Warrina Innisfail Board, Management, Staff and Residents would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.

Page created by Erik Schroeder
Warrina Innisfail Board, Management, Staff and Residents would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.
Warrina Innisfail Board, Management,
  Staff and Residents would like to
  wish everyone a Merry Christmas
               & Happy New Year.
    Best Wishes for the Festive Season and
      thank you for all your support in 2019
         and we look forward to working together
                  in 2020.
            Warrina Innisfail
           “Providing Excellence in Aged Care”
Warrina Innisfail Board, Management, Staff and Residents would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.
severe shortages everywhere, and more – all while we strive to get
A Christmas Message - I really love this time of the year,                                  a little better each day.
 it is a time of reflection (both personally and for Warrina). A time to think           A year when there are so many things to be grateful for -
     about what has been achieved and what the New Year might bring.                       all staff for the commitment that they bring to the job
2019 has been a year of much change and exciting challenges.                               our wonderful army of volunteers who provide so much joy and
                                                                                            support to our residents, singers and dancers and visitors and
      The year of the Royal commission, of public scrutiny and horror
                                                                                            helpers and Board members and more
       stories in the press and times when many questioned the roles and
                                                                                           our doctors, allied health professionals and pharmacists
       responsibilities of residential aged care.
                                                                                           the suppliers who ensure Warrina has on hand the foods we need,
      The year when another set of new standards were introduced - most
                                                                                            the equipment that is required, and machinery is operating et cetera
       of which were part of our day to day operations already but we still
                                                                                           the Cassowary Coast Regional Council for its ongoing support and
       have to rewrite policies and procedures. An enormous workload for
                                                                                            guidance as we interact on so many different issues
                                                                                           the family and friends of those who believe in Warrina
      It has been a year when the role of the board came under the
       microscope. How blessed are we for the commitment and expertise                     and most of all our residents - our reason for being here in the first
       of our board members – .                                                             place

      After 6 years of planning and negotiations we started the new 64            May I wish each and every one of you peace, joy, and good health and may
       bed building program. An exciting achievement to help ensure                all the best that the holiday period has in store come your way.
       quality of care into the future.
      Then there are the every year challenges - financially as we run at
       an operating loss while the new building is established: we continue
       to seek adequate qualified committed staff at a time when there are
                                                                                   Peter Roberts - Chief Executive Officer

                                      I would like to offer my sincere and wholehearted thanks to
                                        my fellow board members and the many volunteers, staff
                                        and suppliers who have worked tirelessly throughout the
                                       year to keep the organisation functioning at its very best.
                                          On behalf of the board, I wish everyone a very Merry
                                                     Christmas and a terrific 2020

                                             Chris Kahler - Warrina Innisfail President
                                                   To all our wonderful residents , families and friends
                                          On behalf of myself, the care coordinators and the clinical and care
                                       staff, I would like to wish you the best possible Christmas and New Year.
                                           Here are some thoughts and quotes I would like to share with you:
                                                        “Christmas isn't a season. It's a feeling." —Edna Ferber

                                        "My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple:
                                        loving others. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas
                                                                 to do that?" – Bob Hope
                                          "I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year." –
                                                            Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol
                                              "No man is a failure who has friends." — It's a Wonderful Life
                                        "I don't think Christmas is necessarily about things. It's about being good
                                                             to one another." — Carrie Fisher
                                          "Christmas is a time when everybody wants his past forgotten and his
                                                           present remembered." – Phyllis Diller
                                         "I heard the bells on Christmas Day / Their old familiar carols play / And
                                            wild and sweet, the words repeat / Of peace on earth, goodwill to
                                                          men." – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
                                                                             Best wishes

                                                     Glynis Laffy - Director of Nursing
Warrina Innisfail Board, Management, Staff and Residents would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.
“May the Christmas season fill          On behalf of the Hospitality Team at Warrina and
      your home with joy, your heart        Villa Nova we would like to wish you and your family
      with love, and your life with
      laughter”                             a safe and joyfully Christmas and a Happy New Year.
      With my best wishes                                        “Merry Christmas “

      Wayne Payne                                                Kathleen Gould
      Education Officer                                        Hospitality Manager
      Infection Control Co -Ordinator

     Warrina Innisfail & Villanova Centre Clinical Care Team, Leisure & Lifestyle Team, Administration
     Team & Maintenance Team would like to wish all our residents, co-workers, families, volunteers and
                           community members the following Christmas Greetings:-
        Sending thoughtful wishes your way this Christmas season. May the treasures and traditions of
         Christmas fill your heart with hope and happiness.

        May God’s blessing shine down upon you and your family this holiday season. Sending love from
         our family to yours.

        Enjoy the magic this holiday season by listening to music and celebrating the occasion with the
         people that you care for most.

        There is nothing more magical than decorated trees, lights, presents, family and friends to brighten
         up your life. Merry Christmas!

 Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year….
 Thank you for all your support –See you in 2020

        Warrina Innisfail
   Lakes Retirement Manager
          Mary Camilleri
  would like to wish everyone
 peace, joy, and all the best this
 wonderful holiday has to offer.
May this incredible time of giving
 and spending time with family
   bring you the joy that lasts
      throughout the year
Warrina Innisfail Board, Management, Staff and Residents would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.
By Alan Jackson

                         The older I get
                        The more I think
   You only get a minute, better live while you're in it
                  'Cause it's gone in a blink
                      And the older I get
                         The truer it is
     It's the people you love, not the money and stuff
                     That makes you rich
           And if they found a fountain of youth
       I wouldn't drink a drop and that's the truth
 Funny how it feels I'm just getting to my best years yet
                         The older I get
                   The fewer friends I have
   But you don't need a lot when the ones that you got
                Have always got your back
                      And the older I get
                         The better I am
                   At knowing when to give
             And when to just not give a damn
           And if they found a fountain of youth
       I wouldn't drink a drop and that's the truth
 Funny how it feels I'm just getting to my best years yet
                           The older…
Reference:- https://www.facebook.com/keltictv/videos/859678491171607/
Warrina Innisfail Board, Management, Staff and Residents would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. Warrina Innisfail Board, Management, Staff and Residents would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. Warrina Innisfail Board, Management, Staff and Residents would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.
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