Weekly Program Schedule - Loudoun ...

Page created by Bertha Stevens
Weekly Program Schedule - Loudoun ...
Weekly Program Schedule
  In-Person and Virtual Programs                                                       Oct. 11-17, 2021
Monday, Oct. 11
All branches are closed for Indigenous Peoples Day.

Tuesday, Oct. 12
10 a.m. — Makerspace: Sewing Studio, Sterling Library:
Learn to use a sewing machine while sharing advice and
camaraderie. Bring a project to work on. For adults.
Noon — Midday Meditation, Virtual: Pause to breathe
and center the mind with yoga teacher Gretchen Schutte.
2 p.m. — Rambling Readers, Brambleton Library: Walk
outside with staff and talk about books. Meet at the
                                                                Participating authors and other details: library.loudoun.gov/ELRL
intersection of Brambleton Plaza and Willow Creek Way
(across from Regal Fox movie theater). For adults.
2 p.m. — Tech Tuesday, Rust Library: Visit from               Wednesday, Oct. 13
2 to 4 p.m. for help with your phone, tablet or computer.     10 a.m. — Makerspace: Sewing Workshop,
4 p.m. — Play and Learn: Street Games, Ashburn Library:       Gum Spring Library: Learn to use a sewing machine.
Explore and learn through movement and games. For             Bring a project to work on, if you have one. All skill levels
Grades K-5.                                                   welcome. Limited supplies provided.
4:30 p.m. — DIY Teens: Creepy Beaded Keychains,               1 p.m. — DIY Kids: Shadow Puppets, Virtual: Make
Gum Spring Library                                            puppets and a theater for showcasing them.
4:30 p.m. — Makerspace: Codeblocks Basics, Virtual:           1:30 p.m. — Story Stroll, Gum Spring Library: Meet at
Make a simple 3D design using Tinkercad. For Grades 3-5.      the StoryWalk® welcome sign outside the library for
5:30 p.m. — Story Stroll, Gum Spring Library: Meet at         stories and songs as you walk around the pond.
the StoryWalk® welcome sign outside the library for           3:30 p.m. — Nature Portraits, Purcellville Library: Use
stories and songs as you walk around the pond.                natural elements to create portraits. For Grades K-6.
7 p.m. — Creative Writing Group for Adults,                   4 p.m. — Halloween Scar Makeup for Teens,
Sterling Library: This month, focus on giving and receiving   Ashburn Library: Learn how to create believable bruising
feedback. Bring up to 10 pages of your work to share.         and scars for your Halloween costume.

    Subscribe to our YouTube channel to                             Links for the virtual programs and the
  access recordings of our virtual programs.                          complete calendar are available at

                            Scan this code
                            using your
                            mobile device.
Weekly Program Schedule - Loudoun ...
Wednesday, Oct. 13 (continued)
4 p.m. — Secret Agent Training, Brambleton Library:
 Your mission includes navigating a maze, fingerprinting
and decoding a secret message. Earn a Secret Agent
Badge upon completion. For Grades K-5.
4 p.m. — Teen Video Game Hangout, Brambleton Library
4 p.m. — Hands-On Art, Sterling Library
5:30 p.m. — D&D Club for Teens, Lovettsville Library:          English Conversation Group
Bring your friends, create your characters and explore         Practice your English with other language learners.
the world of Dungeons & Dragons.                               Ashburn Library: Tuesday, Oct. 12, 7 p.m., and
6 p.m. — DIY Teens and Adults: Pony Bead Pumpkin,               Thursday, Oct. 14, 10 a.m.
Cascades Library                                               Brambleton Library: Wednesday, Oct. 13, 11 a.m.
6 p.m. — Strategy Gaming for Adults, Rust Library:             Cascades Library: Thursday, Oct. 14, 7 p.m.
Choose from a variety of tabletop games, with                  Gum Spring Library: Tuesday, Oct. 12, 7 p.m., and
instruction for newcomers provided.                             Thursday, Oct. 14, 1 p.m.
6:30 p.m. — Estate Planning Basics, Virtual: Make it as        Rust Library: Wednesday, Oct. 13, 10:30 a.m.
easy as possible for your loved ones to handle your
passing or incapacity. Attorney Melanie Hammelman              Health Education for the ESOL Community
discusses wills, trusts, powers of attorney and advanced       Learn about health-related topics while improving
medical directives — all documents that you might need         your English. This multiweek class is co-sponsored by
to include in your plan.                                       Loudoun Literacy Council.
6:30 p.m. — Write On! Awards Ceremony,                         Brambleton Library: Thursday, Oct. 14, 7 p.m.
Virtual: Celebrate the area's best writers as author
Nathan Leslie announces the winning entries.
                                                             NOTE: Outdoor programs may be canceled or moved
                                                             indoors in case of inclement weather.

                                                             Thursday, Oct. 14 (continued)
                                                             2 p.m. — Tech Thursday, Rust Library: Visit between 2
                                                             and 4 p.m. for help with your phone, tablet or computer.
                                                             4 p.m. — Art at the Library, Ashburn Library: Make a
                                                             suncatcher in the style of glass artist Louis Comfort
7 p.m. — Grade 2-3 Children's Book Club: Magic Tree          Tiffany. For Grades K-5.
House, Gum Spring Library: Discuss Pirates Past Noon by      4 p.m. — Outdoor STEAM Club, Cascades Library: Learn
Mary Pope Osborne.                                           about flight as you make planes and kites. For Grades K-5.
7 p.m. — Socrates Café for Adults, Gum Spring Library:       4 p.m. — STEAM Club, Purcellville Library: Ask questions,
Develop your inner philosopher by gathering with people      conduct experiments and get messy. For Grades 4-8.
from different backgrounds to exchange perspectives on       4:30 p.m. — Teen Alliance, Brambleton Library: It's a
topics. No preparation is needed.                            safe, inclusive and fun place for all teens, featuring lively
                                                             discussions and games. This month, play Exploding Kittens
Thursday, Oct. 14                                            or make collage bookmarks and photo frames.
11 a.m. — Career Transitions: Is Now the Right Time?,        6 p.m. — It's All Writing Club: Impactful Sentences,
Virtual: Changing jobs can be challenging and                Gum Spring Library and Virtual: Librarian Liesl Stach
overwhelming. Sheila Murphy, co-founder of Flex              Miller, who has a degree in creative writing, presents a
Professionals, helps you develop a framework for both        workshop for teens on sentence-level writing in fiction.
career exploration and exiting a role that no longer fits.   6 p.m. — Super Smash Bros. World Series,
2 p.m. — Rambling Readers, Middleburg Library: Walk          Lovettsville Library: Challenge other teens in a
outside with staff and talk about books. For adults.         tournament. Prizes awarded.
Weekly Program Schedule - Loudoun ...
Thursday, Oct. 14 (continued)                                Saturday, Oct. 16
6:30 p.m. — Writing Workshop: Creating Strong                11 a.m. — Eat Local Read Local Book Sale and Festival,
Characters: Purcellville Library: Author Linda Budzinski     Cascades Library: This celebration features local authors,
provides writing exercises and resources to help you         food trucks, live music and children's activities. Stop by
craft characters readers will love — or love to hate.        from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Visit library.loudoun.gov/ELRL.
6:30 p.m. — Saving for Retirement: What Every Investor       11 a.m. — Meet the Author: Laura Boggess,
Needs to Know, Virtual: Peter Gonzalez from the              Middleburg Library: Boggess introduces her new romance
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) Investor     novel, Mildred's Garden, part of The Poetry Club Series.
Education Foundation shares tools and resources to help      11 a.m. — Digestion Experiment, Virtual: Make a simple
you plan for retirement.                                     stomach to learn how acids break down foods.
7 p.m. — Portrait Sketching Class, Ashburn Library:          Noon — Economics Book Club, Rust Library: Discuss the
Create a realistic portrait with artist Jyotsna Umesh, who   last half of People, Power, and Profits by Joseph E. Stiglitz.
explains the universal proportions of the face and how to    12:30 p.m. — Live Music: Guitarist Cristian Perez,
make a subject unique. Bring a photo of yourself or          Purcellville Library: Enjoy a blend of classical, jazz and
someone else to use as a guide.                              South American songs.
7 p.m. — Grade 4-5 Children's Book Club,                     2 p.m. — Live Music: Lisa Fiorilli Jazz Trio, Rust Library:
Gum Spring Library: Discuss Look Both Ways by                Listen to jazz standards and not-so-standard favorites.
Jason Reynolds.                                              2 p.m. — Meet the Author: Norman Fine, Rust Library:
7 p.m. — Halloween Paint Along for Teens and Adults,         Fine discusses his book Blind Bombing, which describes
Rust Library                                                 the efforts of British and American scientists to pioneer
                                                             the use of radar as an offensive weapon in World War II.
Friday, Oct. 15                                              2 p.m. — Family Board Games, Sterling Library
4 p.m. — Paint With Watercolors, Virtual: Paint a
Halloween-themed floral potion with instructor Kris Loya.    Sunday, Oct. 17
5 p.m. — Teen Friday: Sandpainting, Sterling Library:        1 p.m. — Hail to the Trail, Chapman DeMary Trail, 205
Peruvian artist Edward Johanson shows you how to turn        East Hirst Rd., Purcellville: Join library staff at this annual
colored sand into art.                                       expo celebrating environmental recreation, exploration
6 p.m. — Teen Game Night!, Brambleton Library                and education. Stop by between 1 and 4 p.m. to make a
6 p.m. — After Hours Teen Center: Duct Tape Art,             craft and check out our books about trees.
Cascades Library: For information, including details         1 p.m. — Stamping in the Stacks, Rust Library: Make two
about how to register, visit library.loudoun.gov/AHTC.       hand-stamped cards with envelopes. Supplies provided.
                                                             No experience required. Bring a friend.
For teens age 12 to Grade 12.
                                                             2 p.m. — Meet the Author: Cal Everett, Rust Library:
6 p.m. — Armchair Travel: Paris, Part 1, Old Ox Brewery
                                                             Everett reads his new picture book, Halloween Is Coming!
Middleburg, 14 S. Madison Street, Middleburg: Tour
                                                             Q&A and a craft to follow.
cathedrals, gardens, museums and palaces with art
                                                             3 p.m. — Chess: Take Your Game to the
historian John Daum. For ages 21+.
                                                             Next Level, Cascades Library: Class A chess
                                                             player Owen Edwards discusses opening,
                                                             middlegame and endgame strategies. Some
                                                             experience necessary. Includes time to play.

                                                                           For complete details, visit

                                                                   All Loudoun County Public Library programs are free.
                                                                  To request a reasonable accommodation for a disability,
                                                                    call 703-777-0368. Three days’ notice is requested.
Weekly Program Schedule - Loudoun ...
Recommended ages with caregiver: Baby (0-18 months)   ●   Toddler (18-36 months)   ●   Preschool (3-5 years)   ●   Family (all ages)

                                                                                          Thursday, Oct. 14
                                                                                          Outdoor Baby Storytime
                                                                                           11 a.m., Gum Spring Library
                                                                                           (at Amphitheater)**
                                                                                          Outdoor Preschool Storytime
                                                                                           10 a.m., Rust Library
                                                                                          Books & Badges Storytime
                                                                                           10:15 a.m., Purcellville Library
                                                                                          Outdoor Family Storytime
                                                                                           10 a.m., Cascades Library
                                                                                           10:15 a.m., Gum Spring Library
                                                                                           (at Amphitheater)**
Monday, Oct. 11                             Wednesday, Oct. 13                             10:30 a.m., Brambleton Library
All branches are closed for                 Outdoor Baby Storytime                         (at Legacy Park)*
Indigenous Peoples Day.                      10 a.m., Rust Library                         10:30 a.m., Sterling Library
                                            Outdoor Toddler Storytime                      1:30 p.m., Ashburn Library
Tuesday, Oct. 12                             10 a.m., Ashburn Library
                                            Outdoor Preschool Storytime                   Friday, Oct. 15
Outdoor Baby Storytime
                                             11 a.m., Ashburn Library                     Online Storytime
 4 p.m., Brambleton Library
                                            Family Storytime                               11 a.m., Virtual
Outdoor Toddler Storytime
 10 a.m., Ashburn Library                    10 a.m., Lovettsville Library
Outdoor Preschool Storytime                 Outdoor Family Storytime                      Saturday, Oct. 16
 11 a.m., Ashburn Library                    10 a.m., Cascades Library                    Family Storytime with
Outdoor Family Storytime                     10:15 a.m., Purcellville Library             American Sign Language
 10:30 a.m., Middleburg Library              10:30 a.m., Brambleton Library                11 a.m., Purcellville Library
 6 p.m., Cascades Library                    (at Legacy Park)*                            Outdoor Family Storytime
                                             10:30 a.m., Sterling Library                  10 a.m., Ashburn Library
                                             10:45 a.m., Cascades Library                  10 a.m., Cascades Library
                                                                                           10 a.m., Rust Library

                              *Legacy Park is in Brambleton, at the intersection of Olympia Drive and Emberbrook Circle.

                              **Stone Ridge HOA Amphitheater is next to the clubhouse at 24609 Nettle Mill Square. Please
                              park at Gum Spring Library and walk to the amphitheater. Parking is not available onsite.

                                                                              Enjoy a StoryWalk®
                                                                              Brambleton Library:
                                                                              Pete the Cat: Five Little Pumpkins, Oct. 8-31
                                        Brambleton Library:
                                        Thursday, Oct. 14, 7 p.m.             Gum Spring Library:
                                                                              The Napping House, Oct. 4-18
                                        Purcellville Library:
                                        Wednesday, Oct. 13, 1 p.m.            Purcellville Library:
      Adult Book Club                   Sterling Library:                     Search for Scooby Snacks, Oct. 4-11
 Discuss Refugee by Alan Gratz.         Wednesday, Oct. 13, 7 p.m.            Rust Library: I'm Dirty, Oct. 1-31
Weekly Program Schedule - Loudoun ... Weekly Program Schedule - Loudoun ... Weekly Program Schedule - Loudoun ... Weekly Program Schedule - Loudoun ... Weekly Program Schedule - Loudoun ...
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