JOBS & SALARY 2018 TRENDS REPORT - What is the current state of MBA hiring around the world? -

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JOBS & SALARY 2018 TRENDS REPORT - What is the current state of MBA hiring around the world? -


What is the current state of
MBA hiring around the world?
JOBS & SALARY 2018 TRENDS REPORT - What is the current state of MBA hiring around the world? -
QS Jobs & Salary Trends Report 2018

                Introduction                                     3

                Fast Facts                                       4

                MBA Recruitment Trends by Region 				            5

                MBA Salary Levels by Region 				                 8

                MBA Salary and Recruitment Levels by Industry   12

                Job Functions                                   14

                Regional Guides             		                  15

                ıı   US & Canada                                15

                ıı   Western Europe                             16

                ıı   Asia-Pacific                               17

                ıı   Eastern Europe & Central Asia              18

                ıı   Latin America                              19

                ıı   Middle East & Africa                       20

                For What are Employers Looking                  21

                ıı   MBA Skills                                 21

                ıı   MBA Specializations                        22

                ıı   Work Experience                            23

                Sample of Employers 				                        24

QS Jobs & Salary Trends Report 2018

Since 1990, the QS Intelligence Unit, working with, has carried out an
annual survey of MBA employers across the globe, to identify trends in international
MBA salaries and recruitment. This forms the basis of the QS Jobs &
Salary Trends Report, the longest-established and most comprehensive review of its

The 2018 edition of the report is based on responses from 3,463 employers across
the globe, each of which has provided us with information on current and future MBA
hiring and salary levels. Figures were reported in 2017 and cover the 2016-17 hiring
period. All salary figures are in USD.

QS Jobs & Salary Trends Report 2018

                Fast Facts
                ıı   2017 a good year for MBA hiring levels, with a 13% increase reported globally.

                ıı   Asia-Pacific posts the strongest growth at 18%, with mature markets in US & Canada
                     and Western Europe both registering 10% – comfortably in excess of employers’
                     conservative predictions.

                ıı   Slight slowdown predicted in 2018 and 2019.

                ıı   MBA salary levels increase after dip in 2016; MBA employers in the US & Canada are
                     the most generous ($98,900, increasing to $116,300 with bonus), pulling away from
                     Western Europe ($85,500, increasing to $101,300).

                ıı   Highest MBA salaries on offer in Switzerland ($123,500), followed by US ($102,100).
                     France ($98,500) and UK ($92,400) are next best performers in Europe. Australia
                     leads the way in Asia-Pacific ($98,400), followed by Japan ($80,000).

                ıı   Sales/business development, finance and general management most commonly
                     offered roles.

                ıı   Strong growth across industry sectors, showing MBAs are in demand from a diverse
                     range of employers. Growth in jobs in financial services still slower, but salaries on
                     offer are highest ($97,100 – US & Canada and Western Europe only).

                ıı   Employers want more from MBA hires in terms of leadership and soft skills.

                ıı   Greatest proportion of employers looking for 3-5 or 1-3 years’ experience.

QS Jobs & Salary Trends Report 2018

        MBA Recruitment
        Trends by Region
        MBA Recruitment Levels

          +10%                    +10%                      +12%
        US & Canada           Western Europe             Eastern Europe



                                               Africa & Middle East
                          Latin America

        Growth in MBA hiring levels has comfortably exceeded expectations this year, with
        employers in every region reporting higher-than-expected levels of recruitment. This
        is particularly notable in the mature markets of US & Canada and Western Europe,
        where modest predictions are dwarfed by 10% growth in both regions.

        In the case of the US & Canada, this is a continuation of consecutive years of strong
        growth; predictions of more modest growth have not been borne out, though this
        year’s figure represents a slight slowdown. Perhaps the unexpected political events
        that rocked the US and the world have led employers to reassess their hiring needs.
        We may also be seeing employers err on the side of caution when looking ahead, in
        a world where the events of a decade ago have not yet been forgotten. Following
        this theme, once again, predictions for next year represent a slowdown, albeit not as
        severe as that forecast in previous editions of this research. Confidence is tempered
        by uncertainty.

QS Jobs & Salary Trends Report 2018

                In Western Europe the repercussions of the Great Recession were felt for longer, but
                recent years have seen more positive figures reported by survey respondents. 2016
                saw growth at a slower rate of 4%, with moderated expectations for 2017 – possibly on
                the back of political events in the UK. Once again, the reality has been more positive,
                with raised expectations next year. The figure is not huge, but the fact that is in excess
                of 5% is notable in itself. Stronger growth across the eurozone, which outpaced the
                US for the first time since 2008, has clearly finally instilled a degree of confidence. The
                shifting landscape of Europe looks set to create more opportunities for MBAs.

                Predicted MBA Hiring Levels

                  2018 +7%                  2018 +7%                    2018 +3%
                  2019 +2%                  2019 +5%                     2019 -3%
                 US & Canada             Western Europe                Eastern Europe
                                                                                                     2018 +7%
                                                                                                     2019 +2%

       2018 +6%                                                                                     Asia-Pacific

       2019 +4%


                                                                2018 -2%
                                     2018+9%                   2019 +10%
                                    2019 +10%
                                                           Africa & Middle East
                                    Latin America

                Outside of the two most-mature markets, we see the Asia-Pacific MBA boom continue,
                with an incredible 18% increase in hiring. Driven by, but by no means limited to, India
                and China, to which we can add the established markets of Japan, Australia, Singapore
                and Hong Kong, and the up-and-coming ASEAN, there seems to be an insatiable
                appetite for MBAs in the region. Interestingly, we see predictions fall to match Western
                levels next year, which we might read as a sign of growing maturity in the region,
                as hiring levels reach a more sustainable level. The region’s growth remains strong,
                however, so it would not be too great a shock to see expectations exceeded once

QS Jobs & Salary Trends Report 2018

Latin America has also had a second-consecutive strong year (2016 was an Olympic
year for its largest economy, Brazil). While overall economic growth has slowed, the
region finds itself in a relatively stable position as compared to the turn of the century.
Accordingly, MBA employers are still looking to bolster their ranks, albeit from a lower
base. Predictions for 2018 are resilient, despite potential political complications faced
by key-MBA hiring ground Mexico.

In Eastern Europe & Central Asia (EECA) and Middle East & Africa alike, we see the
most worrying figures in this year’s analysis: a forecasted contraction in hiring. For
now, however, the picture is more positive. While some of the EECA’s larger economies
have endured difficult years, many smaller nations enjoyed better fortunes. In a less-
mature hiring region, this has been sufficient to see a bump in hiring levels. Mixed
fortunes across the huge and varied region of the Middle East & Africa – fluctuating
oil prices and unrest, offset by growth peppered across various oil-importing nations
– ultimately delivers, in line with the rest of the world, yet another solid growth figure.

And that seems to be the prevailing theme in this year’s data. Despite the uncertainty
and challenges faced across the globe, employers are seeking MBA talent in greater
numbers than ever before. Indeed, it is to these leaders that organizations are turning
to steer them through challenging times.

QS Jobs & Salary Trends Report 2018

                MBA Salary Levels
                by Region
                MBA Salary Levels

                                 country          2017       2016
                Africa & Middle East             $78,200    $67,500

                Asia-Pacific                     $71,300    $69,300

                Eastern Europe & Central Asia    $57,000    $49,500

                Latin America                    $62,500    $58,800

                US & Canada                      $98,900    $91,300

                Western Europe                   $85,500    $81,100

                Total MBA Compensation 2016-17

                                 country          2017       2016
                Africa & Middle East             $90,700    $89,400

                Asia-Pacific                     $85,900    $89,000

                Eastern Europe & Central Asia    $69,100    $73,400

                Latin America                    $75,900    $72,300

                US & Canada                      $116,300   $118,500

                Western Europe                   $101,300   $98,400

QS Jobs & Salary Trends Report 2018

This year marks a return to close to the six-figure mark for basic MBA salary in the
US & Canada, after last year’s slight dip. Even with this taken into consideration, the
spiritual home of the MBA still comfortably led the pack in salary terms last year. This
has been accentuated by this year’s full return to form, a hair’s breadth from 2015’s
record-high MBA salary figure. If you have money on your mind, then anglophone
(and francophone) North America is the place to go. Bonus packages, however, are
not quite as generous as in previous iterations of QS MBA salary research, meaning
that we see total compensation take a slight hit. With a figure that remains close to
$120,000 this hardly will require any tightening of the belt.

MBA salary levels have not increased by same amount in Western Europe, nor quite
recovered to the level seen in 2015 or the two preceding years (in 2013, reported levels
were even in touching distance of the US & Canada). The trend is positive however,
with a healthy figure around $85,000, pulled over the six-figure mark when bonus
figures are taken into consideration. This steady growth represents a stabilization
after the volatility of preceding years.

In Asia-Pacific, MBA salary levels continue on a steady upward trend (though not in
excess of the anomalously high figure reported in 2014), reflecting the long-term
ongoing strengthening of the region. Overall compensation is somewhat down, but
this reflects the relative unpredictability of bonus levels as much as anything, with new
countries and industries entering a booming, but still-young MBA hiring market.

In EECA, we see improved MBA salary offers tempered by stable compensation levels
– a shift from performance-related bonus to basic salary can be taken as a sign of
increased confidence from employers. Unfortunately, total compensation is down
somewhat on last year’s figure. We see the same phenomenon in the Middle East
& Africa, where it is even more pronounced (though the trend is positive for overall
compensation), though this seems more a consequence of volatility in a small employer
pool. Nonetheless, the salary data reported this year show that a fine figure can be
commanded in the region. Latin America leaves us with fewer talking points, but a
happy story, with a slight bump in both salary and total compensation levels.

QS Jobs & Salary Trends Report 2018

                MBA Salary Levels
                by Country
                                 country         Salary     Bonus     Overall
                     Switzerland                 $123,500   $17,400   $140,900

                     United States               $102,100   $18,800   $120,900

                     Canada                      $99,800    $11,300   $111,100

                     France                      $98,500    $17,700   $116,200

                     Australia                   $98,400    $17,800   $116,200

                     United Kingdom              $92,400    $30,500   $122,900

                     Italy                       $86,400    $25,400   $111,800

                     Singapore                   $82,700    $22,600   $105,300

                     Japan                       $80,000    $26,600   $106,600

                     Germany                     $77,200    $16,900   $94,100

                     Chile                       $76,300    $18,600   $94,900

                     India                       $66,500    $9,800    $76,300

                     Mexico                      $66,000    $12,800   $78,800

                     Russia                      $65,500    $12,900   $78,400

                     South Korea                 $65,000    $10,000   $75,000

                     Colombia                    $63,800    $10,800   $74,600

                     Argentina                   $63,600    $20,700   $84,300

                     Peru                        $58,500    $8,400    $66,900

                     Hong Kong                   $58,100    $10,400   $68,500

                     Brazil                      $54,600    $13,000   $67,600

                     Spain                       $52,500    $16,500   $69,000

                     Malaysia                    $52,300    $11,200   $63,500

                     Uruguay                     $48,900    $13,200   $62,100

                     China                       $42,400    $12,600   $55,000

                     Taiwan                      $36,800    $12,000   $48,800

QS Jobs & Salary Trends Report 2018

If you’re looking to earn the highest-possible MBA salary, you would do well to target
employers in Switzerland, where we see phenomenal salary levels on offer. Elsewhere
in Western Europe, the traditionally strong markets of France and the UK – despite
uncertainty in the latter, and challenging elections in both – post strong salary figures.

In a great year for North American MBA salary levels, the US leapfrogs into second
place in our (non-exhaustive) selection of nations followed by Canada in third place.
Australia, as in previous years, leads the pack in Asia-Pacific, followed by Singapore
and Japan; while the world’s third-largest economy may have endured some tough
years, MBA employers in this established market are still able to offer appealing sums.

Of the Latin America nations featured, we see Chile leading the way, followed by
Mexico. Russia posts a figure comfortably in excess of the EECA average, reflecting its
status as a relatively mature market in the region, despite turbulent times economically

QS Jobs & Salary Trends Report 2018

                MBA Salary and
                Recruitment Levels
                by Industry

                MBA Recruitment Levels by Industry

                                                 2017   2018             2019
                             Technology          13%    5%               2%

                             Other               15%    5%               3%

                             Finance             5%     7%               7%

                             Consulting          11%    14%              3%

                MBA Salary Levels by Industry

                              Technology                       $89,633

                              Other                            $89,675

                              Finance                          $97,100

                              Consulting                       $90,900

QS Jobs & Salary Trends Report 2018

Breaking down recruitment levels by industry, we see the ‘other’ grouping – which
takes in everything aside from the three most prominent areas of MBA hiring – has
seen the greatest increase in MBA hiring levels. This reflects a theme evident in the last
few iterations of this research: an increasingly diverse body of employers are seeking
MBA talent. While finance and consulting still account for a good deal of MBA hiring,
there are many more options open to the Millennial generation of MBAs, to whom
traditional paths may not be as appealing. In line with global trends, the next couple of
years look set to be more modest.

Employers in the burgeoning and glamourous technology sector have also posted
confident figures this year, though gradually declining predicted figures over the
next two years suggest that at some point, we may see this bubble burst. Given the
innovation with which the sector is synonymous, there is a degree of unpredictability
we must always take into account.

Growth in consulting is also in double digits. The next few years look to be volatile
ones, however, with a huge spike next year followed by a slower period as the decade
draws to a close. Finance continues to grow at a more modest pace a decade on from
the global financial crisis, though the smaller figure must be read in light of a larger
base in terms of MBA hiring. Slightly more robust growth is forecast over the next two

Salary levels (Western Europe and US & Canada only) are fairly consistent across
industries. Taking into account that averages represent a wide range, the takeaway
here seems again to be that a diverse range of employers are keen to attract MBA
talent, and willing to pay competitive salaries in order to do so. We see a slightly
higher salary level on offer from employers in financial services, as might be expected.
Consulting salaries remain in line with other sectors, as small firms intermingle with
the traditional big industry names, who continue to offer some of the biggest returns

QS Jobs & Salary Trends Report 2018

                Job Functions
                Job Functions MBAs Hired into 2017

                 Strategic Planning                                                           46%
                 Finance - Other                                                              39%
                 General Management                                                           38%
                 Marketing                                                                    37%
                 Consultant                                                                   34%
                 Sales & Development                                                          31%
                 IT / Technology                                                              28%
                 Finance - Advisory                                                           22%
                 Operations / Manufacturing                                                   21%
                 Supply Chain / Logistics                                                     18%
                 E-commerce                                                                    8%
                 Other                                                                         8%

                MBAs are being hired into a diverse range of businesses for a reason: for their
                vision, their innovation, and their ability to ultimately help those businesses grow.
                Consequently, we see strategic planning leading the list of roles into which MBAs are

                MBAs are also valued for their technical skills, with finance roles accounting for a
                good deal of hiring, as well as the wide-ranging skills that see consultant and general
                management appear towards the upper end of this table of job functions. The battle
                for hearts and minds that is marketing also features prominently, with over a third of
                respondents hiring MBAs into these roles. And let’s not forget the crucial role MBAs
                play in converting the efforts made by a business to profit, evident in the third of
                businesses who recruit MBAs into sales roles.

                Over a quarter sought MBAs for IT and tech roles; an indication of the centrality that
                technology has come to take for businesses, and the status it has come to enjoy on
                MBA programs. E-commerce features lower down the list, also. Towards the bottom
                end of this scale, though still at significant volumes, we see MBAs being hired for their
                ability to make things happen (operations and supply chain).

                A huge variety of people, with varied skillsets, study MBAs. This is reflected in the roles
                into which they’re hired.

QS Jobs & Salary Trends Report 2018

Regional Guides
US & Canada
US & Canada MBA Recruitment Levels by Industry

                                          2017               2018             2019
               Technology                 22%                15%                2%

               Other                      6%                  2%                1%

               Finance                    4%                  4%               -1%

               Consulting                 7%                 15%                7%

US & Canada MBA Salary Levels

                                                   2017                     2016
 Salary                                           $98,900                  $91,300
 Total Compensation                               $116,300                 $118,500

Another good year in hiring terms for the birthplace of the MBA, as predictions of
slower growth have been exceeded most comfortably by reality. This has led to
bolder predictions for next year, albeit at a lower rate than 2017, followed by a year of
slower growth in 2019. We may be seeing a touch of conservatism creeping in here,
as employers don’t feel quite ready to commit to higher levels of MBA hiring. We also
need to factor in a more colorful political situation than we have seen in recent history,
which adds a level of unpredictability to proceedings.

It’s tech companies that have become the big names in recent times, and they continue
to recruit apace, with electrifying growth. 2018 looks like it may be another strong
year. Consulting posts solid if unspectacular results, though is set for a bumper 2018,
while finance is slower and even threatens a small contraction in two years (though,
we will see if this comes to fruition).

MBA salary levels have bounced back from a global dip in 2016 to stand at a level close
to the highest we’ve seen reported, and pulling away from the rest of the world.

QS Jobs & Salary Trends Report 2018

                Western Europe

                Western Europe MBA Recruitment Levels by Industry

                                                        2017                  2018             2019
                               Technology                35%                  1%                1%

                               Other                      7%                  9%                6%

                               Finance                    4%                  6%                2%

                               Consulting                 7%                  5%                6%

                Western Europe MBA Salary Levels

                                                                    2017                     2016
                 Salary                                            $85,500                  $81,100
                 Total Compensation                                $101,300                 $98,400

                We see a convergence this year, as Western Europe matches the US & Canada in 2017
                actual hiring levels and 2018’s predicted level. This year’s growth is another case of
                expectations being left in the dust, as MBA hiring seems to be at an unexpectedly
                buoyant level. Next year’s predicted 7% growth is not spectacular, but notable for the
                fact that it is a good deal higher than the 2% that was forecast for 2017.

                In a region that took a long time to recover (if it can be said recovery has been full) from
                the 2007-2008 crash, this seems to represent a new mood of confidence. This is not
                misplaced, with the eurozone outperforming the US for the first time since 2008. With
                the UK’s exit from the EU looming, the next few years will be interesting for Europe;
                any potential negative effect on MBA hiring in the UK is likely to be to the advantage of
                the rest of the continent.

                Like the US, tech is what is driving growth here – or we should say, has driven, with
                future predictions suggesting the tech names may be seeking to move forward with
                the talent they already have on board. Elsewhere, figures are muscular, though with
                no real fireworks, and look set to remain this way. Salary has grown at a modest level.

QS Jobs & Salary Trends Report 2018


Asia-Pacific MBA Recruitment Levels by Industry

                                       2017                  2018             2019
               Technology               6%                   14%               5%

               Other                    25%                   4%               2%

               Finance                  6%                    8%               2%

               Consulting               16%                  14%               1%

Asia-Pacific MBA Salary Levels

                                                  2017                      2016
 Salary                                           $71,300                  $69,300
 Total Compensation                               $85,900                  $89,000

Asia-Pacific has been the stand out story in terms of MBA hiring for a few years now,
and this year is no different, with an incredible 18% increase in MBA hiring. While next
year, the feeling seems to be that hiring will be at a more restrained level, equivalent
to Western Europe and the US & Canada, it is perhaps fair to say that it would hardly
register shockwaves if the figure posted was much higher than expected.

While tech has been the key in previous years, we see more down-to-earth figures
reported this year, though next year may be better for Asia-Pacific tech employers.
Consulting has had an excellent year, which may well be followed by another, while
growth in financial services outpaces the West (as is also the case with overall economic
growth). It is the ‘other’ employers that really stood out in 2017, showing that this
maturing market is diversifying.

The only slight negative comes from the fact that MBA salary levels have only crept
up, with total compensation levels actually suffering a slight dip due to reduced bonus
levels. We are, however, nowhere near a crisis.

QS Jobs & Salary Trends Report 2018

                Eastern Europe & Central Asia

                Eastern Europe & Central Asia MBA Recruitment Levels by Industry

                                                      2017                 2018           2019
                               Technology              35%                 -1%             -1%

                               Other                   6%                  3%              -6%

                               Finance                 6%                  11%              0%

                               Consulting              22%                 1%               4%

                Eastern Europe & Central Asia MBA Salary Levels

                                                                 2017                   2016
                 Salary                                          $57,000               $49,500
                 Total Compensation                              $69,100               $73,400

                The shadow of Russia looms large over this region, but this year’s confident growth
                shows that there is more to Eastern Europe & Central Asia than the world’s biggest
                country. Indeed, many Eastern European nations enjoyed strong economic growth
                over the time period in question, while Russia has stagnated. We see, therefore, 12%
                growth, which is slightly higher than even the assured prediction of 10% made last

                It should be noted, however, that MBA employers are losing that confidence, with low
                growth and even a contraction predicted in coming years. For now, however, we can
                happily look to an excellent year for tech and consulting employers in the region.

                As in Asia, we’ve seen an increase in MBA salary levels offset by a reduction in bonus
                that brings down the total compensation level.

QS Jobs & Salary Trends Report 2018

Latin America

Latin America MBA Recruitment Levels by Industry

                                       2017                 2018             2019
               Technology               7%                  -31%             -17%

               Other                    11%                 11%               5%

               Finance                  20%                 23%               9%

               Consulting               5%                  29%               4%

Latin America MBA Salary Levels

                                                  2017                     2016
 Salary                                          $62,500                  $58,800
 Total Compensation                              $75,900                  $72,300

The economic prospects of Latin American nations may be mixed, but in the world of
MBA jobs, things are actually looking fairly positive. Employers seem to be targeting
MBA talent to help guide them through potentially turbulent times.

This is evidenced in the 11% growth we’ve seen this year, set to be followed by hiring at
a roughly equivalent level for the next two years. The volatility we see across industry
sectors – losses in tech with huge increases in finance and consulting – reflects the
immaturity of the market. If it keeps growing at the confident rate at which it is,
however, we won’t be able to say this for much longer.

We see modest increases in both salary and total compensation levels.

QS Jobs & Salary Trends Report 2018

                Middle East & Africa

                Middle East & Africa MBA Recruitment Levels by Industry

                                                      2017                2018             2019
                               Technology              -2%                -30%             -12%

                               Other                   3%                 -3%               1%

                               Finance                 0%                 0%                24%

                               Consulting              13%                11%               0%

                Middle East & Africa MBA Salary Levels

                                                                 2017                   2016
                 Salary                                         $78,200                 $67,500
                 Total Compensation                             $90,700                 $89,400

                It’s a slow year in the Middle East & Africa, with the MBA yet to take hold in the same
                way as it has in more mature hiring markets. Growth matches the modest predicted
                figure, though we may well be looking at an equivalent contraction next year, followed
                by a better year in 2019.

                Consulting is the strongest sector for the time being, though increased finance hiring
                looks set to drive growth in 2019. Tech hiring is due for a particularly rough ride, if
                predictions are borne out.

                Reported MBA salary levels are high – this reflects the small pool of employers as
                much as anything, though also shows that MBA is valued by those employers in the
                region who seek it out.

QS Jobs & Salary Trends Report 2018

For What are
Employers Looking
MBA Skills

                                          Academic Achievement                           *Score out of 3

       Relevant Experience                               E-Business

      Multi-lingual                                                Entrepreneurship

      Marketing                          0.5                          Finance Skills



      Leadership skills                  2.0                  International Awareness


                IT/Computer Skills                Interpersonal Skills

We asked employers to tell us which skills they value the most in their MBA hires, and
how satisfied they were that they were in possession of said skills. We have seen a level
of consistency in this over the years: MBA employers expect a lot, and don’t believe
they are quite getting it. Traditionally this has been most pronounced in soft skill areas,
and this year is no different, with the disconnect between importance and satisfaction
in communication skills, interpersonal skills and leadership skills eye catching.

QS Jobs & Salary Trends Report 2018

                We should offer a couple of caveats here, employers put a considerable premium
                on soft skills, and – particularly if we extend our sample out a few years – these skills
                actually rank fairly well among those in which employers are most satisfied overall.
                This applies less to leadership skills. Thus, we reach the same conclusions as ever:
                MBAs must pay more heed to their human side to get ahead, and must also be ready
                to step up and lead, and not simply push pencils: this is why they’re being hired in the
                first place. This is accentuated by a worrying gap we see in strategic thinking and a
                smaller though still noticeable one in entrepreneurship.

                Elsewhere, MBAs can take solace in their status as citizens of the world, with
                international awareness and linguistic ability rating highly, who seem to be comfortable
                in the digital world. As you would hope, finance, risk management and marketing also
                look more positive. Employers, it seems, do not place too much emphasis on CSR,
                though they’re happy enough with that of MBAs, while the skill they care about least –
                academic achievement – is that with which they are most satisfied…

                MBA Specializations







































                We asked employers to also pick which MBA specializations they considered the
                most valuable. The results very much echo what was found above, with leadership
                and strategy leading the way, followed by innovation. The message for MBAs is clear:
                employers are looking for visionaries, not just functional managers who are able to
                keep things ticking along.

QS Jobs & Salary Trends Report 2018

That said, they still also need those with expertise in finance, marketing and operations,
to support visionaries. CSR once again registers a low score, as does international
management – it may be that these are considered innate enough skills to not warrant
a specialization. Interestingly, entrepreneurship registers the next lowest score –
perhaps the same applies here.

Work Experience

Preferred Years of Work Experience Sought

 0-1          1-3                         3-5                      5-8               8+

0%     10%      20%      30%      40%      50%      60%      70%      80%      90%        100%

We asked employers what the ideal amount of work experience was in those being
hired into MBA jobs. While work experience is clearly valued, it seems that employers
prefer those who are experienced but not too experienced, with 3-5 and 1-3 years’
experience deemed the ideal amount for employers responding to our survey.
It seems that they are seeking those who know what they are doing, but who are
not yet set in their ways, and can grow with the company. Those with greater than 5
years’ experience, however, are still valued by employers, with the two age brackets
represented here registering nearly a third. Those with less than a year are the least in
demand it would seem, although 5% of employers is not an insignificant figure.

There is some regional variety: Latin American employers show the greatest propensity
to hire those with greater experience, while Middle Eastern & African employers are
the most willing to hire inexperienced candidates. As is to be expected, Western
European employers put a higher premium on experience than those in the US &
Canada, reflecting the higher average age of MBA candidates in the region.

QS Jobs & Salary Trends Report 2018

                Sample of Employers



                Bain & Company


                Financial Services



                Morgan Stanley

                HSBC Global Asset Management





                Adobe Systems


                BBC World Service




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