Weekly Market Commentary - Chief Investment Office - Brooks Macdonald

Page created by James Alvarez
Weekly Market Commentary - Chief Investment Office - Brooks Macdonald
Chief Investment Office

For professional advisers only

In Summary
    Bond markets continue to drive equity market volatility as investors position for more aggressive monetary tightening

    President Macron’s first round electoral results point to strong support however investors keep an eye on the second round

    This week’s European Central Bank (ECB) meeting may not see any major policy change but markets will pay close attention
    to the bank’s tone

Bond markets continue to drive equity market                        Macron ahead with a reasonable margin. Given how
volatility as investors position for more aggressive                significantly the polling has changed over the last two
monetary tightening                                                 weeks however, this will remain a hot topic for European
                                                                    risk assets.
Last week was dominated by the ongoing bond market selloff
as investors position for a rapid tightening in US monetary         This week’s ECB meeting may not see any
policy. This concern has also filtered into other global bond       major policy change but markets will pay close
markets as major central banks, including the ECB, point to         attention to the bank’s tone
decade high inflation levels and an increased willingness           Thursday’s ECB meeting is likely to be an eventful one given
to act decisively. Against this backdrop US equities                the recent hawkish position from the European Central
underperformed, falling just over 1% whilst European equities       Bank. At the ECB’s last meeting in March they announced
proved more resilient as investors ponder whether the Euro          a faster reduction in asset purchases than the markets had
Area has sufficient economic momentum to allow the ECB to           previously expected. The central question will be whether
tighten meaningfully1.                                              the bank sees the current guidance as sufficient or if it wants
President Macron’s first round electoral results                    to increase the pace given the uncertainties around inflation
point to strong support however investors keep an                   levels. With the ink still not dry on the plan to reduce asset
eye on the second round run-off                                     purchases, a meaningful change in policy this week is
                                                                    unlikely, however the tone of the ECB’s messaging may take
Sunday saw a strong result from President Macron in the             another hawkish step which could create bond volatility.
first round of voting with Marine Le Pen now entering the
run off against him in two weeks’ time. The French equity           While the market will need to wait until May for the next
market is seeing some mild outperformance today, reflecting         Federal Reserve (Fed) meeting, the US CPI data released this
the stronger showing from the incumbent versus ingoing              week will be a factor in whether the Fed hikes by 25bps or
expectations. Of course, the critical question now is which         50bps in that meeting. This week also sees the beginning
candidate will gather the votes from the supporters of              of the US Q1 earnings season which will give the market a
candidates eliminated in round one. Polling suggests a tight        good barometer for corporate health and margins given the
run-off between the two candidates, but most polls show             current inflation pressures.

Bloomberg, 7 April 2022 (https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-04-07/stocks-set-for-steady-open-treasury-curve-steeper-


1                                                                             Weekly Market Commentary Monday 11 April 2022
Economic indicators (week beginning 4 April)

    Day          Data Release                                             Consensus        Prior        Actual

                 United States Durable Goods Orders Feb F                   -2.20%        -2.20%        -2.10%
    Monday       United States Factory Orders Feb                           -0.60%         1.40%        -0.50%
                 Australia Melbourne Institute Inflation MoM Mar               --          0.50%        0.80%

                 Australia RBA Cash Rate Target 38443                        0.10%         0.10%        0.10%
                 France Industrial Production MoM Feb                       -0.30%         1.60%        -0.90%
    Tuesday      France Industrial Production YoY Feb                       2.50%          -1.50%       2.40%
                 United States Trade Balance Feb                            -$88.5b       -$89.7b       -$89.2b
                 France S&P Global France Services PMI Mar F                 57.40         57.40         57.40

                 United States MBA Mortgage Applications 36982                 --         -6.80%        -6.30%
                 Germany Factory Orders MoM Feb                             -0.20%         1.80%        -2.20%

                 United States Initial Jobless Claims 37347                  200k          202k          166k
    Thursday     Germany Industrial Production SA MoM Feb                   0.20%          2.70%        0.20%
                 Australia Trade Balance Feb                              A$11650m       A$12891m      A$7457m

                 Japan BoP Current Account Balance Feb                    ¥1450.0b      -¥1188.7b   ¥1648.3b
                 United States Wholesale Inventories MoM Feb F               2.10%         2.10%        2.50%

Source: Bloomberg, data accessed 11.04.22.

2                                                                  Weekly Market Commentary Monday 11 April 2022
Economic indicators (week beginning 11 April)

    Day           Data Release                                                         Consensus        Prior
                  China CPI YoY Mar                                                      1.40%          0.90%
                  United Kingdom Industrial Production MoM Feb                           0.30%          0.70%
    Monday        China PPI YoY Mar                                                      8.10%          8.80%
                  United Kingdom Manufacturing Production MoM Feb                        0.30%          0.80%
                  China Money Supply M2 YoY Mar                                          9.20%          9.20%
                  Germany ZEW Survey Expectations Apr                                    -48.50         -39.30
                  United States CPI MoM Mar                                               1.20%         0.80%
                  Germany ZEW Survey Current Situation Apr                               -35.00         -21.40
                  United Kingdom Jobless Claims Change Mar                                   --         -48.1k
    Tuesday       Japan PPI YoY Mar                                                      9.20%          9.30%
                  Germany CPI YoY Mar F                                                  7.30%          7.30%
                  United Kingdom ILO Unemployment Rate 3Mths Feb                         3.80%          3.90%
                  Germany CPI MoM Mar F                                                  2.50%          2.50%
                  United Kingdom Claimant Count Rate Mar                                     --         4.40%
                  United Kingdom CPI YoY Mar                                              6.70%         -6.20%
                  United Kingdom CPI MoM Mar                                             0.80%          0.80%
                  Japan Core Machine Orders MoM Feb                                       -1.50%        -2.00%
                  Italy Industrial Production MoM Feb                                     1.00%         -3.40%
    Wednesday     United States MBA Mortgage Applications 39539                               --        -6.30%
                  United Kingdom CPI Core YoY Mar                                         5.30%          5.20%
                  United States PPI Final Demand MoM Mar                                   1.10%        0.80%
                  Australia Westpac Consumer Conf SA MoM Apr                                  --        -4.20%
                  China Trade Balance Mar                                                $21.70b       $30.58b
                  United States Initial Jobless Claims 39904                               173k          166k
                  Eurozone ECB Main Refinancing Rate 41730                               0.00%         0.00%
                  Australia Unemployment Rate Mar                                         3.90%        4.00%
                  Australia Employment Change Mar                                         30.0k         77.4k
                  United States U. of Mich. Sentiment Apr P                               59.00         59.40
                  United States Retail Sales Advance MoM Mar                             0.60%          0.30%
                  Eurozone ECB Deposit Facility Rate 41730                               -0.50%        -0.50%
                  Australia Participation Rate Mar                                       66.50%        66.40%
                  Italy CPI EU Harmonized YoY Mar F                                      7.00%          7.00%
                  France CPI YoY Mar F                                                   4.50%          4.50%
                  United States Industrial Production MoM Mar                            0.40%          0.50%
                  United States Empire Manufacturing Apr                                  1.00          -11.80

Source: Bloomberg, data accessed 11.04.22.

3                                                                   Weekly Market Commentary Monday 11 April 2022
Asset market performance

                                                                           As at Friday close                YTD

    Index                                                Value              CR           TR          CR             TR

    MSCI UK GBP                                           2205             2.01%        2.12%       5.94%          7.34%

    MSCI USA USD                                          4291             -1.48%       -1.46%      -6.60%         -6.34%

    MSCI Europe ex UK EUR                                  180             0.02%        0.13%       -7.90%         -7.40%

    MSCI AC Asia ex JPN USD                                715             -1.55%       -1.53%      -9.44%         -9.19%

    MSCI Japan JPY                                        1170             -2.48%      -2.48%       -5.07%         -4.16%

    MSCI Emerging Markets USD                             1128             -1.56%       -1.53%      -8.45%         -8.07%

    Barclays Sterling Gilts GBP                            274                          -1.62%                     -8.88%

    GOLD USD                                              1948             1.14%                    6.47%

    WTI Oil USD                                            98              -1.02%                   30.65%

    MSCI PIMFA Income                                                      -0.24%       -0.18%      -2.96%         -2.32%

    MSCI PIMFA Balanced                                                    -0.22%       -0.17%      -2.61%         -1.99%

    MSCI PIMFA Growth                                                      -0.07%       -0.01%      -1.88%         -1.27%

Source: Bloomberg, MSCI: please see important information, data accessed 11.04.22.
YTD denotes year to date, TR denotes total return and CR denotes capital return.

4                                                                            Weekly Market Commentary Monday 11 April 2022
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