Welcome to - August 16, 2021 - ReliabilityFirst

Page created by Julian Barnett
Welcome to - August 16, 2021 - ReliabilityFirst
Welcome to

                      August 16, 2021
                      2:00 pm
Welcome to - August 16, 2021 - ReliabilityFirst
Technical Talk with RF
Monday, August 16 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. EDT

       Join the
conversation at
Welcome to - August 16, 2021 - ReliabilityFirst
Technical Talk with RF

Please keep your information up-to-date!
   • CDMS, CORES, Generation Verification Forms, Entity Profile Questionnaires (quarterly)

Following an event, send EOP-004 or OE-417 forms to disturbance@rfirst.org
CIP-008-6 incident reports are sent to the E-ISAC and the DHS CISA
Check our monthly CMEP update and quarterly newsletter for:
   • 2021 ERO Periodic Data Submittal schedule
   • Timing of Standard effectiveness. Note: some changes due to COVID-19.

BES Cyber System Categorization (CIP-002-5.1a)
   • Assess categorization (low, medium, or high) regularly and notify us of changes

CIP Evidence Request Tool V5.0 is online, see website.
Welcome to - August 16, 2021 - ReliabilityFirst
Technical Talk with RF
RF Compliance Program
Monthly Update Letter
The monthly update letter is
posted to our website in the
Compliance Monitoring program
area under Compliance Program
Update. This letter contains
information on CORES, Align,
Technical Talk with RF, workshop
announcements, plus updates
from FERC and NERC.
Welcome to - August 16, 2021 - ReliabilityFirst
Technical Talk with RF

Chain of Custody and Critical Infrastructure Systems
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) released a
new CISA insights which offers critical infrastructure owners and
operators guidance for security chain of custody for their physical and
digital assets. This insight provides an overview of what chain of
custody is, highlights the potential impacts and risks resulting from a
broken chain of custody, and offers critical infrastructure owners and
operators an initial framework with five actionable steps for securing
chain of custody for their physical and digital assets.
CISA Posting
Technical Talk with RF

2021 ERO Reliability Risk Priorities Report
NERC’s 2021 ERO Reliability Risk Priorities Report, a forward-looking view of
imminent and projected risks to bulk power system (BPS) reliability, has identified
four significant evolving and interdependent risks. The most significant, grid
transformation, has broad implications as it can be a catalyst for additional
changes, often amplifying the impact on reliability, resilience and security. The
report also examines in detail the three additional risks: security; increased
vulnerability due to extreme events — most recently related to weather and the
pandemic; and critical infrastructure interdependencies, such as the ability to
deliver natural gas to generating units supporting reliability, resilience and security
of the BPS.

Report Link
Technical Talk with RF

Security Working Group (SWG) Assessing and
Reducing Risk Technical Reference Document plus
Risk Tool and Survey
The Risk Reference document can help organizations evaluate their security and
compliance posture and determine how to address any gaps that are identified.
The Risk Tool maps requirements of the CIP Reliability Standards to the National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework.
A Tool Survey has also been developed; users are asked to complete it so the SWG
can use the results to identify areas where improvements could be made.
Technical Talk with RF

MRO’s Security Advisory Council (SAC) and
Compliance Monitoring & Enforcement Program
Advisory Council (CMEPAC) are hosting:
BES Cyber System Information in the Cloud
August 18, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. Central (11-12 EDT)
Compliance experts will provide an overview of the minimum requirements and
recently approved standard modifications, and cyber security experts will explore
various cloud security topics your organization will need to be familiar with to store
BCSI securely in the cloud.

Registration Link
Technical Talk with RF

RF Compliance Committee Meetings – Open Session
August 18, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Eastern
RF Entities and stakeholders are encouraged to join the open session of
our Compliance Committee Meetings. This Wednesday’s meeting
includes presentations on winter preparedness and violation trends, as
well as feedback from Exelon on their recent compliance monitoring
engagement combining a CIP and Operations & Planning audit.

Registration Link
Technical Talk with RF

MRO 2021 Reliability Conference
August 24, 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Central (10-4:30 EDT)

MRO’s Annual Reliability Conference will include presentations on
electric grid dependence on natural gas, the changing resource mix
and impact on coal plant operations, facility ratings, the 2021 cold
weather event, and Canadian provincial grid code review.

Registration Link                Meeting Agenda
Technical Talk with RF

SERC & ReliabilityFirst Joint Webinar on
Cold Weather Preparedness
August 24, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

This webinar will utilize the results of the 2020/2021 SERC Winter
Weather Survey plus industry experts across the ERO and industry to
provide insight into Cold Weather best practices with a focus on
exposed equipment, training, documentation, experiences, and
lessons learned.

Registration Link
Technical Talk with RF
RF Internal Controls Webinar
August 25, 1:00 – 4:30 p.m. EDT
Building on our last Internal Controls event, this webinar will focus on
the importance of culture within the internal control program; how and
why the tone at the top, tone at the middle and the acceptance
throughout is crucial; and how that can drive the appropriate mitigation
of risk, as well as reliability, resilience and security.

This event is especially relevant for C-suite and Vice Presidents,
directors, supervisors, managers, primary/alternate compliance
contacts, plus SMEs involved in creating and managing internal controls.

Registration Link
Technical Talk with RF

Winter Preparation for Severe Cold Weather
September 2, 1:30 – 4:00 p.m. Eastern
The North American Electric Reliability Corporation will conduct a
webinar to provide the industry information and material for use in
entity cold weather preparedness. The webinar will include topics
like generator failure modes and mechanisms, a winter reliability
assessment, and natural gas and electrical operation coordination
considerations. Special updates on the latest Electric Reliability
Organization winter weather activities will also be shared.
Registration Link
Technical Talk with RF

CMEP Practice Guide Application of the BES
Definition to Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS)
and Hybrid Resources
September 2, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Eastern
NERC and Regional representatives will be holding an informal webinar to discuss the
CMEP Practice Guide on considerations for ERO Enterprise CMEP staff regarding
application of the BES definition to BESS and Hybrid Resources, as well as provide
associated guidance related to the NERC Registration requirements for the owners
and operators of these resources.

Registration Link
Technical Talk with RF

Save the Date! An ERO Enterprise Align Training will be scheduled for
September 28 from 12:00 – 3:00 p.m. Eastern. NERC will host the
meetings and the regions will all participate with sharing content and
answering questions.

Reminder! Technical Feasibility Exceptions (TFEs) need to be re-
entered into Align by September 30. Any questions, please contact
Ray Sefchik or visit www.rfirst.org/align
Technical Talk with RF

GridSecCon Registration is Open
NERC and Texas RE are co-hosting the 10th annual GridSecCon
virtually on October 19-20, with training opportunities available
October 18. GridSecCon features world-class training sessions,
cutting-edge discussions, and in-depth presentations on emerging
cyber and physical threats. Plus, don’t worry, we are moving up
Technical Talk with RF one week that month to October 11.
Registration Link
Technical Talk with RF

GridEx VI
E-ISAC will facilitate its sixth grid security exercise, GridEx VI, on
November 16-17, 2021. GridEx provides the electricity industry,
government agencies, and other relevant organizations the
opportunity to exercise emergency response and recovery plans in
response to simulated cyber and physical security attacks and other
contingencies affecting North America’s electricity system.

Registration Link         GridEx Fact Sheet
Technical Talk with RF
  Technical Talk with RF is typically scheduled
the third Monday of each month 2:00-3:30 p.m.
  However, save the date for our next event,
          Monday, September 13
       moved up one week due to the
RF Annual Reliability & Compliance Workshop
September 22 & 23, 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. Eastern
   Next month’s Technical Talk with RF will focus on
Vegetation Management and Emergency Preparedness.
Welcome to
 Technical Talk with RF
         August 16, 2021

Technical Talk with RF

Tech Talk announcements and presentations are posted on our
calendar on www.rfirst.org under Upcoming Events
Technical Talk with RF
Anti-Trust Statement
It is ReliabilityFirst’s policy and practice to obey the antitrust laws
and to avoid all conduct that unreasonably restrains competition.
This policy requires the avoidance of any conduct which violates, or
which might appear to violate, the antitrust laws. Among other
things, the antitrust laws forbid any agreement between or among
competitors regarding prices, availability of service, product design,
terms of sale, division of markets, allocation of customers or any
other activity that unreasonably restrains competition.

It is the responsibility of every ReliabilityFirst participant and
employee who may in any way affect ReliabilityFirst’s compliance
with the antitrust laws to carry out this policy.
Technical Talk with RF
Monday, August 16 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. EDT

       Join the
conversation at
Technical Talk with RF
                  August 16, 2021
Today’s Agenda

Align Update
  Ray Sefchik – Director, Entity Engagement, RF

Security Integration and Technology Enablement Subcommittee (SITES)
  Dr. Ryan Quint – Senior Manager, BPS Security & Grid Transformation, NERC
  Johnny Gest – Manager, Engineering and System Performance, RF
  David Sopata – Principal Reliability Consultant, Entity Engagement, RF

Real-time Assessments FERC/ERO Joint Report
  Brian Thiry – Manager, Entity Engagement, RF
  Clayton Calhoun – Senior Engineer, Grid Planning & Operations, NERC
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