Page created by Heather Page

Allergies 101
Best Practices on Handling Food Allergens

Meet the Dietitian
Learn more about the Registered Dietitian

Avoiding Gluten
How to Navigate the Dining Halls

Get Vegucated
Eating Vegan & Vegetarian on Campus

Dining Hall Hacks
Tips & Tricks to use in the Dining Halls
ALLERGIES 101                  02

Handling Food Allergies
LSU Dining aims to provide our students and guests with the
support they deserve by accommodating those with food
allergies and intolerances and providing a safe place to eat.
From following standardized recipes to avoiding cross
contact in all facets of production and service, we do our best
to provide safe and balanced options for those with dietary
food allergies and intolerances.

Be aware that we handle and prepare egg, milk, wheat,
shellfish, fish, soy, peanut, sesame, tree nut and other
potential allergens in the food production areas in all of our
facilities. We work to provide nutritional and ingredient
information that is as complete and up-to-date as possible.
To view, please visit LSUdining.com . Products may change
without our knowledge and menu items are prepared in
close proximity to other ingredients that may result in cross
contact with ingredients not listed, including allergens.
Guests with food allergies or specific dietary concerns should
speak with the onsite Registered Dietitian, chef, or manager
for individualized assistance.

Avoiding Cross Contact
Every year our staff is trained on proper food handling procedures to minimize the risk of cross
contact. Associates are also trained on allergies, including the top 9 most common food allergies:
milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, soybeans, and sesame. Our Registered
Dietitian, Catherine Bowie, can answer any questions students or associates may have.

                                    is when a food allergen is transferred from an allergen containing
   Cross Contact :                  food to a non-allergen containing food.

                               BALANCED U

   Foods that do not                      Foods that do not                           These foods are
   contain any animal-                    contain any animal                          limited in calories,
   derived products at                    products except dairy                       fat, saturated fat,
   all including honey,                   or eggs. We celebrate                       cholesterol, and
   dairy or eggs. A                       the environmental                           sodium. Eating
   variety of vegan                       and wellness benefits                       these foods more
   options are offered                    of a vegetarian diet                        often will help you
   throughout campus.                     by offering multiple                        feel energetic and
                                          options in each venue.                      healthy.
ALLERGIES 101                03

                                              Student &
                                              Guest Responsibilities
                                              It is important that, as a student or guest with special dining
                                              needs, you are your own advocate. Below are some key steps
                                              to assist you while you eat on campus.

                                              Speak up!
                                              Tell a Chef or manager that you have a specific food allergy or
                                              dietary restriction so we can provide you with a safe
                                              experience. Food allergies are handled differently from meal

                                              Register with the Office of Disabilities on campus regarding
                                              your food allergy or intolerance in order to receive
                                              Americans with Disability Act protection for reasonable
                                              accommodation. Provide requested documentation to
                                              parties as requested

                                              Contact our dining team early and let us know about your
                                              allergies! Send an email to our campus Registered
                                              Dietitian, Catherine Bowie, at LSU Dining

 Our Commitment is to ensure
                                              Meet the Team
 your safety and satisfaction                 Meet the LSU Dining Team to ensure an easier time
 through the following ways:                  navigating the dining halls and how best to stay safe while
                                              dining with us.
   Our LSU Dining Team receives
   annual training on food allergens and      Report
   Celiac Disease. Continual education
   provided throughout the year.
                                              Report any dining issues or allergic reactions immediately
   We share all recipes, food ingredient
   labels, and potential risk to cross        to a manager, director, or dietitian.
   contact upon request
   We have a team of qualified
   professionals to best assist you with
   a safe and healthy dining experience.
                                                     Contacts & Resources
   We work on an individual basis with
   students with food allergies or
   intolerances to provide personalized         Schedule a consultation with the campus dietitian by
   support within our dining halls.             emailing Catherine.Bowie@compass-usa.com. She will
                                                schedule an in-person meeting. You will have a discussion
                                                regarding your allergies and specific needs, an overview of
                                                our dining program, and an introduction to the resources
          Dine on Campus                        available to help you dine successfully. You will also tour
                                                your dining hall of choice, meet the staff you will interact
                                                with day-to-day, and ask any questions you may have.
Check out our dining website
Lsudining.com to view menus for dining          Use the resources and support provided to you throughout
locations. Dine on campus app is also           the entire year. Reach out to the campus dietitian if any
available for download in your Appstore.        questions arise and report issues or concerns regarding
 If you have food allergies/intolerances,       your dining experience. LSU Dining can address issues and
and/or sensitivities: create an allergen ID     concerns if made aware. We want to ensure you have a
on our site or on the app. This will create     great dining experience on campus!
a digital ID card that can be printed or
updated to your smart phone wallet. You
may use your allergen ID card to
privately inform staff of your dietary
ALLERGIES 101                04

Contacts & Resources cont.
The 5
Taylor Johnson, Executive Chef

The 459
Chad Galiano, Executive Chef

Additional Contacts

Catherine Bowie MS, RDN, LDN, Campus Dietitian

Jon Jackson, Sr. Executive Chef

Laurence Landon, Director of Dining Services

Don't be Shy, Self-Identify
We prefer to deal with student-related allergen requests in
a one-on-one fashion. Focused on quality of service, this
approach provides sufficient training for teams to
confidently navigate student inquiries, provide options to
accommodate student needs, and assure safety. Guests are
strongly encouraged to alert staff to their food allergies or
specific dining needs.

Ingredient Experts
LSU Dining cares about menu transparency. All Chefs,
managers, supervisors, and some additional associates
have undergone extensive training in handling food
allergies and celiac disease. These associates are your go-to
folks if you have questions about served items in any
location. They are dedicated to working with our guests
who require more information when making dining choices.
Ingredient experts can discuss ingredients, recipes, and
meal preparation methods in order for our food-allergic
guests to dine safely and comfortably. Always ask for the
chef or manager to answer any questions you have
regaurding food allergies.

Pure Eats (Allergy Friendly Stations)
Available at the 5-Dining Hall, Pure Eats is the station
dedicated to those with specific dietary needs. The top 8
food allergens (wheat, tree nuts, peanuts, milk, egg, soy,
fish, and shellfish) and gluten are removed from the daily

All food items are prepped, cooked, and served within the
station. To reduce the risk of cross-contact, all equipment,
cookware, and utensils are specific to the station and not
shared with other food preparation areas of our facilities.

The staff working at Pure Eats stations are trained in proper
cooking methods and preventing cross-contact. Full
ingredient information and package labels are available
upon request.
DIETITIAN       05

Say hello to our very own
Registered Dietitian

Our Registered Dietitian and Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist, Catherine Bowie,
advocates for students with dietary restrictions and helps the dining areas
accommodate these students’ dietary needs. As a former LSU student, it is her
goal to help those students with special dietary needs feel included in all LSU
Dining locations. She is very passionate about the importance of providing
students with access to the nutrition they need to learn and perform at their
best, and she is committed to doing her part to help LSU Dining achieve that

                     Schedule a one-on-one session with the Dietitian!

                               Catherine Bowie MS, RDN, LDN

                           Email: Catherine.Bowie@compass-usa.com
AVOIDING GLUTEN                       06

Avoiding Gluten
in the Dining Halls

Our staff is trained yearly on proper food handling protocols to minimize the risk of cross-contact. Our
staff is trained to change gloves for the handling and serving of avoiding gluten meals when requested
by the guest. Additionally, we use separate utensils for preparing and serving avoiding gluten meals
when requested by the guest. We keep majority of Avoiding Gluten Items back of house to ensure that
we have these items for our students with Celiac and serious Intolerances. If you need avoiding gluten
items simply ask and we are happy to provide them for you.

                                                                           Gluten Friendly
                                                                          Specialty Brands in
EVERYDAY OPTIONS                                                           the Dining Halls
                                                                             items subject to change due to
        Pizza Crust Avoiding gluten pizza crust is available every
        day upon request.

        Cereal and Oats Avoiding gluten oats, cereal, and granola
        are also available.

        Dessert Avoiding gluten dessert items are kept in the back of
        house and are available upon request.

        Pasta Avoiding gluten pasta is available upon request daily.

        Bread We have various types of avoiding gluten breads at
        both dining halls.

        Grill Both dining halls have avoiding gluten buns, available
        upon request.
GET VEGUCATED                  07

Eating Vegan or Vegetarian
in the Dining Halls

          Cereal                                Rooted                               Deli

We have 6 varieties of cereal           Rooted is our fully vegan          The deli is open for lunch and
available daily as well as whole        station in the dining halls.       dinner daily and offers a
milk, 2% milk, chocolate milk,          Located in both the 5 and          completely customizable way
vanilla or chocolate Silk Soy           459 commons residential            to build a sandwich or wrap -
milk, almond milk, coconut,             dining halls. Rooted serves        meaning it is vegan and
lactaid milk, and at times oat          meatless dishes during lunch       vegetarian friendly!
milk. You will also find a              and dinner each day of the
selection of breads for toast,          week. Full meals are offered
muffins, bagels, and waffle
                                        at this station, so it is a one-
flavors. A parfait bar is available
                                        stop-shop for your main
with two varieties of yogurt and
a full selection of toppings and        entrée and side!
fruits. We serve home fries,
tater tots, eggs and much more!

                                             Pizza &
           Grill                                                                     Salad
                                                                            Our salad bar is always full
Our grill station offers Veggie       At least one vegetarian pizza
                                                                           with a variety of fruits,
Burgers, and usually has              option is available daily at our
                                                                           vegetables, and meatless
roasted vegetables as well.           pizza station. We also have
                                                                           protein options. Offerings
                                      rotating options of pasta dishes
                                                                           change daily based on
                                      available, so make sure to stop
                                                                           seasonality and availability. We
                                      by and check out what is
                                                                           keep a rotating selection of hard
                                      available that day.
                                                                           boiled eggs, beans, legumes,
                                                                           and other plant-based protein
GET VEGUCATED                  08

Eating Vegan or Vegetarian
in the Retail Locations

Bowl life will feature a                                  Einstein Bros. Bagels       Smoothie King has
                             Red Stick Subs and
Tofu Pho Bowl daily.                                      does not only have great    many options for vegan
                             Salads is customizable
Students will also have                                   coffee (that you can        and vegetarian
                             with various vegetable
the capability to choose                                  order with soy milk) and    students. Be mindful of
                             options and an
their toppings and build a                                fresh bagels - they also    ingredients when
                             assortment of cheeses
bowl to their liking.                                     have a number of            ordering if you're vegan.
                             allowing students to
                                                          vegetarian food items.      You can substitute milk
                             create vegan and
                                                          We recommend the            in a number of their
                             vegetarian sandwiches or
                                                          Avocado Veg Out             smoothies to make
                             salads easily. This
                                                          Signature Sandwich or       them dairy-free.
                             location also has a baked
                                                          the Garden Avocado Egg
                             potato bar where student
                             can select their toppings!

 At Chick fil-A, you can     Panda Express' easily        Zippy's line is also 100%   Craft your own vegan or
 find fruit cups, waffle     customizable bowls and       customizable with           vegetarian sandwich at
 fries, and a side salad.    plates make meatless         various sauteed and raw     Subway. Pile your
                             eating easy. Eggplant        vegetable options and an    sandwich high with
                             tofu, steamed                assortment of beans         vegetables and add any
                             vegetables, and brown        allowing students to        of their vegan-friendly
                             rice is our favorite         create vegan and            sauces.
                             combo! Add some veggie       vegetarian burritos,
                             spring rolls if you're       wraps, or nachos easily.
                             feeling really hungry.

At three little pigs, you   CC's has a number of
can order a veggie          muffins and pastries
wrap, which is made         available. They also
with roasted                have soy and almond
vegetables, parmesan        milk available for you.
vinaigrette, lettuce,
tomato, and sweet chili
sauce. They also have
fruit cups, hummus and
pita/veggies, or a
veggie cup
DINING HALL HACKS                    10

                     Veggie Bagel
                     You can make your own veggie bagel right here in the dining hall.
                     Grab a bagel from the bagel case and toast it. Shmear with hummus
                     and top with arugula and other veggies from the salad bar such as
                     tomatoes, red onions, and olives. Yum!

                     Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal
                     Grab a cup of oatmeal, an apple, 2 tsps of honey, and some
                     cinnamon. Cut up your apple slices small enough to top your
                     oatmeal off, add a dash of cinnamon, and drop the honey over the
                     top for a sweet and delicious breakfast. You can also add some
                     granola as well.

                     Deviled Eggs
                     Grab a few hard boiled eggs from the salad bar and take the yolks
                     out. Mix the yolk with mayo, mustard, relish, and salt and pepper
                     and then put the mixed yolk back in the eggs. Throw some salad-bar
                     bacon bits on top and voila!

                     Design-Your-Own Waffles
                     There are so many different things you can do with waffles. For example,
                     you can make a waffle Patty Melt, Waffle Ice Cream Sandwich, Waffle
                     Chicken BLT, and much more! Our favorite is probably the Chicken and
                     Waffle mini sandwich. Grab chicken from the grill, fried or grilled. Cut a
                     waffle in half and put chicken inside, smother with syrup, and enjoy! Also
                     try a Waffle Parfait by grabbing yogurt, granola, and fresh fruit from the
                     salad bar.
                     Tuna Salad Lettuce Wrap
                     You can find tuna salad at the Deli station in either dining hall. Simply
                     ask the associate for some, as well as a few pieces of lettuce. Season
                     with salt and pepper and top with your favorites such as tomatoes,
                     hard boiled eggs, etc. Finally close the lettuce leaf and enjoy! Note: this
                     can also be a very yummy bowl or salad combo!

                     Burrito Bowl
                     You can make an awesome burrito bowl any night in the dining
                     halls. Start by mixing rice with your choice of protein such as tofu,
                     garbanzo beans, or cut-up grilled chicken. Then add your toppings:
                     lettuce, tomatoes, beans, and shredded cheese which all can be
                     found at the salad bar!

                     Fruit Parfait
                     Make your own fruit parfait! This is beyond simple. First grab some
                     Greek yogurt and then top with granola or avoiding gluten oats and
                     then add your favorite fruit. Repeat with another layer of Greek yogurt,
                     granola, and fruit until you've got your desired amount of parfait.

Majority of Hacks can be done at both 459 Commons and The 5 Dining
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