Page created by Cody Davis
A change of venue this year
– from school to home

We review Sue Stuart-Smith’s
timely new book

We look at how parents can
support their children

SEPT 2020 • ISSUE 42
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    SEPT 2020 • ISSUE 42

Charlie Waller was a strong, funny, popular, good-looking and kind young                                                                                       Features
man, with a close and loving family. To the outside world, he had everything to
live for. Yet in 1997, at the age of 28, Charlie took his own life. He was suffering
from depression.
                                                                                                                                                               12 Same sea, different boat
                                                                                                                                                                  David Weaver calls for
In response to this tragedy, his family founded the Charlie Waller Trust, to open
                                                                                                                                                                  urgent action for BAME
up the conversation around depression, and ensure that young people can look
after their mental health and spot the signs in others. We have since become
one of the UK’s most respected mental health charities.                                                                                                        14	Children with mental
Charlie sits at the heart of our story, our vision and our purpose.                                                                                                health needs
                                                                                                                                                                   Our support for parents
                                                                                                                                                                   and carers
                                                                                                                                   34                          19 Book reviews
                                                                                                                                                                  A look at three books with a
Our mission                   Our work                      Our approach                     Our vision                                                           mental health theme
Our mission is to educate
young people – along
                              We provide mental health
                              training, resources and
                                                            We don’t offer direct
                                                            support to individuals.
                                                                                             Our vision is of a
                                                                                             world where people
                                                                                                                             Regular s                         22 Wellbeing Challenge 2020
                                                                                                                                                                  Highlights of this year’s
with parents, carers,         consultancy to schools,       However, we sponsor the          understand and talk                                                  challenge – under lockdown!
teachers, college and         colleges, universities        Charlie Waller Institute at      openly about mental             4 Welcome
university staff, and         and workplaces. We            the University of Reading,       health; a world where             From our Chairman               24 Our work in colleges
employers – about their       build partnerships to         facilitating training            young people and those                                               Charlie Waller’s partnerships
mental health.                help create a long-term       in evidence-based                who support them are            6 Financial report                   with colleges across the UK
We aim to give them           culture of wellbeing.         psychological treatments         equipped to spot the              From our Treasurer
                                                            and increasing the               signs of mental health                                            28 Pushing through the pain
knowledge and skills          We focus on support for
                                                            availability of therapists.      problems in themselves          7 News                               A poignant, life-affirming
to help them support          young people throughout
themselves and others,        their journey from            Our training is free.            and others; to maintain           Updates from our CEO               fundraising challenge
and confidence to talk        primary school to the         The only exception will          and enhance their
                                                                                             mental health and               32 Fundraising highlights         29 Food for thought
openly about the subject.     early years of their          be our future work with
                              working lives.                employers, the income            wellbeing; and to have             Celebrating our fundraisers’      The links between what we
                                                            from which will be               the confidence to seek             achievements                      eat and our mental wellbeing
                                                            invested in extending            help when they need it.
                                                            our work to support
                                                            young people.                                                                                      Get involved                           22

                                                                                                                                                               36	Friends of Charlie Waller
                                                                                                                                                                   Find out how to join
                                                                                                                             GET IN TOUCH                          our new scheme
                                                                                                                            hello@charliewaller.org            38 What’s on
          Positive                                 Proven                                  pr actical                            01635 869754                     A look at the diary for 2020/21
   We take a positive approach                   Our consultancy,                       We give people practical                                                                                    COVER STORY
    to mental health. We focus                training and resources                   strategies and tools to care
                                                                                                                            FIND OUT MORE                      39 Supporting us                     Annabel Mansfield,
      on prevention and early                 are all based on sound                     for their mental health,              charliewaller.org                  How you can help                  co-winner of our
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Wellbeing Challenge
   intervention, and recognise                   clinical evidence.                       and to support others
                                                                                                                                                               40 Looking for help?
         the importance of                                                                     in doing so.                    FOLLOW US                                                            (with her brother
           offering hope.                                                                                                                                         Sources of direct help for
                                                                                                                                                                  mental health problems
LETTER FROM                                                                                                                                       GET INVOLVED

                                                                                                                                                                10 SEP – 10 OCT 2020
              OUR CHAIRMAN

              It has been a busy period for the Trust.         the Charlie Waller Trust to be trusted for our   I mentioned in my last letter, my mother,
              Our trainers have adapted brilliantly and        expertise but known for our warmth. We           Rachel Waller, is stepping down at the end
              switched to offering virtual training, our       have freshened up our logo and branding to       of this year as head of fundraising and to
              office team have been working tirelessly to      try and capture this, which we hope you like.    mark that momentous development we are          Walk, jog or run with
              transform our digital capabilities and our                                                        setting up the ‘Friends of Charlie Waller’ in
              trustees have been busy putting in place a       The trustees have also held a strategy day       her honour, which I hope as many of you as      your four-legged friend
              roadmap for the Trust’s future. We have also     where we have set ambitious but achievable       possible will feel able to support. Sadly, we
              engaged in a little re-branding, which we        targets. We want to significantly increase       have had to cancel many of our usual events     Find out more at
              hope you will all like.                          the number of partnerships we have with          this year so Mum’s final year is not what
                                                               universities and colleges. We want to develop    we hoped it would be. However, if we can        charliewaller.org/events/
              Our fundraisers, despite having many of          and expand our work with parents. We are
              their carefully planned events cancelled,        also determined to extend our work within
                                                                                                                get some momentum behind the Friends of         walkies-for-wellbeing
                                                                                                                Charlie Waller that would more than make
              have remained upbeat and quickly embraced        state schools. This obviously all needs          up for it.
              virtual alternatives, such as our celebrity      paying for. We currently offer high quality
              quizzes. We are all very grateful to them, but   workplace training free of charge. We are        I hope you enjoy the newsletter and thank
              perhaps more importantly, to you for your        therefore going to look at the possibility of    you again for your support.
              continued support in these testing times.        charging for our workplace training, where
              Your generosity has ensured that we can          appropriate, so that we can fund our free        RICHARD WALLER QC
              keep delivering our vital work, with a special   work in schools, colleges and universities.      CHAIRMAN
              thank you to Lucia Bloom and her friends         Hopefully, employers will see this as not only
              for raising over £34,000 for us by walking       an investment in their employees’ mental
              eighteen blistering kilometres in stilettos in   wellbeing, but also in the wellbeing of the
              memory of a dear friend.                         next generation of employees.
              With my father stepping down as chairman         Since my last letter, we have said goodbye
              of the Trust after 22 years, it was the right    to another stalwart of the Trust, Sue
              time to take stock, freshen up and set out       Shenkman. She has been a hard-working
              a roadmap for the future. The Trust’s focus      trustee for many years and has been
              has always been and will continue to be          instrumental in helping transform the
              on young people and those who support            Trust’s fundraising capability. Sue and her
              them. We see the Trust’s primary role as         family’s contribution to the Trust has been
              being there to help young people safely          immense. We are extremely grateful to Sue
              navigate the key transitional stages in their    and I am delighted that she will remain an
              lives: moving through school, to further         important part of the Trust community in
              education and into the workplace. We are         her new role as a patron.                           FIND OUT MORE
              there to help young people stay mentally
                                                                                                                   Please turn to page 36 for more
              well during these challenging transitions
                                                                                                                   details on becoming a Friend of
              and to help those who support them, such as
                                                                                                                   Charlie Waller
              parents, teachers and employers. We want

          4                                                                                                                                                             charliewaller.org • hello@charliewaller.org   5
REPORT FROM                                                                                       NEWS & UPDATE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            NEWS & UPDATE
                       OUR TREASURER                                                                                     FROM OUR CEO

                       The Trust’s 2019 accounts have now been          and this is likely to be the case for the        Since the last edition of this newsletter, the      It’s exactly this sort of
                       audited and I am pleased to report that at       foreseeable future. At the same time             Covid-19 pandemic has affected all our lives,
                       £1.347 million income was very similar to        increased levels of anxiety brought about by     physically, emotionally and mentally. Our           evidence-based research
                       the previous year (£1.333 million). Grants       the disruption to people’s lives will surely     staff, trainers, trustees and volunteers all        that informs our work.
                       from charitable trusts, donations and            place additional demands on the Trust. A         had to change the way they worked almost
                       funds raised at our very popular events          further increase in the established charitable   overnight and have responded magnificently.      Professor Roz Shafran, a Charlie Waller
                       all increased whilst our much-valued             programmes was already planned before            Working from home, making use of digital         trustee and former director of the Charlie
                       supporters continued to make a vital             the pandemic and despite the anticipated         communications and, for our trainers,            Waller Institute at the University of Reading,
                       contribution through a broad range of            shortfalls in income this will go ahead          switching to online delivery – no mean feat I    is part of an expert panel that has published
                       initiatives, some strenuous, some less so!       funded, if necessary, from reserves.             can assure you – it’s become almost business     a paper with a call to action for mental
                                                                                                                         as usual. Stepping in at an unusually            health science.
                       The Trust has no endowment and is almost         The unaudited accounts for the half-year         challenging time, our new Chairman –
                       entirely dependent on money raised year on       ended 30 June 2020 show a small surplus          Richard Waller, Charlie’s brother – has done     That emerging evidence is coming from
                       year. In 2019, thanks to the growing support     after some modest investment losses.             a wonderful job of leading the Trust in a        sources such as a survey of parents and
                       it has enjoyed over recent years, expenditure    Income was up on the same period last            very positive direction.                         young people conducted by Professor Cathy
                       was increased to £1.109 million, up from         year, largely due to increased grants from                                                        Creswell and Dr Polly Waite from Oxford
                       £991,000 in 2018. £935,000 was spent on          charitable trusts. Fundraising held up well      Both during and as we emerge from                and Reading universities respectively. The
                       charitable work, notably the core Schools        despite some events having to be cancelled       lockdown, there is an impact on people’s         purpose of the survey was to learn more
                       and Families, Colleges and Universities,         but training-related donations and income        mental health. I have no doubt there will        about how families have coped with the
                       Primary Care and Workplace programmes,           from supporters’ events declined. As             be more need for our work following this         challenges of Covid-19 and what parents can
                       and £174,000 on raising funds. There was an      planned, expenditure on both charitable          difficult time, in particular in terms of        do to help support their children’s mental
                       operating surplus of £238,000 and after net      work and raising funds increased over the        transitions – moving back to school or           health. It’s exactly this sort of evidence-
                       investment gains of £177,000 accumulated         same period last year.                           college, starting at college or university,      based research that informs our work.
                       funds stood at £2.185 million (2018: £1.770                                                       going back to or starting work.                  You can read more about the results of the
                       million) at the year-end. The trustees are       The outlook for the second half is very                                                           survey at emergingminds.org.uk
                                                                        uncertain as, in addition to the areas
                       committed to building on this success and a
                                                                        where we have already seen income
                                                                                                                            Our new Chairman has                          I hope you enjoy this edition of the
                       sound financial base is essential for the long
                       term growth of the charity.                      fall, some major fundraising events are             done a wonderful job of                       newsletter and that you like the design.
                                                                        at risk and we cannot rely on receiving             leading the Trust in a very                   This is in line with a new look for the Trust
                       The full trustees’ Report and Financial          the same exceptional level of grants                                                              as we continue an exciting phase of our
                       Statements have been filed at Companies          as we have so far this year. Over the
                                                                                                                            positive direction.                           development.
                       House and with the Charity Commission.           coming months we will, as always, be
                       Please contact the Trust’s office or email       enormously grateful for the continuing           It’s no exaggeration to compare the effects of   CLARE STAFFORD
                       hello@charliewaller.org if you would             generosity of our loyal supporters.              the pandemic to a world-scale psychological      CHIEF EXECUTIVE
                       like a copy.                                                                                      experiment affecting every country. Across
                                                                        ROBIN BOOTH FCA                                  the world, scientists and academics are
                       This year Covid-19 has brought new               TREASURER                                        considering the emerging evidence and
                       challenges. Inevitably income from our                                                            research priorities stemming from Covid-19.
                       own and others’ fundraising events and                                                                                                                                                                          Continues p8
                       training-related donations will be less
                   6                                                                                                                                                                     charliewaller.org • hello@charliewaller.org    7
A WARM WELCOME                                                                                          FURTHER EDUCATION

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              NEWS & UPDATE
                    We are delighted to welcome five more                                                                   PROJECTS
                    trainers to our expanding colleges and
                    universities team:                                  Kath Caffrey   Julie Castleman   Satinder Panesar   Further education (FE) is an increasingly
                                                                          Trainer          Trainer            Trainer       important area of work for the Trust and we
                    Kath Caffrey has a background in education,                                                             are now working with 36 colleges across
                    working as a secondary school teacher. She                                                              the UK. Many college students come from
                    qualified as a counsellor in 2011 and has                                                               disadvantaged backgrounds and so are more
                    since practised in high school and university                                                           vulnerable to depression, anxiety and other
                    settings, while also running a private practice                                                         mental health problems. One of our key
                    in Southport. She has developed training                                                                college projects, working with three colleges
                    workshops around ethical practice with                                                                  in Glasgow, is now nearing completion, with
                    children and young people, working with risk,       Jamie Smith    Alex Cochrane      Alice Palmer      clear benefits to those taking part.
                    mindfulness, anxiety and self-compassion.             Trainer         Trainer         Guest Speaker
                                                                                                                            We have recently begun working with two
                    Julie Castleman (who joins us as a                                                                      colleges in the North East – Newcastle
                    consultant trainer) has 13 years’ experience      Since completing his counselling training,            and Gateshead – where we have started
                    in mental health and counselling, in private      Jamie Smith has mainly supported clients              delivering training on a range of topics,
                    practice and with colleges and universities.
                    She has been developing and delivering
                                                                      who are in crisis or have lost someone
                                                                      to suicide. He is currently a lecturer in
                                                                                                                            including Managing Stress in Today’s World
                                                                                                                            and Careers Guidance for Anxious Students.      BOYS IN MIND,
                    bespoke mental health awareness and stress
                    management training for over 10 years.
                                                                      counselling at Glasgow Clyde College
                                                                      and also works as an External Verifier for            We are delighted to have received funding       GIRLS MIND TOO
                                                                      the Scottish Qualifications Authority for             from the Bridgepoint Charitable Trust for
                    Satinder Panesar is an integrative                                                                      a project in Newham Sixth Form College          Boys in Mind, based in Bath and North
                                                                      counselling qualifications.                                                                           East Somerset, aims to improve the mental
                    counsellor and psychotherapist who has                                                                  with a focus on Covid-19, deprivation and
                    worked in charities, NHS and private sector       Alex Cochrane manages the Re-Connect                  the effects on young people’s mental health.    health of boys and young men by addressing
                    for 25 years. She has a particular interest       counselling units within The Wise Group,              Please turn to page 24 to read more about our   and understanding the particular barriers
                    in facilitating group clinical and wellbeing      which offer counselling to people on release          work in colleges.                               they face. Alongside students, staff and
                    supervision and delivering training               from prison. He has also provided mental                                                              parents from Beechen Cliff School, young
                    to students.                                      health support for young people who have                                                              people from Boys in Mind have produced
                                                                      been homeless. He works closely with college                                                          a film demonstrating the benefits of the
                                                                      counselling units and provides supervision to                                                         whole school approach. The film charts the
                                                                      trainee and qualified counsellors.                                                                    changes that have taken place in the school
                                                                                                                                                                            since they partnered with the team from
                    DO YOU EVER SHOP                                  Alice Palmer joins us as a guest speaker
                                                                      for our schools programme. With lived
                                                                                                                                                                            Boys in Mind. It highlights the difference
                                                                                                                                                                            the partnership is making to the mental
                    ON AMAZ ON?                                       experience of her own mental health                                                                   wellbeing of their pupils (evidenced in a
                                                                      struggles, 25-year-old Alice is a workshop                                                            recent OFTSED report).
                    Please support our work through                   practitioner, public speaker and advocate
                                                                      for young people in emotional distress. She                                                           You can see the film at
                    Amazon Smile.                                                                                                                                           boysinmind.co.uk/whole-school-approach
                                                                      is looking forward to sharing her story and
                    •   Amazon Smile will donate 0.5% of the          listening to those whose voices often
                        net purchase price (excluding VAT,
                        returns and shipping fees) to Charlie
                                                                      go unheard.
                                                                                                                                                                            ONLINE TRAINING
                                                                      NEW OFFICE STAFF
                        Waller on eligible purchases.
                                                                                                                                                                            We are now delivering a huge amount of
                    •   You can set us up as your chosen
                        charity in the Settings section of your
                                                                                                                               DIGITAL                                      training online. Our trainers have adapted
                        Amazon.co.uk account by searching
                        Charlie Waller Trust.
                                                                      Welcome to Debs Burles who joins us as
                                                                      an events and fundraising officer. Having
                                                                                                                               TRANSFORMATION                               to this change in method very positively
                                                                                                                                                                            and, while it is different from what most
                                                                      spent the majority of her career in the sports                                                        of us are used to, it has some interesting
                                                                                                                               In its 23 year history, the Trust has        benefits. For example, face to face support
                                                                      events, TV and entertainment industries,
                                                                                                                               moved with the times, embracing new          for parents in person is limited to those
                                                                      she is now enjoying village and
                                                                                                                               ways of spreading vital messages             who can attend a group or event. However,
                                                                      school life with her family. A
                                                                                                                               about mental health. As the lockdown         we have found that many more parents
                                                                      good friend of Charlie’s, Debs
                                                                                                                               came into force, we were embarking           have engaged with online delivery and
                                                                      is excited about becoming
                                                                                                                               on a programme to use digital                the response has been very positive.
                                                                      involved with the Trust,
                                                                                                                               technology to improve our entire             We’ve also been able to reach many more
                                                                      especially from an events
                                                                                                                               operation. This was very timely!             parents and carers because our sessions
                                                                      and sponsorship angle.                                                                                                                                             Continues p10
                                                                                                                                                                            are still accessible online afterwards.
                8                                                                                                                                                                          charliewaller.org • hello@charliewaller.org    9

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      NEWS & UPDATE
                     There are some great webinars available on
                     our website which have been designed by
                     our trainers, many specifically to address
                     issues that have arisen during lockdown
                     – for instance, ‘Mindfulness and staying
                     present when the future is uncertain’ and
                     ‘Being kind to yourself’.

                     NEW WEBSITE
                                                                                                                                                                    PRCA DARE AWARDS
                     Talking of our website, we have just
                     launched our new site at charliewaller.org.                                                                                                    Cambridge-based PR and marketing
                     It offers a more personal journey for the                                                                                                      agency Conscious Communications has
                     many different groups of people who need                                                                                                       been nominated for its #RunForWellbeing
                     our support, including teachers, parents                                                                                                       campaign in support of our partnership with

                                                                    JONATHAN’S VOICE
                     and students.                                                                                                                                  the Cambridge Half Marathon earlier this
                                                                                                                                                                    year. It has been shortlisted for the Charity/
                     Another key audience group is graduates,
                     who in 2020 face unprecedented                 We always try to work collaboratively with
                                                                                                                   EVERY MIND MATTERS                               Not for Profit Award and the Low Budget
                                                                                                                                                                    Campaign Award. The winners will be
                     challenges in moving from university           other charities and were delighted when        We are delighted to have been asked to           announced in September.
                     into work. Our website provides evidence-      Val and Graham McCartney, founders of          be one of the charity partners for Public
                     based and targeted materials to support        Jonathan’s Voice, contacted us. They set       Health England’s Better Health Every
                     them, developed in partnership with            up the charity in 2017 in memory of their      Mind Matters campaign, which launched
                     graduates, including those working for         son, who took his own life at the age of 35.
                     international energy services company          Jonathan was a patent attorney, a career
                                                                                                                   on 8 September. This is a major public
                                                                                                                   mental health campaign aimed at parents             FOND FAREWELLS
                     Centrica. The content has been designed        that he loved, but he appears to have been     and their children aged 5 to 18. The focus
                     to help them understand the emotions           particularly affected by the stress and        is on returning to school or college and            Long term supporter of the Trust
                     they’re experiencing. It aims to give them     pressures of the profession.                   how parents and children can look after             Susanna Westmeath passed away on
                     confidence that they’re not alone in feeling                                                  their mental health in the wake of the              5 July 2020. She taught Charlie the
                     as they do, practical self-care advice and     Taking the advice and views of professionals                                                       clarinet at Elstree School and was
                                                                    within the intellectual property community,    Covid-19 crisis. The campaign aims to
                     tips to help them manage situations such as                                                   reach young people and parents through              a great friend of the Waller family.
                     interview stress. There is also support and    we have produced ‘Protecting your mental                                                           For many years she ran the Trust’s
                                                                    health and wellbeing: A guide for patent and   print, broadcast and social media.
                     guidance for employers of new graduates.                                                                                                          website and produced all the artwork
                                                                    trademark professionals’, that will resonate   Alongside national charities Mind,                  for our events, and she never missed
                                                                    with many people in other high-pressure        YoungMinds, Place2Be and Anna Freud, we             the biannual newsletter ‘stuffing day’.
                                                                    professions. The guide is available to         were selected because of our expertise in           This job became more onerous as the
                                                                    download from our website:                     children and young people’s mental health,          numbers increased but it was still a fun
                                                                    charliewaller.org/resources/patent-and-        transitions (from one level of education            get-together for our many enthusiastic
                                                                    trade-mark-professionals/                      to the next) and our distinct materials for         volunteers, Susanna chief among
                                                                                                                   further education college students. We are          them. She will be sorely missed.
                                                                                                                   being included in all the publicity and on the
                                                                                                                   website, and are very pleased to be able to         We were also very sad to hear of Caroline
                                                                                                                   lend our experience and knowledge to this           Gilbey’s death on 18 July. Caroline was
                                                                                                                   vital campaign.                                     a wonderfully supportive member of
                                                                                                                                                                       the London Fundraising Committee
                                                                                                                                                                       from January 2016 to May 2019. She
                                                                                                                                                                       masterminded a Wine Quiz in London on
                                                                                                                                                                       22 March 2017 and was quite undeterred
                                                                                                                                                                       when West London was closed due to the
                                                                                                                                                                       Westminster bomb incident. All those
                                                                                                                                                                       who knew Caroline appreciated her
                                                                                                                                                                       kindness and generosity of spirit. She will
                                                                                                                                                                       be greatly missed.

                10                                                                                                                                                                 charliewaller.org • hello@charliewaller.org   11

                                                                                                                 Culturally appropriate
                                                                                                                 therapeutic interventions                     JOIN OUR FREE
                                                                                                                                                               BOOK CLUB
                                                                                                                 should be government

                                                                                                              David was among a coalition of campaigners,
                                                                                                              peers, academics and religious leaders
                                                                                                              who signed an open letter calling for the
                                                                                                              Government to launch a Covid-19 race
                                                                                                                                                               A free mental health book
                                                                                                              equality strategy.                               club for teachers and others
                                                                                                              Following the PHE report, the Government’s       working with children and
                                                                                                              work in this area is being taken forward
                                                                                                              by Minister for Equalities, Kemi Badenoch,       young people
                                                                                                              who has said that “more needs to be done to
                                                                                                              understand the key drivers of the disparities
                                                                                                                                                               Join the club and once a term you’ll
                                                                                                              identified and the relationships between the
                                                                                                                                                               have the chance to receive a book which
                                                                                                              different risk factors.”
                                                                                                                                                               promotes understanding of mental health.
                                                                                                              David says, “We already know that a
                                                                                                                                                               What people have said about our previous
                                                                                                              disproportionate number of people from
                                                                                                                                                               book club titles:
                                                                                                              BAME communities are dying from Covid-19.
                                                                                                              Any further government research must
                                                                                                              move things forward. BAME communities

               SAME SEA,
                                                                                                              are in a state of trauma exacerbated by the
                                                                                                              racist murder of George Floyd. Culturally
                                                                                                              appropriate therapeutic interventions should       This was an amazing
                                                                                                                                                                  resource. I used it to

               DIFFERENT BOAT
                                                                                                              be government policy.”
                                                                                                                                                                 support various young
                                                                                                              With David’s support, BACP is calling on the        people, particularly
                                                                                                              government to work with them to develop a             those struggling
                                                                                                              clear action plan to deliver a comprehensive            with anxiety.
                                                                                                              mental health response to the Covid-19 crisis.
                                                                                                              They want this to be informed by evidence
                                                                                                              to ensure resource can be targeted at those
               Coronavirus has brought into sharp focus the   BAME communities, and to look at culturally     communities and people most affected by the
               inequalities experienced by the UK’s BAME      appropriate high-quality therapeutic            disease, especially for BAME communities,
               communities and the resultant impact on        interventions.                                  families in deprived areas and frontline
               their mental health and wellbeing. David                                                       workers who have no access to mental health
                                                              He spoke following a Public Health England                                                                                       Year 2 and 3 boys
               Weaver, President of the British Association                                                   support through their employer.
                                                              (PHE) report that outlined the disparities in                                                                                  enjoyed reading ‘Mud
               for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP),                                                                                                                                   Boy’…The story addresses
               has called for urgent action.                  the risk and outcomes of Covid-19 and found
                                                              that BAME people were more at risk of dying                                                                                     the issue of bullying
               David is working with the Charlie Waller       from the virus.                                                                                                               in a sensitive way that
               Trust on a pilot project with Newham Sixth                                                                                                                                  captures the emotions of
               Form College, drawing on his experience in     David said: “This report recognised what we                                                                                       young children.
               mental health and his high profile amongst     already knew. While we welcome that this
               BAME communities in London. David will         has been acknowledged, the Government
               offer advice and expertise to help us meet     now has to take urgent action on this.
               the needs of the very diverse population in    “We want to see a strategy that addresses the
               Newham. It is clear that people from BAME
               communities are facing trauma because
                                                              ongoing trauma that is being faced by BAME
                                                              communities. We need the government to
                                                                                                                                                               Sign up today
               of the pandemic and the inequalities it has    see the importance of counselling services                                                       To find out more visit
               magnified. Back in June, David urged the       at this time and the role they can play in                                                       charliewaller.org/what-we-do/
               Government to put a strategy in place to       reaching these communities.”                                                                     for-educators/charlie-waller-book-club
               address these issues, to recognise the role
               counselling services can play in reaching
          12                                                                                                                                                              charliewaller.org • hello@charliewaller.org   13

                                                                                                                  I was desperate for help to                 Pathway to the future

                                                                                                                  manage what our family                      Wendy’s vision for PLACE is that, for parents
                                                                                                                                                              of a child struggling with their mental
                                                                                                                  was going through.                          health, no matter where they live, there
                                                                                                                                                              will be help available – one-to-one support;
                                                                                                                                                              help in navigating a complex, multi-agency
                                                                                                               Place for a national network                   system; help to gain the knowledge to
                                                                                                               As Rollercoaster developed locally, Wendy      understand their child’s mental health

               CHILDREN WITH
                                                                                                               became involved on a national level, through   condition and the skills to support them;
                                                                                                               NHS England and the National Collaborating     parent and carer support groups; and, finally,
                                                                                                               Centre for Mental Health. Along the way, she   an opportunity to have a voice and a role

               MENTAL HEALTH NEEDS
                                                                                                               was introduced to the Charlie Waller Trust.    in service development. This final point
                                                                                                                                                              reflects Wendy’s ultimate vision:
                                                                                                               “I’d already started linking with support
                                                                                                               groups in other areas, and Charlie Waller      “I’d love there to be a qualification for parent
                                                                                                               was interested in supporting the creation of   peer support workers. Lots of people leave
                                                                                                               a truly national network”.                     a job to care for a child and then want to do

                                                                                                                                                              something to help. But there’s no pathway.
                                                                                                               The result is PLACE, the first national        There’s a real staff shortage in the mental

               AND CARERS
                                                                                                               network for parents and carers supporting      health system, and loads of really skilled
                                                                                                               children and young people with mental          people with hugely relevant lived experience
                                                                                                               health difficulties. The name reflects a       who could be part of the solution.”
                                                                                                               passionate belief of Wendy’s:
                                                                                                                                                              The Rollercoaster model is currently
                                                                                                               “There should always be a place for parents    being externally evaluated by the
                                                                                                               and carers in children’s and young people’s    Association for Young People’s Health
               At Charlie Waller, we offer support to a       Wendy, Charlie Waller’s Parent Lead, explains:
                                                                                                               mental health care, but they can’t always      and Northumbria University, funded by
               growing number of parents whose children
                                                              ”When your child is so unwell it’s the most      find that place. PLACE’s guiding principle     Charlie Waller. This process, which will
               have mental health issues. John Olsen
                                                              frightening place to be. And then you find       is that it is ‘parent-led, professionally      also take account of other models from
               talked to the three mothers at the heart of
                                                              you have no place in anything that’s being       supported’”.                                   across the PLACE network, will result
               the programme.
                                                              offered. I’d sit in the waiting room while my                                                   in national guidelines (funded by NHS
                                                                                                               Funding from Charlie Waller has enabled        England) and encourage the funding of
               What would you do, as a parent with a          daughter had an appointment, but I wasn’t
                                                                                                               PLACE’s rapid expansion, with over             more parent support services by Clinical
               teenage daughter suffering acute mental        involved at all, and got no support.
                                                                                                               40 organisations now involved, and             Commissioning Groups across the country.
               illness, if you felt the system excluded you
                                                              “I was desperate for help to manage what our     lockdown and the explosion of Zoom-style
               from the care she was receiving? Or, with
                                                              family was going through. So I just thought ‘I   communication is accelerating this progress.
               two autistic sons, you were bounced from
               pillar to post within the healthcare system?   need to do something here’.”
               Or if you struggled to obtain support when     It’s a rollercoaster

               your son was diagnosed with an eating
                                                              That ‘something’ involved Wendy creating a
                                                              parent support group – Rollercoaster – in her
               At the centre of the Charlie Waller Trust’s    native County Durham, in partnership with
               work with parents are three mothers –          the local NHS Child and Adolescent Mental           There is always a PLACE for parents and carers in
               Wendy Minhinnett, Jenny Langley and Jo         Health Service (CAMHS).                             children and young people’s mental health.
               Billington – who experienced just that, and
                                                              “For the first three months, no-one came – it       PLACE works to develop, promote, and sustain parent-carer
               who have given up their previous careers to
                                                              was just me, a CAMHS nurse, and my sister           support and involvement in children and young people’s
               dedicate themselves to making the system
                                                              all sitting by ourselves in a room. But we          (0-25 years) mental health across the UK.
               work better so the support parents really
                                                              kept going, spreading the word.”
               need is available to them.
                                                              Eventually, the partnership between NHS
                                                              organisations and the local authority
                                                              acknowledged that a gap existed, and that a
                                                              service was needed to support parents with
                                                              children suffering mental ill-health. Five         A PLACE for      A PLACE for      A PLACE for     A PLACE for         A PLACE for
                                                              years on, Wendy now focuses full time on           Partnerships     Learning         Awareness       Care                Equality
                                                              her parent support work, and Rollercoaster is
                                                              a commissioned service in County Durham,           A PLACE for      A PLACE for      A PLACE for     A PLACE for         A PLACE for
                  Wendy            Jenny              Jo      running regular parent support groups,             Peer Support     Lobbying         Action          Collaboration       Experience
                 Minhinnett                      Billington                                                                                                                                                                 Continues p16
                                                              advisory work and training.
          14                                                                                                                                                                  charliewaller.org • hello@charliewaller.org    15

               Supporting children with eating disorders                                                         So Jo is now a Doctoral Researcher at the       “It’s about helping a family to thrive, not

               Like Wendy, Jenny Langley’s journey to the                                                        University of Reading’s Centre for Autism,      just survive,” says Jo. “Wendy and I quickly
               Trust started with her becoming frustrated                                                        focusing on autistic students’ wellbeing        saw how much this was needed during
               by the lack of support she experienced when,                                                      in mainstream primary schools. She has          lockdown – trying to normalise a really
               aged 12, her son became desperately ill                                                           also lectured on Special Educational Needs      challenging experience, connecting families
               with anorexia.                                                                                    and Inclusion at Oxford Brookes University,     and reducing their isolation”.
                                                                                                                 supporting trainee teachers in developing
               “The initial challenge was actually getting                                                       inclusive practices in the classroom.           Linking schools and families
               a diagnosis; this was 20 years ago and                                                                                                            When she talks about the issues lockdown
               the stigma was enormous. You could see                                                            In her work with Charlie Waller she focuses     is creating for children with SEND, Jo
               people thinking ‘what have you done to give                                                       on helping schools to support children with     becomes passionate:
               your son anorexia?’. They worried he could                                                        special educational needs and disabilities
               somehow pass it on to their own children”.                                                        (SEND), and their families.                     “We cannot overestimate the level of
                                                                                                                                                                 challenge ahead. If the education system
               Jenny left her City career behind and for        Reaching more parents                            Online course for parents                       doesn’t prioritise wellbeing over academic
               15 years has dedicated herself to helping        These skills can also be readily translated      Recently, Jo has created an interactive         catch-up, those challenges are going to be so
               parents in a similar situation. She wrote a      into other scenarios:                            online course for parents on understanding      much more severe and long-lasting.
               now renowned book, ‘Boys get anorexia too’,                                                       and supporting a child with SEND during
               became part of a self-help network created       “The key is keeping lines of communication       Covid-19, which aligns perfectly with Charlie
               by BEAT, a leading eating disorder charity,      going when there are high levels of anxiety      Waller’s core principles: Positive, Proven,
               and was introduced to the world-famous           within the household. It’s relevant to all       Practical – and comprises four sessions:
               Maudsley Centre for Child and Adolescent         situations where a family member has poor
               Eating Disorders, with whom she has              mental health – not just to eating disorders.”
               worked closely ever since.
                                                                So, alongside her specialist work, Jenny is
               “The Maudsley ethos is that any parent,          closely involved in Charlie Waller’s more
               carer, friend or family member can be a key      general work in schools – whether around
               part of the solution. But the challenge is       resilience, exam stress, perfectionism or           PARENTAL SELF-CARE
               teaching them skills that professionals take     general wellbeing.                                  The importance of parents first
               ten years to learn.”                                                                                 looking after themselves
                                                                When I spoke to Jenny, she had just finished
               A toolkit for parents and carers                 a Zoom session with 25 families, focused
               Addressing that challenge is central to the      on returning to university with an eating
               New Maudsley model, providing parents and        disorder. She feels that, whilst remote
               carers with a toolkit to care more effectively   delivery can never fully replicate face-to-
               for someone with an eating disorder, giving      face sessions, the move online demanded by
                                                                lockdown has had real benefits:                     UNDERSTANDING OUR
               them similar skillsets to those used in an                                                           CHILDREN’S BEHAVIOUR
               inpatient setting. This approach lies at         “It’s a great opportunity to reach more
               the heart of the work Jenny now delivers                                                             Looking at causes of stress in children
                                                                parents – including those who would never           with SEND during lockdown and how
               through Charlie Waller:                          come to a face-to-face session for misplaced
               “We know parents are highly motivated            reasons of guilt or shame.”
                                                                                                                    these link to behavioural difficulties          WHAT PEOPLE
               to help. The model is based on                   Parenting children diagnosed with autism                                                            ARE SAYING about
               communications skills used in motivational
               interviewing, and the four phases in the
                                                                Similar to Jenny, Jo Billington’s work with                                                         our wor k
                                                                the Trust is focused on a specialism borne
               transtheoretical model of change – pre-                                                                                                               Amazing – we arrived
                                                                out of personal experience.
               contemplation, contemplation, preparation                                                            SUPPORTING OUR CHILDREN’S                        dispirited and sad; we leave
               and action. It’s a very clear process, and       Faced by the challenges of bringing up two          EMOTIONAL REGULATION                             hopeful and energised.
               parents love it.”                                young sons diagnosed with autism and                Practical strategies for the
                                                                frustrated by the lack of joined-up support         whole family                                     The skills we are learning on
                                                                available for parents in her situation, she                                                          the course are going to change
                                                                stepped away from her successful computer                                                            us all for the better. This is
                                                                programming business to focus full-time on                                                           really transformative.
                  The key is keeping lines                      her family.                                                                                          Completely inspirational – you
                  of communication going                        “After a while I went back to university                                                             manage to instil a sense of
                                                                                                                    REFLECTION                                       hope in a room full of desperate,
                  when there are high levels                    part-time because I was finding parenting
                                                                so challenging that I needed something to           A final session of discussion around             anxious and fearful carers.
                  of anxiety within the                         take me out of that. I got my degree and was        these strategies in action                       I can’t thank you enough.
                  household.                                    encouraged to do a PhD.”
          16                                                                                                                                                                    charliewaller.org • hello@charliewaller.org   17
Pr actical tips

                                                            Our overarching mission

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 BOOK REVIEWS
               for parents…                                 is to educate young people

                                                            about their mental health.
               …from parents
                 Above all, accept and try               “In some places I see a huge chasm between
                 to understand your child’s              schools and families – and it’s even more
                 difficulties – educate yourself as      acute in SEND. What’s so powerful about
                 much as possible about your child’s
                 mental health challenges.
                                                         Charlie Waller’s work is that it reduces that
                                                         chasm. We work with schools, parents
                                                                                                          WE LOOK AT A SELECTION
                                                         and pupils, looking at the whole school          OF BOOKS WITH A MENTAL
                 Be kind to yourself. If you don’t
                 look after yourself first, you won’t
                                                         community, to support the wellbeing of           HEALTH THEME
                                                         everyone within it. You don’t see that in
                 be able to look after your child.       many other places.”
                 Ask for and accept help from            Through trauma towards growth
                 professionals, family members or
                 support groups – you don’t have to      Wendy’s, Jenny’s and Jo’s journeys,
                                                         their work with Charlie Waller, and the
                                                                                                          THE WELL GARDENED MIND:
                 do this alone.
                                                         positivity of their approach, all reflect the    REDISCOVERING NATURE IN
                 Until your child has the right help     recognised psychological phenomenon              THE MODERN WORLD
                 and support in place, remember          of ‘post-traumatic growth’ – the positive
                 that many of their everyday             psychological change that can be                 by Sue Stuart-Smith
                 behaviours may be driven by their       experienced after a crisis. And this sits well   (William Collins, £20)
                 mental health needs.                    with the genesis of the Trust – created by
                                                         the Waller family in response to the loss of     These are testing and disturbing times.             But where Sue, who is a good friend of the
                 There is no one right answer.           Charlie to suicide, with a determination to      Even before the Coronavirus pandemic                Waller family, strikes out on her own and
                 It takes time to work out the best      change things for the better.                    turned our worlds upside down and forced            makes The Well Gardened Mind such an
                 support and interventions that will                                                      us to adopt a strange and cloistered way            essential read, is her in-depth knowledge of
                 work for your family. Be patient.       Clare Stafford, Charlie Waller’s CEO, sees the   of life, the challenges of the 21st century –       both psychiatry and her love of gardening
                                                         parent programme as central to the Trust’s       deep political division, unfettered populism,       (her husband Tom is an acclaimed garden
                 Find simple little things to help       overall strategy:
                 you cope – meet a friend for a                                                           rapid climate change, naked racism and              designer). This combination makes her
                 coffee, play a sport you love, go for   “Our overarching mission is to educate           sustained misuse of on-line platforms – had         uniquely placed to discuss, and analyse, not
                 a walk. Giving yourself permission      young people about their mental health,          combined to make even the most positive             just HOW gardening has such a beneficial
                 to take time out for yourself will      from primary school to early years of work,      optimist think twice.                               effect on mental health but also WHY.
                 help you care for your child.           and to ensure they are as well supported as      Inevitably, as Covid-19 tightened its grip          Using case studies of people struggling with
                                                         possible by those responsible for them.          across the globe, the incidence of emotional        depression, trauma and addiction, as well
                 Forgive yourself if you say or
                 do the wrong thing. You will be         “If parents and families are given the skills    distress, heightened anxiety and full-blown         as a tremendously moving account of her
                 learning alongside your child and       and confidence to play their part, they          depression increased exponentially. Hidden          grandfather’s shattered return from the First
                 doing the best that you can.            can form the golden thread of support            beneath the disturbing daily Covid-19 death         World War, Sue explores the transformative
                                                         throughout that journey.”                        toll, were numerous suicides – each as              effect that gardening can have on even
                 There are times when you need                                                            desperately sad as a death from the rampant         the most troubled and restless mind. She
                 to trust your instinct – remember       With the experience of lockdown pushing          virus – but, for this year at least, not accorded   discusses how prisoners, given the chance
                 that you know your child better         parents into new and uncharted waters,           the same importance or media space.                 to grow their own plants, are less likely
                 than anyone and that you are a          the pivotal role they can play in supporting                                                         to reoffend; how wayward teenagers can
                 crucial part of their support team.     their children’s mental health is coming into    In this context, Sue Stuart-Smith’s riveting        experience redemption through the soil; and
                                                         sharper focus than ever before.                  new book The Well Gardened Mind is                  how elderly people, who love their gardens,
                 It’s okay to feel however you feel –                                                     extremely timely. Of course, the link               live longer, happier lives.
                 sad, angry, upset, numb. Go with it,                                                     between the enjoyment of gardening and
                 but if the negative feelings last for                                                    good mental health has been discussed               This passage, in particular, encapsulates
                 too long, get help.                                                                      at length, ever since Voltaire’s novella            what this book is all about: “Just as the
                 Hold on to hope, no matter how
                                                            further help                                  Candide in the mid-18th century. Candide,
                                                                                                          you may remember, after a lifetime of most
                                                                                                                                                              state of the planet is unsustainable, so our
                                                                                                                                                              lifestyles have become psychologically
                 difficult things seem. Just being          We have a number of resources for             extraordinary, and sometimes horrific,              unsustainable. Depression has recently
                 there, listening and offering hope         parents and carers. Visit our website         experiences, decides that the only thing left       overtaken respiratory illness to become the
                 is the most important thing you            for details of these and other                to do is: “cultiver notre jardin”, to “look after   leading cause of ill-health and disability
                 can do.                                    helpful organisations.                        our garden”. Those words are as true today          worldwide. Neglecting what people need                       Continues p20
                                                                                                          as they were then.                                  in order to thrive is a symptom of the same
          18                                                                                                                                                                 charliewaller.org • hello@charliewaller.org    19
BIG BOYS DON’T CRY?                                                                                 HEAD TALKS

                    mindset that has failed to help nature thrive.                                                      feel to open up, whilst also showing the
                    And that issue takes us to the heart of what
                    it means to cultivate.”
                                                                      MEN OPENING UP NOT                                circumstances in life and society which
                                                                                                                        cause men to feel anxious, inadequate, and
                                                                      MANNING UP                                        hopeless that need to change too. Recovery        Would you like to hear from a huge
                    The Well Gardened Mind reminded me                                                                  is not masculinised or romanticised;              range of people talking about mental
                    forcibly of Gardeners’ World icon Monty           by Fabian Devlin and Patrick Addis                rather it is shown to be difficult and full       wellbeing and what helps them?
                    Don, whose book The Jewel Garden was a                                                              of false starts. None of these men offer a
                    despatch from the frontline of the lonely war     As a man with lived experience of mental                                                            Head Talks is a non-profit digital
                                                                      health difficulties, I really enjoyed reading     single sudden solution, but describe a slow       platform that aims to open up the
                    that is depression. Both books are testament                                                        ongoing process of gradually building self-
                    to the healing powers of nature. Monty            Big Boys Don’t Cry. The book, endorsed                                                              conversation about mental health
                                                                      by CALM – the Campaign Against Living             understanding and a mentally                      and wellbeing. It doesn’t advocate
                    wrote: “Half an hour of warm sunshine and                                                           healthy lifestyle.
                    a drying wind in February in our garden can       Miserably, is a compilation of men’s                                                                any one perspective or therapy;
                    wipe away the weeks of December gloom.            personal stories of navigating mental             Overall, a great read to understand more          it offers a toolbox of habits and
                    As we get older, we realise that the days are     health difficulties, written by men [and          about men’s mental health which I would           disciplines that have worked for
                    more precious and half-moments of intense         some female partners of men] from all ages,       strongly recommend for both men and               others. Some speakers have a
                    joy are more valuable than jewels.”               backgrounds, and experiences. The stories         women, for those with experiences of              professional background in the
                                                                      are short, relatable, and engaging, with a        mental health difficulties and without.           mind: psychiatrists, academics,
                    As we try to come to terms with the many          summary of helpful advice highlighted                                                               nutritional experts or spiritual
                    lessons of the Coronavirus pandemic,              at the end of each story. This format is          Michael Priestley, Student Involvement            teachers. Others are simply
                    Sue Stuart-Smith’s inspirational book is a        accessible and unintimidating, allowing           Coordinator for Charlie Waller                    sharing what works for them.
                    valuable companion and roadmap. We must           readers to dip in and out, read from cover to
                    treat nature with love and care, she argues,      cover, just read the stories about particular                                                       Head Talks aims to help banish the
                    for both nature’s sake – and our own.             mental health conditions, or read each                                                              stigma surrounding mental ill-health
                                                                      contributor’s ‘top tips’ for looking after                                                          and promote practical things we can
                    Robert Beaumont is a freelance writer and, more   mental health. It is full of personally                                                             do to maintain our mental wellbeing.
                    importantly, Charlie’s uncle                      recommended self-help resources and                                                                 As well as providing a platform for
                                                                      details of professional services, providing                                                         interviews, debates, documentaries,
                                                                      an invaluable resource to help navigate the                                                         speeches and podcasts, Head
                                                                      support options available.                                                                          Talks currently features a series
                                                                                                                                                                          of ‘Coronatalks’ designed to bring
                                                                      Reading Big Boys Don’t Cry, I found it                                                              “words of advice, inspiration and
                                                                      particularly striking that, despite the           HEALTH IS                                         comfort in difficult times”.
                                                                      diversity of individual circumstances and
                                                                      experiences, the different voices clearly         MADE AT HOME                                      Amongst some of the talks on
                                                                      coalesce around one message: finding the                                                            the site are:
                                                                      courage to share thoughts and feelings            by Nigel Crisp
                                                                                                                                                                          •   Former CEO of Unilever,
                                                                      can both foster self-recognition and self-        The Trust was honoured to be mentioned                Paul Polman, on the importance
                                                                      understanding to help prevent difficulties,       in Lord Nigel Crisp’s book ‘Health is made            of investing in mental health
                                                                      and can mobilise the resources and support        at home’, in which he acknowledges the                in the workplace
                                                                      of others on the road to recovery. It therefore   charity’s contribution to creating positive       •   Singer and songwriter –
                                                                      both identifies and contributes to a cultural     mental health. A wide-ranging call to build a         Will Young
                                                                      imperative for men to open up. Because            health-creating society, the book challenges
                                                                      at the heart of so many of these men’s                                                              •   Buddhist monk – Matthieu Ricard
                                                                                                                        readers’ assumptions about the way we view
                                                                      struggles lay a fear of appearing to others       public health, including mental health. Lord      •   Former hostage and Colombian
                                                                      as weak, vulnerable, or a failure, especially     Crisp says: “Health and wellbeing are about           politician Ingrid Betancourt on
                                                                      in relationships and in the workplace. ‘Men       so much more than the absence of disease.             resilience and mental wellbeing
                                                                      are not supposed to be like that’, David puts     They are about life and freedom, being all        •   Author, former headmaster
                                                                      it, ‘we are supposed to be strong, dependable.    that we can be.”                                      and Board Advisor to CWT
                                                                      We do the looking after!’ (p.53). Time and                                                              Sir Anthony Seldon on
                                                                      again, this reluctance to share difficulties      ‘Health is made at home, hospitals are for            mindfulness in education
                                                                      only perpetuated and prolonged the                repairs – building a healthy and health-          •   Best-selling author and activist
                                                                      experience of isolation, pain, and conflict       creating society’ is published by SALUS,              Andrew Solomon on mental illness
                                                                      with oneself and others.                          priced £9.99.                                         within the LGBT community
                                                                      But this isn’t just the same old story.           Lord Crisp is a crossbench peer. He was Chief
                                                                      Because the range of personal voices gives        Executive of the English NHS and Permanent
                                                                      this message an authenticity and appeal           Secretary of the UK Department of Health from     Find out more
                                                                      which truly captures just how challenging,        2000 to 2006. He is also a Board Advisor to the
                                                                      confusing, and uncomfortable it can               Charlie Waller Trust.                             headtalks.com

               20                                                                                                                                                             charliewaller.org • hello@charliewaller.org   21

                                                                                                    “In previous years the challenge was

                                                                                                    organised through teachers but this year we
                                                                                                    were able to raise awareness directly with
                                                                                                    parents and they could embed the activities
                                                                                                    directly into family life.”
                                                                                                    As in previous years, the challenge was
                                                                                                    for the children to complete at least one
                                                                                                    activity for each of the five steps to wellbeing
                                                                                                    and document it by sending us a photo. To
                                                                                                    inspire and encourage the children, this

                                                                                                    year we sent out activity packs full of ideas
                                                                                                    and activities, one for primary and one for

                 CHALLENGE 2020
                                                                                                    secondary-age children.
                                                                                                    The feedback from parents has been

                 A FAMILY AFFAIR
                                                                                                    fantastic, not just because the challenge
                                                                                                    gave the children something positive to do
                                                                                                    but also because it supported their wellbeing.
                                                                                                    One parent said: “As someone who struggles
                                                                                                    with anxiety and depressions myself and
                                                                                                    whose daughter has been displaying signs           Amy says: “It was really heart-warming to
                                                                                                    of anxiety, I’m well aware of the need to          read the parents’ feedback and to see the
                                                                                                    look after our mental health as well as our        children’s photos. It was clear that they’d
                                                                                                    physical health.                                   done the activities and taken on board the
                                                                                                                                                       messages about wellbeing.”
                                                                                                    “As the pack says, it’s not always easy to
                                                                                                    talk about feelings, so I really welcomed
                 NHS                                                                                the pack with all its activities. It reinforced
                                                                                                                                                       There were 81 entries to the competition but
                                                                                                                                                       the reach extended far beyond that to around
                 FIVE Steps                                                                         a lot of what my daughter and I had been
                                                                                                    talking about. It was something she could
                                                                                                                                                       180,000 visiting the Charlie Waller website.
                                                                                                                                                       Amy says: “Teachers used it as a resource
                 to MENTAL                                                                          do independently too, so she felt a sense
                                                                                                    of achievement.”
                                                                                                                                                       that they could send out to pupils; some
                 Wellbeing                           Our Wellbeing Challenge usually takes
                                                                                                                                                       schools used it as their own challenge and
                                                                                                                                                       many more families completed at least some
                                                     place in schools. This year, however,                                                             of the activities.”
                 Connect                             lockdown meant a change of venue –                Children may have been                          As for next year, watch this space, but
                 with people you know                the homes of children and young                                                                   whether it takes place at home or at school,
                                                     people across the UK.                             experiencing anxiety and
                                                                                                                                                       we’re looking forward to many more
                 Be active                                                                             this was one way we could                       children taking part in the Charlie Waller
                                                     Our graphic designer,
                 take a walk, jog or cycle or find   Amy Martin, conceived of                          help them stay positive.                        Wellbeing Challenge 2021.
                 another activity you enjoy          the idea of the Wellbeing
                                                     Challenge three years ago
                                                     as a competition to be run in
                 Keep lear ning                      schools. She explains: “It was
                 new skills can give you a           a way that we could introduce the                                                                    A SPECIAL
                 sense of achievement and
                 increased confidence
                                                     NHS Five Steps to Mental Wellbeing into
                                                     schools and encourage children to be aware
                                                                                                                                                          THANK YOU
                                                     of their own mental wellbeing.”                                                                      We would like to say a special thank you to
                 Give                                This year, however, with nearly all
                                                                                                                                                          Sharky & George and to Boden for donating
                 the smallest act can count,                                                                                                              some amazing prizes for our winners.
                                                     children being at home with their parents
                 whether it’s a smile, a thank you   or carers during lockdown, it was clear
                 or a kind word                      to Amy that the challenge would have to                                                              Primary school Winner s
                                                     be run differently. “Lockdown gave us the                                                            Annabel and Edward Mansfield
                 Take notice                         opportunity to give parents things that they
                 be more aware of the
                                                     could do with their children,” Amy says.                                                             Secondary school WINNER
                                                     “Children may well have been experiencing
                 present moment                                                                                                                           Keira Bullivant
                                                     some anxiety and this was one way we
                                                     could help them stay positive.
            22                                                                                                                                                        charliewaller.org • hello@charliewaller.org   23

                                                                                                                         This brings us into contact with many               latest developments in their fields and

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                FURTHER EDUCATION
                                                                                                                         colleges and we are currently working in            use these to inform their work with us.

                         IN COLLEGES
                                                                                                                         partnership with 36. In terms of our impact,        We have experts in depression, suicide
                                                                                                                         via cascade training we are reaching tens           prevention, eating disorders, anxiety, self-
                                                                                                                         of thousands of staff and students. Richard         harm and other areas. Their knowledge
                                                                                                                         says: “With 85% of colleges reporting an            and experience enable them to offer
                                                                                                                         increase in mental health problems in the           tailored training, advice and guidance
                                                                                                                         past three years, it is crucial that all staff in   that works for each individual college,
                                                                                                                         colleges have the tools and confidence they         rather than a ‘one size fits all’ approach.
                                                                                                                         need to support students who need it.”
                                                                                                                                                                             Lockdown and the pandemic have presented
                                                                                                                         How our partnerships work                           particular challenges but we have taken the
                                                                                             ageS 16-25                  In outline, each partnership starts with the        opportunity to deliver training online. For
                                                                                             are associated              allocation of a Charlie Waller trainer who          example, during one 10-week period, our
                                                                                             with a number               meets with leaders in the college to discuss        trainers delivered 67 continuing professional
                                                                                             of r isk factor s           their particular needs and to put together a        development sessions to more than 1,000
                                                                                                                         plan. This might include direct mental health       college staff. Topics included managing
                                                                                                                         training for staff and students and/or a train      stress, mindfulness and bereavement.
                                                                                                                         the trainer programme for key staff; it might
                                                                                                                         also include training and mental health
                                                                                                                         resources to support the college’s initiatives.
                                                                                                                         The college has access to the Charlie Waller
                         From carpentry to business finance,
                         culinary arts to civil engineering, the
                                                                         Transitions, including making the move
                                                                         into college, can also be a time of increased
                                                                                                                         trainer for ongoing consultation and support
                                                                                                                         around generic mental health issues and
                                                                                                                                                                                Newham Sixth
                         UK’s colleges offer an impressive array of      vulnerability to mental health issues: for      the development of new ideas. Other Charlie
                                                                                                                         Waller trainers with specific expertise can
                                                                                                                                                                                For m College,
                         learning opportunities. We’re helping them
                         offer great support for students’ mental
                                                                         those with existing mental health problems
                                                                         there can be a lack of continuity of care       also be brought in to deliver training on              London
                         wellbeing too.                                  when they move to a new setting; for            particular topics as needed.
                                                                                                                                                                                We’re delighted to have received funding
                                                                         others there can be a lack of preparation,                                                             from the Bridgepoint Charitable Trust
                         There are more than 2.5 million students                                                        These partnerships with individual colleges
                                                                         information and support. In addition,                                                                  to support a new partnership with
                         in colleges across the UK. As well as                                                           often develop organically and can grow and
                                                                         colleges often cater for those re-engaging                                                             Newham Sixth Form College, which
                         apprenticeships, vocational qualifications,                                                     change with the community’s needs. In
                                                                         with education later in life, some of whom                                                             is situated in one of the most deprived
                         traineeships and A Levels/Highers, many                                                         some areas we work with groups of colleges
                                                                         may have been unsuccessful in their                                                                    local authority areas in England and has
                         colleges also deliver higher education,                                                         on projects for which we have been awarded
                                                                         education before or face challenges in their                                                           a high number of students from black
                         including degrees. They play an important                                                       funding. These start with a more formal
                                                                         personal circumstances.                                                                                and minority ethnic communities.
                         role in reaching out to disadvantaged groups                                                    audit of colleges’ current mental health
                         to encourage them to participate in learning    Vibrant partnerships                            practices – identifying what they do well
                                                                                                                                                                                The college serves a highly at-risk
                         when they otherwise might not.1 This,           Experience has led us to conclude that,         and areas for development – and we then
                                                                                                                                                                                population in terms of the mental health
                         combined with the fact that going to college    whilst one-off training sessions can be         work within this structure, with a clear start
                                                                                                                                                                                impact of Covid-19 on both students and
                         often marks an important life transition,       helpful, the most effective approach to         and end point.
                                                                                                                                                                                staff and the project will allow us to support
                         means there can be a high demand for            embedding a culture of wellbeing is through                                                            those young people most affected by the
                                                                                                                         Our trainers
                         mental health support in colleges both from     a ‘whole college approach’, involving                                                                  pandemic as they return to their studies.
                         young people and mature learners.                                                               Charlie Waller trainers are based across
                                                                         the entire college community, including
                                                                                                                         the UK and have many years’ experience                 Taking a whole college approach, expected
                                                                         students, staff, contractors and visitors.
                         Vulnerability to mental health issues                                                           in managing and delivering mental health               outcomes will include:
                                                                         To help colleges achieve this we have
                         Whilst there has been significant                                                               services within the education sector;
                                                                         developed our Mental Health Partnerships,
                         development by mental health policy                                                             their backgrounds include teaching,                    •   a visible positive mental health
                                                                         the aim of which is to contribute to, and
                         makers for schools and universities, colleges                                                   psychotherapy, mental health nursing,                      campaign within the college
                                                                         support, mental health provision by raising
                         have arguably been less well considered in                                                      social work and counselling. Most of our               •   increased student and staff awareness
                                                                         awareness, challenging stigmas and giving
                         some parts of the UK, yet there appears to                                                      trainers continue to work in these roles               •   greater confidence for staff and students
                                                                         people the tools to stay mentally well.
                         be as much, if not more, demand for mental                                                      whilst training for Charlie Waller and                     in their own ability to deal with mental
                         health support among college students.          CWT has built a strong working relationship     so they are able to keep abreast of the                    health issues
                         Research has shown that the age period          with the Association of Colleges (AoC), of
                                                                                                                                                                                •   increased staff capacity to support
                         16-25 is associated with a number of risk       which 95 per cent of colleges in England are
                                                                                                                                                                                    students who are struggling
                         factors which can potentially affect a young    members; the Association also works with           It is crucial that all staff in
                         person’s mental health. Indeed, if someone      colleges in Scotland, Wales and Northern                                                               •   improved access to the most suitable
                                                                                                                            colleges have the tools and                             mental health resources for students
                         is going to develop vulnerability in relation   Ireland. Richard Caulfield, the AoC’s
                         to their mental health, it tends to emerge      Mental Health Lead chairs our College and          confidence they need to                                 and staff
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Continues p26
                         between 14 and 25.                              University Advisory Board.                         support students.
                    24                                                                                                                                                                       charliewaller.org • hello@charliewaller.org   25
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