Voters' Guide General Election November 2 2021 - Yakima County
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Yakima County Official Local Voters’ G u id e General Election November 2 ballots are mailed starting October 13 2021 Yakima County Elections Division 509.574.1340 or 1.800.833.0569
A message from Yakima County Elections Democracy doesn’t work without you. And it’s never been easier for you to participate. If you aren’t registered now, you can visit us and register and vote on election day. If you are already registered, a ballot packet is automatically being prepared and mailed to you. You don’t even have to try to find a stamp to return your ballot -- postage is free or you can use the 24/7 drop box in your community. We are here to make sure that every eligible person has an equal opportunity to register and vote. Your vote is your voice so let your voice be heard and vote! The team at Yakima County Elections takes great pride in conducting transparent elections according to state and federal law. Get your information right from the source and come visit us to watch and learn about the path your ballot takes to be counted. About this guide The content of candidate statements, ballot measure explanatory statements, “for” or “against” statements and rebuttal statements are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not represent the position of the Auditor’s Office, Election Division, or Yakima County. Submissions are not proofed for accuracy or fact, and are not corrected for errors in spelling or punctuation. Questions? contact us Yakima County Elections Division 128 N 2nd St Room 117 509.574.1340 or 1.800.833.0569 PO Box 12570 Yakima WA 98909 Who donates to campaigns? View contributors for candidates and measures Public Disclosure Commission 2 toll free 1-877-601-2828
How to register and vote Qualifications How do I register? You must be at least 18 years old, a U.S. citizen, a Online: visit resident of Washington, and not under Department By mail: Request a paper form be mailed to of Corrections supervision for a Washington felony you or print your own at conviction. If you are 16 or 17 you can sign up as a Future Voter and you’ll be registered to vote when you In person: Visit Yakima County Elections turn 18. Deadlines Moved? By mail or online: Contact a county elections office to request a Your application must be ballot at your new address. received no later than October Oct Nov 25. by October 25: have by November 2: Visit 25 2 your application a local voting center in In person: Visit a local voting received by mail or person. center by 8pm on election day. online. How to vote Your ballot will be mailed no later than Vote your ballot and sign your return October 15 to the address you gave us envelope. No one can sign for you. for your voter registration. If you need a You don’t have to vote every contest. Use replacement ballot, contact us. this guide to help you decide. Return your ballot by mail, no stamp Return your ballot to an official ballot drop or box. Drop boxes are open until 8 pm on needed. If mailed, your ballot must be postmarked by November 2 to count. November 2, election day. If you cannot personally return your ballot, only let people you trust deliver it for you. Check the status of your ballot on to see if we received your ballot. We will contact you before your ballot is processed if: • your signature is missing • your signature doesn’t match your voter registration record accessible voting options Visit to access your ballot online or visit a voting center to use a voting unit that is designed for use with tactile switches, sip-and puff devices and headphones. 3
Ballot Drop Boxes look for the logo! Naches Tieton Selah Yakima (2) Moxee Union Gap Parker Wapato Harrah Zillah White Swan Granger Toppenish (2) Sunnyside (2) Grandview Mabton drop boxes open 24/7 Grandview City Hall, 207 W 2nd St Tieton City Hall, 418 Maple St Granger City Hall, 102 Main St Toppenish Yakama Nation Offices, 401 Fort Rd Harrah Town Hall, 11 E Pioneer St Toppenish City Hall, 21 W 1st Ave Mabton City Hall, 305 N Main St Union Gap City Hall, 102 W Ahtanum Rd Moxee City Hall, 255 W Seattle Ave Wapato, 205 E 3rd St (behind the library) Naches Town Hall, 29 E 2nd St White Swan, 240 Curtis St Parker, 360 Columbia Rd Yakima, 1st St & E Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Selah City Hall, 115 W Naches Ave Zillah City Hall, 503 First Ave Sunnyside, S 8th St & E Edison Ave indoor drop boxes open 8am-4pm M-F Yakima County Courthouse Security Station, 128 N 2nd St Yakima County Auditor’s Office, 128 N 2nd St Rm 117 election day only 8am-8pm Sunnyside Neighborhood Heatlh, 617 Scoon Rd 4
What’s Inside This guide has all races and measures that are on the ballot for this election in Yakima County. Your ballot will only have the races and issues that you are eligible to vote on based on where you live. Do you live in the City of Yakima but don’t know what district you live in? Find your address on the interactive map at You don’t have to vote the entire ballot. You can leave any contest or measure blank. We will count every vote you marked. Yakima County Fire Districts Commissioner, District 3...................................... 6 District 1............................................................... 72 District 2............................................................... 72 Cities and Towns District 3............................................................... 73 Grandview............................................................ 7-8 District 4............................................................... 73 Granger............................................................... 8-9 District 5............................................................... 73 Harrah................................................................. 10 District 6............................................................... 73 Mabton................................................................10-11 District 7............................................................... 74 Moxee..................................................................12-15 District 9............................................................... 74 Naches............................................................... 15-16 District 12............................................................ 74 Selah.................................................................. 17-20 District 14............................................................ 74 Sunnyside............................................................21-24 Port Districts Tieton...................................................................25-28 Grandview........................................................... 75 Toppenish............................................................29-32 Sunnyside............................................................ 75 Union Gap...........................................................33-34 Wapato................................................................34-37 Sewer Districts Yakima................................................................ 38-41 Cowiche............................................................... 76 Zillah....................................................................42-44 Terrace Heights................................................... 77 School Districts Park & Recreation District Bickleton..............................................................45-46 Naches................................................................ 78 East Valley...........................................................47-48 Grandview...........................................................49-50 Measures Granger...............................................................51-52 Yakima County....................................................80-81 Highland.............................................................. 52 City of Yakima......................................................82-87 Mabton................................................................ 53 Selah Park and Recreation Service Area............88-89 Mount Adams...................................................... 53 Naches Valley...................................................... 54 Selah...................................................................55-56 Sunnyside............................................................ 57-59 Toppenish............................................................60-61 Union Gap......................................................... 62 Wahluke............................................................. 63-64 Wapato................................................................65-66 West Valley......................................................... 67-68 Yakima................................................................ 69-70 Zillah.................................................................... 71 5
County Commissioner District 3 LaDon Linde Autumn Torres (Prefers Republican Party) (Prefers Republican Party) Elected Experience Elected Experience No Information Submitted No Information Submitted Other Professional Experience Other Professional Experience Yakima County Commissioner, November 2020-Present; Co-Owner of General Contracting Company; Work full Director of Medical Staff Services/Compliance Officer/ time for chemical/fertilizer supplier; Past board member Human Resources, Astria Sunnyside Hospital, 2006-2020; for Building Industry Association of WA; PR and social Co-Owner, business/personnel manager, Jayelle Dairy, media manager; Campaign manager for WA State Rep 1985-2006 David Taylor; Co-Chaired Yakima County for Dino Rossi for Senate; Yakima County Clint Didier for Congress Education Campaign State-Certified Medical Interpreter (Spanish); Bachelor’s Degree, Brigham Young University; Granger High School Education Studied accounting at YVCC; Earned Certified Aging-In Community Service Place (CAPS) designation thru BIAW Board of Directors and State President, Washington State Dairy Federation; Lay leadership in Yakima County, The Community Service Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints; Truancy Two overseas mission trips with local church; Young Board, Sunnyside School District; Youth Basketball Coach; Lives as a past mentor mom; Organizer and creator of Miss Sunnyside and Miss Yakima County Organizations the Greater Yakima Valley Homeschool group with 900 members. Organizer of Freedom Loving Mom events. Statement The negative effects of our state’s emergency declarations Statement on the people, students, businesses, and churches of I am a proud American who believes that the U.S. Yakima County during 2020 led me to seek the position of Constitution is divinely inspired. I am pro-life, pro Second- county commissioner. amendment and believe in the individual’s right to life, liberty and to pursue the American dream. Government With 30 years of leadership experience in agriculture, should be transparent and accountable; protecting and healthcare, and my local church, I am committed to maintaining the rights of the people. I believe citizens bringing good, responsive government to Yakima County. should be informed and engaged on local issues that My priorities are to Provide Strong Financial Management, affect their businesses and livelihoods. Strong families and Help Reopen Businesses, Schools and Churches, Make communities are vital to a healthy and prosperous Yakima Stronger and Safer Communities, Encourage Economic Valley. It would be my honor to serve the people of Yakima Development. County. For the County! I ask for your vote so I can help return Yakima County to a Contact me normal way of life and a brighter tomorrow. (509) 312-1904;; Contact me (509) 830-0639;; 6
City of Grandview City of Grandview Council, Position 1 Council, Position 3 Joan E. Souders Diana Jennings No statement or photo submitted. Elected Experience Grandview City Council 2008-2016, 2019-Present Other Professional Experience No Information Submitted Education No Information Submitted Community Service No Information Submitted Statement My name is Diana Jennings, and I seek your vote to retain City of Grandview my seat on the Grandview City Council. I have been a member of City Council since in February, 2019. I serve on City Council because Grandview is my home, and I Council, Position 2 want to have a voice in how it is run. I am proud of the economic growth that our community is experiencing in the business and housing sectors. I would like to continue to be part of that growth and to serve the citizens of Grandview. Javier (Harv) Contact me Rodriguez (509) 882-3930; No statement or photo submitted. 7
City of Grandview City of Granger Council, Position 4 Council, Position 1 Robert Ozuna Israel Bustamante Elected Experience No statement or photo submitted. City Council – Grandview, Appointed 2014; City Council – Grandview, Appointed 2020; Governor appointed YVC Trustee. Other Professional Experience Twenty- five years of successful leadership, management and community experience in private business, university, school districts and non-profit organizations. Experience of being a Chairman and CEO of our business corporation for 19 years. Education Harvard University - JFK School of Government, MPA; Heritage University, BA, AA; Grandview High School City of Granger Diploma. Community Service Council, Position 2 Yakima Valley College Board of Trustee; Yakima Valley Community Foundation Board Member; New Vision Board Member, University of Washington – Yakima Valley Advisory Committee Member; Governor & Gates Foundation Digital Education Task Force Member. Susie Muñoz Statement As a life-long Grandview resident, proud homeowner and successful business owner/ CEO, my energy and interests will be in promoting managed growth, supporting existing businesses and recruiting new businesses into Grandview. I want to continue using my management experience and leadership skills to support the city’s exciting economic development efforts currently underway. No statement or photo submitted. I want Grandview to be safe, enhance our quality of life and be a Great Place to Live. You can count on me to make the right decisions in the best interest of all residents/ community. Together we can make this happen. I ask for your vote! Contact me No Information Submitted 8
City of Granger Council, Position 3 Ryan Stonemetz Silvia Zarate No statement or photo submitted. Elected Experience Civil Service Commissioner for the City of Granger- 2017- 2020; 1624 Regional Representative for Foster Parents- 2018-2020 Other Professional Experience Social Services Worker for various agencies- 2004-2020; Licensed Foster Parent- 2003-2020 Education Wapato High School Graduate- 1999; Yakima Valley College- 2001-2003; Walla Walla University, obtained Bachelor of Social Work- 2004; Evergreen Beauty College- April 2021-Present Community Service Since 2013, I have volunteered helping the farmworking families of Granger in a variety of services. Since 2008, I have helped foster parents/parents in filing complaints to CPS, Children’s Ombudsman, schools, and the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. Statement Campaign Logo: “For the People and by the People” My name is Silvia Zarate and I am running for City Council position 3 of Granger, Washington. I have been a resident of Granger since 2007. I am also a small business owner. I believe in safer communities, city growth, racial/citizen equality, voting and community empowerment. I believe I am ready to take my leadership skills to a higher level, and make a positive difference in my community. I guarantee that I will not be another face in city council but I will be your Voice. Contact me No Information Submitted 9
Town of Harrah City of Mabton Council, Position 1 Mayor Darrell Scott Laura Vazquez No statement or photo submitted. No statement or photo submitted. Town of Harrah City of Mabton Council, Position 2 Council, Position 1 Patricia Krueger Diana I. Castaneda No statement or photo submitted. No statement or photo submitted. 10
City of Mabton this space Council, Position 2 intentionally left blank Sophie G. Sotelo No statement or photo submitted. City of Mabton Council, Position 3 Mark Gourneau No statement or photo submitted. 11
City of Moxee Mayor LeRoy Lenseigne Michael (Mike) Kisner No statement or photo submitted. Elected Experience This is my first time running as an elected official. Other Professional Experience I have 31 years of law enforcement experience. 27 of those years were serving the City of Moxee and its residents as a Moxee City Police Officer and then as Police Chief. While working in those positions I gained first-hand knowledge of how a city operates. Education I have completed BLEA (Basic Law Enforcement Academy) including additional personnel management training, Corrections Officer Academy, and the Reserve Law Enforcement Academy. Community Service I have participated in the Moxee National Night Out, Moxee Hop Festival, and have been an Assistant Coach for softball. Statement I have lived in this community for years. I raised my family here. Now my grandchildren are being raised here and attending East Valley schools, where my wife is a teacher. I have 31 years of law enforcement experience and served this community for 27 years as a Moxee City Police Officer and then as Police Chief until I retired, which brings me to this election. I live in this community and want to continue serving it. Contact me No Information Submitted 12
City of Moxee this space Council, Position 1 intentionally left blank Robert “Rob” Layman Elected Experience No Information Submitted Other Professional Experience No Information Submitted Education No Information Submitted Community Service No Information Submitted Statement I am asking for your vote to retain my seat on Moxee City Council. Over the last 4 years I have enjoyed serving my community in a new capacity and continuing the fine work the city has done. I have called the Moxee area home for the last 38 years and am excited to see where the next years take us as a city and as a community. Contact me 13
City of Moxee Council, Position 2 Caleb Sluder Greg Spurgin Elected Experience No statement or photo submitted. I do not have any elected experience. But I will tell you this, I am not easily influenced, I have my own opinions, and I will fight for the people. Other Professional Experience Really, the only professional experience I have is that I am good with people and I have the ability to hold a conversation with just about anyone. Education I am a graduate of East Valley High School Class of 1996. I am also a graduate of MMI in Orlando Florida, where I became a Certified Harley Mechanic. Community Service I am the guy that will pull over to help you change your tire. Statement Hi, my name is Caleb Sluder and I have been a resident of Moxee for most of my life. I moved away for several years, but I have always considered Moxee my home and it was where I decided to raise my family. I genuinely care about the community and preserving it’s wholesomeness while also growing it to accommodate and welcome all of our new residents. I try to be as involved in the community as possible and look forward to the opportunity to do more with the city council. Contact me No Information Submitted 14
City of Moxee Town of Naches Council, Position 3 Council, Position 1 Jan Hutchinson Wayne Hawver Elected Experience No statement or photo submitted. Former Moxee City Council Member; currently serving as appointed Moxee Council Member Other Professional Experience Town of Naches Currently Director/President of Moxee City Block Watch; Former Board Member Yakima Valley Little League; Former Board Member Yakima Valley Landlords Council, Position 2 Association Education Certifications & Trainings include Human Trafficking Issues, Sexual Assault, Mental Health Awareness Cary Henning Community Service Long term resident of Moxee City; Active member of East Valley Community Enhancement Association; Hop Festival Volunteer for many years; Ongoing Volunteer for various local events Statement No statement or photo submitted. Love our community and support our local businesses. I have served in various ways to make our Community Safer, Family Friendly, Progressive for Growth, and getting neighbors out to meet each other to build relationships. Healthy relationships build a safer community. Contact me No Information Submitted 15
Town of Naches this space Council, Position 3 intentionally left blank Kit Hawver No statement or photo submitted. 16
City of Selah Council, Position 1 Diane L. Underwood Kevin Wickenhagen Elected Experience Elected Experience Councilmember from Jan 2016 through Dec 2019; Served Serving as Selah City Council member since February on Parks & Recreation Board, Selah Park & Recreation 2019 Service Area, Selah Parks Foundation and as Council Representative with Selah School District; Certificate of Other Professional Experience Municipal Leadership Senior Manager at Yakima County Technology Services since 2011 Other Professional Experience Office Coordinator - Financial Counselor, Providence Education Yakima; Reception Services, Orthopedics Northwest; BA in Education – Central Washington University; Geotechnical/Engineering Field Administrative Assistant, Associated Arts – Yakima Valley Community College; GN Northern; Owned/Designed/Operated “A Taste of India” Graduated from Highland High School restaurant with husband and ran all business aspects of restaurant Community Service Board member of the Associated of County, City Education Information Systems; Served on the Yakima Valley College Selah High School; Yakima Business College; Yakima Information Technology Advisory Committee; Board Valley Community College; Heritage University member of the Selah Nazarene Church Community Service Statement Volunteer American Red Cross and donor since 1979 and “Staying positive and moving forward” while on council participated in various community projects. As a husband for 36 years, a father of two daughters and Statement two grandchildren, I understand the priority for a safe As your elected councilmember I would seek to have community. I will work to continue to keep Selah as the responsible growth of housing along with growth of most livable community in the Yakima Valley. Projects I will business opportunities in Selah. It is important that we focus on for you include a new police station, expanding provide adequate and sustainable parks and recreational our sewer and water services, and laying the groundwork facilities in our community for all which I will work to get an additional traffic route from downtown Selah to the towards. To work in cooperation with school district staff interstate. Thank you for your trust. Selah Strong! and representatives to prepare/plan for expected growth within the district. Holding financial accountability and Contact me reduce taxation whenever possible. Last but not least it is very important to me that we have transparency and accountability within our city government for the residents of Selah. Contact me No Information Submitted 17
City of Selah Council, Position 2 Jared Iverson Joshua N. Pruneda No statement or photo submitted. Elected Experience I haven’t held any publicly elected office. Other Professional Experience I have had the pleasure of serving the public as an elementary school teacher in the Toppenish School District for the past seven years. Coached Middle School Baseball for three seasons. Education Graduated from Mt. Adams School District 2010; Graduated from YVCC 2012, AA; Graduated from Heritage University 2013, BA in Early Childhood Education Community Service UVA Member Statement I’ve lived in Selah for four years now, and couldn’t ask to live in a better community to raise my son. I am eager to uphold the values, traditions and morals of our community. Together, we can continue to build Selah into a community we can all be proud of. Contact me No Information Submitted 18
City of Selah Council, Position 3 Penny Lou Parish Elizabeth Marquis Elected Experience Elected Experience I am new to the City government environment but willing Yakima County Republican Central Committee PCO and able to observe, listen, and learn to do my part to serve and give back to my community. Other Professional Experience Licensed pharmacy technician for 12 years. Commercial Other Professional Experience lending associate. I have a back ground in retail, banking, mortgage loan processing, TV broadcasting, and self-employed from Education 2007-2016 at which time I retired from the work force. Yakima Valley Community College (AA); Nationally certified pharmacy technician Education Graduated Selah High School in 1975. Community Service Campaign treasurer for State Representative Jeremie Community Service Dufault No Information Submitted Statement Statement I have lived in Selah for most of my life, previously serving My family and I have a long-standing presence in the the community as a long-time employee of Howard’s Drug. Selah community and in the Upper Valley and the Lower I want to be a voice for the people of Selah whom I have Valley. I want to be a part of the process of continuing grown to love - to speak up for fiscal conservatism and and maintaining those small town values that make Selah common sense. It’s time for the next generation to step up attractive for my family and fellow citizens of Selah. and invest in our community by actively contributing to the changes we wish to see. I believe we need to support our Contact me local businesses, our children and families, our local law (509) 895-4725; enforcement and fire department, and be sensible stewards of our city budget. Contact me (509) 985-8730; 19
City of Selah this space Council, Position 6 intentionally left blank Michael Costello Elected Experience Currently holding Selah City Council position 6. Past President of both the Yakima Police Patrolman’s Association and Washington State Law Enforcement Explorer’s Association. Other Professional Experience Retired police sergeant after 32 years of service with the Yakima Police Department. Education Attended Yakima Valley Community College and Central Washington University with a degree in Criminal Justice. Community Service Coached basketball, soccer and baseball with Selah Parks and Recreation. Coached for Selah Little League and Selah Grid Kids. Community volunteer for Selah Downtown Association. Strong supporter of Selah businesses. Statement Nearly my entire adult life has been dedicated to serving my community as a law enforcement officer. Although I am now retired, I look forward to continuing to serve my community through city government and volunteer work to so that I can do my part in making Selah a great place to live, work and visit. Contact me 20
City of Sunnyside Council, District 1 John Henry Martin Beeler No statement or photo submitted. Elected Experience No Information Submitted Other Professional Experience US Army Military Service, Large Production Plant Manager, Owner Sunnyside RV Park Education Clover Park Technical, Grays Harbor College, Livingston University Community Service While a newlywed served Search and Rescue already having years in YCC. During kid years served PTA, food drives, dog rescues and coaches. Recently, Planning Commissioner, Sunnyside Chamber, Rotary, Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. Personally built floats for the Christmas parade, Vet Programs , Dogs for Deaf, Concerts in the Park, Ronald McDonald House, our church, high school sports, community plays, car shows, Lions club 4th of July. donate our hall to organizations like the city and chamber for community events. Statement Martin Beeler Husband 38 years to wife Peggy an immigrant retired from Tacoma Police, a Father, Grandfather, Veteran and Business Leader born in Washington. Started my career with the values, strengths and leadership of the military to working/managing a multi-million dollar award winning business to now a small business leader of over 20 years gives me insight how government and the people should work together. I believe in traditional values, strong city services, a balanced budget and transparency in my actions My responsibility to Sunnyside while serving on council is that every decision made be one that benefits our community. Contact me (509) 830-3596; 21
City of Sunnyside Council, District 2 Edgar Magana Dean R. Broersma Elected Experience No statement or photo submitted. No Information Submitted Other Professional Experience No Information Submitted Education No Information Submitted Community Service No Information Submitted Statement I will work to bring back the transparency, social cohesion, and accessibility to local officials that once made Sunnyside the retail center of the lower valley. It’s important to have the ability to speak to residents in their native language; but more important is the ability to listen and understand our local issues. Together we can strive to make the changes necessary to raise our community to it’s highest standards. Our goals should be to hold local government responsible, to unify and give local businesses a voice, and restore Sunnyside as the beacon of the lower valley. Contact me (503) 888-7151; 22
City of Sunnyside this space Council, District 3 intentionally left blank Julia Hart Elected Experience Mabton City Council in the late 1970s. Sunnyside City Council from 2015 to 2019. Appointed first Female Mayor of Sunnyside 2018 to 2019. Other Professional Experience Retired journalist from the Sunnyside Daily Sun News/ Sunnyside Sun. Executive Director for Lower Valley Crisis and Support Services 2008 to 2012. Education Attended Yakima Valley Community College. Community Service Sunnyside Lions Club, Soroptimist of the Lower Valley, Yakima County Democratic Party, member of Fred Hutchinson Community Accountability Board, member of the Homeless Network of Yakima County, organizer of the Sunnyside Fourth of July celebration. Statement It is my honor to run again for Sunnyside City Council. As council members and leaders, we must be focused on keeping our city safe and creating more growth for our community. This means having safe infrastructure, safe sidewalks, and more of them, as well as attracting new diverse businesses to our area. We must have safe streets and walkways for everyone in our community. There must be more opportunities provided for our youth as well. I am committed to creating new opportunities for our city and finding ways to achieve our goals for growth. Contact me (509) 840-9564 23
City of Sunnyside Council, District 4 Chelsea Dimas Vicki Ripley Elected Experience Elected Experience No Information Submitted None, other than going to City Council meetings since 2011 Other Professional Experience Other Professional Experience Bilingual Communications Coordinator | The Diversity No Information Submitted Center | Santa Cruz, CA | April 2020-present; Graphic Designer + Content Creator | Freelance/Contract | Yakima, Education Washington Area | June 2008-present; Communications + Sunnyside High School 1975 PR Specialist | Toppenish School District | Toppenish, WA | January 2017-May 2018 Community Service Helped clean out flower boxes downtown Education Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design, School of Arts + Statement Communications, Pacific Lutheran University, June 2015; I grew up in Sunnyside. I’m concerned about the gangs, Associate of Arts, Yakima Valley College, December 2012; grafitti, thefts, speeding cars, bad sidewalks, roads need High School Diploma, Sunnyside High School, June 2010 fixing. I too, want a nice town to live in. Community Service Contact me Sunnyside Arts Commission; City of Sunnyside, Washington | October 2018-present; Graphic Designer + Rally Volunteer; The Great Prosser Balloon Rally | August 2015-August 2019 Statement Chelsea (She/Her) is originally from Southern California but was raised in the Yakima Valley. Chelsea is the first openly Queer, Latinx Woman of Color running for office in the city of Sunnyside. She is proud to be a daughter of Mexican immigrants as well as coming from a long line of hard-working campesinos. Her goal is to not only represent the Latinx community but also BIPOC, the LGBTQ+ community, immigrants, farmworkers, formerly incarcerated/wrongfully accused individuals, and all other marginalized communities— regardless if they can vote or not. It’s time for representation for all. Es hora de representación para todos. Contact me; 24
City of Tieton this space Council, Position 1 intentionally left blank Matt Riddle Elected Experience Tieton City Council Member since 2007 Other Professional Experience No Information Submitted Education No Information Submitted Community Service No Information Submitted Statement I have lived in Tieton all my life and have watched our City grow and become more prosperous. My family has deep roots in the Tieton area. I am very supportive of our small businesses. The town prides itself on being business friendly and I hope that we continue to grow. I am very pleased that we continue to be pedestrian friendly. We all agree that Tieton is located in the most beautiful place on earth, and with its constant growth, we need to focus on maintaining and improving the infrastructure, remain sustainable, and lay ground work for the future. Contact me No Information Submitted 25
City of Tieton Council, Position 2 Ed Marquand Nancy Lee Wilson Elected Experience Elected Experience Tieton City Council, Yakima Valley Council of Governments Elected Board of Directors for Association of Apartment representative. Board service for Humanities Washington; Owners Whipsmart, a statewide organization to support creative entrepreneurs; Tieton Arts & Humanities. Other Professional Experience Retired National Wildland Fire Planner Bureau of Indian Other Professional Experience Affairs (National Interagency Fire Center). Incident Starting in 2005, founder of Mighty Tieton Production, Commander Type 3 USFS & BIA. Fire Management Officer Paper Hammer, Tieton Made, 617, Mighty Tieton BIA. Fire Behavior Analyst USFS & BIA. Fuels Specialist Construction. Our business model is to refurbish long- on Interagency/Interdisciplinary NEPA teams. USFS & neglected buildings to house and grow viable creative BIA. Smoke Management Liaison between the USFS and businesses. We hire, train, and mentor local talent to make Oregon Dept. of Forestry. them successful. We helped bring the Highland Clinic to Tieton. Education Highland HS 1974. YVCC 1977 with 1 year of Radiology. Education Technical Fire Management - University Colorado 2000 Bachelor of Science, Eastern Oregon University Community Service Community Service Tieton City Planning Commissioner. Highland Community Hosting numerous annual community events: Student Church Trustee. I am a Wildland Fire Business Consultant Art Show, Tieton Open House, Day of the Dead, Holiday continuing to serve the Northwest Tribes. Crafts Bazaar. Statement Statement Public safety has been the foundation of my life’s work in Small agricultural towns like Tieton need to have solid Wildland Fire. The current issues of air quality, managing plans to survive and thrive in the decades ahead. fire danger, water conservation/capacity, and pedestrian/ Automation and technology will have profound positive and traffic corridors are some of the biggest safety issues we negative impacts on the job market here, and we need to face as Tieton grows. be prepared. Tieton’s successful future depends on vision, hard work, and ability to connect local, regional, and Housing and multi-cultural community development are of national resources - human, commercial, technological - to the utmost importance, as we move forward in expansion provide opportunities for our residents, kids, and to develop the business opportunities, and amenities, our businesses. My council service and working with the city citizens have requested from the 2017-19 survey. staff has been an honor and a pleasure. It all helps to find ways to achieve important goals for our diverse and My efforts would be to increase irrigation and drinking water vibrant community. capacities, promote more sidewalks, and support activities for community enrichment and business revenues. Contact me (206) 321-2982; Thank you for your votes! Contact me No Information Submitted 26
City of Tieton this space Council, Position 3 intentionally left blank Lupita Carrillo Elected Experience Tieton City Council Other Professional Experience Coalition Coordinating, Community Organizing, Communications. Education Columbia Basin College; Leadership Yakima Community Service Highland Community Coalition, Highland Young Life, Yakima Valley Restaurant Week Committee. Statement It has been a privilege to serve on the Tieton City Council since April 2020. As someone who was raised in Tieton, I recognize the challenges and opportunities our residents face. I currently serve on the Highland Community Coalition and Highland Young Life. I care about the well- being of our community and look forward to helping secure a prosperous future for our city, youth, and families. Contact me 27
City of Tieton Council, Position 4 Sharon Sedgwick Nancy Newberry Elected Experience Elected Experience I became a Tieton City Council member in 2007 and None. remain a member at this time. Other Professional Experience Other Professional Experience Digital food and recipe content management, Artisan No Information Submitted cheesemaking, Grocery & deli management, Administration & Grant writing, University-level teaching. Education I am a retired RN and worked most of my years at Bay Education Area Hospital, Coos Bay-North Bend, Or. B.S., Geology; M.S., Mineralogy, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI; Ph.D., English, University of Louisiana at Community Service Lafayette The Tieton food bank; Served Senior meals in Naches with the Tieton Lyon’s Club; Aided multiple seniors in the Tieton- Community Service Cowiche area with home health care. Extensive volunteer service, including: Yakima Health District, Memorial Hospital, Art in the Park, BOXX Gallery, Statement LitFuse, Tieton Arts & Humanities. My goal is to see Tieton grow and develop into a community that has something for everyone, including Statement housing, business, shopping and recreation. Still I grew up in a small agricultural city of orchards, crop fields, maintaining the small town, apple country feel. and dairy farms. As a Tieton City Council member, I will work for an inclusive, thriving city that cherishes its rural Contact me culture and grows opportunities for families who live here. No Information Submitted I will be a council member who listens, learns, welcomes participation, and represents Tieton with integrity. I ask for your vote. Contact me 28
City of Toppenish Council, Position 1 Elpidia Saavedra SanJuanita Anaya Elected Experience No statement or photo submitted. Current councilwoman and Mayor Pro Tem, review and budget approval, Approval of ordinances and resolutions, collaborating with city staff, community leaders, residents, local organizations, and providing guidance. Other Professional Experience Public Health Provider, Registered Dental Hygienist, Community Dental Health Coordinator. Education 2019-2020 Big Sandy Community College, KY, Community Dental Health Coordinator Certification; 2017-2018 YVCC Bachelors of Science in Dental Hygiene; 2000-2002 YVCC Dental Hygiene Program-Associates in Dental Hygiene; 1996-1999 YVCC Associates of Arts and Science; 1993- 1994 YVCC Skill Center- Dental Assisting education. Community Service Over 20 years of volunteering with nonprofit organizations, working with families, youth, and kids, worship leader, mentor, community event organizer, treasurer. Statement I am running for re-election because, after 4 years of service to the City of Toppenish, my goal is to continue to use the knowledge and experience I’ve gained to work for the city. During my tenure as a councilwoman, I have supported the police officers and utility assistance to local residents with state-provided funds. Serving has been a great pleasure and one that I want to continue. Every city has unique issues and needs, and the City of Toppenish is no exception. As a lifelong resident, homeowner, and current councilwoman, I am asking for your support and vote! Contact me No Information Submitted 29
City of Toppenish Council, Position 2 Luis C. Alfaro Juan Ceja No statement or photo submitted. No statement or photo submitted. 30
City of Toppenish Council, Position 3 Harold Wayne Guckert Clara R. Jimenez No statement or photo submitted. Elected Experience Toppenish City Council (1997-Present) and Toppenish School Board (2017 -Present) Other Professional Experience Educator with the Yakima School District, Assistant Principal with Yakima School District and Toppenish School District, Principal with the Toppenish School District, Adjunct Professor with Heritage University. Education Masters of Public Affairs, UW; Masters of Education Administration, Heritage University; Bachelor of Arts in Education, Heritage University; Associates of Arts and Science, YVCC. Community Service Served two terms on the People For People Board of Directors; Yakima County Disability Board; Digital Learnings Commons Board of Directors; Washington State Juvenile Justice Board; and the Commission for National and State Service for Washington State. Statement I was raised and educated in Toppenish. I am an active member of our community, volunteering my time to serve various clubs and organizations. My experience on the City Council is invaluable. I have obtained an Advance Municipal Leadership Certificate through the Association of Washington Cities. I possess historical knowledge that comes from experience. I hold City staff accountable and I ask the tough questions that need to be asked. I will continue to serve our residents to the best of my abilities. Thank you for your continued support and encouragement to do the right thing. Contact me (509) 865-4222; 31
City of Toppenish Council, Position 4 Mark Oaks David Barragan Elected Experience Elected Experience I have been a member of the Toppenish City Council for 11 No Information Submitted years. Other Professional Experience Other Professional Experience Career & Technical Education (CTE) and English I am currently a Captain in the maintenance department Language Arts (ELA) Teacher, former Vice President working for Yakima County Fire District #5. of Membership Engagement for a Non-Profit Political Organization, former community leader. Education I am a graduate of Davis High School in Yakima. Education B.A (Bachelor of Arts) in Social Sciences with Community Service concentrations in Political Science, Communications, and I have been a volunteer firefighter for the City of Toppenish Administrative Studies from Washington State University. for the last 39 years. I have served on the Toppenish M.Ed (Master in Education) in Secondary Education from Rodeo Board for 22 years and a have been a Toppenish Grand Canyon University. Lion’s club member for the past 7 years. Community Service Statement Former ER Volunteer at Astria Toppenish Hospital, I have lived in the Toppenish Community since 1982. The Toppenish Community Chest Food, and Toppenish High future of our great City and its many diverse citizens are School. extremely important to me. As a council member, I will strive hard to see to our City’s continued growth and Statement represent all of those in our community. I believe that by Born and raised in Toppenish, David is a High School working together we can create a community in which Teacher who transitioned to an online faculty to continue we will all be proud to live and raise our children. Please to teach our children during these challenging times. After retain me, Mark Oaks as your Toppenish City Council graduating from Toppenish High School, he moved to member. Pullman to start his college career while working and being part of student organizations. Contact me No Information Submitted David has come back to give back to his community, starting with our children; he has worked with them to achieve their dreams, graduate high school, and go to college or into their trade of choice. Now his mission is to give back to the city that raised him. Contact me No Information Submitted 32
City of Union Gap City of Union Gap Council, Position 1 Council, Position 2 John Hodkinson James Murr Elected Experience No statement or photo submitted. Served a total of 17 years on council and Mayor. Other Professional Experience Commercial realtor 27 years. Education BA degree YVCC Community Service Served on City and County Boards and planning commissions. Statement Born and raised in Union Gap. US Army Vet. City of Union Gap Look forward to continue serving the citizens of Union Gap, continuing making our town a great safe place to live, work Council, Position 3 and raise a family. I appreciate your vote. Contact me (509) 930-8100; Roger Wentz No statement or photo submitted. 33
City of Union Gap City of Wapato Council, Position 7 Council, Position 1 Sandy Dailey Chuck Stephens Elected Experience No statement or photo submitted. I’ve had the privilege of serving as a council member for the City of Union Gap since January 1st, 2018. Other Professional Experience I was appointed to the volunteer position #1 on the Planning Commission on January 14th, 2013, and appointed to the Union Gap Civil Service Commission Board, effective August 1st, 2013. Education I attended A.C. Davis High School and graduated in 1977. Later I attended Yakima Valley Community College and received my AA. In 2013, while working full time I attended Heritage University to get my BA. Community Service I have volunteered to instruct and tutor bilingual third- grade students attending Union Gap Grade School. Statement It has been an honor to be part of the City Council, and I hope to continue serving the community. Contact me (509) 248-6351; 34
City of Wapato City of Wapato Council, Position 2 Council, Position 3 Jesse Farias Frank R. Jaime Elected Experience Elected Experience twelve years as mayor of wapato. Two years as member No Information Submitted of the current city council Other Professional Experience Other Professional Experience No Information Submitted thirty years experieince in public sector management Education Education No Information Submitted BA in Sociology 1973 CWU Community Service Community Service No Information Submitted Served on numerous boards and commissions such as Yakima Health Board, New Vision Board of Directors, Statement Salmon Recovery Board, Retrocession Board representing I Frank Jaime former city council position #4 served for 10 AWC, Governors committee on Homelessness, and years from 2008-2018. During this time, I never missed a Governors committee on substance abuse single meeting. I was on the safety committee, cemetery board, hiring board city positions and supervisor for the Statement community center. I also obtained training in Denver City Council plays a very important role in the development Colorado for Centralized organization and was part of of our community. I believe That I can help in this role. the buying committee to buy a new fire truck for the city sending one in Philadelphia to help finalize the sale. Contact me (509) 910-0167; Contact me (509) 307-8630 35
City of Wapato this space Council, Position 6 intentionally left blank Elizabeth J. Villa Elected Experience No Information Submitted Other Professional Experience No Information Submitted Education No Information Submitted Community Service No Information Submitted Statement I have been a lifelong resident of Wapato and I would like to be a partner in the building and rebuilding of a safer, thriving and united community. Safer by providing a strong Police force around the clock citizen protection. Thriving by promoting our local businesses, downtown beautification and the economy of Wapato for community pride. Uniting the residence to come together as one to build that home town feeling of community that was shattered and needs to be rebuilt. I, Elizabeth Villa would very much like to take a role in the growth of the City of Wapato. Contact me No Information Submitted 36
City of Wapato Council, Position 7 at-large Caroline Solis Robert Reyna Elected Experience Elected Experience 2 years as Council Member 7 No Information Submitted Other Professional Experience Other Professional Experience N/A No Information Submitted Education Education N/A No Information Submitted Community Service Community Service Assisting the Homeless, assisting the community members No Information Submitted during the Coronavirus Pandemic, with supplying masks to businesses and residence, setting flags for Veterans at the Statement cemetery, Tamale Festival, and handing out water to the My name is Roberto Reyna. I have lived in Wapato for homeless during the hot weather, I was also involved with 45 years. I’m retired but work seasonal in my trucking the city’s Harvest Festival and vendors. business, with only a fifth grade education. I served as a city Council member for three years. In that time we voted Statement for our new water treatment plant, a new fire truck, repaired My name is Caroline Solis, I have been a resident of the some city streets, we also paved and rerouted N. Wasco City of Wapato since 1962. I have been very involved with Ave. ,We honored former mayor Jesse Farias by naming the community for the past several years, and served as a a street after him. If elected I will work closely with all Council Member since 2019. My goal as Council Member departments to make sure they have the best equipment to 7 has been to improve our community and serve the serve and protect our community. residence of Wapato to the best of my ability. The changes to the Police protection of the City and its residence have Contact me given me great satisfaction and I wish to continue to make No Information Submitted changes for the betterment of the City of Wapato. Contact me No Information Submitted 37
City of Yakima Council, District 2 Danny Herrera Edgar Hernandez Elected Experience No statement or photo submitted. Delegate in 2016 Democratic Party caucus for Precinct 126. Other Professional Experience Board of Directors for the Dispute Resolution Center of Yakima and Kittitas County; Co-founder of College Success Foundation Yakima Alumni Board; 2020 grant reviewer in the statewide program School’s Out Washington; Member of NAACP Yakima Branch. Education Adams Elementary School; Washington Middle School; A.C. Davis High School (National Honors Society); University of Washington (Bachelors of Arts); University of Washington (Masters in Teaching in Elementary Education K-8) Community Service YMCA Downtown (youth room tutor); La Casa Hogar (Adult Education Programs, Citizenship Day, and Connecting Community Fiestas); Henry Beauchamp Community Center (Annual Holiday Dinner) Statement I have a profound dedication to serving my community and if elected my priorities are to create recreational opportunities, increase public safety, and expand economic growth in Yakima. Growing up in east Yakima and having a career in education, I understand the need for east side neighborhoods to have safer infrastructure and fully support healthy and positive activities across our city. In order to prosper, Yakima also needs economic growth including an easier code compliance process for small businesses and youth financial literacy courses that encourage home ownership and smart investments. It would be my honor to earn your vote. Contact me 38
City of Yakima Council, District 4 Janice Deccio Mark Shervey Elected Experience Elected Experience Past president, Yakima Advertising Federation, and Miss First campaign. Yakima Board Other Professional Experience Other Professional Experience I have worked for several Fortune 500 companies over Communications Coordinator at Catholic Charities Serving the years from sales to management. I own and operate a Central Washington since 2015. Former marketing director coffee roasting business in the historic district, downtown for Yakima Regional Medical Center, Comprehensive Yakima. Healthcare, and Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences. Education Bellevue Community College, Studied Business Education Administration; Washington State University, Majored Master’s degree from the University of Washington in Criminal Justice Healthcare Administration; Bachelor’s degree from Central Washington University in Mass Media/journalism. Community Service Giving back and sharing resources that we have been Community Service blessed with is the backbone to a strong and vibrant Boards of New Leaders of Yakima County, Wellness community. Recently I have volunteered as both a House, Camp Fire, Women’s Century Club Juniors, judge and speaker for the Yakima County Development Yakima Valley Light Opera Company, Warehouse Theatre Association Enterprise Challenge program. I have Company, and Yakima Stage Artists. Various committees volunteered serving at the UGM as well as donating to addressing healthcare delivery and gang crime. Volunteer both the UGM and Rod’s House. and planning committee, Allied Arts Fresh Hop Ale Festival. Statement Statement I am proud to call Yakima home for over 25 years with As a lifelong resident, I want to see Yakima thrive and my wife, daughters and grandchildren. I believe in giving reach its potential as a diverse community. I will work back and that serving the community is an honor. My with individuals and groups to address the most pressing experience as a successful business owner downtown issues we face here: aiming for affordable housing, will enable me to bring the necessary skills to the council suppressing crime, and providing safe infrastructure. to help address many of the challenges it faces today. Yakima needs and the people deserve, a council that I enjoy being involved with organizations and groups addresses their concerns immediately, judiciously and whose mission is dedicated to lifting others and bringing responsibly. I will give my all to help our downtown, help joy! I have been called to such roles throughout my career, our homeless, our streets and reduce crime. Together, we which is why this is the time for me to run for Yakima City can all prosper as a community. Council! Contact me Contact me (509) 853-5475;;; 39
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