Welcome to Exo Digital - We're happy to have you as part of our team!

Page created by Terrence Gregory
Welcome to Exo Digital - We're happy to have you as part of our team!
Welcome to Exo Digital
We’re happy to have you as part of our team!
Welcome to Exo Digital - We're happy to have you as part of our team!
You are now part of a unique group of dedicated

and talented individuals.

500+                           20+                     20+         100M+
Apps & Websites                In-house
               Years in    Users

launched                       consultants             operation   reached

At Exo Digital we are all committed to your success.

The information in this pack will help you to navigate
through your first few weeks with us.

It will give you all the contact information you need

And give you a bit more guidance on what the

“Exo Digital Way” is all about!!!
We are Exo Digital (formerly Absholute) a design-led

        innovation consultancy with 20+ years experience using

               Design Thinking to discover solutions to complex business

               problems. We are a diverse team that enjoys creating,

Exo Digital?   collaborating and innovating.

               We are a team of 20+ dedicated individuals who believe

               that by understanding users behavioural motivations, we

               are able to deliver exceptional digital experiences for our

               clients, providing a holistic approach to design and project

What do we offer?

    Exceptional experiences                       Digital focus                      Your personal plugin
   We understand that building a          We work as an extension of your      We bring experience from all aspects
  memorable experiences requires             team. Whether you need a          of design from product strategy, UX
 insights. Research, both qualitative    researcher, designer, developer, or          design, marketing and
and quantitative, informs the design    an entire team. With your team or in   implementation. Creating solutions
process. With our diverse expertise,     our studio we’ve got you covered.     to help businesses achieve success.
  we build digital experiences that
  deliver change and drive growth.
Let’s get 

              What information do we need from you to make sure that
              you are set upC

                Completed contract, superannuation and banking details.
                 Please send all details to accounts@exodigital.com.au
                 Attention: Nicol$
                Your bio showcasing your amazing work so that we can
                 promote you.
                A four minute video introduction to Exo Digital. You are here
                 for a reason so let’s get to know you better. You don't need
                 to worry you will be guided through the process.

              Anything else that you require to be your best. Please have this
              conversation with your manager so that we can support you.
What will
              Now that all the administration work has been completed we
              want to make sure that your computer and any other tools of
              trade are set up and ready to go.

happen on 
   Exo Digital employees are still working remotely so you will
              receive your tools of trade by courier. The tools may not 

day 1?        arrive on day 1 but you will be given information on when to
              expect them.

              Your manager will set up meetings with your teammates during
              the day for your first week. You may not meet everyone but it is
              an important step to get to know the team.
Leadership                                    Operations

                                              Product &

                                           experience lead
      Experience design - Alexis, Angel, Chis, Hugh, Maxy, Mike, Stephen G, Steve B, Steven W, Z
                                             Rob, Pierce

                                             Strategy & 

                                            Delivery Lead

                                                                 BA/Producer - Delegated to strategy & operations lead
                                            Rob, David, 

                                            Pierce, Paris

Team Structure

2021               Managing Director

                                          Engineering Lead

                                                                 Engineering & product delivery - Emily, Kevin, Marley

                                         Marketing manager

                                                                 Content & marketing - Arjun

                                        Business development

                                          & growth director

                                             Rob, David

                                          Finance director

                                          Rob, HnB Group
What is
             Collaboration & Commercial

             If you are a seasoned consultant then we are sure that you will
             be able to impart some of your knowledge and wisdom on 

consulting   the team. Being a consultant means that you will develop your
             commercial experience and confidence to consult with the client
             beyond the focus on delivery. It’s about being strategic and

about?       opportunistic in your approach.


             If you are new to consulting you have nothing to fear. We will
             walk you through the Exo Digital process and help you
             understand what is expected of you.

             Design Huddle

             There is a fortnightly showcase where you will be able to
             present and show us what you got!
What makes a good consultant?

                 1                                       2                                      3

                        Trust & Rapport
                        It’s about “Us”

You don't just do – you teach. Your       You know how to build trust and      You leave your ego at the door. It is

knowledge is bridging a gap in the          rapport to your team mates 
                 not about you.

   business you are working for.                  and stakeholder

                 4                                       5                                      6

     Adaptive & Innvovative
                      Active listener

You're adaptable and can think on       You know how to listen. Be an active      A good consultant looks for

your feet. Change is part of the gig.         listener and be present.                    opportunities.
What is

             Looking for opportunities is an important part of being 

             a consultant.

consulting   Impact driven

             If you are working with a client as a part their teams you are

about?       close to the action. You are in a unique position to provide value
             and impart your knowledge to increase efficiency and output.

             Commercial acumen

             You might see an opportunity for another Exo team member to
             join you or you might hear about a potential project. All this
             knowledge can help us to win new work so please pass these
             nuggets on to your manager.
Unpacking a     Understanding exactly what a client is looking for is a crucial
                component of project delivery. When we receive a brief from

client brief…
                a client we follow a process to capture as much information
                before we even consider what a solution might look like0
                 $ Brief – The brief is received by client engagement who
                    will have direct contact with the clien)
                 $ Collaborate – Client Engagement will set up a project
                    team to discuss (unpack) the brief. We will highlight the
                    key skills and bring in each subject matter expert as
                 $ Project & Resource Plan – Understand if we can
                    complete the entire project ourselves. Do we need
                    specialised skills? Are there any dependencies? We will
                    map our the project using Miro if remote or a whiteboard
                    if in the office.
Unpacking a     H Estimate – How long will it take? How many practitioners
                  are required?&

client brief…
                H Reverse brief – We will then write a reverse brief to make
                  sure that we have captured all of the requirementA
                H Success metrics – Understanding what success looks like is
                  crucial as part kick-off meetings and we will work closely with
                  the client for thiA
                H Showcase – Once the project started, we don’t leave
                  showcase towards the end. We will keep record of our
                  showcase materials from start to completion of the project

Proven process

we use to drive


Career progression
                                                                    Associate Director / Manager

at Exo Digital
                                                                          Lead Consultant

At Exo Digital we are committed to your continued

development in your chosen field. Whatever your path is we
                                                                         Senior Consultant

will do our best to support you with$

 " Training and support both internally and externall

 " Mentoring and buddyin*

 " Weekly team catch ups to collaborate and exchange idea0

 " Great projects to work on with our clients and for Exo Digital
                                                                          Analyst (Junior)

                                                                    Associate (Intern/Graduate)
What tools do we use?

Organisatio#       Communicatio#        Time ManagemenL
 % Forecas         % Slac)              % Forecas
 % Google Drive     % Gmail              % Google Calendar

Collaboratio#      Design/Prototypin~   Presentationˆ
 % MirW             % Figmj              % Google Slide—
 % Figjam           % Protopie           % Figma
We utilise Small Improvements as our performance

Small          management and feedback software.

               In the software we house

Improvements     1x1’s - Our fortnightly sessions to catch u&
                 Praise - Our way to praise team members for the great work
                  that they’ve done.
                 Surveys - We regularly send out surveys to take temperature
                  checks and improve our processe+
                 Goals - Our goals that we’re working towards during a 6
                  month period
Our meetings and ceremonies
Exo Digital
                   ! If a team is to be “self-directing”, it is ideal for them to
                     define their own standards and have a sense of ownership
                     and commitment to those standards.(

social contracts
                   ! Social contracts are designed to help to build our
                     relationships with other team members
                   ! A social contract provides clarity which ultimately leads 

                     to a higher quality output, happier clients and fulfilled 

                     team members.
How do we          (# We come together as a team to discuss what works for each
                      of us in the team#
                   # Together we establish clear guidelines on how the team will

create a 
            hold themselves and each other accountable.)
                   !# We agree together with how differences and dissatisfaction
                      will be addressed#

Social Contract?   # The aim is for the team to create an agreement that we all
                      believe in.

   , Do accurate time sheets (daily) 7
                   , Customer satisfaction is our ultimate goal,

& time keeping       it’s ok to question prioritie;
                   , Don't fight the frameworks7
                   , XYZ is a new framework and we are still
                     learning, be patient with each othe(
                   , Strive to look for ways to be more efficient
                     and share great results7
                   , Find the shortest feedback loop

Meetings        ' Stand-ups at 9:00am or 9:30am. What works
                  for us to get the most out of our day5
                ' Come prepared to meeting*
                ' Be on time for stand-ups and meetings.
                  Meetings start and end on time. Respect for
                  everyone's time is importan/
                ' No mobile phones in meeting*
                ' Everyone has an equal voice and valuable

Commitment      + If are assigned a job, take ownership of it
                  and keep it up to dat
                + Engage with a person before assigning and
                  handing over a ticke
                + Keep Miro boards updated at all time,
                + Check into Click Up daily and update task,
                + Quality is everybody's responsibility6
                + Develop the most valuable software, as
                  defined by the client through the 

                  Product Owner

Behaviour       6 Focus on the positive5
                6 Don’t make assumption5
                6 Don’t interrupt and cut another person off
                  while they are talkin
                6 Raise risks early - during stand up/talk to
                  Team Lead asa1
                6 Respect each other and understand
                  differences in knowledg$
                6 Share success stories and celebrate

                  each other

Communication   8 Raise a problem as soon as you see i
                8 All team documents are to be shared in
                  Google Driv%
                8 There are no silly questions, if you don’t
                  understand, as
                8 Be respectful to each other, call out
                  behaviour that is deemed as not
                8 Raise risks early - during stand up/talk to
                  Producer asa2
                8 Find the shortest feedback loop
Let us know if
you’d like to
know more!
1300 92 99 92

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