WA Economic Outlook Keep calm and carry on - Deloitte

Page created by Jerome Mills
WA Economic Outlook Keep calm and carry on - Deloitte
WA Economic Outlook

WA Economic Outlook
Keep calm and carry on
March 2020

WA Economic Outlook Keep calm and carry on - Deloitte
The coronavirus has                       As Australia’s most export-oriented
                                          state, Western Australia will feel the
                                                                                   Chart 2: Iron concentrate
                                                                                   Composition of WA exports to China
added uncertainty to                      impact of any prolonged economic         by value, 2019
the pace of WA’s                          weakness in China. WA exported
                                          $96 billion worth of goods to China
                                                                                                  2%    3%

economic recovery,                        in 2019, representing 53% of the            4%

which in recent months                    total value of the State’s exports. In
                                          contrast, China was the destination                6%

has shown more                            for just 27% of exports by value
promise.                                  from the rest of Australia (Chart 1).

                                          Chart 1: Eastern exposure
The global economy has entered the        Exports to China as share of total
                                          exports, by value                                                   82%
new decade beset by short-term
uncertainty, as the outbreak of the        60%
novel coronavirus dampens                              Rest of Australia
                                                                                       Iron ore              Oil and gas
momentum from 2019.                        50%                                         Other raw materials   Gold
                                                                                       Agriculture           Other

The ultimate economic impact of the        40%                                     Source: ABS.Stat; DMIRS
coronavirus is difficult to quantify as
                                                                                   Iron ore prices are always volatile,
the scale of the outbreak continues        30%
                                                                                   and the coronavirus outbreak has
to evolve. The OECD has estimated
                                                                                   only exacerbated this, but there are
that real global GDP growth could          20%
                                                                                   two potential upside risks that
decelerate to 1.5% in 2020, well
                                                                                   suggest further dramatic falls in
below the 3.0% forecast before the         10%
                                                                                   prices are unlikely.
virus hit. That prediction is based on
a scenario where the spread of the          0%                                     First, Beijing is yet to announce the
virus outside of China is mostly mild                                              scale of its stimulus response to
and relatively well-contained. A                                                   counter the coronavirus’ effect on
more severe outbreak outside of           Source: ABS Cat. 5368.0                  its economy. Its response to the
China could reduce global growth                                                   2008 financial crisis was in the
further.                                  This crisis shines a light on the need
                                                                                   order of US$500bn and directed
                                          for Western Australia to diversify
                                                                                   mostly toward capital investment –
As at early March, the outbreak had       our export base, over time. In
                                                                                   if the magnitude of the coronavirus
frozen some parts of the Chinese          2019, WA exported $79bn worth of
                                                                                   stimulus package is anything like
economy, leaving components of            iron ore to China, accounting for
                                                                                   that, Australian exporters could
the domestic supply chain at a            82% of exports to that country. A
                                                                                   expect a spike in demand for
standstill (although some areas are       further $12.5bn (13%) of our
                                                                                   steelmaking inputs including iron
returning to normalcy). Beijing has       exports to China came from LNG,
                                                                                   ore and metallurgical coal.
flagged stimulus measures to keep         gold, copper, nickel and other raw
the wheels turning, but neither the       materials, while WA pastoralists and     Second, growth in iron ore supply is
impact of the outbreak nor the            graziers exported a combined             expected to be relatively limited in
magnitude of the response is clear.       $1.6bn in agricultural products          2020. The Australian majors are
Early estimates suggest the virus         (Chart 2).                               investing in replacement capacity to
could shave anywhere from 0.2 to                                                   maintain – rather than materially
1.0 percentage points off China’s         Spot iron ore prices fell by more        increase – their export volumes.
full-year GDP growth, causing it to       than 15% in the first week of            And while Vale intends to add 48
fall short of Beijing’s 6-6.5% target.    February, as markets adjusted to         million tonnes of capacity this year,
                                          the potential decline in demand          that represents only half of the
The global economy is more                from China. But prices bounced           supply taken offline in the wake of
interconnected than the past, and         back and stabilised around US$86/t       the 2019 tailings dam disaster.
China represents a much greater           over the second half of February,
slice of the economic pie (around         only slightly down on the average        In contrast to China’s significance
one-sixth of global GDP) than ever        US$92/t observed over 2019.              as an export market, it represents a
before. The impacts of China’s                                                     much smaller share of Western
economic stumble will be felt even                                                 Australia’s imported goods. China
in countries where the coronavirus                                                 accounted for 16% of WA’s
itself presently poses little to no
direct threat.

WA Economic Outlook Keep calm and carry on - Deloitte
imported goods in 2019, compared                    would result in a greater economic      chalks up four consecutive quarters
to 27% for the rest of Australia.                   impact to Australia.                    of accelerating growth in SFD, and
                                                                                            the strongest year-on-year growth
WA’s imports from China are                         WA has always been an export-           figures since March 2014 (Chart 5).
dominated by intermediate inputs to                 oriented state, but the external
other production processes, rather                  sector has played a particularly        Chart 5: Down and up again
than final consumer goods. In 2019,                 important role in recent years due      Contributions to year-on-year
the State imported $2bn worth of                    to weakness in the domestic             growth in real state final demand
machinery and transport                             economy. In the wake of the end of        2%
equipment, $1.1bn in manufactured                   the mining investment boom, WA’s
inputs and $790m in chemicals and                   domestic economy shrank in five of
fuels, collectively representing 73%                the six years between 2013-14 and        -2%
of the total value of imports from                  2018-19, contracting (in real terms)
China. In contrast, non-perishable                  at an average rate of 2.7% per
consumer goods – such as clothing,                  annum. In contrast, over the same        -6%
footwear and furniture –                            period, net international exports
represented 10% of imports from                     grew at an average rate of more                                    Households
                                                                                                                       Dwelling inv.
China, with food and beverages                      than 12% per annum (Chart 4).           -10%
                                                                                                                       Public sector
accounting for just 1% (Chart 3).                                                           -12%
                                                    Chart 4: Export heroics                                            SFD

Chart 3: More than loo rolls                        Contributions to year-on-year           -14%
Composition of WA imports from                      growth in WA real gross state
China by value, 2019                                product
                                                    16%                                     Source: ABS Cat. 5206.0

             17%                                    12%                                     Household consumption grew by
                                                                                            1.4% year-on-year, ticking up from
                               37%                                                          the 1.3% growth observed in the
       10%                                                                                  previous quarter. Growth was
                                                                                            mainly driven by increased
                                                                                            expenditure on household
                                                    -4%                                     necessities like rent, healthcare,
                                                                                            insurance and utilities. However,
                                                    -8%                                     growth in discretionary spending on
                                                                                            recreational and cultural activities
           Machinery and equipment
           Manufactured inputs                                                              and at hotels, cafes and restaurants
           Chemicals and fuels                                  Domestic demand             also grew strongly over the year,
           Consumer goods                                       Net international exports   suggesting a moderate pick-up in
           Other                                                Gross state product
                                                                                            consumer sentiment.
Source: ABS.Stat                                    Source: ABS Cat. 5202.0
                                                                                            While the trend in household
Despite representing a relatively                   The magnitude of the coronavirus’       consumption is positive, this is
small share of WA’s total imports,                  impact on WA’s external sector is       another area at risk from the
many chemical products and                          unknown, but the risk of a material     coronavirus outbreak. Despite the
manufactured goods imported from                    hit places renewed significance on      relatively low probability of the virus
China are critical inputs to the                    the domestic economy and reforms        having a widespread direct impact
resources sector. Therefore, while                  which drive economic diversity,         on WA consumers, the speed and
WA is likely to feel the impact of the              builds economic and social              scale of the global outbreak is likely
coronavirus predominantly through                   resilience, and improve productivity.   to weigh on consumer sentiment in
reduced Chinese demand for our
                                                                                            the short term. Households
export goods, this impact will be                   Household consumption,
                                                                                            anticipating worsening conditions
compounded if WA businesses face                    business investment boost               may seek to batten down the
barriers in importing intermediate                  domestic demand                         hatches by converting disposable
inputs produced in China.                           The State’s domestic economy            income to saving, rather than
                                                    finished 2019 on a high note. Real      additional spending – perhaps with
While China is understandably the
                                                    state final demand (SFD) – a            the notable exception of sudden
focus in the short term, an
                                                    measure of economic activity that       demand for hand sanitiser, face
escalation in the outbreak outside of
                                                    excludes exports and imports –          masks and, inexplicably, toilet
China – leading to more widespread
                                                    grew by 1.7% in year-on-year            paper. Building confidence must be
disruption in global supply chains –
                                                    terms to December 2019. That

WA Economic Outlook Keep calm and carry on - Deloitte
a critical element of any                        commencing construction. The              up a fifth consecutive year of
government and business response                 METRONET program tops the list,           decline. The median house price
to the virus.                                    led by its cornerstone Morley-            was approximately 13% lower in
                                                 Ellenbrook greenfield rail project,       December 2019 than at the peak
Business investment grew 6.7% in                 together with a series of major road      achieved in the first quarter of
year-on-year terms to December                   upgrades including the Bunbury            2014. However, there are signs that
2019. Growth was driven by                       Outer Ring Road and Mitchell              the housing market is stabilising.
machinery and equipment                          Freeway extension to Romeo Road.
purchases and investment in IP                                                             While median prices remain low,
products, particularly related to the            And although the boom-time                appetite among buyers appears to
mining industry. Commercial                      fervour is firmly in the past, the        have shifted, with sales volumes
construction activity was flat over              resources sector is still the source of   growing by 2% over the year to
the year, detracting from total                  around two-thirds of WA’s                 December 2019 (Chart 7). That’s
business investment growth. But                  investment project pipeline.              the first full year of growth in sales
there are signs that the tide is                                                           volumes since mid-2014.
turning for non-residential                      In the near term, that activity will
construction.                                    be centred around replacement             Chart 7: Housing hangover
                                                 investment by the iron ore majors         Year-on-year change in rolling
Deloitte Access Economics’ latest                to sustain production levels: Rio’s       annual median house price and
Investment Monitor recorded an                   $3.8bn Koodaideri, BHP’s $4.6bn           sales volume, Perth metro area
increase in the total value of WA’s              South Flank, and Fortescue’s $1.8bn        10%
infrastructure pipeline for the first            Eliwana and its $3.8bn Iron Bridge
time in nine years. Investment                   projects.                                   5%
projects totalling $157 billion were
recorded in WA in December 2019,                 Towards the less certain end of the
                                                 spectrum, there is $55bn worth of           0%
a 28% increase on the value of the
pipeline from the previous                       potential investment activity in LNG,
December (Chart 6). That still                   including Woodside’s Scarborough           -5%

represents a significant decline on              and Browse projects and a potential
the $288 billion peak in 2012 –                  fourth LNG train at Chevron’s             -10%

when megaprojects such as Gorgon                 Gorgon.
were still under construction – but                                                        -15%
                                                 But it’s important to note that the
the recent uptick is most welcome.                                                                             % change in sales volume
                                                 bulk of projects in the pipeline                              % change in median price
                                                 ($123bn or 78%) are classified as         -20%
Chart 6: Definitely maybe                                                                     Dec-13      Dec-15     Dec-17      Dec-19
Value of WA investment project                   ‘under consideration’ or ‘possible’,
pipeline                                         meaning no formal investment              Source: Real Estate Institute of WA

$300bn                                     90%
                                                 decision has yet been made.
                                                                                           Developments in the rental market
                                                 Worsening global economic
                                                                                           also suggest that housing demand is
$250bn                                           fundamentals could result in these
                                           70%                                             gradually catching up to supply. The
                                                 prospective projects being delayed
$200bn                                     60%                                             residential property vacancy rate for
                                           50%                                             the Perth metropolitan area fell to
                                                 Dwelling investment, house                2.4% in December 2019, down from
$100bn                                     30%                                             2.9% the year prior. Further,
                                                 price decline continues
                                           20%                                             median rents grew steadily through
    $50bn                                        The major detractor from growth in
                                           10%                                             2019 and the number of properties
                                                 the State’s domestic economy in
     $0bn                                  0%                                              available for rent has fallen.
                                                 2019 was dwelling investment,
                                                 which fell by 16% in real terms           While these are signs of modest
                                                 year-on-year to December. The             improvement, we expect low house
            Planned ($bn, left axis)             decline was strongest in purchases        prices to continue to weigh on
            Definite ($bn, left axis)
                                                 of new and used dwellings, while          household sentiment. The median
            Mining share (%, right axis)
                                                 investment in alterations and             price has fallen to roughly where it
Source: Deloitte Access Economics Investment
Monitor, December 2019                           additions declined by 9% over the         was in early 2012, and it will take
                                                 year.                                     plenty of time for the recent losses
Much of that improvement is
                                                 House prices in the Perth                 in value to be reversed.
attributable to public transport and
road infrastructure projects that                metropolitan area are estimated to
have gradually moved closer to                   have fallen by 4% in 2019, chalking

Population, employment growth                  moving over time. Trend                       Budget surpluses soar
           ticking up                                     unemployment sat at 5.7% in                   The State Government ended 2019
           We said in our last WA Economic                January 2020, down 0.5 percentage             on a fiscal high note: WA Treasury’s
           Outlook that Western Australia was             points from the previous January              mid-year Budget update revealed
           losing the all-important economic              (Chart 9), a two-and-a-half-year              that the general government sector
           numbers game: population growth.               low.                                          was on track for a $2.6 billion
           That’s still the case relative to the                                                        surplus in 2019-20. That’s more
           rest of Australia, but the numbers             Chart 9: Unemployment easing                  than $1bn higher than Treasurer
           are shifting in the right direction.           WA unemployment rate, original                Ben Wyatt forecast when he handed
                                                          data and trend series                         down the Budget in May 2019.
           WA’s population grew by 1.1%                       8.0%
           year-on-year in June 2019, inching                                                           Much of the improvement resulted

           above the 1.0% growth achieved in                  7.5%                                      from a $1.1bn upward revision in
           the previous quarter. Growth was                                                             iron ore royalty estimates, based on
           helped by net overseas migration of                                                          spot prices continuing to exceed
           approximately 16,000 people, a six-                6.5%                                      Treasury’s conservative forecast of
           year high. And while net interstate                                                          US$73.5/t for 2019-20. The mid-
           migration remains negative, it is                                                            year Budget update showed
           now at a five-year low and heading                 5.5%                                      Treasury’s forecast of royalty
           back towards positive territory                                                              revenue is based on further
           (Chart 8).                                         5.0%                                      conservatism, with expectations of
                                                                                                        an iron ore price of US$65/t over
           Chart 8: Here we grow again                                     Trend                        the forward estimates. This gives
           Contributions to year-on-year                      4.0%                                      the State Budget some breathing
           growth in WA population                               Jan-17   Jan-18      Jan-19   Jan-20
                                                                                                        room should things unexpectedly
                                                          Source: ABS Cat. 6202.0                       worsen in China.

            2.5%                                          But there are still a few cobwebs to          In total, surpluses worth a
            2.0%                                          be cleared away in the job market.            cumulative $10bn are forecast over
                                                                                                        the forward estimates period (Chart
                                                          First, the aggregate job creation             10), leaving the State Government
                                                          numbers mask the fact that there              with plenty of fiscal firepower to
                                                          were 8,000 fewer people in full-time          fund its initial $607m coronavirus
            0.0%                                          employment in January 2020                    stimulus package and any further
           -0.5%                                          relative to a year prior, offset by           State-level stimulus, in addition to
                                                          34,000 additional people in part-             the estimated $17.6bn stimulus
                                                          time employment.                              package announced by the
                        Net interstate migration                                                        Commonwealth.
                        Net overseas migration            Second, the spoils are not evenly
                        Natural increase
                        Total population growth           distributed across the State.                 Chart 10: Fiscal firepower
           Source: ABS Cat. 3101.0
                                                          Unemployment in parts of north-               WA general government net
                                                          west WA range as high as 15%, and             operating surplus/deficit
           Labour market conditions have also             although Perth’s coastal and inner             $3bn
           improved since our last WA                     suburbs are faring relatively well,
           Economic Outlook. More than                    the jobless rate remains in double-            $2bn

           26,000 jobs were created in WA                 digits in outer suburbs like                   $1bn
           over the year to January 2020,                 Armadale and Kwinana.
           representing year-on-year growth of                                                           $0bn
           2.0%. More importantly,                        Third, job gains in 2019 were
           employment growth steadily                     concentrated in a handful of                  -$1bn

           accelerated each month in 2019.                industries – notably mining,
                                                          professional services, and health.
           Monthly unemployment data are                  Gains in these industries masked              -$3bn
           notoriously volatile, and so a more            almost 40,000 fewer jobs across the
           stable measure of trend                        agricultural, manufacturing,
           unemployment – which abstracts                 construction and hospitality sectors.                     Mid-year update (Dec '19)
           from seasonal factors and one-off              The retail and wholesale trade                            Budget forecast (May '19)
           shocks – provides a clearer view of            sectors also fared poorly.
                                                                                                        Source: WA Treasury
           how the State’s jobless rate is


Noel Richards                                          James Campbell-Sloan                                 Aiden Depiazzi
Partner                                                Director                                             Senior Economist
Deloitte Access Economics                              Deloitte Access Economics                            Deloitte Access Economics
Tel: +61 8 9365 7303                                   Tel: +61 8 9365 7110                                 Tel: +61 8 9365 7853
norichards@deloitte.com.au                             jcampbell-sloan@deloitte.com.au                      adepiazzi@deloitte.com.au

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    Perth WA 6000 Australia
    Tel: +61 8 9365 7000

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