Westford Academy Athletic Handbook - 2019-2020 Westford Academy 30 Patten Road Westford MA, 01886

Page created by Louis Allen
Westford Academy

 Athletic Handbook

    Westford Academy
     30 Patten Road
    Westford MA, 01886
WA Athletic Handbook                                                          2019-2020

                                                journalism, computer science and other
                                                clubs, allow students to develop.

                                                What it means to be a student
Mission Statement                               athlete…
                                                At our level of athletics,
The purpose of the Westford Academy             student-athletes learn much more than
athletic program is to provide an               specific sport skills; they learn values
opportunity for student athletes to             and experience valuable lessons in life.
participate and share in a positive             To be successful, you must have a
environment of spirited competition.            strong work ethic. The time and effort
Our goal is to instill basic values that        that student athletes put into practice
build character, self-discipline, and           represent a commitment to work and
self-esteem as an individual and                improve their skills; A commitment
member of a team through the                    which becomes evident when the
involvement in an interscholastic               “game” begins. Student-athletes also
athletic program.                               learn to depend on others. Team sports
                                                are a microcosm of life. We depend
                                                daily on our family, friends, neighbors,
Introduction                                    and co-workers to succeed. Nowhere is
                                                that more evident than in a team sport
Interscholastic Athletics…the                   where student-athletes learn to work
extended classroom.                             together with others. The ones who
“Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only        score the points or goals don’t have the
thing.” That is a quote we often hear           opportunity unless a teammate “blocks,
when people talk about sports. In               rebounds, passes” or performs their
today’s world of professional sports,           role. The teammates, who work hard in
you might substitute the word “money”           practice but may not gain much game
for winning. In either case, that phrase        time, are every bit as valuable as the
clearly is what separates interscholastic       ones who play because they make
sports from professionals.                      everyone better through practice.
Interscholastic athletics have one main         Everyone on a team has a role and
purpose, to add to the opportunities for        contributes to the team success.
young adults to develop their character         Interscholastic athletics also help
and individual capabilities. In the             student athletes deal and cope with
classroom, students are exposed to              adversity. A critical element of sports is
academic courses in math, science,              keeping score. That means someone will
language, history, etc. As well as              win the game and someone will lose.
obtaining a broad awareness and                 But even in defeat, student athletes
knowledge of those areas, students find         learn what it takes to improve and what
their niche and gravitate toward their          they can do either as an individual or as
favorites as they start to define their         a team to become better. In the grand
future. Likewise, other opportunities           scheme, the score of a single game has
such as athletics, music, drama,                little impact on their life, but the
                                                experience gained will last forever.
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WA Athletic Handbook                                                            2019-2020

Honesty is another characteristic of              At Westford Academy, we compete in
athletics. A student-athlete knows when           33 MIAA sponsored programs. Within
he or she is giving their best effort. They       those sports, we offer varsity, junior
also know when they follow or break               varsity, and in some cases freshman
team rules. As a member of an                     competition. There is excellent
interscholastic team, the                         participation by the student body and
student-athlete has a responsibility to           many opportunities for our male and
their teammates, coaches, parents, and            female student-athletes. In recent years
classmates to be faithful to their                as a member of the Dual County League,
commitment. When they fail to do so,              Westford Academy has developed a
they not only do themselves an                    strong tradition of excellence in
injustice, they let many others down              athletics. There are many ways students
whom are trusting and depending upon              can participate in interscholastic
them.                                             athletics beyond being a player. Every
                                                  team needs managers to help assist the
                                                  coaches and run the team activities.
                                                  Another area is journalism or TV game
                                                  production. We are always looking for
To be successful, everyone needs to
                                                  students who have an affinity for
know and understand the goals and
                                                  writing to cover our teams and write for
objectives. At Westford Academy, we
                                                  either the school newspaper or our
provide a student athlete handbook to
                                                  website. Finally, every student is
help share our desires and goals for our
                                                  welcome to join in the athletic
students and athletic community. In the
                                                  community as a fan and support our
handbook, we have outlined the
                                                  school teams. Interscholastic athletics is
purpose of our programs and
                                                  an important aspect of our community.
expectations for everyone involved;
                                                  It has a role in helping to develop our
student athletes, coaches, parents, and
                                                  young adults into solid and productive
fans. We want interscholastic athletics
                                                  citizens. It provides an opportunity for
to be a vehicle to teach solid values and
                                                  the entire community to participate in a
build character. Our goal is to give every
                                                  positive and active role. I invite all of
student athlete an opportunity to
                                                  you to join with us and share in the fun
succeed. How is success measured?
                                                  and excitement which comes with
Success is not measured in wins and
                                                  interscholastic athletics at its best.
losses and it is not measured in
touchdowns, goals, or points. Success is
measured in hard work, honesty,
teamwork, sportsmanship, and
character. Every individual is different
and has a particular skill. Those who use
their skill and give their very best effort
to take advantage of their own
opportunity are the ones who succeed.

Opportunity…                                                                SPORTS OFFERINGS

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WA Athletic Handbook                                    2019-2020

 SEASON                    SPORT                        LEVEL
FALL          Football                      Varsity, JV, & Freshmen
              Soccer, Boys                  Varsity, JV, & Freshmen
              Soccer, Girls                 Varsity, JV, & Freshmen
              Field Hockey                  Varsity, JV, & Freshmen
              Volleyball, Girls             Varsity, JV, & Freshmen
              Golf, Coed                    Varsity
              Cross Country, Boys & Girls   Varsity & JV
              Cheerleading                  Varsity & JV
WINTER        Basketball, Boys              Varsity, JV, & Freshmen
              Basketball, Girls             Varsity, JV, & Freshmen
              Ice Hockey, Boys              Varsity, JV & JV2
              Ice Hockey. Girls             Varsity
              Wrestling                     Varsity & JV
              Indoor Track, Boys & Girls    Varsity & JV
              Gymnastics                    Varsity
              Swimming, Boys & Girls        Varsity
              Alpine Ski, Boys & Girls      Varsity
              X-Country Ski, Boys & Girls   Varsity
              Cheerleading                  Varsity
SPRING        Baseball                      Varsity, JV, & Freshmen
              Softball                      Varsity, JV & Freshman
              Outdoor Track                 Varsity & JV
              Tennis, Girls                 Varsity & JV
              Tennis, Boys                  Varsity & JV
              Volleyball, Boys
                                            Varsity, JV & Freshman
              Lacrosse, Boys
                                            Varsity & JV
              Lacrosse, Girls

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WA Athletic Handbook                                                           2019-2020

                                                they fail one course. If a student fails
                                                two (2) or more classes, the student is
Rules and                                       ineligible for such participation.
                                                Meaning of participation if non-eligible;
Regulations                                     Athletics​: If determined to be
Westford Academy is a member of the             non-eligible because the student has
Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic          failed two (2) courses, the student is not
Association. As such, we adhere and             permitted to practice or participate with
comply with all of the rules and                their team in any way. Upon the
regulations set forth and published in          issuance of the next progress report,
the MIAA handbook. A copy of the                should it be demonstrated that the
MIAA handbook is maintained in the              student is passing all classes, she/he
Athletic Department and is available to         may practice and participate in the
review by students, parents, and                sport (at the discretion of the coach) but
interested citizens. A copy can also be         are not permitted to “suit up” or
found on ​www.miaa.net​. Westford               participate in any competition, including
Academy has additional requirements             scrimmages, against another school’s
and standards​, ​in some cases more             team until the issuance of the next
stringent than the MIAA, which student          report card when eligibility will be
athletes must meet in order to                  re-determined. If the student has
participate in our interscholastic              received more than two (2) failing
programs. This includes attendance,             grades, the student is ineligible for the
academics, and general conduct.                 duration of the quarter (until the
Student-athletes must present proof of          issuance of the next Report Card) and
parental release/permission in order to         may not try out, practice or participate
participate in athletics. Coaches and           with the team in any way. This includes
administrative officials are responsible        the term preceding the start of the
to implement and carry out all rules and        season and any reporting period that
regulations.                                    occurs during the course of the season.
                                                Students that fail to meet the
Academic                                        requirements are ineligible until the
All student-athletes are required to            next reporting period. Eligibility is
meet a minimum standard of academic             determined on the day report cards are
performance. We believe that all                issued by the school. Progress reports
students should strive for excellence in        are not acceptable for return to
all courses. In order to meet eligibility       eligibility in MIAA events. Final grades
guidelines for athletic participation,          from the previous school year will
students will be eligible if they fail no       determine eligibility for activities during
more than one (1) class. This does not          the first grading quarter.
mean that we encourage students to fail
a class, but students are eligible for          Activity Fee
participation in our athletic programs if

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WA Athletic Handbook                                                             2019-2020

Student-athletes are asked to pay an            to sexual behavior, drugs or alcohol,
activity fee to help offset the cost and        hazing or harassment. Do not speak
expense of athletics here at Westford           about any other students or staff in a
Academy. Although money is allocated            manner that is inappropriate. Make
through the annual budget, it does not          sure all communications are transparent
cover the total amount of costs incurred        and observable. Be sure to report
throughout the year. The activity fee is        anything that is inappropriate or
set at the beginning of the school year         suspicious.
and all Student-athletes are expected to
pay the fee prior to the first contest.         Loyalty to a High School Team:
Activity fees are nonrefundable. In the
                                                Bona Fide Team Member Rule
event of hardship, student-athletes or
                                                A bona fide member of the school team is
their parents/guardians should contact          a student who is consistently present for,
their respective coach or the Director of       and actively participates in, all high school
Athletics for assistance.                       team sessions (e.g. practices, tryouts,
                                                competitions). Bona fide members of a
Attendance                                      school team are precluded from missing a
In order for student-athletes to                high school practice or competition in
participate in practices or games, they         order to participate in a non-school
must be recorded as having met the              athletic activity/event in any sport
school attendance criteria. To be               recognized by the MIAA. First Offense:
eligible, the student-athlete must be on        Student athlete is suspended for 25% of
                                                the season
time to school for the opening period
and stay through the end of Period 4; or
be in school by the start of Period 3 and       Medical
stay in school for four periods.                Student-athletes are required to have
Student-athletes must meet attendance           successfully completed a physical within
requirements on Friday in order to              13 months prior to participating in
participate in weekend contests.                tryouts, practices, or events. Proof of
Student-athletes in either in-house or          physical must be provided to the coach
out-of-school suspension are not                prior to participation​. ​If a physical
allowed to participate in practice or           expires during the season, the
events during the suspension period.            student-athlete will not be allowed to
Reasonable exceptions to this rule must         continue participation​ to the completion
be cleared through administration or            of the season. Each student-athlete is
the athletic department prior to the            required to provide complete
absence.                                        emergency information regarding
                                                parental or guardian contact.
ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION                        Student-athletes are responsible for
Communication between staff and                 their own medications (i.e. inhalers,
students must be appropriate. Both              epi-pens) and the administration of such
parties need to keep communication              medicines. Student-athletes who are
related to academic, athletic or                injured and not able to play, are
co-curricular content. Students and             required to have authorization from a
staff must refrain from anything related        physician (or school nurse,) and​/​or the

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WA Athletic Handbook                                                          2019-2020

athletic trainer before being allowed to        totaling 60% of the season schedule
resume activities. In the event of any          including post-season. The suspension
question regarding the medical fitness          shall be served in consecutive contests.
of a student athlete to participate, the        Penalties shall be cumulative in nature
trainer has the final authorization.            and carry from one season to the next
                                                or one academic year to the next in
Chemical Health & Wellness                      order to fulfill the requirements. During
For young adults to participate in              the suspension period, the student
athletics, they must be physically and          athlete is required to attend all team
mentally fit. Student-athletes at               practices. At the direction of the coach,
Westford Academy are required to                the student athlete may attend the
follow the guidelines of the MIAA as            games but will not be allowed to dress
defined in Part IV article 62 regarding         in game uniform. Team captains who
alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. If any             violate the Chemical Health & Wellness
student athlete is found to be in the           regulations will lose their captaincy for
possession of, consuming, or buying             the season and for the remainder of the
/selling of such substances, they will be       academic year. Student athletes that
in violation of the rule and subject to         violate this rule will not be allowed to
penalty. This rule is in effect from the        captain any team for one calendar year.
beginning of the interscholastic athletic       Violation of the Chemical Health &
year as determined by the MIAA                  Wellness regulations is very serious and
governing body and ends with the final          we encourage student-athletes to avoid
day of classes in the academic year. It         situations that may compromise their
applies to student-athletes in or out of        status and eligibility.
season. Penalties for out of season
violations will be in effect for the next       Muscle Enhancements
season of participation. A student must         Unfortunately, the use of steroids or
complete the season in which the                other types of muscle enhancements
penalty is served in order to comply            have become a part of the athletic
with the requirements. First Violation ​–       landscape…most notably in professional
when the principal or designee confirms         sports. The people that we hope would
following an opportunity for the                set positive examples as role models,
student-athlete to be heard, that a             instead have disappointed. The thinking
violation has occurred, the                     is that by using artificial means to build
student-athlete shall lose eligibility to       up one’s body, they can become faster
participate in events totaling 25% of the       and stronger thereby gaining an edge on
season schedule including postseason.           the competition. Short term that may
The suspension shall be served in               prove true, but in the long run, the
consecutive contests. Second and                medical community states that the risk
Subsequent Violations ​- ​when the              for adverse health is real and
principal or designee confirms following        dangerous. We reject the use of
an opportunity for the student-athlete          enhancements and steroids and
to be heard, that a repeat violation has        strongly discourage their use by our
occurred, the student-athlete shall lose        student-athletes. In our opinion, their
eligibility to participate in events            use in sport is cheating. The best and

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WA Athletic Handbook                                                              2019-2020

most effective way for students to                 bus property and subsequent costs to
improve their physical performance is to           repair or replace.
eat healthy, exercise, and get adequate
rest. The real “competition” is within             Uniforms & Equipment
each student athlete. They should                  Student-athletes are responsible for the
measure their own success by how                   care and maintenance of equipment
much they improve their own                        and uniforms provided to them as a
performance through hard work, effort,             member of an athletic team. At the end
and teamwork. ***The unauthorized                  of a season, they are obligated to return
use, consumption, possession,                      all WA team property. Student-athletes
buying/selling or distribution of steroids         who fail to return uniforms and/or
or growth hormones (controlled                     equipment will be responsible for the
substances) is prohibited. See Chemical            cost to replace such including damage
Health & Wellness section above.                   incurred due to abuse or misuse.
                                                   Students must properly clean, wash and
Transportation                                     maintain any school owned property.
When Westford Academy provides                     Student-athletes who do not meet their
transportation to and from athletic                obligation will not be able to participate
events, student-athletes are required to           in other athletic programs until they
ride that transportation. The members              have resolved all outstanding issues and
of the athletic staff feel it is in the best       may be subject to further discipline as
interest of team unity that everyone               determined by the administration.
travel together and share the game
experience. As the “guardian” during               MRSA
these trips, it is also important that the         MRSA is a kind of ​Staphylococcus aureus
athletic staff be able to account for all          (“staph”) bacteria that is resistant to
student-athletes and insure their safe             some kinds of antibiotics. Staph is
whereabouts. In the event that there               bacteria commonly carried on the skin
are extenuating circumstances and the              or in the nose of healthy people.
parent wishes to take responsibility for           Sometimes, staph can cause an
the transportation of their son or                 infection, especially pimples, boils and
daughter, it is required that the parent           other problems with the skin. These
provide a written 24 hour notice to the            infections often contain pus, and may
coach requesting the exception.                    feel itchy and warm. Occasionally, staph
Student-athletes may then ride with                cause more serious infections. When
their parent or on their own.                      appropriately identified, staph and
Student-athletes may not ride with                 MRSA infections can be treated
other student-athletes. It is expected             successfully. Staph, including MRSA, is
that our student-athletes will conduct             spread by direct skin-to-skin contact,
themselves appropriately while on bus              such as shaking hands, wrestling, or
transportation. Any misconduct will                other direct contact with the skin of
result in a penalty including and up to            another person. Staph are also spread
dismissal if warranted. Student-athletes           by contact with items that have been
will be responsible for any damage to              touched by people with staph, like
                                                   towels shared after bathing and drying
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WA Athletic Handbook                                                            2019-2020

off, or shared athletic equipment in the
gym or on the field. Staph infections
start when staph get into a cut, scrape
                                                Westford Academy Staff and
or other break in the skin.                     Coaching Out of Season
                                                The Westford Academy coaching staff
                                                follows Rule 40 of the Massachusetts
MRSA Prevention
                                                Interscholastic Athletic Association
-Regular hand washing is the best way
                                                Handbook. In addition, Westford
to prevent getting and spreading MRSA.
                                                Academy coaches may not provide
-Keep your hands clean by washing
                                                private lessons out-of-season for
them frequently with soap and warm
                                                financial gain to any potential freshman,
water or hand sanitizer, and especially
                                                junior varsity, or varsity candidate
after direct contact with another
person’s skin.
-Keep cuts and scrapes clean and
covered with a bandage until they have
                                                Code of Conduct
                                                The Code of Conduct is a guideline of
healed. Avoid contact with other
                                                sportsmanship for student-athletes,
people’s wounds or bandages.
                                                coaches, parents, and spectators to act
- Avoid sharing personal items such as
                                                while participating or attending an
towels, washcloths, toothbrushes, and
                                                interscholastic event. Everyone involved
razors. Sharing these items may transfer
                                                has a responsibility to behave
MRSA from one person to another.
Regularly clean and wash all equipment,
practice gear and uniforms throughout
the season.                                     Pre-Event Announcement
-Keep your skin healthy, and avoid              "In the spirit of interscholastic athletics,
getting dry, cracked skin, especially           we welcome you to today’s contest.
during the winter. Healthy skin helps to        As an MIAA sponsored event, we ask
keep the MRSA on the surface of your            everyone to conduct themselves
skin from causing an infection                  appropriately and provide a positive
underneath your skin.                           environment for spirited competition
-Contact your doctor if you have a skin         between these two teams. Please cheer
infection that does not improve.                enthusiastically for your team and
                                                refrain from negative or disparaging
                                                remarks toward the players, coaches, or
Cell/Smart Phones
                                                officials. We hope you enjoy the game."
The use of smart phones has become
commonplace among student-athletes.
Students are strictly prohibited from           Student-athletes
using cellular telephones with camera or        Always treat coaches and teammates
photo capability in locker rooms or             with respect and honesty; follow the
restrooms. Any student-athlete found            team, athletic department, and school
inappropriately using cell phones with          rules; follow the rules of fair play and
camera or photo capability in a                 never taunt, demean, or ridicule
restricted area will have their phone           teammates, opponents, coaches, or
confiscated and face disciplinary action.       officials; never use profanity or obscene
                                                gestures. All student-athletes are
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WA Athletic Handbook                                                              2019-2020

responsible for all policies and                    your team and demonstrate your
guidelines in the WA Student Manual.                support for our student-athletes.
Hazing* of any sort is strictly prohibited.         Spectators who fail to conduct
All student-athletes are required to                themselves appropriately at athletic
treat their fellow teammates with                   events will be asked to leave the site
respect and dignity. Students who                   and may be banned from future events
violate this policy will be subject to              at the discretion of the athletic
discipline** up to and including                    department and school administration.
dismissal from the team. *Mass.                     Spectators must remain in the area
General Law, chapter 269 and Mass.                  reserved for fans and not enter the field
General Laws 76, 119, 151, and 622. **              of play including the player bench area.
WA Student Manual – see sections on
Student Suspensions and Hazing                      General
                                                    The Westford Academy Athletic
Coaches                                             department reserves the right to
Always treat the student-athlete with               address any issues of misconduct on the
respect and honesty; never allow the                part of student-athletes, coaches,
fervor of competition to display anger              parents, or spectators and take the
towards student athletes or officials;              appropriate action consistent with our
never use profanity; provide positive               goals of fair play and sportsmanship. It
encouragement and support to the                    also reserves the right to address
student-athlete; set a positive example             character issues of misconduct or
of leadership and fair play for all                 inappropriate behavior on the part of
participants.                                       student-athletes or coaches which may
                                                    occur outside of school or school
Parents                                             sponsored events not specifically
                                                    covered in the student or athletic
Always provide continuing support and
encouragement for your son or
daughter;​ ​emphasize the positive
aspects of their play or​ ​that of the team;
treat coaches with respect and​ ​honesty            Concussions
and accept their role and responsibility            Westford Academy Head
as decision makers; never ridicule or               Injury/Concussion Regulations
disparage​ ​the coaches or other team
members; follow the​ ​guidelines for                The staff and administration at
                                                    Westford Academy realize that athletics
issue or problem resolution with​ ​your             are a very large part of our student’s
son or daughter.                                    lives. With this comes the risk of
                                                    concussions. Due to increased
Spectators                                          awareness regarding this topic and the
While at an interscholastic event, never            implementation of better concussion
ridicule, taunt, or demean the opposing             management programs there is
players, coaches, officials, or opposing            progress for our student athletes. When
spectators. Cheer enthusiastically for              identified immediately and cared for
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WA Athletic Handbook                                                            2019-2020

properly those who suffer concussion             program used for this purpose at
injuries tend to recover well. To ensure         Westford Academy. Selected contact
that our athletes are properly cared for         sport players will take a pre season
if they sustain an injury of this type,          computerized test at least once every
there are steps we follow to help ensure         two years to establish a baseline score.
the best possible outcome.
                                                 4.) ​Evaluation​- Based on the assessment
1) ​Education​- All Westford Academy             of the onsite athletic trainer or the
coaches, trainers, and athletic director         coach, any player observed or suspected
will complete one of the free MDPH               to have suffered a head injury and
approved online training videos                  exhibiting any signs or symptoms of
annually. Parents and students will also         such an injury will be removed from that
complete the free online video annually          day’s game, practice or workout for
before participation begins.                     further evaluation by a medical
Furthermore, pre season information              professional. They will not be allowed to
will include information about the signs,        return that same day. If there is an
symptoms, recovery from a concussion,            observed or suspected loss of
the role that cognitive and sideline             consciousness 911 should be called
testing play and the risks associated            without hesitation. Someone shall stay
with returning too soon. All coaches will        with the injured athlete on the sideline
also be instructed to teach proper               until advanced help arrives.
technique aimed at reducing the risk of
concussions and head injuries.                   5.) ​Notification​ of the head injury will
                                                 include parents, coaches, athletic
2.) ​Pre Participation Reporting​ -              trainer, athletic director, school nurse,
Students and parents must complete               guidance, administration and teachers.
the online registration process before           Parents will be notified of the injury by
participation may begin. Students will           the coach or athletic trainer as soon as
not be allowed to participate until this         possible and recommend a medical
process is completed and reviewed. This          evaluation of the injury. In the event
will supply Westford Academy coaches             that the athletic trainer is not present,
and the athletic trainer with the most           the coach shall notify the parents and
up to date information regarding past            athletic trainer of the injury as soon as
head injuries as well as verification of         possible. Upon receiving notification,
the annual training requirement for              the athletic trainer will notify the
parents and students. Any student                athletic director, appropriate coaches,
indicating a history of head                     nurses, Westford Academy
injuries/concussion must have a review           administration and guidance counselors
done by the Athletic Trainer at Westford         of the status of the student athlete.
Academy before participation may                 Guidance counselors will communicate
begin.                                           the information to the student athlete’s
                                                 teachers and staff.
3.) ​Baseline Testing​- ImPACT
(Immediate Post Concussion                       A student athlete who suffers a head
Assessment and Cognitive Testing) is the         injury outside of Westford Public School

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WA Athletic Handbook                                                            2019-2020

athletics shall be required to complete           baseline, have been cleared by personal
the WPS Head Injury Report Form                   physician and cleared by the athletic
“Outside of WPS Athletics”. The form              trainer. Return to participation will also
must be returned to the athletic trainer.         include a stepwise increase in
                                                  activity/exertion as follows:
6.) ​Documentation​: The coach will                   • Light aerobic activity
complete the Westford School                          • Aerobic activity and weight
Department Student Accident- Incident                     training
Report as soon as possible. The report                • Non contact sport specific drills
should be sent to the athletic trainer for            • Full contact sport specific activity
recording purposes. The athletic trainer              • Game play
or middle school nurse will retain all
pre-participation forms, student                  The athlete must remain free of
accident report forms, and “Outside of            symptoms for 24 hours to advance to
WPS Athletics Head Injury Report                  the next level. If symptoms return at
Forms” for the required length of time            any point, a 24 hour rest is mandated
as required by the MDPH. The Westford             and the previous step is repeated
Academy nurses will maintain a head               following the rest period. Final
injury master database in the WPS                 clearance by physician follows.
Student Physical Database. The athletic
director will report the necessary head
injury cumulative data to the MDPH on
a yearly basis.
                                                  Opioid Addiction
7.) ​Academic Support-​ Due to ongoing
symptoms following a concussion, some             and Prevention
students have difficulty keeping up with          In 2015 the Governor of Massachusetts
academic demands. If following medical            enacted an emergency Law for the
evaluation it is determined the student           epidemic of opioid addictions and
needs specific accommodations, the                deaths across the Commonwealth. The
guidance counselors will be notified so           athletic department’s role in this new
as to help facilitate the recovery of the         law is to educate the student athletes
student.                                          and parents in our community. For
                                                  youth, opioid addiction may start when
8.) ​Return to Participation-​ Following a        a clinician prescribes opioids following
concussion injury, the athlete should             an injury; through having access to
have regular communication with the               painkillers in the family medicine
athletic trainer to update his/her                cabinet; or by borrowing from friends​.
condition. There should be no practice            Although these medications are
or exercise, in or out of school, while           effective when prescribed and taken
the athlete is symptomatic. The athlete           appropriately, they can be misused and
may be cleared to return to play when             lead to significant negative
he/she has been free of symptoms for a            consequences, including overdose and
minimum of one week (may be longer),              addiction. Some people who are
neurocognitive scores are back to                 addicted may even transition to heroin,

WAGreyGhosts.com                                                  Twitter: @wagreyghosts
WA Athletic Handbook                                                          2019-2020

which is less expensive and widely              issue/problem resolution. Often
available. For more information of              solutions can be identified at the
Substance Abuse please visit the                earliest stage with open and honest
following ​www.mass.gov/stopaddiction​.         communication among parties. The
                                                outcome may not always be to the
                                                satisfaction of everyone, however, the
                                                opportunity always enables all concerns
                                                and opinions to be heard in the interest
Issue/Problem                                   of fairness. To help establish a chain of
                                                communication, we suggest the
Resolution                                      following order of contact.
In the normal course of events, it is               ● Student-athlete and coach
sometimes necessary to address issues               ● Student-athlete with parent and
or problems. All student-athletes should                coach
feel confident that they can                        ● Student-athlete with/without
communicate with the administration                     parent and Director of Athletics
and are encouraged to address                       ● Student-athlete with/without
issues/problems for the purpose of                      parent and Principal
resolution. It is our goal as an                    ● Student-athlete with/without
educational institution to help our                     parent and Superintendent
young adults succeed and develop the                ● Student-athlete with/without
skills they need to be productive                       parent and School Committee
citizens. Communication is a key to

WAGreyGhosts.com                                                Twitter: @wagreyghosts
WA Athletic Handbook                                         2019-2020

NAME                   POSITION               TELEPHONE
Jeff Bunyon            Dir. Of Athletics      978-692-5570 x2108
Jim Antonelli          Principal              978-692-5570 x2104
Bob Ware               Dean of Students       978-692-5570 x2138
Dan Twomey             Dean of Students       978-692-5560 x 2103
Betsy Murphy           Dean of Students       978-692-5570 x 2116
Bill Bombaci           Athletic Trainer       978-692-5570 x2133
Betsy Parke            Secretary              978-692-5570 x2121
Varsity Coach Emails   www.wagreyghosts.com

WAGreyGhosts.com                                 Twitter: @wagreyghosts
WA Athletic Handbook                    2019-2020

WAGreyGhosts.com            Twitter: @wagreyghosts
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