Wardens & Clerks February 3, 2022 Special Town Election Voter registration deadline: January 14, 2022
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Wardens & February 3, 2022 Special Town Election Clerks Voter registration deadline: January 14, 2022
Warden Duties Distributes Swears in Election instructions and makes Oversees all activities Makes sure everyone Officers who have not sure that everyone at the polling place signs the timesheet taken the oath of office knows what they need to do Manages ballot box key Asks Police to enforce sign-out with Police Talks to observers Delegates tasks electioneering lines Officery Calls the Clerk’s Office when needed
Warden Book Schedule Polling place management tips DS200 Opening & Closing Procedures Precinct Layout Signs for posting (or in an envelope?) Booth Assembly Procedures Training material Guidelines for Police Election Day Legal Summary Election Regulations Observer Memo
• “I solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties imposed upon me by my appointment as an Election Officer of the Town of Concord, according to the Laws of this Commonwealth.”
Clerk Duties Maintains the Inactive Assists Checkers when Roster, Early Voter, and Oversees voter form the wrong name is Completes Precinct AV Voter in person completion and checks checked or an override is Clerk Report rosters, Provisional that they are complete needed when using the Affirmations, etc. Poll Book Warden can assist you with determining which Calls the Town Clerk’s Assist Warden as needed scenario applies, but you Office when needed need to know how to proceed with forms, etc.
Schedule Post-it notes for noting voters checked in error in voter check-in/out books Precinct Clerk Report – required to be completed! o Opening certification Police Officer signature required Clerk Book o Closing certification o Log of incidents Cover Page o Closing Ballot Report o Certificate of total voters Voter registration forms Record of Challenged voters Certificate of absentee voter in person Voter count tally sheets Ballot tally sheets (inside blue folder) Total Tally Sheet Street Directory GREEN BACK POCKET for all completed forms
Your Staff at the Precinct Make sure they know what they need to do Greeter • Help voters who are unsure of their precinct • Remind voters of social distancing, don’t let the precinct get overcrowded Checkers • One person checks the voter in, the other is at the ballot table (REMIND VOTER BALLOT IS 2-SIDED) • Label maker and label check-in book on ballot table Ballot Box Attendant • At table with I voted stickers • Help voter with over votes (2 options: override or spoil ballot) • Let Warden know if machine is jamming Election Assistant • Help process absentee ballots during the day • Sanitize voting booths (wipe down the surface after every use) Alternate people in positions if you feel confident doing so to let people have breaks
Morning shift: 6:00am / Afternoon shift begins at 1:00pm Ballots and supplies are delivered by Facilities Staff and should be in place when you get there. Town Clerk’s Office staff will bring the thumb drives and help turn on the laptops. 6:30am – Police Officer checks ballot box to ensure it is empty 7:00am – Declare the polls open During the day – keep booths clear of campaign material & sanitize booths Election Day Coffee & Munchkins, water, snacks, sandwiches for lunch, pizza & salad for dinner Overview Closers arrive at 7:45pm 8:00pm – Declare the polls closed (don't close the door) Any voters standing in line at 8pm may vote All absentee and early voted ballots must be processed before closing polls on the electronic tabulator. Delegate poll closing tasks and clean up
Non voter activities during polling hours Observers (poll watchers) – 6’ perimeter around polling place, communicate only with Warden or Clerk Press – like an observer. Photos may not reveal a person’s ballot NO ELECTIONEERING Concord Journal has asked permission to have a photographer take Within 150’ of the voting pictures. Observer and Press memos have been sent. entrance No buttons, hats, shirts, Cell phones – are not prohibited but may not disrupt voting process etc No candidates greeting voters Voter helper – voter may bring a helper or may ask for help Children – allowed with voter but the voter should cast the ballot
COVID Considerations are still in place Masks are required by workers • Voters are urged to wear masks Face Shields are available Gloves need to be worn • Handing anything to a voter • Opening ballot envelopes • Pen sanitizing Hand Sanitizer will be available • Voting booths need to be sanitized
Booth Booth Booth Booth Ballot Table Ballot Box Attendant Check-in Ballot Hand Exit Hand Box Sanitizer Sanitizer Enter
Voters Bill of Rights A voter must feel A voter is entitled to a That does not always comfortable with the A voter may override ballot if they believe mean that the process of voting and the tabulator for an they are a registered ballot will be tallied on confident that their overvote. voter at your precinct. election night. vote will be counted. Example of an overvote: An overvote for an Select Board (vote for office counts as a blank A voter may spoil up to two) but voter fills in 3 but it doesn’t nullify two ballots. ovals. the rest of the ballot.
Election Workers must remain impartial ASSISTING VOTERS while working at the polls • No discussion regarding the current • Two election workers from different election parties • No responses to voter comments • One person reads the ballot if asked • No explanations about ballot content • One person marks the ballot if asked • You may not answer any questions about what is on the ballot • The Voter Assist Terminal is available to voters of all abilities
Automark • Allows a voter to mark the ballot independently • Must be available even if never used • Make sure it is turned on and works • Try it out when you go to vote! Touch screen needs to be disinfected and the headphone covering needs to be replaced after every use.
A Voter May Not • Vote More than Once • Vote in the wrong precinct • Deliver a family member's absentee or vote by mail ballot to the polls • Wear campaign apparel
THE BALLOT Two candidates for one position One ballot question
ePoll Book (Advocate software) • Should be plugged in • Turn on • Enter Windows Username and ID (this will be in the Warden zipped bag) • Click on Advocate Icon on the windows screen • Enter Advocate password (this will be in the Warden zipped bag) • Test ePoll book with a voter to make sure the label prints • Undo the check-in for the voter you just tested • ePoll Book is now ready
One Checker asks the voter’s name and address REPEAT THE VOTER’s NAME AND ADDRESS • Keep errors to a minimum Voter Check-in • This is the only time that the voter can be challenged Using electronic check-in, one Checker checks the voter in process • Label prints out upon confirmation The other Checker takes the label Verifies the voter Hands the voter a ballot Places the label in the label check-in book
Voter entry screen
Voter Eligibility • Find “Check Voter Eligibility” at the bottom of the screen. This will keep you from checking the voter in, because more steps are needed. • If you enlarge text, you can’t see the notice information at the bottom of the screen for voters who are flagged for voter eligibility. • If your Poll book crashes, it’s OK to restart the computer and log back into the program.
Voter Label Voter Label 1 2 Voter Label Voter Label 3 4 At the Ballot Table
Voter list PAPER backup • Only use if the labels don’t print or the ePoll Book stops working. • You will need to use the label check-in books to verify a voter has not already voted. • Use red pens • Mistakes require action by the Clerk • They will give you a post it to write the name on and place it on the voter list. • That way, if the voter marked in error comes in, they will be able to vote. • If the voter comes in, call the Clerk over so that they can remove the post it and the voter can get a ballot.
Notation reminders • AV=Absentee ballot has been mailed • EV=Vote by mail ballot has been mailed • C = Certificate on File (absentee or early voter shows up in person and ballot has not been processed) • CV=Challenged Voter • The Pink Post-It Note = voter marked in error. Checker must let the Clerk know if this happens as this is also the only way that the voter who was checked in error can later vote in person.
Scenario 1 Lost Voter Not on your check-in list Listed in town-wide voter list in a different precinct Call the Town Clerk’s Office before sending them to another precinct • Voter registration address changes continue to be updated and may be reflected on the voter list. • We can see where they will be listed based on their voter change history. • Let’s send them to the correct precinct the first time. • Voters may not vote at the Town Clerk’s Office on Election Day. They must vote at a precinct in order for their ballot to be processed.
Message in PollBook indicates Inactive voter needs override to vote • Voter must sign the Affirmation of Continuous Residence Log (on long clipboard). Then you must sign Scenario 2 • Show ID Inactive • NO ID? You must challenge the voter Voter • No 6 month rule for local elections (if they moved out, they can’t vote) • If you are using the paper list, use the inactive voter list • ePoll Book requires ADM override. Voter is given a ballot
• Call the Town Clerk’s Office (TCO) • AV voter may vote if ballot hasn’t been processed at TCO • Absentee Ballot In-Person Roster must be Scenario 3 completed Absentee • “C” is marked next to the check box if using Voter shows paper voter list • ePoll Book requires Warden to override up in person • Absentee voter is checked off and votes normally • If they bring in their ballot, place it in the Rejected Ballot Envelope
• Inactive voter with no ID (regular or absentee voter) • Voter challenged by another voter • The ballot will physically be marked with voter and challenger name and reason for challenge Scenario 4 • Read challenged voter oath (challenging for absentee) Challenged • (if using) mark the paper voter list CV and check the Voter box • There is no place to mark this in the ePoll Book • Record information on Record of Challenged Voters form • Ballot is cast like a normal ballot
Challenged Voter’s Oath Do you solemnly swear (or affirm) That you are the identical person whom you represent yourself to be, That you are registered in this precinct (or town), & That you have not voted at this election?
• Believes they are registered in your precinct • Lives in your precinct • Not registered in another precinct • Fills out Provisional Ballot Affirmation form Scenario 5 • You check it and get more information (when and where did they register and divers license number) Provisional • Check ID. Note if no ID note it • Fill out Provisional Roster Voter • Give voter envelope and ballot they believe they are entitled to have • Make sure they put ballot in envelope and give it back to you • Place ballot in red provisional pouch • Affidavit goes in green pocket • Roster goes in green pocket end of night
Complete the Roster for every voter. At the end of the night, the completed Roster Completed forms go in green pocket at the end of the Clerk Book
Poll closing in a nutshell • Anyone standing in line at 8:00pm may vote • Absentee & Vote by Mail ballots need to be processed before the tabulator can be closed • Help count the voter check-in totals to record on the voter checklist tally sheet. • Sort through machine-counted ballots to find hand-written notations, check marks, etc. • Tally ballots needing to be hand counted and write-ins • Count unused ballots • Pack things up
Closing Polls All hand count All voters and absentee compartment ballots must 8:00 pm declare polls closed ballot processing must be be hand counted – you may Close the election on the – police officer stands at complete before you close not feed them through the tabulator end of line the polls on the tabulator. machine at the end of the night. Make sure DS200 is Once tally tapes are printed, properly closed (the bar in DS200 thumb drives must the results should be read the back needs to be raised be returned to the Town out loud, if there are any and locked in place in order Clerk’s Office. May be observers. Tape the results for the wheels to properly returned by Police Officer. to the outside door. engage).
Ballot Handling & Tallying • Remove ballots from the upper compartment. These are not part of the tape tally because they did not go through the machine. • Each group must be hand tallied by two people. They get the ballots, a tally sheet and an envelope. • When they finish tallying the ballots go into the envelope that has been labeled in the same way as the tally sheet. The tally sheet goes into the completed forms binder. The ballot envelope is placed with the voted ballots. • Remove ballots from the large compartment, check every ballot for write-ins – every precinct will have write-ins • Use tally sheets and envelopes for write –in ballots marking only the hand written names or notations • Closer instructions are included in Warden binder
Packing it up: What goes where Ballot Ballot Transfer Case Transfer Case Large Blue Supply #1 is locked #2 is locked Case for 30 days for 30 days Not locked 1. All UNVOTED, rejected, & 1. Check-in and check-out 1. Supplies & Signs 1. Voted and counted spoiled ballots books ballots 2. Provisional ballot binder 2. Absentee & Vote by Mail 2. RED provisional ballot (unused forms) 2. Hand-count and write- Ballot Envelopes POUCH in ballots inside 3. Clerk book (unused forms) envelopes NOTHING ELSE 3. GREEN back pocket from Clerk book 4. Town-wide voter list NOTHING ELSE 4. Warden's zip case with Thumb drive 1/27/2022
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