Page created by Joyce Ward
Welcome to Orchard View
       Orchard View is a place where time stops and each moment becomes the memory of a lifetime.
    Surrounded by a gorgeous lake with meandering walkways, connecting bridges and spectacular views,
Orchard View is a 20,000 foot venue that can host indoor and outdoor weddings of simplicity or extravagance.
           Every Wedding, no matter how big or small, receives personal and meticulous attention.

               For us, its all about listening to your needs and working with you to ensure your
visions are brought to life in the most magical way. Remember, your wedding is more than just about a venue,
    its about finding that amazing place to turn your dreams into some of your most treasured memories.

          For a day as perfect as your love, may "I do" at Orchard View be a day you will never forget.

Your Wedding Your way!

From the ceremony to the reception and beyond, its the perfect place
                   to begin your journey together.
      With a wealth of experience and contacts in the industry,
 Orchard View works with the highest quality suppliers to make sure
                  you are in the best possible hands.
Our team is up for any challenge you throw our way. We look forward
        to helping you make your wedding dreams come true.

Orchard View sets the stage for a wedding infused with nature and is
the quintessential location for a couple who adores the country side.

  From the moment you visit to your grand farewell, your personal
              coordinator is there every step of the way.
Our attentive & detail oriented event specialists are here to assist with
   all of your venue needs. Unlimited emails & phone calls, onsite
     meetings, wedding timeline details and organization, venue
                    coordination and much more.

All of this leads up to your wedding day which is when all the planning
    we've done together truly pays off in the most magical way!

Stunning Surroundings
  Take exquisite photographs in our enchanting gardens, charming
                  gazebos and dancing waterfalls.
 Our lake & bridges are framed by a colorful abundance of flowers,
greenery and trees that will serve as the perfect backdrop to capture
                      your lifelong memories.

  We invite you to come for a visit, walk our grounds & view our
    award-winning venue with an experienced Event Specialist
 Stroll through our quiet and peaceful gardens while we help see
                how we can bring your vision to life.

Exclusively Yours
 Orchard View provides serene natural settings, spacious grounds
          and above all, exceptional service and cuisine.
 Whether it is a small intimate gathering or an extravagant affair;
              Orchard View is a venue like no other.
Each Reception room has its own outdoor space for you to enjoy.

    Your Event Coordinator will be by your side throughout the
planning process to ensure that you have a stress-free experience.

        We look forward to being part of your special day!

2022 Package Pricing
                                      WHAT'S INCLUDED...
                                        based on a minimum of 50 guests

FACILITY AND PLANNING                      ROOM AND DECOR                     FOOD AND BEVERAGE
Dedicated event specialist will         Indoor or outdoor ceremony site -     One hour pre-dinner reception
guide you through the planning          based on venue selection              including - passed canapés (4 per
process                                                                       person), welcome cocktail or non-
                                        White Chair Covers                    alcoholic beverage
Event specialist on location for
duration of your event                  Choice of wedding linens and          Three-course plated dinner
                                        napkins (specialty linens are not     Complimentary cake cutting and
On-site Bridal Suite dedicated to
                                        included, but can be procured on      plating service
your party for the day
Complimentary bottle of Prosecco                                              Coffee and tea service
                                        60" or 72" round tables,
and cheese & crackers in your                                                 Late Night snack
                                        sweetheart tables, specialty tables
bridal suite
                                                                              *we accommodate any dietary

 SATURDAYS        &   LONG   WEEKENDS        FRIDAYS     &   SUNDAYS          WEEKDAYS    &   OFFSEASON     **

           $139++                                  $119+                           $99++
            PER   PERSON                           PER   PERSON                     PER   PERSON

Reception Rooms and
              Ceremony Sites

Exclusively yours, Orchard View's elegant spaces provide
     the flexibility to create your wedding, your way.

  Every booking includes a knowledgeable and attentive
  wedding event specialist to help you with the planning
        process right through to your special day.

Our beautiful facility offers several stunning backdrops for
    your special day. Choose from our Terrace Room,
   Lakeview or splurge on the exclusive use our entire
           property and book The Grandview.

The Terrace Room

   With d a y - long sun exposure, access to t h e S t o n e T e r r a c e , t h e P e r g o l a & t h e I s l a n d , t h e T e r r a c e i s a l w a y s
stri k i n g . T his is whe re couples celebrate t h e i r b i g d a y , c o l l e a g u e s n e t w o r k a n d f r i e n d s g a t h e r . T h i s l i g h t f i l l e d
room a c c o mmodates up to 120 guests. T h e T e r r a c e R o o m f e a t u r e s s t u n n i n g c ha n d e l i e r s a n d a l a r g e o u t d o o r
                                                        pati o f o r t hose warm summer nights.

                                                              The T e r r a c e S u i t e $250.00
  Get r e a d y for your special day in comfo r t . T h e T e r r a c e S u i t e f e a t u r e s a s e a t i n g a r e a , e n s u i t e a n d p r e m i u m
                    hai r a n d make-up stations. Celebrate an d g e t r e a d y w i t h y o u r b r i d a l p a r t y i n s t y l e .

                                                                   The P e r g o l a $ 7 5 0 . 00
   Thi s i d y l l i c ceremon y site features a rock w a t e r f a l l a n d i s s u r r o u n d e d b y b e a u ti f u l g r e e n e r y a n d c o l o r f u l ,
        seas o n a l blooms. This space can accom m o d a t e u p t o 1 2 0 g u e s t s s e a t e d o n o u r w o o d e n b e n c h e s .

                                           The F i r e s i d e R o o m (Included with Terrace Room)
 The c e n t r epiece of this intimate lounge . i s th e g r a n d bright f ireplace. Ideal for a n y g a t h e r i n g , t h i s s p a c e i s
                             ofte n u s e d for cocktail hour and features a f u l l y s t o c k e d p r e m i u m b a r .

The Lakeview

   When y o u first arrive at Orchard View, yo u w i l l g e t a t a s t e o f w h a t t h e L a k e v i e w h a s t o o f f e r : t h e B r i d g e ,
 m ani c u r e d lawns and our cutting garden. L o o k c l o s e r . S e e t h e v a r i e t i e s o f h e r b s g r o w i n g f o r o u r e x e c u t i v e
chef ' s u s e in his creations. Eleg a n t l y d ecorated with stunning chan d e l i e r s a n d a p a n o r a m i c v i e w o f o u r l a ke ,
                                bri dg e s a nd wildlife, this room is perfec t f o r g r o u p s o f u p t o 1 8 0

                                                          The L a k e v i e w S u i t e $250.00
      The L a k e v iew Suite provides you with a p l a c e t o p a m p e r a n d p r i m p b e f o r e y o u r s p e c i a l d a y b e g i n s .
    The S u i t e features stylish furniture, a lar g e p r i v a t e d e c k , e n s u i t e , a n d p r e m i u m h a i r / m a k e u p s t a t i o n s !

                                                                The G a z e b o $ 7 5 0 .00
 C ros s t h e bridge over the lake and join u s i n t h e G a z e b o . T h i s i s o n e o f t h e m os t p o p u l a r c o v e r e d o u t d o o r
 cere m o n y sites during the summer mont h s . I t i s a l s o a n i d e a l l o c a t i o n f o r c e r e mo n i e s & s m a l l r e c e p t i o n s :
                           fami l y r e unions, wine and cheese evenin g s o r s i m p l e o u t d o o r d i n n e r s .

                                                             L akev i e w Tent $ 2 0 0 0 . 0 0
  Im ag i n e e njoying the calm breeze of the l a k e w h i l e s i p p i n g o n e o f y o u r f a v o u r i t e c o c k t a i l s a n d s o c i a l i z i n g
am on g f a m ily and friends. The Lakeview t e n t i s t h e p e r f e c t p l a c e f o r t h a t . T h e t e n t o f f e r s a s p e c t a c u l a r v i e w
   and i s o f t e n used fo r small weddings, co c k t a i l h o u r o r a c h i c l o u n g e a c c o m m o d a t i n g u p t o 2 0 0 p e o p l e ,

The Grandview

The Grandview offers you and your guests’ exclusive use of Orchard View, from bridge to bridge.
                  Venture the expansive grounds and all they have to offer,
         take in the sounds of the local wildlife and serene calm of our private lake.
 From the waterfall to the island, the Grandview will truly make your special day unforgettable.

          The largest of our halls, the Grandview can accommodate up to 400 people,
           for a sit down dinner. Enjoy ambient lighting from our stunning chandeliers
and a breathtaking view of the lake as you toast to the day with your family & friends at your side.

Bar Packages
  All bar services and packages are based on legal age guest count, with
                     exception of non-alcoholic package.
   Our team will help you estimate and budget the total consumption.
            All bar balances are due within two weeks of event.

                     CELEBRATION TOAST
We have a terrific list of sparkling wines and Champagnes to choose from.
               Our celebration toasts start at $6 per person

                           WINE SERVICE
          Allow wine service to flow freely during dinner service
                            (2 hours included)
                      House Wines $18 per person
          Premium Wines from $22 per person, full list available
                        OPEN BAR PACKAGES
                    Deluxe Open Bar Package $50 per person
                           house wines, house brand liquors,
                            domestic beers, soft drinks, juices
                 Premium Bar Open Bar Package $57 per person
                     house wines, prosecco, premium brand liquors,
                     domestic and imported beers, soft drinks, juices
                                                                                    SIGNATURE COCKTAIL
                                                                            Let our bar team create a signature cocktail unique
                   Includes open bar for 6 hours of the evening.
                                                                            to your love story. Some of our favourites include -
                                                                                            Bourbon Peach Mule
                      CONSUMPTION BAR                                                  Strawberry Vodka Lemonade
      Includes hosted bar. Minimum bar spend per 50 guests $800                            Pineapple Rum Mojito

           NON- ALCOHOLIC DRINK PACKAGE                                                starting from $10 per drink
            soft drinks, juices, coffee, tea from $12 per person

Micro Ceremonies
We understand that not everyone wants a large wedding. That is why we have created a unique experience that is small,
 intimate and every bit as special. We truly believe every couple is unique and we create memorable experiences that
                                        you and your guests will never forget.

                                            These packages are available
                   Monday- Thursday during May-October & any day of the week November- April.
                                   *Ask us about pre-determined ceremony days*

Micro Ceremony Packages
                                    (AVAILABLE MONDAY-THURSDAY & OFF SEASON)

                                          WHAT'S INCLUDED...
    JUST THE TWO OF US                           CLOSEST FRIENDS                         TINY WEDDING

     Easy, Beautiful & Intimate!            This package is perfect for those   Intimate Ceremony & Cocktail Hour
Let one of your event specialist take      looking to spend their special day       for those in your inner circle.
care of all the details & all you do is             with 5-20 people                 Weddings for 20-30 people
              show up!

              Includes:                                Includes:                              Includes:
              Officiant                                    g                                  Officiant
    Bridal Bouquet & Boutonniere                                                    Bridal Bouquet & Boutonniere
     Prosecco Toast (1 per guest)                                               Bridesmaids Bouquets (& Groomsmen
                                                                                         Boutonniere (2 Per)
                                                                                     Prosecco Toast (1 per guest)
                                                                                           Canapés Service
                                                                                           Wine & Beer Bar

              STARTING     AT                         STARTING     AT                     STARTING   AT

           $2000++                                 $2500++                           $4000++


Cold Canapé Selection
minimum 3 dozen

Crab Salad, Pickled Ginger Mayonnaise, Cucumber cups(GF)
California Sushi Rolls with Wasabi Soy (GF)
Shrimp Cocktail with Horseradish Tomato Sauce (GF)
Smoked Salmon Crostini with Caper Remoulade
Heirloom Tomato Bruschetta, Olive Oil Crostini, Parmesan Cheese, Aged Balsamic
Roasted Beets, Goat Cheese, Hazelnut Drizzle, Pumpernickel (GF)
Chilled Gazpacho Shooters (GF & V)
Cubed Watermelon, Feta Mousse, Mint *seasonal* (GF)
Cranberry and Brie Puff Pastry
Grilled Peaches and Prosciutto (GF)
Roast Beef on a Crostini with Horseradish Aioli
Prosciutto Melon Balls (GF)
Tomato & Bocconcini Skewers (GF)
Sweet Potato Chip with Smashed Avocado (V & GF)

Hot Canapé Selection

minimum 3 dozen

Coconut Shrimp Tempura, Mango Dip
Arancini Stuffed with Prosciutto & Mozzarella
Mini Crab Cakes with Lemon Jam
Salt & Pepper Squid with Garlic Aioli (GF)
Curried Vegetable Samosas with Cucumber Yogurt
Artisan Grilled Cheese Sandwiches with Tomato Jam
Fried Vegetable Egg Rolls with Sweet Chili Dip
Mini Corn Quesadillas with White Cheddar
Buffalo Chicken Meatballs with Blue Cheese Crumble
Mini BBQ Pulled Pork Sliders with Pickled Cabbage Slaw
Fried Chicken on Mini Cheddar Biscuits with Hot Honey Drizzle
Mini Beef Sliders with Aged Cheddar, Tomato Jam and Pickle
Curried Chicken Satay with Thai Peanut Sauce
Lamb Spiedini (GF)
Mini Fish Tacos with Lime Cilantro Crème Fraiche
Quinoa Arancini with a Tomato Sauce (GF,V)

Salads                                                            Soups
                     Included In Package
                                                                                       Included In Package
                   Mixed Greens                                                     Italian Wedding Soup
Roma Tomatoes, Parmesan Cheese Crisp in a Cumber Ring $8         with Italian Meatballs, Scented Chicken Broth & Acini de Pepe $8

              Baby Romaine Caesar Salad                                       Roasted Butternut Squash Soup
House Caesar Dressing, Croutons and Parmesan Cheese $10                     with Smoked Bacon and Crème Fraiche $8

                       Roasted Beets                                               Broccoli Cheddar Soup
            with Goat Cheese, Hazelnuts and Lemon Dressing $10                     with herbed croutons $8

                      Spinach Salad                                              Cream of Mushroom Soup
                                                                                      with Truffle Oil   $8
             with Mango & Seasonal Berries $10

                      Upgrade Available:
               Heirloom Tomatoes, Fior di latte
 with Fresh Basil, Balsamic Reduction on a bed of Arugula $12

Additional Options
                             Antipasto Misto
      Prosciutto, Capicollo, Salami, Provolone, Bocconcini & Tomato,
          Giardiniera & Olives with Fresh Herbs & Olive Oil $12

                          Antipasto Giardiniera
Marinated Artichokes, Olives, Roasted Red Peppers, Zucchini & Egg Plant $10

                             Shrimp Cocktail
        Jumbo Shrimp with Zesty Tomato & Horseradish Sauce $12

                            Palette Cleansers
        Variety of Sorbets *ask your event specialist about options*

                       Pasta & Risotto
            Please ask your event specialist about our fresh pasta
            options! These options can include but not limited to:
                  Agnolotti, Ravioli, Penne, Manicotti & Cannelloni

Plated Dinners

          CHICKEN                        BEEF & LAMB                     SEAFOOD & VEGETARIAN
      Incl u d e d in Package                                                   Included In Package
                                          Included In Package

  Chicken Breast Supreme                                                              Salmon
                                             Top Sirloin                  with thyme butter & herb aioli
   with caramelized onions &
                                   8oz sirloin served with bordelaise
apples , rosemary and leek sauce                                                         $65
                                     sauce & caramelized shallots
                                                                            Vegetarian Wellington
   Stuffed Chicken Breast                                               squash, lentil & mushroom filling,
                                          Upgrades Available:
  with goat cheese, prosciutto,                                          mushroom cream sauce & fresh
                                          8oz NY Striploin
sundried tomato, basil & velouté                                                       herbs
                                      dry aged AAA with green
             sauce                                                                      $65
              $65                    peppercorn brandy sauce
                                                                              OV Vegetable Stack
    Chicken Parmesan                                                    layers of grilled vegetables, tofu
                                     Prime Rib of Beef au Jus
  breaded chicken breast with                                                 & balsamic reduction
  tomato sauce, mozzarella &                                                             $65
       parmesan cheese
                                            CAB Beef Filet
             $65                                                                     Cod Filet
                                    6oz Filet with our House spice
                                                                            olive oil, shallot & dill with a
                                   blend, & rosemary thyme Butter
                                                                           tomato & niçoise olive cream
                                                  $70                                    sauce
                                            Rack of Lamb
                                     Herb and Rosemary Crusted
                                                $75                                                            18
                                 Included in Package
     Classic Layers of Ladyfingers, Mascarpone Cream & Coffee Liqueur $12

                                 Orchard Blossoms
        Warm Apple Filling in a Puff Pastry Case with Crème Anglaise $12

                                   Frutti di Bosco
          Sponge Cake, Lemon Cream, Fresh Berries in a Pastry Shell $12

                               Chocolate Cake
                Decadent Chocolate Cake with Seasonal Berries $12

                                Classic Cheesecake
      Creamy Cheesecake with a Cookie Crust and Blueberry Compote $12

                              Late Night
                                Included in Package
                                 Assorted Pizzas
       Artisanal Pizza Crusts, Variety of Toppings, House Cheese Blends $6

          Canada Favorite, Crispy Fries, St. Albert Cheese Curds and Gravy $6

                                Upgrades Available
                             Mac and Cheese Cups
    Four cheese Blend, Creamy Mac Topped with Herb and Panko crumble $7

                                     Slider Bar
Angus Beef Burgers or Fried Chicken Sliders, all the Garnishes served with Fries $9

       *Please ask your event specialist about alternative Late Night options*        19
                Chef Stations                                                           Displays

                        Mashtini Bar                                                          Charcuterie
Artfully Presented Small Plates with Mashed Potatoes Served in a                 Salami, Mortadella, Bresaola, Prosciutto,
                           Martini Glass                            Italian Sausage, Nduja, Assorted Condiments, Breads and Crackers
       Lamb Lollipop – Herb Roasted Rack of Lamb, Merlot                                           $8
               Demi-Glace, Rosemary Crumble
                                  $15                                                           Cheese
       Tenderloin of Beef – Dijon Crusted Tenderloin, Port Wine      Brie, Gorgonzola, Artisanal Goat, Aged Cheddar, Gouda, Asiago,
                     Jus, Tobacco Onion                                        Marmalade, Chutneys, Breads and Crackers
                                $15                                                                $9
      Lobster – Butter Poached Lobster, Truffle Mushrooms,
                        Béarnaise Sauce                                                          Mezze
                                $18                                  Hummus, Babaganoush, Tabbouleh, Za’atar Flatbreads, Olives,
                                                                                        Harissa Yogurt
      Pasta Bar - Select One (Starts at $12 a Person)                                         $9
    Stuffed Ravioli with Garnishes, Sauces and Garlic Bread
  Crab – Blue Crab with Mascarpone Cheese and Fresh Herbs                                      Sushi Bar
 Mushroom – Wild mushrooms, Ricotta and Parmesan Cheese                                Assorted Maki rolls, Spicy Tuna,
Butternut Squash – Brown Butter, Sage and Parmesan Cheese          California, Vegetarian, Shrimp Tempura, Wasabi, Pickled Ginger, Soy,
   Short Rib – Demi Glace, Roasted Tomato and Parmesan                                           Wakame
                            Cheese                                                                  $12
             Arrabbiata, Marinara, Alfredo Sauces
Garnishes Include: Mushrooms, Spinach, Tomatoes, Chili Flakes,                                Chips & Dip
               Roasted Garlic, Parmesan Cheese                     Fried Potato & Corn Chips, Famous Fried Naan, House Guacamole,
                                                                                Spinach & Artichoke Dip, Tzatziki, & Salsa





6346 Deermeadow Drive ⋅ Greely, Ontario ⋅ K4P1M9 ⋅ ⋅ 613 821 2675
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