Ergonomics Intervention in an Iranian Tire Manufacturing Industry

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International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (JOSE) 2013, Vol. 19, No. 3, 475–484

            Ergonomics Intervention in an Iranian Tire
                    Manufacturing Industry
                                                           Majid Motamedzade

         Ergonomics Department, School of Public Health and Research Center for Health Sciences,
                        Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran

      The aim of an ergonomics intervention conducted in the tire manufacturing industry was to improve working
      conditions. Before the start, a senior manager supported the intervention. Participants were divided into
      teams and trained. After observing the overall performance of the teams, over 100 improvements were suc-
      cessfully implemented. After the improvements, there were statistically significant differences in annual and
      weekly prevalence of, and annual disability reported for, the upper back, the lower back, knees and wrists
      between before and after intervention. The annual prevalence of upper back, lower back, knee and wrist com-
      plaints decreased from, respectively, 60.3%, 50.2%, 28.9%, 25.8% before the intervention to 31.3%, 35.9%,
      17.1%, 20.7% after the intervention. Significant factors were training and supportive environment based on
      full commitment of the top management.

                 participatory ergonomics                  musculoskeletal disorders                  team work            tire industry

      1. INTRODUCTION                                                                 The development and implementation of an
                                                                                   ergonomics intervention program requires a team
      An ergonomics intervention using a participatory                             effort. Employers’ and employees’ benefits from
      approach is useful in reducing work-related mus-                             the program are reduced number and severity of
      culoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) [1, 2]. Wilson                                WMSDs, reduced employee turnover, increased
      and Haines defined participatory ergonomics                                  productivity, increased product quality, and
      (PE) as “the involvement of people in planning                               increased employee morale. The benefits, e.g.,
      and controlling a significant amount of their own                            decreased absenteeism, reduced disability, and
      work activities, with sufficient knowledge and                               reduced compensations for workers, reduce costs
      power to influence both processes and outcomes                               [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15].
      in order to achieve desirable goals” (p. 490) [3].                              The General Accounting Office [16] and
      Kuorinka defined PE as “practical ergonomics                                 Cohen, Gjessing, Fine, et al. [17] list six critical
      with participation of the necessary actors in prob-                          elements necessary for a successful PE program
      lem solving” (p. 268) [4]. Forming a team or a                               in a workplace: management commitment [18],
      committee is the main feature of most PE inter-                              employee involvement [19], risk assessment of
      ventions. Forming intervention teams is essential                            individual and job [20], analysis of data and
      to conduct an ergonomics intervention. Teams                                 development of controls [21], training and educa-
      typically involve workers or their representatives,                          tion [22], and health care management [23].
      managers, ergonomists, and health and safety                                    PE uses total employees’ potential to conduct
      personnel. Teams usually receive training from                               ergonomics improvements in a workplace. PE is
      an ergonomist to become familiar with ergonom-                               an element of macroergonomics; it ensures ade-
      ics principles [5]. They use their newly developed                           quate consideration of organizational design and
      knowledge to improve their workplace [6, 7, 8].                              management issues [24]. PE is an increasingly

        The author expresses his sincere gratitude to all those who helped make this work possible, especially all the workers, the supervisors and the
      managers who participated in this study.
        Correspondence should be sent to Majid Motamedzade, Ergonomics Department, School of Public Health and Research Center for Health
      Sciences, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran. E-mail:


growing field of ergonomics, organizational               PE has been used in several recent studies to
design and management [19]. PE is a principal           reduce physical work demands and to prevent
methodology used to optimize organization, and          musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) [29, 30, 31].
work system design [25]. While adopting PE, it is       In PE, shopfloor workers play an active role in
essential that the top management is committed          analyzing work and planning improvements [32].
and supportive [26].                                    PE benefits were the use of workers’ experience
   Many organizations use team working struc-           and knowledge, information on participants and
tures to become more responsive to market condi-        their commitment, and better acceptance of
tions and more effective in operations. Team            changes [33].
working is a very popular way to achieve greater          Haims and Carayon implemented a PE pro-
organizational flexibility and other benefits, e.g.,    gram in their study, which involved a 12-member
reduced costs of supervision, faster lead times,        team of ergonomics co-ordinators. External ergo-
innovation, effective decision making, better cus-      nomics experts trained internal ergonomics
tomer service, and enhanced employee morale.            experts along the project period using behavioral
The use of team-based work in organizations             cybernetics principles [34]. Allard, Bellemare,
increased over the past few decades. In ergonom-        Montreuil, et al. established ergonomics teams to
ics, team-based work functions effectively and          identify and prevent MSDs. Each team made
improves working conditions, increases produc-          interventions at workstations which can pose a
tivity, and improves quality. A successful PE pro-      risk and implemented corrective actions [35].
gram requires corporate involvement. Creating           Rosecrance and Cook conducted a study on pre-
ergonomics team-based work involving represen­          venting MSDs with PE in the newspaper indus-
tatives from various organizational units is a major    try. The results showed that PE could contribute
breakthrough. Ergonomics team-based work can            to the development and implementation of ergo-
involve employees in a corporate-wide effort to         nomics solutions reducing risk factors of WMSDs
improve working conditions by tapping into the          [36]. Vink and Kompier designed an ergonomics
employee’s knowledge about job demands and              program to improve working conditions in an
desire to have a voice in workplace decisions.          office. A steering committee and an ergonomics
   According to Driessen, Groenewoud, Proper, et        team were formed. The results showed successful
al., “PE can be used for both the development and       performance and improvement in the design, and
implementation of new ergonomic measures as             redesign of a workplace [37].
well as to improve implementation of already              In the present study, the ergonomics interven-
planned ergonomic measures. Furthermore, the            tion with PE was conducted in an Iranian tire
working group composition was important for             manufacturing industry to improve the workplace
implementation, meaning that a manager who is           and working conditions, and to reduce WMSDs
entitled to make decisions at the department level      among the workers.
and the working group members who can play a
leading role during the implementation process
should be included. Stakeholder involvement can         2. METHODS
considerably facilitate implementation; therefore,      2.1. Participants and Procedure
it is recommended that they are involved in the
working group or consulted during the imple-            The study took place in a tire plant in eastern Iran
mentation process” (p. 8) [27].                         in 2006–2008. The plant employed 800 shop
   In their other study, Driessen, Proper, Anema, et    floor workers. On the basis of previous experi-
al. pointed out that PE can be “a successful and fea-   ence [9], a PE model was applied in this interven-
sible strategy to develop an implementation plan        tion program called an ergonomics process.
with prioritised risk factors for LBP [lower back       According to this model, the ergonomics process
pain] and NP [neck pain] and prioritised ergonomic      has two distinctive approaches: reactive and
measures to prevent LBP and NP” (p. 8) [28].            proactive. The ergonomics process starts with a
                                                        reactive cycle with identifying the risks, evaluating

JOSE 2013, Vol. 19, No. 3

the priorities, proposing the solutions, implement-     teams were responsible for assessing workstation
ing and evaluating a prototype, to adopting solu-       problems, developing an improvement plan and
tions. The proactive cycle uses the feedback from       implementing the plan after the steering commit-
previous improvements and ensures that ergo-            tee approved it. The ergonomics teams regularly
nomic principles are used in purchasing and             evaluated the progress according to the goals and
designing new equipment (Figure 1).                     objectives, and documented the results. Figure 2
                                                        presents the team-based structure for implement-
2.2. Team-Based Structure of PE                         ing the ergonomics process. With this ergonom-
                                                        ics training program, team members learned how
A steering committee (members of the manage-            to analyze and evaluate the working environment.
ment) was formed to facilitate the implementa-          Checklists and measurements were used in practi-
tion of the ergonomics process, maintain a vision,      cal examples. Suggestions for improvement were
communicate a vision, and support the teams in          developed and presented at the team level.
their activities. The steering committee consisted
of plant manager, managing director’s representa-
                                                        2.3. Training Program
tive, engineering department manager, quality
department manager, maintenance department              The ergonomics training program was imple-
manager, production department manager, fac-            mented in 2006. The ergonomics professionals
tory physician, health and safety manager, and          prepared a workshop training program for the tire
ergonomics consultant.                                  plant. The training combined theoretical knowl-
   Management appointed some of its workers to          edge and practical examples. Team members
participate in the ergonomics process. The ergo-        attended monthly or bimonthly workshop ses-
nomics team members were workers’ representa-           sions (56 h in the first year of the project). The
tives, supervisors, and health and safety depart-       topics of the workshops were
ment personnel. Maintenance, engineering, and
                                                        · elements of PE program [17, 38];
production managers led the ergonomics teams,
                                                        · introduction to Persian version of ILO
and the health and safety manager co-ordinated
                                                          ergonomics checkpoints [39];
the steering committee and the ergonomics teams.
                                                        · principles of team work,
The participants were divided into three teams
                                                        · introduction to Persian version of NIOSH
and were responsible for improving working con-
                                                          ergonomics checklists [17];
ditions at different workstations. The ergonomics

                                            ERGONOMICS PROCESS
            REACTIVE                                                          PROACTIVE

                                                  6. Adopt
                                                     solution                 7. Prevent
                   1. Identify                                                   ergonomics
                      opportunities for                                          problems
                      improvements                5. Evaluate

                                                  4. Implement
                   2. Assess                         prototype
                      risk factors and
                      prioritize jobs for         3. Build
                      improvement                    solutions

Figure 1. The ergonomics process.

                                                                                JOSE 2013, Vol. 19, No. 3



                            ergonomics    ergonomics   ergonomics
                              team 1        team 2       team 3

                      ergonomics          ergonomics      ergonomics
                       solutions           solutions       solutions

                    Ergonomics teams develop ergonomics solutions, using the
                   involvement of shop floor workers, and send them to steering
                    committe. Ergonomics teams, in co-operation with shopfloor
                        workers, implement adopted ergonomics solutions.


Figure 2. A team-based structure for implementing an ergonomics process.

· introduction to Persian version of “Easy               The Nordic musculoskeletal questionnaire evalu-
  ergonomics” [40];                                    ates body discomfort and the effectiveness of the
· MSDs and their risk factors;                         ergonomics intervention. It was applied in the sec-
· observational methods for assessing risk of          ond and the third year of the project (before and
  developing MSDs, including OWAS [41],                after intervention) as part of the factory annual peri-
  RULA [42], REBA [43] and QEC [44];                   odic examinations [45]. The adapted Nordic
· body discomfort assessment with body map             musculo­skeletal questionnaire determined annual
  [45];                                                and weekly prevalence, and the annual disability
· manual material handling assessment                  rates for musculoskeletal complaints. SPSS version
  including the NIOSH lifting equation [46],           13 was used for data analysis. Nonparametric χ2
  and Snook and Ciriello’s tables [47];                test compared proportions.
· control of MSDs (engineering and administra-
  tive controls);
                                                       3. RESULTS
· ergonomics and design;
· applied anthropometry;                               3.1. Ergonomics Solutions
· workstation design;
· ergonomics hand tool design;                         The overall performance of the teams, when
· physiology of work.                                  improving the ergonomics conditions, was consid-
                                                       erable. With the support of the steering committee,

JOSE 2013, Vol. 19, No. 3

the teams designed and implemented low or no             complaints was for the lower back (60.3%), fol-
cost ergonomics solutions using local resources.         lowed by the upper back (50.2%). About 15% of
During the second and the third year of the              workers reported MSD symptoms in the elbows
project over 100 low or no cost improvements             and ankles. Accordingly, the lower back and
were successfully implemented in the factory.            annual disability complaints had the highest
Some of the most important were                          weekly prevalence of complaints in the past week
                                                         with 59.5% and 30%, respectively.
· designing
                                                           The result showed that a large number of work-
  •     a pneumatic lifting mechanism for tires,         ers reported lower back symptoms. Moreover,
  •     portable/fixed foot rests,                       proportionally fewer workers reported that their
  •     a loading station in warehouse,                  MSD symptoms had prevented them from per-
  •     ergonomic chairs,                                forming their job. The workers who complained
  •     a handle for easy pulling/pushing pallets        of upper extremity disorders in past 12 months
        and carts,                                       did not report disability.
  •     ergonomic worktables,                              The same questionnaire was repeated 12
  •     rotary tables in trim shops,                     months later (after intervention). During the last
  •     accessible shelves,                              year of the project, ergonomics improvements
  •     new carts for material handling,                 were in progress. Table 2 shows the results of the
                                                         questionnaire after ergonomics intervention. The
· improving carrying tire compound from batch            χ2 test showed that there were statistically signifi-
  section to feeding section;                            cant differences in annual and weekly prevalence,
· designing/redesigning hand tools;                      and annual disability reported for the upper back,
· improving lifting raw material bags;                   the lower back, knees and wrists between before
· installing rubber mats on the floor.                   and after intervention (p < .05).
  Defining new solutions improving working
conditions became the team’s routine activity.           4. DISCUSSION
Poor ergonomics conditions would continue to
improve.                                                 According to Wilson, the most important require-
                                                         ments for a participative approach to implement-
3.2. Reduced Musculoskeletal Complaints                  ing ergonomics solutions were the motivation of
                                                         the workers and their competence at the individ-
Table 1 shows the prevalence of MSD symptoms
                                                         ual and team level. These prerequisites cannot be
during the 12 months before intervention. The
                                                         imposed; they have to be implemented through
highest annual prevalence of musculoskeletal

TABLE 1. Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Complaints at the End of the 2nd Year of the Project (Before
                                                Prevalence (%)                              Annual
Body Part                             Annual                     Weekly                  Disability (%)
Neck                                    32.9                      29.9                        5.5
Shoulder                                44.1                      40.1                        9.2
Elbow                                   15.0                      18.0                        1.5
Wrist                                   25.8                      35.1                       10.5
Upper back                              60.3                      55.1                       25.9
Lower back                              50.2                      59.5                       30.0
Hip                                     19.0                      17.1                        1.0
Knee                                    28.9                      30.4                       10.4
Ankle                                   15.0                      16.0                        0.5

                                                                                  JOSE 2013, Vol. 19, No. 3

TABLE 2. Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Complaints at the End of the 3rd Year of the Project (After
                                               Prevalence (%)                            Annual
Body Part                            Annual                     Weekly                Disability (%)
Neck                                  29.4                       26.2                      3.2
Shoulder                              39.1                       30.7                      8.0
Elbow                                 13.1                       16.5                      1.2
Wrist                                 20.7                       19.3                      6.3
Upper back                            31.3                       36.7                     20.2
Lower back                            35.9                       41.9                     18.7
Hip                                   18.0                       17.2                      1.0
Knee                                  17.1                       19.8                      6.6
Ankle                                 15.0                       14.6                      0.5

learning and involvement. The main requirements         process, rather than having it dictated from
for full participation are information, knowledge       above” (p. 192) [51]. The most successful strat-
and power; power is possible only when one has          egy includes forming teams and allowing them to
information and knowledge [48]. These were the          learn about their working conditions and to
aims of the team work structure in the present          decide about changing them, with optional help
study; the results are very positive. The teams         from an ergonomics consultant as a facilitator.
could follow an action plan, analyze the necessi-         The results of this study show that implementa-
ties of the sector, prepare the workplace for           tion of ergonomics solutions decreased preva-
changes and implement solution, which is the            lence of musculoskeletal complaints. There are
beginning of an organizational change process.          two speculative explanations for these findings.
   According to Halpern and Dawson, an inter-           The ergonomically improved conditions influ-
vention program, with multidisciplinary partici-        enced the condition of the back and the lower
pation (similar to the team-based structure in the      limbs. The changes reduced effectively the risk of
present study), “is one approach by which a com-        complaints in the upper and the lower back, knees
pany can weave together its manufacturing objec-        and wrists. However, reporting about musculo-
tives of quality, productivity, safety and cost con-    skeletal symptoms is much more complicated,
tainment to achieve effective production and            and in the present study, it is too early to assess
injury reduction” (p. 440) [7]. According to            the impact of the ergonomics changes or to link
Moore and Grag, using teams (similar to the             improvements with specific body parts.
teams in the present study) is an effective way           A supportive work environment is a key factor
and may contribute to ergonomics improvements           for successful realization of ergonomics solu-
[49].                                                   tions. Supervisory support of training has been
   In the present study, the main obstacle towards      found to be important work environment variable
successful performance of the established teams         affecting the transfer process for over 50 years
was shortage of time because of work overload of        [53].
the team members. Previous studies also dis-              The 3-year experience shows that the employ-
cussed this constraint [49, 50].                        ees’ readiness for ergonomics improvements in
   Establishing the steering committee is an            the organization is a factor for success [53, 54].
important element of adopting PE. The steering          According to Choobineh, Tabatabaei and Beh-
committee informs the teams about financial             zadi, “any ergonomics intervention program in
resources for implementing changes. It also pro-        the workplace should focus on eliminating awk-
vides access to authorized members of the com-          ward postures and manual handling of heavy
pany. Workers “participation creates ownership          loads” and designing ergonomic workstations
of the new ideas and helps people buy into the          (p. 423) [55]. According to this experience, the

JOSE 2013, Vol. 19, No. 3

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JOSE 2013, Vol. 19, No. 3
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