WEEKEND FOR ALL AGES! - www.thebillingoffroadexperience.co.uk

Page created by Harry Ramirez
WEEKEND FOR ALL AGES! - www.thebillingoffroadexperience.co.uk
WEEKEND FOR ALL AGES! - www.thebillingoffroadexperience.co.uk

                                                                     O U R 4 TH BILLING                         OFF ROAD SHOW
                                                    W E LC O M E T O

                                         After the torrid year              The Lakeside Off Road Course is open all weekend. If you are
                                                                            spectating the Off Road Course, be sure to visit the Mud Run and
                                    that we have all had, let us
                                                                            please follow the signs to the viewing areas.
                                    hope that a great weekend
                                                                            There are some hair-raising demonstrations, or even a passenger
                                           is had by everyone.
                                                                            ride from Challenge South West in the Demonstration Arena.
                                       If you are looking for a             A record amount of Trade and Auto jumble stands are in
                                       weekend of family fun,               attendance, everything you could possibly need for your vehicle is
                                     you are in the right place.            being sold right here on the Showground.
                                     Make sure you check out                We welcome over 30, 4x4 Clubs to the Show. Please visit and
                                       our ‘WHAT’S ON’ page so              admire their stands, they always put on a great display.
                                    that you know the timings               The Children’s Fun Park is a must for all children to visit. There are
                                       of all that is happening             rides galore, from bouncy castles, slides to go karts and a climbing
                                                                            wall. Free entertainment form Scotty’s Circus is happening all day
                                             over the weekend.
                                                                            long too.

                                                                            This year we welcome Land Rover Monthly magazine to the Show.
                                         SHOW & TELL                        Be sure to visit the SHOW AND TELL Stage at 1pm each day, the
                                                                            team will be showcasing prestigious vehicles whilst interviewing
                                                                            their owners. Enjoy a drink at the Land Rover Bar and relax whilst
                                                                            the LRM team entertain you from their stage.
                                                                            The Beer Tent and Food Area is selling all types of food and
                                                                            alcohol, enjoy the ambience whilst listening to the live music.

                                                                            Last but by no means least, we must not forget Covid-19. We do
                                                                            ask that you respect others in all public places and keep 2 metres
                                                                            apart, this way a fun and relaxed time will be had by all.

                                                                            We hope you have a fantastic weekend!                                        3
                                                                            From the Billing Off Road Show Team.

                                     Covid restrictions will be compatible with Government Guidelines at the time of the Show. Please wear your
                                     masks if you are visiting a trade stand that is indoors, the beer tent and the toilet blocks. The alleyways have been
                                     widened to allow plenty to space for social distancing whilst you stroll around the Showground. Hand Sanitiser is
                                     available as you enter the Showground and in strategic positions around the Showground and camping areas.
WEEKEND FOR ALL AGES! - www.thebillingoffroadexperience.co.uk

                                                                                                              LIVE MUSIC IN THE BEER TENT
                                                                                                              Friday evening: The Retros
                                                                                                              Saturday and Sunday throughout the day: Mike Skilbeck
                                                                                                              Saturday evening from 9pm: The Retros
                                      THE DEMONSTRATION ARENA
                                                    SHOW & TELL                                                           CHARITY AUCTION IN THE BEER TENT
                                                                                                                          A Charity Auction will be held at 8pm on
                                                                                                                          Saturday. The Traders have kindly donated
                                                                                                                          goods to be auctioned, all in aid of the
                                                                                                                          Teenage Cancer Trust.
                                                                                                                          BEST CLUB STAND
                                      At 1pm each day the team from LRM will be showcasing
                                                                                                                          The Clubs will be judged at 10.30 on Sunday
                                      prestigious vehicles and interviewing their owners. Visit
                                                                                                                          morning by the Land Rover Monthly Team.
                                      the big stage in the Demonstration Arena and have a
                                                                                                                          They have kindly donated a trophy to be
                                      drink whilst you watch.
                                                                                                                          awarded to the Best Club Stand. The
                                                                                                                          presentation will take place on the LRM Show
                                                                                                                          and Tell Stage at 1pm on Sunday.

     Challenge South West will be giving
     an exciting demonstration of Winch
     Challenge vehicles and Ultra 4’s. Each
     day the vehicles will start at 10am,
     going on until 5pm on Saturday and
     4pm on Sunday. Passenger rides can
     be bought at the Challenge South
4    West Stand, A6, these are £20 each.                                                                                                                                 5
     This year, rides are available on Friday
     afternoon too, from 1pm - 5pm.
WEEKEND FOR ALL AGES! - www.thebillingoffroadexperience.co.uk

                                     N G O F F R OA D S H OW
             OA D AT T H E B I L L I
    GO OFF R

      This legendary course offers you a mix of mud,
      water and steep terrains across 100 acres of
      beautiful countryside. There are 5 water stretches
      one of them being 100 metres long.
      Great for spectating too. Take a 10 minute walk to
      the Lakeside Course and watch the vehicles going
      through the water stretches and attempting the
      infamous mud run. Be sure to follow the signs to
      the viewing areas.                                                                                         THE RIVERSIDE COURSE
      Open Saturday 9am - 5pm and Sunday 9am - 4pm.                                                              The route winds steeply up and down the river
      £25 for 2 laps (approx. 1 hour) Go again for £10.                                                          banks amongst the trees, giving you a green lane
                                                                                                                 feeling and providing one and a half miles of hair
                                                                                                                 raising and exhilarating excitement.

                                                                                                                 The course is open on Friday only: 9am - 5pm.
                                                                                                                 £20 for 2 laps (approx. 30 mins).

      Tickets available to buy at the camping
      entrance on your way over to the courses.
6                                                                                                                                                                                             7

                                                                          Covid restrictions will be compatible with Government Guidelines at the time of the Show. Please wear your
      A huge thank you goes to the fantastic team of Marshals who allow   masks if you are visiting a trade stand that is indoors, the beer tent and the toilet blocks. The alleyways have been
      the course to run smoothly and safely throughout the weekend.       widened to allow plenty to space for social distancing whilst you stroll around the Showground. Hand Sanitiser is
                                                                          available as you enter the Showground and in strategic positions around the Showground and camping areas.
WEEKEND FOR ALL AGES! - www.thebillingoffroadexperience.co.uk

           Lakeside                                                                                                                                     Riverside
    Off Road Course                                                                                                                                Course Viewing                                                   Camping Field 2

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Live Music
     8 minutes walk.                                                                                                                                6 minutes walk.
     Open Sat & Sun.                                                                                                                                  Open Friday.

                                                  SHOWGROUND GUIDE                                                                                                                                  CAMPING
                                                                                                                                                                                                     FIELD                                           BEER TENT

                         POLICE     G15 G14 G13 G12 G11            G10               G9         G8          G7      G6    G5            G4              G3           G2                   G1

                        TO THE OFF ROAD COURSE                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Food &
                                          2           3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Drink Area


                                                                                                                         F12      F11        F10        F9     F8              F7         F6            F5     F4          F3   F2       F1

                          1               4           5
                                                           club camping                                                        Food          E14 E13 E12 E11              E10 E9         E8    E7       E6        E5       E4   E3       E2 E1
                                                                                                                                               31             32           D        D D D               D      D       D    D    D       D     D    D    D
                                          6           7            8                      9                  10                                                            13       12 11 10            9      8       7    6    5       4     3    2    1

                                                                                                                           Fun Park          C12        C11    C10        C9        C8        C7         C6        C5           C4        C3        C2        C1

                                          11         12            13                     14                 15

    Camping Field 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Disabled
                                          16         17            18                     19                 20          B14   B13    B12    B11        B10    B9         B8         B7                      B6            B5 B4               B3             B2   B1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    VISITOR    entrance
                                          21         22            23                     24                 25          A13     A12          A11             A10         A9 A8           A7            A6     A5          A4 A3                         A1

                                                                                                                                                         Access track                                   ROUTE FROM DAY VISITOR CAR PARK
                                                                                                                                                                                                              TO OFF ROAD COURSE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       SHOW & TELL
                                          27         28            29                     30

                                                                                                                                               Demonstration Arena
                                               Day Visitor Exit
                                                                                                                                               Challenge South West                                                                                                                           Day Visitor
             TRADE &
                                        club camping                                                                                          A6 - Challenge South West                                                                                                                        Parking

              nc                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Showground Amenities:
       etn ra                  1
                                        Camel Trophy Tribute Club
                                        Forward Control Enthusiasts Club
                                                                                                            Aylesbury LRFC
                                                                                                            LR Charity Events
                                                                                                                                                        East Anglia Off Roaders
                                                                                                                                                        Beds, Herts & Cambs LRC
                               3    -   Project Jay Preservation Group                          14     -    Viking 4x4 Club                   25    -   Fenlanders 4x4                                                               Assembly Point                               Medic
                               4    -   Freelander Owners Club                                  15     -    SE Performance LR Group           26    -   Land Rover Adventures
                               5    -   Bedworth Berts 4x4 Club                                 16     -    Hobo 4x4                          27    -   West Midlands Mitsubishi                                                     Toilets                                      Security Office
8                              6    -   Land Rover Legends                                      17     -    Liverpool LR Owners Club          28    -   Merseyside LROC                                                                                                                                   9
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Showers                                      General Store
                               7    -   LR Ladies                                               18     -    East Riding 4x4 Club              29    -   Stark Off Road
                               8    -   Lightweight LR Club                                     19     -    South Wales LR Club               30    -   MC Services                                                                  Trade Stands                                 Auto Jumble
                               9    -   Mudmuncher 4x4                                          20     -    Muddy Freelanders                 31    -   Northants 4x4 Response
                               10   -   Discovery Owners Club                                   21     -    Four-Ever 4x4                     32    -   Glass                                                                        Club Camping                                 Food & Drink
                               11   -   Mostly Tracks and Trails                                22     -    Northants Off Roaders
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Information correct at time of going to print.
WEEKEND FOR ALL AGES! - www.thebillingoffroadexperience.co.uk
TRADE STANDS                                                              AUTO JUMBLE

      F8    4x4 Adventure Tours            F10   Lancaster Commercials            F12   4 x FortyOne
      D5    4x4 Obsession                  H2    Lancasters Market                G2    All About Landrovers
      E8    Above and Beyond               A3    Land Rover Monthly               G1    Avenger 4x4
      B6    Agile Automotives              E12   Landtrekker UK                   F13   Cannon Services
      E10   AJ 4WD Outfitters              F1    Landy Bits N Bob                 G10   City Gear Boxes
      A10   Alive Tuning                   E5    Leather Genie                    F21   David McGloin
      E7    Ardventures                    D10   LOF Clutches                     G6    Diamond Defenders
      B12   AW 4x4                         D7    Lone Wolf Camping                F18   Don Tansley
      F7    Beartown Tyres                 F6    LVB                              F11   Fourby
      A1    Bell Autos                     C12   MAER                             F16   Fred Land Rover Parts
      F4    Bushpig Bushgear               D11   Mod Kit                          G11   FWT Agricultural Supplies
      E4    CGSR                           B14   Muddy Mods                       G3    Goole Surplus
      E13   Challenger Trailers UK Ltd     C10   Mudslingerz Tyres                F17   Hadley Services
      F3    Chatley Creations              E2    Nomad Webbing                    F15   Hodges
      C7    Clarke 4x4                     D6    Number Plates 2 Go               F20   Ian Saddington
      B5    Clutchfix                      D3    O’Donnell Moonshine              G7    Instinct
      B9    Compass Adventures             D1    One Life Lived It                G5    JGM 4x4
      C2    Convoy 4 Heroes                A7    Optimill                         F22   Jo-Part
      B3    Country Clothing               B11   Ox Overland                      G13   LR Autojumble
      A6    CSW                            A8    Pioneer 4x4                      F19   Mostly Series
      B1    Davanti Tyres                  E11   Pursuit Worldwide                G4    North Wales 4x4 Breakers
                                                                                                                     SEE YOU NEXT YEA 22
      D2    Defender Demister              C1    RAC                              G14   NS Services
      A11   Demand Engineering             C3    Raptor Engineering               F14   Ryder
                                                                                                                    25TH - 26TH JUNE
      F2    DG Trade Tools                 B10   Ratel-X Industries               G8    Stonecircle
      D9    Dionic Energy                  D4    Redmoon                          G12   UK 4x4 CB Radio
      B13   Dirt Monkey Off Road           D12   Rhino Ark                        G9    YRM
      A12   DM Brands                      E1    River Canyon Roof Tents
      A13   Empire Tuning                  D13   RTI Military Surplus
      E14   Festival Fantasy               D8    SOS UK
      A2    Food/Bar                       B8    Trailmasters
      C8    Full Flex Springs              B2    Vehicle Glazing Specialists
      C5    Gavin Collinson                F5    Venter Trailers
      A5    Goodwinch                      C4    Viezu and VIP Design
      E9    Guide Dogs                     H1    Walker Components
10                                                                             SPONSORED BY                                                11
      F9    IBEX Overland/Phoenix Heroes   A9    Whitbread 4x4
      B4    JWP Trading SP Panels          A4    Wildbear
      C11   K2 Design and Fabrication      C6    Wisemen Engineering
      E3    K and G Trading                E6    Wrights Auto Supplies
      B7    KDL Group (UK) Ltd             C9    XD Chassis
WEEKEND FOR ALL AGES! - www.thebillingoffroadexperience.co.uk
                                                                       I N A S S O C I AT I O N W I T H

                                                                                                                          Coming to the LRM

        Fancy a lunchtime date? Then come to the daily Show & Tell                                                        Show & Tell: Rally driver
                                                                                                                          Ian ‘Noddy’ Jenkins and
                                                                                                                          his 1990 Defender 90
        When the engines of Challenge South-West trucks fall         LRM will have a new Defender 90 commercial           off-roader
        silent and cool down during their lunch break, then      on their stand and it will be used to kick off each
        the time has come for the inaugural Billing Off Road     day’s Show and Tell. Davanti Brand Ambassador
        Show’s Show & Tell to take the centre stage. So grab     Edd Cobley and his new custom-built Defender 110
        yourself a cold drink and something to nibble on and     double cab racer named Skippy 2.0, will also be on
        make your way to the Show & Tell stage.                  the ramp. Don’t forget to stop at the top of the ramp,
            LRM’s Steve Miller and Patrick Cruywagen will be     Edd. It’s not there to see how far Skippy can jump!
        hosting this 90 minute (from 1pm to 2h30pm) Land             Sam Bates, who is on the cover of the LRM issue
        Rover extravaganza. Look out for the big yellow          on sale at the LRM stand, will also be gracing the
        archway and the mud ramp in front of the LRM trade       ramp in his red tricked-up Defender 90.
        stand and then you know, you are in the right place.         We promise to have a great variety of Land Rovers
            Pat and Steve will be interviewing the owners of     on the Show & Tell stage including ex-military ones,
        interesting and newsworthy Land Rovers at the top of     a Forward Control Fire Engine, several classics, a
        the ramp. Each owner will be grilled for a few minutes   tricked up Freelander, extreme off-roaders, expedition
        by the duo before the next owner has their turn. This    Landies and a surprise or two.
        new addition to the show is the only place to take           If you would like to have your Land Rover on the
        your lunch break. Plus it provides show goers with       Show & Tell ramp while you tell us your story, then
        the opportunity to see some of the best Land Rovers      please make your way to the LRM stand (Stand A3)
        at the show without having to go anywhere! Sounds        and chat to the editor Patrick Cruywagen. Who
        like a good deal.                                        knows? You could be the star of the Show & Tell.

                                                                     ‘Big Cat’ 500bhp
                                                                     Discovery 1
                                                                                                                                                      LRM’s Pat and Steve
                                                                                                                                                        on stage with the
                                                                                                                                                            new Defender

         Forward Control
         fire engine

12                                                                                                                                                                                             13

Covid restrictions will be compatible with Government Guidelines at the time of the Show. Please wear your                                                                  LRM August issue
masks if you are visiting a trade stand that is indoors, the beer tent and the toilet blocks. The alleyways have been                                                       cover star Sam
                                                                                                                                                                            Bates and his
widened to allow plenty to space for social distancing whilst you stroll around the Showground. Hand Sanitiser is                                                           Defender 90
available as you enter the Showground and in strategic positions around the Showground and camping areas.
WEEKEND FOR ALL AGES! - www.thebillingoffroadexperience.co.uk
3 IS S U E S O F
  AN  D  A  F R E E
            MINI                                                                                                                             WORTH

    E N L I G H T
  P                                                                                                                                    ALL FOR
                                                                                                                                       JU ST £10
     WORTH £443 FROM

HURRY, THIS OFFER IS ONLY AVAILABLE ON THE                                                                                            STAND AT THE SHOW (STAND A3) WHILE STOCKS LAST!
TERMS & CONDITIONS: This offer is only available on Direct Debit to UK customers. Free Sealey mini pen lights are available             Land Rover Monthly stand at the show. All new subscribers at the show who opt into the competition will have the
while stocks last. After three issues, your Direct Debit will be a quarterly payment of £10.99. This offer is only available on the     opportunity to win a bundle of prizes from Front Runner worth £443. Competition terms and conditions apply.
WEEKEND FOR ALL AGES! - www.thebillingoffroadexperience.co.uk
NEW Range                         Proud sponsors of


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    @ Stand A7
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WEEKEND FOR ALL AGES! - www.thebillingoffroadexperience.co.uk
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