey, we recommend closing your browser or clicking on
        the “Resume Later” at the top-right of your screen. This will automatically save your responses and allow others to access and / or input
        responses in the section.
       Navigate within the survey using the “Previous” and “Next” buttons at the bottom of your screen (rather than the “Back” button of your

26 

If applicable, please provide the contact information (including name, ministry/ institution, email) of any additional contributors to this
survey for this section below:
Please write your answer here:
17. Does your government conduct evaluations of family support policies (including its cost-effectiveness)? Please provided any
additional details about the evaluation procedures (e.g. how audits or other strategies are used) in the comment box:
* If you answered yes above, please continue to answer the questions below. If you answered no, please skip to Question #18.
Choose one of the following answers
Please choose only one of the following:

          Yes
          No
          Uncertain

Make a comment on your choice here:

17. II. How are these evaluations used to develop and improve evidence-based family support policies?
Please provide details (e.g. if there are systematic reviews of evidence on "what policies work" and how this evidence is used to scale up and
improve policies) below:
Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:
Answer was 'Yes' at question '30 [S4Q17]' (17. Does your government conduct evaluations of family support policies (including its cost-
effectiveness)? Please provided any additional details about the evaluation procedures (e.g. how audits or other strategies are used) in the
comment box: * if you answered yes above, please continue to answer the questions below. If you answered no, please skip to Question #18. )
Please write your answer here:

18. How are evaluations executed by your government (e.g. by external auditors, with participation of all groups involved)? Please write
the details in the comment box below:
Please write your answer here:

 27

19. Does your government share information on family support services with:
Please provide additional information in the comment box below if you answered “other” above: *
Please choose the appropriate response for each item:
                                                Yes                  Uncertain                                                     No
Other levels of government in your country?
Other countries' governments?
Non-profit service providers?
Other private service providers?
20. How does your government monitor and share knowledge and information about family support services (e.g. there’s an internal
council, external board) both within your country and internationally?
Please explain in the comment box:
Please write your answer here:
21. How are families’ opinions and needs taken into account to guide policies?
Please provide the details of each selected strategy in the comment boxes.
Comment only when you choose an answer.
Please choose all that apply and provide a comment:

    Service providers have a space to share with local authorities the needs and risk of the communities and groups they support in order to
     influence policy.
    Family associations are regularly consulted by policy makers or administrations at local level.
    Families are directly consulted about their needs or to provide formal feedback directly for policy makers (via physical consultation or internet
    Other

22. Are programmes or initiatives currently using administrative data for predictive interventions or data linkage to better target policy
intervention and/or to reach the targeted population?
If yes, please provide more details
Please write your answer here:

28 

23. Does your administration share knowledge and information about family support services in order to: *
Comment only when you choose an answer.
Please choose all that apply and provide a comment:

          Share best implementation practices
          Improve staff training
          Learn how to best reach families and parents
          Other

24. Are    there    any     best           practices      surrounding   public    and      private     partnerships   in   your    country?
Please attach an example below: *
Choose one of the following answers
Please choose only one of the following:

            Yes
            No

Make a comment on your choice here:
25. Does your ministry work with other ministries/ departments on family support policy (e.g. supporting vulnerable families with
different needs, providing housing or health services)?
If so, please elaborate on what ministries and how they contribute to family support policies below.

Choose one of the following answers
Please choose only one of the following:

            Yes
            No

Make a comment on your choice here:

                                                   LOOKING BEYOND COVID-19: STRENGTHENING FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES ACROSS THE OECD © OECD 2021
 29

Additional material: You may provide any other information or comments on the overall content of this section, and upload any relevant
documentation pertaining to your organisation’s training of practitioners.
Please upload at most one file
Kindly attach the aforementioned documents along with the survey
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out to: _____________.

Thank you for completing this survey.

                                     2019 OECD Questionnaire on Family Services Providers
The 2019 OECD Questionnaire on Family Services Providers invites service provider organisations to share information about their family
support services. Organisations’ responses to the questionnaire will be a key element of the work on services for families and children that has
been developed to reach the most vulnerable families and improve child well-being.
The goal of this survey is to:
             Understand what family support services and programmes are being implemented by private service organisations in different
                 communities in the OECD countries.
             Understand what family support best practices are being utilised by private service organisations surrounding: effective
                 interventions and services, practitioner trainings, knowledge sharing, accessibility of services, and monitoring of programs.
             Share the information on cross-country differences and how services and programmes in this area are framed and developed for
                 measures used to support families and parents.
In order to help respondents complete the questionnaire, the following definition of family support services is suggested:
Family support services are here defined as all services and supports provided to help parents improve their child rearing capabilities and to
make parenting behaviour and family functioning more conducive to raising child outcomes. Broadly speaking, family support services are those
aimed to better equip parents for their child-rearing role, increase their confidence in the role and improve family functioning by providing them with
a range of resources to call on when they are experiencing difficulties. These services encompass a wide range of interventions that focus on:
              Strengthening parents' knowledge on good nutrition and health practices during pregnancy and thereafter to promote good
                  childcare and educational practices for infants and toddlers.
              Helping parents and/or children develop practices that benefit their physical and mental well-being, and that support children's
                  learning and cognitive, emotional and social development. Such programmes may have different focuses, from the diffusion of

30 

                   best education and care practices, to the prevention of mental health or physical risks, to teaching families effective strategies to
                   cope with physical or psychological stressors that they or their children may experience.
                  Helping vulnerable families, in particular those who have children with disabilities, families exposed to domestic conflict or
                   violence, and families in precarious family situations who have special and often multiple needs. Here again, the type and scope
                   of services may vary depending on the circumstances faced by the family.
                               o Social and/ or psychological assistance, as well as family counselling services could be provided to improve
                                   family functioning and help parents cope with their parenting role.
                               o Other family services involve providing parents with material resources such as clothes, nutrition packs or
                                   educational resources.
Families may also get access to other medical, social, and/or housing assistance services that are provided by general social and health assistance
systems, but they are not the focus of the current survey. Only services targeted at families and intended to support family life and parents in their
parenting role are considered here. For this reason, early childhood care and education services are also not among the services covered by this

There are 74 questions in this survey.

Instructions and the Primary Survey Contact
Instructions for the survey:
General Guidance

          If available, we recommend using Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge to complete this Questionnaire, as these browsers are the most
           compatible with LimeSurvey. Nonetheless, it is also possible to complete the Questionnaire using Microsoft Explorer.
          It is not necessary to complete this section of the survey at one time. At any time, you may click “Resume Later” at the top-right of your
           screen. Your responses up to that point will automatically be saved and you (or others) can return to the survey at any time.
          The survey should take approximately 50 minutes to complete.
          It is recommended that one individual fill out this survey. However, multiple individuals/ ministries may contribute responses. Please
           keep in mind that two or more people from your country cannot work on this section simultaneously. As such, if you take a break from
           completing the survey, we recommend closing your browser or clicking on the “Resume Later” at the top-right of your screen. This will
           automatically save your responses and allow others to access and/ or input responses in the section.
          Navigate within the survey using the “Previous” and “Next” buttons at the bottom of your screen (rather than the “Back” button of your

Requested Data and Information

                                                  LOOKING BEYOND COVID-19: STRENGTHENING FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES ACROSS THE OECD © OECD 2021
 31

       This section begins by asking the main respondent of the section to provide his/ her name and contact details. This information is
        requested in the event that we have questions about any of your country’s responses.
       For many questions, you will be asked to select the most appropriate answer from the list of options. For any data provided, please
        indicate the year, source, and web link (if available) in the appropriate boxes. If needed, you may use the comment boxes to provide
        additional details or explanations.
       You may provide any additional information or comments under “Additional materials” at the end of this section. You will also have the
        opportunity to upload relevant files (data, unpublished reports etc.) that would be useful as additional background material to the OECD.
       We kindly ask that you provide information for the most recent available year, and (if indicated in the question prompt) for previous

If you have any questions or encounter any technical difficulties, please contact the OECD Secretariat:

                                            Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.
*Please provide the requested information below for the primary person completing this questionnaire, 2019 OECD Questionnaire on
Family Services Providers:
Title (Mr./Ms./Mrs.):
First Name:
Last Name:
Organisation Name:
Organisation Position/ Role:
Phone Number (please indicate country
If applicable, please provide the contact information (including name, organisation, position, email) of any additional contributors to this survey:
Please write your answer here:

Section 1: General Information
Please provide the information requested in the relevant cell whenever possible. Use the comments box to provide additional details, definitions
or explanations. You may provide any other information or comments on the overall content of this section under “Additional comments” below.

32 

1. What is the name of your organisation? *
Please write your answer here:

2. What year was your organisation established?
Please write your answer here:

3. What is your role within the organisation?
Please write your answer here:

4. If you have to qualify the economic situation of your organisation, would you say that your organisation is?
Please choose only one of the following:
       1.      In a situation of growth and develop of its activities
       2.      In an unstable economic situation
       3.      In a situation of economic difficulties with no visible consequences on its activity
       4.      In a situation of economic difficulties and reduction of its activity
       5.      Other

Additional material: You may provide any other information or comments on the overall content of this section, and upload any relevant
documentation pertaining to your organisation’s training of practitioners.
Kindly attach the aforementioned documents along with the survey

Section 2: Location, Population and Content
Please provide the information requested in the relevant cell whenever possible. Use the comments box to provide additional details, definitions
or explanations. You may provide any other information or comments on the overall content of this section under “Additional comments” below.

5. Where is your organisation located? Please provide information where your organisation is located (i.e. the municipality and the country) in
the comment box: *

                                                LOOKING BEYOND COVID-19: STRENGTHENING FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES ACROSS THE OECD © OECD 2021
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