We love Outlet Shopping - ROS MAGAZINE / ISSUE NO. 5 across Europe Experiences - ROS Retail Outlet Shopping
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ROS RETAIL OUTLET SHOPPING ROS RETAIL OUTLET SHOPPING WELCOME AT ROS RETAIL OUTLET SHOPPING Creating desirable shopping experiences ROS Retail Outlet Shopping develops, manages and operates retail real estate with focus on outlet retail, increasing value for customers, brand partners and investors. Owner-managed, lean and fast. ROS Retail Outlet Shopping entwickelt, managt und betreibt Handelsimmobilien mit Schwerpunkt Outlet Retail mit einem Mehrwert für Kunden, Markenpartner und Investoren. Inhabergeführt, schlank und schnell. The company, founded in 2011, is the owner- Das in 2011 gegründete Unternehmen ist das managed retail real estate consulting and Inhaber geführte Handelsimmobilien Beratungs- centre management company specialised in und Center-Management-Unternehmen mit Schwer- Designer Outlets and innovative outlet shopping punkt Designer Outlet und innovativen Outlet- concepts. The company aims to create unique, Shopping-Konzepten. Ziel von ROS Retail Outlet sustainable and successful shopping experiences. Shopping ist die Schaffung einzigartiger, nachhal- In addition to the classic integrated centre manage- tiger und erfolgreicher Shopping-Erlebnisse. Neben ment with leasing, facility, marketing, retail, finance dem klassischen integrierten Center Management and centre accounting, ROS Retail Outlet Shopping mit Vermietung, Facility, Marketing, Retail, Finance manages the complete project development with und Center-Verwaltung übernimmt ROS Retail Outlet ‘Whoever said money location evaluation, tenant demand analysis and Shopping gerne die k omplette Projektentwicklung can‘t buy happiness project budgeting as well as the acquisition of equity inklusive Standortevaluierung, Attraktivitäts-Analy- simply didn‘t know and debt investors. The relaunch or transformation sen von potentiellen Mietern, Projektbudgetierung where to go shopping.’ of retail properties is also in safe, expert hands with sowie Akquisition von Eigenkapital- und Fremdkapi- Thomas Reichenauer and Gerhard Graf, the founders talgebern. Auch der Relaunch oder die Umnutzung Bo Derek of ROS Retail Outlet Shopping. Jointly, they have von Handelsimmobilien ist bei den Gründern Thomas over 20 years of experience with leading international Reichenauer und Gerhard Graf in professionellen Hän- developers and operators of retail real estate. den. Sie verfügen zusammen über 20 Jahre Erfahrung bei international tätigen Entwicklern und Betreibern von Handelsimmobilien. 2 3
ROS RETAIL OUTLET SHOPPING CENTRE ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE INTEGRATED CENTRE MANAGEMENT BRAND PARTNER LEASING Passion for shopping RELATIONSHIP Integrated Centre Management is ROS Retail Outlet Shopping‘s core business. CENTRE Das integrierte Center Management ist das Kerngeschäft von ROS Retail Outlet Shopping. MANAGEMENT The operative role is the heart of the company, Das operative Geschäft ist das Herz des Unterneh- providing excellent services to brand partners, their mens, welches sich als Dienstleister für Marken-Part- employees, towns, communities, tourism partners, ner, deren Angestellte, Städte, Kommunen, Touris- FACILITY further stakeholders and, of course, also for investors. mus-Partner, verschiedene Interessengruppen und MANAGEMENT MARKETING viele mehr versteht, natürlich auch für Investoren. Only integrated centre management, combining the effective interaction of internal processes and exter- Nur ein integriertes Center Management, also die nal stakeholders with the consideration of specific Interaktion und die Zusammenarbeit der internen local characteristics, enables sustainable growth. Funktionen mit externen Stakeholdern, unter Berück- Change can only be achieved through close collab- sichtigung von lokalen Besonderheiten ermöglicht RETAIL oration. The strategic success factors are therefore ein nachhaltiges, erfolgreiches Wachstum. Verände- internal and external communication, as well as a true rungen können nur gemeinsam entstehen. Die interne passion for the business itself. und externe Kommunikation sowie die Leidenschaft für das Geschäft sind hierbei die strategischen Er- folgsfaktoren. FURTHER STAKE HOLDER GOVERNMENT CITIES & COMMUNITIES TOURISM 4 5
ROS RETAIL OUTLET SHOPPING DESIGNER OUTLET CENTRES Smart shopping de luxe Great brands at great prices in an inspiring atmosphere. Große Marken zu günstigen Preisen in einer inspirierenden Atmosphäre. Designer Outlet Centres are a specific type Designer Outlet Center sind eine Spezialform von of shopping centres and ROS Retail Outlet Shop- Shopping Centern und die Expertise von ROS Retail ping’s area of expertise. The American concept exists Outlet Shopping. Das amerikanische Konzept existiert for more than 30 years and was first introduced seit über 30 Jahren und wurde in den 90ern zuerst to Europe in the 1990s in the UK. Today, there are von Großbritannien adaptiert und eingeführt. Heute about 36 Designer Outlets in the UK, which is one of verfügt Großbritannien über fast 36 Designer Outlets the saturated markets in Europe (followed by Italy und ist einer der gesättigsten Märkte, gefolgt von and France). Germany shows the highest potential Italien und Frankreich. Deutschland zeigt das größte and demand for outlet centres. The evolution of the Potential und Nachholbedarf für Outlet Center. former Factory Outlet Centres continues. Today, De- Die Weiterentwicklung vom ursprünglichen Factory signer Outlets are a recognised distribution channel Outlet Center schreitet voran. Designer Outlet Center for brands. sind heute ein anerkannter Distributionskanal von Marken. ROS Retail Outlet Shopping develops, manages and operates innovative, inspiring Designer Outlet Cen- ROS Retail Outlet Shopping entwickelt, verwaltet tres designed to establish a win-win situation for their und betreibt innovative und inspirierende Designer customers, their brand partners, their investors and Outlet Center mit dem Ziel, eine Win-Win-Situation the communities. für Kunden, Marken-Partner, Investoren, Städte und Kommunen zu schaffen. DESIGNER OUTLET CHARACTERISTICS • Special type of shopping centre from 10,000m2 GLA • Off-price shopping concept with sale of last season collections, samples and surplus production of designer, fashion and lifestyle brands • Contractually fixed reductions of minimum 30 % off compared to the regular retail price (RRP) • Architecture mainly in Village style enriched by regional-typical features • Good highway access • Excellent retail and service standards • Near a metropolitan centre •C atchment area of a minimum of 4 million inhabitants within a 90 minute drive • Additional tourism potential 6 7
ROS RETAIL OUTLET SHOPPING INNOVATIVE OUTLET SHOPPING CONCEPTS Rejuvenation for cities & retail properties Development impulses for cities, existing shopping centres and retail parks by the integration of innovative outlet shopping concepts. Entwicklungsimpulse für Städte, bestehende Shopping Center und Retail Parks durch die Integration von innovativen Outlet Shopping Konzepten. Many cities, shopping centres and retail parks face Viele Städte stehen vor drastischen Herausforderun- dramatic challenges and are caught in a vicious circle. gen und befinden sich in einer Art Teufelskreis. Auf der On the one hand, there is the demographic and social einen Seite der demographische und soziale Wandel, change, migration, negligence of urban spaces, the Abwanderung, Vernachlässigung des Stadtraumes, development of living space for all groups and the Schaffung von Wohnraum für alle Gruppen, Verbesse- improvement of infrastructure and on the other rung der Infrastruktur und auf der anderen Seite der hand there is the lack of financial resources. Retail Mangel an den hierfür notwendigen finanziellen Mitteln. plays a key role in this organism. The integration of Dem Einzelhandel kommt hierbei eine Schlüsselrolle für innovative outlet shopping concepts has the poten- eine Stadt zu. Die Integration von innovativen Outlet tial to revitalise the city centre and to rejuvenate Shopping Konzepten hat das Potenzial Städte zu revita- existing retail properties. lisieren und auch bestehende Einzelhandelsimmobilien zu verjüngen. ROS Retail Outlet Shopping considers itself as a partner for cities, communities and investors. ROS Retail Outlet Shopping versteht sich als Partner Whether it is with inner-city outlets, hybrid shop- für Städte, Kommunen und Investoren. Ob mit inner- ping centers, city quarters or arcades – the main städtischen Outlets, hybriden Shopping Centern, Quar- objectives are always rejuvenation, revitalization and tieren oder Arkaden – die Verjüngung, Revitalisierung economic benefits for all parties. und die wirtschaftlichen Vorteile für alle Beteiligten stehen hierbei stets im Vordergrund. INNOVATIVE OUTLET SHOPPING CONCEPTS CHARACTERISTICS • Gross lettable area from 7,000 m2 GLA •O ff-price shopping concept with sale of last season collections, samples and surplus produc- tions of designer, fashion and lifestyle brands in consideration of local retail conditions • Contractually fixed reductions of minimum 30% o compared to the regular retail price (RRP) • Agglomeration of properties and concentration in one project company • Building approval for retail of all properties • Catchment area of a minimum of 3 million inhabitants within a 90 minute drive • Uniform look & feel as well as retail and service standards of all shops • Additional tourism potential preferable 8 9
ROS RETAIL OUTLET SHOPPING Brand Partnership Mutual trust with over 500 brand partners STARBUCKS TRUE LOGOS. GENERATED BY CHI NGUYEN (CHISAGITTA) Gegenseitiges Vertrauen mit über 500 Marken-Partnern STARBUCKS TRUE LOGOS. GENERATED BY CHI NGUYEN (CHISAGITTA) 10 11
ROS RETAIL OUTLET SHOPPING LEASING Tailor-made leasing strategies Tailor-made leasing strategies and asset management with desirable brands for the catchment area. Maßgeschneiderte Vermietungsstrategien und Asset Management mit begehrenswerten Marken für das Einzugsgebiet. The world of retail for designer, fashion and life- Der Handel von Designer-, Mode- und Lifestyle-Marken style brands is always in motion. The growing use of ist immer in Bewegung. Die Zunahme von Smart- smartphones, tablets and new mobile devices has phones, Tablets und weiteren neuen mobilen End- also accelerated the e-commerce in these sectors. geräten hat auch den E-Commerce dieser Branchen According to a current research study, retail is still beschleunigt. Gemäß einer aktuellen Untersuchung ist the favourite shopping channel for 60 percent of und bleibt der stationäre Einzelhandel für 60 Prozent Europeans. Today, shopping centres and Designer der Europäer jedoch die favorisierte Einkaufsstätte. Outlets are important pillars of the retail landscape. Shopping Center und D esigner Outlets sind heu- New real estate concepts which can provide great te fester Bestandteil der Handelslandschaft. Neue shopping experiences are still in demand. However, Handelsimmobilien-Konzepte mit großem Erlebnis- all of these trends have encouraged brands to adopt Wert sind weiterhin begehrt. Nichtsdestotrotz haben a multi-channel strategy to establish new shopping alle diese Trends dazu geführt, dass Marken heute eine behaviour. Multi-Channel-Strategie betreiben, um dem veränder- ten Einkaufsverhalten gerecht zu werden. Leasing by ROS Retail Outlet Shopping keeps a close eye on the constant changes taking place in the retail Das Leasing-Team von ROS Retail Outlet Shopping of designer, fashion, sport and lifestyle brands. The beobachtet laufend den „Wandel im H andel“ von leasing team develops tailor-made leasing strategies Designer-, Fashion-, Sport- und Lifestyle-Marken. with site-specific brand and product category mix taking into account the centre concept, competition Das Vermietungsteam entwickelt hierbei maßgeschnei- and brand awareness in the cachment area, as well as derte Vermietungsstrategien mit standortspezifischem the local retail density and sensitivity of the targeted Branchen- und Marken-Mix unter Berücksichtigung des brands. Center Konzepts, Wettbewerb, Markenbesitz, -affinität und -bekanntheit im Einzugsgebiet sowie die Abde- ROS Retail Outlet Shopping has over 500 brand part- ckung und Sensibilität der anvisierten Marken. ners its portfolio and is part of a European fashion retail network with extremely important contacts. ROS Retail Outlet Shopping verfügt über 500 As well as successful first-time rental possibilities, Marken-Partner im Portfolio und ist mit den wichtigs- the leasing team provides a long-term leasing and ten Entscheidungsträgern der Branche europaweit asset management program for brand partners and vernetzt. Neben einer erfolgreichen Erstvermietung investors. wird durch ein langfristiges Vermietungs- und Asset Management P rogramm sichergestellt, dass der Immobilienwert für Marken-Partner und Investoren nachhaltig g esteigert wird. 12 13
ROS RETAIL OUTLET SHOPPING ROS RETAIL OUTLET SHOPPING RETAIL ACADEMY Good retail is in the detail ‘A little bit better each day – for our customers’ – the mission of ROS Retail Outlet Shopping and their brand partners. „Jeden Tag ein bisschen besser für unseren Kunden.“ – die Mission von ROS Retail Outlet Shopping und seinen Marken-Partnern. ROS Retail Outlet Shopping maintains a strong ROS Retail Outlet Shopping pflegt eine enge Bezie- relationship with its brand partners. The partnership hung zu seinen Marken-Partnern. Die Partnerschaft is based on mutual trust, honesty and communica- basiert auf gegenseitigem Vertrauen, ist ehrlich und tion. Alongside the centre’s standards and services, offen. Neben den Center Standards und Services ist the individual shop is part of the whole shopping der einzelne Shop Teil des gesamten Shopping-Erleb- experience. It can strongly influence the centre image nisses und kann stark die Kundenzufriedenheit und and customer satisfaction. das Image des Centers beeinflussen. ROS Retail Outlet Shopping therefore arranges on Hierfür führt ROS Retail Outlet Shopping laufend going individual business review meetings with its individuelle Business Review Meetings mit seinen brand partners to improve the performance in a sus- Marken-Partnern durch, um die Performance nach- tainable way. The ROS Retail Academy contains retail haltig zu verbessern. Die ROS Retail Academy bein- standards, trainings and tools to motivate the shop haltet Retail Standards, Schulungen und Instrumente, staff to improve the retail performance permanently. um die Shopmitarbeiter zu motivieren und laufend die Our mission is to always go the extra mile for our Retail Performance zu verbessern. Unsere Mission ist customers. es, immer das Beste für unsere Kunden zu geben. Customer Service Trainings Loss Prevention Trainings Retail Standards 14 15
ROS RETAIL OUTLET SHOPPING MARKETING Centre Marketing builds strong location brands Increasing the traffic, branding and trading-up of shopping centres. Frequenzsteigerung, Markenführung und Trading-Up von Shopping Centern. Shopping centres are regional shopping destinations. Shopping Center sind regionale Shopping- Their positioning is determinated by brand offer, Destinationen und werden durch Markenangebot, category mix, architecture and location. However, all Category-Mix, Architektur, Lage und Positionierung types of shopping centres are engaged in a notice- bestimmt. Nichtsdestotrotz ist eine Trading-Up-Strate- able “trading-up” strategy as a reaction to the gie in Richtung „Fashion & Lifestyle“ bei allen Shopping increase in vertical retailers and e-commerce. The Center Typen als Antwort auf die zunehmende Anzahl Centre Marketing of ROS Retail Outlet Shopping fol- von vertikalen Retailern und E-Commerce zu ver- lows a ‘think global, act local’ approach and is used zeichnen. Das Center Marketing von ROS Retail Outlet to build strong location brands in the area of fashion Shopping folgt dem Ansatz „think global, act local“ WINTER & lifestyle due to their long-term experience with und ist es durch die langjährige E rfahrung mit Designer SALE Designer Outlets. Outlets gewohnt, starke Standort-Marken im Bereich Fashion & Lifestyle aufzubauen. An individual marketing vision, strategy and action plan is therefore developed with local agencies. The Hierbei wird eine individuelle Marketing-Vision, Strate- activities range from classical marketing using radio, gie und ein Maßnahmen-Paket mit lokalen Agenturen print and TV to promotions, online, social media, PR entwickelt. Die Maßnahmen reichen vom klassischen to POS materials, loyalty programmes and events. Marketing mit Radio, Print, TV, Outdoor über Promo- The key objective is to increase traffic, closely fol- tions, Online, Social Media, PR bis hin zu POS Materi- lowed by building strong local brands. alien, dem Kundenclub und Events. Primäres Ziel ist es, die Frequenz zu steigern und starke Standort-Marken aufzubauen. late The night perfect Frohe shopping 4. AUGUST BIS 23 UHR gift! Ostern! Erhältlich an der Centre Information Stars, Charity, Entertainment oder bequem online bestellen. Überraschungsangebote & vieles mehr … für die ganze Familie Direkt an der A7, Event Advertising Gift Voucher Promotion Seasonal Campaigns Ausfahrt Soltau-Ost Direkt an der A7, Ausfahrt Soltau-Ost designeroutletsoltau.de designeroutletsoltau.com *gegenüber der UVP, solange der Vorrat reicht. 16 SCHICKE PROZENTE. IMMER. 17 designeroutletsoltau.com soltau.com designeroutletsoltau.com
ROS RETAIL OUTLET SHOPPING ROS RETAIL OUTLET SHOPPING DIGITAL MARKETING ‘Click-to-Centre’ The outlet shopping experience already starts online. ROS Retail Outlet Shopping attracts, excites, convinces and loyalizes customers online. Das Outlet Shopping Erlebnis beginnt bereits online. ROS Retail Outlet Shopping spricht online Kunden an, unterhält, überzeugt und bindet sie. ROS pursuits a ‘Click-to-Centre’ strategy and will turn ROS verfolgt eine „Click-to-Center“-Strategie und each centre into the most relevant and excellent out- verwandelt jedes Center in ein Online-Shopping- let shopping experience online with the objective to Erlebnis mit dem Ziel, Webbesucher zu Käufern zu convert web visitors to shoppers and loyalize them. konvertieren und zu loyalisieren. Unifying both worlds, analogue & digital, ROS Retail ROS Retail Outlet Shopping vereint hierbei beide Outlet Shopping creates an excellent and joyful outlet Welten, analog und digital, und schafft ein exzellen- shopping experience in consideration of the current tes Shopping-Erlebnis unter Berücksichtigung der online themes and trends: Content Marketing, SEO/ aktuellen Online-Themen und Trends: Content-Mar- SEM, Mobile Marketing, Loyality, Big Data, Social Me- keting, SEO/SEM, Mobile Marketing, Kundenbindung, dia, Retargeting and Individualization to drive traffic Big Data, Social Media, Retargeting und Individua- and sales in the centre portfolio. lisierung zur Frequenz- und Umsatzsteigerung im Center-Portfolio. Consumer Website Wishlist Function Instagram Accounts 18 19
ROS RETAIL OUTLET SHOPPING SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Shopping for charity ROS Retail Outlet Shopping takes social responsibility very seriously, supporting charity projects with ‚Shopping for Charity‘ promotions. ROS Retail Outlet Shopping zeigt soziale Verantwortung und unterstützt mit „Shopping for Charity“ Promotions. The Hollywood star Bo Derek, style icon Mischa Hollywood Star Bo Derek, Stilikone Mischa Barton, viele Barton, many well-known personalities singers like bekannte Sänger wie Vanessa Mai und Music Bands Vanessa Mai and music bands like ‘Glasperlenspiel’, wie „Glasperlenspiel“, TV-Stars und Blogger haben TV stars and bloggers have already sold tickets for bereits Lose der Charity-Tombola in einem der von ROS the charity tombola in one of the centres managed by Retail Outlet Shopping betriebenen Center verkauft. Im ROS Retail Outlet Shopping. The focus is on local and Vordergrund stehen hierbei lokale und regionale ge- regional charitable projects for children and fami- meinnützige Projekte für Kinder und Familien sowie die lies as well as on supporting the fight against rare Unterstützung beim Kampf gegen seltene Krankheiten. deseases. As part of an event ROS would like to give Im Rahmen eines Events möchte ROS gerne etwas für something back for a good cause. einen guten Zweck zurückgeben. During the Late Night Shopping event at the De- Während des Late Night Shopping Events im Desig- signer Outlet Soltau in 2014 the Eurovision Song ner Outlet Soltau, 2014, trat Eurovision Song Contest Contest winner Lena Mayer-Landrut performed and Gewinnerin Lena Mayer-Landrut auf und unterstütze afterwards supported the charity tombola. Model anschließend die Charity-Tombola. Model und Mo- and presenter Rebecca Mir and her husband Massi- deratorin Rebecca Mir und ihr Mann Massimo Sinato mo Sinato sold tombola tickets for the Robert Enke verkauften Tombola-Lose zu Gunsten der Robert-Enke- Foundation. In 2015, northern Germany’s breakout Stiftung. Der norddeutsche Chartbreaker Johannes star Johannes Oerding surprised with an unplugged Oerding überraschte 2015 mit einer Unplugged Session session and helped renowned TV actress Sabine und sorgte bei der Charity-Tombola gemeinsam mit der Postel with the tombola draw. The presenter Jana Ina deutschen TV-Komissarin Sabine Postel für gute Stim- and her husband Giovanni Zarella helped to celebrate mung. Zum einjährigen Geburtstag des City Outlet Bad the one- year-anniversary of the City Outlet Bad Münstereifel kam Moderatorin Jana Ina gemeinsam mit Münstereifel. She sold tickets for the Lukas Podolski ihrem Mann Giovanni Zarella. Während sie zu Gunsten Foundation, while Giovanni and his band Vintage der Lukas Podolski Stiftung Tombola-Lose verkaufte, Vegas performed for the visitors. brachte Giovanni die Besucher mit seiner Band Vintage Vegas zum swingen. Johannes Oerding Live Concert | Christine Neubauer & Jana Ina Zarella | Diana zur Loewen, Thore Schoelermann Late Night Shopping 2015 City Outlet Geislingen Opening 2016 & Vanessa Mai | Late Night Shopping 2017 20 21
ROS RETAIL OUTLET SHOPPING ROS RETAIL OUTLET SHOPPING TOURISM MARKETING Impulses for sustainable tourism Shopping tourism is booming in Central Europe, particularly with visitors from USA, Russia, China and the United Arab Emirates. Wachsender Shopping-Tourismus in Zentraleuropa – insbesondere aus Amerika, Russland, China und den V ereinigten Arabischen Emiraten. Portofino | Italy Budapest | Hungary Algarve | Portugal Low-cost airlines and the Internet have changed the Günstige Airlines und das Internet veränderten den travel market. Travelling has become cheaper and Reisemarkt. Reisen ist günstiger als je zuvor und die thus increased the mobility of the middle classes in Mobilität auch von mittleren sozialen Schichten hat in many countries. The traditional holiday and recrea- vielen Ländern zugenommen. Die traditionellen Ur- tional areas are losing their appeal. Shopping tourism laubs- und Naherholungsgebiete verlieren derzeit an offers a real chance for creating new and sustainable Attraktivität und sehen im Shopping-Tourismus einen impulses for these regions. This view is supported by neuen nachhaltigen Impuls. Unterstützt wird dieser the current trend of increasing international tourism Trend durch zunehmenden internationalen Tourismus from USA, Russia, China and the United Arab Emir- aus Amerika, Russland, China und den Vereinigten ates. Arabischen Emiraten. Tourism Marketing by ROS Retail Outlet Shopping Tourismus-Marketing von ROS Retail O utlet Shop- actively supports tourism together with the cities and ping fördert aktiv den Tourismus g emeinsam mit den regions. The focus is on collaboration with tourist Städten und Regionen. Der Fokus liegt hierbei auf der offices and associations, the leading tax free shopping Zusammenarbeit mit T ourismusverbänden und dem service provider Global Blue, the development of in- europaweit führenden Tax-Free-Shopping Service dividual and group travel arrangements as well as the Provider Global Blue sowie in der Entwicklung von ambassador program with travel operators, hotels, Arrangements für Individual- und Gruppenreisen und leisure facilities and parks. dem Ambassador-Programm mit Reiseveranstaltern, Hotels, Freizeiteinrichtungen und -parks. 22 23
ROS RETAIL OUTLET SHOPPING Portfolio Gdańsk Soltau Warszawa Wuppertal Bad Münstereifel Sosnowiec Kraków Paris Geislingen Parndorf Landquart Budapest Zagreb Brugnato Zaragoza Algarve ROS Projects / New Developments PRÔM Projects / New Developments References 24 25
DESIGNER OUTLET SOLTAU The Premium Designer Outlet for Hamburg, Hanover and Bremen LOCATION The Designer Outlet Soltau is positioned exactly Kaltenkirchen Lübeck midway between the three metropolitan cities of Hamburg, Hanover and Bremen, directly in the Norderstedt Stade Lüneburger Heide tourism region. It is located Bremerhaven HAMBURG only a 40 minute drive from Hamburg, Hanover Buxtehude Seevetal and Bremen. Buchholz Oldenburg Lüneburg Lüne- CATCHMENT 0.26 MILLION burger Heide WITHIN 30 MINUTES BREMEN 0.26 million inhabitants – 30 minutes 4.1 MILLION Delmenhorst Munster 4.1 million inhabitants – 60 minutes WITHIN 60 MINUTES Bassum Walsrode 7.9 million inhabitants – 90 minutes 7.9 MILLION WITHIN 90 MINUTES ACCESS Celle Conveniently located right by the Soltau-Ost exit Garbsen Isernhagen Wunstorf on the A7 motorway. The A7 is the most important HANNOVER north-south traffic axis in Germany and longest Braunschweig national motorway in Europe. With over 24 million vehicles a year, the A7 is one of the most frequen- ted motorways in Germany. TOURISM ARCHITECTURE Village With more than 6.4 million overnight stays (2016) GLA 13,500 m2 incl. restaurants and 39 million day guests every year, the Lüne- SHOPS approx. 62 burger Heide is one of the best-known German PARKING approx. 1,200 local leisure parks and leisure regions. Lüneburger Heide is Europe’s number one leisure region: no ANCHOR STORES other region has as many recreational parks. The Nike | Puma | Gant | Levi‘s | Esprit | Gerry Weber | renowned Heide Park Soltau, which attracts 1.5 Fossil | Liebeskind | Marc O‘Polo million v isitors (2015) annually, is only a 10 minute drive away. Hamburg Harbour 26 27
CITY OUTLET GEISLINGEN The Home, Fashion & Lifestyle Outlet for Stuttgart, Göppingen and Ulm LOCATION The City Outlet Geislingen is located in Baden- Württemberg and is part of the metropolitan PFORZHEIM 7 region of Stuttgart. Just a 50 minute drive from STUTTGART Stuttgart and a 20 minute drive north-west from E52 Ulm. 81 0.19 MILLION E43 WITHIN 30 MINUTES REUTLINGEN CATCHMENT 1.6 MILLION ULM WITHIN 60 MINUTES E52 AUGSBURG 0.19 million inhabitants – 30 minutes 1.6 million inhabitants – 60 minutes 3.3 MILLION E43 WITHIN 90 MINUTES 3.3 million inhabitants – 90 minutes 7 ACCESS E54 Directly adjacent to the B10 between Stuttgart und Ulm TOURISM Baden-Württemberg had 52 million overnight ARCHITECTURE Village stays (+ 2.5%) with 21 million national and interna- GLA approx. 5,000 m2 tional tourists in 2016. SHOPS approx. 25 PARKING approx. 270 ANCHOR STORES WMF | Kneipp | Kahla | Seltmann-Weiden | Lindt | Carl Gross | Trigema | Betty Barclay | Triumph Stuttgart 28 29
CITY OUTLET WUPPERTAL The new inner-city outlet centre for North-Rhine-Westphalia LOCATION Osnabrück The City Outlet Wuppertal is conveniently located in the c entre of Wuppertal, the Döppersberg, in the Elberfeld quarter. This is the central traffic node Bielefeld where the main train station, cableway, central bus Münster station and Elberfelder pedestrian zone meet. 52 2 1 Hamm Paderborn Recklinghausen CATCHMENT 2.9 million inhabitants – 30 minutes NETHERLANDS Moers ESSEN DORTMUND 11.8 million inhabitants – 60 minutes Venlo 40 Duisburg 57 43 Hagen Krefeld 20.3 million inhabitants – 90 minutes DÜSSELDORF 2.9 MILLION Roermond 52 46 Solingen WITHIN 30 MINUTES Mönchengladbach ACCESS 46 11.8 MILLION 1 Conveniently located in the centre of WITHIN 60 MINUTES KÖLN Wuppertal at the main train station. 20.3 MILLION 3 3 WITHIN 90 MINUTES Aachen Bonn BELGIUM 61 ARCHITECTURE The historic Federal Railway Administration and the former post office building, s eparated by rail- Koblenz way lines, will be connected by a modern bridge structure. The City Outlet Wuppertal is part of the the Döppersberg area, one of the biggest German urban developments. The structure refers to the early industrial culture of Wuppertal with its indus- trial monuments and the iconic cableway. TOURISM GLA approx. 30,000 m2 Growing tourism in North-Rhine-Westphalia with SHOPS approx. 150 49.6 million overnight stays (+ 0.9). The market PARKING approx. 2,500 shares of North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany‘s OPENING Phase I 12,500 m2 incoming tourism were at 11 percent in 2016. Late 2018 Wuppertal 30 31
PREMIER OUTLET BUDAPEST The Premium Outlet of Budapest LOCATION The Premier Outlet is located in Biatorbágy, a few SLOVAKIA kilometers east of the Hungarian capita,l Budapest. WIEN E77 BRATISLAVA Levice Dudince CATCHMENT Jahrmarkt Salgótarjan Bükki Nemzeti Park Dunajská Nové Zámky 1.1 million inhabitants – 30 minutes AUSTRIA Streda Duna-Ipoly Nemzeti Park 2.9 million inhabitants – 60 minutes Gran Vác Gyöngyös E65 E77 Györ Tata BUDAPEST E71 3.9 million inhabitants – 90 minutes M1 Hortobágyi Jászberény Nemzeti Park Tatabányas M0 ACCESS Pápa M5 E60 Szolnok Just a 20 minute drive from Budapest at the E66 Cegléd interjunction of M1/M7 and M0 motorways. Balatonfüred Dunaújváros Siofók Kiskunsági Kecskemét Premier Outlet is easy to access both by car on Igar E73 Nemzeti Park E75 the motorways and by public transport from the Paks Szentes Igar direction of Budapest. Kiskunhalas Szekszárd TOURISM 1.1 MILLION WITHIN 30 MINUTES The number of tourists has been increasing year ROMANIA 2.9 MILLION on year and has shown 19,5% improvement in WITHIN 60 MINUTES 2015-2016 comparison. The uniqueness of the 3.9 MILLION WITHIN 90 MINUTES Capital lies in its lively cultural and social life, its famous thermal baths and astonishing historical buildings. ARCHITECTURE Village ANCHOR STORES GLA 22,800 m 2 Nike | Adidas | Puma | Tommy Hilfiger | Gant | SHOPS approx. 90 Guess | Desigual | Geox | Mango | Levi’s | Intimissimi | PARKING approx. 1,780 Samsonite Budapest, Hungary 32 33
BRUGNATO 5 TERRE OUTLET VILLAGE The Premium Outlet Village for La Spezia, Genova and Pisa LOCATION PARMA Reggio Emilia Brugnato 5Terre Outlet Village is the only outlet vil- Novi lage in Liguria, in the province of La Spezia; the centre is located just next to Cinque Terre, between the Rivi- era Ligure and Versilia. La Spezia is just a 15 minute GENOVA A15 PORTOFINO drive away, Genova and Pisa 45 minutes. Rapallo A12 Savona CHIAVARI Sestri Levante CATCHMENT Cin qu e Te rre Sarzana LA SPEZIA 0.5 million inhabitants – 30 minutes 0.5 MILLION Carrara MASSA 2.4 million inhabitants – 60 minutes WITHIN 30 MINUTES 6.1 million inhabitants – 90 minutes 2.4 MILLION WITHIN 60 MINUTES Viareggio Lucca Firenze 6.1 MILLION A12 ACCESS WITHIN 90 MINUTES PISA PONTEDERA Directly adjacent to the highway A12 Genova – LIVORNO Livorno, exit Brugnato, with millions of vehicles annually. Excellent visibility from the motorway. TOURISM ARCHITECTURE Village 18 million tourists every year within 60 minutes GLA 19,000 m2 distance, of whom 12.5 million within 30 minutes. SHOPS approx. 100 The Centre is situated less than 20 minutes from the PARKING approx. 2,000 Cinque Terre National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, with the villages of Manarola, Vernazza, Riomag- ANCHOR STORES giore, Monterosso, Portovenere and just a 30 minute Baldinini | Borbonese | Gas | Manila Grace | drive from the Versilia beaches. Marina Militare | MCS | Lindt | Liu Jo Uomo | Nike | Pinko | Puma | Twinset | Napapijri Manarola 35
DESIGNER OUTLET ALGARVE The new Premium Outlet Village with IKEA, a shopping centre and a leisure area for South Portugal LOCATION The Designer Outlet Algarve is located in Loulé, PORTUGAL only a 5 minute drive from Faro airport. All well- known Algarve holiday destinations are readily SPAIN accessible. SEVILLA E1 CATCHMENT LEPE HUELVA 279 thousand inhabitants – 30 minutes LOULÉ ISLA CRISTINA 542 thousand inhabitants – 60 minutes LAGOS ALBUFEIRA 757 thousand inhabitants – 90 minutes 279 THOUSAND ACCESS WITHIN 30 MINUTES The National Road EN125 and the A22 motorway 542 THOUSAND leading past a few kilometers south of Loulé. The WITHIN 60 MINUTES nearest station of the lane ‚Linha do Algarve‘ is 757 THOUSAND WITHIN 90 MINUTES located in Quatro Estradas between Almancil and +10 MILLION TOURISTS Loulé. The connection to public transport by bus ANNUALLY lines of EVA Transportes is even better. Distance to Faro Airport is only a 5 minute drive. TOURISM ARCHITECTURE Village In 2016, Algarve overnight stays increased by 9% GLA Designer Outlet Algarve: 17.000 m2 compared to 2015, up to 18.1 million. Incoming Shopping Centre 41,000 m2 tourism is led by British visitors (6 million over- Ikea 24,000 m2 night stays), followed by Germans (1.8 million) and Total: 82,000 m2 the Dutch (1.4 million). SHOPS approx. 82 PARKING approx. 3,500 OPENING Phase I 13,000 m2 / 65 shops Autumn 2017 Carvoeiro, Algarve 36 37
DESIGNER OUTLET CROATIA The new Premium Outlet Village with IKEA, a retail park at the cross GRAZ Veszprém roads of South Eastern Europe AUSTRIA LOCATION Zalaegerszeg E66 The Designer Outlet Croatia is located in Klagenfurt E55 HUNGARY E71 E73 the south-east of Zagreb and uniquily Maribor Ptuj Nagykanizsa positioned to attract visitors from all its Velenje A4 Kaposvár Varazdin neighbouring countries. SLOVENIA Celje E61 Koprivnica UDINE LJUBLJANA Pécs CATCHMENT E71 E59 Bjelovav 1.4 million inhabitants – 30 minutes Novo mesto ZAGREB Virovitica E70 2.1 million inhabitants – 60 minutes TRIESTE CROATIA 3.6 million inhabitants – 90 minutes E76 Karlovac Sisak 5.5 million inhabitants – 120 minutes E63 E71 A3 RIJEKA ACCESS E751 Adjacent to the A3/E71, junction Ivanja Reka A4/ 1.4 MILLION Prijedor E661 E71, which has an average daily traffic of 50,000 WITHIN 30 MINUTES Bihac 2.1 MILLION BANJA LUKA vehicles. The A3 highway connects Serbia and the WITHIN 60 MINUTES BOSNIA east of Croatia to Zagreb. The A4 motorway runs 3.6 MILLION Gospic E761 north to the affluent town of Varazdin and further WITHIN 90 MINUTES along to Hungary. 5.5 MILLION WITHIN 120 MINUTES TOURISM Tourism in Croatia used to mean the coast and ARCHITECTURE Village nothing but the coast, but the long-neglected GLA Designer Outlet Croatia 25,000 m2 capital of Zagreb is finally discovering its true Secondary Retail 30,000 m2 potential. The release of figures for tourism in IKEA Hrvatska 38,000 m2 the Croatian capital in 2014 show Zagreb is fast Total 93,000 m2 transforming itself from a transit city into a tourist SHOPS approx. 150 centre in its own right. PARKING approx. 4,000 OPENING Phase I 15,000 m2 Spring 2018 The new vibrant Zagreb 38 &" ((" 39
DESIGNER OUTLET ZARAGOZA TORREVILLAGE BILBAO The new Premium Factory Outlet Village in the heart of Northern Spain LOCATION VITORIA The Designer Outlet Zaragoza is part of the new Pyrenees TorreVillage shopping complex, which combines PAMPLONA convenience retail with a Bauhaus DIY store, a SABIÑÁNIGO food court and an outlet shopping experience LOGROÑO on a gross lettable area of 59,500 m2. HUESCA E804 CATCHMENT Utebo E-07 0.9 million inhabitants – 30 minutes SORIA ZARAGOZA LLEIDA 1.4 million inhabitants – 60 minutes A23 AP-2 1.9 million inhabitants – 90 minutes CALATAYUD BARCELONA 2.8 million inhabitants – 120 minutes E90 TARRAGONA SIGÜENZA ACCESS Conveniently located in the north of Zaragoza Guadalajara TERUEL adjacent to the highway AP-68 to Bilbao and di- MADRID rectly linked to the A-2, one of the most important highway connections, which connects Zaragoza CASTELLÓN with Madrid and Barcelona. The highway has an VALENCIA annual traffic of 19 million vehicles. TOURISM ARCHITECTURE Village 1.5 million tourists per year with positive trend in GLA 18,000 m2 shopping and Chinese tourism. SHOPS approx. 120 PARKING approx. 2,000 free parkings OPENING Phase I 13,000 m2 Autumn 2018 Basilica Pillar in Zaragoza 40 41
CITY OUTLETS PARIS The first outlet village accessible by subway. Amiens Saint-Quentin LOCATION At the heart of Paris’ newest playground City Outlets Paris is the first outlet accessible Beauvais by metro, by car, by bus, by scooter, by bike, Rouen Reims A1 A16 by foot, by boat and cable car too. It is located less than 20 minutes from Paris’ A13 N14 A4 N2 centre, only 2.5 km away from Paris’ ring road, QUAI DES MARQUES A15 A15 USINE CENTER PARIS NORD 2 MARQUES AVENUE A13 MARQUES AVENUE 5 minutes from Porte de Pantin, or 3 minutes L’ILE ST DENIS LA VALLÉE VILLAGE ONE NATION PARIS walking from Parisian subway station Raymond L’USINE MODE ET MAISON Queneau (line 5). MARQUES AVENUE Chartres A6 PARIS SUD A11 CATCHMENT A10 A6 A5 Troyes 3 million inhabitants – 15 minutes 9 million inhabitants – 15-30 minutes Bobigny Le Raincy 11 million inhabitants – 30-45 minutes Rosny 2 12 million inhabitants – 45-60 minutes Paris Vincennes 14 million inhabitants – 60-90 minutes 11 MILLIONS 30-45 MINUTES 3 MILLIONS 12 MILLIONS ACCESS 15 MINUTES 45-60 MINUTES Exceptional road access: 9 MILLIONS 14 MILLIONS 15-30 MINUTES 60-90 MINUTES • A86 • Paris ring road • RN3 TOURISM ARCHITECTURE Village City Outlets Paris is located only 10 minutes away GLA 20,000 m2 (by car and metro) from Parc de la Vilette / Philar- SHOPS approx. 93 monie de Paris, a unique tourism destination North PARKING approx. 1750 East of Paris, with 10 million visitors per year. OPENING end of 2018 Eiffel Tower of Paris 42 43
ROS RETAIL OUTLET SHOPPING STRONG PARTNERSHIP IN POLAND PRÔM Peakside ROS Outlet Management PRÔM is the new joint venture of Peakside Capital and ROS Retail Outlet Shopping. PRÔM das neue Joint Venture zwischen Peakside Capital und ROS Retail Outlet Shopping. Peakside Capital is active across all property types Peakside Capital ist in allen Bereichen der Immobili- mainly in Germany and Central Eastern Europe enwirtschaft mit Fokus auf Deutschland, Zentral- und (“CEE”), and provides deal origination and execution, Osteuropa (CEE) tätig und kümmert sich hierbei asset management and fund management services um die Organisation und Durchführung von Immo- to managed funds and qualified investors. Peakside bilientransaktionen, Asset und Fond Management, Capital currently has 35 employees and has worked für beauftragte Fonds und qualifizierte Investoren. successfully together for a number of years, investing Peakside Capital hat derzeit 35 Mitarbeiter und arbei- across structures ranging from direct single assets tet seit mehreren Jahren erfolgreich an Investitionen and portfolios to distressed debt and private equity quer durch alle Bereiche von Direktinvestitionen in investments in real estate operating companies. Cur- einzelne Vermögenswerte, über Portfolios bis hin rently, Peakside Capital manages investments across zum Distressed Debt Geschäft sowie Private Equity 8 different European countries, totalling over €1.8 Beteiligungen an Immobiliengesellschaften. Peakside billion in gross asset value. For its new investment Capital betreut derzeit Investments in 8 verschiede- activity, Peakside Capital is focused on acquiring nen europäischen Ländern, mit einer Anlagesumme assets in Germany and CEE that offer value creation von mehr als 1,8 Milliarden Euro. Als Teil der neuen opportunities through active asset management. Investmentaktivitäten konzentriert sich Peakside Capital in Deutschland, Zentral- und Osteuropa vor- nehmlich auf die Akquisition von Vermögenswerten, die Wertsteigerung durch aktives Asset Management ermöglichen. 44 45
DESIGNER OUTLET WARSZAWA The Premium Outlet Centre for the largest city and capital of Poland LOCATION In Piaseczno in the south of Warsaw. Warsaw’s city centre and the wealthy districts Piasecznski, Ciechanów Ostrów Mazowiecki Pruszkowski and Grodziski are just a 30 minute drive away. CATCHMENT Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki 1.6 million inhabitants – 30 minutes 3.1 million inhabitants – 60 minutes WARSZAWA Sochaczew 4.3 million inhabitants – 90 minutes Mińsk Mazowiecki Łowicz ACCESS PIASECZNO At the junction of Puławska and Energetyczna, Grójec which is diectly connected to the South Express ŁÓDŹ Rawa Mazowiecka Ring Road S2 of Warsaw. Warsaw‘s airport Chopin is only 15 minutes away. Pionki 1.6 MILLION RADOM TOURISM WITHIN 30 MINUTES Warsaw is becoming an increasingly attractive 3.1 MILLION WITHIN 60 MINUTES destination for leisure and business travel. In the 4.3 MILLION WITHIN 90 MINUTES year 2016, 9.6 million tourists visited Warsaw, including 2.7 million foreigners. Taking one-day visits into account, the number of people who visited the city exceeded 20 million. ARCHITECTURE Premium Outlet Mall inspired CENTRE EXTENSION by Warsaw’s Old Townred 5,000 m2 / approx. 30 shops GLA 17,300 m 2 Opening Autumn 2019 SHOPS 110 PARKING approx. 1,200 ANCHOR STORES OPENING 2005 Adidas | Armani | Hugo Boss | Levi‘s | Michael Kors | Nike | Puma | Timberland | Tommy Hilfiger Warsaw, Oldtown 46 47
Kaliningrad DESIGNER OUTLET GDAŃSK The Fashion & Lifestyle Outlet Centre for the beautiful north of Poland Kaliningrad LOCATION Wejherowo In the city of Gdańsk, Trójmiasto Metropolitan Słupsk GDYNIA Area; within Morski Park Handlowy; right o the Sopot GDAŃSK Trójmiasto Ring Road and the S6 Expressway with excellent access to the A1 Motorway. Only a Elbląg 15 minute drive from the Main Railway Station of Gdańsk. Starogard Gdański Malbork CATCHMENT OLSZTYN 0.76 million inhabitants – 30 minutes Człuchów Iława 1.5 million inhabitants – 60 minutes 0.76 MILLION Grudziądz 2.2 million inhabitants – 90 minutes WITHIN 30 MINUTES 1.5 MILLION WITHIN 60 MINUTES ACCESS 2.2 MILLION Situated at ul. Przywidzka 8 (Gdańsk Szadółki), at WITHIN 90 MINUTES BYDGOSZCZ the S6 (E28) Ring Road of Trójmiasto, 12 km from Toruń the Lech Walesa Airport in Rębiechów. TOURISM WŁOCŁAWEK 2 million tourists and visitors annually (2016) ARCHITECTURE Outlet Mall inspired by a CENTRE EXTENSION traditional fishing village; 2,000 m2 / approx. 10 shops completed by a 24-metre Opening Spring 2019 lighthouse GLA 16,900 m2 ANCHOR STORES SHOPS 100 Adidas | Calvin Klein | Guess | Nike | Lee & Wrangler | PARKING approx. 1,000 Pepe Jeans | Puma OPENING 2005 Gdańsk, old harbour 48 49
DESIGNER OUTLET SOSNOWIEC The Fashion & Lifestyle Outlet Centre for the south of Poland LOCATION TOMASZÓW MAZOWIECKI Located in the south-east of Katowice in Silesia Piotrków Trybunalski Voivodship – one of the most densely populated regions in Poland. Krakow, the second largest city WROCŁAW of Poland is 30 minutes away. CATCHMENT Częstochowa 1.9 million inhabitants – 30 minutes Opole 5.0 million inhabitants – 60 minutes 7.0 million inhabitants – 90 minutes Zawiercie Tarnowskie Góry Kędzierzyn-Koźle Dąbrowa Górnicza ACCESS 1.9 MILLION KATOWICE At the junction of national road No. 79 connecting WITHIN 30 MINUTES Tychy Jaworzno Racibórz 5.0 MILLION Rybnik KRAKÓW Tarnów Krakow with Katowice and the E75 East Ring Road WITHIN 60 MINUTES Opava Jastrzębie-Zdrój leading from Warsaw to Bielsko-Biała. Only 4 km 7.0 MILLION WITHIN 90 MINUTES OSTRAVA from the A4 national East-West Highway. Havírov Bielsko-Biała Frýdek-Místek Nowy Sącz TOURISM The region’s touristic capacity is constantly rising, with 2016 having been a record-breaking year, when the region of Silesia was visited by nearly 5.3 million tourists. ARCHITECTURE Outlet Mall inspired by a CENTRE EXTENSION traditional railway station 5,000 m2 / approx. 30 shops GLA 16,800 m2 Opening Autumn 2019 SHOPS 100 PARKING approx. 1,200 ANCHOR STORES OPENING 2004 Adidas | Calvin Klein | Camel Active | Levi’s | Pepe Jeans | Nike | Puma | Timberland | Ecco Central square of Katowice 50 51
FASHION OUTLET KRAKÓW Kraków The new way of smart shopping for Kraków LOCATION Fashion Outlet Kraków is located at Aleja Pokoju 44, in the Dąbie district of Kraków, in the e astern part of the City. 5 km away from the Kraków main Wolbrom train station. Neighboured by a D ecathlon Flag- Miechów Olkusz ship-Store. KATOWICE Kazimierza Wielka Jaworzno Proszowice CATCHMENT Tychy KRAKÓW Nowe Brzesko 0.9 million inhabitants – 30 minutes 3.2 million inhabitants – 60 minutes Oswiecim Kraków Niepolomice TARNÓW Skawina Bochnia Wieliczka 5.4 million inhabitants – 90 minutes Brzesko Wadowice Dobczyce Myslenice ACCESS Aleja Pokoju (national road 776) and A4 with 0.9 MILLION connection to Katowice and Tarnów. Adjacent tram WITHIN 30 MINUTES stop with line 1, 14 and 22. 3.2 MILLION WITHIN 60 MINUTES 5.4 MILLION TOURISM WITHIN 90 MINUTES More than 10 million tourists in Kraków annually. (2015) ARCHITECTURE Mall GLA 28,000 m2 SHOPS approx. 100 excl. second floor with food court, cinema and bowling club PARKING approx. 1,000 OPENING Spring 2019 Kraków 52 53
DESIGNER OUTLET LANDQUART GERMANY LOCATION The Designer Outlet Landquart is located in the canton of Grisons immediately at the motorway A 13 KONSTANZ ROS RETAIL OUTLET SHOPPING exit, between Heidiland and Chur. St.Gallen is 50 BASEL References minutes and Zürich is 60 minutes away by car. The ST. GALLEN AUSTRIA ZÜRICH railway station Landquart is directly connected to the Premium Designer Outlet. 3 LIECHTENSTEIN Vaduz SWITZERLAND Luzern LANDQUART CATCHMENT Chur 0.25 million inhabitants – 30 minutes 0,25 MILLION Laax Davos WITHIN 30 MINUTES 1.5 million inhabitants – 60 minutes 1,5 MILLION 2 13 WITHIN 60 MINUTES 3.9 million inhabitants – 90 minutes St. Moritz 3,9 MILLION WITHIN 90 MINUTES ACCESS The entry to the north is immediately connected to the railway station and at the south entry you cross LUGANO a branch of the Rhine river over a small wooden ITALY bridge. Over 1,200 parking spaces are available at the north and south of the centre. There are ample of outdoor and green spaces, as well as arcades ARCHITECTURE Village inviting you to shop and browse. GLA 21,000 m2 SHOPS approx. 90 – 100 TOURISM PARKING approx. 1,200 Over 5.3 million overnight stays per year in Grau- bünden, in addition to the increasing numbers of ANCHOR STORES day trippers. Cooperations with the best known ski Hugo Boss | Puma | Diesel | Max Mara | locations of Graubünden such as Davos, St. Moritz, Tommy Hilfiger | Calvin Klein | Wellensteyn Laax, Lenzerheide as well as Heidiland and the Swiss National Railway/Rhaetian Railway. ROS Retail Outlet Shopping managed the Designer Outlet Landquart from June 2012 until June 2015 Designer Outlet Landquart 54 55
co City Outlet Bad Münstereifel FASHION OUTLET PARNDORF CITY OUTLET BAD MÜNSTEREIFEL LOCATION LOCATION 57 The Fashion Outlet Parndorf is part of Europe´s CZECH REPUBLIC The City Outlet Bad Münstereifel is situated in the NETHERLANDS Duisburg largest Outlet Shopping agglomeration in Parndorf south of North-Rhine-Westphalia in the Nordeifel 46 DÜSSELDORF Wuppertal between Vienna and Bratislava. The international and is directly located in the medieval city centre of Mönchengladbach BELGIUM airports Vienna and Bratislava are 20 minutes, and Bad Münstereifel. A22 D1 E461 D2 Leverkusen AUSTRIA KÖLN Vienna is 30 minutes away by car. Cologne and Bonn are only a 30 to 40 minute drive MAASTRICHT A1 BRATISLAVA VIENNA 0.7 MILLION A4 A6 SLOVAKIA away. AACHEN 4 Siegen BONN CATCHMENT WITHIN 30 MINUTES 0.26 MILLION Liege 45 3.5 MILLION WITHIN 30 MINUTES 0.7 million inhabitants – 30 minutes CATCHMENT 3 WITHIN 60 MINUTES co Nationalpark Eifel 4.4 MILLION 3.5 million inhabitants – 60 minutes 0.26 million inhabitants – 30 minutes Györ M1 4.7 MILLION WITHIN 60 MINUTES City 61 KOBLENZ 4.7 million inhabitants – 90 minutes 4.4 million inhabitants – 60 minutes Outlet WITHIN 90 MINUTES HUNGARY BUDAPEST 13.6 MILLION Bad Münstereifel S31 A2 13.6 million inhabitants – 90 minutes WITHIN 90 MINUTES 1 A9 ACCESS Conveniently located at the highway A4, exit ‘Neusiedl GRAZ ACCESS am See – Gewerbepark’ Conveniently located at the motorway A1 between Trier Cologne and Trier, exit Bad Münstereifel / Mecher- LUXEMBOURG EXTENSION nich. approx. 8,000 m2 | approx. 50 shops | ARCHITECTURE Village & Mall Opening Summer 2017 GLA 21,000 m2 incl. restaurants EXTENSION SHOPS approx. 80 Approx. 2,500 m2 in planning ARCHITECTURE Inner-city outlet TOURISM PARKING approx. 1,400 GLA 16,000 m2 With more than 3 million overnight stays annually, the TOURISM incl. 4,000 m2 existing restaurants Burgenland is one of the renowned Austrian h oliday ANCHOR STORES With over 4.8 million overnight visitors and 39 SHOPS approx. 35 regions. The Neusiedlersee and the national park Asics | Esprit | Gerry Weber | Tamaris | s.Oliver | million day trippers every year, the Eifel is one of the PARKING approx. 2,200 Seewinkel are popular tourist destinations for Pierre Cardin | Brax | Triumph best-known German local leisure parks and leisure Austrians during the summer as well as spa resorts regions. Bad M ünstereifel has 1 million day trippers ANCHOR STORES during winter season. Furthermore, the region is annually and is one of the most renowned spa towns Puma | Gerry Weber | Tom Tailor | McGregor | renowned for its wineries. The leisure park ‘Family and recreational regions in North-Rhine-Westphalia. Gaastra | Lindt Park’, the Music Festival Mörbisch and opera festival The well known amusement park P hantasialand in ‘Opernfestspiele’ in St. Margarethen are additional ROS Retail Outlet Shopping managed the with 1.75 million visitors annually, the Nürburg- ROS Retail Outlet Shopping managed the City attractions. Vienna has 12 million and Bratislava 1.2 Fashion Outlet Parndorf from April 2014 until ring, N ationalpark Eifel, and the Freilichtmuseum Outlet Bad Münstereifel from September 2012 million overnight stays annually. August 2016. Kommern are all a 30 minute drive away. until June 2016. Fashion Outlet Parndorf City Outlet Bad Münstereifel 56 57
ROS RETAIL OUTLET SHOPPING ROS RETAIL OUTLET SHOPPING ROS Retail Outlet Shopping ROS Retail Outlet Shopping GmbH ROS Italy Management Srl Graben 28/1/12 Via Tirone n. 11 1010 Wien | Austria 00146 Roma | Italy T +43 (0) 1 236 632 63 60 office @ros-management.com office@ros-management.com ros-management.com ros-management.com Thomas Reichenauer Gerhard Graf Mireia Rodríguez Burguera Cesare Nonnis Marzano Managing Director Centre Management Managing Director Development & Leasing Managing Director Italy | Managing Director Italy M +43 664 41 35 891 M +43 664 41 35 890 Head of Leasing Sothern Europe M +39 340 822 1991 thomas.reichenauer@ros-management.com gerhard.graf@ros-management.com M +39 340 33 12 865 cesare.nonnismarzano@ros-management.com mireia.rburguera@ros-management.com Claudio Poltera Guido Assmann Operations Director & Head of Leasing Spain Marketing Director Marco Sapienza M +34 689 419 807 M +49 172 26 66 268 Leasing Manager Italy c.poltera@ros-management.com guido.assmann@ros-management.com M +39 334 63 34 686 marco.sapienza@ros-management.com Cláudia Amaral Ramos Sanda Lukic Leasing Manager Portugal Head of Leasing CEE M +351 918 424 499 M +43 699 161 986 06 claudia.ramos@ros-management.com sanda.lukic@ros-management.com Ana Gonzáles Albarrán Iva Fenkart Leasing Manager Spain Leasing Manager CEE and Germany M +34 690 943 924 M +43 699 172 656 77 ana.gonzales@ros-management.com iva.fenkart@ros-management.com Audrey Bouyssou Agnes Dora Leasing Manager France Leasing Manager Hungary M +33 613 244 464 M +36 703 170 020 audrey.bouyssou@ros-management.com agnes.dora@ros-management.com 60 61
ROS RETAIL OUTLET SHOPPING ROS RETAIL OUTLET SHOPPING PRÔM Peakside ROS Outlet Management Locations PRÔM Peakside ROS Outlet Management GERMANY HUNGARY SP.Z O.O. Designer Outlet Soltau Premier Outlet Al. Jana Pawla II 29 Rahrsberg 7 Budaörsi út 4. 00-867 Warszawa | Poland 29614 Soltau 2051 Biatorbágy T +48 22 653 69 00 T +49 5191 60 28 – 0 T +36 23 449 700 office@prom-management.com info@designeroutletsoltau.com info@premier.hu prom-management.com designeroutletsoltau.com premier.hu City Outlet Geislingen Justyna Głowacka Dawid Rutkowsky Fabrikstraße 40 ITALY Leasing Manager Poland Asset and Development Manager 73312 Geislingen an der Steige Brugnato 5Terre Outlet Village M +48 695 454 803 M +48 605 560 661 T +49 7331 943 4000 Via Nuova Antica Romana justyna.glowacka@prom-management.com dawid.rutkowsky@prom info@cityoutletgeislingen.com 19020 Brugnato (Sp) cityoutletgeislingen.com T +39 0187 89 45 21 Tomasz Jaskółowski info@sopinnbrugnato5terre.it Leasing Manager Poland shopinnbrugnato5terre.it M +48 887 779 211 POLAND tomasz.jaskolowski@prom-management.com Designer Outlet Warszawa Puławska 42E PORTUGAL 05-500 Piaseczno Designer Outlet Algarve T +48 22 737 31 15 Avenida Algarve info@designeroutletwarszawa.com 8135-182 Almancil designeroutletwarszawa.pl info@designeroutletalgarve.com designeroutletalgarve.com Designer Outlet Gdańsk ul. Przywidzka 8 80-174 Gdańsk T +48 58 320 99 44 info@designeroutletgdansk@com designeroutletgdansk.pl Designer Outlet Sosnowiec Orląt Lwowskich 138 41-208 Sosnowiec T +48 32 296 50 22 info@designeroutletsosnowiec.com Impressum designeroutletsosnowiec.pl ROS Retail Outlet Shopping GmbH, Wien office@ros-management.com Stand November 2017 Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Investoren unserer Standorte, Projektentwicklungen und Partner: Mutschler Gruppe, IKEA Centres A/S, Resolution Property, Clees Unternehmensgruppe, Deutsche Asset Management, Pikolin Grupo, GPA, Groupe Fiminco, Lone Star Funds, Savills Investment Management, Peakside Capital, Studio Acconci © ROS Retail Outlet Shopping 2017 62 63
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