We love being a part of the Seasons Christmas Show. It is a beautiful way to get you in the mood for the upcoming holiday season. A wonderful Makeful

Page created by Earl Frank
We love being a part of the Seasons Christmas Show. It is a beautiful way to get you in the mood for the upcoming holiday season. A wonderful Makeful
NOVEMBER 19–21, 2021
                              The International Centre, Hall 5

“We love being a part of the Seasons Christmas Show. It is a beautiful way
to get you in the mood for the upcoming holiday season. A wonderful Makeful
    Market, a wide array of vendors, presentations, cooking and more!”
                   – Laura Youngs, She’s Got Leggz Inc.

We love being a part of the Seasons Christmas Show. It is a beautiful way to get you in the mood for the upcoming holiday season. A wonderful Makeful
“The Seasons
                                                                                                                Christmas Show is a
                                                                                                             wonderful show filled with
                                                                                                             so many amazing vendors
                                                                                                           and talented artists. The best
                                                                                                              staff and great event!”
                                                                                                                 –Valerie Symons,
                                                                                                               Magically Made By V

A holiday tradition!                            Christmas wish list!                                  Deck the halls!
For over a decade, families and friends         Shopping is the main reason our attendees             Planning for the upcoming holiday season
have made the Seasons Christmas                 come to the show. Looking for that perfect            gets our attendees in a festive mood
Show a tradition to kick off the holidays.      gift for all of those on their list is a treat for    and eager to purchase the latest and
The Seasons Christmas Show is a                 attendees and exhibitors alike. Whether               greatest in holiday decor, gourmet food,
shopping extravaganza with over 250             it’s holiday decor, gifts for the person              and accessories for entertaining. It’s
exhibitors featuring everything for holiday     who has everything, or stocking stuffers,             the perfect opportunity for exhibitors to
decorating, entertaining and gifting.           exhibitors will see great returns!                    introduce new products to help dress up
                                                                                                      homes (and menus) for the holidays!

What are attendees looking to buy during their visit?

     70         %              70%                        80%                                 47        %                65%
    Handmade Gifts             Holiday Decor               Tasty Treats                       Gifts for Guys               Gifts for Girls

                                     Who are the Seasons Christmas Show attendees?

       87 %       female
                                    85%        are between the ages of 35–64
                                                                                              51%      of our attendees spend between
                                                                                                       2–4 hours at the show!
We love being a part of the Seasons Christmas Show. It is a beautiful way to get you in the mood for the upcoming holiday season. A wonderful Makeful
Location                                                               Dates
                                                                       Move-In Days
                                                                         ednesday, November 17, 3pm–8pm
                RD                                                      By appointment only.                 Is there a deadline for booking
                                                                        Contact Show Management              exhibit space?


                                                                         hursday, November 18, 8am–8pm
                                                                        T                                    While there is not an actual deadline date

                       Y. 2

                                                                       Show Days                             to book, we encourage you to do so early

                                                          N GT

                                                                         ovember 19 10am–8pm
                                                                        N                                    in order to secure your desired spot and

                                N RD

                       DI X

                                                                                                             ensure your logistical requirements are

                                                                AV E
                                                                        N  ovember 20 10am–6pm

                                                                        N  ovember 21 10am–5pm              met. As an incentive for early booking,
                                                         AV E
                                       EG L
                                                                                                             there are additional savings on the booth
                                                                       Move-Out Days                         rates for those who book by August 27.
                                                                         ovember 21, beginning at show
                                                                        close until 11pm                     Is electrical hook-up included in the
                                                                                                             booth cost?
                                                                                                             No. An electrical order form will be made
  he International Centre, 6900 Airport
                                                                       To apply for space
                                                                                                             available prior to the show.
                                                                       Send a completed application, along
 Road (at Derry Road), Mississauga
                                                                       with a deposit to:                    Are there any other costs associated
  onveniently located at the centre of
 C                                                                                                           with participation in the show?
                                                                       Fax: 416-599-0800
 Canada’s largest consumer market. One                                                                       Other than booth cost, electrical, and
                                                                       Email: info@seasonsshow.com
 quarter of Canada’s population lives                                                                        insurance, all other costs are within your
 within a 160 km radius of Toronto                                                                           control. Items such as signage, floor
                                                                       Contact                               covering, tables, booth structures, and
 Free parking for exhibitors and attendees                          Roberta Smith
                                                                                                             the like are available from designated
                                                                       Account Representative
                                                                                                             suppliers, but you are welcome to bring
Advertising & promotion                                                647-278-7620
                                                                                                             your own with you. Phone and internet
 Ads in the Toronto Star                                              roberta.smith@blueantmedia.com
                                                                                                             services are available for purchase.
 Radio ads promoting the show will                                                                         Is anything else required to exhibit?
 run on major Toronto and surrounding                                  Erinn Wright
                                                                                                             Signage indicating your company name
 area stations                                                         Manager, Consumer Shows
                                                                                                             and 100% floor covering are mandatory
                                                                       416-599-2000 ext. 224
 Extensive promotion on our website,                                                                       for all exhibits but not provided. Proof
 e-newsletters, Twitter, Facebook, and                                                                       of liability insurance with a minimum of
 other popular websites and social media                               Greg McLeod                           $2,000,000 is required for participation
                                                                       Director, Consumer Shows              in the Seasons Christmas Show. Further
 Ads in Cottage Life magazine                                         416-599-2000 ext. 237                 details are provided upon booking.
 T V ads on the Cottage Life Channel,                                 gmcleod@cottagelife.com
                                                                                                             When do we move in and out?
 Makeful Channel and other channels                                                                          Wednesday and Thursday are the
                                                                                                             designated move-in days. Move-out is
 A professional public relations
                                                                                                             Sunday commencing at show-close.
 campaign, ensuring coverage in print,
 radio, and TV                                                                                                     What is the Makeful Market?
                                                                                                                   The Makeful Market is a highly
Included in your booth fee                                                                                        curated area that made its debut
 For booth space (10' depth), 8'                                                                                 in the 2016 Show. It has a focus on
 backwall drape and sidewall drapes                                                                              local, handmade craft and design.
 are provided. For bulk space (20'                                                                               Sponored by Makeful Television, this
 depth or greater), drape needs are                                                                              area was added to the show with
 assessed on-site.                                                                                              the goal of attracting a new, broader
                                                                                                                audience of consumer, to benefit all
 Exhibitor badges (number of badges                                                                            Seasons Christmas Show vendors.
 based on booth size)
                                                                                                                  What are you doing as a result
  ollies for loading and unloading of
 D                                                                                                                of COVID-19?
 exhibit material                                                                                                In these ever changing times,
                                                                                                                 the Seasons Christmas Show is
 24-hour security
                                                                                                                dedicated to the health and safety of
 1 0 complimentary passes for                                              2019 Show Gui                       our attendees, exhibitors, partners,
                                                                                         de & Map
 customers and prospects                                                                                        and employees. As such we will
                                                                                                               be implementing new protocols to
 Show Directory listing,
                                                                                                               address the COVID-19 reality as it will
 alphabetically and by product
                                                                                                               exist in November. This could include
 category. Produced by the experts                                                                             mandatory face masks, timed entry for
 at Cottage Life magazine, our                                                                                attendees, one-directional aisles, and
 full-colour directory is kept long                                                                           full-side drapes on all booths. We will
 after the show is over.                                                                                     continue to follow the guidance from our
                                                                                                             leaders and health officials.
We love being a part of the Seasons Christmas Show. It is a beautiful way to get you in the mood for the upcoming holiday season. A wonderful Makeful
“A show dedicated to the holiday season! Decked out in Christmas colours with all the artisans/vendors
         participating. So many times I heard, ‘I’m getting all my shopping done in one location.’ Perfect!”
                                          –Chris Raftis, Amigas Naturals

                            Who are the producers behind the Seasons Christmas Show?
Blue Ant Media                                  Cottage Life                                       Makeful
Blue Ant Media is your trusted partner in       The Cottage Life family includes the               Makeful is your place to find inspiration for
media and consumer shows. Headquartered         Cottage Life magazine, the Cottage Life            food, fashion, parties and DIY. On Makeful
in Toronto, with strong roots in Canada, Blue   consumer shows, Cottage Life Television,           TV, you can find all of your favourite tv
Ant also has offices in Los Angeles, Singa-     and Cottage Life digital. Cottage Life             shows during the week and even catch a
pore, Aukland, Dunedin, Washington DC,          magazine has been the leading media                few good movies on the weekend. Makeful
Sydney, Beijing, and Taipei to compliment       source for all things cottage for nearly 30        digital is comprised of highly popular social
our international brands and further spread     years. As experts in this niche, our business      channels, engaging newsletter, and exciting
our reach. With longstanding commitment         continues to grow but our commitment to            DIY website. With the rise of the maker
to producing high quality, Canadian content,    provide high quality individualized service        movement and with the goal of celebrating
including Cottage Life magazine, Cottage        for our clients remains as strong as ever.         all things handmade, Makeful is your place
Life television channel, and the Cottage Life   Launched in 1994, the Cottage Life Shows           to discover the latest trends and find your
and Baby Show consumer shows. From live         continue to grow, now bringing together            next weekend project.
events, to television to digital media, Blue    12,500 exhibitors with 66,000 attendees
Ant Media is a creator through and through.     annually in Toronto, Ottawa, and Edmonton.

                                                                                                   Check out the
                                                                                                   Makeful Market!
                                                                                                   The Makeful Market is the centerpiece
                                                                                                   of the Seasons Christmas Show and
                                                                                                   celebrates everything handmade.
                                                                                                   Makeful Market vendors are talented
                                                                                                   creators who sell Canadian handmade
                                                                                                   goods, and are looking for a show
                                                                                                   that is professionally produced, highly
                                                                                                   marketed and curated. Entry into this
                                                                                                   area is determined by a jury, who
                                                                                                   carefully selects each vendor – we
                                                                                                   are looking for the best of the best! If
                                                                                                   you think your products would be a
                                                                                                   fit for this area, please contact us at
                                                                                                   market@bemakeful.com to discuss the
                                                                                                   application process.

                                                                                           Produced by:
                                                       Cottage Life Media, a division of Blue Ant Media
                                                         130 Merton St., Ste. 200, Toronto, ON M4S 1A4
                                                                     T 416-599-2000 F 416-599-0800
                                                                              E info@seasonsshow.com
We love being a part of the Seasons Christmas Show. It is a beautiful way to get you in the mood for the upcoming holiday season. A wonderful Makeful
                                                     November 19–21, 2021, The International Centre, Hall 5 info@seasonsshow.com

130 Merton St., Suite 200, Toronto ON M4S 1A4

Company Name:
Contact Name:
Address:                                                                           City:                           Province:                Postal Code:
Telephone:                                                                                      Cell Phone:
Email:                                                                                          Website:
Facebook:                                                                                       Instagram:
Products to be displayed: Only products and services listed below and approved by show management may be displayed.

How did you hear about the Seasons Christmas Show crafted by Makeful?

  Booth Size              Rates            Rates            Rates          Rates            Corner Fee       Deposit             Show Guide
                          Before Feb 26,   Feb 26 to        May 28 to      After
                          2021             May 28, 2021     Aug 27, 2021   Aug 27, 2020
                                                                                                             Required            Distributed to visitors on-site
                                                                                                                                 during the three days of the show.
      5' × 10'            $795             $820             $845           $895                $50           25%
                                                                                                                                      Inside Cover                       $600
      5' × 15'            $1,192           $1,230           $1,270         $1,345              $50           25%
                                                                                                                                      Full Page                          $450
      5' × 20'            $1,350           $1,395           $1,430         $1,480              $50           25%
                                                                                                                                      Half Page                          $350
      10' × 10'           $1,350           $1,395           $1,430         $1,480              $100          25%
                                                                                                                                      Quarter Page                       $250
      10' × 15'           $1,675           $1,730           $1,775         $1,825              $100          25%
                                                                                                                                The Show Guide features all the
      10' × 20'           $2,100           $2,165           $2,220         $2,270              $100          25%                great things to see and do at the
      10' × 30'           $2,850           $2,940           $3,015         $3,065              $100          25%                show it in-cludes seminar and stage
                                                                                                                                schedules, exhibitor list, celebrity
      20' × 20'           $3,000           $3,090           $3,170         $3,220              $200          25%                information and much more.
Floor covering & professional, holiday-themed presentation are mandatory requirements.
Exhibit comes with 8' high pipe and & white drape.
                                                                                                                                ¨ YES! Please sign me up to
  Booth Choice                                                                                                                  automatically receive insurance
                                                                                                                                coverage from exhibitorinsurance.com
  First:                                        Second:                               Third:
                                                                                                                                for the duration of the show (including
Booth choice is not guaranteed & will be based on availability and location.                                                    move-in and move-out) at the
                                                                                                                                discounted rate of $159 (includes fee
HST of 13% will be applied to above rates (HST # 819633876). Deposit must be received at time of                                +RST)*
booking and payment made in full by August 12th, 2021 for this rate to apply.
                                                                                                                                *By opting into the insurance coverage,
                                                                                                                                you are providing us consent to supply
  Booth Fee             Corner Fee              Show Guide          Subtotal          13% HST            Total Due              Exhibitorinsurance.com with your contact
                                                                                                                                information. You will receive a copy of your
  $                     $                       $                   $                 $                  $                      certificate prior to the show.

  Space Cost: $                        Deposit Received: $                           Space(s) Assigned:                        Space Size:

  DATE                             REP                      STATUS                    CAT                             SUB-CAT

  S. D. CATS

 Exhibit Space Payment Options

 Deposit $                                                                           Balance (August 12) $

Charge to my:  Visa  MasterCard                         Card Number:                                                                         Expiry Date:               /

Cardholder Name:                                                                            Signature for Credit Card:

 Please contact me with e-transfer instructions.

           THE REVERSE OF THIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION/CONTRACT VALID                                                                      Continued
We love being a part of the Seasons Christmas Show. It is a beautiful way to get you in the mood for the upcoming holiday season. A wonderful Makeful
Conditions of Contract
                                                              November 19–21, 2021, The International Centre, Hall 5

   The Exhibitor must provide proof of adequate insurance coverage which              11.	Goods must not be shipped to the Show for shipping charges to be paid on
   meet the guidelines of the Seasons Christmas Show. Without this proof,                  arrival as these will not be accepted by Management. Management assumes
   Show Management cannot allow an Exhibitor to participate.                               no responsibility for loss or damage to goods before or during the period of
                                                                                           the Show, or after its closing.
2.	The Exhibitor agrees to confine his/her presentation to within the contracted
    space only, and within the maximum height set by the Show rules and               12. T
                                                                                           he Exhibitor agrees that no display may be dismantled or goods removed
    regulations and to maintain a staff in his/her booth space during Show hours.         during the entire run of the Show but must remain intact until after the closing
                                                                                          hour of the last day of the Show. The Exhibitor also agrees to remove his/her
3.	Management reserves the right at any time to alter or remove exhibits or              exhibit, equipment, and appurtenances from the Show building by the final
    any part thereof, including printed materials, product, signs, lights or sound,       move-out time, or in the event of failure to do so, the Exhibitor agrees to pay
    and to expel exhibitors or their personnel if, in Management’s opinion, their         for such additional costs as may be incurred.
    conduct or presentation is objectionable to other Show participants and/or
    attendees.                                                                        13.	Management reserves the right at its sole discretion to change the date or
                                                                                           dates upon which the Show is to be held and shall not be liable in damages
4.	The Seasons Christmas Show has a responsibility to expose their attendees              or otherwise by reason of any such change. In addition, Management shall
    to new products and services. All applicants, both returning and new, will             not be liable in damages or otherwise for failure to carry out the terms of
    be subject to a review of their products and/or service. The purpose of this           this Agreement in whole or in part where caused directly or indirectly by
    review is to ensure that the show remains fresh and exciting, and to ensure            or in consequence of fire, storm, flood, war, rebellion, insurrection, riot,
    all products and services are applicable to the cottage market as deemed by            civil commotion, strike or by any cause whatever beyond the control of
    show management.                                                                       Management whether similar to or dissimilar from the causes enumerated
5.	Management agrees to provide the Exhibitor with a draped backdrop and side             herein. In the event that the exhibit space to be used by the Exhibitor should
    railings at no charge.                                                                 in any way be rendered unusable, the Exhibitor shall pay for such space only
                                                                                           for the period during which it was or could have been used as determined
6.    ll electrical wiring and outlets shall be at the Exhibitor’s expense unless
     A                                                                                     within the sole discretion of Management. A refund of all monies paid by the
     otherwise noted. All operating electrical equipment used in the exhibit must          Exhibitor to Management will be made by Management in the event that the
     have CSA or equivalent provincial power authority approval.                           Show is not held as proposed by Management.

7.	Space contracted by the Exhibitor may not be sublet without the prior written     14. M
                                                                                           anagement reserves the right to cancel this contract and to withhold
    permission of Management. The Exhibitor may not distribute literature or              possession of exhibit space if the Exhibitor fails to per­­form any material
    promotional material from a third party without the prior written consent of          condition of this contract or refuses to abide by the Show rules and
    Management.                                                                           regulations, in which case the Exhibitor shall forfeit as liquidation damages all
                                                                                          space rental pay­ments made by him /her and any further occupancy of such
8.	The Exhibitor agrees to abide by all regulations and rules adopted by                 space.
    Management in the best interests of the Show, and agrees that Management
    shall have the final decision in adopting any rule or regulation deemed           15.	The Exhibitor agrees to observe all union contracts and labour relations in
    necessary prior to, during, and after the Show.                                        force, and agreements between Management, official contractors serving
                                                                                           companies and the building in which the Show will take place and do so
9.	The Exhibitor will be liable for and will indemnify and hold harmless                  according to the labour laws of the jurisdiction in which the building is located.
    Management from any loss or damages whatsoever occurring to or suffered
    by any person or company, including, without limiting the generality of the       16.	Management reserves the right to alter or change the space assigned to the
    foregoing, the Exhibitor, other exhibitors, Management, the owner of the               Exhibitor.
    building and their respective agents, servants and employees and members
    of the public attending the Show, either on the said space or elsewhere if said   17. 	The Exhibitor agrees to receive e-mails and other electronic communications
    loss or damages arose from or were in any way connected with the Exhibitor’s            from the Seasons Christmas Show as well as Cottage Life, a division of Blue
    occupancy of said space.                                                                Ant Media Solutions Inc., containing news, updates, promotions and special
                                                                                            offers regarding Cottage Life services and products. The exhibitor may
10. T
     he Exhibitor may use the Seasons Christmas Show and Makeful Market logos              withdraw this consent at any time.
    to pro­mote only his/her participation at the Show. They cannot be used in any
    way that is perceived as an endorsement by the Seasons Christmas Show of
    the Exhibitor’s company, product, and/or service.

                                                                  CANCELLATION POLICY
This contract may be cancelled by Management at any time.
This contract may be cancelled by the Exhibitor provided written notice is received as follows:
• by June 18, 2021, in which case all monies paid by the Exhibitor will be refunded.
• after June 18, 2021 and prior to August 27, 2021, in which case the Exhibitor will be responsible for the full amount of the deposit.
• after August 27, 2021 and prior to October 1, 2021, in which case the Exhibitor will be liable for 50% of the total contracted space costs.
• after October 1, 2021, in which case the Exhibitor will be liable for 100% of the total contracted space costs.
By cancelling this contract the Exhibitor forfeits all right or claims to the allocated space and Management is free to rent it to others and
collect the cancellation charge as liquidation damages.
This cancellation policy is not conditional upon approval of booth location.

• W
   e agree to abide by all rules and regulations adopted by Show Management (the Seasons Christmas Show) and have read the
  Conditions of Contract as shown above.

• If this contract is sent to the Seasons Christmas Show by facsimile, we authorize the Seasons Christmas Show to take any and all steps as though
  the facsimile copy of the contract were an original.

       Authorized Signature                                        Company Name                                                                 Date
We love being a part of the Seasons Christmas Show. It is a beautiful way to get you in the mood for the upcoming holiday season. A wonderful Makeful
               November 19 - 21, 2021
          The International Centre, Hall 5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2019 Floor Plan for 2021 Bookings
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               2019 floor plan is subject to change for 2021 at management's discretion

                    ENTRANCE                                                     868                   866                                    860                   856                                                 852                  848                  846                                              840        838                 832                                        828                                  824                          820                                                814                                   810                       806 5'                                                                   TILE
                                                                                          15'                        25'                                                                        20'               20'                                                                           30'                                                                       25'                                     20'                        20'                                         20'                               20'                                20'
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    AISLE 800 (12' WIDE)

                                                                                                      861           859                              855           851                          847                     845           843        841                                    839                                        833                  829                         825                                       821                         817                                                       811                809               807         805            803
                  Stage                                                                                                          20'                                                                                                                                                                  20'              20'                  20'                                                                  20'                     20'                                                  20'
                                                                                        764           762           760                             756            754                                      750         748                      744                                          740      738             736         734      732         730                         726                          20' 722                     20'          718                                         714           712 20'                              708 20'                    704

                          30'                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    AISLE 700 (12' WIDE)
                                     10'                                                763                   761          759                       755           753                          749                   747                        743                                          739      737             735                  731         729                                          725                      721             719          717                                                      711
                                                                                                                                                                                9' WIDE AISLE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  10' WIDE AISLE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              10' WIDE AISLE
                                                                                                 15'                                                                                                                                 20'                                                                                            20'                                                                     20'                                                                             20'                                                                                                13'-9"

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         9' WIDE AISLE
                                                                                                 E                                                                                                                                                                                              15'         15'
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             E                                                                                   E

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Polar Bar

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          STORAGE (5' )

                                                                                  20'                 662           660              658            656            654                                      650         648          646         644                                    640                 638               20'           632         630                                      626 20'                      622 20'                     618                                        614           612                                                              604
                                                   AISLE 900 ( 12' WIDE )

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 AISLE 600 (12' WIDE)
                                                                                  663            661                 659              657            655           653                                      649         647                      643                                      639         637              635                  631         629                                      625                          621            619          617                                        613          611                                    607         605            603

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    20'                                                                                       20'                                                                                E                                                                                                             15' 15'

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          MAIN ENTRANCE
                                                                                                                          E                                                                                                   E                                                                               Storage(5' )                                                                                        Storage(5' )                                                                                             Storage(5' )





                                5'                                               mm77                   mm79                    mm83                  mm87                                      mm91                        mm93            mm97                                   5' mm101 mm103mm105mm107 mm109mm111 mm113mm115 mm117mm119                                               mm125 mm127 mm129                                   mm131                                        mm135                mm137 mm139 mm141
                                                                                                      10'           10'              10'            10'                                                                                                                                  6'     6'     6'         6'    6'    6'     6'     6'     6'    6'                             5'   10'   10'   10'                                               15'                                10'                 10'   10'   10'                                   10'           10'

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               AISLE 1000 (13'-9" WIDE )
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       12' WIDE AISLE
                                                                                                                                                                   MARKET                                                                                                                                                                                                      MAKEFUL MARKET
                Makeful                                                           5'     8'x4'        8'x4'     8'x4'         8'x4'         8'x4'     8'x4'         5'                            5'                                                5'                                                                                                                                 5'             8'          8'         8'         8'          8'         5'                            5'           10'            10'
                                                                                                                                                                                                                mm86 mm88 mm90                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      503

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            10' AISLE


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    mm28 mm100
                                                                                        mm68          mm70     mm72        mm74            mm76      mm78

                                                                                                                                                                                                mm38 mm84

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     mm102 mm104 mm106 mm108 mm110
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  mm30 mm92

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Makeful                                                                                                                                                                                             mm118 mm120






                                                                                                                          E                                                                                                   E                                                                      Makeful Wrapping Lounge                                                                                 Storage(5' )                                                                                                                                      Feature

                Workshop                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Storage(5' )








                                                                                        mm62 mm60 mm58 mm56 mm54 mm52 mm50 mm48 mm46 mm44                                                                       mm36 mm34 mm32                                                                                                                                                            mm26 mm24 mm22 mm20 mm18 mm16                                                                5'    mm12 mm10                                                                25'                                                   1021
                                                                                  5'     5'      5'     5'     5'     5'        5'     5'      5'     5'      5'    5'                            5'                                                5'                                                                                                                                 5' 7'-9" 7'-9" 7'-9" 7'-9" 7'-9" 6'-3"                                                                       10'            10'          5'
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       12' WIDE AISLE
                                                                                                                                                            11'-6" MARKET                                                                                                                                                                                                      MAKEFUL MARKET

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Parcel Check /
                          30'                                                                         10'           10'              10'            10'                                           5'              10'         10'          10'      5'                                   6'     6'     6'         6'    6'    6'     6'     6'     6'    6'                               6'           6'        6'     8'        8'           8'         8'                                        10'           10'                 10'               10'         10'           10'
                                5'                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              mm01

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Info booth
                                                                                 mm75 mm73 mm71 mm69                                                  mm65                                                      mm59              mm57                                             5' mm49mm47mm45mm43mm41mm39mm37mm35mm33mm31                                                 5' mm27 mm25 mm23 mm21 mm19 mm17 mm15                                                                         mm11 mm09 mm07 mm05 mm03



                                                                                                                           E                                                                                                  E

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   5'                        Storage(5' )                                                      5'                            Storage(5' )                                                              5'                                 Storage(5' )

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              E                                                                                        E                       15'

                                                                                        264            20'          260              258            256            254                           250                    20'           246        244                                      240          20'             236           30'                230                                      226             224         222 15'                      218                                 214                   212                210               208         206            204
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  10' WIDE AISLE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              10' WIDE AISLE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       9' WIDE AISLE
                                                                                                                                                                                9' WIDE AISLE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 AISLE 200 (12' WIDE)
                                           900                                          263            261           259              257            255           253                                      249         247           245        243                                                  30'                          233                                                           225                              40'                                                                213            211                209                                20'




                                                                                                              Storage(10' )

                                                                                        164           162           160              158            156            154                                      150         148           146        144                                                                   136         134                  130                                      126                                                      118                                       114            112                110                                          104

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    AISLE 100 (12' WIDE)
                                            5'                                            161                  159                            155                                   147                         143         141                                            135                133                       129                                                             125                  123         121                             117           115                                       111             107                                101
                                                                                   15'                                    20'                                         8'                                                                         30'                                                    20'                                                          8'                                                                20'                                                   20'                                                  20'
We love being a part of the Seasons Christmas Show. It is a beautiful way to get you in the mood for the upcoming holiday season. A wonderful Makeful We love being a part of the Seasons Christmas Show. It is a beautiful way to get you in the mood for the upcoming holiday season. A wonderful Makeful
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