VZOR Stress Monitor 2021 - Pruebas de Rendimiento, Stress de Aplicaciones Web y Endpoints.

Page created by Lynn Welch
VZOR Stress Monitor 2021 - Pruebas de Rendimiento, Stress de Aplicaciones Web y Endpoints.
VZOR Stress Monitor
Pruebas de Rendimiento, Stress de Aplicaciones Web y
VZOR Stress Monitor 2021 - Pruebas de Rendimiento, Stress de Aplicaciones Web y Endpoints.
Our company

   "We deliver technological services aimed at
 solving the problems of management, processes
 and monitoring that businesses require in the era
            of Digital Transformation."

    +20     Corporate
            Contracts           +700    Monitored

+12.000 Monitored
        equipment                50%    Growth

VZOR Stress Monitor 2021 - Pruebas de Rendimiento, Stress de Aplicaciones Web y Endpoints.
VZOR Stress Monitor

VZOR Stress Monitor is an innovative service platform that
provides - in real time - a comprehensive view of the operation
of the company's main digital channels.

This service works centrally, operating in the different national
and international data centers, from where different types of
tests are executed and the results are recorded in our
monitoring platform VZOR SUITE 360.

With VZOR Suite stress testing you will be able to obtain stable
versions of your digital channels, where the user experience will
reach a level of operational excellence.
                                                                    Con VZOR Suite stress testing podrás
                                                                     obtener versiones estables de tus
                                                                            canales digitales.!

VZOR Stress Monitor 2021 - Pruebas de Rendimiento, Stress de Aplicaciones Web y Endpoints.
VZOR Stress Monitor

Performance Testing, Web Application Stress
              and Endpoints

Currently, the national and international market offers a
battery of Stress Testing products. However, these do not
offer full enterprise integration and a full set of test types.
Therefore we have developed a new service, VZOR Stress

VZOR Stress Monitor 2021 - Pruebas de Rendimiento, Stress de Aplicaciones Web y Endpoints.
VZOR Risk Monitor - Operation

 Performance Testing, Web Application Stress
               and Endpoints

“What sets us apart from the rest? VZOR Stress Monitor, has an
innovative methodology to carry out these tests, showing the
end-to-end of an IT ecosystem where bottlenecks are found,
providing an additional value layer in decision-making when
setting up a channel digital in production ”.

                                                                  "Technological Risk Management
                                                                 enables the operational continuity of
                                                                            the business."

VZOR Stress Monitor 2021 - Pruebas de Rendimiento, Stress de Aplicaciones Web y Endpoints.
VZOR Stress Monitor
Performance Testing (Testing),
  Stress of Web Applications
        and Endpoints
¿En qué consiste el servicio?

                                                                                     Mejoramos la
     Load Test                 Stress test              Stability test               Spike testing
                                                                                  experiencia usuario
                                                                                       hasta un

   The application /           The application /     Once determined, with        This test is responsible for
    endpoint will be       endpoint will be tested   the previous stress test,     evaluating the response
loaded with a number         with more and more             the number of             of the application /
 of concurrent clients     concurrent users, until       concurrent clients           endpoint in abrupt
during a certain period        the failure of the    supported, a new test of        scenarios of random
 of time, the idea is to    responses is seen and       several hours will be          increases in client
     certify that the          the application /         launched with this        connections. This allows
application / endpoint       endpoint begins to        maximum number of              determining if the
   can support that                degrade.           clients, with the aim of        platform can scale
        amount.                                            evaluating if the       adequately in the event
                                                       platform is capable of      of fortuitous events and
                                                      sustaining it in a stable      maintain availability.
                                                          manner during a
                                                        specified number of
VZOR Risk Monitor - Operation

Test               Type of section     Endpoint             App

                                                     By steps of the app
Load Test        Simultaneous user     by endpoint

                                                     By steps of the app
Stress test      N/A                   by endpoint

                 Simultaneous users,   by endpoint   By steps of the app
Stability test
                 Duration                                   flow

                                                     By steps of the app
Spike Testing    Duration              by endpoint
Business Model

Sale Modality
• Saas
• Monthly Contract (test packages)
• Case by case configuration

Payment scheme
• Initial Set Up
• Recurring service Month
• Monthly service management report
• Escalation consulting
• Use of 7 x 24 platform
• Technical support by levels
• Platform maintenance
                                        Con VZOR Suite stress testing podrás
                                         obtener versiones estables de tus
                                                canales digitales.!

VZOR v/s Competencia
                                     Soluciones Monitoreo Riesgo Tecnológico






    Costo Efectivo   Usabilidad   Innovación en   Flexibilidad   Escalabilidad     Valor      Completitud    Apps de     TCO
                                     producto                                    Agregado                    Control

                        Monitoreo de Cumplimiento Interno                   Software Monitoreo World Class (RSA - SAP)
                        Software Cumplimiento                               Software desarrollo Local
                        Soluciones Riesgo Operativo                         Global Suite
                        Servicios VZOR
We invite you to live the experience

         VZOR® All rights reserved
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