WE'RE BIG ON SAFETY! - Flemington Primary School

Page created by Byron Rhodes
WE'RE BIG ON SAFETY! - Flemington Primary School
WE'RE BIG ON SAFETY! - Flemington Primary School
WK1 2021 summer EVENTS guide WK2

                                                                                                                                                                                         mon jan 11
    MON JAN 4

                           It is time to get the milkshake machine out. All your                                Today is all about chill-laxing! We will have the
                         favourite flavours will be there. Chocolate? You got it.                             temperature as low as we can. Brrrr it's cold in here!
                       Strawberry? of course! Vanilla? Is Olaf a snowman? Well                              There will be ice blocks, icy poles, freezing cold water
                          than YES! Plus you can try healthy options like fresh                               and milk to make popsicles too! Of course, at some
            BASE       banana. Got a favourite flavour? Let us know, and we will
                          try to make it happen, all with low-fat milk. Non-dairy               BASE          stage, we will have to pop Frozen on. We will even
                $65                                                                              $65              build our own air conditioner! Ice, Ice baby!
                                            options are available.

                                                                                                                                                                                         TUE jan 12
  tue jan 5

                          It is time to Slip and Slide! Get your bathers on as we create the
                        wildest slip and slide adventure at your centre. Bring your water gun                 Do you love bubbles? Then today is your lucky day.
                         as we have our supervised MEGA water fight. It is your chance to                       We are participating in all things bubbles. Inside
                        wet the educators as much as you can! We also have lots of water                      bubbles, outside bubbles, even soapy bubbles. Do
                           balloons and activities based around this theme day. Bring your
            BASE          bathers, towel, a change of clothes, a hat and water gun. Let the     BASE         you think you can blow the most gigantic bubble? You
                                                                                                                            will have to come to try.
                $65                games begin! * Please label your child's water gun            $65

wed jan 6


                                                                                                                                                                                      WED jan
                       We’re going to the movies! One night, Minna discovers a
                      world behind her dreams in which the dreambuilders create                              It is time for Tenpin Bowling & Laser Tag! Come along
        on                our dreams on theater stages and finds out how to                      ON
                                                                                                on            and join us as we prepare to break all records today!
                                                                                                              See who can get the highest score in Laser Tag and
            TO         manipulate Jenny’s dreams. Now Minna must enter the                       TO              then check your accuracy with a Strike in Tenpin
            UR          dream world one final time to face the dreams she has
                          created in order to save Jenny and her new family.
                                                                                                 UR                        Bowling! Lots of fun to be had!
      $65 + 25                                                                                  $65 + 25
THU jan 7

                                                                                                                                                                                     thu jan 14
                                                                Kid Te
                                           MOVIE                       ch
                                                                                                                           IF A C T O R Y
                                                                                                                           ce Cream

                            It's time to tech it up! Get ready for some incredible movie-                    Just like Cold Rock! You can create and name your own ice -
                              making special effect apps and gaming on your centre's                         cream dish with all the toppings that you desire. You also have
                           consoles. We'll feature tech karaoke and dance. See some of
                         your favourite YouTube clips, and much more. You can bring your                       the chance to learn how to make your own ice -cream from
                         own tech device with you and get ready to venture into the Tech-                   scratch! There will also be Sundaes, Spiders and an assortment
            BASE            zone! * Parents please note that there will be limitations to       BASE            of ice- cream delights. We have plenty of fruit and physical
                $65                screen time so children can enjoy other activities.           $65                 activities to help bring a healthy balance to the day.
FRIjan 8


                                                                                                            Victoria’s    has 3theme
                                                                                                                       newest    new attractions!
                                                                                                                                        park. EnjoyGravity      Wave is theSurfs
                                                                                                                                                         the Boomeringo,       world's
                        Splash down with us! Get ready for the coolest Pool Party ever!
        on                Dive for treasure, play octopus and Marco Polo or just squirt          ON
                                                                                                 on            Upbiggest, longest
                                                                                                                  or Taipan         & tallest
                                                                                                                              wet rides        waveSprings.
                                                                                                                                         at Oasis      slide, Volcano
                                                                                                                                                                Try the Beach
                                                                                                                                                                          Miningis a
                                                                                                            Raceheated  waveorpool
                                                                                                                   Coaster      Rush& Hour
                                                                                                                                       Voodoo     does
                                                                                                                                              at Oz       a 360 looping
                                                                                                                                                      Adventures.          pendulum
                                                                                                                                                                      There’s  lots
            TO         educators with our water guns. You can choose to laze around in
                       the shallow pool or make some serious waves in the lap pool. Do            TO            swing!
                                                                                                             to see    Plus youExplorers,
                                                                                                                    at Outback    can take on  getallupthe  other
                                                                                                                                                         close  to rides. All children
                                                                                                                                                                   52 species    of
            UR         not forget to bring your bathers, towel, sunscreen, hat and change         UR                   will receive
                                                                                                            amazing animals    in thea WildlifeTrail.
                                                                                                                                       rashie for protection
                                                                                                                            a rashiewebsite
                                                                                                                                      for protection
                                                                                                                                                                  and will
                                                                                                                                                         All children  safety.
      $65 + 25                            of clothes! Let's get splashing!                       $65 + 55   * Please see Funfields            for height&restrictions
                                                                                                                                                           safety. on some rides

                                 www.bigchildcare.com          8682 9400                                                                                                                      T1
WE'RE BIG ON SAFETY! - Flemington Primary School
WK3 2021 summer EVENTS guide WK4

                                                                                                                                                                                 mon jan 25

                          Eggs, slime, baked beans, milk, Vegemite, tomato sauce. Do I
                          have to say any more?! You are going to get yucky so bring a                              Week 4 of Summer and we are celebrating with a
                          change of clothes. You'll be fed blindfolded. You'll be throwing                          massive day of Gametopia! Bring your devices and
                           stuff. We're going to get wet AND slimy AND messy- sorry in                             your favourite game! We will have board games, cards,
      BASE                advance washing machines! Come along for a fun and messy
                            time, and we'll hose you down to finish...That is a promise!
                                                                                                    BASE           UNO, and more. Get ready to take on your friends in
               $65                                                                                     $65              games of strategy, skill and sheer pure fun!

                                                                                                                                                                                    TUE jan 26
tue jan 19

                                                                                                                           NO SIGNAL

                             Today we will be focusing on the first Australians and                                   Everyone's favourite program 'Big Childcare' will not
                             indigenous culture. We will be learning about dance,                                     be seen today due to the public holiday. While our
                            shelters and bush tucker. You can try some ingredients                      ZZ
                            you probably have never experienced before, and they                          ZZ
                                                                                                                     cast recharge for a huge 2021, we recommend you
        BASE                   are all super healthy and delicious. Plus you can                            ZZ        do the same. Get some rest in; it's going to be our
                $65                          make craft clap sticks!                                                                   best year ever!
 wed jan 20

                                                                                                                                                                                WED jan 27
                               After leaving their cave in the first film, the Croods                               The holidays are almost over, so let's have a big PARTY! Lots
                             encounter their biggest threat since leaving the cave:                                of fun party games like piñata, limbo and pie face are to be
               on            another family called the Bettermans, who claim to be                                 played. There will also be incredible arts and crafts, and you
                                                                                                                   can help out baking some cake. There will be zany activities
                TO          better and evolved. After Eep and the Bettermans' only                  BASE            like the party scavenger hunt and so much more. Request
                            daughter Dawn escape, the two families must put aside
                UR                        their differences to save them.
                                                                                                       $65          your own songs for the music playlist and enjoy some Just
                                                                                                                            Dance party clips too. It's time to PART-TAY!
               $65 + 25

                                                                                                       Tues 26 JAN
  THU jan 21

                                                                                                       Public Holiday

                                                                                                       Thu 28 JAN
                                                                                                       School Resumes Grades 1-6
                             The Big Bash is in full swing, GO-RENEGADES, GO-
                          STARS! We will have the bats ready and a selection of balls
                          for you to work your magic with. Practice your slow ball, leg                DATE 4 FEB
     BASE                  break or full toss. We will slot into teams and battle for the
               $65            Big T20 Cup! Are you the next Maxi or Ellyse Perry?                      Preps first day

                                                                                                    NEW FAMILIES
  FRI jan 22

                                                                                                   We consider it a privilege to be caring for your children. If your child
                                                                                                   is a prep we want you to know we will take very special care to
                                                                                                   ensure they are having fun and are safe.
                                                                                                   Feel free to call us if you want to know how they
                                                                                                   are going.
                                                                                                   Preps are our
                           Victoria's biggest theme park! The new Tornado is the biggest,
                            longest     children
                                      and         have
                                          most epic     just been
                                                      pro-slide     informed
                                                                in Victoria.     thatare
                                                                              There   there
                                                                                         over 24
              on             epic
                               willrides and
                                     be no    attractions
                                            Big Childcareincluding
                                                            today dueAquatoRacer,   Gold
                                                                             it being     Rush
                                                                                       a public
                                                                                                   Our team is made up of highly qualified and
                           Rapids, Lazy River, plus attractions for little ones like Tiny Tots,    passionate people who are skilled in caring
               TO          Red Baron, mini-golf and more. All children will receive a rashie       for children & bringing out the best in each child.
               UR                                for protection and safety.
                           * Please see Geelong Adventure Park website for height restrictions     We are BIG on a lot of focuses that are important
        $65 + 50
                                                                                                   to childcare. One of those is protection!
  T1 www.bigchildcare.com                          8682 9400
WE'RE BIG ON SAFETY! - Flemington Primary School
        ENROL                                                                                                     SCHOOL HOLIDAY DATES
                                                                                                                      Dec 19 - Jan 26
                                                                                                             No care provided on public holidays or weekends

             Online Electronic Enrolment
             This is the quickest and easiest way to enrol at Big Childcare.                                        OPEN HOURS
             Go to www.bigchildcare.com and click the 'Enrol Online' tab.                                                  7.00am - 6.00pm
             For NEW FAMILIES please click on NEW ENROLMENT & follow the prompts.                            statements/payments
             NOTE: For EXISTING FAMILIES if you are changing details, bookings or
             preferred centres please log on to your My Family Lounge account using your                          Statement           Direct Debit
             email address as your username.

            Traditional Paper Enrolment
            Alternatively, you may request a hard copy enrolment form from your local                               08 Jan             11 Jan
            centre, visit our website to download or email reception@bigchildcare.com.                              15Jan              18 Jan
                                                                                                                    22 Jan             25 Jan
                                                                                                                    29 Jan             01 Feb
We’re going on excursions again yay!
 excursions                                                                     On Tour excursions depart
                                                                                     8.30am SHARP
                                                                                 unless otherwise stated.
 A small bag with your lunch, snacks, drink bottle, wet weather jacket, umbrella, warm clothes,
 hat, sunscreen.
 It is advised to bring a small bag with your child’s lunch and belongings to EXCURSIONS..              ON
 For a detailed listing of excursion locations please refer to our website
 www.bigchildcare.com/holiday-care                                                                      UR

 SCHOOL location & contact information
 Flemington Primary School A Corner of Mount Alexander Road and Padman Lane
 FLEMINGTON P 0418 954 792. E flemington@bigchildcare.com

 CCS estimate guide*                                                                                  85% $12.51              T & C’S
 Gap payable by parent                                                                                65% $24.86              To view our
                                                                                                      45% $37.21              Terms & Conditions
                                                                                                      25% $49.56              please visit

           =        65
                                            =       $65
                                                                                =     $65

                                                  Activity Fee                      Bus & activity fee. On Tour costings
                                                                                    are listed in the Event guide
     * For more information, please go to www.education.gov.au/childcarepackage. To receive an 'On Tour' quote,
                           please contact your centre or one of our friendly head office team.

 CCS information
 All families are encouraged to set up a MyGov account to start the CCS application process.
 If you have not used Big Childcare for 14 weeks, you must confirm us as your service
 provider again on your MyGov account.
 Please visit education.gov.au/childcare for more information or speak to your Centre Manager.

 do I qualify for fee relief?
 Entitlement Criteria
 Do your children attend approved care like Big Childcare?
 Are you an Australian resident or holder of a qualifying visa?                                                                           ?
 Are you working, looking for Does
                              work,your  childor
                                     training  meet  government immunisation requirements?
 Does your child meet government immunisation requirements?
         Would you like to know more or apply for these entitlements?
        Contact the Department of Health & Human Services on 13 61 50

                             Please do not give your children any extra money to spend unless specified. All medication, epipens and asthma pumps
                          need to be given to staff with a medical form. Extra bookings can be made during the vacation care period subject to availability.
                                                                Payment needs to be made on the day of the booking
 NOTE:                    FOR OTHER ENQUIRIES- Visit or call one of our child care centres or contact our friendly Head Office team on 8682 9400
                                                                     www.bigchildcare.com      8682 9400
WE'RE BIG ON SAFETY! - Flemington Primary School
                                 We’re big on safety!
                  VIP’s                                     Before Care
Whilst we treat all our children with an enormous     Children arriving to Before Care prior to 8am
  amount of care and respect, parents of prep          will be treated to a delicious and nutritious
students will be pleased to know that when you                           breakfast.
choose to use any of our services, your child will
         be treated as one of our VIPs                Regardless of the unpredictable weather we
             (Very Important Preps).                    experience in Victoria, your child will be
                                                     comfortable and start the day with the warmth
We take great pride in supporting your little ones              and care they deserve.
 in their transition to Outside School Hours Care
    with us, by helping Prep students establish
friendships and routines from day one. We adopt
a Buddy Program to ensure Preps have an older
 student to 'buddy with' to help them feel secure
              in their new environment.

         After Care                                        Holiday Care
   After a long day at school, children need to       If you are working over the school holidays or
 recharge with a tasty afternoon snack. We use         want to treat your child to some extra fun, be
   family recipes to cook food which suits the         assured that the Holiday Care we offer is the
 season. All our menus have been approved by             best service going around. We line up an
                Nutrition Australia.                 amazing variety of excursions and incursions to
                                                     choose from, engineered to make the holidays
 We offer a variety of experiences which take into                  fun and memorable!
   account the interests of your child. Don’t be
  surprised if your child wants to stay just a bit   We pride ourselves on the safety of each child.
longer upon pick up… we have loads of fun after      Whilst on excursions children are always visible
                       school!                        with their bright red vests and come summer,
                                                     our rashies protect them when they join in our
                                                      water activities. All of our excursions undergo
                                                       rigorous risk assesments and include team
                                                            information and training sessions.

                                                         Our team uses ‘Do the plane’ to teach
                                                         children about the importance of social


                      as per the statement emailed to me every Friday.

CHILDCARE                                                      Please HOLIDAYS
                                                      COMPLETE & RETURN
                                                                               21                       SCHOOL

                         Please select the days you want your child to have FUN!
                                         Children are supplied with a rashie or vest on all On Tour events
           CHILD 2
                     CHILD 3
                               CHILD 4

                                                         Week 1
                                                      MON JAN 4 MILKSHAKE                                                        $65

                                                      TUE JAN 5 WET ‘N’WILD                                                      $65

                                                      WED JAN 6 DREAMBUILDERS MOVIE
                                                Every child receives popcorn and 600 ml bottle of water.

                                                      THU JAN 7 KID TECH                                                         $65
                                           Parents please label your child's device and know that we are not held
                                         responsible for any loss or damage. Also, note that there will be limitations
                                                    to screen time so children can enjoy other activities.

                                                      FRI JAN 8 POOL PARTY
                                                   My child is a confident swimmer               Not confident swimmer
           CHILD 2
                     CHILD 3
                               CHILD 4

                                                                                 Please tick one

                                                         Week 2
                                                      MON JAN 11 THE CHILLZONE                                                   $65

                                                      TUE JAN 12 BUBBLE PARTY                                             BASE

                                                      WED JAN 13 BOWLING / LASER TAG

                                                      THU JAN 14 MICKS ICECREAM                                                  $65

                                                      FRI JAN 15 FUN FIELDS
                                                     Please see Fun Fields website for height restrictions

                                                  My child is a confident swimmer               Not confident swimmer
                                                                                 Please tick one                         Booking form P2T1
                                                            Please HOLIDAYS 21
                                                    COMPLETE & RETURN

                               Please select the days you want your child to have FUN!
                                           Children are supplied with a rashie or vest on all On Tour events
           CHILD 2
                     CHILD 3
                                 CHILD 4

                                                      Week 3
                                                    MON JAN 18 SLIMETASTIC                                                 $65

                                                    TUE JAN 19 INDIGENOUS                                                  $65

                                                    WED JAN 20 THE CROODS 2 MOVIE
                                                    Every child receives popcorn and 600 ml bottle of water.

                                                    THU JAN 21 T20 CRICKET                                                 $65

                                                    FRI JAN 22 GEELONG ADVENTURE PARK
                                                  My child is a confident swimmer            Not confident swimmer
                                                                              Please tick one
           CHILD 2
                     CHILD 3
                                 CHILD 4

                                                      Week 4
                                                    MON JAN 25 GAMETOPIA                                                   $65

                                                    TUE JAN 26 PUBLIC HOLIDAY                                       ZZ

                                                    No Big Childcare today.

                                                    WED JAN 27 KIDS PARTY                                                  $65
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