Home Insurance Car Insurance - Product Disclosure Statement and Policy document 1 August 2015

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               Home Insurance

                     Car Insurance
Product Disclosure Statement and Policy document
                                     1 August 2015
OnePath Car Insurance
PDS and Policy document
The purpose of this PDS                          Issuers of this PDS
and Policy document                              OnePath Car Insurance is underwritten by
This combined Product Disclosure                 QBE Insurance (Australia) Limited (QBE)
Statement (PDS) and Policy document              ABN 78 003 191 035 (AFSL 239545).
has been designed to help you understand         QBE is a member of the QBE Insurance
OnePath Car Insurance so you can get the         Group Limited ABN 28 008 485 014
most out of your Policy.                         (ASX: QBE). QBE Insurance Group is
This combined Product Disclosure                 Australia’s largest international general
Statement (PDS) and Policy document              insurance and reinsurance group, and
contains detailed information on OnePath         one of the top 25 insurers and reinsurers
Car Insurance, including when you are            worldwide. The company has been
covered, when you are not covered, and           operating in Australia since 1886 and
maximum cover limits. We have also               continues to provide insurance solutions
included a glossary on pages 37–39 to            that are focused on the needs of
describe words with a special meaning.           policyholders.
To the extent that the content of this           OnePath Car Insurance is distributed
PDS could be construed as general                by OnePath General Insurance Pty
advice, it does not take into account your       Limited (OnePath General Insurance)
personal needs and financial circumstances.      ABN 56 072 892 365 (AFSL 288160).
You should consider the appropriateness          OnePath General Insurance is owned by
of the advice, having regard to your             Australia and New Zealand Banking Group
objectives, financial situation and needs.       Limited (ANZ), but it is not a bank. This
When you take out OnePath Car Insurance,         product is not a deposit or other liability
we agree to provide the cover described          of ANZ or its related group of companies
in your current Schedule and in this PDS         and none of them stands behind or
as well as any Supplementary PDS we may          guarantees QBE or the product.
issue. Together, these documents make
up the terms and conditions of your Car
Insurance Policy with us. We recommend
that you read them carefully and store
them together in a safe place.
The insurer takes full responsibility for this
combined PDS and Policy document which
has been prepared and is provided in
accordance with Australian laws only.
Section                                             Page
Why choose OnePath Car Insurance?                     1
Choice of cover                                       2
Comprehensive cover                                   2
Third Party Property Damage, Fire and Theft cover     2
Third Party Property Damage cover                     2
Insured events                                        3
Liability cover                                       5
Policy benefits                                       6
No Claim Bonus                                       14
Policy options                                       15
Ways to reduce your premium                          15
Optional covers that can be added to your Policy     15
Excesses that may apply when you make a claim        17
Exclusions                                           18
Event, additional, and optional cover exclusions     18
Liability exclusions                                 18
General exclusions                                   19
Your premium                                         21
How we calculate your premium                        21
How to pay your premium                              21
Problems with paying your premium                    21
Your Policy                                          22
How to renew your Policy                             22
How to change your Policy                            22
How to cancel your Policy                            23
Cooling off period                                   23
Claims                                               24
How to make a claim                                  24
How we settle your claim                             24
Customer complaints                                  27
How to resolve a complaint or dispute                27
Section                                               Page
Our commitment to you                                  28
The General Insurance Code of Practice                 28
Privacy Statement                                      28
Updating our PDS                                       34
Financial Claims Scheme                                34
Your responsibilities to us                            35
Your duty of disclosure                                35
Other conditions when you are insured with us          35
Conditions you must comply with when making a claim    36
Sanctions                                              36
Glossary                                               37
Simple application process
If you are taking out a Policy with us for the first time, simply:
Call 132 062 weekdays from 8am to 8pm (AEST)
Visit onepath.com.au
If we agree to insure you, you will be provided with a Schedule setting out the details
of your Policy.

For 24 hours a day claims service
Call 132 062
Why choose OnePath
Car Insurance?
Our Car Insurance is the hassle-free way for   Great ways to reduce your
you to comprehensively protect your car,       premium including:
offering a range of benefits including:
                                               •• nominated driver option
•• after accident care benefits
                                               •• low kilometre option
   –– use of genuine parts
                                               •• choosing a higher excess.
   –– choice of repairer
                                               Discover these benefits in full detail
   –– lifetime repair guarantee                in this PDS.
   –– towing services
   –– emergency travel and accommodation
   –– 24 hours a day, 7 days a week claims
      assistance service helpline 132 062
•• optional car hire
•• additional benefits
   –– protection of personal belongings
   –– personal legal liability
   –– protection against damage or loss
      of baby seats and capsules
   –– new car replacement
   –– cover for keys, locks and barrels
   –– choice of agreed or market value
   –– pay by the month at no extra cost.

Choice of cover
    Our Car Insurance provides cover for            Third Party Property Damage,
    your motor vehicle anywhere in Australia.
    Under this insurance you can choose from
                                                    Fire and Theft cover
    three different levels of cover, depending      Provides cover for:
    on your needs.                                  •• loss or damage to your vehicle by fire
                                                       or theft only
    Comprehensive cover                             •• your legal liability for loss or damage to
    Provides cover for:                                another person’s vehicle or property.
    •• loss or damage to your vehicle
    •• your legal liability for loss or damage to
                                                    Third Party Property
       another person’s vehicle or property.        Damage cover
                                                    Provides cover for your legal liability for
    Comprehensive cover offers additional
                                                    loss or damage to another person’s vehicle
    Policy options as outlined on pages 15-16.
                                                    or property only.

Insured events
If you have a Comprehensive Policy, Third Party Property Damage, Fire and Theft Policy, or
Third Party Property Damage Policy, we will provide cover for loss or damage as a result of
any events that we have agreed to cover. There are a number of events we will only cover
under specific conditions. These are listed on the following pages.
When you make a claim and you are at fault:
•• your No Claim Bonus may be reduced, and
•• you will need to pay any excesses that apply.

 Event         Description                          Comprehensive   Third Party    Third
                                                                    Property       Party
                                                                    Damage,        Property
                                                                    Fire & Theft   Damage

 Accidental    We will cover your vehicle                3               7             7
 damage        for accidental damage,
 to your       including damage as a result
 vehicle       of a collision.

 Fire          We will cover your vehicle                3               3             7
               for loss or damage as a
               result of fire.
               We will not cover your vehicle
               for loss or damage caused by
               bushfire or grassfire within
               48 hours of the start date of
               your Policy, unless:
               •• you took out your insurance
                  with us immediately after
                  another insurance Policy
                  covering the same vehicle
                  ended, without a break in
                  cover, or
               •• you had entered into a
                  contract of sale to purchase
                  your vehicle, or a contract to
                  lease your vehicle, and took
                  out your insurance with us
                  for the vehicle prior to taking
                  possession of the vehicle.

Event       Description                          Comprehensive   Third Party    Third
                                                                     Property       Party
                                                                     Damage,        Property
                                                                     Fire & Theft   Damage
    Storm or    We will cover your vehicle for            3               7             7
    flood       loss or damage as a result of
                storm or flood.
                We will not cover your vehicle
                for loss or damage caused by
                a named cyclone within
                48 hours of the start date of
                your Policy, unless:
                •• you took out your insurance
                   with us immediately after
                   another insurance Policy
                   covering the same vehicle
                   ended, without a break in
                   cover, or
                •• you had entered into a
                   contract of sale to purchase
                   your vehicle, or a contract to
                   lease your vehicle, and took
                   out your insurance with us
                   for the vehicle prior to taking
                   possession of the vehicle.

    Theft or    We will cover your vehicle for            3               3             7
    attempted   loss or damage as a result of
    theft       theft or attempted theft.
                We also cover theft of the keys
                to your vehicle and certain
                items in your car, refer to
                Policy benefits on pages 6–13.
                The theft or attempted theft
                must be reported to the Police.

    Vandalism   We will cover your vehicle for            3               7             7
    or a        loss or damage as a result of
    malicious   vandalism or a malicious act.
    act         The vandalism or malicious act
                must be reported to the Police.

Liability cover
This cover applies if you have a Comprehensive Policy, Third Party Property Damage,
Fire and Theft Policy, or Third Party Property Damage Policy.

 Cover          Description                       Comprehensive    Third Party      Third
                                                                   Property         Party
                                                                   Damage,          Property
                                                                   Fire & Theft     Damage

 Liability      We will cover you, a                    3                3               3
                nominated driver, an
                authorised driver, or
                passengers of your vehicle,
                for legal liability if your
                vehicle or a substitute vehicle
                is involved in an event that
                causes loss or damage to
                someone else’s property,
                or death or bodily injury to
                other people.

We will cover liability claims up to $20,000,000 (inclusive of GST) for any event. This amount
includes any legal costs that must be paid to defend the claim and any costs awarded
against the person who was at fault.
We will cover you, a nominated driver or an authorised driver for any liability that
arises from:
•• loading or unloading goods
•• the use of your vehicle or substitute vehicle, or any one trailer, caravan or broken down
   vehicle attached to your vehicle
•• goods falling from your vehicle or substitute vehicle, or
•• using your vehicle or substitute vehicle on behalf of you or their employer, principal,
   partner or the Australian, State or local government.
We will cover lawfully travelling passengers of your vehicle for any liability that arises from
being in or getting into or out of your vehicle or a substitute vehicle.
We will only cover liability for death or bodily injury when there is no insurance required by
law that already provides this cover. If this insurance was available to you and you did not
take it, we will not pay the claim.

Policy benefits
    As part of your car insurance Policy and depending on the type of cover you have we will
    automatically cover the following benefits. These Policy benefits are only available if they
    occur as a result of an insured event.

     Benefit             Description                  Comprehensive   Third Party    Third
                                                                      Property       Party
                                                                      Damage,        Property
                                                                      Fire & Theft   Damage

     Baby capsules       If baby capsules or               3               7               7
     and child seats     child seats are damaged
                         while in your vehicle, or
                         stolen from your vehicle,
                         we will cover their
                         replacement cost.

     Choice of           You can suggest a                 3               3               3
     repairer            repairer, or we can                                         Only if you
                         suggest one for you.                                        are making
                         If we do not accept                                         a claim for
                         your choice of                                              uninsured
                         repairer, you must still                                    motorist
                         cooperate with us to                                        damage
                         select another repairer                                     (see page 13)
                         that we both agree on.

     Emergency           If your vehicle needs             3               7               7
     or temporary        emergency or
     repairs             temporary repairs so
                         that it can be driven or
                         used, we will cover the
                         cost of repairs up to
                         $500 (inclusive of GST)
                         per event.
                         The emergency or
                         temporary repairs must
                         be a result of an event we
                         have agreed to cover.
                         We will need receipts
                         for the repairs.

Benefit           Description                   Comprehensive   Third Party    Third
                                                                Property       Party
                                                                Damage,        Property
                                                                Fire & Theft   Damage
Hire vehicle      If your vehicle is:                3               3             7
costs following   •• stolen, or
a theft or
                  •• if it is unsafe to drive
attempted theft
                     as a result of theft or
                     attempted theft
                  we will pay up to $75 per
                  day (inclusive of GST) for
                  up to a total of 14 days
                  for the cost of a hire
                  vehicle from the time
                  the theft or attempted
                  theft occurred.
                  We will only cover the
                  cost of a hire vehicle:
                  •• until your vehicle
                     is recovered and
                     repaired, or
                  •• until we settle your
                     claim if your vehicle is
                     a total loss
                  up to a total of 14 days,
                  whichever is the shortest
                  period of time.
                  The hire vehicle
                  must be similar to
                  your own vehicle.
                  You will need to
                  organise and pay for
                  the hire car. We are
                  not responsible for
                  ensuring that a hire car
                  is available. You must
                  also give us a copy of
                  the rental agreement
                  and any receipts for the
                  hire car before we will
                  pay you.

Benefit           Description                 Comprehensive   Third Party    Third
                                                                  Property       Party
                                                                  Damage,        Property
                                                                  Fire & Theft   Damage
    Hire vehicle      We will not cover:               3               3             7
    costs following   •• loss or damage to the
    theft or             hire vehicle, or any
    attempted theft      costs to run the hire
    (continued)          vehicle including the
                         cost of fuel
                      •• any insurance excess
                         or other costs,
                         including rental bonds
                         which you may be
                         liable for under the
                         hire agreement
                      •• any other additional
                         hire costs.

    Personal items    If personal items are            3               7             7
    in your car       damaged in an event
                      or stolen from your
                      locked car, we will cover
                      the cost to repair or
                      replace them up to $500
                      (inclusive of GST).
                      We will only cover loss
                      or damage as a result of
                      theft or attempted theft
                      from a locked car.
                      The theft or attempted
                      theft of personal items
                      must be reported to
                      the Police.
                      We will not cover:
                      •• money, cheques,
                         financial transaction
                      •• property used for
                         earning an income.

Benefit             Description                   Comprehensive   Third Party    Third
                                                                  Property       Party
                                                                  Damage,        Property
                                                                  Fire & Theft   Damage
Removal of          If your vehicle is                 3               7             7
debris              damaged, we will cover
                    the reasonable costs
                    to remove the vehicle
                    debris from the site
                    where it occurred.

Replacement of      If the keys to your                3               3             7
keys, barrels and   vehicle have been
recoding of locks   stolen, and we accept
                    your claim, we will pay
                    for the replacement of
                    your vehicle’s keys and if
                    necessary the recoding
                    of your vehicle’s locks up
                    to a maximum of $1,000
                    after deduction of your
                    basic Policy excess.
                    To be entitled to
                    this benefit:
                    •• the theft of the keys
                       needs to have been
                       reported to the Police
                    •• the keys would need
                       to have been stolen by
                       someone other than
                       you, a member of your
                       family, another person
                       who resides with you
                       or someone invited to
                       your place of residence.
                    If your claim relates
                    solely to replacement
                    of keys, barrels and
                    recoding of locks, cover
                    under this benefit does
                    not entitle you to a
                    claim for a rental
                    vehicle or any other
                    additional benefit.

Benefit           Description                 Comprehensive   Third Party     Third
                                                                   Property        Party
                                                                   Damage,         Property
                                                                   Fire & Theft    Damage
     Replacing your    If your vehicle is a             3                7              7
     vehicle after a   total loss as a result of
     total loss        an insured event, we
                       may decide to replace
                       your vehicle with a
                       new vehicle.
                       We will only replace
                       your vehicle with a new
                       vehicle if your:
                       •• car is less than two
                          years old and has not
                          travelled more than
                          30,000 kilometres
                       •• car is more than
                          two years old, but
                          less than three years
                          old, and has not
                          travelled more than
                          50,000 kilometres.

     Towing and        If your vehicle is               3                3               3
     transport of      damaged in an insured                       Only if         Only if
     your vehicle      event and cannot be                         you are         you are
                       driven or used, we will                     making a        making a
                       tow it from the scene of                    claim for       claim for
                       the event to either:                        uninsured       uninsured
                       •• a place of safety                        motorist        motorist
                                                                   damage          damage
                       •• the nearest repairer
                                                                   (see page 13)   (see page 13)
                       •• any other place we
                          agree to.
                       We will cover the cost
                       of one tow, however
                       if there is more than one
                       tow, we will decide if it
                       is covered.

Benefit             Description                     Comprehensive   Third Party     Third
                                                                    Property        Party
                                                                    Damage,         Property
                                                                    Fire & Theft    Damage
Towing and          In addition, if the event            3                3               3
transport of        occurs more than 100                            Only if you     Only if you
your vehicle        kilometres from your                            are making      are making
(continued)         home, we will also cover                        a claim for     a claim for
                    the cost of transporting                        uninsured       uninsured
                    your vehicle up to $500                         motorist        motorist
                    (inclusive of GST).                             damage          damage
                    If we do this, we will                          (see page 13)   (see page 13)
                    cover either:
                    •• transport from the
                       place where your
                       vehicle is repaired, if it
                       is repaired more than
                       100 kilometres from
                       your home, to your
                       home after the repairs
                       have been completed
                    •• transport to a repairer
                       in your local area.

Trailers attached   If a trailer suffers loss or         3               7               7
to your vehicle     damage while attached
                    to your vehicle, we will
                    pay the lesser of:
                    •• the cost to repair
                       your trailer
                    •• the market value of
                       your trailer
                    up to $1,000 (inclusive
                    of GST).
                    The trailer must be
                    attached to your vehicle
                    at the time of the event.
                    We will not cover the
                    contents of the trailer.

Benefit          Description                 Comprehensive   Third Party    Third
                                                                  Property       Party
                                                                  Damage,        Property
                                                                  Fire & Theft   Damage
     Transport or     If your vehicle is               3               7             7
     accommodation    damaged in an
     when you are     event more than 100
     away from home   kilometres from your
                      home and cannot be
                      driven or used, we will
                      cover the cost of either:
                      •• transportation for
                         you and your
                         passengers to your
                         home or destination
                      •• temporary
                         for you and
                         your passengers for
                         one night
                      up to $500 (inclusive of
                      GST) in total.

Benefit           Description                  Comprehensive   Third Party    Third
                                                               Property       Party
                                                               Damage,        Property
                                                               Fire & Theft   Damage
Uninsured         If your vehicle suffers           3                3              3
motorist damage   loss or damage as a                          Up to          Up to
                  result of a collision                        $5,000         $5,000
                  with an uninsured                            (inclusive     (inclusive
                  vehicle and we                               of GST)        of GST)
                  determine that you
                  are not at fault, we will
                  cover the cost to repair
                  your vehicle, including
                  towing your vehicle.
                  The vehicle that
                  caused the damage
                  to your vehicle must
                  be uninsured.
                  You will need to provide
                  us with:
                  •• the name and current
                     residential address of
                     the driver responsible
                     for the collision
                  •• registration details of
                     the other vehicle
                  •• proof that the other
                     vehicle was uninsured.

No Claim Bonus
     No Claim Bonus is a discount on the      If your car is involved in an event, your
     Policy premium awarded for not making    No Claim Bonus will not be affected if:
     at fault claims. Based on the claims
                                              •• w
                                                  e decide the event was not your
     lodged during the period of insurance,
                                                 fault, and you provide us with the
     your Policy’s No Claim Bonus will be
                                                 name, current residential address and
     adjusted when you renew your Policy
                                                 vehicle registration of the person who
     and this can either:
                                                 caused the event
     •• increase (up to our maximum
                                              •• your claim is for damage caused by a
        No Claim Bonus)
                                                 storm or other naturally occurring event.
     •• decrease
                                              If you make a claim and we decide that
     •• remain the same.                      you are at fault, your No Claim Bonus will
                                              be affected and may be reduced when
                                              you renew your Policy.
                                              Please refer to page 16 for ways of
                                              protecting your No Claim Bonus.

Policy options
Ways to reduce your premium                     Optional covers that can be
The following optional covers if selected       added to your Policy
and accepted by us will provide you with        If you are taking out a Comprehensive
a premium discount and will be listed           Policy, you can broaden the scope of your
on your Schedule. These covers are only         cover by adding the following options.
available to Comprehensive Policyholders.       You will need to apply for this cover, and
                                                pay an additional premium.
Nominated driver option
                                                Any options that we agree to add to
If you choose this option, we will calculate
                                                your Policy will be listed on your
your premium on the basis that your
                                                current Schedule.
car will be driven by no more than two
nominated drivers who are 30 years of age       These options are available under the
or over. The drivers you nominate will be       Comprehensive Policy only.
listed on your Schedule.
                                                Hire vehicle following an incident
Under this Policy we will not cover any loss,
damage or liability if your vehicle is driven   If you have selected this option, and your
by someone who is under 30 years of age,        vehicle is damaged in an event which is
unless it is being:                             covered under this Policy, and we have
                                                agreed to pay your claim, we will pay you
•• parked by a parking attendant                for the cost of hiring an alternative vehicle
•• repaired, serviced or tested                 while your vehicle is being repaired or if
                                                deemed a total loss.
•• used to transport a person in the event
   of a medical emergency.                      We will pay you up to $75 per day:
                                                •• up to 14 days
Low kilometre option
                                                •• until your vehicle is repaired
If you choose this Policy, your premium will
be calculated on the basis that your car will   •• until we pay your claim
not be driven more than 10,000 kilometres
                                                whichever happens first.
during your period of insurance. If you
exceed the 10,000 kilometre limit, you may      The cover will commence on the date your
also need to pay an additional premium.         vehicle is taken to the repairer.
                                                We will not pay for:
Choosing a higher excess
                                                •• additional hiring costs
If you elect to increase your excess you will
receive a premium discount.                     •• running costs, including the cost of fuel

•• damage to the hire car                     Windscreen Protection option
     •• any insurance, insurance excess or other   If you select this option, you will be covered
        costs you may be liable for under the      for accidental breakage or damage to
        hire car rental agreement.                 your vehicle’s windscreen or window glass
                                                   without you having to pay your basic
     We will not cover you under this optional     excess. This option will provide protection
     benefit if the only damage to your vehicle    for one damaged windscreen or window
     is to its windscreens or window glass.        glass in any one period of insurance.

     No Claim Bonus protection                     Claims for accidental breakage or
                                                   damage to your windscreen or window
     If you select this option, your No Claim
                                                   glass under this option will not affect
     Bonus will not be reduced if you make
                                                   your No Claim Bonus.
     one at fault claim during your period of
     insurance. To be eligible for this option,
     you must have a current No Claim Bonus.
     If you make more than one at fault claim
     during your period of insurance, your No
     Claim Bonus will be reduced at the next
     renewal of your Policy.

     Lifetime No Claim Bonus protection
     If you select this option, your maximum
     No Claim Bonus will not be reduced or
     affected by any at fault claims you make.
     To be eligible for this option you will
     need to:
     •• currently have a maximum
        No Claim Bonus and have had this for
        at least two consecutive years; and
     •• have not had any at fault claims in the
        last five years.

Excesses that may apply
when you make a claim
An ‘excess’ is your contribution towards the    The type of excess that applies to your
cost of a claim. We will tell you if you need   Policy and the amount of that excess will
to pay an excess when you make a claim.         be listed on your Schedule.
The following types of excesses may apply:      You may need to pay more than one type
                                                of excess when you make a claim. You will
•• basic excess – the basic excess that
                                                only need to pay this amount once when
   applies to your Policy which you may
                                                you make a claim.
   have elected, varies depending on the
   make and model of your vehicle, and          An excess will not apply if the event was
   the State or Territory in which your         not the fault of the driver of your vehicle,
   vehicle is used                              and we are provided with the contact
                                                details of the person who caused the
•• age excess – applies when the event
                                                event, including their name, current
   you are claiming for occurred while
                                                residential address and vehicle registration,
   your car was being driven by a person
                                                and who they are insured with.
   less than 25 years of age. This excess is
   in addition to the basic excess
•• undeclared driver excess – applies
   when the event you are claiming for
   occurred while your car was being
   driven by a person not listed on your
   Schedule. This excess is in addition to
   the basic and age excess.

     Any cover we provide is subject to the          •• liability for any agreement or contract
     following exclusions.                              you, a nominated driver, or an
                                                        authorised driver enter into, unless
     Event, additional, and optional                    you, the nominated driver or
                                                        authorised driver would have
     cover exclusions                                   been liable without the agreement
     We will not cover:                                 or contract
     •• the reduction in value of your vehicle       •• damage to property that belongs to,
        due to its age and condition                    or that is in the control of:
     •• costs of any part, or parts of your             –– you, any member of your family
        vehicle that wear out                              who normally lives with you, or
     •• repairing or replacing parts that have             any other person who normally
        failed or broken down                              lives with you

     •• rust or corrosion in, or on, your vehicle       –– a nominated driver, or any member
                                                           of the nominated driver’s family
     •• failure of the body and frame of your              who normally lives with that
        vehicle, or mechanical or electrical               nominated driver
        breakdown, unless the failure or
        breakdown results in damage to your             –– an authorised driver, or any member
        vehicle by accident or fire                        of the authorised driver’s family
                                                           who normally lives with that
     •• damage to the tyres on your vehicle                authorised driver
        that occurs solely by applying the
        brakes, or by punctures, cuts or bursting       –– any person that you, a nominated
        of the tyres, and which does not arise             driver, or an authorised driver employ
        from an event covered by this Policy.        however, we will pay claims arising from
                                                     damage to a residential building that is
     Liability exclusions                            rented and occupied by any of the
                                                     above people.
     We will not cover:
                                                     •• personal injury to:
     •• penalties, fines or awards of aggravated,
        exemplary or punitive damages made              –– you, any member of your family who
        against you, a nominated driver,                   normally lives with you, or any other
        an authorised driver, or a passenger               person who normally lives with you
     •• events where there is insurance                 –– a nominated driver, or any member
        required by law that provides cover for            of the nominated driver’s family
        your liability, or it was available to you         who normally lives with that
        and you did not take it out                        nominated driver

–– an authorised driver, or any member         –– did not remain at the scene of the
      of the authorised driver’s family              event for the time required by law, or
      who normally lives with that                   until the Police arrived, without any
      authorised driver                              reasonable excuse.
   –– any person you, a nominated driver,      However, this exclusion will only apply
      or an authorised driver employs.         to you if you knew, or should have
                                               known, that the nominated driver, or the
General exclusions                             authorised driver was under the influence
                                               of alcohol or drugs, or had a blood alcohol
We will not cover any loss, damage
                                               level higher than the level allowed by law.
or liability:
                                               The law that will apply is the law of the
•• that occurs outside Australia               State or Territory where the loss, damage
                                               or liability occurred
•• that does not occur within your period
   of insurance                                •• if you have selected the nominated
                                                  driver option and your vehicle is driven
•• if there is a special condition listed on
                                                  by someone who is under 30 years of
   your current Schedule that states that
                                                  age, unless it is being:
   there is no cover when the vehicle is
   driven by a specified person, and that         –– parked by a parking attendant
   person was driving the vehicle at the          –– repaired, serviced or tested
   time of the event
                                                  –– used to transport a person in the
•• deliberately caused by you, a member              event of a medical emergency
   of your family, a nominated driver, or an
                                               •• if you have selected the low kilometre
   authorised driver
                                                  option and your vehicle has travelled
•• where you, a nominated driver, or an           more than 10,000 kilometres on
   authorised driver:                             average per year

   –– had a blood alcohol level higher         •• if your vehicle or a substitute vehicle is
      than the level allowed by law               being used for:

   –– were under the influence of alcohol         –– an unlawful purpose
      or drugs                                    –– hire
   –– refused a test to determine alcohol         –– carrying passengers and you, a
      or drug levels, including a failure to         nominated driver or an authorised
      report to a Police station within the          driver get paid for doing so
      legal time frame following an event            (this does not include a private
      that requires a drug or alcohol test           transport pooling arrangement,
                                                     or if your employer pays you a
                                                     travel allowance)
–– carrying goods and you, a
           nominated driver or an authorised
           driver are paid for doing so
        –– any purpose other than that for
           which your vehicle was made
        –– a motor sport
     •• that arises from the lawful destruction
        or confiscation of your property
     •• if you have not met your responsibilities
        to us
     •• if your vehicle or a substitute vehicle is:
        –– in an unsafe condition, and you
           knew, or should have known that
           it was unsafe to use
        –– used, or driven by, an
           unlicensed driver
        –– unregistered
        –– damaged in an event and you
           do not take reasonable steps to
           prevent further loss or damage,
           including if your vehicle is stolen
           and then found, and you have
           been told where it is
     •• arising from war or warlike activity
        (war does not have to be declared)
     •• arising from hostilities, rebellion,
        insurrection or revolution
     •• arising from contamination by
        chemical and/or biological agents
        which results from an act of terrorism
     •• arising from anything nuclear
        or radioactive.

Your premium
How we calculate                              How to pay your premium
your premium                                  We offer a range of convenient payment
Your premium, including any taxes and         options. You can pay your premium in:
charges, will be featured on your Schedule.   •• one lump sum by credit card or
We will base your premium on:                    direct debit
•• the type of cover you have chosen,         •• monthly instalments by credit card or
   including any options that you                direct debit, at no extra cost.
   have added
•• whether you have nominated a market        Problems with paying
   or agreed value for your vehicle           your premium
•• the excess                                 If you cannot pay your premium, please
                                              contact OnePath Customer Services
•• the value of your vehicle
                                              immediately on 132 062, weekdays from
•• the age, make and model of                 8am to 8pm (AEST).
   your vehicle
                                              We may cancel your Policy if:
•• any modifications, manufacturers
                                              •• you do not pay your premium
   options or accessories
                                              •• you pay your premium by
•• where your vehicle is kept
                                                 instalments and you are more than
•• what your vehicle is used for                 one month behind.
•• the age, driving experience and            If you pay by instalments, we may
   claims history of the drivers              refuse to pay a claim if at least one
                                              instalment of the premium is overdue
•• any special conditions that we
                                              for one month or more.
   have applied.
Premiums are also subject to
Commonwealth and State taxes and/or
charges, including GST and stamp duty,
which will be listed on your Schedule.

Your Policy
     How to renew your Policy                        Step 1 – Contact us to change your
     Before your current Policy expires, we          Policy or update your details
     may send you an offer to renew your             Call OnePath Customer Services on 132 062,
     insurance. This offer will include an           weekdays from 8am to 8pm (AEST).
     updated Schedule and provide a premium
                                                     If you replace your vehicle
     based on the information contained in
     your current Policy.                            1. If you replace your vehicle with another
                                                        vehicle, your cover for your original
     You will then need to review the proposed          vehicle will end. If you replace your
     Policy and premium. If you have any                vehicle within one month of disposing
     questions or would like to change your             of it, we will provide the same cover for
     cover, you will need to call 132 062,              your replacement vehicle for 14 days
     weekdays from 8am to 8pm (AEST).                   from the date you take possession of it.
     If you accept the conditions of the             2. If you wish to continue cover for your
     new Policy, you then need to pay your              replacement vehicle, you will need to
     premium. If you paid your last premium             contact us to take out a Policy within
     by instalments, we will continue to deduct         14 days, or your cover will end. If we do
     payments from your nominated account.              continue the cover, we will advise you
     If you paid your last premium in one lump          of any change to the premium or terms
     sum, we must receive your payment by               of insurance.
     the due date, otherwise your vehicle will
     not be insured.                                 Please refer to page 35 of this document
                                                     for a full list of other responsibilities you
                                                     must meet when you are insured with us.
     How to change your Policy
     It’s important that all the details in your     Step 2 – Check the changes
     Policy are current and correct so we have
                                                     After we update your details, you will
     tried to make it as easy as possible for you.
                                                     be sent an Endorsement Schedule.
                                                     This Schedule includes any changes or
                                                     variations you have requested and we have
                                                     agreed to, and any conditions we may have
                                                     applied to that agreement including any
                                                     change in premium.

Step 3 – Pay your premium if it
has increased
We will tell you if your premium has
increased. If you pay your premium
by instalments, we will adjust your
instalments and commence deducting
the new amount from your nominated
account. If you pay your premium in one
lump sum, we must receive your additional
payment within one month.

How to cancel your Policy
If you want to cancel your Policy, call
OnePath Customer Services on 132 062,
weekdays from 8am to 8pm (AEST). We
may need your cancellation request in
writing. If you cancel your Policy before
it ends and provided no claim has been
made, we will refund an amount for the
unused premium.

Cooling off period
You have the right to cancel your Policy
during the 21 day cooling off period, after
its commencement, provided no claim
has been made within this period.
If you cancel your Policy within this period,
we will return to you any premiums you
have paid us.

     How to make a claim                          To help us assess your claim when you call,
                                                  we will ask you a range of questions and
     To help us make the claims process as easy
                                                  you may need to:
     as possible for you, please follow these
     simple steps for motor vehicle claims.       •• provide proof of ownership of your
                                                     vehicle, or any personal items, baby
     Make sure you have all the relevant             capsules or child seats
     information to support your claim            •• allow us to inspect your vehicle
     We will need:
                                                  •• provide quotations from a repairer.
     •• contact details of any other people
                                                  At the time of making a claim under the
        involved in the event, including their
                                                  Policy, you must provide us with certain
        name, current residential address
                                                  GST information relevant to both your
        and vehicle registration and who
                                                  policy and your claim. If you do not provide
        they are insured with
                                                  us with this information we may deduct
     •• any letters, notices or court documents   up to 1/11 of the amount otherwise
        about the event within 72 hours of        payable in settlement of your claim.
        receiving them
                                                  You must not:
     •• you to inform the Police immediately
                                                  •• admit guilt or fault (except in court or
        when required to do so by law
                                                     to the Police)
        or when the incident is theft or
        malicious damage                          •• offer or negotiate to pay a claim
     •• you to not have any repairs done until    •• admit any liability.
        we give you authority and we reserve
        the right to choose the repairer          How we settle your claim
     •• you to take reasonable steps to reduce
        the loss or damage and to prevent         We will decide how we will settle
        further loss or damage.                   your claim
                                                  If your vehicle suffers loss or damage
     Call us on 132 062 (24 hours a day,          (applicable to Comprehensive and Third
     7 days a week) to make a claim               Party Property Damage, Fire and Theft
                                                  cover) as a result of an event that we have
     Our claims assistance service is open
                                                  agreed to cover, we will decide whether to:
     24 hours a day, 7 days a week so we can
     give you immediate advice and assistance     •• repair your vehicle
     with your claim. You will need to make
                                                  •• replace your vehicle (applies to
     your claim as soon as possible, as any
                                                     ‘total loss’ only. Refer to page 10 for
     delays may reduce the amount that we can
                                                     full details)
     pay, or prevent us from paying a claim.
•• pay you the cost to repair your vehicle        If we choose to pay you, we will pay you
                                                  the fair and reasonable costs to repair your
•• pay you the agreed or market value
                                                  vehicle after deducting:
   as listed on your current Schedule.
                                                  •• any excess
If your claim is a liability claim, we may
choose to take over the defence of the claim.     •• any input tax credit you are entitled
                                                     to under A New Tax System (Goods and
When we settle your claim, the law that
                                                     Services Tax) Act 1999.
will apply is the law of the State or Territory
where the loss, damage or liability occurred.     We will make these deductions from any
                                                  amount that we pay you.
If you make a claim under Comprehensive
cover for your car, your No Claim Bonus           When your vehicle is repaired, the repairer
may be affected.                                  may use reusable parts or parts that are
                                                  not manufactured by a supplier to the
If you need to pay an excess                      vehicle’s original manufacturer which:
We will tell you if you need to pay the           •• are consistent with the age and
excess to us, the repairer or the supplier.          condition of the vehicle
If we settle your claim, we may deduct the
                                                  •• do not affect the safety or the structural
amount of excess from the amount we
                                                     integrity of the vehicle
settle your claim for.
                                                  •• comply with the vehicle manufacturer’s
Where we elect to repair your vehicle                specifications and applicable Australian
If we decide your vehicle should be                  Design Rules
repaired, you can suggest a repairer, or          •• do not adversely affect the post repair
we can suggest one for you. If we do not             appearance of the vehicle
accept your choice of repairer, you must
still cooperate with us to select another         •• do not void or affect the warranty
repairer that we both agree on. If we                provided by the vehicle manufacturer.
authorise the repairer, we will deal directly     In repairing your vehicle, we may arrange
with them about payment. This is our              for a part of the repair to be carried out by
Policy on choice of repairer. We will also        a specialist service provider, for example
assist by arranging towing if your vehicle        windscreen repairs.
cannot be driven.
                                                  We guarantee workmanship of the repairs
                                                  authorised by us. This guarantee is for the
                                                  life of the vehicle and is in addition to your
                                                  statutory rights against the repairer and
                                                  warranties that you have from the repairer
                                                  directly. Wear and tear is not covered by
                                                  this guarantee.
You may have to contribute                      We will also cover:
     to the cost of repairs                          •• the dealer delivery fee
     We are entitled to require you to contribute
                                                     •• the first 12 months of registration
     towards the cost of repairs where the
                                                        and Compulsory Third Party (CTP)
     condition or appearance of your vehicle
                                                        insurance, if applicable on the
     improves as a result of replacing old parts
                                                        replacement vehicle.
     with new parts, repairing existing damage
     or repainting more than the damaged area.       If your vehicle is under finance, we will
                                                     need written consent from your
     If your vehicle is a total loss                 financier before we can offer you a
     and we decide to pay you                        replacement vehicle.
     We will pay you the agreed or market value      You will need to pay:
     of your vehicle, as listed on your Schedule,
                                                     •• any excesses that apply
     after deducting:
                                                     •• any unpaid premium.
     •• any excess
                                                     We will tell you who to pay these to.
     •• any unpaid premium
     •• any input tax credit you would               If your vehicle suffers loss or damage
        have been entitled to under A New Tax        as a result of a collision and we
        System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999
                                                     have agreed to provide cover under
     •• the value of any pre-existing unrepaired     uninsured motorist damage
        damage as determined by us.                  We will pay you the market value of your
     After we settle your claim for a total loss     vehicle or the cost to repair your vehicle,
     your Policy comes to an end and no refund       including towing, after deducting:
     of your premium is due. Any salvage             •• any unpaid premium
     becomes our property. We will receive any
     vehicle registration refund, in states where    •• any input tax credit you would have
     we are entitled to do so. You will provide us      been entitled to under A New Tax System
     with a signed written authority to enable          (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999, or any
     us to recover this refund.                         input tax credits you would have been
                                                        entitled to if you had paid to repair or
     If we decide to replace your vehicle, we will      replace your vehicle
     do so with:
                                                     •• the value of any pre-existing unrepaired
     •• a vehicle of the same make, model and           damage as determined by us.
        series, provided it is available locally
                                                     For Third Party Property Damage, Fire and
     •• the nearest equivalent.                      Theft or Third Party Property Damage
                                                     Policies the most we will pay is $5,000.

Customer complaints
How to resolve a complaint                      Escalating your complaint
or dispute                                      If you are not satisfied with the resolution
                                                offered by our customer care unit, you can
Talk to us                                      have your complaint reviewed by a Dispute
Our commitment to ensuring our products         Resolution Specialist.
and services meet your expectations             A final decision will be provided within
means we value your feedback regarding          15 business days of your complaint being
how we are performing.                          escalated, unless they have requested and
Our customer care unit is your first point of   you have agreed to give them more time.
contact for raising complaints or providing
feedback. You can contact us directly           External Dispute Resolution
via phone, email or in writing and we           If you are not satisfied with the outcome
will endeavour to resolve your concerns         of your complaint, or if we’ve taken more
quickly and fairly. We will aim to resolve      than 45 days to respond to you from the
your complaint within 15 business days.         date you first made your complaint, you
                                                can contact the Financial Ombudsman
Phone     132 062, weekdays
                                                Service (FOS), an ASIC approved external
		        from 8am to 8pm (AEST)
                                                dispute resolution body.
Email     onepathinsurance@qbe.com
                                                FOS is a free service that resolves insurance
Address Customer Care Unit                      disputes between consumers and insurers.
		      PO Box 1422                             If you wish to access FOS, you can contact
		      PARRAMATTA NSW 2124                     them:
                                                Phone    1300 780 808, weekdays
                                                		       9am – 5pm (Melbourne time)
                                                Email 		info@fos.org.au
                                                Mail 		GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001
                                                Website www.fos.org.au

Our commitment to you
     The General Insurance                         As part of the ANZ group, OnePath
                                                   manages your personal information in
     Code of Practice                              accordance with ANZ’s Privacy Policy.
     We support the General Insurance Code         A copy of ANZ’s Privacy Policy is available
     of Practice. The Code aims to:                on request or may be downloaded from
     •• promote more informed relations            onepath.com.au/privacy-policy
        between insurers and their customers       In order to undertake the distribution,
     •• improve consumer confidence in the         management and administration of this
        general insurance industry                 product, it may be necessary for OnePath
                                                   and other members of the ANZ group
     •• provide better mechanisms for the          to disclose your personal information to
        resolution of complaints and disputes      certain third parties.
        between insurers and their customers
                                                   Unless you consent to such disclosure
     •• commit insurers and the professionals      OnePath and other members of the ANZ
        they rely upon to higher standards of      group will not be able to consider the
        customer service.                          information you have provided.
     You can get a copy of the Code from the
     Insurance Council of Australia website,       Providing your information to others
     www.insurancecouncil.com.au                   The parties to whom OnePath may
                                                   routinely disclose your personal
     Privacy Statement                             information include:
                                                   •• to QBE, as the issuer of this product
     OnePath is committed to ensuring the          •• an organisation that assists OnePath and
     confidentiality and security of your             other ANZ group companies to detect
     personal information.                            and protect against consumer fraud

     As the distributer of this product, OnePath   •• any related company of OnePath which
     collects your personal information from          will use the information for the same
     you in order to distribute, manage and           purposes as OnePath and other ANZ
     administer its products and services.            group companies and will act under
     Without your personal information,               ANZ’s Privacy Policy
     OnePath may not be able to process            •• an organisation that is in an arrangement
     your application or provide you with the         or alliance with OnePath or other
     products or services you require.                ANZ group companies to jointly offer
                                                      products and/or to share information
                                                      for marketing purposes (and any of its

outsourced service providers or agents),     Collecting sensitive information
   to enable them or OnePath and/or other       OnePath will not collect sensitive
   ANZ group companies to provide you           information about you, such as information
   with products or services and/or to          about any criminal charges, without
   promote a product or service                 your consent. Any sensitive information
•• organisations performing                     collected about you will only be used by
   administration or compliance functions       the insurer to assess your application and
   in relation to the products and services     if approved, to provide this product.
   OnePath/ANZ provides
•• OnePath’s/ANZ’s solicitors or legal          Privacy consent
   representatives                              OnePath and other ANZ group companies
                                                may send you information about their
•• organisations maintaining OnePath/
                                                financial products and services from time
   ANZ’s information technology systems
                                                to time. OnePath/ANZ may also disclose
•• organisations providing mailing and          your information (other than sensitive
   printing services                            information) to its related companies
•• persons who act on your behalf (such as      or alliance partners to enable them or
   your agent or financial adviser)             OnePath/ANZ to tell you about a product
                                                or service offered by them or a third party
•• regulatory bodies, government agencies,
                                                with whom they have an arrangement.
   law enforcement bodies and courts.
                                                You may elect not to receive such
OnePath and other ANZ group companies
                                                information at any time by contacting
will also disclose your personal information
                                                Customer Services on 13 13 14.
in circumstances where they are required
by law to do so.                                Where you wish to authorise any other
                                                parties to act on your behalf, to receive
OnePath and other ANZ group companies
                                                information and/or undertake transactions
may disclose information to recipients
                                                please notify OnePath in writing.
(including service providers and related
companies) which are (1) located outside        If you give OnePath personal information
Australia and/or (2) not established in or do   about someone else, please show them
not carry on business in Australia.             a copy of this document so that they
                                                may understand the manner in which
You can find details about the location of
                                                their personal information may be used
these recipients in ANZ’s Privacy Policy.
                                                or disclosed by OnePath and other ANZ
If you do not want OnePath, other ANZ           group members in connection with your
group companies or alliance partners to         dealings with OnePath/ANZ.
tell you about products or services, phone
Customer Services 13 13 14 to withdraw
your consent.
Privacy Policy                                Elders Insurance (Underwriting Agency)
     ANZ’s Privacy Policy contains information     Pty Limited ABN 56 138 879 023
     about:                                        AFSL 340965, QBE Lenders’ Mortgage
                                                   Insurance Limited ABN 70 000 511 071
     •• when OnePath and other ANZ group           and Trade Credit Underwriting Agency
        companies may collect information          Pty Limited ABN 73 160 077 574 (we, our
        from a third party                         and us).
     •• how to access and seek correction of       We’re committed to safeguarding your
        personal information                       privacy and the confidentiality of your
     •• how you can raise concerns that            personal information and are bound by the
        OnePath and other ANZ group                Australian Privacy Principles which are set
        companies has breached the Privacy Act     out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the Act).
        or an applicable code and how OnePath/
        ANZ will deal with those matters.          Kinds of personal information we
                                                   collect and hold
     You can contact ANZ about your
     information or any other privacy matter as    Personal information we may collect from
     follows:                                      you includes:

     GPO Box 75                                    •• your name, address, date of birth and
     Sydney NSW 2001                                  contact details;

     Email yourfeedback@anz.com                    •• details of any property you insure;

     OnePath may charge you a reasonable fee       •• your financial details, if you take out
     for this.                                        consumer credit insurance, if your
                                                      insured property is financed as well as
     If any of your personal information is           when you decide to pay us by direct
     incorrect or has changed, please let             debit;
     OnePath know by contacting Customer
     Services on 13 13 14.                         •• medical and health information, if you
                                                      take out travel or sickness and accident
     More information can be found in ANZ’s           insurance or if your claim relates to a
     Privacy Policy which can be obtained from        sickness or an accident;
                                                   •• professional qualifications, if they are
                                                      relevant to the insurance you take out
                                                      with us; and
     This Privacy Policy applies to
     QBE Insurance (Australia) Limited             •• your past employment, qualifications,
     ABN 78 003 191 035 AFSL 239545,                  residency status and proof of identity if
     QBE Life (Australia) Pty Limited                 you apply to work for us.
     ABN 83 089 971 073 AFSL 245492,
     QBE Management Services Pty Limited
     ABN 92 004 800 131, Austral Mercantile
     Collections Pty Limited ABN 11 083 776 149,

Sources of personal information              Purposes for collecting, holding, using
We may ask you to provide us with your       and disclosing personal information
personal information if you’re:              We only collect, hold, use and disclose
•• our customer or a beneficiary under       your personal information in ways that
   one of our customer’s policies;           you’d reasonably expect and where it is
                                             reasonably necessary for our business,
•• involved in a claim as a claimant or as   including:
   a witness;
                                             •• issuing, administering and managing
•• a customer of one of our business            insurance policies;
   partners or insurance intermediaries;
                                             •• processing claims and taking recovery
•• an entrant in a competition or a             action;
   participant in a loyalty programme or
   marketing initiative;                     •• working with our business partners and
                                                insurance intermediaries;
•• a business partner, where we may
   contact you to promote our products       •• assessing your suitability to work with
   and services;                                us; and

•• a trainee or person using our online      •• conducting marketing initiatives and
   training facilities; or                      promotional activities.

•• an applicant for employment, through      We’ll request your consent for any other
   our recruitment services provider.        purpose which you wouldn’t reasonably
In most cases we’ll collect personal
information directly from you. We’ll         If you choose not to provide us with your
obtain your consent to collect sensitive     personal information, we may not be able
information, such as information about       to do business with you.
your health, unless we’re required or
permitted by law to collect it without       Anonymity and pseudonymity
your consent.                                There are some circumstances where you
                                             may be able to deal with us anonymously
If you’re a borrower and your financial
                                             or by using a pseudonym, including where
institution has required you to pay for
                                             you’re only looking for general information
lenders’ mortgage insurance (LMI) you’re
                                             about one of our products or services or
not our insured, but we collect your
                                             a quote.
information so that we can assess the risk
that you may default on your loan. For
more information about LMI and your
privacy please visit www.qbelmi.com.au

How personal information is collected          Disclosure to overseas recipients
     and held                                       Sometimes we store or disclose your
     We collect your personal information           personal information overseas. The
     when you contact us, use our online            location varies but includes the Philippines,
     services, enter our promotions, participate    India, Ireland, the UK, the USA, China and
     in marketing initiatives, deal with            countries within the European Union.
     our business partners and insurance            Where your personal information has been
     intermediaries and when you apply to           disclosed overseas, there’s a possibility that
     work with us.                                  the recipient may be required to disclose
     Your personal information is recorded in       it under a foreign law. Where this occurs,
     our systems, databases and paper records       such disclosure isn’t a breach of the Act.
     and is held in secure environments. We
     may use our related bodies corporate,          Who we may disclose your personal
     agents and third party suppliers for data      information to and why
     storage services, which may be located         We, or our agents, may disclose your
     outside of Australia.                          personal information to:
     Any personal information you provide           •• any person authorised by you;
     over the internet is held securely and
     isn’t retained on our web servers. We          •• our related bodies corporate, including
     use service providers and secure online           to QBE’s services company located in
     payment facilities so that you can pay us by      the Philippines which provides sales,
     credit card. Your details can’t be accessed       claims, accounting and administration
     through the internet after your payment           services;
     has been processed.                            •• mail houses, records management
     When you visit our websites we use                companies or technology services
     common internet technologies, such                providers for printing and/or delivery of
     as cookies, to collect general statistical        mail and email, including secure storage
     information and to assist you to use our          and management of our records;
     online services. We don’t collect personal     •• financiers of any property you insure
     information from cookies or use cookies           with us, to confirm that your policy is
     for marketing purposes.                           current or where your property is a
                                                       total loss, to confirm they have a current
                                                    •• medical practitioners or health care
                                                       providers, to establish your medical
                                                       status, arrange appropriate treatment
                                                       and services. In an emergency we
                                                       may also disclose information to your
                                                       employer or family members;

•• organisations that provides banking          •• other parties to a claim to obtain
   or transactional services to facilitate         statements from them, seek recovery or
   payments to and from us;                        to defend an action.
•• your financial services providers who        Personal information about you may
   arranges your insurance with us;             also be collected from these people and
•• co-insureds, to confirm that full
   disclosure has been made to us;
                                                Accessing and seeking correction of
•• other insurers to obtain information         your personal information
   about your past insurance history,
                                                Our aim is to always have accurate,
   including to confirm a no claim bonus
                                                complete, up-to-date and relevant
   status, to assess insurance risk or assist
                                                personal information. When you talk to
   with an investigation;
                                                us or if we send you documentation, you
•• our reinsurers;                              should check that the information we hold
                                                about you is correct.
•• dispute resolution organisations such as
   the Financial Ombudsman Service;             You can request access to the personal
                                                information that we hold about you at
•• companies that conduct customer
                                                any time, and ask us to correct any errors.
   surveys on our behalf; and
                                                Generally no restrictions or charges
•• insurance reference bureaus to report        will apply.
   claims you make with us.
We may also disclose your personal              Contacting us or making a complaint
information to:                                 Please get in touch with us if you have
                                                any questions about our policy, if you’d
•• repairers and suppliers, to repair or
                                                like access to your information or if you’d
   replace your property;
                                                like us to correct it. We’re also available if
•• investigators and assessors, to              there’s something you’re not happy with,
   investigate and assess your claim and        whether it be about our policy or how
   matters related to it;                       we’ve managed your information.

•• lawyers and recovery agents, to defend       Customer Care Unit
   an action by a third party against you,
                                                Phone     132 062 weekdays
   to recover our costs (including amounts
                                                		        from 8am to 8pm (Sydney time)
   you owe us) or to seek a legal opinion
   on matters related to products or            Email     onepathinsurance@qbe.com
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