Welcome Pack January 2022 - Abbey College Manchester

Page created by Frank Lucas
Welcome Pack January 2022 - Abbey College Manchester
Welcome Pack January 2022
Welcome Pack January 2022 - Abbey College Manchester
Our Vision                                                                             Contact Us

At Abbey College Manchester we have                                                               College address:   Abbey College Manchester
an ethos of ‘Achieving Success Together’.          Take this time to think about your future,                        5-7 Cheapside
                                                   now is the time to turn your ambitions into                       Manchester
We are a small, familial college with              reality. Over the coming years your hard                          M2 4WG
about half of our students living in               work and dedication, matched with our
our boarding accommodation.                        outstanding teaching and support can
                                                   make all things possible.                      Website:           www.abbeymanchester.co.uk
We are looking forward to welcoming you
to our Abbey College Manchester Family.            Exciting times lay ahead, and we are looking   Telephone:         Main college reception number +44 (0)161 817 2700
                                                   forward to sharing them with you.                                 (Calls will be answered between 8am and 5pm)
This January you will be joining a community
where students from around                         Chris Randell
                                                                                                                     Houseparents’ phone +44 (0)7827 345 431
the UK and around the world will start
on an educational journey together.                                                                                  (A member of the boarding team will answer the phone
                                                                                                                     24 hours a day from September – June)
We have put together this welcome pack to
help you arrive smoothly into the UK and to                                                       College email:     admin@abbeymanchester.co.uk
help you settle into the city of Manchester, and                                                                     (Use this email for all general enquiries)
your day-to-day life in the college.
Welcome Pack January 2022 - Abbey College Manchester
Arrival into the UK                                                                              ARRIVAL TO SCHOOL

Arrival into the UK                             to queue for a while, maybe as much
                                                as 2 hours. Do not worry, this is normal.       Arrival to school                                 Dress code
Pack in your hand luggage and take with
                                                                                                Abbey College Manchester’s boarding house         Whilst Abbey College Manchester does not
you onto the plane the following items:
                                                At immigration, you will need to show your      and host families will be open from Saturday      have a uniform, students are expected to dress
                                                passport and visa (if you have had to apply     8th January 2022.                                 in ways that promote positive behaviour
• Passport
                                                for it), and you may be asked to show the                                                         and serious academic effort. All students are
• Visa (if you have had to apply for one)
                                                address where you will be staying, plus your    All travel details must be sent to the Director   expected to wear their ID Badges at all times.
• Official letter from the UKVI
                                                confirmation letter or CAS to study in our      of Accommodation, Marc Arrowsmith, pre-
  (if you have it)
                                                school. The immigration officer might ask you   arrival; this enables our boarding team and       Students can choose to play various sports
• Confirmation of study letter or your CAS if
                                                questions and you are expected to answer in     our host families to be prepared for your         as part of enrichment so you might find it
  you have one
                                                English; do not ask for a translator.           arrival. You will be sent all contact details     useful to bring suitable clothing and footwear
• Accommodation booking letter
                                                                                                of your boarding house/host family in your        for this. College events are also arranged
• A passenger location form if you had to
                                                The Immigration Officer may ask you some of     accommodation confirmation paperwork.             throughout the academic year so smart clothes
  complete one
                                                the following:                                                                                    could be helpful too.
• A pen
                                                - Why you are coming to the UK to study?        Bringing family with you
• Make sure you are up to date with all your
                                                - Do you have any family in the UK?             You are more than welcome to travel to            The weather, as well as the temperature, does
   Covid-19 travel requirements and have
                                                - Where are you going to live?                  Manchester with your family and arrive            change a lot between January and June, so it is
   booked the right Covid-19 test package
                                                -What is the name of your College?              to the college with you on your first day –       best to be prepared.
                                                -What course are you going to study?            however, they will not be able to attend
You will need to fill out a landing card when
                                                                                                your induction in college.
you land in the UK. The cabin crew on your
flight will hand this to you.                   It is important to answer these questions in
                                                English.                                        Please note that whenever your family visit
                                                                                                you in Manchester, they must arrange their
                                                                                                own accomodation in a nearby hotel. Family
After you get off the plane, you will need to
                                                                                                members cannot stay in our boarding
go through immigration, and you may have
                                                                                                house, or in host families.
Welcome Pack January 2022 - Abbey College Manchester
                           TAXI TR ANSFERS                                                                                   IN MANCHESTER

If you have booked a transfer through              The city                                           The world famous Trafford Centre is a shopping     Transport
our accommodation team, please read the            Manchester is the regional hub and cultural        and entertainment complex unparalleled in          Manchester Airport is the largest outside
information on your taxi transfer confirmation     centre of northwest England. It is the UK’s        the UK. Manchester city centre has shops to        London, with excellent communications
letter carefully.                                  largest business and education area outside        suit all tastes from low cost fashion outlets      worldwide.
                                                   London. It is modern, thriving and has the         to high end designer labels.
Your taxi will be booked with ‘RG Travel’.         cosmopolitan vibe of a capital city.                                                                  The railway stations of Piccadilly and
Their telephone number is +44(0) 7974 217 196.                                                        Manchester is ideally situated for exploring       Victoria are within easy reach of the College
Your driver will be waiting at arrivals and will   There is stunning architecture at every            the North West region. A short journey from        for journeys to London and other major UK
be holding a sign with your name on it. If your    turn that superbly blends the modern               the City centre will take you to the beautiful     cities such as Liverpool, Leeds and Birmingham.
flight is delayed your driver will wait. RG        with the traditional.                              countryside of the Peak District, Lake District,
Travel will track your flight using the flight                                                        and North Wales.                                   Getting about in the Manchester area is easy
number provided and so will be aware of            The city is well known for its famous football                                                        on public transport via the Bus and Metrolink
any delays.                                        clubs, Manchester United and Manchester            Climate                                            (tram) networks, both of which offer discounts
                                                   City. But there are world leading venues in        Manchester is a city which experiences all         to students.
The taxi journey to your accommodation             other sports too such as cricket, badminton,       seasons. The weather changes, so it is important
will take around 40–60 minutes depending           squash and cycling.                                to bring appropriate clothes for all               And finally there are numerous taxis both
on traffic, but could also be shorter if you are                                                      temperatures. When you arrive in January, the      black cab and Private Hire for short journeys
staying with a Host Family who live nearer         There is much more to the city than sport          average temperature during the day will only       as well as a free bus that goes around the city
to the airport.                                    though – it is a major cultural centre with        be about 7 degrees celsius.  It usually stays      centre at regular intervals.
                                                   museums, libraries, and facilities for business,   quite cold with occasional snow until the end
You do not need to pay the driver if you have      music and arts to rival the best in the country.   of February. March onwards sees the weather
booked through our accommodation team –                                                               get warmer again and by the time May and
the taxi will be paid for out of your deposit.                                                        June are reached the temperature is usually
If you will be travelling with family members                                                         around 20 degrees celsius.
please let the accommodation team know when
booking your taxi so a large vehicle
can be arranged.
Welcome Pack January 2022 - Abbey College Manchester
Your Accommodation

Clydesdale House                                      The kitchen is cleaned once per week, but        Host family                                       Students are encouraged to eat with the host
All bedding is provided at Clydesdale House,          students are responsible for keeping it clean    All students will have their own bedroom          and family as this is an important aspect of
including a duvet, pillow, bed sheet, and a           and tidy in between cleans – this will be        (unless otherwise agreed), with a bed, desk,      socialising and an ideal opportunity
towel pack – so students do not need to bring         monitored by the Houseparents.                   chair, and storage facilities.                    to practise their English.
their own.
                                                      Your bedrooms are not cleaned, and so you        Bathroom facilities are usually shared with the   Meals will be very different from a student’s
All bedrooms are ensuite, however we do not           are responsible for keeping it clean and tidy.   family, however in some cases students may        normal expectations but this will be part of
provide toiletries so students should bring                                                            have their own private bathroom.                  adapting to British life. Hosts will cater for
their own with them.                                  Students are provided with three meals a day,                                                      special diets if requested.
                                                      Self service breakfast, a packed lunch and a     All homes have internet and access to a
In each bedroom there is a bed, storage               cooked evening meal.                             television – and most have a garden to use        Students’ bedrooms are cleaned once per
cupboard, wardrobe, drawers, and a desk                                                                in nice weather.                                  week, and laundry of clothing and bedding
with a chair.                                         Clyesdale House has both washing machines                                                          is also done once per week.
                                                      and tumble driers. Students can use these as     Host Family Accommodation is provided on a
In each flat there is a shared kitchen which          often as they like throughout the year free of   Full Board basis, seven days per week - which
has a dining table & chairs, sofa, cooker,            charge.                                          includes breakfast, packed lunch, and evening
microwave, fridge/freezer, dishwasher, pots,                                                           meal each day.
pans, plates, bowls, cutlery, kettle, toaster, etc.   Students are responsible for washing their
                                                      own clothes, bedding and towels.
There is also a shared living room with a
table, chairs, sofa, widescreen TV and coffee         Clyesdale House is around 5-10 minutes
table.                                                walk from Abbey College Manchester.
Welcome Pack January 2022 - Abbey College Manchester
Communication                                                                                                   Covid-19

Mobile phones                                   until you collect it. Please come to reception      The college has comprehensive plans in place        • Initial airport pick-up and transfer to
All students must have a mobile phone.          with your student ID badge on a regular basis,      in light of the ongoing Covid-19 situation here       the accommodation
As soon as students arrive to their boarding    to see if there is any post for you. Reception is   in the UK. These have been sent out to all          • Journey each day to and from college
house/host family, they should get a UK         open 8.00am to 7.00pm Monday to Saturday.           students as separate documents.                     • Maintaining safety whilst in college
phone number. Houseparents and host             Parcels are delivered daily. If you have                                                                • Maintaining safety in the accommodation,
families can assist with this. SIM cards        received notification of a parcel by the            We are following the BSA (Boarding Schools            whether this be at Clyesdale House or
are easily obtainable in local shops.           delivery company, please come to Reception          Association) Charter and our plans are                within a host family
                                                with your ID to collect your parcel. The same       designed to keep all our students safe, secure
Internet                                        applies if you are expecting an important           and healthy, and specifically cover the:
Though there are no restrictions on the         letter that needs to be signed for.
timing of the internet being used, students’
                                                If you have any items delivered to you at the
use is monitored by Houseparents and Host
Families, and interventions may be put in       boarding house, please remember to use your                                  UK Bank Account
place to support students not managing          FULL name and address as below and insert
their time properly.                            your room number:

Email                                           First Name, Family Name                             As you are likely to be in the UK studying
All students will be set up with an Abbey       Room xx,                                            for several years, it is essential for you to       The International Office can help you with
College Manchester email account during         Clydesdale House,                                   have a UK bank account.                             this. Please speak to them on arrival.
induction. This should be used for all emails   27 Turner Street,
during your time at the college.                Manchester,                                         There are a number of banks in Manchester
                                                M4 1DG                                              that you can open an account with. The
Student Post                                                                                        International Office can provide you with a
Post is delivered Monday to Saturday, to the                                                        letter that you will need to present to the bank.
Reception of Clydesdale House, and kept safe                                                        You will need to take this letter to the bank
                                                                                                    alongside your passport and BRP to open an
Welcome Pack January 2022 - Abbey College Manchester
Visa & BRP Card                                                                             Police Registr ation

If you require a visa, our international      The full details of your permission to stay in    If the visa in your passport says ‘Police          If your BRP or visa page in your Passport does
admissions team will be in contact with you   the UK will be on your Biometric Residence        Registration’ (see pictures below for example)     not say ‘Police Registration’ then you do not
regarding your application 3 months prior     Permit (BRP) card, which will be delivered        then the admissions team will contact you to       need to do anything.
to the course start date.                     directly to the college. During induction you     arrange an appointment to complete this. Do
                                              will need to present your passport with the       not worry that it says ‘within 7 days of your      If you are unsure, please speak to the
                                              visa page to the admissions team in order         arrival in the UK’.  In reality, it is difficult   International Office.
                                              to collect your BRP. You will not get your        to do this because the police station is very
                                              BRP without the college having seen your          busy. However the college will make an
                                              Passport and visa page.                           appointment for you with the first few days of
                                                                                                your arrival.
                                              You must look after your BRP Card and put
                                              it away in a safe place. If you lose your BRP
                                              it takes a very long time to get a replacement.
Welcome Pack January 2022 - Abbey College Manchester
Bringing Items Into The UK                                                                                             School Holidays

Animals are not allowed in student rooms in         Host families provide the relevant facilities for   Students are welcome to stay in their          School term dates are also accessible
the boarding house or host families at any          their students.                                     accommodation for all mid-year holidays        on the college website at:
time. Please do not bring any pets with you.                                                            EXCEPT for Christmas. At the end of the
                                                    Please remember to bring with you electrical        academic year, all students must return home   https://www.abbeymanchester.co.uk/
There are strict rules regarding bringing plants    adaptors for your appliances such                   for the summer holidays.                       college/term-dates/
into the UK, so please do not bring any. If you     as laptops and hairdryers.
want to have a small plant in your room, you                                                            To be clear for holiday planning, students
can buy one in the UK. You cannot bring any                                                             are allowed to stay in accommodation for:
meat, fruit or vegetables into the UK however,
you may be able to bring dried foods, sweets                                                            -   October half term
and packet sauces.                                                                                      -   February half term
                                                                                                        -   Easter break
Do not bring electrical items for cooking from                                                          -   May half term
your home country into the UK; this includes
rice cookers, kettles, toasters etc. Rice cookers
are not permitted in student bedrooms and
will be confiscated. There are kettles for
student use provided in the kitchens.
Welcome Pack January 2022 - Abbey College Manchester
Abbey College Manchester   Clydesdale House

Abbey College Manchester
5-7 Cheapside
M2 4WG

+44(0)161 817 2700
                                                 the Gold Standard in education
Welcome Pack January 2022 - Abbey College Manchester
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