We crushed it - COMMERCE COMMENT - CORNERSTONE PARTNERS: Nelson Tasman Chamber of ...

Page created by Danielle Spencer
We crushed it - COMMERCE COMMENT - CORNERSTONE PARTNERS: Nelson Tasman Chamber of ...
                               APRIL 2019

We crushed it.

We crushed it - COMMERCE COMMENT - CORNERSTONE PARTNERS: Nelson Tasman Chamber of ...

Contents                                                                           From the CEO
From the CEO .........................................................2
                                                                                   It is hard to believe that I have only been in the role of
We crushed it .......................................................... 3         Chief Executive at the chamber for six weeks; so much
What’s in a name? ................................................ 4               has happened already.

Work trials - Can you use them ..................... 5
                                                                                       n that time, we have hosted three                   who is working on membership. I
Cyber security and social media ................. 6                                    ‘Speaker Series’ events, six Business               know that with these people in place,
Chamber events .................................................... 7
                                                                                       Building Blocks, two business                       we are well resourced to deliver on
                                                                                       seminars and a new member event.                    the key areas of advocacy, networking
The real cost to businesses of breaching                                           We have also started working on the                     events and business development and
minimum employment requirements ........ 8                                         programme for Aspire 2019. The date                     education. I personally feel pretty
Aspire: be ready to pivot .................................. 9
                                                                                   is set for 13 June so mark it in your                   excited about some of the projects and
                                                                                   calendars and take advantage of early                   speakers we have in the pipeline – watch
Why Business Building Block Workshops                                              bird tickets when they go on sale this                  this space.
are Key ..................................................................... 10   month. The theme for this year’s Aspire                     Finally, we will soon be launching
2019 Business Awards ........................................ 11
                                                                                   conference is, “Be prepared to PIVOT”.                  the 2019 Nelson Pine Industries
                                                                                   This is in response to the necessity of                 Business Awards; we have already
Bowater Honda ................................................... 13               businesses to be flexible and to be able to             started receiving queries from a number
Meet our members ............................................ 14
                                                                                   move quickly when faced with external                   of companies who are interested in
                                                                                   disruptive elements. This may come in                   entering. More information will be
NMIT continues to flourish in 2019 .............. 16                               the form of natural disasters, as we have               released over the coming weeks but
                                                                                   felt so keenly in this region with fires                if you are thinking that this might be
                                                                                   and drought over the summer months,                     your year to shine, please get in touch
                                                                                   but it may present as changing business                 with us and we can take you through
                                                                                   models, buyer behaviour or the impact                   the process. It is not as daunting as you
                                                                                   of new legislation. We certainly do live                might think and certainly the feedback
                                                                                   in interesting times.                                   we consistently receive is that it is well
                                                                                        I am also fortunate to have a great                worth the effort.
                                                                                   team here at the Chamber who have                           I look forward to seeing you soon at a
                                                                                   supported me (patiently!) through                       chamber event.
                                                                                   these first few weeks. Most of the faces
                                                                                   will be familiar to you, but we welcome                 Ali Boswijk
                                                                                   Britt Coker as our Communications and                   Chief Executive
                                                                                   Events Manager and Jessie Creedmore

For all enquiries please contact:
Nelson Tasman Chamber of Commerce
Mahitahi Colab
Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology
322 Hardy Street, Nelson, PO Box 1121, Nelson 7040
Phone: 03 548 1363 Email: info@commerce.org.nz
Web: www.commerce.org.nz
Chamber Board:
President: Lees Seymour
Vice Presidents: Ru Collin, Peter Pattullo
Board Members: Emma McCashin, Manoli Aerakis,
Robyn Wilson, Nigel Andrews, Aaron Shields.
Design: D Design
Print: Printhouse

Front page:
Bay Dreams 2019, Trafalgar Park, Nelson.
Photo courtesy: NRDA                                                               L-R, Carolyn Waghorn, Jessie Creedmore, Sandra Crone, Ali Boswijk, Britt Coker and Trina Zimmerman.

    2         COMMERCE COMMENT
We crushed it - COMMERCE COMMENT - CORNERSTONE PARTNERS: Nelson Tasman Chamber of ...

Reflecting on the last few months,
it seems as if we lived through
The Summer That Was.
The Nelson Tasman region played
the role of welcoming, generous
host. We booked sunshine,
(unfortunately more than was
welcome for some) and headline
acts, and it was this winning
combination that would prove
to be the out-doing of ourselves.
We became proud witnesses to a
throng of happy visitors that came
and went. Most of them said good
stuff about us and all of it was true.

                                                                                                                     Flying Dutchman World Champs

      arge scale events in our community         We are the sum of our parts, and diversity      The mass of youth that Bay Dreams drew
      are a strong economic driver for the       says we are creative, adaptable, interesting    in, showed us what Nelson would look like
      region. That is obviously one of the       and vibrant. What has helped in the last        if the median age dropped by twenty years -
      reasons we hold them in the first place.   year is the infrastructure we have in place.    lots more glitter and face paint.
It’s good to spend our own money locally,        We built it and they came. Let’s keep                And when those throngs arrive with
but even better when we attract people into      focused on what else we need to create          their spending money, seeking diversity, we
the region to spend theirs as well.              and how we make it happen. Inevitably,          want them to share their Nelson stories with
     What’s also important is that we            building costs cause us to gnash our teeth      the people they left behind. Did all of Bay
showcase diversity with our events.              but eventually the frustration is replaced by   Dreams’ 17,000 visiting millennials post
Sure, let’s be the go-to spot for specialist     scenes of eclectic throngs, wearing payment     images of our best side to their favourite
activities. The mountain biking capital of       bracelets and expressions of glee. Let’s run    social media pages? We know they did.
New Zealand sounds awesome and we’ll             our engines on their enthusiasm and as               The regional brand is constantly
take it. But we also have a classical music      a collective, problem solve the obstacles,      evolving, but it feels like we are finally
venue that is envied by orchestras around        rather than create them.                        coming into our own. That year on year the
the country. We have world class sports              We all want to live in an exciting and      stage is getting a little bigger, the volume is
grounds at Trafalgar Park and Saxton Field.      vibrant community. We want to go these          getting a little louder and first time visitors,
Sailors love our coastlines, singers love our    big events too. The buzz in the streets of      with regret in their voices, are wishing
wineries, street performers love our streets     Nelson the week the All Blacks came to          they’d discovered us a little sooner.
– especially the top of Trafalgar.               town, transcended our everyday experience.

Black Caps vs Sri Lanka                                                                                      MarchFest (Photo courtesy Steve Hussey)

                                                                                                        COMMERCE COMMENT                       3
We crushed it - COMMERCE COMMENT - CORNERSTONE PARTNERS: Nelson Tasman Chamber of ...

What’s in a name?
When you first come into the                         for instance, was originally intended to be          Eventually a name can become whatever
world, you’re given a name.                          named ‘Googol’, referring to the number          you make it. Layers of meaning can be
                                                     that is 10 to the power of 100, interestingly    added to a name through the associations
Likely chosen by your family,
                                                     it was misspelled and became what it is          you put around it, the stories you tell, and
this name will have significance                     today.                                           the interactions people have with the brand.
and meaning attached to it.                               Names can create their own meaning.             Changing an existing brand should not
Perhaps you were named after a                       Where the word ‘puma’ was once only              be done lightly. Once a name is in someone’s
relative, a historical or prominent                  associated with large wild cats, it’s now more   mind it can be very difficult to change it.
figure, or they simply liked the                     commonly applied to sportswear. Taking a         A name might need to change when it no
way it sounded. Whatever the                         name from one context and re-appropriating       longer reflects the business you are in, for
story behind it, your name is
                                                     it to a new context can be very beneficial       legal reasons or it’s too generic or mediocre.
                                                     when thinking about brand names.                 Before you make the change make sure you
highly valuable, and shapes your                          Finding the right brand name is a           have a clear strategy and the resources to
personal identity.                                   complex and highly creative process that         make a name change effective.
                                                     is underlied by marketing, research and              An out-of-date brand name may need

      his is the same when it comes to               trademark laws. Millions of names have           to be changed in order to better reflect
      naming a brand. Names can be                   already been registered by hundreds of           the brand’s evolving identity. Apple was
      historical, refer to a geographical            thousands of companies, therefore creating       originally known as Apple Computers, but
      location, be a family name, or an              and protecting a unique and recognisable         changed its name in 2007 to facilitate their
abstraction of an idea or a message. Most            name can be challenging.                         move into a broader field of electronics that
importantly, a brand name, like your own                  When naming, it’s important to              encompasses more than just computers.
name, establishes identity and uniqueness.           establish criteria and objectives from the       This change also made the name more
    The best names are those that are more           beginning, to ascertain what kind of name        streamlined and contemporary, while still
abstract and can make a promise. For                 will suit the brand, and what associations       being easily recognised.
example, the battery brand Eveready makes            will be attached to the name. It must align          Coming up with a name is a start, giving
a promise in its name; it provides energy            with the brand’s narrative and strategy.         it positive meaning and making it stand out
when you need it. Names like this act as a                When you first begin developing a name      in the crowd comes next.
mini advertisement and can help sell the             there are no stupid ideas. Don’t be afraid to
brand or product. Names are also used as             think creatively. Throw all your ideas on the
a proxy for what the brand represents; a             table, then examine the names in context
piece of attention-grabbing communication            — consider the sound, cadence and ease of
that connects consumers to the brand and             pronunciation. Remember, meaning and
promises more to come.                               association build over time. The carefully                    Tony Downing is the Owner
    Brand names that have a story or                 crafted combination of letters you develop                    and Director of Downing
                                                                                                                   Creative Marketing.
meaning behind them reinforce the                    now can become one of your most valuable                      www.downing.nz
unique advantages of the brand. Google,              assets in the future.

We crushed it - COMMERCE COMMENT - CORNERSTONE PARTNERS: Nelson Tasman Chamber of ...

Work trials – Can you use them?
A café worker was recently awarded $9000 for one day of ‘work’ when she was undertaking
a work trial as part of the recruitment process. This is not the first decision to reach a similar
conclusion. It raises the question of when does a pre-employment assessment cross over to
be ‘employment’?

   n this case the applicant, Mawhinney,             Thornley was told there would be a three            debate about what was said in the interview,
   had attended an interview with the café           hour work trial. On two consecutive days            there is an argument Ms Howe-Thornley was
   owners and was asked to come back the             she worked 1.5 hours and 1.75 hours.                a person intending to work and may pursue a
   next day to work in one of their cafés.                Westphal cashed up the till on the             personal grievance in any event.”
Mawhinney was told at the end of the day it          second day to discover $50 was missing.                  It is important to treat work trials
was a work trial and she wasn’t going to be          She concluded Howe-Thornley had taken               with caution. They may be deemed to
paid. She was also offered the job but turned        it. She contacted a referee that had been           be employment depending on how the
to it down, asking to be paid for the day. The       provided by Howe-Thornley, and that                 employer conducts them, which would
café refused. Mawhinney raised a personal            referee raised concerns about Howe-                 mean they should be paid. Once the
grievance claiming she was an employee               Thornley’s conduct when she was serving             applicant is paid they become an employee.
and had been constructively dismissed. She           friends. No job was offered.                        If the person is subsequently employed the
was awarded $7000 in compensation for                     The first question for the court was           employer can’t utilise the 90 day trial period
distress, plus $119 for the one day of work          whether Howe-Thornley was an employee,              because the person has previously been an
and four weeks pay in lieu of notice ($1890)         and therefore entitled to raise a grievance.        employee.
because she was deemed to be an employee.            The ERA and court in their rulings had                   In the judge’s final comments he
     This case is a reminder of the 2013             determined that it was normal practice              said ‘I do not underestimate the practical
Employment Court case The Salad Bowl                 for Westphal to pay people who did a                consequences of this decision to employers in
Ltd v Howe-Thornley. The Employment                  work trial, and the only reason she didn’t          the retail food and beverage sector wishing to
Court found Howe-Thornley had become                 on this occasion was the missing $50. As            assess the merits of prospective employees.’
an employee because she had done more                such, because the person is paid, they are               Our advice is to keep any work trial to
than simply observe the operation or even            an employee. The authority concluded                a very structured process, ensuring you are
undertake practical tests. Rather than               also that ‘trial periods’ are required under        testing specific skills, keep it limited in time,
undertake, for example a test to make a              the legislation to be in writing before             and be very clear to the applicant at the
coffee, she had “actually performed the work         employment begins. The ERA stated:                  beginning of the process that their time is
that needed to be undertaken in the business         “… They are also, according to this statutory       part of the recruitment process and will not
… She was required to dress in the business’s        scheme, paid employment and there is no             be paid.
uniform, to present herself as a permanent           facility for unpaid experiments. It is arguable
employee would”.                                     the industry practice Ms Westphal evidenced
     In the Salad Bowl case the owner Randi          of a short unpaid trial followed by a formal
                                                                                                                      Kay Chapman is the Owner
Westphal advertised for an employee, and             90 day paid trial is an unlawful [device]                        and Director of Chapman
Amberleigh Howe-Thornley applied for the             which deprives prospective employees of their                    Employment Relations.
position. At the end of an interview Howe-           statutory rights. Finally, and putting aside, the

                         Employment Law Human Resources Training
                            03 545 0877 office@chapmaner.co.nz chapmaner.co.nz

                                                                                                                COMMERCE COMMENT                     5
We crushed it - COMMERCE COMMENT - CORNERSTONE PARTNERS: Nelson Tasman Chamber of ...

Cyber security
                                                                                                            • researches a person and gets enough
                                                                                                              information to be able to either guess
                                                                                                              their passwords, or get them reset to

and social media
                                                                                                              something the attacker chooses.
                                                                                                        •   Be wary of opening links and attachments
                                                                                                            in social media. Links asking you to visit
                                                                                                            another website to claim a free offer or
                                                                                                            a prize are often scams. These can be
Social media has become a way of life for many people. We use                                               used by attackers to get hold of your
it to keep in touch, plan events, share our photos and comment                                              personal details, or even install malware
                                                                                                            on your device. Think before you click - if
on current events. It’s replaced email and phone calls for a lot                                            something sounds too good to be true, it
of us. But, as with anything else online, it’s important to be                                              probably is.
aware of the risks. Check out our advice on how you can keep                                            •   Look out for fake friend requests.
your social media accounts safe and secure.                                                                 Scammers often set up fake profiles to get
                                                                                                            information from you that they could use
                                                                                                            for their own gain.
Look after your login                                 Understand your privacy settings
                                                                                                        •   Don’t log in to other websites or apps
and password details                                  • Get to know the privacy settings for each           using your social media login details. For
• Use bookmarks or favourites to access                 of your social media accounts - you’ll              example, some sites will ask if you want to
  social media sites, or type the URLs into             find them in your account settings. Think           create an account with them using your
  your browser. Don’t access your accounts              about who you want to see your profile,             Facebook login details. If you’re creating
  through links that someone else has sent              and what kind of information you want               a new account, always choose a new
  you, or links on other websites. These                them to see.                                        username and password.
  could lead you to fake sites, allowing              • Check your settings regularly. They’re
  attackers to access your personal details or          often updated so review them from time to       What goes online, stays online
  even install malware on your device.                  time to make sure that nothing’s changed.       • Don’t reveal too many personal details on
• Make sure you haven’t set your PC or your           • Some social media sites let you share             social media. About me fields are optional
  apps to remember your social media login              updates and posts to your other social            - you don’t have to fill them in.
  details so they log you in automatically.             media accounts. For example, you can            • Don’t share anything that could embarrass
  If you do, and someone else gets access to            have your Twitter posts display on your           you, or someone else you know. Only
  your phone or your PC, they’ll get access             Facebook timeline as well. Make sure you          share things that you’d be happy for
  to your social media accounts too.                    know if your account is set up to do that         anyone to see, or that you’d be prepared to
• Have a different password for each one of             and if so, that it’s what you want.               say in real life. Keep an eye on what others
  your social media accounts. Don’t use the                                                               post about you too.
  same password for your Facebook account             Be smart about making friends
                                                                                                        • If you’re using Twitter, remember that it’s
  as you do for Instagram, for example. That          • Only accept friend invitations from               open to everyone - anyone can see what
  way, if someone gets access to one of your            people that you know in real life. This           you’re posting.
  account passwords, they won’t get easy                means someone you know personally, or
                                                                                                        • Think about who could see the things you
  access to your other accounts as well. Aim            someone that you know is a real person,
                                                                                                          post other than your friends and family.
  for passwords of eight characters or more,            like a celebrity or public figure.
                                                                                                          For example, potential employers could
  and use numbers, letters and symbols in             • Look out for verified accounts on social          see what you post online. Social media
  them. Don’t share them with anyone, and               media. Verified accounts usually have             provides as much of an opportunity to
  think about changing them from time to                a blue tick next to the account name.             create a positive online reputation as it
  time.                                                 Business accounts, or those of celebrities        does a negative one.
• Be cautious of logging in to your social              or public figures, are often verified because
                                                                                                        • Remember that anything you post online
  media accounts using a hotspot or free                they have a high likelihood of being
                                                                                                          stays online, so think before you post.
  WiFi - if you’re logging on at a cafe, for            impersonated. The blue tick lets you know
  example. These networks are untrusted,                that an account is authentic.                   Close your old accounts down
  meaning that it’s possible that others              • Remember that if you don’t want to be           • If you have any old social media accounts
  could see what you’re doing when you                  friends with someone, or let them see what        that you don’t use anymore - remember
  use them. You’re also at risk of people               you’re posting on social media, you can           Myspace? - close them down. Don’t leave
  ‘shoulder surfing’ - looking over your                block them.                                       your personal information out there
  shoulder to try and see the login details
                                                      Watch out for scams                                 unused and unloved. Otherwise, you run
  for your account. So while it’s ok to check
                                                                                                          the risk of someone else using it without
  the news or the weather, try to keep social         • Be on the lookout for social engineering
  media use to a minimum.                                                                                 your knowledge.
                                                        and scams on social media. Social
• If you access your social media accounts              engineering is when an attacker:
  through an app on your phone or your                  • gains a person’s trust and tricks them
  tablet, make sure you lock it when you’re               into giving them access or information
  not using it.                                           they shouldn’t have.

We crushed it - COMMERCE COMMENT - CORNERSTONE PARTNERS: Nelson Tasman Chamber of ...

Chamber events
Business Building Workshops
Financial Awareness Coaching
Malloch McClean
Tuesday 30 April, 9.30am-11.30am, Nelson

Sales - MindRich - Winning the Mental Game of Business
Wednesday 15 May, 5.30pm-7.30pm, Motueka

Technology - The IT puzzle – What goes where?
Tuesday 21 May, 5.30pm-7.30pm, Richmond

Marketing - Your Messaging and Developing Content
The Marketing Studio
Wednesday 29 May, 9.30am-11.30am, Nelson                                         Crowe Horwath BA5 on Spirit of Adventure, hosted by Bowater Hyundai.
Finance - Cashflow Freedom
Malloch McClean
Tuesday 11 June, 9.30am-11.30am, Richmond

Marketing - Using Today’s Marketing Platforms
The Marketing Studio
Wednesday 19 June, 9.30am-11.30am, Nelson

Legal Risk - Employment Law Update
Duncan Cotteril
Tuesday 25 June, 5.30pm-7.30pm, Motueka

Chamber Speaker Series
Ezel Kokcu, Tech Entrepreneur
Nelson Venues & Events
Monday 15 April, 5.30pm, Nelson

Meg Matthews, the Blue Economy
Wednesday 22 May, 12 noon, Tahunanui

Crowe Horwath BA5
Pics Peanut Butter World
Tuesday 30 April, 5.30pm, Stoke
                                                                  We had 40 attend our Export Documentation Seminar, presenters Monica Sheppard
For more information, go to our Events page                       from CECC and Christine Palmer from GVI Logistics enlightened us on the complicated
                                                                  compliance processes required of local exporters to get their products around the
at commerce.org.nz                                                world.


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                                                                       – we have got it all covered; have you??
                                                               Contact us now for a free, no-obligation quote.”

                                            CROMBIE LOCKWOOD (NZ) LIMITED
                       14 Oxford Street, Richmond — Phone: 03 543 9021 — Website: www.crombielockwood.co.nz

                                                                                                        COMMERCE COMMENT                         7
We crushed it - COMMERCE COMMENT - CORNERSTONE PARTNERS: Nelson Tasman Chamber of ...

The real cost to businesses
of breaching minimum
employment requirements
Three recent decisions of the Employment Relations Authority have emphasised the
importance of employers complying with minimum employment requirements - and
the significant penalties employers can face by failing to do so.

Silviculture Solutions Limited                     failed to pay workers for their attendance     What you can do to protect your
decision:                                          at safety meetings, or time spent preparing    business?
FAILURE TO PAY MINIMUM WAGE                        equipment and travelling to various work            The Employment Relations Authority
                                                   sites in the forest.                           is sending a firm message that breaches
    Silviculture Solutions Limited, a large
forestry company which employs up to                                                              of minimum employment standards will
                                                   Golden Spring Takeaway                         not be tolerated. It is vital that employers
250 staff has been ordered to pay $35,000
                                                   decision and Modern Floor                      understand their minimum employment
after failing to pay its workers minimum
                                                   and Wall Limited decision:                     requirements and apply them correctly to
    As a result of this penalty the                VARIOUS BREACHES                               avoid penalties and being placed on the
company has been placed on the                          Napier based restaurant Golden Spring     Immigration Employer Stand-down List.
Immigration Employer Stand-down List               Takeaway has been ordered to pay $30,000       Both actions can have a significant impact
preventing it from employing migrant               for breaching a number of minimum              on the bottom line and reputation of a
workers for 18 months. It is noteworthy            requirements including failing to keep wage,   business.
that approximately half the company’s              time, holiday and leave records and failing         If you are unsure whether you
workforce normally comprises of migrant            to keep copies of employment agreements        are complying fully with minimum
workers.                                           for its staff.                                 employment requirements Pitt & Moore
    The Employment Relations                            Likewise the Auckland based flooring      Lawyers can help by completing an
Authority held that the company used               company Modern Floor and Wall Limited          employment compliance health check for
an “illegal system of calculating pay”             and its director have been fined a total of    your business.
because it only paid employees for their           $25,000 for failing to pay the minimum
“productive hours” – being the time                wage and holiday pay and failing to keep                   For more information please contact:
                                                                                                              Nick Mason
that the company expected the work to              holiday and leave records.                                 Partner
take – not the actual hours worked by                                                                         Pitt & Moore
the employees. In addition the company                                                                        DDI: +64 3 545 7897

      Ph: Nelson 03 548 8349, Richmond 03 543 9090 W: www.pittandmoore.co.nz

We crushed it - COMMERCE COMMENT - CORNERSTONE PARTNERS: Nelson Tasman Chamber of ...
Why Business Building Block
Workshops are Key
Standing still can kill your business, so by making sure you and your staff are constantly
advancing, performing, embracing technology and learning new skills, you will continue
to move forward and remain competitive within the marketplace.

Through continued                     LEGAL RISK SPONSOR
                                                                                        approach to a sales plan was beneficial.
investment from                                                                         Investing in this area alone can make real
businesses, staff can;                                                                  changes to your bottom line. In May we
• have a much higher sense of job                                                       will deliver the MindRICH BBB workshop
                                      Brian Nathan and Stephen Galbreath                in Motueka, this workshop focuses on
  satisfaction                        delivered an Employment Law Update in             building a suite of practical mindset
• can have improved motivation        Richmond which was a sell-out event. We           techniques which relieves pressure and
  towards their work                  saw a wide range of businesses attend from        builds your ability to respond when change
                                      poultry, seafood, forestry, electricity sector,   is demanded.
• have an enhanced perception of      hospitality, transport, manufacturing, HR
  their worth to the business and     and horticulture in the one room. All varied
                                                                                          “The SalesRICH workshop was one of
  sense of security                   but with the common goal of wanting to
                                                                                          the best workshops I have ever been to”
• be kept abreast of changing         provide outstanding working conditions for          Andrew Smith, Aon Insurance
                                      their businesses, and understanding how
  methodologies and how best to       to meet their legal obligations. There were
                                                                                          “Bruce kept it simple & true”
  incorporate new technologies                                                            Shane McCrae
                                      great connections made with a number of             McCrae’s Blinds & Screens
                                      attendees exchanging business cards. We
                                      will take this out to Motueka businesses in
Investing in staff training           June and by then, with the introduction of        TECHNOLOGY SPONSORS
affects the success of your           these changes being implemented further
business by;                          down the track, we expect to have examples
                                      of how businesses are finding ways to
• preventing competitors from         address the new requirements.                     BlueberryIT
  taking away your best employees                                                       The IT Puzzle - What goes Where? Is the
  by offering training incentives       “Very relaxed session, discussed real           next BBB workshop in this stream. IT is
                                        scenarios relevant to business”.                a costly and these days, vital investment.
• helping you develop practical                                                         Protecting this business investment and
                                        Natalie Gallagher, Resus Nelson Ltd
  plans to meet your medium and         ‘’Great presentation and very helpful           getting your systems right from the start can
  long-term business goals              with every question asked’’.                    save you headaches and huge expense in the
• saving time and money on external     Tabatha Kingi, Monaco Resort                    future. Any business would be mad not to
                                                                                        seize the opportunity to learn how to avoid
  recruitment                                                                           the pitfalls in this area. We will deliver this
• reducing employee turnover,                                                           informative workshop in Richmond in May.
                                      SALES SPONSOR
  absenteeism and arguably worst,                                                       Send your IT person to this one!
                                                                                          ‘’Alan was very open and inclusive, a
                                                                                          great casual, easy approach, he had
                                      Forty-five people attended the SalesRICH
                                                                                          a good way of turning IT topics into
                                      BBB workshops last month and
                                                                                          digestible format for non IT people”.
                                      unfortunately, we had to turn people away.
                                                                                          Hannah Norton, NRDA
                                      Bruce has gone in-house with several
                                                                                          “Tailored the session to what we wanted
                                      businesses with this presentation and the
                                                                                          to know”.
                                      feedback about this approach has been that          Stacey Daily, Stevens Orchard
                                      having the whole team learn a streamlined

                                                      Are you interested in
Malloch McClean
                                                      becoming a presenter/sponsor
Previous attendees tell us Manoli Aerakis is
a fantastic presenter and has an easy simple
                                                      of the Chambers Business
                                                      Building Block Workshops
style of delivery. Businesses should continue
to challenge their status quo, upcoming BBB
workshops, Financial Awareness and Cashflow
Freedom offer a fresh look. These may be areas
you have previously looked at but the landscape       for 2019-2020?
constantly changes, have your practises
changed too?
                                                      The Business Building Blocks series looks to raise
  ‘’Manoli is enthusiastic, personable                training awareness, enable providers a platform to
  and knows what he is talking about’.’
  Carla Jehle                                         promote services and offer membership value to
  Sound Choice Business Care
                                                      attending businesses.
  “Provides a fluid and open environment that
  allows all attendees to communicate with

  confidence”.                                            he concept is to deliver, short, sharp, micro learning sessions on essential
  Andrew McGlashen,                                       business management skills, updates on industry changes, compliance
  McGlashen Pharmacy                                      requirements and other specialty business areas.
                                                          Training providers have the opportunity to express an interest in sponsoring
                                                      the area of their expertise from 1 July 2019. We are looking to engage chamber
                                                      members who are experts in business related areas to deliver valuable content.

Chris Butler has a loyal following. His               Why become a Business Building Blocks Workshop Sponsor?
workshops attract repeat attendees with several
pre booking on all four marketing workshops.          • this is an effective way to profile your business and services
Your Messaging & Developing Content and               • grow your client reach
Using Today’s Marketing Platforms are filling         • offer businesses a taster of your full paid services
up. These workshops have been designed to             • raise awareness of potential gaps and highlight risks to a business if the lack of
differ from others offered in the region that are       skill is not addressed
more specific. These workshops will address the       • give back to the business community
question of what an individual business should
focus on and invest in, and which options will        Our present sponsors enjoy having a prime level of profile within the Chambers’
get the best return for their particular situation,   suite of offerings, this is because we place value in this arrangement which helps
rather than committing to a specific platform         lift the capability of our membership and businesses beyond.
without more insight. These workshops can be
a starting point or use them if you feel you need
to reconsider your approach.

  “Informative and well presented, suited
                                                          How to register your Expression of Interest
  to the audience and practical, I would
  recommend this to my clients”.                          If you are interested, please contact the Chamber
  Michael Parker
                                                          to request an Expression of Interest application form
  Crux Advice & Accounting
  ‘’Provided real world help for each business            and tell us what you would like to offer.
  that attended”.
  Kelly McLeod
                                                          Email: trina@commerce.org.nz
  Tasman Bay Food Group
                                                          Expressions of Interest open 15 April 2019
A big thanks to Crombie Lockwood Richmond
for supporting the BBB Series by allowing us to
                                                          and close 15 May 2019.
use their boardroom for our Richmond workshops.

                                                                                                      COMMERCE COMMENT                   11
2 0 1 9 B U S I N E S S AWA R D S

Taking a long hard look at yourselves
Why entering the 2019 Chamber of Commerce Business Awards is good for business.

                                                 The 2019 Nelson Pine Industries Business           a Chamber member or not. We want to
    “Entering the awards was about               Award categories are:                              celebrate excellence across our region, so if
    measuring our business. We                                                                      think you, or someone you know, deserves
                                                 • Emerging Business Award
    thought we’d been doing not too                                                                 some recognition, visit our website or come
                                                 • Small Business Award                             along to one of our upcoming Business
    bad a job but wanted to test this.
    The entry process forced us to               • Medium Business Award                            Award entry seminars to find out more. This
                                                                                                    year Business Award entries will again be
    take a long hard look at ourselves           • Large Business Award
                                                                                                    accepted online.
    and we picked up bits that may               • Community Impact
    have otherwise been missed.”                                                                    All entry material is kept strictly
                                                 • Clever Business
    Jason Monopoli – Orange Dog,                                                                    confidential. Winners are decided solely by
    Supreme Business Winner 2018                 • Business Person of the Year                      an independent panel of judges based on
                                                 • Young Business Person of the Year                information provided in the entry.
                                                 Businesses entering the Emerging, Small,

                                                                                                    To find out more about entering this
       nyone can come up with a reason not       Medium and Large Business categories must          year’s awards go to the Events section at
       to enter the Nelson Pine Industries       demonstrate excellence in management and           commerce.org.nz.
       Business Awards but there are plenty      strategy, sales and marketing, sustainability,
       more reasons why you should.              investing in people, customer experience,          Entries close: 14 September 2019.
Benefits listed by previous entrants include     health and safety and overall success.
helping them assess their business, clarify
their goals, raise their profile and recognise   The Business Awards are open to any
and reward their staff.                          business in the region, whether you are

    Do you know an                               NOMINATE THEM TODAY
                                                 for the 2019 Business Person
                                                                                                  Judges are looking for someone who
                                                                                                  inspires our business community,

    extra ordinary                               or Young Business Person
                                                 of the Year Award.
                                                                                                  demonstrates leadership, vision and
                                                                                                  business excellence. Visit commerce.org.

    business person?
                                                                                                  nz and tell us in 500 words or less why
                                                                                                  they deserve to be awarded this title.

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Meet our members
                                                                                     Every issue we profile some
                                                                                     of our new Chamber members


 D’Luxe                             Evolving Health                     Mountain Valley                     Nelson Marlborough
 Distinctive Gifting                                                    Honey                               Rescue Helicopter

 Sourcing the finest                At Evolving Health we have a        Mountain Valley Honey is            The Nelson Marlborough
 handcrafted products from          combined 40 years diligence         family owned and operated           Rescue Helicopter Trust
 artisans across New Zealand,       in health care including            by Murray and Nicky Elwood          administers a professional
 we create beautiful gift boxes,    naturopathy, nutrition,             and is based in Spring Grove.       rescue helicopter service in
 so you can give someone their      chiropractic and genetic                                                the top of the South Island.
                                                                        Murray’s passion for the
 very own magical moment.           analysis, we are equipped to                                            They are supported by highly
                                                                        beekeeping industry was
                                    support your health needs.                                              trained crew, pilots and
 Carefully curated and                                                  sparked after working a
                                    As experienced health                                                   intensive care paramedics for
 thoughtfully put together,                                             summer job as a beekeeper
                                    professionals in clinical                                               the treatment and recovery
 our gift boxes are the perfect                                         with his father, which then
                                    practice, and working in                                                of people needing urgent
 combination of forever-after                                           turned into a career.
                                    various capacities, including                                           medical care.
 keepsakes and in-the-moment
                                    nationwide consultation with        Now with over 25 years’
 treats.                                                                                                    Each year the service responds
                                    allied health professionals,        experience, Murray and
                                                                                                            to over 500 missions including
 Featuring ethically and            conference presentations            our field team work across
                                                                                                            outdoor accidents, medical
 sustainably made products          and lecturing at universities       the top of the South Island,
                                                                                                            emergencies, motor vehicle
 chosen for their quality and       we pride our in-depth               tending to 2,500 beehives
                                                                                                            accidents, search and rescue,
 craft, each order is elegantly     understanding of disease            from the Marlborough
                                                                                                            industrial and rural accidents.
 wrapped in all-natural             prevention and health               Sounds, Nelson Tasman and
                                                                                                            With their base in Nelson being
 packaging and comes in a           promotion.                          Buller regions.
                                                                                                            surrounded by three National
 bespoke wooden box that can
                                    We know that our patients           Nicky enjoys the extraction,        Parks, numerous world class
 be cherished forever.
                                    are looking for ways to             packing, distribution and           mountain bike tracks, a ski
 We have gift boxes for clients,    support their health, often         marketing of the honeys with        field within driving distance
 birthdays, weddings, newborns      seeking other options to            our team in Spring Grove.           and the beautiful coastal
 and everything in between. If      strengthen their wellbeing.                                             waters which surround them,
                                                                        Mountain Valley Honey
 you can’t find the right gift on   We are passionate about                                                 outdoor accidents account for
                                                                        provides quality honey and a
 our website, we are happy to       supporting powerful lifestyle                                           approximately 40% of these
                                                                        variety of seasonal flavours
 work along side you to create a    changes, through alternatives                                           missions.
                                                                        unique to our region.
 custom gift to suit your budget    to care, whilst encouraging
                                                                                                            With approximately 60% of
 and occasion.                      active participation in your        Our people, the health of
                                                                                                            funding required from the
                                    treatment.                          our hives and the nature
 Shipping anywhere in New                                                                                   community, they are proudly
                                                                        that surrounds this beautiful
 Zealand, we believe a little       We take time to see you as                                              supported by their sponsors,
                                                                        region are at the heart of
 luxury goes a very long way.       an individual, to really get to                                         and the community.
                                                                        what we do. This is reflected
 Locally owned and operated         know you and understand your
                                                                        in our natural and delicious        As a community based,
 in Nelson.                         health concerns. We customise
                                                                        honey.                              self-funded operation, the
 A: 1/11 Burn Place, Nelson         and evolve treatments over
                                                                        A: 259 Main Road Spring Grove       Trust gratefully welcomes
 T: 027 293 5148                    time to be effective for you, the      RD1, Wakefield 7095              businesses to help them save
 E: hello@dluxegifting.co.nz        person behind the symptoms          T: 03 541 8930                      vital lives in the community.
 W: dluxegifting.co.nz              rather than focusing on the         E: info@mountainvalleyhoney.co.nz
                                                                                                            A: 5 McLaren Drive, Nelson
                                    symptoms alone.                     W: mountainvalleyhoney.co.nz
                                                                                                            T: 03 547 7278
                                    A: 22 Nile Street West, Nelson
                                                                                                            E: paula@helirescue.co.nz
                                    T: 03 929 8508
                                                                                                            W: helirescue.co.nz
                                    E: info@evolvinghealth.co.nz

                                    W: evolvinghealth.co.nz

Nelson Venues                          Nick Dalgety                             The Car Concierge                  Tourism Business
& Events                               MPI Nelson                                                                  Advice (TBA)

Nelson Venues & Events works           I work with the Ministry for             A New Experience in Car Care       Tourism Business Advice
with a broad portfolio of              Primary Industries. Our business                                            (TBA) has over 35 years’
                                                                                The Car Concierge is a vehicle
venues in the Nelson/Tasman            is diverse, fulfilling both a                                               experience in the tourism
                                                                                service centre located at
region, catering for events big        protect and grow mandate                                                    industry specializing in
                                                                                Nelson Airport, offering not
and small.                             for New Zealand primary                                                     destination management,
                                                                                just airport customers but all
                                       industries.                                                                 destination marketing, PR
With over 30 years of                                                           customers and businesses
                                                                                                                   and new product/business
experience & local knowledge,          I have lived in Nelson now for           in the wider Nelson region a
                                                                                                                   development. TBA’s primary
using Nelson Venues & Events           15 years, spending much of               convenient car service at a
                                                                                                                   focus is on assessing merits
is a great way to get the best         that time work-wise partnering           competitive price.
                                                                                                                   of capital investment in new
result for your investment             with the wine industry locally
                                                                                The Car Concierge is owned         tourism development, assisting
and a great way to reduce              and nationally to advance
                                                                                and operated by Barry Dixon,       existing and emerging tourism
the stress of planning an              their sustainable goals eg I am
                                                                                an expert in the field with over   businesses and collating
event locally, nationally or           involved with the Lighter Wines
                                                                                20 years’ experience as an         tourism insight reports. TBA
international.                         programme noted below.
                                                                                international BMW technician.      offers practical advice, actions
We offer consulting services in        In the last 15 months my focus           Barry prides himself on passing    and solutions.
pre-event planning including           has turned to enabling regional          the savings from this efficiency
                                                                                                                   Directors of TBA are Lynda
finding you the perfect venue,         development in the Top of the            centred experience onto the
                                                                                                                   Keene and Lesley Immink.
all pricing of equipment,              South Island and also the West           customers, saving both time
                                                                                                                   Nelson based Director Lynda
catering, AV and additional            Coast and Canterbury. This is            and money every step of the
                                                                                                                   was the former CEO Nelson
services.                              an area I love because it allows         way.
                                                                                                                   Tasman Tourism (2010-2016),
                                       us to help advance our region’s
From conception to com-                                                         Exceptional customer service       CEO Scottwood Trust and CEO
                                       provenance story and hence
pletion, we’re there to ensure                                                  is Barry’s main driver, building   Tourism Waikato. Lynda also
                                       foster economic livelihood. I
everything goes smoothly.                                                       long-lasting relationships         worked as a consultant in the
                                       and members of the MPI team
                                                                                through trust and clear            Cook Islands for the UN World
Whatever the event, we’re your         look forward to meeting with
                                                                                communication and most             Tourism Organisation, the
on-the-ground team ready to            many of you in upcoming
                                                                                importantly keeping customers      South Asian Tourism Council
roll up our sleeves and make it        Chamber events.
                                                                                informed every step of the         and Deloitte NZ.
a huge success.
                                       Lighter Wines:                           journey.
                                                                                                                   Clients include: NZ Māori
Our recent events include:             This programme, with co-
                                                                                Contact Barry today to find        Tourism, Destination Kaikōura,
Marchfest, NZ Cider Festival,          funding from MPI’s Primary
                                                                                out how easy car care can be.      Ngāti Awa Group Holdings,
Sealord Tokatu boat launch             Growth Partnership, is
                                                                                A: Trent Drive, Nelson Airport     Activate Tairāwhiti, Te
and more.                              the largest research and
                                                                                T: 021 1000 007                    Māhurehure Marae and
                                       development effort ever
Talk to the team at Nelson                                                      E: barry@carconcierge.co.nz        ChristchurchNZ.
                                       undertaken by New Zealand’s
Venues & Events for Venue                                                       W: carconcierge.co.nz
                                       wine industry. Lighter Wines                                                If you would like a realistic
Hire, Venue Support, Event                                                      FB: thecarconciergenelson
                                       is designed to position New                                                 and honest appraisal of your
Management, Bar Manage-
                                       Zealand as number 1 in the                                                  business or project, TBA are the
ment, Casual Bar Staff, Event
                                       world for high quality, lower                                               people to talk to.
Marketing & Support for your
                                       alcohol and lower calorie                                                   T: +64 21 279 5395
next event in Nelson.
                                       ‘lighter’ wines.                                                            E: keenel@xtra.co.nz
Contact Shelley Haring & Lea Boodee
A: 1/23 Alma Lane, Buxton Sq, Nelson   A: 118 Vickerman Street, Nelson Marina                                      W: tourismbusinessadvice.co.nz

T: 03 546 6330                         T: 021 679 380                                                              LI: lynda-keene-43490316/

E: info@nelsonvenues.co.nz             E: nick.dalgety@mpi.govt.nz
W: nelsonvenues.co.nz                  W: mpi.govt.nz

                                                                                                                 COMMERCE COMMENT                   15
NMIT continues
to flourish in 2019
While the Reform of Vocational Education
works its way through the Ministry of
Education and Parliament, it is full steam
ahead for Nelson Marlborough Institute of
Technology this year.
NMIT’s financials, student            In the past year, NMIT set up
enrolments and graduate               a predator trapping short
numbers are extremely healthy.        course to help conservation
NMIT Council Chair, Daryl             businesses and groups involved
Wehner, says the Government           with helping New Zealand
proposals are positive for NMIT       reach the Predator Free 2050
in that it supports the important     target. A collaboration has
role tertiary institutions have in    also seen the launch of Project
the regions. “We can see there        Moturoa earlier this year. It
are opportunities to build on         involves ten iwi-supported
our obvious national strengths        learners completing a modular
in the region, such as viticulture,   conservation-based Level 4 with     DOC Partnership Manager, Matt Hippolite addressing
aquaculture, maritime and             an emphasis on mātauranga           the gathering at the po-whiri for Project Moturoa.
aviation engineering,” he says.       Māori. It is intended to build
                                      capacity within iwi for expertise   also available from beginner
Daryl also highlighted the                                                to advanced. Beginner classes
                                      in conservation.
flexibility NMIT currently                                                start in May. The next intake
can employ “When regional             Other learning opportunities        for the Masters in Applied
employers’ needs change,              designed to meet regional           Management is also in May. The
community demographics                employers’ needs are: online        Masters includes courses such
change, or local opportunities        programmes, including video         as Managing in a Digital World,
arise that would benefit              production and graphic design       Critical Issues in Management
our students and Te Tau Ihu,          for branding and identity           and Finance for Managers.
we can move quickly and               with flexible starting dates.
collaboratively.”                     Mandarin evening classes are        nmit.ac.nz

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