Volume 2 Issue 1 February 2019

Page created by Wallace Kennedy
Volume 2 Issue 1 February 2019
Volume 2 Issue 1                                                February 2019

          “I had formed most of my ingenious acquaintances into a club
                    for mental improvement called the Junto”
Volume 2 Issue 1 February 2019
Cover Story                                     The Junto                                      February 2019

          A line from the world’s most famous love story seemed fitting for our Love Edition. Ro-
          meo and Juliet reminds us that life is short and you have to take the time to love and to
          live when the opportunity is given because you never know how long it might last. Don’t
          let other people get in your way and don’t try and fake your death. It won’t end well.

Volume 2 Issue 1 February 2019
People                                         The Junto                                   February 2019

  How To Love Yourself
Ally Fuller - Copy Editor
Valentine’s Day is a holiday that is most often associated with romance, love, and devoting our atten-
tion to the special people in our lives whether that be a significant other, a friend, or a family member.
Normally, we take this day to spend time with these people and shower them with gifts, but the one per-
son we tend to overlook on this day is ourselves. This is understandable because we have been raised to
put the needs of others above the needs of our own, and we’ve been told time and time again that if
we do take time for ourselves, it is selfish. However, many studies done in recent years show that incor-
porating self-love into your life is critical to maintaining physical, mental, and emotional health. In
fact, having more self-love is imperative for anyone looking to lead a happy, healthy, fulfilling lifestyle.
But how do you begin to work towards achieving greater self-love? There are many ways that this can
be done, but here are some popular ones you can start to practice in your life, today:

      1.    Incorporate self-care into your everyday routine ~ Many people mistake self-care for self-
love, but in reality, they are two completely different things. Having a self-care routine can mean differ-
ent things for different people, but most often it is spending time taking care of your body and mind by
doing activities you enjoy. This can mean anything from exercise to journaling to decluttering your bed-

      2.    Protect your energy ~ We’re only given so much energy to spend throughout the day. Make
sure you use this energy in the right way. Don’t waste it by worrying about things you can’t control, en-
gaging in activities that are unproductive, and constantly putting down yourself or others. Instead, find
the time to compliment someone, spend your time productively, and set limits on how long you scroll
through your Instagram feed and binge Netflix.

      3.    Become mindful ~ when you become more mindful of how you think, feel, and act, you
will be able to take better care of yourself. Do things for your body and mind that make you feel ener-
gized and whole. A good way to practice mindfulness is to meditate, even if only for a few minutes at a
time. Meditation, when done properly, has been proven to increase concentration and ease the
thoughts that often cause stress, anxiety, and depression.

      4.    Live intentionally ~ People who live their lives by waking up every morning and going to
bed every night with a purpose are often the same people who live the most fulfilling, impactful lives.
Get clear on a vision for your day and for your life, then take small steps every day to lead you closer to
achieving that vision. Consider the components that make up an ideal day, express gratitude for the
things you’ve been given in this life (this one is especially effective), and take the time to slow down and
absorb all that the world is offering you in this moment and every moment.

People                                          The Junto                                 February 2019

Love Poems
By Raina Seward

  your opalite eyes shine like fluorescent
  in the darkness of the street
  and in the sunlight glow orange
  like the lonely firefly
  i breathe in cherry pools
  like fruit flies craving
                                                                    within our hands
  the bitter sweetness that flows inside your
  veins                                                     there's a space between our thumbs
  an army of blue spiderwebs
                                                   although minimal
aphasia                                            its seems larger than the north celestial pole
                                                   stars cross between our hands in silence
your tongue feels swollen                          electrifying every nerve inside my body
because your mind is translucent                        through the tips of our fingers
and your words scatter across the table
maybe i'll never be able to understand                              untouching
the way your mind works
how a bathtub becomes a carrot
or the clock reads like the newspaper                             perseus and andromeda fly through us
yet i understand your touch                                                                  separating
                                                                                      yet bounding us
and how your heart becomes a hand
and your hand becomes a home
                                                        the space between our palms becomes obsolete

                                                   as we close the galaxy
                                                   absorbing into the imprints
                                                   that rest in between
                                                   the reddest yellow

Points of View                                  The Junto                                      February 2019

        Top 10 Love Songs
 Skylar Case - Photography Editor
After doing a lot of research on about 20 different websites and listening to a lot more love songs than I ever
had before; I came to conclusion that the websites are downright wrong. With having the “icons” Beyoncé,
Whitney Houston, and Taylor Swift all in the top 5 of them, I realized that our generation is uncultured. So,
these are the top 10- heart warming, good songs you can enjoy with your family, by yourself in the car, or
even in school.

       1.   “Something”- by The Beatles.
Placed on the album Abbey Road in 1969. George Harrison wrote this song off
of James Taylor’s “Something in the Way She Moves.” “Something” stands
at the second most covered Beatles song, next to “Yesterday”.

      2.     “God only Knows”- by The Beach Boys.
This famous and beloved song was placed on the album Pet Sounds in 1966. Brian Wilson became obsessed
with the song “Be My Baby” by the Ronettes’, which sparked the ideas for this classic Beach Boys’ song.
With the first line starting off with “I may not always love you” a lot of people question the song, but “God
only Knows” is one of the bands most famous cover songs.

                              3.    “I Can't Help Falling in Love”- by Elvis Presley
                             This legendary song was featured in the 1961 Blue Hawaii Elvis movie. This
                             song was written by George Weiss. Even though this is the most popular -and
                             famous- love song by Elvis, he did not sing it to a love interest in his movie, it
                             was sung to his grandmother in a music box he got her for her birthday. The
                             melody to “I can't help falling in love” was based on a French song called
                             “Plaisir D’Amour” which was composed in 1784 by Jean-Paul Egide-Martini.
                             Since Elvis sang his song in his movie, he ended all his concerts with this song.

      4.     “L-O-V-E”- by Nat King Cole
“L-O-V-E” was originally an instrumental song by Milt Gabler for Bert
Kaempfert’s Blue Midnight album in 1964, this song was covered with added vo-
cals by Nat King Cole for the title track of the last album released before his
death on February 15, 1965. It was recorded in four other languages French, Ger-
man, Italian, and Japanese. This song was included in Sleepless in Seattle, The
Parent Trap, and Little Rascals.

      5.   “Put Your Head On My Shoulder”- by Paul Anka
Paul Anka was far from the most successful teenager of the ‘50’s who wrote music on his own. At the time he
published “Put Your Head on my Shoulder” in 1959, he also had a song name “Diana” as a #1 hit in 1957.

Points of View                                  The Junto                                      February 2019

        Top 10 Love Songs Cont.
                                6.     “My Girl”- by The Temptations
                             The song “My Girl” was written by Smokey Robinson and Donald White (if
                             you don't know they were both members of The Miracles”) Smokey Robinson
                             states that the song was “written with all the women in the world in mind.” Rob-
                             inson explained later that he wrote My Girl with Ruffin’s voice in mind, and it
                             was the first Temptations single to feature Ruffin as the lead vocalist. This was
                             the first four of the US #1 hits for The Temptations, and it was also the first #1
                             hit for a male vocal group on the Motown Label.

       7.    “Your Song”- by Elton John
“Your Song” was as Elton John’s first single to chart, writing it in 1967. Elton John was the opening act for
the band Three Dog Night who recorded Elton’s song on their 1970 album It Ain’t Easy. When Elton came
over to the states he made his own version of “Your Song” and Three Dog Night chose not to release it as a
single in an effort to give Elton a chance to make it on his own.

      8.    “I’ve Had the Time of My Life”- by Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes
Co-written by Franke Previte from Franke and the Knockouts, who wrote “Sweet-
heart” in 1981, the song was featured in the movie “Dirty Dancing” where it got
the majority of its fame.

      9.    “I will”- by The Beatles
John Lennon and Paul McCartney made this song while in Rishikesh, India. “I
Will” was one of their songs written in India but remained unfinished while recording in London. “I will”
took the longest time to record, taking 67 tries to get it right. George Harrison did not take part in this re-
cording, only Paul, John, and Ringo were there. On September 16 and 17, 1968 they decided to finally re-
cord the song. This produced Take 19, the lines “Can you take me back to where I came from?” Lasting
2’21.” This take was trimmed to just 28 seconds and used on the White Album between “Cry Baby Cry”
and “Revolution 9.” Take 65 of “I Will” was the best version they had, and the next day Paul overdubbed
backing vocals, bass, and another acoustic guitar track, he also did the bass part. They finally placed the
song on both The White Album and Anthology 3.

      10. “Perfect”- by Ed Sheeran-
Placed on his album Divide in 2017, Ed Sheeran wrote the song
“Perfect” about his girlfriend, Cherry Seaborn, who is a life-long
friend of his. After writing the song, he had no idea if she was go-
ing to like it or not. He recorded the song in London and sent it to
her New York house, but was unable to see her reaction.

Points of View                                The Junto                                   February 2019

           Sarah’s Dash of Salt

 Sarah Miller - Editor in Chief

It has been my opinion for a while that the number one thing our society lacks is empathy. For a lot
of people it seems that they don’t understand what empathy is never mind possess the ability to put it
into practice. Empathy is the ability to put yourself in someone’s shoes. It sometimes gets confused
with sympathy but they are different in every way. When you feel sympathy for someone, you feel
sorry for them. In contrast, empathy allows you to feel more than pity. To allow yourself to under-
stand how someone is feeling, you have to open yourself up to every emotion because as people we
go through a multitude of emotions for every experience we have.
We are all different. We all experience different things in different ways so it can be hard to under-
stand why someone might be the way they are or do the things they do. This is where empathy is so
critical. It releases us from thinking in black and white. People are so much more complex than that.
In order to truly connect, you need to get outside of yourself and empathize with someone. It’s amaz-
ing how your perspective can change once you start looking at things through this lens.
I’m not going to lie. Empathy is hard. Sometimes empathizing with others means you may discover
something you don’t quite like about yourself or find it impossible to empathize with someone who
seems so different from you. But that’s when it gets good. The ability to understand people and how
they think and act is such an important life skill. Think of how many things could be solved if people
tried to empathize instead of burying their head in the sand and believing if something doesn’t di-
rectly benefit them, it isn’t worth it. Life is about so much more than you and what you need. Being a
decent person means that sometimes you put others first. I’m not saying that empathy is the end all
be all or that it would solve all of society’s problems, but just imagine a world where people try a little
harder to see other things outside of their own problems. The way I see it, that definitely wouldn’t be
a bad world to live in.

Extras                                          The Junto                                 February 2019

    Sweetheart Gifts Hits & Misses
                                                                     Getting nothing at all is not an op-
           Box of chocolate. Classic for a reason,                   tion. Unless you both agreed to not
           no one will ever turn down some good                      do the gift thing, you better show up
           chocolate.                                                with something.
           Anything that doesn’t accurately repre-
                                                                     Flowers are perfect. They look pretty,
           sent your s.o. or your relationship is
                                                                     smell nice, and can show that you
           automatically a miss. It shows you
                                                                     were paying attention when they told
           don’t know your partner at all.
                                                                     you their favorite flower.
           A personal card. Something from the heart                  Huge teddy bear. For some, this may
           is never going to be a miss. Handmade                      be wonderful but at the end of the
           cards are the best, but if you find one in                 day, it just takes up space.
           the store that’s perfect, go for it.
                                                                     Quiet date night. Valentine’s Day
          Balloons. Just like the teddy bear, they take
                                                                     doesn’t have to be about huge ges-
          up space and ultimately serve no purpose.
                                                                     tures. Simply taking someone out for
          Subtle and meaningful is always better than
                                                                     a nice dinner is enough.
          gaudy and shallow.

                            The Junto Staff
  Sarah Miller ‘ Editor-in-Chief                          Jeannine Capecci ‘ Advisor

  Allison Moffitt ‘ Points of View Edi-                   Nathaniel Oraschin ‘ Social Media
  tor                                                     Runner
  Victoria Ruck ‘ People Editor                           Cade O’Connell ‘ Staff Writer
  Martin Washington ‘ Places Editor                       Gavin Carrington ‘ Staff Writer
  Skylar Case ‘ Photography Editor                        Victor Bardales ‘ Copy Editor
  Kaden Loebsack ‘ Asst. Photographer                     Sera Seta ‘ Copy Editor
  Brandon Brown ‘ Asst. Photographer                      Allison Fuller ‘ Copy Editor

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